Medisafe MUM-0100-00 Pill and Med Reminder User Guide

June 11, 2024

Pill & Med Reminder Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med
Reminder for Android Operating System User Manual

© 2013-2022 by Medisafe Inc., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Third-party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
The Medisafe® Pill & Med Reminder is covered by one or more of the following Patents:

  • USA:
  • Israel:
    P.N.: MUM-0100-00 Rev. 1.0 September 2022

About Medisafe Pill & Med Reminder

1.1. Intended Use / Indications for Use
Medisafe’s intended use is as a personal assist software device to provide alerts to patients for pre-determined medication dosing schedules.
1.2. Medisafe ® Pill & Med Reminder Overview
The Medisafe® Pill & Med Reminder is a digital platform that supports complete treatment management through a combination of advanced technology and expert knowledge.
1.3. Reading the Screen
The Medisafe® Pill & Med Reminder App uses its proprietary icons and symbols alongside those native to the Android OS. Table 1 below details  the Medisafe® icons and symbols used in the app. Table 1: Reading the Screen

Icon/Symbol Description

Safety and Compliance

2.1. Safety Precautions

  • charge mobile device
  • remove the Medisafe application from low power mode settings
  • replace the damaged mobile device
  • if using a smart watch, make sure your watch and mobile device are within range to be synchronized and verify that the dose taken is marked on the watch is also marked on mobile app
  • to avoid skipping medication, in your mobile device settings, allow the app to send notifications
  • to avoid skipping medication, do not set your mobile device to silent mode
  • device close in order to receive the indications
  •  if the medication is taken as injection, verify that the correct body part is indicated in the medication settings
  • never take your medication in the dark
  • To avoid confusion, always use your vision aid when using the app or taking medication

2.2. Software Safety Classification
The Software Safety Classification (SSC) has been determined according to the requirements stated in IEC 62304 as Class B.
2.3. Applicable Standards
Table 2: Quality System Standards

Source Number Title
IEC 62304 Medical Device Software – software life cycle processes
ISO 13485 Medical Devices – quality management systems – requirements for

regulatory purposes
ISO| 14971| Medical Devices – application of risk management to medical devices
ISO TIR| 24971| Medical devices Guidance ISO
— on the application of 14971

First Steps

3.1. Download the App
To download the app, tap the GET IT ON Google Play button.

3.2. Get Started
After the app has been successfully downloaded and installed on your device, run the app to display the welcome screen.
If you already have a Medisafe account, tap Log In.
Note: The profile creation sequence will create a guest profile for you to use in the app. To sign up with a Medisafe account, see section 5.8.
Note: You can skip the profile creation altogether by tapping the back button on android. The app will recognize you as Guest if you have not created a profile. To create a profile, tap Get Started.
The app will display the profile creation sequence, where you will:

  1. Indicate whether you are going to monitor you own health or somebody else’s.
  2. Enter a name for the profile.
  3. Tap Next.
  4. Choose the way you identify.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig 1
  5. State your birth date.Note: You must be 18 or older to use the app
  6. Select what you hope to achieve with the app.
  7. Tap Done to complete your profile. Your profile is now created, and you can begin using the app. Tap Add my med from the Welcome screen to add your first med.

User Interface

4.1. Home Screen
After customizing your Medisafe experience as desired, you will be able to see all the used features on the home screen.
A calendar will be at the top of the screen allowing you to view specific dates along with any relevant information for them.
In the middle of the screen, you will be able to view a specific day’s medication intake, tracker status, and a custom dose if there was one.
The home screen will also indicate if a medication/dose was taken or missed and if the tracker was updated at the set time. The medication tabs will show the date and time when they were taken in green text and have a green tick icon next to the medication icon.

