CRYPTOZOIC ENTERTAINMENT DC Deck Building Game Multiverse Box User Guide

June 10, 2024

CRYPTOZOIC ENTERTAINMENT DC Deck Building Game Multiverse Box


Product Information

Multiverse Box for DC Deck-Building Game

The Multiverse Box is a storage box designed to hold your DC Deck-Building Game collection. It comes with 19 Main Deck Cards, 11 Event Cards, 3 Super- Villains, 2 Active Player Markers, 2 Line-Up Tiles, and 1 Source Wall Tile. The box allows you to use your cards in an all-encompassing game experience with two Line-Ups in play: a main deck Line-Up and an Event Line-Up that is ever-changing and makes use of all the different sets you own.

The object of the Game / Game-Ending Conditions

The object of the game is to defeat your opponents by acquiring the most Victory Points. The game ends when a player has accumulated enough Victory Points to trigger the end of the game or when all Super-Villains have been defeated.

Product Setup

  1. Transfer all of your cards into the Multiverse Box.
  2. Choose or randomly distribute 1 oversized Multiverse Location card to each player.
  3. Shuffle ALL of your non-Crisis oversized Character cards and deal 3 to each player. Each player secretly picks 1 and places the other 2 back into the Multiverse Box. Once all players have picked their Characters, reveal them.
  4. Place your Champions in a stack face down in front of you from lowest cost to highest cost. Then, flip the lowest cost Champion on top of the stack face up. Set your Champion stack next to your Multiverse Location.
  5. Create a stack of the 3 special Super-Villains included in this box, with Deimos on the bottom, Telos in the middle, and Brainiac face up on top. Place them next to the Kick and Weakness stacks.

Product Gameplay

In this competitive game mode based on the Convergence comic book storyline, each player will have an oversized Character and a Multiverse Location as their deck-defining role cards, as well as 3 Champions. If you choose to Confront an opponent, you must play all of the cards in your hand. Once you have done so, compare your total current Power to the cost of their topmost Champion. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.


In this Multiverse Box, you have a home for your DC Deck-Building Game collection! In addition to storing your different sets, you can use your cards in an all-encompassing game experience unlike anything you have seen before! There will be two Line-Ups in play: a main deck Line-Up and an Event Line-Up that is ever-changing, making use of all the different sets you own.


  • 33 Standard Cards
    • 19 Main Deck Cards
    • 11 Event Cards
    • 3 Super-Villains
  • 7 Oversized Multiverse Locations
  • 15 Randomizer Cards
  • 22 Dividers
  • 6 Foam Spacers
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 2 Components Boxes
  • 18 VP Tokens
  • 12 Confrontation Cost Tokens
  • 5 World Hopper Tokens
    • 2 Active Player Markers
    • 2 Line-Up Tiles
    • 1 Source Wall Tile

After transferring all of your cards into your new storage box, the Multiverse awaits! In this competitive game mode based on the “Convergence” comic book storyline, each player will have an oversized Character and a Multiverse Location as their deck-defining role cards, as well as 3 Champions.

Note: You are considered to own your 3 Champions and Multiverse Location, but they are not considered cards in play for card effects. Swamp Thing from the original set does not have +5 Power due to your Multiverse Location.



  • If a player’s final Champion is defeated while Brainiac is on the Super-Villain stack, the game ends immediately, and all players count up Victory Points. This is also mentioned on Brainiac’s card.
  • If only 1 player has Champions remaining on their stack, that player wins. Do not count Victory Points.
  • If Deimos is defeated, all players count up Victory Points.


Remove any Randomizer cards showing sets that you don’t own and the Multiverse Randomizer card from the Randomizer deck and return them to the Multiverse Box. Shuffle the remaining Randomizer cards and reveal cards from this deck until a base set is revealed. That set will become the main deck for this game. Return the main deck’s Randomizer card to the Multiverse Box with the others previously returned.

