brightspace G-W Digital Solutions User Guide

June 11, 2024

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Product Information

Brightspace Quick Start Guide for Instructors

G-W Digital Solutions EduHub, Powered by Brightspace is an online learning platform designed for instructors to manage and deliver their courses to students. This platform offers various tools and features including course administration, announcements, gradebook, assignments, quizzes, groups, and more. The Quick Start Guide for Instructors provides step-by-step instructions on how to self-enroll in EduHub, access the course, navigate the tabs, unhide the weekly content modules, and activate the course materials.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. To self-enroll in EduHub, go to the finalized ShuffleLabs URL and enter your unique course code provided by your instructor. Once your enrollment is approved, your account will be created and you can log in at
  2. You can access your course via the Course Home widget on the Brightspace homepage.
  3. After entering your course, you can navigate it via the tabs near the top of the page:
    • Course Home: Takes you to the homepage of your course where you can find announcements, helpful links, an overview of the activity in the course, and your teacher profile.
    • My Brightspace: Here you can find the awards, your calendar, class progress, and the Learning Resource tab.
    • Content: Takes you to the content page of the course with all course modules and resources.
    • Classlist: Your course roster with a list of all students in the course.
    • Course Tools: All additional course tools, including course administration, announcements, the grade book, assignments, quizzes, groups, and more.
  4. As the instructor, you need to unhide the weekly content modules so they will be visible to students. Go to the modules in the Content tab and click on the slider icon to change it to visible. This will remove the crossed-out eyeball from the content and it will be visible to students.
  5. NOTE: Do not make your instructor resources and activation link under the Resources module visible. This is for your access only.
  6. NOTE: If your students do not activate their course materials with a key code within 2 weeks of the course starting, they will be removed from the course.

EduHub, Powered by Brightspace Quick Start Guide for Instructors

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Quick Start Guide

  1. To self-enroll in EduHub, Powered by Brightspace, go to (finalized ShuffleLabs URL). You will need your unique course code that was provided by your instructor to complete enrollment. Once your enrollment has been approved, your account will be created and you will be enrolled in your course. You will then be able to login at

  2. You can access your course via the Course Home widget on the Brightspace homepage bright-space-G-W-Digital-Solutions-fig-2

  3. After entering your course, you will be able to navigate it via the tabs near the top of the page bright-space-G-W-Digital-Solutions-fig-3

    •  Course Home: Takes you to the homepage of your course. Here you will find announcements, helpful links, an overview of the activity in the course, and your teacher profile
    • My Brightspace: Here you will find the awards, your calendar, class progress, and the Learning Resource tab.
    • Content: Takes you to the content page of the course with all course modules and resources.
    • Classlist: Your course roster with a list of all students in the course.
    • Course Tools: All additional course tools, including course administration, announcements, the grade book, assignments, quizzes, groups, and more.
  4. You can activate your course materials via the Content tab under the Resources module. First, go to Content → Resources → Code to Activate to see your Instructor Resource code.

    • NOTE: This activation code is hidden from students by default. DO NOT unhide it when you are opening the course content to students.
      Finally, go to Content → Resources → Activate Your Subscription to begin the activation process. Enter your code in the key code box, and click the Activate Key Code button to confirm your activation. bright-space-G-W
  5. As the instructor, you will need to unhide the weekly content modules so they will be visible to students. You can do this by going to the modules in the Content tab and clicking on the slider icon to change it to visible. This will remove the crossed-out eyeball from the content and it will be visible to students. NOTE: Do not make your instructor resources and activation link under the Resources module visible. This is for your access only.

    • NOTE: If your students do not activate their course materials with a key code within 2 weeks of the course starting, they will be removed from the course.


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