If the medication time was missed, the tab will show the word “Missed” in red text and show a red exclamation mark next to the medication icon.
Note: The take option appears if you have not taken the medication on time and the un-take option appears if you have indicated that you have taken it. Additionally, you can skip, snooze, or reschedule the medication. This can be done from a medication tab on the home screen or from a medication reminder popup.
To skip a medication intake, tap SKIP on the med tab, and choose a reason the med was skipped from the available options. If you do not want to indicate the reason, tap Other. You can also turn off this popup by tapping the switch labeled Ask me every time at the bottom of the popup.
When a med is skipped, it will be marked with an X in a gray circle next to the med icon.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig
3To reschedule a med intake, tap RESCHEDULE in the med tab and set the date and time when you will take it instead.
When a med is rescheduled or snoozed, you will see a blue clock icon next to it.

Note: You can reschedule meds for any other time and day, but snoozing is meant to complete the intake during the same day and can only be done from the med reminder.
To snooze a med, tap SNOOZE on the med reminder and set the time. You delay it for up to 2 hours or until you get home/work.
If you snooze a med, it will display the same as if it was rescheduled, with a blue clock icon next to it.
Note: The status of medication intake can be modified. It can be rescheduled, skipped, taken and un-taken at any time.

4.1.1. Add Medication
For instructions as to how to add medications, refer to section 5.
4.1.2. Add Tracker Entry
For instructions as to how to add tracker entries, refer to section 8.1.
4.1.3. Add Doses
The Dose feature helps you schedule and plan specific instances of medication use. By making, a custom dose, you can:

  • Add instructions for a specific date and time to take the medication
  • Specify/edit the med strength (i.e., how many mg?)
  • How much of the medication to take (i.e., how many pills?)
  • Add notes with special instructions and reminders.
    Note: The doses work separately from the regular schedule you set when adding a medication, as they are for specific dates and times
    To make a custom dose, tap the red plus icon at the bottom right of the home screen and select Add Dose. Next, you will see a screen letting you choose which medication to make a custom dose for.
    After choosing the desired medication, you will see a screen where you can edit the med strength, amount taken, and notes.

4.2. Updates Tab
You can access the updates page from the home screen.
On this page you can view:

  • Updates on the app
  • Tips on troubleshooting
  • Additional information on the medications they are taking (as shown in section 7.2)
  • Helpful daily tips about the app
  • Videos of Q&A’s with Medisafe
  • Missed medications

4.3. Medications Screen
You may view your meds at any time by tapping the Medications screen on the home screen.
This tab contains all your tracked medications and shows their name, dosage, time for the next reminder, and the amount left for each one of them.
You can add new meds on this screen by tapping Add a med at the bottom of the screen.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig
11You can send a list of your medications via email or messaging service by tapping the paper airplane icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Adding and Managing Medications

To add a new medication, tap Add my med. The app will start a sequence of Add Medication screens to help you set up and keep track of a specific medication.
You can add new meds either from the Home tabor from the Medications tab.

5.1. Search for Medication
After tapping Add my med, in the first Add Medication screen, type the name of the medication you want to manage.
The search engine will provide a list of brand medications if you search for a common name, such as Ibuprofen.
If your medicine is listed, pick its name from the list.
If your medicine is not listed, save the name you wrote by tapping Keep my original selection.
The medicine profile will be created.

5.2. What form is the med?
In the medicine profile, select the form of the medication.
When selecting a brand medication from the list, the app will recommend the known forms of medication.
For example: If you selected Advil, the options will be tablets or liquid filled capsules.
If your form of the medications is not listed, tap Other to specify the form of the medication and how it is taken.
Once the form is entered, select the way you take the medication, what form it takes, and the dosage used. For example: “By mouth – Pill – 200mg”.
Tap Next to continue.

5.3. What are you taking it for?
Optionally, you can use the search engine to find the symptoms or condition for which you take the selected medicine.
If you do not want to indicate a condition, tap Skip at the top right corner of the screen.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig
16 5.4. How often do you take it?
In the next screen, select the option of how often you take the medication from the presented list or tap Other to set your own custom interval.
5.5. Dose Time and Size
In the next three screens you can set the time of day and the hour you take the first dose, and the amount of medication taken.

