NGRULEST WPZ1 Pizza Oven Set Owner’s Manual

October 30, 2023

WPZ1 Pizza Oven Set

Product Information:

  • Product Name: Pizza Oven Set
  • Brand: NGRULEST
  • Model Number: WPZ1
  • Intended Use: Outdoor Use Only

Product Usage Instructions:

  • Read and follow all manufacturer instructions before assembly
    and operation to avoid fire, burns, or other serious personal

  • Keep the owner’s manual for future reference. If you sell or
    give the product to someone else, make sure to include the

  • Place the grill on a level, horizontal, secure, heat-resistant
    surface before fitting the Fire Box Pizza Oven.

  • The Fire Box Pizza Oven becomes very hot and should not be
    moved during operation.

  • Always keep a fire extinguisher and first-aid box ready to hand

  • Incorrect storage can lead to rust. If you are not going to use the Fire Box Pizza
    Oven for a lengthy time, store the cleaned and dry Fire Box Pizza Oven ina dry room
    protected from the weather. If necessary, store the pizza stone separately.
    – Unpack the Fire Box Pizza Oven carefully. Attention! The pizza stone is breakable.
    – Place the pizza stone in the Fire Box Pizza Oven. Do not wet the pizza stone with
    water o r soak it before use. Heat it up properly before use
    – The Fire Box Pizza Oven can be used both ona gas-fired grill and on a charcoal
    – Ifusing ona gas-fired grill, place the Fire Box Pizza Oven on the grill first before
    igniting the grill. If using on a charcoal grill, ignite the grill first before placing the
    Fire Box Pizza Oven on it.
    – {f operating with a gas-fired grill, please adjust the flame setting according to the
    required temperature at the thermometer of the box.
    – Only use with grills that have a sufficiently large cooking grate. A minimum
    diameter of approx. 53 cm for round grills, a minimum size of approx. 50 x 45cm
    for rectangular grills
    – Toplace/remove the pizza in/out of the Fire Box Pizza Oven and to remove the
    pizza stone, please insert the pizza peel carefully, to avoid damag

  • You can burn yourself, if you clean the Fire Box Pizza Oven before all the parts have
    completely cooled.

  • = Allow the Fire Box Pizza Oven to cool completely before you clean it o r wear
    protective gloves (against thermal risks), which conform to EN 407 (category II),
    in case of an accident or fire.

    • Do not use the Fire Box Pizza Oven in enclosed spaces or rooms,
      under areas covered with a roof, or near flammable material.

    • Wear appropriate protective gloves when handling the Fire Box
      Pizza Oven to avoid thermal risks.

    • Use grill utensils with a long, heat-resistant handle to put on
      and turn the food to be grilled.

    • Do not clean the Fire Box Pizza Oven until it has completely
      cooled down.

    • Check the condition of the Fire Box Pizza Oven regularly to
      avoid fires and injuries.

    • The Fire Box Pizza Oven is not intended for use by persons
      (including children) with limited physical, sensory, or mental
      abilities or lack of experience and/or knowledge.

    • Keep the Fire Box Pizza Oven away from pets and children. Warn
      children of the danger of fire and the heat of burning and hot
      objects. Supervise them by a person responsible for their

    • Any changes to the Fire Box Pizza Oven can constitute a large
      risk to safety and are prohibited.

    • In case of damage, repairs, or other problems, contact the
      service department or an appropriately skilled person in your area.
      Do not carry out any unauthorized interventions yourself.

    • Do not let children play with the packaging film or other small
      parts to avoid the risk of suffocation.

    • Do not wear clothing with wide sleeves and always pay attention
      while using the Fire Box Pizza Oven. Do not use it if you lack
      concentration, are tired, or under the influence of drugs, alcohol,
      or medication.

