Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset User Guide

June 10, 2024

VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset
User Guide


  • Meta Quest Pro Headset
  • 2 Meta Quest Touch Pro Controllers
  • Charging Dock
  • Power Adapter
  • Controller Charge Cable
  • Charging Cable
  • 2 Stylus Tips
  • 2 Light Blockers (L&R)
  • Cable Clip
  • Protective Cover
  • Cleaning Cloth
  • 2 Wrist Straps


Model Number: DK94EC
Electrical Rating: 9V, 3A
Operating Temperature Range: 0-35°C
Model Numbers: LW9 (Left),
VM4 (Right)
Electrical Rating: 5V, 1.5A
Operating Temperature Range: 0-35°C
Charging Dock
Model Number: BW49KR
Electrical Rating: 9V, 3A (27W) max.
Operating Temperature Range: 0-35°C


HEALTH & SAFETY WARNINGS: To reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, or property damage, please ensure that each user of your Meta Quest Pro VR System —including the headset, controllers, operating system, apps, and authorized charging dock, cables, adapter, and accessories—carefully reads the warnings below before using  your VR System. Your VR System is not failsafe and should not be used for critical or lifesaving activities.
Keep this information for future reference. Features and available accessories of your VR System may change. Visit for the most current  version of these health and safety warnings. Visit the Meta Quest Safety Center at center for more information on the safe use of your VR  System.

Throughout this Guide, we include icons to illustrate and orient you to health and safety issues. The icons are not a substitute for the text of this Guide, so please use them together.
Meta Quest offers branded accessories/ replacement parts and also authorizes accessories/replacement parts for your VR System.

  • To find out how to identify whether an accessory/replacement part is authorized for use with your VR System, visit parts.
  • Branded and authorized accessories can help you tailor your VR system to fit your preferences. Read instructions and warnings that may be provided with these  accessories before using them.

Age Requirement/Children.

  • This product is not a toy and must not be used by children under age 13.
  • Younger children have greater risks of injury/adverse effects than older users.
  • Your VR System is not designed for children under age 13.
  • The improper size of the headset for younger children can lead to discomfort or adverse health effects.
  • Younger children are in a critical period of visual development that may be negatively impacted by use of your VR System.
  • Younger children may be more susceptible to hearing damage associated with use of your VR System at loud volumes.
  • Some apps may be inappropriate for children under age 13.

Proper Use by Children Age 13+ Under Adult Supervision

  • Prolonged use by children age 13+ should be avoided, as this could negatively impact hand-eye coordination, balance, multi-tasking ability, or create other risks of injury/
    negative effects.

  • Limit the time children age 13+ spend using your VR System overall.

  • Ensure that children age 13+ take breaks during use.

  • Adults should supervise children age 13+ during and after their use of the VR System to:

  • Ensure that children follow these warnings, including the
    Before Using Your VR System and the Your Activity Space and Surroundings sections.

  • Monitor for any of the symptoms described in these warnings (including those listed in this section or the Discomfort and Repetitive Stress Injury sections).

  • Ensure that children age 13+ use appropriate apps (consider both content and comfort ratings).

  • Use parental supervision tools where available.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

  • Consult with your doctor before using your VR System if you are pregnant, elderly, have pre-existing binocular vision abnormalities or psychiatric disorders, have recently undergone any medical procedure (including cosmetic procedures), or suffer from a heart condition or other serious medical condition.
  • Seizures. Some people (about 1 in 4,000) may have severe dizziness, seizures, eye or muscle twitching, or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns. This may occur  while they are watching TV, playing video games, or experiencing virtual reality, even if they have never had a seizure or blackout before or have no history of seizures or epilepsy. These symptoms arise more commonly in children. Anyone who experiences any of these symptoms should stop use of the VR System and see a doctor. If you  are photosensitive or previously have had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition (including photosensitive epilepsy (PSE)), you should see a doctor before using the VR System.
  • Interference with Medical Devices. The VR System contains magnets and components that emit radio waves, which could affect the operation of nearby electronics,  including cardiac pacemakers, hearing aids, and defibrillators. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, consult your doctor or the manufacturer of your medical device before using your VR System. Maintain a safe distance between your VR System and your medical devices. Stop using your VR System if you  observe interference with your medical device.