Note: The app’s screen will read First dose even if there is only a single dose in a day. If there are more doses, the app will ask for the same information for every dose. 5.6. Additional Options
Before completing the medication profile, you will be offered optional settings for this the specific medication. Here you can:

  • Set treatment duration
  • Set refill reminders
  • Add instructions
  • Change the med icon

Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig 20 Note: After the additional options are set, these settings will be displayed on the same screen with a green tick next to them.
5.6.1. Treatment Duration
If you choose to specify the duration for the treatment, set a date for the start of the treatment plan.
In the next screen, select when your treatment ends.
Choose from the pre-set options, set the date manually or select Ongoing treatment if the end date is unknownMedisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med
Reminder - fig 21 5.6.2. Refill Reminders
If you choose to set up refill reminders, state:

  • How much of this medication you have left

  • At what remaining quantity you would like to be reminded

  • What time of the day you would receive the reminder
    The app will count the intake of medication daily and remind you to refill at your preferred time and med count. 5.6.3. Additional Instructions
    In addition, you can add instructions as to whether this medication is to be taken before, during or after a meal and add your own custom instructions if necessary.

5.6.4. Med Icon
The last optional setting is the shape and color the app will use to represent the medication on the Home screen.
This setting is for visualization only and does not affect the other settings for the medication.

5.7. Medication Profile Complete
After you have completed setting up the medication profile, review it and tap Save to complete. Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig
27A popup message will inform you that you have successfully added the new medication. Tap Add another Med + to add an additional medication or I’m Done, to return to the Home screen.
When you want to add new meds, tap the red plus icon in the lower right corner of the screen and tap Add Medication.
Note: You can adda new medication at any time. 5.8. Unique Med Interaction and Profiles
Some medications have unique and personalized interactions, settings and information which are not encountered in most meds.
For example: ONCLEGEN If you are prescribed ONCLEGEN and want to add it to your list of medications…

Account and Profile

6.1. Signing Up
To minimize the risk of losing your data, it is recommended to sign up and create a Medisafe account in the app.
To create an account, tap the profile avatar in the top left corner of the home screen, and then tap Create Profile below the username.
Note: If you have created the profile as shown in section 3.2, you will see Edit Profile.
If you have skipped profile creation at the beginning, you will see the default guest profile and Create Profile as shown if the figure. When creating your account, you will be able to choose an avatar or a photo for the profile and edityour personal information:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Birth date
  • Default theme color
  • Zip code

When you have filled in your information, tap Sign Up to go to the next step. You will now input your Email address and password for this account.
Note: By tapping Sign Up or Save, you consent to the association of your personal information with your health information, and you confirm that you have read and agreed to Medisafe’s terms and privacy policy.
After you have entered the email address, a confirmation code will be emailed to you. You can tap Resend if you have not received the confirmation email.
If you decide not to create an account at this time, tap Cancel Sign Up. Tap ENTER CONFIRMATION CODE, enter the code you received, and tap CONFIRM.
You are now signed up to Medisafe.

6.2. Logging In
All your information, settings, med profiles, and other data are saved on your account and can only be accessed while logged in.
If you log out manually or reinstall the app, it will reset, and only restore the account information After logging back in.
To do so, either tap Log In on the welcome screen, or in the profile window of the home screen and enter your account’s Email and password.
Note: If after being logged out you do not log back in to your Medisafe account, you will be prompted to create a new profile or use a guest profile.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder -

6.3. Adding Dependents
Dependents are people or family members for whom you want to manage medication.
Add dependents by tapping on your profile avatar in the top left corner of the home screen, and then tapping Add dependent. You will see a profile creation screen like the one you have made for yourself (see section 5.8). This will be the profile of your dependent.
When you have finished inputting their info, tap Done to finish the profile creation.
Note: by tapping Done, you confirm that you have received the consent of the dependent (when applicable) to the association of the dependents personal information with their health information and confirm that you have read and agreed to Medisafe’s Terms and Privacy Policy. Now that you have a dependent, you can use the app and all its features for yourself, as well as for managing the dependent’s medicine. You can switch between the profiles at any time.
Note: users with a free account can only manage the health of one dependent. To add more than one dependent, you will have to purchase Medisafe Premium. 6.4. Inviting Medifriends
Medifriends are family members or friends that help you remember to take your medication in case you forget.
To invite a Medifriend, tap on the profile avatar in the top left corner of the home screen, and then tap on Invite Medifriend.
This will take you to the Medifriend profile creation screen.
When creating a Medifriend profile, you can add their name, phone number, and Email or you can just choose them out of your phone’s contacts.
At the bottom of the screen, you will see a switch option labeled Share my meds with this Medfriend.
If you choose to share your meds with a Medfriend, they will see your adherence to your med’s schedule.
When you are done, tap Send to send the contact a Medifriend invite.
Note: users with a free account can only add one Medifriend. To add more than one Medifriend, upgrade to Medisafe Premium. After sending a Medfriend invite, it will be pending until the invited user approves the request.
After approving the invitation, your new Medfriend will be informed whenever you miss your medication so they can contact you with a reminder.
When receiving a Medfriend request, you will have to approve the request before you can see your Medfriend’s Med adherence. After approval, you will be taken to a screen explaining how Medfriend notifications work.
Finally, you can share what medication you are taking with your new Medfriend.
To share your med info with your Medfriend, tap the Share my meds switch on the screen.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig

Information on Meds, Interactions, and Substances

On the Medication intake status dialogue, additional information about the medication can be accessed by tapping the information icon at the top left of the dialogue box.

7.1. Info
After tapping the icon, you will be taken to the info screen of the selected medication. On this screen you will see the set treatment information for your medication.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig

On this screen you can:

  • Delete the medication by tapping the trash can icon at the top right corner
  • Edit all the medication’s features shown in section 4 by tapping the pencil icon in the top right corner
  • View when the medication was last recorded being taken
  •  Set, suspend, and view reminders for the medication
  • View the condition for which you are taking the medication
  • View How many meds you have left, record the refill and its price
  • View instructions for intake
  • Read more about the medication
  • Add a custom dose as in section 4.1.1

7.2. Additional Info on the Medication
You can read more about the medication you are taking by tapping the document icon at the bottom of the info tab. This will take you to a page containing a summary of information on the medication. (In this example: Percocet)
This page includes information on:

  • What is this medicine?
  • What may interact with this medicine?
  • What if I miss a dose?
  • What should I watch for while using this medicine?
  • What side effects may I notice from receiving this medicine?
  • How should I use this medicine?
  • Where should I keep this medicine?
    Note: This page is not a substitute for a professional opinion/instruction and may not cover

Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig 45all relevant information on a specific medicine.
Relevant disclaimers are at the bottom of the page.
Note: The page contains a zoom in function to enlarge the text for your reading comfort.
7.3. Interactions
Besides the Info tab, this screen also contains the Interactions tab.
This tab contains a summary on interactions between the currently viewed medication and othersubstances as well as interactions with any other medications you have added. Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig

The More Tab

In this tab you will find utilities, settings, and ways to further customize your Medisafe experience.
In this tab you can:

  • Access your health trackers & measurements
  • Make notes
  • Schedule appointments
  • Add profiles for your doctors
  • Record medication refills
  • Make status reports
  • Access the app settings
  • Get help and support
  • Access the app’s troubleshooting

Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig 50 8.1. Health Trackers & Measurements
Health trackers help you keep track of various vitals and symptoms and their severity and make notes related to those trackers.
Health trackers can be set up from the home screen by tapping the red plus icon at the bottom right of the screen and selecting Add Health Tracker.
When tapping Add Health Tracker for the first time, you will be taken to a screen, summarizing the function of health trackers.
You will be prompted to tap Start tracking to begin creating a new tracker.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder -

8.1.1. What would you like to track?
Continue to a selection screen where you will be asked to pick a tracker relevant to you.
You can also search for a specific tracker using the search engine as shown in the figure.
8.1.2. Set Reminders
The health trackers rely on your regular input.
You will be asked in the next screen if you would like reminders to track changes on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as what time of day you would like to be reminded.

