Nordic Propeye OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 Meter User Manual

June 10, 2024
Nordic Propeye

Nordic Propeye OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 Meter

Nordic Propeye Product Manual

Product Description

The Nordic Propeye is a temperature and humidity sensor that periodically sends measurement reports to a Lora WAN network. The device has advanced setting options, such as configuration of automatic background calibration (ABC) functionality, target calibration, and sub-sample settings, which are not part of standard usage.


During operation, usage, service or repair of this Nordic

Propeye product, observe the following safety precautions:

  • Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures or moisture.
  • Avoid dropping or striking the device.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the device yourself.


The Nordic Propeye should be disposed of in accordance with local environmental regulations.

Installation and Activation

  1. Remove the top cover by pressing it upwards and outwards.
  2. Release the plastic latch on the top to remove the electronics.
  3. Mount the bottom piece on a wall with the UP arrow facing up wards using either screws or adhesive tape.

Product Usage Instructions

The Nordic Propeye will automatically enter initial state when powered on. After a few seconds, it will try to join a Lora WAN network. The device will remain in the joining state until it successfully joins a network. Once joined, it will periodically measure temperature and humidity and send measurement reports to the network.

To check the device state, press and hold the button until the red LED starts flashing after 0.5s. The device has four states:

State Description
Initial Low power state during transport. Radio not active.
Joining Trying to join a Lora WAN network. The device will remain in

this state until successfully joined a Lora WAN network.
Configure| Enables quick over-the-air configuration, by polling server
after configuration commands during 2 minutes. This is done by
sending uplink status command (0x20).
Operational| Joined to a Lora WAN network, measures temperature and humidity
periodically, and sends measurement reports toward a Lora WAN

Technical Support and FCC Compliance Statement

For technical support, contact

The Nordic Propeye device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC ID: 2A6VH-OY1211 IC ID: 28553-OY1211


This document represents information on products at the time of publication and is subject to change without prior notice due to product improvements or other reasons. Nordic Propeye makes no warranties based on the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Nordic Propeye reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein.

Technical support
Please visit for additional information, or contact

FCC compliance statement
FCC ID: 2A6VH-OY1211
IC ID: 28553-OY1211

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of this Nordic Propeye product.

  • Read the product manual.
  • Do not modify the product.
  • The product should not be exposed to extreme heat or open flame.
  • The device must not be exposed to harsh chemical agents or solvents.
  • The labelling of the product may not be changed, removed or made unrecognizable.

Product Environmental

This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of with your other household waste. Instead, it is your responsibility to dispose of your waste by taking it to a collection point designated for the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances. Separate collection and recycling of your waste at the time of disposal will contribute to conserving natural resources and guarantee recycling that respects the environment and human health. For further information concerning your nearest recycling center, please contact your nearest local authority/town hall offices, your household waste collection company or the shop where you bought the product.


The OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 meter is designed to measure carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity in indoor environments. The sensor is intended for indoor climate control, air quality monitoring and energy optimizations. It is optimized for reliable and secure measurements with more than 5-10 years life length on batteries dependent on radio conditions.

The standard measurement interval is every minute and standard reporting interval is every 25 measurements (resulting in a measurement report transmitted every 25 minutes). The fast measurement interval makes it possible to insert additional transmissions when large changes in the CO2 level are detected, resulting in low reporting latency. By default, CO2 level changes larger than +/-100ppm from the last transmitted measurement report causes an additional measurement report over the LoRa uplink channel. If the absolute CO2 level is below a certain threshold, by default 750ppm, these additional reporting events are however omitted. All these parameters can be adjusted using LoRa downlink commands if needed.

Advanced settings

The device has advanced setting options, such as configuration of automatic background calibration (ABC) functionality, target calibration, and sub-sample settings. Those settings are impacting the power and accuracy performance of the device and therefore not part of standard usage, nor this manual. Contact for detailed information.

Product Installation and activation

The sensor consists of a bottom piece, the electronic board and the top cover. Remove the top cover by pressing it upwards and outwards. The electronics are removed by releasing the plastic latch on the top.

The bottom piece is mounted on the wall with the “UP” arrow upwards. It can be mounted either with screws or adhesive tape.

Configure the device in the LoRaWAN server, according to chapter 6.1, and insert the batteries. The sensor starts and flashes 2 + 6 times during the boot-up sequence. The sensor is activated by pressing the push button for 3 seconds until the red LED makes two short flashes. When the device has successfully joined the LoRaWAN network there will be a 2-second-long flash. Attach the electronic board to the bottom piece and attach the plastic cover.

Lora WAN Configuration
Configuration on the network server is done with
AppEUI: 70-B3-D5-D7-2F-F8-18-00 (a.k.a. JoinEUI)
It is possible to order a batch of devices configured with a customer unique AppEUI from the Nordic Propeye OUI range.