These cards will not be used for the rest of the game. Split the main deck into 2 equal stacks. Shuffle the new main deck cards from this Multiverse set into one of the stacks, and then place that stack on top of the other. Deal out 5 cards into a row to form the main Line-Up. Use Punch, Vulnerability, Kick, and Weakness cards from the same set as the main deck.

Grab the Event cards and set the Convergence card aside. Shuffle the rest of the Event cards and place them face down above the main deck. Place the Convergence card face up on top of the Event deck. Each Multiverse game begins with the Convergence Event. Draw a random card from the Randomizer deck and add 5 random cards from that set into a row next to the Event deck. This forms the Event Line-Up. Put the Randomizer card next to the Event Line-Up. You now have 2 separate Line-Ups that you can gain cards.

Next, either choose or randomly distribute 1 oversized Multiverse Location card to each player. Then shuffle ALL of your non-Crisis oversized Character cards and deal 3 to each player. Each player secretly picks 1 and places the other 2 back into the Multiverse Box. Once all players have picked their Characters, reveal them.

You also have 3 Champions protecting your Multiverse Location. Separate your standardized Super-Villain and Super Hero cards (referred to as Champions in this game mode) into stacks by cost. Remove any Champions from the stacks that do not have a First Appearance Attack. Choose the type of game you wish to play: Standard, Short, or Impossible Mode. If you are not playing Impossible Mode, remove the Impossible Mode Champions. Each player is then dealt 1 random Champion of each of the following costs:

  • Return all of the unused Champions to the Multiverse Box.

Place your Champions in a stack face down in front of you from lowest cost to highest cost. Then, flip the lowest cost Champion on top of the stack face up. Set your Champion to stack next to your Multiverse Location. These are the Champions that your foes must get through to defeat your Multiverse Location. Once your final Champion goes down, your Multiverse Location is lost.

Lastly, create a stack of the 3 special Super Villains included in this box, with Deimos on the bottom, Telos in the middle, and Brainiac face up on top. Place them next to the Kick and Weakness stacks. These are the main villains of the “Convergence” storyline, and they are watching with delight as you fight against your fellow players. You can defeat them or your foes in the game. The choice is yours…



The cards remaining in the box are “the Multiverse.” If a card tells you to gain a card from “the Multiverse,” it means you will gain a card from your carefully sorted box of cards. Typically, you will be able to choose the set when you gain a card. If you need to choose a “random” set, draw a card from the Randomizer deck. Each time a Randomizer card is drawn for any reason, place that card into the Randomizer discard pile. If the Randomizer deck is ever empty, shuffle all the cards from its discard pile to form a new deck. Only cards intended for the main deck are eligible to be gained from a set unless cost is to be considered.


A Confrontation occurs when you declare that you wish to defeat (buy) the nearest Champion to your left that belongs to another player. If the foe to your immediate left has no Champions remaining, skip that foe. The next foe with a Champion to your left is your new prey. You cannot skip over a foe who has Champions remaining. The foe to your right will be attempting to defeat your Champions and will skip over you if you have none remaining.

If you choose to Confront an opponent, you must play all of the cards in your hand. Once you have done so, compare your total current Power to the cost of their topmost Champion.

  • If your Power is equal to or greater than its cost, reduce your Power total by its cost and gain the Champion. Then, you may spend any remaining Power to buy cards as usual.
  • If your total Power is less than its cost, the Confrontation is unsuccessful. Your turn ends and your Power is lost.

When a foe Confronts your Champion, you can stop them with Block cards. After they have played all of their cards, you may discard any number of cards with the keyword “Block” to increase the cost of your Champion by the value(s) listed. You need to increase your cost to greater than their total Power to save your Champion. Your Champion’s cost returns to its printed value at the end of the turn.

Note that Confrontations in this game mode are slightly different than they are in Rivals or Confrontations. There, you have to declare your intent to Confront at the start of your turn. Here, you can declare it during your turn, even if you have already played cards. However, any “Confrontation:” text on cards you play will only trigger if you have already declared your intention to Confront. Choosing to start a Confrontation will not trigger this text on cards already played.