Time & Breaks
Ease into using your VR System to allow yourself to adjust both to the VR System and to specific apps. Although appropriate use periods and breaks will vary from person to person and based on the  selected apps, you should always take regular breaks when using your VR System.

  • Start by using your VR System for only a few minutes at a time, and only increase the amount of time using your VR System gradually as you grow accustomed to the experience.
  • When becoming accustomed to your headset or new apps, start by taking a break at least every 30 minutes.
  • Always take a break if you feel discomfort and don’t resume until you are no longer feeling discomfort (see Discomfort).
  • Extended use without adequate breaks may increase the risk of injury, property damage, or other adverse effects.

Before Using Your VR System

  • Read and follow all setup and operating instructions provided with your VR System, and any app instructions.

  • Your VR System is not designed for use with any unauthorized device, accessory, software, or apps. Use of an unauthorized device, accessory, software, or app, or  hacking your VR System, software, or apps, may result in injury to you or others, discomfort, property damage, performance issues, or damage to your VR System that may not be covered by your warranty.

  • VR System Adjustment.

  • Headset Adjustment. To reduce the risk of discomfort (including pressure, irritation, or chafing), the headset should be balanced and centered, and the distance between the lenses should be appropriately set for each user. Adjust the fit wheel to ensure comfortable placement of the headset. Adjust the distance between the lenses for each user by moving the eyecups directly to a position that provides the clearest image. When properly adjusted, the headset should fit comfortably and you should see a single, clear image. Re-check the settings before resuming use after a break to avoid any unintended changes to any adjustments.

  • Controller Adjustment. Install and use wrist straps on controllers when using controllers, except in apps where a stylus is appropriate (see Accessories and Controllers).

  • Light Blockers. Your headset includes light blockers that can help you have a more immersive experience. Remove these for better awareness of your real-world surroundings, such as when in passthrough, mixed reality, or co-located apps.

  • App Selection. Read and follow all  instructions and warnings that may be provided with specific apps.

  • Content age recommendations.
    Virtual reality is immersive and some apps can be intense, frightening, violent, or anxiety-provoking. Choose your apps carefully for both yourself and children age 13+, and refer to content age ratings and recommendations.

  • Comfort-related information. The Meta Quest store also provides comfort-related information (including comfort ratings) for some apps related to camera motion, player motion, and the potential for disorienting content and effects. Review this information before selecting or using apps. (For more details on how comfort-related information can help provide a comfortable experience, go to

  • If you are new to virtual reality or have a history of discomfort or motion sickness, start with comfortable apps that do not involve a lot of motion in or through the virtual environment before trying more intense experiences that do.

  • Use Only When Unimpaired. A positive virtual reality experience requires that you be unimpaired. Do not use your VR System when you are experiencing any of the  following (as it may increase your susceptibility to adverse symptoms):

  • Tiredness or exhaustion

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • Hung-over

  • Have digestive problems

  • Emotional stress or anxiety

  • When suffering from a cold, flu, COVID, or similar illness, headaches, migraines, or earaches Your Activity Space and Surroundings

Risks Associated with Freedom of Movement
Your VR System is designed to track your movement during use and model your actions in the virtual world as you move in the real world. This freedom of movement means that you must take appropriate steps to have a safe experience.

Set up and Use Only in a Safe Environment
Your VR System produces an immersive experience that can distract you and can block your vision, hearing, and perception.

  • Your headset limits your field of view.
    You may not be aware of the restricted field of view while wearing your headset.

  • Use caution when using light blockers to create a more immersive experience as they further restrict your field of view.