8.1.3. Tracking and Notes
After creating the health tracker, you will be taken automatically to a screen labeled My Health Trackers.
Here you can view, update, change, and remove the trackers you have made.
Additionally, you can add notes concerning a specific tracker, or unrelated notes.
Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig 53

8.1.4. Tracker Updates
In a specific tracker, you can:

  • view and change when you get your reminders
  • view statistics over a period of time
  • remove trackers that are no longer needed
  • edit reminders
  • edit tracker names
  • delete trackers

Tap Track, to make a tracking entry that includes measurement values, date and time, and optional free-text notes.
After making at least one entry, you will be able to tap More info on the tracker.
This will display a graph showing the entries recorded for the tracker over time.
You can the adjust the period of interest at the top of the screen.
On the same screen, you can tap View entries to view specific entries and notes.

Note: Tracker entry notes and stand-alone notes screens look similar. They can be Identified by the screen title at the top middle part of the screen as shown in the figures.
8.1.5. Stand-alone Notes
These notes are separate and let you write down whatever you feel necessary without making an entry in the health tracker.
You can make new notes by tapping new note or view existing ones by tapping View notes.
These can be accessed on the same screen where you view your trackers.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig

Note entries can be viewed in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly formats and edited/removed by tapping the pencil icon to the right of the date and time of the entry, as shown in the figure.
8.1.6. Status Report
After making at least one entry in the tracker, you will be able to send a status report to a person of your choice.
For example: A Doctor or a family member.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med
Reminder - fig 60This can be don be done by tapping Send status report at the bottom of the screen and choosing the desired Email application.
These reports will detail the medication taken along with an attached excel file detailing the severity updates and notes with specific dates.
8.2. General Notes
These notes are separate from the health tracker notes and are for your own reference. You can type personal notes with logged time and dates.

Additionally, you can designate the note with following color-coded labels:

  • General
  • Allergy
  • Emergency
  • Mood
  • Side effects

After making at least one note, you can view the list of notes in hierarchical order.
You can access, edit, delete, and send these notes at any time after you have made them.

8.3. Appointments
Tap More from the main screen and select Appointments.
After tapping Add an appointment, you can:

  • Title the appointment.
  • Choose whether to add the appointment to your calendar.
  • Select the doctor.
  • Set the date and time.
  • Set up a reminder.
  • Add location.
  • Add personal notes for the appointment.

Note: To choose a doctor in the appointment settings you will first have to set up at least one doctor profile in the app. See section 8.4. If no Doctor profiles exist, you will be prompted to create one.
Note: If you choose to add the appointment to the calendar, you will be requested to allow access to your calendar. Allow the app to access your calendar to use this feature.

8.4. Doctors
By adding doctors, you can use the appointments feature more easily and comfortably manage your medication and checkup schedule.
With this feature you can set up doctor profiles.
You can add their contact information, location, schedule appointment reminders and input which medication they are prescribing you.
After tapping Doctors, you will see the list of doctor profiles.
To create a new doctor profile, tap Add a doctor. In the dialogue that opens, enter the information of your doctor.
You can type in their name or choose their contact from your phone’s contact list.Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder -

Note: Adding contacts will require you to allow the app to access your contact list. A prompt will appear when trying to do so.
You can input the doctor’s specialty, email addresand clinic address. You can also add a mobile, office, emergency, or fax number.
When you have finished adding all desired information, tap DONE on the top right side of the screen to finalize the doctor’s profile.
After you have finished creating a doctor’s profile, you can tap on it on the doctor profiles screen to open an interaction dialogue divided into three tabs:
Details: Here you can view the doctors Email address and clinic address, and send a report directly to your doctor from this tab.

