Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator User Guide

October 30, 2023

Power Factor Regulator
User’s Guide


Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - OVERVIEW

a – 2-digit numeric display [Mode Indicator] b – CAP and IND indicators [CAP = Capacitive power factor, IND =Inductive power factor] c – AUTO or MANUAL mode indicator [LED On = Auto, LED Off = Manual] d – ALARM indicator [LED On = Alert from alarm message] e – 3-digit numeric display [Display parameter value and alarm message] f -DMD ON and DMD OFF indicators [DMD ON = Capacitor bank is required to switch On, DMD OFF = Capacitor bank is required to switch Off ] g – Prefix multipliers indicator [KILO = 10, MEGA = 106 ] i – STEP Output Indicator [LED ON = Step output switch On, LED OFF = Step output switch Off ] j – NFC tag area [Tag mobile on this location for communication] k – UP button
l – ENTER button
m- DOWN button
n – ESC button

General Description

The power factor regulator combines comprehensive operation with user-friendly control setting. It uses numerical techniques in computing the phase difference between the fundamental of current and voltage, thus precise power factor measurement is achieved even in presence of harmonics.
The power factor regulator is designed to optimize the control of reactive power compensation. Reactive power compensation is achieved by measuring continuously the reactive power of the system and then compensated by the switching of capacitor banks. The sensitivity setting optimizes the switching speed. With the built-in intelligent automatic switching program, the power factor regulator further improves the switching efficiency by reducing the number of switching operations required to achieve the desired power factor. Usage of the capacitor bank is evenly distributed by the intelligent switching algorithm.
This ensures uniform ageing of the capacitors and the contactors used. The four-quadrant operation feature allows the power factor regulator to operate correctly in the case of active power feed beck to the mains where regenerative power sources are used.
Harmonic current in the system can be harmful to the capacitor bank. This power factor regulator is capable of measuring the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the system and trigger an alarm if the THD level is higher than the pre-set value. Other alarms include under/over compensate alarm, under/over current alarm and under/over voltage alarm.
Mobile app has been provided for user convenient to monitor parameter or configure setting through NFC. User also able to communicate with power factor regulator through RS485 Modbus RTU protocol by install NX-M1 module on power factor regulator.


[PF] Cos
The numeric display shows displacement power factor of the system.

3-digit numeric (e) LED Description
IND (b) CAP (b)



| __


| __


| The load current or voltage is below operating range. Current must be above 1% of rate current [_/5A] and voltage must be above 50 Vac.
“x.xx”| On| Off| The system is having inductive power factor.
“x.xx”| Off| On| The system is having capactive power factor.
“- .xx”| On| Off| Re-generative condition is detected where the energy flow is reversed in inductive power factor.
“- .xx”| Off| On| Re-generative condition is detected export active power in capacitive power factor.

x = 0 – 9 numeric digit
[r.P] Required VAR
The numeric display shows required or excessive capacitive reactive power [VAR] to achieve target power factor at measured voltage system.
[U] Voltage
The numeric display shows the true-rms value of voltage measurement. Power factor regulator is able to control the voltage system measures in Line to Neutral or Line to Line.
[A] Current
The numeric display shows the true-rms value of primary current. Primary ratio current must be set according to the external 5A current transformer ratio.
[F] Frequency
The numeric display shows the frequency measurement of the voltage system.
[t.A] Current THD / [t.U] Voltage THD
The numeric display shows the total harmonic distortion of the current or voltage as according to the formula below:

Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - Fig1

This measurement is possible only if the total load is at least 5% of the rated load.
[P.F.] Power Factor
The numeric display shows power factor of the system.
[P.A] Active Power / [P.R] Reactive power / [P.S] Apparent power
The numeric display shows active power, reactive power or apparent power of the load.