Prohibited Uses

  • Your VR System is not for use outdoors. Use of your VR System outdoors exposes you to additional and uncontrolled hazards, like uneven and slippery surfaces, weather conditions, and unexpected obstacles, people, animals, and vehicles (traffic). Also, your VR System may not work properly outdoors.Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset - fig 5
  • Never wear your headset or use your VR System in situations that require attention, such as running, bicycling, driving, or handling hazardous objects, whether indoors or outdoors.

Choosing Your Safe Activity Space

  • Always be aware of your surroundings before starting and while using your VR System. Use caution to avoid injury.Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset - fig 6
  • You are responsible for creating and maintaining safety in your selected activity space.
  • Only use your VR System indoors. Use outdoors increases the risk of injury, property damage, and damage to the VR System (see Prohibited Uses).
  • Create a safe area all around you, including overhead, before using the VR System. Serious injuries can occur from tripping, running into, striking or coming into contact with walls, furniture, objects, pets, or people.
  • Choose your activity space to avoid potential hazards, including:
  • Walls
  • Furniture
  • Lamps
  • People
  • Pets
  • Stairs
  • Ramps
  • Balconies
  • Doorways
  • Windows
  • Glass tabletops
  • Open flames or sources of heat (like candles, fireplaces, or heating/ cooking devices)
  • Liquids
  • Ceiling fans or light fixtures
  • Televisions, monitors, or other electronic devices
  • Some apps require different types of movement, while others may allow you to interact with real objects or other users nearby. See Mixed Reality and Sharing Space with Other Users (Co- location). Prepare an activity space that is safe for your selected apps. Because these apps may introduce potential hazards in your activity space, use extra caution in these apps.
  • Always ensure your activity space is free of hazards.
  • When starting or switching apps, remove objects from your activity space that you do not intend to use.
  • If you are using apps that allow or encourage moving about your activity space, your activity space should be large enough to allow you to extend your arms with the controllers (if you are using them) without coming into contact with objects, and should include a buffer between this space and any objects. Your buffer should be large enough that if you inadvertently trip or fall you will not come into contact with an object or area that could be hazardous.
  • Use caution making quick movements. Quick movements increase the risk of injury or property damage by preventing you from reacting in time to stay in your designated activity space.
  • Ensure your activity space is appropriately lit for the app you are using; low lighting increases the risk of injury and property damage when moving within your activity space.
  • Some apps may allow you to interact with external, real-world objects or surfaces while using partially or completely immersive virtual content. Review and follow the Mixed Reality section and all instructions and warnings that may be separately provided in the app.
  • The surface that you are seated or standing on while using your VR System should be level, stable, and clear of obstructions. Do not use your VR System on uneven floors, floors with loose rugs or carpeting, or other similar hazards.
  • Consider having another person act as a spotter while you move around in your virtual world.
  • Because your perceptions are limited while in VR, do not hold or handle things that are dangerous, may injure you or others, or may be damaged.
  • Take appropriate steps to prevent others from entering your activity space, including people (particularly children) or pets who do not understand that your perceptions are limited (see Sharing Space with Other Users (Co-location)).
  • Stop using the VR System if your environment becomes unsafe. If you sense that something or someone has entered your activity space, stop, remove your headset, or pause your app and enter passthrough (see Passthrough) to make sure your activity space is still safe.

