bemodern Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log Fire Instruction Manual

June 10, 2024

Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log Fire

Product Information: Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log


The Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log Fire is a premium quality
heating appliance designed for use in residential settings. This
gas log fire features a stylish design with a front glass panel,
ceramic placement and a fuel bed that produces a realistic flame
effect. The appliance has a balanced flue system that expels the
fumes outside through an external wall, making it highly efficient
and safe to use.

The Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log Fire uses natural gas
(G20) at a supply pressure of 20 mbar in GB. The model number of
the appliance is BM-161XX2 SLIDE. The appliance is equipped with
safety features such as a fireguard conforming to BS8423:2002 and a
naked flame to alert users to potential hazards.

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log Fire, read
and follow the safety warnings and guidelines provided in the user
manual. Do not use the appliance if the front glass panel is
broken, removed or fitted incorrectly. The following instructions
will guide you on how to use the product safely and

  1. Ensure that the gas supply is turned on at the meter and the
    control valve of the appliance is in the off position.

  2. Remove the glass panel carefully from the appliance.

  3. Place the ceramic placement on the fuel bed according to the
    instructions provided in the user manual.

  4. Light the pilot light using a match or lighter and hold down
    the control knob for 30 seconds until the pilot light stays

  5. Release the control knob and turn it to the high position to
    ignite the main burner.

  6. Adjust the flame height using the control knob to the desired

  7. To turn off the appliance, turn the control knob to the off
    position and wait for the pilot light and burner to extinguish

  8. Replace the glass panel carefully on the appliance.

Regular maintenance of the Calleos 400 Balanced Flue Gas Log
Fire is necessary for optimal performance. The user manual provides
instructions on how to clean the appliance and replace parts that
may become worn or damaged. It is recommended that you hire a Gas
Safe registered engineer to service the appliance annually to
ensure its safe and efficient operation.

If you notice a gas smell, turn off the gas supply immediately
using the control valve at the meter and contact a Gas Safe
registered engineer for assistance. Do not smoke or use any
ignition sources until the situation is resolved.

Do not use this appliance if the front glass panel is broken, removed or fi4ed incorrectly. It is a regula on that these instruc ons be handed to the customer a er installa on is complete. It is also the responsibility of the installa on engineer to ensure that the customer is
Model number: BM-161XX2 SLIDE For use on Natural Gas (G20) at a supply pressure of 20 mbar in GB (X denotes trim type)

Appliance Commissioning Checklist ………………………………………………………. 3 Important informa on & Warnings ……………………………………………………….. 4 Regulatory Informa on and Installa on Requirements …………………………… 5 Appliance Dimensions ……………………………………………………………………………… 6 Unpacking the Appliance …………………………………………………………………………. 7 Flue Terminal Loca on ……………………………………………………………………………… 8 Si ng the Appliance and preparing opening…………………………………………….. 9 Clearances from combus ble shelf………………………………………………………….. 11 Elevated installa on………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Preparing the gas supply for the appliance ……………………………………………… 12 Fixing the Appliance and the Flue…………………………………………………………….. 13 Fi6ng the Terminal and Terminal Guard …………………………………………………… 16 Appliance Data Informa on………………………………………………………………………. 18 Removal of glass panel……………………………………………………………………………… 19 Installing the Ceramic Fuel Bed ………………………………………………………………… 20 Ligh ng the Appliance ……………………………………………………………………………… 25 Comple ng the Installa on …………………………………………………………………….. 26 Cleaning Instruc ons ……………………………………………………………………………….. 27 Running In and Trouble Shoo ng ……………………………………………………………… 28 Service Instruc ons ………………………………………………………………………… 29 Product Fiche ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 40 Spare Parts List ……………………………………………………………………………….. 44 Manufacturer’s Contact Details ………………………………………………………… 44

Safety Check

It is the installers responsibility to complete the following checklist when commissioning this appliance. The informa on recorded on this page may be requested at the me of any warranty call made. If the informa on is not made available it may affect the warranty support for the customers appliance.

Check standing gas pressure Check working pressure on full rate (Min. 18.5) Ensure all other gas appliances are running on full rate
Complete relevant sec on of warranty forms , ensure it is complete with Gas Safe registra on details.
Instruct the customer on ligh ng, maintenance and servicing procedures. (Including glass removal and ceramic placement)



Appliance Serial Number




Installa on Date




Gas Engineer Name



Gas Safe Engineer Registra on No.




Gas Safe Engineer contact No.




If you can smell gas, immediately turn off the gas supply using the control valve at the meter in your home. Do not smoke and turn off all sources of igni on, i.e. boilers or gas hobs. Open windows and doors to ven late the room or building.
Call the Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999 (England Scotland and Wales) 0800 002 002 (N. Ireland)



2.0 Congratula ons on the purchase of your new Elgin & Hall Calleos 400 Balanced flue gas fire. Ensure you keep these instruc ons in a safe place as they will be required for installa on, service and general upkeep of your appliance.
These instruc ons should be followed precisely to ensure that you receive many years of trouble free service from your appliance.
Some general maintenance is required by the user to keep the appliance in its best condi on, these are detailed later in this instruc ons manual.