S = apparent power [VA] Q = reactive power [VAR ] P = active power [W]

[S.C] System Configuration

S.C Parameter Setting Range
1 Rate Voltage [L- N] Line to Natural

[L L] Line to Line
2| Rate Frequency| [50] Rate frequency set to 50Hz
[60] Rate frequency set to 60Hz
* _{PFR will auto trace line frequency while THD voltage lower_ than 20%}
3| System Coupling|
[ALN] Standalone unit
[CTL] Master unit
[SLU] Slave unit
4| Input Control|
[YES] Master and Slave activation control by Digital Input
[NO]** Master and Slave function operate immediately

*Master and Slave function only available while NX-M1 module is attached.
[5.5] System Setting

  1. Primary. CT
    Primary current transformer ratio (_/5A). This parameter must be set according to the external 5A current transformer atio.
    *{Make sure Primary CT setting must be set, otherwise PFRNX will not run in normal condition.}

  2. Set Cos @
    The target power factor required when the system is under automatic mode. The power factor regulator will switch the capacitors in or out in order to achieve the set value.

  3. Smallest Cap
    This setting is used to set the switching hysteresis according to smallest size capacitors used. With automatic selection [Atc], the reactive power compensation is. achieved without manually setting smallest cap. The PFR will measure and evaluate allsteps available when necessary and smallest cap value is then computed.

  4. Sensitivity
    This parameter set the speed of the switching. A larger sensitivity value will result in slower switching speed and conversely. A smaller sensivitity value will result in a faster switching speed. this sensitivity applies to both switching on and switching off of the capacitor.
    Example : if smallest step Qi = 15 kVAR and Sensitivity = 60s/step Reactive power required to achieve set power factor, Qra = 15KVAR Step required to achieve targer power factor = Qu/Qist
    = 15 Kovar/ 15kVAR = 1 Step Reaction time = 60/1 = 60 sec

  5. Reconnection Time
    This is the safety lockout time which is used to prohibit the reconnection of the same: capacitor step before it is fully discharged. This parameter is usually set larger than the discharge time of the largest capacitor size in used.

  6. Switch Program
    This setting allows the selection of one of the four available switching algorithms.
    a) Manual switching [n-A] The capacitor steps are controlled manually by the “UP or “DOWN” button. The “UP button will connect the capacitor step and “DOWN” button will disconnect the capacitor step. Steps are swiiched in a rotational manner based on first-in-first-out
    b) Rotational switching [rot] This switching program is similar to the manual switching method and it is based on rotational first-in-first-out – sequence. Unlike the manual switching program, the option will automatically switch in and out the capacitors according to target power
    factor, sensitivity and reconnection time settings.
    c) Automatic switching [Aut] This automatic switching program uses intelligent switching sequence. The step. switching sequence is not fixed and the program automatically select the most apporiate steps to switch in or out in order to achieve shortest reaction time with minimum number of steps. For equal ageing of the capacitor and contractors, the program will select the least used step to be switched in if there are two equally rated steps.
    Under this switching program, the power factor regulator automatically detects the CT polarity power up. Once this polarity reference is fixed, any subsequent re-genera- tive power condition detected will cause allthe capcitor steps to be disconnected.
    d) Four-quadrant switching [Far] This switching program is similar to the automatic switching program [Aut] except that this switching program allows the power factor regulator to operate correctly under both import power and export power (re-generative) conditions. Under export
    power condition, the active power is fed back to the supply mains by other energy sources such as standby genset etc.If this option is selected, the installer must ensure that the CT polarity is correctly wired because the automatic CT polarity correction detection featureis disabled.

The “AUTO” LED indicator () on the power factor regulator light off when the switching program s set to Manual switching [n-Al. For Rotational [rot], Automatic [Aut] and Four-quadrant [Fqr] switching programs, the “AUTO” LED indicator (c) on the regulator lights up. Under normal operating condition, the step indicators indicate the ON/OFF status of every step. A steady ON light indicates the particular tep s switched in.