Interaction with the Real World when Using the VR System

  • Move carefully while you explore the virtual world. Fast or abrupt motion may cause a collision or loss of balance.
  • If you lose your balance or your sense of balance feels affected, remove your VR headset and take a break until normal balance returns.
  • Remember that objects or surfaces you see in the virtual world may not exist in the real world. Don’t sit or stand on virtual objects or use them for support.
  • Remain seated unless your app requires standing or moving around your activity space.
  • Use of your VR System with glasses may increase the risk of facial injury if you fall or hit your face.
  • The Guardian System. The VR System contains a virtual boundary system feature—called the Guardian system—designed to help you stay in your activity space and avoid collisions with objects in the physical world while you are in your virtual environment.
  • Follow on-screen instructions to define your activity space, and follow the instructions and warnings meant to keep you in your designated activity space.
  • The Guardian system may offer different settings depending on the app selected. Choose settings based on the app selected and your preferred experience in that app.
  • The Guardian system works best in a cleared space with walls and surroundings that create different patterns for the sensors to track. The Guardian system may not work properly in areas with undecorated, plain walls; glass; or mirrors. You are still responsible for using the VR System in a safe environment as described in this Guide.
  • The Guardian system will only alert you to the boundary of your activity space. It cannot prevent you from moving out of your activity space or prevent other people, pets, or objects from entering your activity space. For example, it will not prevent you from running into a wall, or falling through a door or window, or down a stairwell.
  • The Guardian System does not create an overhead boundary, so take care to ensure your activity space is clear of overhead hazards like ceiling fans and light fixtures.
  • The Guardian system may not identify everything in your activity space.
  • If you are using your hands instead of controllers, your hands will not trigger Guardian boundaries or other alerts if they are not in the limited field of view of your display.
  • The Guardian system can only track real-world objects that you bring into mixed reality while they are in the limited field of view of your display.
  • Follow all on-screen notifications for redefining the boundaries of your activity space or for the proper operation of the Guardian system.
  • Moving at high speeds may not permit you to react in time to stay in your activity space, even if the Guardian system alerts you, so make sure you move slowly enough to react to any Guardian system alerts.
  • The Guardian system may not work if your VR System is damaged.
  • You can get more information about the Guardian system at
  • Passthrough Camera. Your VR System is equipped with a “passthrough” camera feature that uses a camera to display your physical surroundings on your VR System screen.
  • The passthrough camera can help you stay inside your preset activity space boundaries created in the Guardian system and help alert you if you approach your boundaries or go outside them.
  • The passthrough camera is not as good as your natural senses. It may lag behind what is actually occurring (Patency), has a smaller field of view, and may impair depth perception.
  • Take appropriate precautions when using the passthrough camera to view your surroundings.
  • Always remove your headset for any real-world situation that requires attention or coordination so that you have an unobstructed view.
  • Do not rely on the passthrough camera to interact with real-world objects except where you specifically have added them to your activity space (see Mixed Reality).
  • Navigation.
  • Move slowly and carefully whenever you are using the passthrough camera.
  • Do not use the passthrough camera to navigate the real world, other than for short distances to return to your activity space or transition to another nearby activity space.
  • Do not attempt to use the passthrough camera to navigate areas that may contain stairs, slopes, or other hazards.
  • Follow all in-app instructions and warnings that arise during, before, and after passthrough camera use.
  • Sharing Space with Other Users (Co-location). Some apps may allow more than one user to be close to each other in physical proximity (co-location), within one activity space or multiple activity spaces. Follow all in-app instructions and warnings in setting up and using your activity space(s).
  • You and the other user(s) should each check to make sure that your activity space(s) are set up to allow safe interactions without coming into contact with each other.
  • Avoid crowding a shared activity space; more users increase risks of injury.
  • Use caution when entering or leaving the same activity space as another user. Users’ in-app visibility of other co-located users goes away when those users leave the co-located app. If others are leaving your app, follow instructions and ensure they are clear of your activity space before continuing.
  • Avoid rapid, unexpected movements while using co-location; those movements increase risks of injury and property damage.
  • Mixed reality. Some apps may allow you to view and interact with external, real-world objects or surfaces (such as a couch, wall, table, keyboard, or desk) while you are using your VR System. This type of experience is called “mixed reality.” You will be able to add physical objects to your virtual environment by selecting and confirming them when you are setting up your activity space. You can also overlay virtual objects on your real-world environment while in your VR System.
  • When using mixed reality apps that allow those interactions, follow warnings and recommendations in selecting and interacting with real- world objects.
  • Always make sure that your real-world environment (physical activity space) is appropriate for your content.
  • Remove all objects from your physical activity space except those you intend to interact with in your mixed reality environment.
  • All objects remaining in your physical activity space should be selected and confirmed when you are setting up your virtual environment.
  • Confirm the accuracy of the virtual object markers.
  • Consider removing objects that appear difficult to be accurately represented (for example, unusually shaped objects like an artistic vase).
  • If an object cannot be moved, you should either select and confirm it in your virtual environment or move your virtual environment to avoid the object by redrawing your Guardian boundaries.
  • If you change apps, consider changing locations or adding or removing objects or surfaces to keep your activity space safe.
  • Keep objects that are hazardous to you, others, your VR System, and your property (like sharp objects or liquids) away from and out of your activity space.
  • Virtual objects may block your view of real-world objects you selected to include within your activity space. Always use caution when interacting with real and virtual objects in mixed reality.
  • Guardian can track real-world objects that you bring into mixed reality only while they are in the limited field of view of your display.