Do not place so wall coverings (i.e. embossed papers etc,) furniture or other combus ble items too close to the fire as they may discolour or scorch. Do not place or throw rubbish or otherwise on the fuel-bed. Do not place any combus ble materials or flooring (i.e. carpets etc,) on any part of the hearth.
Many parts of this appliance and some surrounding areas will become hot during use.
This appliance has a naked flame and as with all hea ng appliances a fireguard should be used for the protec on of children, the elderly and infirm. The fireguard should conform to BS8423 : 2002 (Fireguards or use with Gas Hea ng Appliances).
It is quite normal for a flame effect gas appliance to experience a small amount of soot or staining to some parts of the fuel effect components. If this becomes excessive it may because the fuel bed is not fiHed correctly — this should be checked according to these installa on instruc ons prior to contac ng a service engineer.
NEVER place any rubbish or otherwise onto the fire–this will affect the way the product operates and may affect the warranty of the product.
NEVER place more ceramic components onto the fuel bed than specified in the instruc ons.
NEVER touch the ceramics when the appliance has recently been switched off–these components retain heat and may cause burns. Leave the appliance to sufficiently cool prior to any contact of the ceramics.

Ven la on

No purpose made ven la on is normally required for this appliance when installed in G.B. Ven la on areas (if applicable) should be checked periodically to ensure there is no obstruc on, even though none is normally required for this appliance.


Regulatory Informa on

This gas appliance MUST be installed by a GAS SAFE registered installer by law. It must be installed in accordance to these installa on instruc ons and the GAS SAFETY (Installa on & Use) REGULATIONS 1998 as amended. Non compliance of this law may lead to prosecu on and it is in the interest of you and your family that this condi on is observed.
Check for the Gas Safe logo on your gas engineers membership card.
The installa on of this appliance must be in accordance with the relevant parts of the LOCAL AND NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS as issued by the Department of the Environment or BUILDING STANDARD (Scotland Consolida on) REGULATIONS issued by the Sco6sh Development Department and the following relevant Bri sh Standards:

BS5871 BS5440 BS6891 IS813:1996

Part 2 Installa on of Inset Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires Parts 1 & 2 Installa on of Flues and Ven la on Installa on of Gas Pipe-work Domes c Gas Installa on (Republic of Ireland)

If the product is being installed into a mber framed building then advice should be sought specifically as building altera ons may void any cover supplied by NHBC. If in doubt contact your local building and planning authority. Further informa on can be obtained from the publica on: Gas Installa ons in Timber Frame Buildings : IGE/UP/7 Edi on 2.

Efficiency /Technical
Installa on Requirements

The efficiency of this appliance has been tested to EN613 and the result is 83.2% net (74.9% gross). This efficiency value has been verified by Kiwa (0558). This efficiency value can be used for SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) for energy ra ng of UK dwellings.

Appliance Technical Informa;on





INJECTORS: 0.71 (1) 0.75 (4)


Prior to installa on ensure that the gas supply is compa ble with the appliance, this appliance must only be used on natural gas at a supply pressure of 20 mbar as marked on the data plate on the appliance and the carton. This appliance must only be installed in accordance with BS5440: Part 1 and these installa on instruc ons.
For minimum and maximum flue dimensions refer to page 9 of these instruc ons. The horizontal flue sec on only should be modified by the installer to suit the installa on, no modifica on should be made to the flue terminal. The guard (supplied) must be fiHed to the terminal if any part of the terminal is below 2 metres above any accessible point, ie the ground or balcony etc.


Site Requirements

Do not place so wall coverings (i.e. embossed papers etc,) furniture or other combus ble items too close to the appliance as they may discolour or scorch. Do not place or throw rubbish or otherwise on the fuel-bed.
It is very important that you arrange for a GAS SAFE registered engineer to service your appliance every year ­ This is important for you and your families safety.
NEVER place more ceramic components onto the fuel bed than specified in the instruc ons.
NEVER touch the glass panel or metal parts surrounding the glass when the fire is running or if it has recently been in opera on–these components retain heat and may cause burns. Leave the appliance to sufficiently cool prior to any contact.
WARNING: This appliance has very hot surfaces when in use and as with all hea ng appliances a fireguard should be used for the protec on of children, the elderly, infirm and pets. The fireguard should conform to BS8423 : 2002 (Fireguards or use with Gas Hea ng Appliances).

Gas Supply
Appliance Dimensions

This appliance must only be installed on to a suitable hearth with a minimum thickness of 12mm. The appliance must not be installed directly onto carpet of other combus ble floor materials. The fireplace surround (back-panel) must have a temperature ra ng of at least 150oC.
This appliance is suitable for use on natural gas (G20) only from a governed meter. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that correct pipe sizing has been supplied to the site for correct performance. 8mm diameter duc le copper tubing should be used for the run to the appliance at a maximum length of 500mm to avoid pressure drops. The appliance is supplied with a isola on device which must be used as part of the installa on. There should be no soldered joints within the firebox of the appliance.