S.S Parameter Setting Range
1 Primary.CT 5 – 8000
2 Set Cow 0.8IND – 0.8 CAP
3 Smallest Cap 500- 1.5×106/AtC
4 Sensitivity 5s – 300s/step
5 Reconnection Time 5 -240s
6 Switch Program [n-A], [rot], [Aut] or [Fqr]

[r.S] Rated Step
Every step in the power factor regulator is programmable except Step 1. Step 1 is fixed as “1” and it is the smallest capacitor step used. All other steps were programmed as multiple of Step 1.
Example: If the configuration of capacitors used, starting from Step 1, is 10kvar, 10kvar, 20kvar, 20kvar, 30kvar, 30kvar, 60kvar & 60kvar, then the rated steps are 1,1,2,2,3,3,6,6.
Unless all steps are fully used, the unused steps should be set as “0”. The last step can be programmed as alarm/fan output by setting the step to “ALA” /”FAn”. When the last output is programmed as alarm output, second last output can be programmed as fan output.
If the auto smallest cap is enabled, the PFR will carry out the automatic rated step measurement. Therefore, all steps are not programmable except alarm/fan output.

R.S Rate Step Setting Range
1 Step1 Only can set as 1

.| Step2
.| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16
15| Step15| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, Fan
16| Step16| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, ALA, FAn

* 0 – Disable

Fan Output (FMn)
When the fan output is selected, the output will be energized with any capacitor bank switched ON. Step 15 can be set to (Fan] when only step 16 set to [ALA].
Alarm Output (ALA)
Alarm conditions detected by the power factor regulator are indicated by “ALARM” LED indicator (d). If Step 16 set as [ALA], step 16 contact and LED (i) will switch On while alarm is activated. The alarm indications are automatically reset to normal once the alarm conditions are restored.
To view the alarm message, user needs to goto Alarm Message menu (A.n). The number shows on the 2 digit numeric display (a) are the alarm condition follows according to table 1 in page 3.

The 2 digit numeric display (a) describes alarm is under voltage condition. The 3 digit numeric display (e) shows the voltage value in 65 Volts.
[A.S] Alarm Setting
The alarm conditions for THD voltage, THD current, undercurrent, overcurrent, under voltage and overvoltage and frequency error able to be set follow according to the table 1 in page 3.
A.P.] Programmable Alarm
The PFR can be programmed to disable or enable the detection of the alarm conditions according to the table 1 in page 3.
[O.P] Programmable Output
The PRF can be programmed to disable or enable which alarm conditions not to have activity on the step 16 contact, only if step 16 contact set as alarm output [ALA).
[C.S] Communication Setting
Communication through RS485 RTU protocol available only if NX-M1 module installs on the PRF.

C.S Parameter Setting Range
1 Communication? Yes or No
2 Remote Set? Yes or No
3 Comm. Address 1 – 255
4 Baudrate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400
5 Parity Odd, Even or None
6 Stop Bits 1 bit or 2 bits

Description of Alarm Parameters

A.S/ O.P/ A.P/ A.n| Parameter| Alarm Setting Range| Delay Time| Alarm/ Output Programmable Setting
Activate| Deactivate
1| THD Voltage| 10% – 20%| 5 mins| 2.5 mins| On/Off
2| THD Current| 20% – 300%| 5 mins| 2.5 mins| On/Off
3| Undercurrent| 1.0% – 3.0%| 10s| 5s| On/Off
4| Overcurrent| 110% – 140%| 2 mins| 1 min| On/Off
5| Under voltage| 90V – 395V| 0.1s| 5s| On/Off
6| Overvoltage| 132V – 500V| 15 mins| 7.5 mins| On/Off
7| Cap Size Error| –| 24 hours| 0s| On/Off
8| Undercompensate| –| 15 mins| 7.5 mins| On/Off
9| Overcompensate| –| 15 mins| 7.5 mins| On/Off
10| Step Error| –| 0s| 1 week| On/Off
11| No Voltage Release| –| 0.1s| 0s| On/Off
12| CT Polarity Error| –| 10s| 5s| On/Off
13| Clock Loss| –| 0s| 0s| On/Off
14| EEPROM Error| –| 0s| 0s| On/Off
15| Step On Timer| 1000 – 25500 hours| 0s| 0s| On/Off
16| Step On Counter| 1000 – 25500| 0s| 0s| On/Off