The device is configured with device unique DevEUI and AppKey. The DevEUI is printed on device box and the AppKey is distributed by the sales team. The device is default configured for OTA provisioning. Contact the Nordic Propeye team for ABP configuration. The device follows the Lora WAN standard related Join configuration parameters, such as RX1 and RX2 windows, RX2 downlink frequency etc.
The default setting is ADR enabled.

If you are not experienced of Lora WAN, contact to get started.

Sensor states and state check
The sensor has five states: Booting, Initial, Joining, Configure and Operational state.

When the unit is initially powered, it flashes 2 times with the LED, after a few seconds the unit enters initial state automatically.
This is indicated by flashing 6 times.

To check the device state, press the button and hold it pressed until the red LED starts flashing after 0.5s.

State Description LED response
Initial Low power state during transport. Radio not active. 1 short flash

(0.5 sec)
Joining| Trying to join a Lora WAN network. The device will remain in this state until successfully joined a Lora WAN network| 2 short flash (0.5 sec)
Configure| Enables quick over-the-air configuration, by polling server after configuration commands during 2 minutes. This is done by sending uplink status command (0x20).| 1 long flash (2 sec)
Operational| Joined to a Lora WAN network, measures temperature and humidity periodically, and sends measurement reports toward a LorA WAN network.| 1 long flash (2 sec)

Re-join functionality
The device supervises its connectivity to the network, by monitoring that periodic downlink messages are received.
The device tries to re-join the network if it has not heard anything from the network for 288 uplinks (5 days @ 25-minute message interval).
The device requests and normally gets a downlink ever 64th uplink due to the ADRAckReq functionality.

Measurement and reporting interval
The measurement interval and reporting interval can be set with downlink commands. The default setting is a measurement interval of 60 sec. The default reporting interval is every 25th measurement interval.
The device sends extra reports when above a configurable CO2 level, default setting 750 ppm and larger difference than 100 ppm from last report.
The reporting interval counting is reset after an extra measurement report.


Operating principle

  • Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) Yes
  • Sample method Diffusion

Accuracy and range

  • Temperature accuracy ± 0,2 °C (conditions 0 °C to +50 °C)
  • Temperature range -20 °C to +60 °C
  • Humidity accuracy ± 2% (conditions 10-90% RH)
  • Humidity range 0% to 100% non-condensing
  • Measurement range CO2 400 – 5000 ppm
  • Accuracy CO2 ±30ppm ±3% of reading


  • Network LoRaWAN
  • Frequency bands 915 MHz
  • Provisioning Over the air & personalization


  • Size 111 x 77 x 26 mm
  • Weight 136g


  • Algorithms AES-128
  • Hardware Cryptographic co-processor
  • Features Secure boot
  • Secure firmware upgrade
  • Hardware based ultra-secure key storage


  • Battery type 2x Lithium-thionyl 3.6V (replaceable)
  • Total capacity 3.6Ah


  • Measurement intervals 1 minute, configurable over the air
  • Transmission intervals 25 minutes, configurable over the air
  • Threshold for adaptive reporting >750 ppm, configurable over the air
  • Step threshold for adaptive report 100 ppm, configurable over the air
  • Unique App EUI available upon request


  • IP30


  • RoHS compliant
  • FCC
  • IC
  • Lora WAN

Battery life

More than one year without limiting the product life length Operational

  • Battery life length > 5 years (at 25-minute intervals, SF12) + 1 year storage

The device has the following security features:

  • Cryptographical coprocessor for ultra-secure hardware based key storage
  • Secure boot
  • Encrypted FW
  • Message encryption (AES-128 bit)
  • Message integrity (MIC AES-128 bit)
  • No port access to device.

The protocol consists of different types of data

  • Lora WAN v.1.0.2 standard commands
  • Unsolicited uplink status commands during configure state
  • Periodic measurement reports
  • Downlink commands and queries
  • Uplink query response

Note 0x denotation means hexadecimal encoded.

Lora WAN standard commands
All standard Lora WAN v 1.0.2 Rev B are supported. Please refer to the Lora WAN standard for the protocol definition.

Unsolicited uplink status commands
The sensor polls the server for configuration parameters the during the Configure state. This is done by sending unsolicited uplink status report (0x20). This gives quick feedback to the installer that the installation has been successful and enables downlink configuration commands to be sent. After approximately 2 minutes the device changes to Operational state. See chapter 6.5 for details of the Status report.
Port: Port 1
Payload 0x01 20 00

  • 0x01: Data type
  • 0x20: Status command
  • 0x00: Normal startup

The expected behavior is 0x01 20 00. If not: contact support.

Periodic measurement reports
The sensors transmit periodic unsolicited measurement reports or adaptive reports due to changes in CO2 level.