Unpacking appliance



Once each carton has been opened, carefully remove the polystyrene packing components to reveal the appliance or flue kit. Carefully remove from the packaging then remove and check the accessory packs before commencing the installa on.
There will be three plas;c bags also located in the cartons:

Instruc ons and guarantee registra on form. Note that the guarantee registra on can be performed online at:


Figure 1


Terminal Posi;on

Minimum Distance


Directly below an opening, airbrick, opening window etc.



Above an opening, air brick, opening window etc.



Horizontally to an opening, air brick opening window etc.



Below guHers, soil pipes or drains.



Below eaves.



Below balconies or car port roof.



From a ver cal drain pipe or soil pipe.



From an internal or external corner



Above ground, roof, or balcony level.



From a surface facing the terminal.



From a terminal facing a terminal



From an opening in a car port (e.g. door, window) into dwelling.



Ver cally from a terminal on the same wall.



Horizontally from a terminal on the same wall.


  • In addi on, the terminal should not be nearer than 300mm to an opening in the building fabric formed for the purpose of accommoda ng a built-in element such as a window frame or door frame.
    ** The reference to external corners does not apply to building protrusions not exceeding 450mm, such as disused chimneys on external walls.

A terminal guard is supplied with this appliance. It is a requirement in England and Wales that this a guard be fiHed where the flue terminal may come into contact with people near the building or be suscep ble to damage.
In the republic of Ireland the installa on must conform to the relevant sec ons of IS813 `Domes c Gas Installa ons’.
Be Modern recommend that the terminal guide be fiHed in any area where it may be damaged or contact could be made with the flue terminal.


Figure 2 Figure 2 shows the maximum length flue aHached to the appliance. If the distance from the front face of the back panel to the outside wall exceeds 580mm the installa on cannot proceed. In most installa ons the flue sec on will need to be cut to the appropriate size. Any reduc on to flue length must be removed from the end opposite the terminal and the three holes then re- drilled to fix the flue to the appliance–use the holes in the waste sec on of flue as a guide. Take note of the orienta on of the flue pipe as it should be installed correctly–see marking on flue. DO NOT CUT THE FLUE YET. ONCE THE APPLIANCE CAN BE PLACED IN POSITION THE FLUE LENGTH CAN BE CHECKED BEFORE CUTTING–REPLACEMENT FLUES WILL BE CHARGED FOR IF THE FLUE IS CUT INCORRECTLY.
FLUE CUTTING INFORMATION IS ON PAGE 8 OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS Figure 3 shows the inner brickwork removed to accept the appliance. Note centre of the flue hole must be 6″ (minimum) diameter and located at a height of 463.5mm from the hearth or installa on surface. Use the template supplied to aid the installa on–see page 10 of these instruc ons. A clearance of at least 3mm must remain between the rear face of the appliance and the inner face of the outer brickwork–as shown below. Figure 3

It may be necessary to install a lintel above the cavity that has been created. If a lintel is required to support the recess in the inner leaf (brickwork) then it should either be steel or reinforced precast concrete. The lintel should be the depth of the inner brickwork and be approximately 700mm long.
Ensure that all dust and rubble is removed from the area. If any wall cladding exists ensure that it is removed and then pack the cavity in the area of the opening with at least 5″ (125mm) of Rockwool above and at each side. It is also necessary to fit a piece of Superlux board or equivalent to seal the top of the cavity to prevent any granular insula;on from falling and to prevent heat entering the cavity which may cause smells during opera;on — Ensure that the board slopes down towards the outside wall to enable any moisture to run outwards.
Timber Frame Buildings If the appliance is being installed into a mber framed building the hole through which the flue will pass must have a steel sleeve posi oned such that a minimum 25mm air gap exists between the outside diameter of the flue pipe and the metal sleeve ­ in addi on, contact your local building and planning authority (see safety notes on page 5).
CuDng the Hole in Outer Brick Work
Use the template supplied with the appliance to confirm the posi;on. Ensure that the template is fixed to the wall at the correct height, allowing for the hearth height a er its’ installa on. Mark out the cut-out for the inner brickwork and the flue centre line. Using a core drill is the quickest and easiest method to produce the hole required for the flue in the outer wall. Alterna vely a hammer and cold chisel can be used however care should be taken not to damage brickwork surrounding the flue pipe as this will be visible a er installa on is complete. If damage is caused to outer brickwork this should be made good when comple ng the installa on. Check carefully to ensure that hole is made in the correct posi on, the hearth height or installa on height of the base of the appliance must be known first. See the drawing on page 6. Check also with the terminal posi on requirements on page 8.
When drilling the hole it is advisable that a pilot hole is drilled first. The hole should be drilled to approximately half the brick depth then complete the hole by drilling from the outside of the building, this will ensure that the entry and exit of the hole are clean and unchipped.
Ensure that the flue hole is drilled horizontally.
The template supplied (see diagram) also shows the correct posi on for the eye bolts for the wire fixing system.