Table 1: Description of number on 2 digit numeric display and parameter settings

  1. THD Voltage – Total harmonic distortion for voltage threshold has been exceeded.
  2. THD Current – Total harmonic distortion for current threshold has been exceeded. All steps disconnected if alarm triggers.
  3. Undercurrent – Current lower than setting value of 5A rated current. Value displays on 3 digit numeric (e) is percentage [%] unit.
  4. Overcurrent – Current excess setting value of 5A rated current. Value displays on 3 digit numeric (e) is percentage [%] unit.
  5. Under voltage – Voltage lower than setting value. Value displays on 3 digit numeric (e) is voltage [V] unit.
  6. Overvoltage – Voltage exceed setting value. Value displays on 3 digit numeric (e) is voltage [V] unit.
  7. Cap Size Error – Controller cannot reach the set cosφ due to no suitable step available. [UnS] or [OVS] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in smallest cap size oversized condition or no suitable step condition respectively.
  8. Undercompensate – All capacitors are connected and the power factor lower than set cos φ. [Uco] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  9. Overcompensate – All capacitors are disconnected and the power factor higher than set power factor. [Oco] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  10. Step Error – PFR detects capacitor step may be having problem, only if smallest cap set to auto. [E.xx] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  11. No Voltage Release – All steps disconnected if alarm triggers. Value displays on 3 digit numeric (e) is voltage [V] unit.
  12. CT Polarity Error – PFR detects CT connection wrong polarity. [ECt] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  13. Clock Loss – [CLo] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
    *Clock only available when NX-M1 attaches with PFR.
  14. Epsom Error – [EEP] shows on 3 digit numeri’s (e) if alarm triggers in this condition. *{Contact manufacturer If alarm trigger in this condition}
  15. Step On Timer – [t.xx] shows on 3 digit numeric (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  16. Step On Counter – [n.xx] shows on 3 digit numeris (e) if alarm triggers in this condition.
  • Step on timer alarm and step on counter alarm only available when NX-M1 attaches with PFR. These alarms setting only can set through communication.
    *xx – Step number

Automatic CT Polarity Detection

During the power on start-up process, the PFR, if programmed under Rotational or Automatic switch program, detects the CT polarity and correct it internally if the CT polarity is reversed. If the PFR is set for Four-quadrant switch program, this feature is disabled.

Programming Lock

The PFR is equipped with a programming lock to prevent inadvertent changes to the control parameters. If locked, all the control parameters can only be viewed at and cannot be changed without unlocking it first.
To lock or unlock, first ensure that the display is on the power factor display mode [PF], then press and hold “ENTER” and “DOWN” buttons until the 3 digit numeric display (e) fiashes [LOC] or [CLr]. [LOC] indicates the PFR is locked and [CLr] indicates
the regulator is unlocked.

NFC Communication

PFR provides NFC communication convenient for user to read parameter values or to change setting through mobile. Below shows guide on how to operate NFC:

  1. Download and install PFRNX app from google play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.learn2crack.nfctest3
  2. Open the app, and then tag the mobile nfc close to the PFR nfc tag area (j). *{Make sure NFC is available on mobile and NFC mode is turn On}

NX-M1 Module
Clock and RS485 protocol communication only available if NX-M1 install on PFR.
Without NX-M1, time of action are not recorded in event, fault and rate step records.
Application of Master and Slave PFR
{*Below usage only available if NX-M1 module is attached with PFR}
Application 1 : Link two PFRs together to increase the number of step contact. The connection setup between both PFR is shown in the diagram 1.
Programming :