Medications: From this tab you can input which ofthe medications you are tracking have been prescribed by this doctor Medisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and
Med Reminder - fig 67Appointments: This is another way for you to schedule appointments, by doing so directly through the doctor’s profile.
8.5. Refills
This screen lets you look at the refills you have gotten for your medications. Every time you log a refill (See section 7.1) on one of your medications it will show up on the refill screen for reference. You will be able to see what the medication was, when you refilled, how many meds you got in the refill, and the cost of the refill which you logged.

8.6. Reporting
This feature is used for making daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly status reports on your medication intake and health trackers for your contacts, similarly to the status reports you can send from your health trackers. The main difference is, instead of automatically sending both tracker updates and medication list, you can choose whether to include the health tracker results in the status report.
The report screen will display the currently selected dates for tracking andisplay a percentage of successfully taken medication in the top right part of the screen.
It will also display every individual medication intake interaction for the selected timeframe, giving you the option to open the medication intakedialogue for every instance (See section 7.3).
You can change the tracking timeframe as well as which medication is shown by tapping the filter icon above the percentage number at the top right of the screen.
You can send the report by tapping Send status report at the bottom of the screen and specifying whom you want to receive the report.
You will need to either select sending it to yourself, another person, or an already existing doctor’s profile.
If you choose Other, you will need to manually input the desired email address.
Choose if you want to include health tracker reports and Tap Send and select the mail app to be used to send the report.

The composed email will be presented in the email app interface for your review before it is sent. ****

8.7. Help and Support
Tap Help & Support to access the FAQ screen.
This is an extensive FAQ made to answer many of your questions about:

  • What is the app?
  • Privacy of information
  • Account & password
  • App functions & features
  • How to keep updated
  • How the app interacts with smart watches
  • Interacting with doctors using Medisafe
    Note: The full list of questions can be viewed in the app or following link:
    If you have not found the answer to your question or have an issue with the app, contact the support team by tapping CONTACT SUPPORT at the bottom of the FAQ screen.

This will let you choose an Email app to send yourquery to the support team.
Note: When tapping on CONTACT SUPPORT an alert will appear on screen stating that Medisafe’s support team is unable to answer any medical question and to refer to a licensed professional.

8.8. Reminder Troubleshooting
Reminder troubleshooting lets you optimize the app’s reminder settings and permissions as well as phone power settings to minimize the risk of missing the app’s reminders.
The app will ask you to optimize the reminder settings through the Home, and Updates tabs, but the troubleshooting can also be accessed through the More tab.
Each of the troubleshooting action has a brief explanation of why and how you should optimize your app or phone settings, for example:

  • Exclude Medisafe from battery optimization.
  • Battery optimization limits activity of apps when they are not active, which could delay your Medisafe reminders.
  • Check AutoStart settings.
  • Medisafe needs to run automatically in the background when the phone starts up to send you reminders on time.
  • Verify notification sound is enabled.
  • Notification sound may be disabled on your device. To fix this, enable notification sound in your settings.
  • Adjust advance battery settings.
  • Ensure you get your notifications on time by adjusting these battery settings. Upon tapping on Take this action you will be taken to a screen directing you through the relevant settings or requesting certain permissions.

Finally, after scrolling to the bottom of the screen, you will see two warnings:
Beware of ‘task killers’ explains how certain battery savers, anti-viruses, and task killers may terminate some of the app’s reminders.
Don’t ‘force stop’ explains that terminating the app manually through a task manager may block your reminders.
Note: If you have problems with troubleshooting and need more help, contact the support team by tapping Contact support at the bottom of the screen.

When you have taken one of the steps in troubleshooting, a green tick will appear next to the step’s name.
Once you have fully optimized the app according to recommendation, a message will appear stating that you have completed the troubleshooting.


The app settings are accessed via the More tab. Here you can customize a wide range of options for your comfort while using the app.