This fire is suitable for fiDng to non-combus;ble fireplace back panels with a temperature ra;ng of at
least 150oC. (This is also known as CLASS”O”) – If in doubt please contact the supplier of the back panel
to check suitability. It is recommended that the back panel be constructed of 3 sec;ons with joints across the upper level of the fireplace sec;on to allow for expansion and contrac;on. The installa;on of this appliance into an unsuitable back panel or hearth/mantel material, where a surround component subsequently cracks or causes acrid resin smells, will not be deemed to be a fault of the appliance.
The fire opening must be between the dimensions shown in the figure 4 below. A flat face of a minimum 520mm wide and 620mm high must be provided around this opening to ensure a good seal is formed. Ensure the base of the fireplace opening is flat and level with the hearth surface (if applicable) to ensure a secure and aligned installa on of the appliance.
Figure 4

Seal the Gap behind the back panel (Hearth Mounted installa;ons using rebated mantel).
If a gap exists between the rear of the back panel and the wall (due to mantel rebate) this gap should be sealed with bonding or similar to prevent heat from accumula ng in this area and affec ng mantel shelf temperatures.

Combus;ble Shelf

This appliance may be fiHed below a surround with a combus ble shelf providing the following dimensional criteria is met: There must be a minimum distance of 180mm from the top of the appliance to the underside of the shelf. The shelf must not project more than 150mm from the moun ng surface of the appliance into the room. If the shelf projects more than 150mm then the distance between the top of the appliance and the underside of the shelf must be increased accordingly; for every 10mm of projec on above 150mm the distance between the fire and shelf must be increased by 5mm

Shelf Protrusion 150mm 160mm 170mm 180mm 190mm 200mm

Min. Distance Between Fire and Shelf 180mm 185mm 190mm 195mm 200mm 205mm


Fireplace Opening when appliance is to be elevated (Hole in the Wall Installa;on)
This appliance may be installed such that the base of the appliance sits at an elevated posi on. For this type of installa on it is important that the fret to the appliance is either integral with the trim, is fixed to the appliance securely or a small hearth surface is constructed at the base of the opening for the fret to sit upon. If such a hearth is constructed it must be a minimum of 480mm in width and 100mm deep.
A non combus ble back panel must be used during this type of installa on. Opening sizes are the same as those used for a conven onal hearth mounted installa on–see Figure 3 on page 9. It is recommended that this back panel provides a border of a minimum of 100mm around the opening.
It is always important to ensure that the appliance is fixed securely to the fireplace opening so that no movement of the ceramics takes place when the appliance is operated. In addi on it is impera ve that ONLY fascia/trim arrangements that are supplied by Be Modern are deemed suitable to be used with Be Modern appliances in a hole in the wall’ installa on. THE INSTALLER MUST INFORM THE USER OF THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT NOTICES AFTER A HOLE IN THE WALL INSTALLATION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN. 1\. The user must be made aware to fit a secure fireguard where the room is used by elderly, infirm, infants, young children or pets. 2\. The customer should be advised to fit a hearth panel or a physical barrier in accordance with BS5871-2. Should this advice not be followed the customer should be advised to give due considera on to the safety of the occupants in the room where the appliance is to be installed. The customer should be informed that the glass panel on this appliance gets extremely hot when in use. 3\. The user must be made aware to keep the area immediately in front of the appliance clear of combus bles items. This does not include the floor covering however such covering should be fixed. 4\. The user must ensure that the ceramic fuel bed is maintained in the correct condi on of installa on, especially a er cleaning. If the fuel bed is removed for cleaning or maintenance the ceramics should be checked for secure placing and tested for movement during appliance opera on. 5\. The user must ensure that other occupants of the room where the appliance is installed are no fied to not get unnecessarily close to the appliance when in use or to posi on any furniture or appliances too close to the fire. Preparing the Gas Supply for the Appliance A gas soundness test should be performed to ensure that the exis ng pipe work in the property is sound. The gas supply can be prepared for a concealed fi6ng from the rear. In all installa on condi ons the gas connec on should be provided using 8mm (O/D) copper tubing. If the concealed installa on method is chosen, there are three op onal entry points at the rear/side of the appliance. The relevantknock- out’ entry point should be removed to allow the gas supply to enter the appliance. No soldered joints should be used within the firebox of the appliance.
The connec on to the appliance will be made using the restrictor isola on valve supplied with the appliance. This restrictor elbow is supplied loose and should be fiHed as per the label on the instruc on packet.
Ensure a gas soundness test has been performed to ensure that the exis ng pipe work in the property is sound.
If any part of the gas pipe will be situated in the cavity it MUST be sleeved in accordance with BS6891. flexible sleeving is permiHed.