  Master Slave
System ID Ctr SLU
Input Control No No
Address 1 1

Application 2 : Refering to the diagram 2, both PFRs operate independent while coupling is open. When PFRs detect coupler is closed, both PFRs will switch to master and slave operation. The number of step eventually will be increased. The example of
usage is shown in the diagram 2.
Programming :

  Master Slave
System ID Ctr SLU
Input Control Yes Yes
Address 1 1

Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - Diagram

Shortcut to Manual Switch Program

User able to change switch program from auto mode to manual mode by press and hold ” ESC” button for 3 seconds. The AUTO indicator light (c) eventually will turn off.
User can press “UP” button to turn On capacitor step or press “DOWN” to turn Off capacitor step.
Capacitor step only will turn On after the countdown of step achieves reconnection time. The step output indicator (i) will fiash and DMD ON indicator (f) will turn On while the step is waiting for reconnection time.
Manual mode will automatically change back according to system setting switch program after 1 hour if there is no button pressed.

Intelligent Capacitor Step Selection

PFR will look for capacitor step that has less activity to switch On or more activity to switch Off while more than one capacitor step are having same rate VAR value if switch program set to automatic switching or four-quadrant switching. This function only will operate after PFR afirms on the smallest cap value.

Step On Timer and Step On Counter

PFR will record down the step operating hour and counter. These features only can be read through NFC app or RS485 communication if NX-M1 module is attached with PFR. Besides that, user able to set step on timer alarm or step on counter alarm as a service alert.
User also can reset the step on timer record or step on counter record through NFC app or RS485 communication.


PFR measures harmonic up to 15 orders. User able to retrieve harmonic measurement through NFC app or RS485 communication.

Reset to Factory Default

To reset all programmable parameters to factory default, first power off the PFR. Press the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons simultaneously while turning ON the PFR and holds itfor more than 3 seconds. The 3 digit numeric display (e) shows [dEF] 2 seconds.

Menu Parameter Default Setting
System Configuration [S.C] Voltage system L-N
Frequency 50Hz
System ID ALN
Input Control No
System Setting [S.S] Primary CT 5A
Set Cosφ 0.98 IND
Smallest Cap Atc
Sensitivity 45s/step
Reconnection Time 30s
Switch Program Aut
Rate step [R.S] Rate1 – Rate16 1
Alarm Setting [A.S] THD Voltage 20%
THD Current 50%
Undercurrent 1.0%
Overcurrent 110%
Undervoltage 90V
Overvoltage 500V
Programmable Alarm [A.P] All parameters On
Programmable Output [O.P] All parameters On

Communication Setting [C.S]

| Communication?| Yes
Remote Set?| Yes
Communication Address| 1
Baud rate| 9600
Parity| Even
Stop Bits| 1 bit
—| Step On Timer| 5000 hours
—| Step On Counter| 5000

Guide on Controlling PFR

Below shows how to read next parameter displays and enter menu mode.

Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - Controlling

Example 2 : How to set Primary CT ratio setting to 500A
Step 1 : Goto [S.S] System Setting
Step 2 : Make sure 2 digit numeric display (a) ashs [S.S] and [1], if not press “UP” or “DOWN” until display fiash [S.S] and [1].
Step 3 : Press “UP” and “DOWN” simultaneously until value on 3 digit numeric display (e) blinks.
Step 4 : Press “UP” or “DOWN” until the value reach 500.
Step 5 : Press “UP and ”DOWN” simultaneously to save setting.
Example 3 : How to temporally change switch program from auto mode to manual mode Step 1 : At the Measurement page, press and hold “ESC” for 3 seconds until AUTO LED (c) light off.
Step 2 : Press “UP” to connect capacitor step or press “DOWN” to disconnect the capacitor step.
Step 3 : Press and hold “ESC” until AUTO LED (c) light on, switch program back to auto Example 4 : How to read multiple alarm messages when under voltage and undercurrent alert.
Step 1 : Goto [A.n] Alarm message, 2 digit numeric display (a) fishes between [A.n] and [5]. If the value on 3 digit numeric display (e) shows 50. {The message shows PFR is in under voltage condition at 50 V AC}
Step 2 : Press “DOWN” goto next alarm message. 2 digit numeric display (a) fishes between [A.n] and [3]. If the value on 3 digit numeric display (e) shows 1.5. {The message shows PFR is in undercurrent condition at 1.5% of primary rated current}

  • Alarm message [A.n] can refer to table 1 in page 3.