Periodic measurement report
The default configuration is that temperature, humidity and CO2 level are transmitted every 25th minute.
The data is packed into a minimal number of bytes to conserve energy and to minimize interference.
Port: Port 2
Payload: Measurement value (see chap 9.3.2)
Size: 5 Bytes

Measurement value
The measurement value for each measurement

  • Byte 0: Temperature, bit 11 – bit 4
  • Byte 1: Relative humidity, bit 11 – bit4
  • Byte 2:
    • bit 7-4: Temperature, bit 3 – bit 0
    • bit 3-0: Relative humidity, bit 3 – bit 0
  • Byte 3-4: CO2 sent as an unsigned 16-bit integer

Temperature conversion
The temperature measurement is transmitted using an unsigned 12-bit value. The scaling is 1/10 °C and the offset is 80 °C, which means the received value should be subtracted by 800 and then divided with 10 to get it in °C.

Relative humidity conversion
The relative humidity (RH) measurement is transmitted using an unsigned 12-bit value. The scaling is 1/10 % RH and the offset is 25 % RH, which means the received value should be subtracted by 250 and then divided with 10 to get it in % RH.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion
The carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement is in parts-per-million (ppm – 1 x 10-6). The CO2 data is averaged over a measurement period. The data is transmitted using an un-signed 16-bit integer. The value 0xFFFF indicates an error in the CO2 reading and should be displayed as an alarm or error code in the application, not as a measurement value.

Example : Single measurement report
Data sent on Lora WAN port 2 : 3e 44 1d 02 1b

  • (3e1) HEX: (993) DEC => 993/10 -80°C => 19.3 gradC
  • (44d)HEX: (1101) DEC => 1101/10 – 25% => 85.1 % RH
  • (021b)HEX: (539) DEC => 539 ppm CO2

Downlink commands and queries
To control the sensor application, in-band commands and queries can be sent from the server application. Contact your Lora WAN network provider for in- band application API. All downlink application communication is done on Lora WAN port 1.

Downlink command network = > device

Field| Bytes| Value| Description| Note
Type| 1| xx| 0x01: Set 0x02: Query 0x03: Action|
Index| 1| xx| Command Index|
Data| | | As defined for Command Index only applicable for set-commands|


Port| Index| Description| Uplink Datatype response| Encoding| Valid range| Access| Unsolicited| Description| Note
1| 0x03| FW build hash| 6 x Uint8| | | Query| No| Unique number that identifies the firmware version|
1| 0x05| Device reset| | | | Action| No| Reset of device|
1| 0x06| CPU voltage| Uint8| 25mV/ LSB| 0-3.6V| Query| No| Read CPU voltage. Max/min ranges depend on battery chemistry.|
1| 0x0A| CPU temperature| Uint16 Big endian| 50C – 0.01C / LSB| -50- +125 C| Query| No| Temperature from CPU sensor with 50

°C offset. Approximately 5 °C accuracy.

1| 0x20| Status| Uint8| Bitfield| | Query| Yes| Should be 0, otherwise contact support with error code information .| Cleared through reset
1| 0x30| Measurement interval| Uint16 Big endian| Seconds| 15-7200| Query Set| No| Measurement interval in seconds controlling how often sensors data is acquired. Default 60 seconds| Setting measurement interval resets the measurement timer.
1| 0x31| Measurement cycles per reporting event| Uint16 Big endian| Number of measurement cycles| 1-2000| Query Set| No| Maximum number of measurement cycles before transmitting sensor data over LoRa uplink. Default 25 cycles|
1| 0x32| CO2 concentration variation threshold| Uint16 Big endian| PPM| 0-65535| Query Set| No| Maximum CO2 concentration change from last Lora uplink reporting event before inserting an additional reporting event. Default 100ppm| Set to 0 ppm to disable all additional reporting events based on CO2 level.
1| 0x33| CO2 concentration absolute threshold| Uint16 Big endian| PPM| 0-65535| Query Set| No| Minimum absolute CO2 concentration level under which all additional reporting event are omitted. Default 750ppm|
1| 0x34| Internal CO2 sensor status bits| Uint32 Big endian| CO2 sensor status| 1-2000| Query| No| Query only, for internal use|
1| 0x35| ABC period| Uint16 Big endian| Hours| 1 – 65534| Query Set| No| Period for ABC cycle. Default is 180 hours.| “ 0” disables ABC functionality
2| –| Data| [ Uint12, Uint12, Uint16 ]| (°C + 80)10 (% RH +25)10 (ppm CO2)| 0 – 3800 0 – 1500 0 – 65535| –| Yes| Current temperature, humidity and CO2 level.| See Ch 9.3

Reset device
The device can be reset by three methods, long press on button, removal of battery (note the device will be running for approximately 24 hours even without batteries), or forced into Joining state by OTA commands.
Example: Remote device reset: Port 1: 0305

Uplink query response
Uplink messages are sent on port 1 with the following heading:

Uplink command device = > network

Field| Bytes| Value| Description| Note
Type| 1| xx| 0x01: Data
0x02: Command NACK|
Index| 1| xx| Command Index|
Data| | | As defined for Command Index (only for Type: Data)|

Port 1: Payload 0x01 20 00

  •  0x01: Data type
  • 0x20: Status command
  • 0x00: Normal startup

The expected behavior is 0x01 20 00. If not contact support.

Product manual, version 1.0, January 24, 2023,


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