Fixing the Appliance. If the appliance is being installed with a spacer kit, this should be aHached to the appliance using the screws included . The fire retardant foam strip which is supplied with the appliance should be affixed to the rear face of the spacer. Do not use any permanent sealing substance as this will invalidate warranty.
With the UNCUT FLUES FITTED to the appliance, drill the 3 holes as shown in the OUTER flue and fix with the 3 screws provided. Next place the fire into its installa on posi on, temporarily, while the flue lengths are confirmed.

Next, Remove the six screws to release the wall plate from the terminal.

Now temporarily secure the wall plate using the screws and plug supplied. The flues needs to protrude through the wall plate by 12mm to ensure it can be fastened by the 3 lugs on the wall plate. Mark these 3 hole posi ons which need to be drilled at 3mm dia. Make a mark on the outer flue at a posi on 12mm past the wall plate surface.


Next, unscrew the wall plate from the wall. Remove the two flue sec ons from the appliance. Remove the appliance from its installed posi on. The OUTER flue can be cut at the line marked in the previous step. Measure the amount of flue removed from OUTER flue. Now cut this same amount from the INNER flue–from the end which is inserted in the fire. DO NOT REMOVE FROM THE END WITH THE 3 LOCATING FEATURES. (See page 14) Ensure that the flues are cut correctly. If any flue length is cut incorrectly the installa;on cannot proceed. Replacement flue pipes will have to be purchased from the manufacturer.

Now refit the flues to the appliance–use the 3 screws to secure the OUTER flue to the flange of the appliance. Use the metal tape to seal the OUTER flue to the fire.

The rear face of the wall plate should be sealed with proprietary sealing compound or mortar. The outer flue The inner flue

Cable Fixing System (Supplied as standard) This appliance is best installed with the cable fi6ng system which is supplied in the standard fi6ng pack. The fi6ng system comprises two (2) eyebolts and two (2) fixing cables, the appliance is secured with the clamping nipples on each side. Simply drill and fit the eyebolts in the posi ons shown on the template. This diagram shows the details of the holes required to secure the eyelets. This installa;on DOES NOT require the burner tray to be removed from the firebox.
Drill a hole 8mm dia. by 40mm deep. Ensure all the debris is removed from the hole. Use a wrench to twist the nut
ghtly un l the anchor is solid and reliable.

Thread each wire through the holes in the fire box as shown in this diagram.

Then pass the other side of wire through the wall eyelet and finally through the lower hole at the front of the appliance.

Thread the wire through the hole below the nipple as shown. Pull the wire taut to secure the appliance against the back panel. Finally ghten the small screw on the nipple.



Fix the appliance into its installed posi on using the wire fixing cables. Pull taut to ensure the fire is in the correct posi on.

From the outside carefully insert the inner flue, the flue guides should be towards the outside wall, to keep the two flues concentric before they enter the terminal.

Use mortar to dy any gaps between the outer flue and the wall prior to re- fi6ng the wall plate.

Fit the guard loca ng bracket to the flue terminal. This component is very important as it ensures clearance above the terminal for blast relief flap to open fully. Secure the outer flue with the three lugs on the wall plate using the 3 screws provided.

Secure the terminal to the wall plate, ensuring the inner elbow locates firmly into the inner flue.

Connec;ng the Appliance to the Gas Supply In all installa on condi ons the gas connec on should be provided using 8mm (O/D) copper tubing. The relevant `knock-out’ entry point should be removed to allow the gas supply to enter the appliance. No soldered joints should be used with the firebox of the appliance. Ensure a gas soundness test has been performed to ensure that the exis ng pipe work in the property is sound. The connec on to the appliance will be made using the 8mm restrictor isola on valve supplied with the appliance. This restrictor elbow is supplied loose and should be fiHed as per the label on the instruc on packet.

Using the diagram below, fold the terminal guard, aligning the screw fixing holes in each corner to create the correct shape.

Screw the guard to the terminal loca ng bracket (fiHed earlier). This must be fi4ed correctly to ensure that the correct clearance is maintained above the terminal fo the blast relief flap to open fully.

Now fix the guard to the wall using the screws and plugs provided.


Appliance Data

Gas Type Inlet Pressure Gas Connec on
Injector Pilot Body (No Thermocouple) Thermocouple c/w Microswitch
Input High Rate (Gross) Input Low Rate Slide Control (Gross)
BaHery Type (Electronic Igniter) Wall Depth (Min) Wall Depth (Max) Fire Depth NOx Class Efficiency Class

Natural Gas 20mbar ±1mbar
8mm pipe 1 x 0.71 / 4 x 0.75
P-XX1318A P-XX1318 3.9kW (0.37m3/hr) 2.4kW (0.23m3/hr)
290 mm 580 mm 197mm Class 5 Class 1

  • The wall depth is calculated as the distance from the front face of the back panel surface to the outside face of the exterior wall.


