PEAKNX PNX22-10001 Performance Server User Guide

June 10, 2024

PEAKNX PNX22-10001 Performance Server


Product Information

The Performance Server is a device that provides secure and flexible building control. It comes with the YOUVI visualization software and an app for building control within the smart home. The mobile app runs on iOS or Android devices, while the visualization software requires Windows 10. The device also supports YOUVI add-ons for voice control or door communication to extend its scope of functions. The Performance Server requires a power supply, network, and internet access to function. It should be installed in a server rack, and the supplied IEC power plug should be connected to a wall socket with a voltage range of 200-240 V~. It should also be connected to the network using at least CAT5e cabling and a KNX cable.

Important Safety Instructions

It is important to immediately disconnect the Performance Server from the power supply if there are any traces of smoke (short circuit) or damaged cables, or if there has been any contact with liquids. Opening the Performance Server terminates the warranty, except for opening the front cover with the included key. No changes, attachments, or conversions should be made to the server, and any faults that could affect safety should be rectified immediately by contacting support at +49-6151-27918-25.

Important Notes on Use and Commissioning

Only use the supplied cable for the power connection, as cables of older power supply series may cause defects. Do not operate the unit with wet or damp hands, and do not operate the server until it has been exposed to the ambient air for one hour to prevent condensation from forming inside the unit. The server should not be operated directly next to a heater or another heat source, as this can reduce the service life of all components and cause failures. The server should only be used indoors, and if it needs to be cleaned, the power supply should be disconnected beforehand and a dry cloth should be used to clean it.

Recommended Procedure for YOUVI Setup

During the starting process, TeamViewer is started on the server, and the enclosed information sheet provides access to the server. YOUVI requires network access during the first start to obtain an IP address and internet access to load the visualization or further add-ons. After that, no internet connection is required for YOUVI to function, only to install updates.

Instruction Videos

Instruction videos for the Performance Server are available at ETS-Import:

Performance Server

Information for setup

Product Item number
Performance Server PNX22-10001


Safety instructions


Immediately disconnect the Performance Server from the power supply if.

  • you discover traces of smoke (short circuit) or damaged cables.
  • there has been any contact with liquids.

Important warranty notes

Opening the Performance Server terminates the warranty.

▪ This does not apply to opening the front cover with the included key.
▪ Do not make any changes, attachments, or conversions to the server.
▪ In particular, have any faults that could affect safety rectified immediately. For this purpose, contact our support: at +49-6151-27918-25.

Important notes on use and commissioning

  • Only use the supplied cable for the power connection (voltage range: 200 – 240 V~). Cables of older power supply series may cause defects.
  • Never operate the unit with wet or damp hands.
  • Do not operate the server until it has been exposed to the ambient air for one hour, otherwise condensation may form inside the unit.


  • Do not operate the server directly next to a heater or another heat source, as this will reduce the service life of all components and may cause failures.
  • Only use the server indoors.


  • If you want to clean the server and especially the power supply unit, disconnect the power supply beforehand and do not use damp cloths or liquids. Use a dry cloth.


The Performance Server ensures secure, flexible building control. It provides the YOUVI visualization to all connected end devices. To use the visualization, Windows 10 is required. Furthermore, an app for building control within the smart home is included. The mobile app runs on iOS or Android devices. The YOUVI add-ons provide further features, such as voice control or door communication to extend YOUVI‘s scope of functions.
Note: The range of functions of the smartphone app is limited compared to the visualization (Windows app). Find out more about the functions supported by the mobile app in the YOUVI Scope of Functions at > YOUVI > Documents.

Connecting the Performance Server

To set up the Performance Server, you need a power supply as well as network and Internet access.

Install the server in your server rack:

  • Make sure that the rocker switch underneath the power connection is switched off and plug the supplied IEC power plug into the server.
  • Insert the plug into a wall socket (Voltage range: 200 – 240 V~).
  • Connect the server to the network (cabling standard at least CAT5e).
  • Connect the server with a KNX cable.
  • Turn on the rocker switch underneath the power connection.
  • During the starting process, TeamViewer is started on the server.
  • Use the TeamViewer access on the enclosed information sheet to access the server.
    • Note: You can also set up YOUVI via the browser without TeamViewer. TeamViewer is recommended for setting up the visualization on the panel (display unit).

The recommended procedure for the YOUVI setup

Note: YOUVI requires network access during the first start to obtain an IP address and Internet access to load the visualization or further add-ons. After that, no Internet connection is required for YOUVI to function, only to install updates. YOUVI is already pre-installed on the Performance Server. Therefore, only the YOUVI installation on the clients used is necessary for the setup.
The project is then set up:

  1. Install YOUVI on Windows clients
  2. Make basic settings in the configuration menu
  3. Check the imported project and create additional functions
  4. Optional: Install and set up add-ons
  5. Create additional functions in the visualisation
  6. Save the YOUVI project
  7. Create the dashboard
  8. Create a client backup
  9. Optional: Create and backup additional dashboards for other clients

Install YOUVI on Windows clients

Note: Make sure that the Performance Server and the Windows clients (display unit) are on the same network and can be found on the network.