  1. When your Champion is defeated, immediately resolve its First Appearance – Attack against each foe. This happens mid-turn.
  2. The player who defeated the Champion places it into their discard pile, unless instructed otherwise.
  3. At the end of the current player’s turn, any player who lost their Champion flips the next one on their stack face up. It does not make a First Appearance – Attack now.
  4. If a player has no remaining Champions in their stack, they flip their Multiverse Location face down. Their Character remains active, however. This player can no longer win by being the sole survivor, but can still win if Victory Points are counted.
  5. A player may only defeat 1 Champion per turn, unless a card effect says otherwise.

If your Champion has an effect that persists until it is defeated (e.g., Captain Cold), the effect ends when the next Super-Villain or Super Hero is defeated. This could be any player’s Champion, Brainiac, Telos, or Deimos.


  • Event cards are pulled from various storylines in the DC Universe and will typically cause an Ongoing effect, modifying the game while that Event remains in play. An Event causes a Convergence of worlds, which is represented by a second Line-Up. Some Events don’t create Line-Ups, but they will instruct you to draw a new Event after they resolve. There are always 2 Line-Ups in play. You may gain cards from either or both Line-Ups during your turn.
  • An Event Line-Up starts with 5 cards, unless otherwise stated on the Randomizer card. Event Line-Ups DO NOT refill at the end of each player’s turn. In fact, they don’t refill at all. When the last card in the Event Line-Up has been gained or otherwise removed, discard the current Event, flip over the next one, and read it out loud. Draw a Randomizer card and create a 5-card Event Line-Up by drawing random cards from the set listed on the Randomizer card. This typically occurs mid-turn, so if you buy the last card from an Event Line-Up, you’ll have first crack at 5 new cards from a new set.
  • Leave the Randomizer card face up next to the Event Line-Up as a reminder of which set the Event Line-Up is using. When a new Event appears, place the old Randomizer card into a face-up discard pile out of play.
  • If a player’s card ability causes a card to be added to an Event Line-Up from “the main deck,” the card comes from the Event’s set, if possible. If the Event’s set has run out of cards, no cards are added. If the last card in an Event Line-Up is removed until the end of the turn, say via Granny Goodness or Emerald Knight, that will trigger a new Event. The removed card will be placed into the new Line-Up at the end of the turn. Do not create a new Event Line-Up if the removed card is immediately returned after it is played, such as with Mind Control Hat.


When a card refers to “in the Line-Up,” the player who played the card, or owns the card for Champion Attacks, chooses one of the 2 Line-Ups. For example, Mr. Freeze from Heroes Unite says to “destroy all Equipment in the Line-Up.” The player who has Mr. Freeze as their Champion chooses the Line-Up. The victim of the Attack places their Equipment into that Line-Up.


  • Gaining Cards from the Multiverse: If you choose a set and there are no cards of the appropriate type to gain, choose a different set.
  • Brainiac: After he is defeated, his Stack Ongoing ability is not a game rule anymore.
  • Crime Syndicate: You will need to spend the total Power of both Champions in order to defeat them (e.g., 12 Power is not enough to defeat 2 Champions).
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths (Event): This card is not for the faint of heart! Feel free to remove it from your Event deck if you are not playing Impossible Mode. Or leave it in… if you dare. Since this is not actually a Crisis game, you do not have to rid the Line-Ups of all Villains in order to beat the Crisis. “They must do so” means that if a Crisis requires a contribution of a card type, and you have that card type, you must contribute it. If a player initiates an attempt to complete a Crisis, all players must perform the required action.
  • Deimos: While his First Appearance – Attack is unavoidable, you may avoid each of the sub- Attacks it generates. For his Stack Ongoing ability, the card added to the Event Line-Up also comes from the main deck.
  • Flashpoint: The set the Hero or Villain comes from is also chosen randomly. J’onn J’onzz (Original Base Set): This card can play the top card of any player’s Champion stack.
  • Multiverse Randomizer: This card is not used while playing the Multiverse game mode. If you wish to decide randomly what set or game mode to play, you can shuffle the Randomizer cards for all the sets you own and use that to determine what to play. If you reveal the Multiverse Randomizer card, that means you will play a Multiverse game.
  • Telos: When you defeat a Champion or Super-Villain with VP tokens on it, gain those tokens. Each oversized Character in front of a player is a separate entity, and the player will be able to utilize each of them during the game. Playing a card that gives you an oversized Character’s ability gives you only one of the abilities in front of that player.
  • Disintegration (Watchmen): Don’t play with this card. There are no “Loyal” Super Heroes in this game.