Technical Data

Auxiliary Supply

Rated voltage| : 100 ~ 415 VAC or 140 ~ 340 VDC
Operating voltage| : 85 ~ 450 VAC or 110 ~ 370 VDC
Rated frequency| : 50 or 60 Hz
Operating frequency| : 45 ~ 65 Hz
Power consumption| : 10 VA max
Current Input
Rated current, In| : 5 A
Operating Limits| : 0.05 A ~ 10 A   (Secondary current)
Accuracy| : ±3% or 20mA secondary current whichever greater
Rated frequency| : 50 or 60 Hz
Burden| : <0.3VA at In
Voltage Input
Operating Limits| : 5 V ~ 600 V
Accuracy| : ±3% or 1V whichever is greater
Rated frequency| : 50 or 60 Hz
Relay Output
Numbers of outputs| : 8 / 12 / 16 (PFR80NX / PRF120NX / PRF160NX)
Contact arrangement| : NO contact type
Rated capacity| : 5 A 250 VAC ( COSφ  = 1)
Max current for the common terminals| :12 A continous
Mounting| : Panel mounting
Dimension ( h x w x l )| : 145mm x 145mm x 78mm
Approximate weight| : 0.8kg
Enclosure Protection| : IP54 at panel
: IP20 at  body
Environment Conditions
Overvoltage Class| : III
Temperature| : -5 °C ~ +55 °C
Humidity| : 56 days at 93% RH and 40 °C non-condensing
Pollution Degree| : II
Altitude| : 2000m
Electrical Fast Transient| : IEC61000-4-4 Level IV
Surge| : IEC61000-4-5 Level IV
Conducted Immunity| : IEC61000-4-6 Level III
Radiated Immunity| : IEC61000-4-3 Level III
Conducted and Radiated Emission| : EN55011

Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - Dimensions

Typical Connection Diagram

Diagram 3 – PFR live-natural voltage system connection diagram

Mikro PFR160NX Power Factor Regulator - Diagram1

  1. Check CT Setup
    a) Make sure CT installs before capacitor bank and load.
    b) Make sure cable connect between secondary CT and PFRNX terminal (No.34 and No.35) are connected in correct polarity follows according to PFRNX connection diagram.
    c) Primary CT setting in PFRNX must set according to primary current ration _/5A.

  2. Check Voltage Setup
    a) If voltage sytem is measured by Phase to Phase system, then make sure voltage system setting set to [L-L]. Besides that, YELLOW voltage phase must connects to terminal block No.23, BLUE voltage phase must connects to No.20 and CT installs on RED phase line.
    b) If voltage sytem is measured by Phase to Neutral system, then make sure voltage system setting set to [L-N]. Besides that, RED voltage phase must connects to terminal block No.23, NEUTRAL voltage phase must connects to No.20 and CT installs on red phase line.
    c) If voltage frequency is run in 60Hz, the frequency system setting must set to [60], otherwise set to [50].

  3. Check Step Output Setup
    a) For those steps are unused, encourage to set rate step setting in PFRNX to disable, so that will not cause step error alarm may be triggered.
    b) Make sure terminal block No.18 has connected to Live voltage.

  4. Check Aux Power Setup
    a) Make sure voltage supplies to Aux in terminal block No.24 and No.25 are within 100VAC to 415VAC or 140VDC to 340VDC.

Email: mikro@itmikro.com
Contact No: +603-5525 3863

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