  • Copy the installer “YOUVI Autostart.exe” from the supplied USB flash drive to the Windows 10 devices that you want to use as clients with the visualization. The visualization is optimized for the PEAKnx panels Controlmicro, Controlmini, and Control.
  • Double-click “YOUVI Autostart.exe”.
  • Select Installation and under Setup Wizard: “Install now”.
  • During the installation, select “install YOUVI Client” and, if necessary, select if necessary the server from the list.
  • After installation, click on the greenhouse in the info area of the taskbar to open the configuration.
  • With a right click or long-finger press on the house icon, you will see more options:PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-2
  1. Program overview and access to YOUVI Basic software and add-ons
  2. Panel settings (overview of Control micro sensors and ambient light)
  3. Server selection for the YOUVI client
  4. YOUVI program help
    • Open the Dashboard page (1) and go to “Install visualization”.

Make basic settings in the configuration menu

  • Return to the server. You can now continue to work on the device via TeamViewer or call up YOUVI Configuration via the browser:

Access YOUVI Configuration via the browser

  • Enter :31226 in the browser to get to the server configuration menu.
    • Note: Depending on the available ports, access to YOUVI Configuration may vary. By default, port 31226 is used.
  • You can see the port used when you open YOUVI Configuration via the desktop shortcut on the panel. The IP address is shown in the server overview, chapter 3.1, picture, pos 3.PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-3
  • The default language in YOUVI Configuration after installation is English.
  • On the General page, assign a name for the YOUVI server.
  • Switch to the General > Projects page and upload your KNX project via the Upload- button.
    • Note: Do not use spaces or special characters in the project name to avoid processing errors.
  • While the ETS project is being uploaded, click on „Activate device passing “ in the pop-up. Your ETS project is read out by YOUVI and the visualization is automatically created.

Check the imported project and create additional functions

Information on ETS project preparation

A video about the ETS project can be found inside the page cover. To guarantee a successful readout of the project, please check the following points:

  • Work with the ETS 5 or 6.
  • The room assignment of the devices (light, shutter, etc.) is realized via push buttons or ETS functions that are located in the corresponding room. If push buttons for a device are located in multiple rooms, or if there are no push buttons for certain devices, use ETS functions to precisely assign the rooms. The push buttons or ETS functions share at least one group address with the actuator in order to implement the room assignment of the device.
  • Make sure to always assign only one device to one ETS function.
  • Create a control cabinet in the rooms for sub-distribution.
  • Group address names are used in YOUVI as device names, so name them in a comprehensive way, for example: “ground floor living room ceiling light (s)”.
  • Give group addresses of a device identical names, only adding a word or different letters at the end to distinguish them, such as “feedback”, “switch”, or others. These additions will be filtered out by YOUVI and will not appear in the visualization. You will find more on reading out the device names and naming with voice control in the YOUVI Help > FAQs > Notes for your ETS project.
  • Use the table in YOUVI Program Help > FAQs > Tips for your ETS project to make devices recognizable for YOUVI. Here you can see which group objects and data point types must be at least present at the actuators for device identification.
  • Define active feedback for the devices.
  • Export the project as a knxproj file.
    • Note: When creating a new project, use the ETS project wizard.
  • Click on the arrow on the right to view the imported ETS project:PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-4
  • On the left, select the top level of your building to get an overview of all parsed devices in the middle: PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-5
  • Click on the respective device to check name, device type, icon, group addresses and room assignment and edit it if necessary.
    • Note: If the project import did not work as expected, check the info box at the beginning of chapter 3.3 for more information on preparing the ETS project. If you edit the ETS project accor-ding to the parsing requirements and want to re-upload it, go to YOUVI Configuration > General> Projects to delete the old project ticking the “-” button and upload the new one via the upload button.
  • Edit the building structure by selecting the corresponding building parts on the left and editing them on the right. Or create new building parts using the “Add” button on the lower left.
  • Switch to the “Group addresses” tab. Group addresses that are not assigned to a device in YOUVI are marked with an icon in the overview:PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-6
  • Select the “+” button next to the search field to create the corresponding device manually.
  • By doing so, check all devices in your project.
  • Then switch back to the configuration menu with the „Back to Configuration“ button.
    • Note: In the first version, the project editor does not yet support all functions that can be used in the visualisation. In the YOUVI programme help > Project editor you will find additional functi-ons that can be created in the visualization.

Option: Installing and setting up add-ons
If you want to use add-ons permanently, you need to purchase a license once. Additional functions available include, for example, a logic editor, IP camera widgets or voice control. The latest add-ons can be found on the YOUVI Configuration Dashboard page. For more information on how to set up the add- ons, see the program help topics “Modules” or “Bridges”.
Creating additional functions in the visualization
If you want to set up the building control for the app only, open the visualization on the server.

  • Use remote desktop applications such as TeamViewer or AnyDesk to set up the visualization on the Windows client.

  • Select the red icon above “Visualisation” on the Dashboard page.
    The visualization opens on the Settings page.