When setting up a Multiverse game, if any of the following sets are used, follow these additional instructions:

Dark Nights: Metal:

  • If this set is used for the main deck, use the corresponding Weakness and Breakthrough cards. Set up the Batman Who Laughs tile. The Batman Who Laughs captures a random one of the unchosen Characters. Place the rest of the Characters in a facedown stack next to The Batman Who Laughs.
  • During the game, follow the Capture rules from Dark Nights: Metal. When you defeat Brainiac or a Champion, you may choose to place it into your score pile instead of your discard pile.
  • If you do, rescue a Captured Character. You now have access to that Character’s ability in addition to any other characters you already have.


If this set is used for the main deck, follow the setup rules for the Health Bars/Charge Meter in the Injustice rulebook. Make sure to use the Injustice Weakness, Flying Kick, and Starter cards. If you are not using an Injustice Character, follow the mixing sets rules from the Injustice rulebook. If this set is used to form an Event Line-Up, 3 extra cards are used. Each player then removes from the game a Punch from their hand or discard pile and replaces it with a Heavy Punch. Each player is given an Injustice Health Track and sets their health to 10.

A player’s health cannot exceed 10. After a player is KO’d and receives a KO’d token, they reset their health to 10 instead of 20. Each player is dealt 2 Super Move cards. They choose 1 to tuck under their Character and return the other to the Multiverse Box. This Super Move can be played using your Health Track’s Meter Burn ability.


This variant allows you to play any DC Deck-Building Game with 6 or more players. ( Note: You will need at least 2 base sets to play this mode.) Follow the normal game rules from the mode you are playing with the following alterations:



  • You will use 2 main decks each with their own 5-card Line-Up. (Both of these sets are considered the main deck’s set for Multiverse cards.) Place the Earth-1 tile adjacent to one of the starting Line-Ups and the Earth-2 tile next to the other. If you are playing Multiverse mode, each Earth will also have its own Event Line-Up. Earth-1’s Event Line-Up gets the Convergence Event and Earth-2’s Line-Up gets a random Event.
  • Set up a Kick stack and Weakness stack using the cards from that Earth’s base set. Place the starting Super-Villain / Super Hero (referred to as Nemesis cards in this game mode) from each base set next to its stacks. (If the base set does not have a starting Nemesis, choose a starting Nemesis card from a different set.) Create a stack of 7 random Nemesis cards pulled from both base sets’ Nemesis cards and place it between the Line-Ups.
  • After determining turn order, give the first player the blue marker with “Arrived at Earth-1” side face up. Give the fourth player in turn order the red marker with “Arrived at Earth-2” side face up. These are the active sides of each Active Player marker.

This mode can also be played with only 5 players. During setup, place the Source Wall tile to the right of the first player. Players cannot interact through the Source Wall. When the player to your left starts their turn (not at the end of your turn), if the Source Wall is to your right, move it left so that it is between you and that player.


  • The players with Active Player markers take their turns simultaneously. You and the players directly adjacent to you may only gain cards from or interact with the Line-Up and stacks matching your Active Player marker’s Earth.
  • You may only interact with the players to your left and right. For example, if an Attack card would affect each foe, it only affects the foes to your left and right. The other players at the table are not affected by the Attack and cannot use a Defense card against it.
  • If multiple players have an effect where resolution order matters, they are resolved in clockwise order starting from the player with the Earth-1 Active Player marker.
  • When you end your turn, flip your Active Player marker over to its inactive “Destination” side and pass it to the player on your left.
  • When you are passed a token on its inactive side, refill the Line-Up matching its Destination Earth. If the previous player defeated a Nemesis, reveal a new Nemesis, place it on the appropriate side of the stacks, and resolve its First Appearance – Attack against yourself and the 2 players to your right. You will not start your turn until the other Active Player marker is also on its inactive side. Once both inactive markers have been passed and cards refreshed, the markers are flipped to their active sides and their controllers can begin their turns.
  • The game ends when either a Nemesis or Line-Up slot cannot be refilled.