Certain Experiences

Fitness/Wellness. Certain apps may have a fitness or wellness focus and may promote active movement. Read and follow all in-app instructions and warnings when using  fitness or wellness apps.

  • Before beginning:
  • Consult a doctor if you have been inactive, have a heart condition, or have or suspect any other medical condition that might be worsened by exercise;
  • Ensure that:
  • You have set up your activity space appropriately, removing any hazards or objects that you are not using (see Setting Up Your Activity Space), and
  • Your VR System and accessories are in good working order and clean.
  • Take regular breaks when in fitness apps.
  • After finishing, make sure that you have cleaned and dried your VR System (see VR System Care and cleaning instructions at
  • Stop using the VR System immediately if you experience discomfort or other unusual symptoms (see Discomfort) while using fitness/wellness apps. If your symptoms are serious or persist, consult a doctor immediately and do not resume until your doctor says you may do so.

Productivity & Work. Certain apps may have a productivity or work focus, or be used by you in the performance of your work.

  • Before using apps for productivity or work, ensure that you have set up your activity space appropriately, removing hazards that may be obscured while you are wearing the headset.
  • Take care when setting up your VR System to ensure that it will allow comfortable use during the period you expect to use it (ergonomics) and afterward. If you experience any of the symptoms of Repetitive Stress Injury (see Repetitive Stress Injury), stop use and take a break until symptoms subside. If you continue to experience repetitive stress discomfort during or after use of your VR System, stop use and see a doctor.
  • Ensure that you take regular breaks throughout the day.
  • If you are using an activity space near or with another user or co-worker, ensure that you have enough space to use your selected app (see Sharing Space with Other Users (Co-location)).

Hearing Damage
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not use your VR System at high volume levels for long periods.

System Alerts
For your protection, you should take immediate action when prompted by system alerts. The VR System may provide you with the following alerts:

  • Overheating Alert. An audible and visual alert in the event the headset or controllers are overheating. If that alert appears/sounds, to reduce the risk of personal injury, immediately remove your headset or put your controllers down, or both, and let them cool down before continuing use.
  • Sound Volume Alert. A visual alert in the event of high volume levels. If that alert appears, lower the sound volume to reduce the risk of hearing loss.
  • Outside of Activity Space Alert. A visual alert if you are outside of your activity space. If that alert appears, use caution when in passthrough. For activities or situations that require your full attention, remove your headset. Otherwise, go back to your activity space to continue your experience, if desired.
  • Tracking Error System Alerts. A visual alert if the VR System’s tracking system is not operating properly. If the headset or controllers are experiencing tracking issues,  then the Guardian system may not be functioning properly or may be disabled. If this alert appears, remove the headset and move to a safe space.
    Afterwards, follow the instructions provided on-screen to address the issue.