  • In Connection Settings, you can see which YOUVI server you are connected to. The red font indicates a connection. Select the desired server and click the check mark if there is no connection to a server yet. In special cases, you can also add the server manually by selecting “Add” and entering the IP address of the device.

  • Enable the Edit mode.

  • Switch to the building overview by selecting the house icon on the bar on the left (Controlmi-crop in portrait format: below).

  • The imported project is shown in the visualization.

  • In the “Unassigned devices” room you will find all devices that YOUVI could not clearly assign to a room. It is only visible in edit mode.

    • Note: In case of problems in the visualisation, you can find the YOUVI program help under Settings > About YOUVI Visu.
  • If you want to create scenes, specific group functions or additional devices that are not yet supported by the project editor, click on the “Add” button in the building overview and select the desired element to create it.

  • When all devices and functions have been created, deactivate the edit mode.

  • Set timer: Switch to any room and click on the gearwheel on any device to set timers.

Save the YOUVI project

  • Switch back to the server to save the YOUVI project.
  • In YOUVI Configuration on the General > General page you will find the item “YOUVI server Backup.” Click on the “Backup” button. The central backup is created and placed in the „Downloads“ folder.
  • Create a folder for your backup files and move the backup file to this folder.

Creating the dashboard

Note: Skip this chapter if you only want to set up the mobile app.
The dashboard of the visualisation gives you an overview of your favourite functions. To create it, the most important functions are simply “pinned” to it. Switch back to your client (display unit) to set up the dashboard.

  • Switch back to the visualisation and switch on the Edit mode.
  •  Switch to the room overview. Open each room and select the dashboard icon on the respective tile to add it to the dashboard.
  •  The dashboard icon next to the room name adds the room to the dashboard.
  • The group tiles on the trades page can also be added to the dashboard.
  • Now switch to the dashboard page. Expand tiles by using the arrow icon on each tile. In some cases, expanding the tile also gives you additional functions. This is the case for heating, blinds, weather station or room buttons.
  • On the dashboard you can move the tiles by drag & drop.
  • During this process the grid always fills from left to right. Use placeholders (“+ placeholder“ button) to fill empty spaces. For example, you can fill the end of a row with placeholders so that the new device tile can be pinned to the next row.
  • You can create up to five different dashboard pages and choose out of three dashboard layouts (“Layout” button).
  • If you have set up IP cameras, a door station or a sound system, add a corresponding widget via “+ camera” “+door station” etc. (For the Control micro: “Add” button).
  • To add web pages to your dashboard, select “+ Web Widgets”.
  • At the end, turn off the Edit mode again.
  • Under Settings > YOUVI Settings click “Activate” under “Autostart” to open the visualization automatically after a restart.
  • In this menu you can additionally select temperatures for the title bar as well as the light or dark theme of the visualisation.

Creating a client backup

Note: Skip this chapter if you only want to set up the mobile app.

  • Under Settings > YOUVI Settings you will find the item “Visualisation Backup”. Click on “Save”.
  • Name the backup for unique client association and place it in the created backup folder on the server.
  • ou will find further information on backups in the program help.

Optional: Creating and saving additional dashboards for other clients.

  • Perform steps 3.7 and 3.8 for additional client panels. It is not necessary to backup the YOUVI project again if only the dashboards are set up.

Establish a connection to the KNX network

The KNX Status in YOUVI Configuration shows you if a KNX connection has been established.

  • After the YOUVI installation, the KNX status should be “Connected”, as shown in the picture.
  • If the KNX connection cannot be established, go to KNX > KNX Connection in YOUVI Configu-ration and connect manually to the displayed interface.PEAKNX-PNX22-10001-Performance-Server-fig-7

Notes on the bus monitor and IP router

The bus monitor and IP router need no further configuration and are ready for immediate use. The bus monitor for displaying and processing bus telegrams can be accessed via the Dashbo-ard page in YOUVI Configuration. The IP router controls the communication between the KNX bus and the connected devices in your LAN (computers, tablets, smartphones). It can be found in the menu item KNX > KNXnet/IP-Router.
Note: If you want to operate more than one KNX/IP router in the same KNX network, the mul-ticast addresses must be different. If they both communicate over the same multicast address, this will result in a circulating message.

Help and support

You will find further information in the YOUVI-Program-Help, see chapter 2.1 Graphic, pos 4. For further assistance please contact our support team:

Subject to change without notice

Content changes in this documentation, which serve the technical progress, are made without prior notice. This documentation has been prepared with great care and will be revised at regular intervals. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee complete accuracy. All known errors are eliminated in new editions. For any indication of errors in this documentation, we are always grateful.

Disposal notes

Do not dispose the old device in the household waste! Observe the EU Directive 2012/19/EU on environmentally friendly disposal of used electrical/electronic equipment. Waste of electrical and electronic equipment can.

  • contain hazardous substances that are harmful to health and the environment.
  • contain valuable substances that are to be reused.
  • Therefore, do not dispose of with household waste.
  • Waste of electrical and electronic equipment can be returned to public collection points.


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