These tokens allow you to use any of your oversized Characters in a Rivals or Confrontations game. You will follow most the same rules found in the Rivals/ Confrontations rulebook with the following changes:


  • Give each player a set of tokens of value 9, 12, and 15. Each player stacks the tokens with 15 on the bottom, 12 in the middle, and 9 on top.

After determining player order, deal out 3 rows of Characters, each with a number of Characters equal to the number of players plus 1. In reverse turn order, each player selects a Character from the top row to add to their team. Then, in turn order, each player selects a Character from the second row to add to their team. Finally, in reverse turn order, each player selects a Character from the bottom row. Return all unchosen Characters to the Multiverse Box. Each player chooses which of their 3 Characters will start on top of their stack and places it next to their cost tokens.


Your topmost Confrontation Cost token determines the cost of your Character. When a foe defeats your Character in a Confrontation, they place your topmost Cost token into their score pile and your Character is returned to the Multiverse Box. The back of the Cost token shows how much it is worth at the end of the game. You then look at your remaining Characters and decide which one to make your new active Character.


Below you will find various terms used in the different DC Deck-Building Game sets collected in one convenient place. If you forget what a term means, check this list before digging through other rulebooks.

  • Assist: While playing a team game, cards with the Assist keyword can be played during your teammate’s turn. Your teammate resolves all of the effects of the card, but it goes to your discard pile. During free-for-all games, you may put 1 Assist card from your hand on your Character each turn instead of playing it. You must play that card during your next turn.

  • Attack: Cards with this keyword have a negative effect for your opponents. When you play a card with an Attack ability, it will either affect all of your foes or a foe of your choice. Each affected foe has an opportunity to avoid the Attack with a Defense card. Then, in turn order, each player that did not avoid the Attack resolves the text after “Attack:”. If an Attack looks for a particular card and you do not have one in the place where the Attack looks, you suffer no effects of the Attack. An Attack is considered “successful” if at least 1 foe did not avoid the Attack and was affected by the Attack (i.e., gained a Weakness, discarded a card, etc.). Even if a foe is unaffected by an Attack, they are still considered to have “failed to avoid the Attack” if they do not use a Defense card.

  • Block: Block cards contain the keyword “Block” followed by a number in parentheses in their game text. After a foe Confronting you has played all of their cards, you may discard any number of Block cards from your hand to increase your Character’s cost by the total value in the parentheses. Any text after the Block keyword is now resolved. In order to prevent your foe from defeating your Character, you must discard enough Block cards to increase your cost to a number higher than your opponent’s Power total. The increased cost of your Character only lasts until the end of the current turn. Block cards may be played during your turn, just like any other card, but the Block text is not resolved.

  • Bombshell Attack: These cards have powerful effects that help you, the person playing the card, rather than harm your opponents. When you play a card with a Bombshell Attack, each foe, in turn order, may use a Defense card to stop the Bombshell Attack from going off. Once a foe has stopped the effect, no other foe may use a Defense card to stop it again. Only 1 Defense is required to stop the Bombshell Attack, no matter how many players are in the game. If a Bombshell Attack is negated by a foe, you still get all effects printed before the “Bombshell Attack:” text. The defending player still resolves all effects that are part of the Defense on the card they used, just like they would when they avoid a regular Attack. Bombshell Attack cards are considered Attack cards for all purposes.

  • Capture: When a Character becomes Captured, it is placed face up underneath The Batman Who Laughs. You no longer have access to the Captured Character’s ability.