  • Stop using the VR System if you feel discomfort and do not resume until discomfort ends. If it continues after you stop use, consult a doctor and don’t use the VR  System again until your doctor says it’s okay.
  • Immediately stop using the VR System if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Seizures
  • Loss of awareness
  • Eye strain
  • Eye or muscle twitching
  • Involuntary movements
  • Altered, blurred, or double vision or other visual abnormalities
  • Dizziness
  • Disorientation
  • Impaired balance
  • Impaired hand-eye coordination
  • Unusual sweating
  • Increased salivation
  • Nausea
  • Feeling faint or lightheaded
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Discomfort or pain in the head, eyes or chest
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue, including eye fatigue
  • Pressure or chafing
  • Itching, irritation, or other skin discomfort
  • Any symptoms similar to motion sickness
  • Any other unusual sensations or discomfort

Motion Sickness & Other After Effects

  • Just as with the symptoms people can experience after they disembark a cruise ship, symptoms of virtual reality exposure can persist and become more apparent hours  after use. These post-use symptoms can include the symptoms above, as well as excessive drowsiness and decreased ability to multitask. These symptoms may put you at  an increased risk of injury when engaging in normal activities in the real world.
  • Do not drive, operate machinery, or engage in other visually or physically demanding activities that have potentially serious consequences (i.e., activities in which experiencing any symptoms could lead to death, personal injury, or damage to property), or other activities that require unimpaired balance and hand-eye coordination  (such as playing sports or riding a bicycle, etc.) until you have fully recovered from any symptoms.Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset - fig 10
  • Do not use the VR System until all symptoms have completely subsided for several hours.
  • Be mindful of the type of app you were using prior to the onset of any symptoms because you may be more prone to symptoms associated with that app. Review the comfort- related information provided for that app (including a comfort rating, if applicable) and consider using an app with less intense camera or player motion, or other disorienting content/effects.
  • See a doctor if you experience serious or persistent symptoms.
  • Use of the VR System in a moving vehicle such as a car, bus, plane, or train may increase your susceptibility to adverse symptoms due to variation in speed or sudden movements.


Skin Irritation

The headset is worn next to your skin and scalp. Stop using the VR System if you notice swelling, skin discomfort, itchiness, skin irritation, unusual hair loss or other skin reactions. If you experience irritation, check your headset fit and adjust as appropriate. You may also find that symptoms resolve after cleaning. (See VR System Care and cleaning instructions available at store. If symptoms persist, contact a doctor.

  • As with watches, rings, and other skin worn accessories, you may get pressure marks after using your headset that should fade after a short period. Be sure to fit your headset properly and avoid over-tightening.
  • If you experience irritation or discomfort, using your headset with a cover over the front and rear pads may reduce or eliminate your irritation or discomfort. Covers made of different materials may be available from the Meta Quest store at Other authorized covers may also be available. For information on how to identify authorized covers, visit store. parts.

Headset Adjustment

If you feel excessive pressure, irritation, chafing from your headset, or if the weight of your headset causes discomfort, adjust your headset fit to reduce the discomfort. If you  cannot reduce the discomfort, discontinue use of your headset.

Headset and Controller Batteries and Charging
Your VR System (including both the headset and controllers) contains rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries and comes with a charging dock, power adapter (charger), and charging cables. Improper use of the batteries, charging dock, power adapter, or charging cables may result in a fire, explosion, battery leakage, or other hazard. Follow these instructions to reduce the risk of injury to you or others, and damage to your VR System or other property.

