NXP SLN-VIZNLC-IOT Smart Lock User Guide

June 11, 2024



Product Information


The SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-GSG is a Smart Lock IoT board manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. This board comes with an RGB and IR camera that streams video directly to the onboard TFT screen. It also has a GUI overlay that provides information such as registration status and countdown timers. With this board, you can register faces in the local face database of the kit and use the recognition feature to unlock the smart lock.

Product Usage Instructions

Follow the steps below to get started with your SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-GSG board:

  1. Unbox the kit and remove the protective film from the RGB and IR camera.
  2. Put a jumper on J3 (pins 2 and 3 on the left side) as shown in Figure 35.
  3. Take the USB-A > USB-C cable provided inside the kit. Plug the USB-A end into the USB port on your computer and the USB-C end into the USB port of the kit. The USB connector of the kit supplies power to the board and supports data transfer capabilities for Mass Storage Device (MSD) programming and virtual serial port communication.
  4. Power on the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT kit. Once the application is ready, your computer detects a new USB COM device and automatically installs the required drivers. A message confirms when the installation is completed.
  5. To register a new face, press the Manual Registration button (SW4) on the kit. The guidelines help you align your face correctly during registration, and the countdown timer bar indicates how much longer it takes until the registration process times out and fails.

Document information

Information Content
Keywords SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-GSG, Smart Lock, IoT
Abstract This guide walks you through the process of getting up and running

with your SLN-VIZNLC-IOT board

Plug it in

  • Welcome to the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT Getting Started Guide.
  • This guide walks you through the process of getting up and running with your SLN-VIZNLC-IOT board. This guide takes you through the steps of unboxing your kit, running the out-of-box smart lock demo application, as well as downloading, modifying, and debugging the firmware source code for your kit.
  • Before we begin, make sure to check the box your kit came in for any marks or other damages, and should you find anything, be sure to report it to your local NXP representative.

Smart Lock

The box your kit arrives in should contain a few different things, including:

  • A packing list paper
  • Fully assembled VIZNLC kit
  • USB-A > USB-C Cable (x1)
  • Jumpers (x2)NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-1

Power on

  • Before we begin, put a jumper on J3 (pin 2 and 3 on the left side) as shown in the yellow highlighted box in Figure 35. Then remove the protective film from the RGB and IR camera as shown in Figure 2. This protective film is used to protect the lens of each camera during transport. However, failure to remove may cause the image capture not to work correctly.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-2

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Take the USB-A > USB-C cable provided inside the kit. Plug the USB-A end into USB port on your computer and the USB-C end into the USB port of the kit. The USB connector of the kit supplies power to the board and supports data transfer capabilities for Mass Storage Device (MSD) programming and virtual serial port communication.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-3
  2. Once the application is ready, your computer detects a new USB COM device, and automatically installs the required drivers. A message confirms when the installation is completed.
  3. After powering on, the onboard TFT screen streams video directly from the RGB camera alongside a GUI overlay, providing information such as:
    • Locked/Unlocked status whether a face is recognized
    • Current App Type (Smart Lock/Access)
    • ON/OFF status of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE
    • Number of registered usersNXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-4

Register and recognize a face

  • Let us get started with a demonstration of the out-of-box features of this application.
  • To use the recognition feature of the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT, a face must be registered in the local face database of the kit. To begin registering a new face, press the Manual Registration button (SW4) on the kit.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-5
  • Once pressed, a message indicating registration is taking place pops up at the top of the screen. The speaker plays an audio message confirming that the registration has started.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-6
  • Figure 6 shows that while registration is taking place, the GUI displays:
  • A “Registering” message
  • Face alignment guidelines
  • A countdown timer bar
  • The guidelines help you align your face correctly during registration, and the countdown timer bar indicates how much longer it takes until the registration process times out and fails.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-7
  • As an additional measure to help with registering your face, the kit even plays a warning audio prompt if too much of the side of your face is exposed during the registration process, saying “Look at Camera”. The kit plays this warning audio until your face is properly pointed toward the camera.
  • Should your face fails to register, simply press the SW4 button again to retry.
  • Once your face is successfully registered, the kit displays the message “Registration Successful”, and a unique identifier is assigned to your face. The number of registered users is also updated automatically.
  • Once registered, the kit displays the message “Recognition Successful” and plays a corresponding audio file when a recognized face is detected.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-9

Liveness detection and anti-spoofing

  • The Liveness detection and anti-spoofing features of the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT are switched ON by default. Therefore, enabling the system to distinguish between your actual face and a printout or phone display image of your face.
  • This feature helps to defend against some of the most frequent face recognition “spoof” attacks.
  • One such spoof attack is when a malicious actor uses a picture of someone to gain access to their face-protected materials. The malicious actor does this spoof by requiring an actual face of the user to unlock the system rather than simply a picture of their face.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-10
  • As shown in Figure 10 using a phone display or a printed picture of a face does not trigger the “Recognition Successful” message.