  • Card Type: A card’s type can be found to the left in the middle bar of the card. If there is no text there, the card is considered not to have a type.
    Character: The oversized Super Heroes and Super-Villains that you play as may be referred to as Characters by certain card effects.

  • Confrontation: Text after this keyword is only resolved if you are currently in a Confrontation with a foe when you play the card. In a Rivals/Confrontations game, you must choose to enter a Confrontation at the start of your turn and you are not allowed to buy any cards except your foe’s Character during that turn.
    Contribute: Some Crisis cards require players to contribute certain types of cards to complete them. A player may only contribute cards to a Crisis during their turn after all start of turn effects have been resolved. Unless otherwise stated, cards can only be contributed from your hand.

  • Control: You control the cards in your play zone. These include the cards you played this turn and Ongoing cards still in play from a previous turn. You do not control cards in your hand, deck, or discard pile.

  • Defeat: This is a thematic term used for gaining a Villain.

  • Defense: Cards with this keyword allow you to avoid the negative effects of an Attack. This is not the same as playing the card. In order to use most Defense cards, they must be in your hand. A player may only utilize 1 Defense card per Attack. Most Defense cards give you a reward when you use them to avoid an Attack. The reward is listed after “If you do” on your Defense card. Avoiding an Attack does not negate any of the Attack card’s text prior to “Attack:” (like +2 Power). You may still use a Defense against an Attack that would do nothing to you to gain the Defense reward. Ignore any text after the word “Defense:” when you play the card.

  • Draw: Whenever an effect tells you to draw a card, take the top card of your deck and place it into your hand.

  • First Appearance — Attack: Most Nemesis cards possess this kind of Attack. This Attack is resolved against each player, but only when the Nemesis is revealed from the Nemesis stack. These can be avoided using a Defense card like any other Attack. This text is not considered active during any other part of the game, unless specifically referenced by a card effect.

  • Gain: Whenever you gain a card (most commonly by paying its cost), place it into your discard pile. You now are considered the owner of this card unless it is passed to another player, destroyed, or returned to the Line-Up or main deck.

  • Move: In Rebirth, Move points are used to move your Character around the Locations, giving you access to different cards to purchase. In Multiverse mode, you may spend Move to buy cards from the Event Line-Up. You can combine Move and Power when buying cards from the Event Line-Up.

  • Nemesis: The terms Super Hero, Super-Villain, and Homeworld should be considered interchangeable on standard-sized cards when referred to by card effects. The term Nemesis collectively refers to any of these standard-sized cards.

  • Ninjutsu: When you play a card with this keyword if you own that card, you may return it to the Line- Up. If you do, the text after this keyword becomes active. Ignore the Ninjutsu text if you choose not to return the card to the Line-Up or you do not own the card when playing it.

  • Ongoing: Cards with this keyword go straight to your discard pile when gained, just like any other card. However, when you later draw and play an Ongoing card, that card will remain face up and in play in front of you for the rest of the game. Ongoing cards are not put into your discard pile at the end of your turn like all of the other cards you play. The text after the “Ongoing:” keyword is not active while the card is in your hand and is only active for you while the card remains in play. The Ongoing effect may be used every turn. You can have any number of Ongoing cards in play at once.

  • Own: You own the cards that came from your deck, whether they are in play, being played, in your hand, deck, or discard pile. These cards either started the game in your deck or you gained them from another zone.

  • Pass: This action forces you to lose ownership of a card and give it to another player. That player becomes the new owner of the card and is considered to gain the card at this time.

  • Protector: When an attempt is made to conquer a Homeworld, you may reveal any number of Protectors of that Homeworld from your hand. Each revealed card reduces the Power of the conquer attempt by the number listed after its Protector keyword. The cards remain in your hand. Any number of players (in turn order) may reveal Protectors. If the conqueror no longer has enough Power to conquer the Homeworld, they can still use their Power to buy cards from the Line-Up.

  • Recruit: When you Recruit a Character, look at the top 2 cards of the unused Character stack. Choose one of them and put it in front of you. You may now use its abilities for the rest of the game. Place the one you did not choose face down on the bottom of the Character stack.