    • Do not operate the Fire Box Pizza Oven in enclosed and/or
      habitable spaces, such as buildings, tents, caravans, motorhomes,
      or boats to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Pizza oven set
Owner?s Manual Model: WPZ1
Read and follow all of these manufacturer instructions before beginning assembly o r operation. Failure to do so could result in fire, burns, o r other serious personal injury.
Keep this owner?s manual for future reference. if you sell or give this product to s o m e o n e else, make sure this manual accompanies this product.

ee de ayUe o l e s p a n a c e a
~ ATTENTION! Place the grill ona level, horizontal, secure, heat-reststant surtace before you fit the Fire Box Pizza Oven.
~ ATTENTION! TheFire Box PizzaOven becomesveryh o t andmayn o t b e moveg during operation.
– Always haveaf i r e extinguisher and a first-aid box ready to hand, so that you are prepared in case of an accident or fire.
~ Do not use in enclosed spaces or rooms! ~ Don o t u s e under areas covered with aroof! – Only use the Fire Box Pizza Oven at a safe distance (at least 1.5 m) from flammabie
material, e.g. funiture and wooden buildings. – When handling the Fire Box Pizza Oven, wear appropriate protective gloves
(against thermal risks), which conform to EN 407 (category II). ~ Only use grill utensils with a long, heat-resistant handle to put on and to t u m the
food to be grilled. – D o n o t d e a n t h e Fire Box Pizza Oven until it has completely cooled. – Check t h e c o n d i t i o n o f the Fire Box Pizza Oven regularly. Damage to t h e Fire Box
Pizza Oven can cause fires and injuries!
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Risk of burns and accidents!
T h e Fire Box Pizza Oven is n o t intended to be used by persons ( i n c l u d i n g children) w i t h limited physical, sensory or mental abilities or lack of experience and/or lack of knowledge. – ATTENTION! Keep away from pets and children!
– Children should be warmed by their parents of the danger of fire and the heat of burning and hot objects.
– Point out the dangers to this group of people and have this group of people s u p e r v i s e d by a person responsible for their safety.
– Any changes to the Fire Box Pizza Oven constitute a large risk to safety and are prohibited.
– Incase of damage, repairs or other problems, contact our service department or an a p p r o p r i a t e l y skilled person in y o u r area. Do not carry o u t any u n a u t h o r i s e d interventions yourself.
– D o n o t let children play with the packaging film or other small parts. Risk of suffocation!

Risk of burns!
The Fire Box Pizza Oven and the grill become very hot during use. Any contact with them can lead to serious burns.
– D o n o t leave children and pets unsupervised while the Fire Box Pizza Oven isin operation.
– Do not wear clothing with wide sleeves. – Pay attention at all times and always take care of what you are doing. Do not use
the Fire Box Pizza Oven if you lack concentration, are tired, o r you are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A short moment of inattention can lead to serious injuries.

| W way BY – ( C = >Coaeneeneemnenemmmamaend
Do not operate the Fire Box Pizza Oven in enclosed and/or habitable spaces, e.g. in ? buildings, tents, caravans, motorhomes, boats. Risk to life due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Grill Use Safet

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Incorrect storage can lead to rust. If y o u are not g o i n g t o use the Fire Box Pizza Oven for a lengthy time, store the cleaned and dry Fire Box Pizza Oven i n a dry room protected from t h e weather. If necessary, store the pizza stone separately. – Unpack the Fire Box Pizza Oven carefully. Attention! The pizza stone is breakable.
– Place t h e pizza stone in the Fire Box Pizza Oven. Do n o t w e t the pizza stone w i t h w a t e r o r soak it before use. Heat it up properly before use
– The Fire Box Pizza Oven can be used both ona gas-fired grill and on a charcoal grill.
– Ifusing o n a gas-fired grill, place the Fire Box Pizza Oven on the grill first before igniting the grill. If using on a charcoal grill, ignite the grill first before placing the Fire Box Pizza Oven on it.
– {f operating with a gas-fired grill, please adjust the flame setting according to the required temperature at the thermometer of the box.
– Only use with grills that have a sufficiently large cooking grate. A minimum diameter of approx. 53 cm for round grills, a minimum size of approx. 50 x 45cm for rectangular grills
– Toplace/remove the pizza in/out of the Fire Box Pizza Oven and to remove the pizza stone, please insert the pizza peel carefully, to avoid damage.