Connect to serial CLI

  • The Smart Lock software installed by default on the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT kit provides a convenient serial-based CLI. This CLI is used to retrieve useful runtime data and configure various application settings. Connecting to the serial-based CLI of the kit can be done using a serial terminal emulator program like PuTTY or Tera Term.
  • Before we begin, make sure that you have a serial terminal emulator like PuTTY or Tera Term installed on your computer.
  • Note: If you are using a Windows machine, we recommend Tera Term for its ability to discover connected COM devices automatically. Additionally, if there is a disconnect, Tera Term reconnects to a device.
  • Establish a serial connection with your device by entering the serial settings as shown in Figure 12. Ensure to replace the COM port setting with the COM port associated with your kit.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-43
  • Once connected, a blank terminal screen appears that echoes back any characters that you type. Typing the help command prints a list of all available commands and a brief description of their functionalities.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-15

Build and run

Getting MCUXpresso IDE

  • The MCUXpresso IDE brings developers an easy-to-use eclipse-based development environment for NXP MCUs based on Arm Cortex-M cores, including its general-purpose crossover and wireless-enabled MCUs.
  • The MCUXpresso IDE offers advanced editing, compiling, and debugging features. It also offers MCU-specific debugging views, code trace and profiling, multicore debugging, and integrated configuration tools.

To download MCUXpresso IDE, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to MCUXpresso IDE homepage and click the Downloads button.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-16
  2. The Downloads page appears. Next, click the Download button.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-17
  3. The Sign In page appears. Log in with your credentials.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-18
  4. Once you have signed in, select Version 11.6.1 or newer from the list.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-19
  5. The Software Terms and Conditions page appears. Read the conditions and click the I Agree button.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-20
  6. The Product Download page appears from where you can download the MCUXpresso IDE. Download theNXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-21
  7. Open the downloaded application and follow the instructions found in the installer.

Installing the SDK

  • MCUXpresso SDK is a comprehensive software enablement package designed to simplify and accelerate application development with NXP microcontrollers based on Arm Cortex-M cores. The MCUXpresso SDK includes production-grade software with integrated RTOS (optional), stacks and middleware, reference software, and more.
  • It is available in custom downloads based on user selections of MCU, evaluation board, and optional software components.
  • Before building the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT SDK example projects, the target SDKs (EVK-MIMXRT1060 and K32W061DK6) must be imported into MCUXpresso IDE.
  • However, no need to import LPC845 as it is already preinstalled in the IDE.

To install MCUXpresso SDK, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the MCUXpresso SDK. The MCUXpresso SDK Builder welcome screen appears when the application is launched, as shown in Figure 20.
  2. Click Select Development Board. After signing in, Select Development Board page appears.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-23
  3. Search 1060 and select EVK-MIMXRT1060 board. Then click Build MCUXpresso SDK V2.12.1.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-24
  4. To build SDK, select your Host OS and Toolchain / IDE, and all other necessary SDK components. Then click Download SDK button.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-25
  5. The dashboard page shows the built SDK. Click Download to download the SDK archive to your PC.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-26
  6. To install, drag and drop the SDK archive file to the IDE Installed SDKs view.
  7. Download and install K32W061DK6 SDK V2.6.205 in the same way.

Downloading SLN-VIZNLC-IOT projects

  • The SLN-VIZNLC-IOT out-of-box projects are published under the NXP GitHub page. You can either clone the repository using Git or download a zip folder containing the source code from mcu-viznlc.
  • Note: If downloading a zipped archive, ensure to unzip this folder before proceeding to the next step.