  • Rescue: When you rescue a Character, choose 1 Captured Character and put it in front of you. You may now use its abilities for the rest of the game.

  • Replace: When you are instructed to replace a card, take the top card of the main deck and put it into the Line-Up slot the previous card was in.

  • Retaliation: These act like “Last Appearance — Attacks.” When you defeat a Nemesis with this keyword, its Retaliation is resolved against each player. These can be avoided with a Defense. Note: If this is on a Homeworld, it only affects the players of your faction.

  • Rotate: Cards enter play upright. When you rotate a card, turn it 90° in the indicated direction. When a rotated card leaves play, it loses the rotated status. Ongoing cards maintain their rotated status between turns.

  • Score Pile: This is a facedown pile of cards next to your Character. Cards and tokens in this pile count toward your score at the end of the game, but you cannot interact with them unless a card effect specifically allows you to.

  • Seal: When you are told to Seal a card, put it into your score pile.

  • Speedster: When you play a Speedster card, the text after “Speedster:” is only active if you drew a card earlier that turn. Drawing cards does not activate the Speedster cards you played earlier in that turn. A Speedster card that draws a card will not trigger its own Speedster effect. Drawing 1 card will activate the Speedster effect of all cards you play later that turn. Some cards have an additional effect if you control a Speedster card. As long as you control a card with this keyword, you will get the bonus, even if you have not already drawn a card this turn.

  • Subtype: Subtypes are found to the right of the card type in the middle of the card. The current possible subtypes are: Construct, Metal, Move, Signature, Spell, Super-Villain, Super Hero, and Unity.

  • Surge: When a card tells you to Surge, that means to add the top card of the main deck to the main Line-Up.

  • Teamwork: This effect allows you to play the top card of a foe’s deck. The card is returned to the top of that foe’s deck when the card leaves play. This normally happens at the end of the turn, unless the card has the Ongoing keyword. A Character with this effect can choose to use this effect once during each of their turns. Doing so causes the foe whose card was played to gain 1 VP.

  • Time Travel: If a card has the Time Travel keyword, that means that you may discard a card from your hand to play that card from the Line-Up. If you do, return it to the Line-Up it came from at the end of your turn. The card remains in your play zone until the end of your turn and cannot be gained or purchased.

  • VP Tokens: When a card effect instructs you to gain or lose a specified number of Victory Points, gain or lose that value in VP tokens. You may freely exchange your VP tokens with those in the general supply if you need to “make change” or consolidate smaller value tokens into higher denominations.

  • Zones: A card can exist in any of the following zones: hand, player deck, discard pile, in play, score pile, on your Character, under your Character, main deck, Line-Up, destroyed pile, or Multiverse Box.

More Information


  • Game Design: Matt Hyra and Nathaniel Yamaguchi
  • Game Development: Matt Hyra, Matt Dunn, Nathaniel Yamaguchi
  • Graphic: Design Larry Renac, John Vineyard
  • Editor: Shahriar Fouladi
  • Playtesters: Richelle Brady, Robert Gasio III, John Hershey, Shannah Linker, Marcos Payan, Nicholas Scamman, Michael Shaneman, and many others.

Cryptozoic Entertainment

  • CEO & Founder: John Sepenuk
  • Founder: Cory Jones
  • Founder: John Nee
  • Director, Product Development & Marketing: Shahriar Fouladi
  • Director, Operations: Ming Wan
  • Sales: Tim Korklewski
  • Business Manager: Rumi Asai
  • Special Thanks:  Carl Braun, Rachel Del Rio, Matt Hoffman, Austin Mercado, Chris Mixer, Malcolm Morales, Jeff Parker, Colin Robinson, MaryCarmen Wilber, Mataio Wilson


  • 25351 Commercentre Dr., Suite 250, Lake Forest, CA 92630
  • Made in China.

All DC characters and elements © & ™ DC. (s22)
© 2022 Cryptozoic Entertainment.


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