9.1. General Settings
In this section, you can change the app’s general settings on reminders, themes, sounds and more.
9.1.1. Medication Reminders
Here you can change the following reminder settings:

  • Maximum number of reminders per medication that you receive.
  • Snooze duration in minutes. How much time will pass until you are reminded again.
  • Whether you see the medication name with the reminder.
  • Set a reminder message. (i.e., “It is time for your medication”).
  • Turn on a setting that lets you shake the phone to signal that you took your meds.

9.1.2. Morning Reminder
You can activate a setting that leaves you reminders to take your meds with you before leaving your home every day. You can set the reminders for whatever time you find convenient.
9.1.3. Evening Reminder
You can activate a setting that reminds you about all the meds you missed that day at the desired time.
9.1.4. Weekly Summary
You can activate a setting to receive a weekly summary at a time of your choice.
9.1.5. Weekend Mode
You can set a different schedule for your weekend’s morning meds. You can set which days are your weekend days and what time you wake up at, to receive appropriately timed reminders.
9.1.6. Dark Mode
You can set a light or dark application theme for your personal comfort. The default setting is to follow the system the app is installed on, so if you have a default light theme on your phone, the app will also use a light theme.
9.1.7. Notifications
These settings let you set how you want to receive your reminders.
You can set your phone to vibrate with every reminder, turn on an LED light if your phone has one, mute the notification sound, and pick a custom ringtone from the variety offered by the app.
You can also add your own tune to use in the app.

9.1.8. Rx Refill
With this setting you can choose how many pills you need to have left before you are reminded to get a refill. By default, the refill reminder is set to 20 doses.
9.1.9. Home Screen Setup
The Home screen setup setting lets you choose between three home screen variants

  • Timeline view
  • Square pillbox
  • Round pillbox (Only available to premium users)
    These variants only change how you view the home screen and the medications that are there.

9.1.10. Regional settings
Tap Regional settings to change the language of the interface.

9.1.11. Time Zone Settings
Turning on this setting will let the app automatically adjust your reminders to fit when travelling between time zones.
You can also tap, Refresh Reminder Times if you think that the reminders have not been adjusted correctly for your time zone to manually refresh them.
9.2. My Places/Safety Net
You can snooze medication reminders until you are at a location, where it is safe and convenient to take your medication.
Note: The app will collect location data to enable this service.

9.3. Verification Code
If you are added as a Medfriend by another user or have joined a health program, the app will send you a verification email. Follow the instructions to accept the invitation.
9.4. Open Account
You can open a free Medisafe account to minimize the risk of losing your reminders and other settings.
For more information on how to open a Medisafe account, see section 5.8.  9.5. Login
You can log in if you have already created your Medisafe account. Your account will retain all your medications, reminders, and settings.
Note: There is an option below the login prompt titled Previously logged in with google+? This feature is no longer supported and if you have used google+ to log in in the past you will need to reset your password.
9.6. Passcode
You can lock the Medisafe app behind a passcode which you will need to input every time to access it.
The passcode is a four-digit password which you can set or change from the settingsMedisafe MUM 0100 00 Pill and Med Reminder - fig

9.7. Premium Settings
The following features are accessible only premium users:

  • Eight theme colors
  • 12+ Medtone reminder voices
  • Unlimited family profiles
  • Unlimited Medifriends
    There are monthly or annual payment plans.
    You can restore your premium purchases.

9.8. Sharing, Rating, and Feedback
You can share the app with your friends and family by tapping Help Us and Share Medisafe to share a link to download the app.
You can provide feedback on your satisfaction with the app by tapping Rate Medisafe and leaving a rating on the app store.
You can send more specific feedback and share your experience and problems in the app by sending an Email to the support team. You can send them an Email by tapping Send Feedback.

9.9. About
Tap About to

  • Access version and build information
  • Review terms and conditions of use
  • Review privacy policy
  • View translation credits
  • Check for app updates
  • Send diagnostics

MUM-0100-00 Rev. 1.0
Pill & Med Reminder User Manual


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