Importing SLN-VIZNLC-IOT projects

To import the projects we downloaded into the IDE, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Import project(s) from the file system…, then Browse your project path where you unzipped the sln_viznlc_iot source code, and click Next. sln_viznlc_iot source code, and click Next.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-29
  2. Import the files specified in Figure 28 from the displayed screen.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-30
  3. Once successfully imported, you should see projects open in the Project Explorer pane on the left side of the IDE.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-31

Building the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT projects

  • The SLN-VIZNLC-IOT SDK allows you to build the smart lock application directly. The application is made up of four subprojects:
  • The lpc845_low_power_control project manages the power control of the system. LPC845 works as the host MCU. PIR sensor activates the host MCU and powers the RT106F part.
  • The k32w_ble project implements the feature of Bluetooth LE module (UART over Bluetooth LE).
  • The rt106f_bootloader and rt106f_smart_lock projects are the out-of-box applications that we used earlier to demonstrate the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT face recognition capabilities. The bootloader manages to jump into the smart lock application.
  • These above applications are flashed onto your SLN-VIZNLC-IOT kit by default.
  • In the Project Explorer pane, select the project file and navigate to the QuickStart Panel. To start the compilation and linking of this application, click the Build option.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-32
  • The building may take a few minutes to complete but do not worry, as it is normal for applications of this size. Once finished, a message as shown in Figure 31 appears at the bottom of the IDE. Consider the rt106f_smart_lock project as an example.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-33

Flashing and debugging SLN-VIZNLC-IOT projects

  • With the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT application project compiled, it is now time to program associated binaries of this project into flash.

  • Flashing and debugging the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT kit requires a SEGGER J-Link with a 9-pin Cortex-M adapter and V7.60d or newer version of the J-Link Software and

  • Documentation Pack. This new version of J-Link can be found on the SEGGER website.
    Note: There is a problem to program/debug RT106F using the default J-Link V7.70d in MCUXpresso IDE V11.6.1. J-Link software must be updated, and J-link software V7.60d has been verified.

  • Note: The SLN-VIZNLC-IOT kit has one SWD interface connector (J2), which supports programming and debugging the RT106F, LPC845, and K32W061 via a SEGGER J-Link debug probe. To select which MCU to program/debug, the J4, J5, and J6 connectors, each must be set to the position indicated in Figure 33.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-35

To flash the kit, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the programming MCU on J4, J5, and J6 connectors.
  2. Attach your J-Link debug probe into the J2 header as shown in Figure 34 and connect your J-Link to your computer via USB.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-36
  3. Next, provide power to the kit by plugging a USB-C cable into the USB-C port of the kit and plug the other end into your laptop/PC.
    • Note: LPC845 controls the power supply of RT106F and K32W061. Therefore, during the debug stage, we can bypass it by connecting J11 jumper as shown in the green highlighted box in Figure 35.
  4. Select the MCU-related project in the Project Explorer pane. Consider lpc845_low_power_control as an example below.
  5. To start the process of loading the binary into flash and begin debugging, choose the Debug option in the QuickStart Panel.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-38
  6. Select the J-Link probe that is connected to your kit and click the OK button. Flashing tool is launched.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-39
  7. Now, proceed to flash the binary associated with the currently selected project.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-40
  8. After successfully debugging the application, the program breaks at the project main to start the GDB debug process.NXP-SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-Smart-Lock-FIG-41
  9. To suspend the debug session, click the pause/play button on the top of the screen.

Note: If you want to debug the rt106f_smart_lock project, ensure that you have flashed the bootloader.

Additional resources

  • If you have made it to this section, you have successfully finished the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT getting started experience.
  • For a comprehensive understanding of all the Out-of-Box Experience (OoBE) features, including the additional demo applications that come flashed with the kit, see SLN-VIZNLC-IOT User Guide.
  • To start building your own applications and learn more about the software architecture, available developer tools, and more, head over to the SLN-VIZNLC-IOT Software Developer Guide.


Table 1 lists the acronyms used in this document.

Table 1. Acronyms

Acronym Definition
TFT Thin Film Transistor
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
OoBE Out-of-Box Experience
MSD Mass Storage Device
VIZNLC Vision Low Cost
FW Firmware
SW Software
HW Hardware
PIR Passive InfraRed
IR InfraRed
GUI Graphical User Interface

Revision history

Table 2 summarizes the changes done to this document since the initial release.

Table 2. Revision history

Revision history Date Substantive changes
0 10 March 2023 Initial release

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  • Date of release: 10 March 2023 Document identifier: SLN-VIZNLC-IOT-GSG

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