TTCOMBAT TTSCW-SFU-113 Mod.Co.N 4×2 Straight Instruction Manual
- June 12, 2024
Table of Contents
TTCOMBAT TTSCW-SFU-113 Mod.Co.N 4×2 Straight
Product Information
The product is the TTSCW-SFU-113 Mod.Co.N 4×2 Straight. It is a construction kit consisting of various parts that need to be assembled. The kit may include optional parts, and the assembly process may require specific steps and order. Please note that some parts should not be glued, while others should be carefully scored and folded. The kit may also include fragile parts made of bendy wood, which should not be bent except for curving around a designed frame.
Product Usage Instructions
- Start by referring to the series of icons provided throughout the instructions for assistance in assembly.
- Follow the step-by-step instructions, making sure to look closely at each step and understand the process order or part used.
- Repeat any steps that require making a specific part multiple times.
- When instructed, complete sub-assemblies separately before adding them to the main kit.
- Continue following the instructions until the assembly is complete.
- After completing the main assembly, check if there are any additional optional parts mentioned in the instructions.
Make sure to carefully follow the instructions provided in the user manual for successful assembly of the TTSCW-SFU-113 Mod.Co.N 4×2 Straight kit.
TTSCW-SFU-113 Mod.Co.N 4×2 Straight
These are a series of icons that may be used throughout the instructions to
help your assembly. If in doubt, scroll ahead to confirm.
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