Removal of the front glass panel. The glass panel is held in place with 2 hexagon headed screws. Remove these two screws to release the panel from the fire assembly. See diagram opposite. This panel should be removed to install the product, to clean the glass for general maintenance (this can be performed by the customer also) and to rearrange or replace the ceramics. Correct installa on of ceramics is detailed on pages 20 through 24.
The panel can now be swung out at the boHom and then carefully li ed over the top retaining lip. Store in a safe place during installa on to ensure no damage occurs.
Re installa on of the panel should take place in reverse order, ensure the panel is securely located in its retaining bracket at the top, swing the glass panel inwards at the boHom and replace the two hexagonal headed screws.
Note: Should the threads in the retaining bosses become damaged, they can be replaced by removing the two screws either side of the boss. Contact the manufacturer for further details and supply.


The following instruc ons detail how the ceramic fuel bed and loose components are to be installed onto the appliance. Great care should be taken when handling these ceramic parts as they are fragile and can easily be broken. Do not force any component into posi on, if it does not fit easily then you are not fi6ng the part correctly. These instruc ons can also be followed to remove or reinstall the fuel bed a er cleaning. This is a procedure that can be undertaken by the customer as required and the frequency will be depend upon use.
See page 19 for glass door removal and installa;on.
The fuel bed setup involves the installa on of volcanic rock, ceramic bark, ember wire and a boxed set of ceramic decora ve logs. These components will have been installed by your gas engineer at the point of installa on, however it is permiHed for the end user to remove clean and replace these components as necessary. The following installa on instruc ons must be adhered to at all mes.
The following diagram is for iden fica on purposes. It is impera ve that the logs are placed in the correct posi on for safety and also to ensure that you obtain op mal performance from your appliance.




Place the volcanic rock on top of the centre burner as shown. Ensure a 1-2 mm gap is le between each piece. Then using quarter of the glowing ember wire supplied, ruffle between fingers to make it loose, about 20mm wide and as long enough to cover the volcanic rock then align over the rock as shown. Ensure no wire is placed within 25mm of the pilot assembly. Retain the rest of the wire for replacement at annual service. Place the bark around the base of the tray as shown below.

Place Log C as shown in the picture.


Place Log D as shown in the picture. Place Log E as shown in the picture.

Place Log A as shown in the picture. Place Log B as shown in the picture.

Place Log F as shown in the picture. Place Log G as shown in the picture.

Ligh ng

2.1.1 Slide the control knob down to the igni on symbol. A er a few seconds the pilot light should light.

If the pilot light does not light, release the control knob and wait for 3 minutes before reaHemp ng. If the pilot does not light a er 3 aHempts, Check the baHery–see below and also check that the ember wire is not si6ng near the pilot causing a short circuit. If the baHery is new and the pilot s ll fails to light, contact a gas safe engineer.

Once the pilot is lit, keep the lever pushed down for up to 10 seconds then release. The pilot should stay lit and the central and front log burners will now light. The appliance is now running at the LOW se6ng.

Slide the knob slowly upwards to turn the rear log burners on. The appliance is now running at the HIGH se6ng.

To turn the fire off, slide the lever all the way to the top to the OFF symbol.
Should the spark generator fail to provide a spark at the electrode it may be that a small amount of soot or ember wire has fallen from the fuel bed onto the pilot assembly, causing a short circuit. If this is the case, ensuring the appliance is off and cold, this area can be cleared a er removing the glass panel See page 19 for details on glass removal to access this area..

Alterna vely check the baHery is in good condi on. This diagram shows the loca on of the igniter. Unscrew the cap to access the baHery compartment. When replacing the baHery check it is inserted correctly.
If the appliance is ex nguished or goes out, wait for 3 minutes before aHemp ng to relight the appliance. The flames will appear blue un l the appliance reaches temperature. This can take between 10 and 20 minutes. The customer should be advised of this fact.

Comple;ng the Installa;on of the Appliance
Remove the protec ve covering (if applicable) from the face of the decora ve trim. Fit the trim to the appliance with the magnets provided. One magnet should be placed in each corner of the trim at the top of the appliance and on each side about 120mm from the base of the appliance. In the case of slide control appliances care should be taken that the magnet does not come into contact with any moving parts of the lever mechanism. This advice should also be passed onto the consumer to ensure that they are aware of magnet posi oning. A service call due to incorrect placement of magnets which cause difficulty in ligh ng the appliance will result in a callout charge being made.
Fix the front bars to the trim according to the instruc ons supplied with the appliance or posi on the fret in front of the fire, ensuring that the ashpan cover is si6ng correctly and allows access to the controls (for manual control models).
Demonstrate the ligh ng of the appliance and the controls to control the heat se6ngs. Demonstrate how to ex nguish the fire.
Demonstrate the removal of the trim and fret and how to reinstall correctly.
Discuss the removal and reinstalla on of the glass and the ceramics. Explain how they should be cleaned and make the customer aware of the health and safety warning detailed later in these instruc ons.
Explain to the customer that the ceramics are fragile and must be treated with great care, explain that the ceramics are not covered by the warranty because of their fragility. Also explain that small hairline cracks will appear in the surface of the ceramics due to heat expansion and contrac on–this is perfectly normal.
During the first several hours of use an odour will be experienced–this is normal and is the starch used in the manufacturing of the ceramic fuel bed. This odour is non toxic and will eventually disappear with use.
Advise that no rubbish should be thrown onto the appliance and that the appliance should be cleaned regularly.
A vacuum cleaner can be used but it is important that the appliance is turned off and allowed to cool before undertaking this procedure. See the separate sec on regarding cleaning the ceramics.
Advise the customer that the appliance should be serviced annually by a gas safe engineer to ensure the safety and integrity of the appliance.
Advise the customer that the appliance has a hot glass surface and therefore it is essen al that a suitable fireguard be used for the protec on of the elderly, infirm and young children. This fireguard should conform to BS8423 : 2002 (Fireguards or use with Gas Hea ng Appliances).
These instruc ons must be handed over to the customer once installa on is complete.

HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTICE This appliance uses fuel effect pieces manufactured from Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF). Care must be taken to avoid excessive exposure to these materials as they may cause irrita on to the eyes, skin, nose and throat. When Handling avoid inhaling and contact with skin and eyes. It is recommended that disposable gloves are worn in addi on to a facemask and eye protec on. A er handling wash hands thoroughly and any other exposed parts which may have come in to contact with the material.
If a vacuum cleaner is used to clean the fuel bed or areas around the appliance there fragments of the material may have fallen it is recommended that it be of the type fiHed with a HEPA filter.
Care should be taken when disposing of RCF materials. It is important to keep any dust to a minimum so it is recommended that the fuel effect components are placed into a heavy duty plas c bag. The bag should be clearly labelled RCF WASTE. These materials are not classified as hazardous waste and should be disposed of at a site approved for the disposal of industrial waste.
Cleaning the Appliance Ensure the fire is turned off and has been allowed to cool for a period of at least one hour. Metal Parts Metal parts can be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth, once wiped, any moisture should be removed with a so clean cloth. Do not use any abrasive cloths or cleaning solu ons, these may scratch the surface. Trim and Front Bars There are a variety of trim and fret op ons which may have been supplied with your appliance and these are normally a plated material on a steel substrate. It is important that no abrasive cleaners or chemical agents are used in the cleaning of these components. It is recommended that all these surfaces are cleaned with a clean damp (not wet) cloth. Fuel Bed The fuel effect components supplied with this product are extremely fragile and must be handled with great care. The ceramics in this appliance are not covered by the warranty due to their fragility. This includes the RCF fibre boards in the fire box. These components will break or chip if not handled with the greatest of care.
Cleaning of these components should only be undertaken once the appliance is switched off and has been allowed to cool for a minimum period of one hour. The glass should be removed (see page 19 for full details). The ceramic components should be li ed carefully piece by piece from the appliance and placed onto a dust sheet or similar. They can be brushed gently with a so brush to remove any dust or deposits. If you intend to use a vacuum cleaner then this should only be done once the loose deposits of soot etc have been removed. Ensure that the moulded components are structurally sound and no significant part of the moulding has broken away. If any component has broken then it should be replaced before using the appliance. Only the correct replacement part as supplied by the manufacturer shall be used in this appliance. Do not add any addi onal components to the fuel bed layout. It is important to note that small hairline cracks will appear in the surface of the ceramics due to heat expansion and contrac on–this is perfectly normal.
Ensure that the ceramics are replaced correctly, as per the instruc;ons in this manual.

Running In

When this appliance is first used it is important to note that you will experience some fumes and smells in the room of opera on. Any fumes emiHed during the first few minutes of use can be quite pungent and it is advised that a window is opened un l this subsides. Smells associated with paints, oils and starch from ceramic components may last several hours but will rapidly diminish over the first few uses of the appliance.
It is advisable that the appliance is always run on high for a period of at least 20 minutes before turning to low, to ensure op mal flue performance and to reduce the possibility of soo ng.
It should be noted that as with all flame effect gas appliances, some soo ng can be evident and can be cleaned away–see cleaning instruc ons on previous pages.

Trouble Shoo ng

The following table should be used to iden fy any problems experienced with the opera ng or running of your appliance prior to contac ng the manufacturer or retailer regarding service.

THE FIRE WILL NOT LIGHT Can you hear a con nuous clicking during the igni on process?


Check BaHery

Does the pilot light?
Does the pilot go out when the lever is released?


Check and remove soot or ember wire near the pilot
Try again, but before releasing the lever give a firm push down before releasing the lever.

THE FIRE GOES OUT Does the fire light and run ok then subsequently turns off automa cally
VISUAL PROBLEMS Does the flame picture look wrong?
Does the glass have grey water marks on inside surface
Do you see marks or discoloura on above the centre of the appliance?


The pilot aera on may have become blocked refer to page 8
Check log placement as per the user instruc ons see pages 19-23
The glass will require infrequent cleaning dependant on use. See page 6.
The gas fire is spilling, turn the unit off and call for your gas safe engineer.