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You can burn yourself, if you clean the Fire Box Pizza Oven before all the parts have completely cooled.

  • = Allow t h e Fire Box Pizza Oven t o cool c o m p l e t e l y before y o u clean it o r w e a r protective gloves (against t h e r m a l risks), w h i c h c o n f o r m to EN 407 ( c a t e g o r y II),
    Risk of damage! Improper handling of the Fire Box Pizza Oven can lead to damage. ~ Donot use aggressive cleaning agents, steel brushes, abrasives or other hard
    objects, which could scratch the surface of the housing and the pizza stone.
    ~ Clean the parts by hand using standard washing-up liquid. In case of heavy or burnt in soiling, additionally use special grease-dissolving kitchen cleaners (follow the instructions of the respective manufacturer!).
    Disposing of the Fire Box Pizza Oven
    At the end of its life, never throw the Fire Box Pizza Oven in the normal household waste. Contact your public waste disposal authority to find out where the appropriate waste collection centre is.

rang Jun Ma Trade Co., Ltd.(hereafter, DF JM) warranties that this Product shall bef r e e

r g ygt0cts In workmanship and materials, for a period of 1 Year from the date of original y r ep, OUF obligation under this warranty shall be limited to replacement of parts during the
riod. Our liabllity shall not extend beyond replacement of parts, This warrantyexcludes,

a n t wear & tear such as paint loss, discoloration and rust on the Product and its parts or

e y sents, and any damage arising from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of the on use contrary to this User’s Manual, or alteration by any one other than DFJM. All

p o y coverage is void if this grill is ever used for commercial or rental purposes; this warranty o r gonly in the USA. The warranty period of 1 year shall not be extended or renewed by the svat replacement of parts or compensation for the Product. If your Product is defective or

eo” g o requires service oF parts, please call DFJM Customer Service toll-free at MONDAY TO

mOAY, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CST. Consumer is responsible for shipping, handling


ssing of warranty claims after 30 days of purchase date. As proof of

phase, @ copy of your original purchase receipt must accompany any service request,


ye shall not be liable for a n y incidental o r consequential d a m a g e s for breach of a n y e x p r e s s o r pied warranty on its Product. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied
nty or merchantability o r fitness for a particular purpose on this P r o d u c t shall be limited to t h e gration of the above warranty. Neither us nor anyone else who has b e e n involved in t h e creation,
uction, o r delivery of the Product shall be liable for d a m a g e s of any type, including but n o t
imted to any lost profits, lost savings, loss of anticipated benefits, o r o t h e r incidental o r ensequential d a m a g e s which m a y arise out of the purchase, use, o r inability to use the Product, wether arising out of contract, negligence, strict tort, o r under any warranty, o r otherwise, e v e n i f
have been advised of the possibility of such damage o r any other claim by any other party. Quriiability for a n y breach of warranty shall be limited to repair o r replacement of the d e f e c t i v e part
gparts as described above. Some states do not allow the exclusion o r limitation of incidental o r ensequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion m a y not a p p l y to you. T h e a b o v e yaranty g i v e s y o u s p e c i f i c legal rights, a n d you m a y h a v e o t h e r r i g h t s w h i c h v a r y f r o ms t a t e t o

Thank you for p u r c h a s i n g this product! If you h a v e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t the a s s e m b l y o r o p e r a t i o n o f ths product, are m i s s i n g parts, o r h a v e defective parts, please e-mail u s at: 0, call us toll free (M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm Central Time) at:
f Dong Fang JunM a WADEIN H I N A

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