CONOTEC FOX-1004 Digital Temperature Controller User Manual
- June 10, 2024
Table of Contents
- FOX-1004 Digital Temperature Controller
- Digital Temperature Controller
- Simple terminology
- Dimension
- Connection
- Part name
- Setting temperature & programs
- Safety and Hazard Instructions
- hald te kept away frun cien ITEta lat ton wcrk must cnlv be cerriexd out hw
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FOX-1004 Digital Temperature Controller
Digital Temperature Controller
Thank you kor selexti ng our produets. Please read carehılly this in struction t» rexiuce any damages or operation mistakes.
Simple terminology
: EYP Select ion of the Coolinx()& Heat ine(H)
: Settie tor l’ampeuture <eviaton
- n the ON/OFF arrod, it Eb at reaular inteval betwen (ON ard OFE
- By operadne the ON/OFF »rml thecmarly, the rday or ios outut onrat un be chmagexd cuicdkly ad it also ocars the hiring oscillatiz, dhatteing by virtue ot exteml mise You n make use ot the temuutue ceviatin in rce to rotet is rday or cotut ai so on
:Ddax time of the out put
It is wkely used as the tollowis
- in case ot opeatig the ON/OFF ctrd ver tvean,
- tw wte:t the oTeIHton mahnery when e-aput of the power suppl¥ a mmentTY stnnHZP tpOY T suMly
- f the set value is 1: fiom unl Btime – the reay is ON in the point after as cdeday as the diEseting time (1minNset) (tickeing tle Ouut lamn «dr ie tlhe dit tme)
:Corection fun:tion of the present temperature
- (Corrertion fun:tion for a diserepaney bet ween the presents disyplay value and the
atual value(acurate value)
ex An actua temperatre vale 10.0C av. but the present tempeatues display
value was 120C
=> Yau may Lse ths functicn and can ocrrect he displays temperatue value by
Part name
Setting temperature & programs
- Setting temperature
- The present temperature: thall be disTdayed ater pOWer slplr. Hset) key s Rssed otly,og wil be ticke. Pss key tw ch:nge the setting vahie If se key is pressed ain.oletkr shal be stoed and the setting temDeritire value shall De ived and the Desent temerutıre shell be dsplsved
- Setting programs
- if key is presed ir mor than econd, the prunm mode will be pruKeded as blbwing seqUences TYP-DIT9DI-XOR (rekr tw let side eting poarm) The ettine vaue of euch mode shauld chnged by prssing ker und then press Se key to move tw net mmode
The et or programming mode is urmiu tec, if ou pres theSe key ir mare tn 2
secund, parumeters (set values) sre saved ater disjiuy ne Lo-Elttr or etum tw
the p:sent temneratire uuwmsticaly atter l0 Seconds,
Application of FOX-1004
Heuter-) tum off at 300C tum on at 0T. How to operate {settng 10r the
temperatue c& prgIaN Coder -) tum off st 0 C, tum n at 20 Haw to cperate
{settmg ur the temperature prgam)!
Safety and Hazard Instructions
dangerous factors such as serious huma n injury or serious dama ges of
property & important machine because this item is not designed as safety
Safety Instruction and Hazard Warrings
Please rxd the gerit ing manual thraieh ccEnTdetel hefUP Mttdng the cèvie into cerit ion e wl nt assine anv Enshlty for dena to asset (E TeH(NS caisad by mprver handine or faire th oserve the sofety nstnucticns or hevarcd wamnes. Por vefety ancd lcens ing rne. umithwried conversiom andor madficaticn cf thP device ië not remited. o nut emeed the maximum Tem iitle currnt in ca f hiaer bxds ite a contactur f xdecauaste suwer. Make sIR th»t the sTlied volbae mat:tes the vahues setfed fur the ntnmePnt ThP device mst he xdecjatelv Irvected frm water ani dust as Ter the aIplcation and mut P acessile va the 8 (f aDDIDTate txds Tle device mxt not le expCHd to extTreme tampertira snieht. trng vłiratcn or hah leels of himttx Operatdon cE insta let im is nt perm tecd uncer nfava lle amhent ccmdtioms auch as wete or exceive indu:tion lkexds OFHuenod ani dust. cEnbust iie gaHS, Vapus (E sokerts eH)eúally hieh-frayuncy nMe Ad opert(n or intalh ton dse ti hehtfreiency felds sach aS wadng de viC. sew Dng maxhnes reess tnmitter. rado tems. SCR cuntroler et o nt install the nET Cahe nerhy sienal catie. TweT (ahle. kad cahle Please 1e the shielcd cathk whn the sensor (ale s kngthen hnever do nut mak it to mac:h lonær Please 1e the en«r cahle withazt ane cutine or fhw. bemšh The device not a tuv and
hald te kept away frun cien ITEta lat ton wcrk must cnlv be cerriexd out hw
suitaly aualfied rersonn=l whu are fimilbr with the havwarck imvcdvecd and with the evant reglatine. YCRI słinddht tönker with anvthineOr the pnxdut mav mt he enecd or digitsemhed unes ¥(RI knm¥ w heit vcRire dHng Please ask us ahrut this uuest iaminz
Altenlion ! Never wcrk on electrical cmneclions when lh e machme is
swiLched m
Erra message
H.Office : Ballyonsandan 1-ro, Jangan-eup, Gijang, Busan, Republic of
Factory: Ballyonsandan 1-ro, Jangan-eup, Gijang, Busan, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82 (051) 819-0425~ 7
FAX: 8 2-51-819-4562
This device works proper opera! i on with:
Surrounding Temp. : O’C”‘t0 ° C
Surrounding Hurni. : below 80%RH
R egular pa,ver : 2ZJVAC
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