  • The VR System’s batteries are not user replaceable or serviceable. Do not attempt to open your headset or controllers to access, open, repair or replace the batteries.  Contact Meta Quest Support, if you need battery or power management support for your device.
  • Only charge your headset and controllers with the included or authorized charging dock, power adapter, and cables. Do not use other charging docks, cables or power adapters. If you are unsure about whether a charging dock, cable, or power adapter is authorized for your headset or controller, visit parts.
  • Periodically inspect connection cables, connector tips, the charging dock, and power adapter for damage or signs of wear. Do not use your power adapter if prong(s), enclosure, connector port, connector cables, charging dock, or any part is damaged, cracked, or exposed.
  • Do not use external battery packs or power sources other than the included power adapter or authorized accessories to charge the batteries or power the VR System.
  • Do not attempt to charge or use the headset or controllers if they do not turn on after attempted charging, if they get abnormally warm when used or charged, or if the battery compartments are swollen, leaking liquid, or smoking.
  • Do not disassemble, crush, bend, deform, puncture, shred, or put a high degree of pressure on the headset or controllers. This can cause leakage or an internal short-circuit in the batteries, resulting in overheating.
  • Avoid dropping your headset or controllers. Drops, especially on a hard surface, can potentially cause damage to the headset, controllers, and batteries. Inspect your headset and controllers for visual damage before each use. If you suspect damage to your headset, controllers, or their batteries, contact Meta Quest Support.
  • Do not let your headset or controllers get wet or come in contact with liquids. Even though the headset and controllers may dry and appear to operate normally, the battery contacts or circuitry could slowly corrode and pose a safety hazard. If the headset or controllers get wet, contact Meta Quest Support, even if they appear to be working normally.
  • Do not place your headset or controllers in areas that may get very hot, such as on or near a cooking surface, cooking appliance, iron or radiator or in direct sunlight. Excessive heating can damage the headset, the controllers, or their batteries and could cause the headset or the batteries to explode. Do not dry a wet or damp headset or controllers with an appliance or heat source such as a microwave oven, hair dryer, iron, or radiator. Do not leave your headset or controllers in a car in high temperatures.
  • In the event of a battery leak, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If contact occurs, wash the affected area with large amounts of water and seek medical advice.
  • Always ensure that the headset and controllers have adequate ventilation and air flow while in use or charging. Covering the headset or controllers with materials that significantly affect air flow may affect its performance and poses a possible risk of fire or explosion.
  • Your headset, controllers, charging dock, and power adapter comply with applicable limits for industry surface temperature standards. To prevent potential low- temperature burns from prolonged direct contact, avoid direct skin contact with your power adapter for long periods of time when charging, or when plugged into a power source. Ensure the power adapter is in a well-ventilated area when in use. Do not place the power adapter under a pillow, blanket, clothing, or part of your body. Users with special medical or physical conditions that impair the ability to detect heat against your skin should take special care when using the device or charging with the power adapter. Follow any thermal warning or advisory that may appear on your headset’s screen.
  • Recycle or dispose of your headset, controllers, and batteries in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. In some areas, the disposal of certain electronic devices is strictly regulated. Do not dispose of the headset or controllers in a fire or incinerator, as the batteries may explode when overheated. Dispose of your headset, controllers, and batteries separately from household waste. Refer to– information-sheet-quest-pro for proper maintenance and replacement of your VR System. Refer to pro for information on how to recycle your unwanted VR System or any component.

Charging Port, Contacts, Dock & Cable
To avoid overheating, keep the following electrical charging points clean, dry, and free of debris:

  • headset charging port and contacts,
  • controller charging ports,
  • headphone jack, and
  • the provided/authorized charging dock and cables.

Periodically check these charging points to ensure that they do not show signs of corrosion or damage. Stop use and contact Meta Quest support if corrosion/damage is visible or suspected.

Electric Shock
To reduce risk of electric shock:

  • Do not modify or open any of the VR System components.
  • Do not charge the VR System if any part of the provided or authorized power charging dock, cables, or power adapter is torn, any wires are exposed, debris is present, or  the battery compartments are damaged.
  • Do not insert any metal, conductive, or any foreign objects into the charging ports, charging contacts, or charging dock.
  • Do not expose the VR System to water or fluid.
  • ONLY use provided or authorized charging dock, cables, and power adapter with your VR System.

Headset and Controller Temperature
It is normal for your headset and controllers to feel warm to the touch while in use or while charging. If your headset or controllers feel hot to the touch or are uncomfortably warm, stop using or charging and allow them to cool down.

  • Take immediate action when prompted by any system alert for overheating (see System Alerts).
  • Prolonged skin contact with a headset that is hot where it touches the skin may produce skin discomfort, redness, or low-temperature burns.

Repetitive Stress Injury

Using the VR System may make your muscles, joints, neck, hand(s), or skin hurt. If any part of your body becomes tired or sore while using the VR System, or if you feel symptoms such as tingling, numbness, burning or stiffness, stop and rest at least until the symptoms go away. If you continue to have any of the above symptoms or other discomfort during or after use, stop use. If the symptoms persist, see a doctor.