The Elgin & Hall 5 year limited guarantee is managed directly by Be Modern Ltd. With our experienced Gas Safe engineers and through our extensive network of service centres throughout the UK we will ensure your appliance receives the right care should anything fail prematurely. Choose Elgin & Hall for style, performance, reliability, value and peace of mind. Note that it is a condi on of the extended warranty that the appliance is serviced annually.


Servicing the Appliance.
The following procedures can and should only be performed by a Gas Safe registered installer.

This appliance should be serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered installer. Isolate the appliance using the restrictor elbow and remove the 8mm nut from the restrictor as detailed below.

Removal/Replacement of the slide Valve

First remove the pilot tube nut from the pilot assembly, then from the gas valve.
Next, remove the 7 screws shown in this diagram.


Removal/Replacement of the slide Valve–con;nued. Gently ease the front tray forward, the gas pipes are flexible but take care when moving to ensure the pipes move uniformly as it is removed. It should only be pulled forward to gain access to the main gas outlet port on the rear face of the valve. Removal of the thermocouple from the back of the valve.
Now remove the gas inlet tube from the inlet of the gas valve.

Removal/Replacement of the slide Valve–con;nued. Now remove the three screws from the stainless runner guide to release the valve.
Finally removal of the lock nut at the top of the valve.

Removal/Replacement of the Tee Valve First remove the pilot tube nut from the pilot assembly, then from the gas valve. Next, remove the 7 screws shown in this diagram.
Gently ease the front tray forward, the gas pipes are flexible but take care when moving to ensure the pipes move uniformly as it is removed. It should only be pulled forward to gain access to the main gas outlet port on the rear face of the valve. Now release the nut shown in these diagrams and the module can be pulled further forward.

Removal/Replacement of the Tee Valve Con;nued. Remove the tube nut and the fixing shown in red in this diagram. Finally remove the inlet pipe from the tee valve and the valve can then be removed.

Removal/Replacement of the Pilot Assembly and Thermocouple Remove the pilot gas tube nut from both the pilot and the gas valve. Remove the locking nut from the base of the thermocouple. Remove the thermocouple nut from the end of the gas valve. Remove the two small screws to release the microswitch. The Thermocouple can now be removed.
Finally remove the two screws as shown below to remove the Pilot Assembly.

Removal/Replacement of the Burner Injectors Release the two under-log burners by removing the 4 screws as shown.
Now remove the 4 screws shown to allow the removal of the centre burner
The injectors can be removed or replaced using a 7mm box spanner. Note the loca on of each injector. Failure to replace the injectors correctly will cause flame and combus on problems.

Removal/Replacement of the Tray First remove all three burners–see previous page for details. Next, remove all screws shown in this diagram.
Next, remove the screws shown in this diagram.

Removal/Replacement of the Tray–Con;nued. Now remove the screws shown in the diagram below.
The tray can now be removed.

Removal/Replacement of the Two Side Inner Glass Panels These panels can simply be slid out from the appliance once the front glass panel is removed.

Removal/Replacement of the Rear Glass Panels To remove the rear glass panel the two side panels must first be removed ­see previous page. To remove the rear glass panel the LEFT HAND under-log burner must first be removed.
The rear glass can now be rotated from the top and li ed out of the firebox.

Product Fiche

Manufacturer :

Be Modern Ltd

Model No.

Fuel Type

Energy Efficiency Class

Indirect Hea ng Func onality

Direct Heat Output kW

Indirect Heat Output kW


Useful Energy Efficiency (NCV)

Useful Energy Efficiency (NCV)

Nominal Heat Output

Nominal Heat Output

Heat Output Temperature Control

Permanent Pilot Power (kW)

Space Hea ng Emissions NOx (GCV)

BM-161XX2 Natural Gas I2H D No 3.0kW N/A 74% High : 83.2% N/A High : 3.0kW Low : 1.7kW Two Manual Stages N/A 130mg/kWh

Important Note: The energy efficiency class of this product is defined using a seasonal efficiency calcula on which reduces the actual net efficiency of the product where the use of automated heat control, thermostats, window open sensors and mers are not used. This is not to be confused with the net efficiency, or useful efficiency of the appliance (shown in the tables above).
This product MUST be installed by a Gas Safe Registered Installer. Full details are provided in this manual. Be Modern Ltd. 19-34 Bedesway, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear, NE32 6BE


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This page is inten onally le blank

This page is inten onally le blank

Part Number P-XX1211 P-XX1211A–G P-XX1212A P-XX1213 P-XX140016B

User Replaceable Parts
Descrip on Ceramic log set complete Ceramic Log A thru G Volcanic rock 9 pieces Ceramic Bark (100g) Glass Door Assembly

Be Modern Ltd 19-34 Bedesay, Jarrow
Tyne & Wear NE32 6BE Tel: 0191 489 8006 Fax: 0191 580 0085
Email: [email protected]
Due to our policy of con;nual product improvement, some diagrams and small details may not be accurate however if there is any concern or ma4er of understanding that you feel needs to be clarified please contact us directly. Our contact details are shown below.


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