Accessories and Controllers

  • Your VR System is not designed for use with any unauthorized accessory. Use of an unauthorized accessory may result in injury to you or others, may cause performance issues or damage to your VR System and related services, and may cause damage not covered by your warranty.
  • Refer to accessory instructions for proper installation, warnings, and use of included and authorized accessories.
  • Only use recommended batteries and charging systems for authorized accessories.
  • Install and use wrist straps with accessories and controllers when available to secure them to your wrist when in use so they do not become loose projectiles.
  • You may wish to use stylus tips in certain apps that allow you to write, draw, or engage in similar activities. Always replace the stylus tips with the wrist straps when you complete the writing/drawing or similar activity and before returning to other apps.

VR System Care

  • Do not use your VR System if any part of it is broken or damaged. Contact Meta Quest support for assistance at

  • Periodically inspect your VR System for damage—including the following parts—and do not use if you see or suspect damage:

  • The headset (including the front plate, lenses, ports, etc.)

  • Electrical components (see Headset and Controller Batteries and Charging)

  • Controllers

  • Other accessories, whether included in your original VR System or otherwise

  • Do not attempt to repair any part of your VR System yourself. Contact Meta Quest support for assistance.

  • To avoid damage to your VR System, do not expose it to moisture, high humidity, high concentrations of dust or airborne materials, temperatures outside the operating range, or direct sunlight.

  • When transporting your headset, always attach the included Protective Cover to the front cover window of the headset.

  • To avoid damage, keep your VR System away from pets.

  • Keep all parts of your VR System clean, following instructions available from Meta Quest support at help/quest/cleaning.

  • Different parts of your VR System must be cleaned only by using specific methods/tools.

  • Non-alcohol, non-abrasive antibacterial wipes may be used to clean the body of the headset excluding the front and the lenses.
    Follow the instructions available at the URL above.

  • Improper cleaning can damage your VR System and may impair its operation, increasing the risk of injury or property damage.

  • The front cover window and the lenses should only be cleaned with the enclosed cleaning cloth.

  • Using any liquids—including any cleansers or soaps—could permanently damage the front cover window and the lenses.

Contagious Conditions

To avoid transferring contagious conditions (like pink eye), do not share your VR System with persons with contagious conditions, infections or diseases, particularly of the  eyes, skin or scalp. The headset and controller(s) should be cleaned between each use (see VR System Care). Replace the pads on the headset if they become worn or cannot be cleaned.

Laser Information
Your headset is a Class 1 laser product (see Compliance). Do not attempt to disassemble your headset. Making modifications to your headset or lasers may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Contact Meta Quest Support if you need support for your device.

No Direct Sunlight on Lenses
Avoid direct sunlight on the lenses. Do not store or transport the headset in any manner that exposes the lenses to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight on the lenses for even brief  periods may damage the optics and display.

Not a Medical Device
The VR System is not a medical device, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease


FCC Compliance Statement: This device and its related accessories complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Caution: Changes or modifications to a device by the user that are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could make the device no longer  comply with the FCC Rules and void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

ISED Compliance Statement: This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/ receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s  license-exempt RSS(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference; and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that  may cause undesired operation of the device.

This device is restricted to indoor use.
Operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.
Regulatory compliance marks are placed on the straps of the headset.

Class 1 Laser Information
This device is classified as Class 1 Laser product per IEC 60825-1 Ed.3 (2014).
Caution – Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This device should be serviced by Meta or an authorized service provider.

Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset - fig 13


Limited warranty found at warranty or by request at address below.
Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA warnings/ 891-00544-01

Documents / Resources

| Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset [pdf] User Guide
J93, 2AGOZ-J93, 2AGOZJ93, VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset, VM4, Quest Pro VR Headset, VR Headset, Headset
| Meta VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset [pdf] User Guide
J93, 2AGOZ-J93, 2AGOZJ93, VM4 Quest Pro VR Headset, VM4, Quest Pro VR Headset, VR Headset, Headset


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