Microsemi SmartFusion Dedicated Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuit with PLL Integration User Guide

June 9, 2024

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Dedicated Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuit with PLL

Configuration Options

The Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuit (FAB_CCC) Configurator enables you to configure the second CCC/PLL block available only in the A2F500 device. This CCC/PLL is dedicated to the FPGA fabric. The Fabric CCC can condition up to three input clocks and generate up to three global clocks. The configuration of the CCC can be broken down in the following four major blocks:

  • Input reference clocks (CLKx) configuration

  • Output Clocks (GLx) configuration
    – Clock source selection
    – Clock frequency and phase configurations
    – Clock delay configurations

  • PLL feedback clock selection

  • Glitch less clock multiplexing configuration

The Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuitry (FAB_CCC) is configured using flash cells based on the selection made in this configurator. You can also override the static configuration by using the configuration shift register available on the FAB_CCC block.
The Dedicated Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuit is shown in Figure 1-1.

Microsemi SmartFusion Dedicated Fabric Clock Conditioning Circuit with PLL
Integration - fig 1

CLK (x= A/B/C) Input Clocks
To configure the CLK reference clock, first select the clock source, then define the clock source.
Clock Source Selection
The following sources are available from the reference clock pull-down menu:

  • External I/O – The clock source can be any fabric I/O. The regular FPGA I/O is routed to the reference clock fabric interface pin.
  • Hardwired I/O – The clock source is one of three regular FPGA I/Os that has a dedicated path to drive the reference clock.
  • Hardwired I/O (LVPECL) – The clock source is one of two regular FPGA I/Os (P side of the LVPECL pair) that has a dedicated path to drive the reference clock.
  • Hardwired I/O (LVDS) – The clock source is one of two regular FPGA I/Os (P side of the LVDS pair) that has a dedicated path to drive the reference clock.
  • Internal logic – The clock source can be any FPGA fabric logic.
  • On-chip RC Oscillator – The clock source is a dedicated 100 MHz On-chip RC Oscillator available on the SmartFusion device. The on-chip RC oscillator is actually generated as part of the MSS clock configurator. Refer to the MSS_CCC Configurator for details of how to export the on-chip RC oscillator output port.
  • Main Crystal Oscillator – The source is an external Crystal or an external RC circuit connected to the main crystal oscillator external pins. See the Actel SmartFusion Microcontroller Subsystem User’s Guide for details about how the external crystal must be connected on the board to the SmartFusion device. This option is only available for CLKA and CLKB. The main crystal oscillator is actually generated as part of the MSS clock configurator. Refer to the MSS_CCC Configurator for details on how to export the main crystal oscillator output port.

Clock Frequency
You must specify the clock source frequency. Note the following frequency requirements:

  • The On-chip Oscillator clock frequency is fixed to 100 MHz and cannot be changed.
  • The Main Crystal Oscillator clock frequency must be between 1.5 MHz and 20 MHz when the PLL is used or between 32 KHz and 20 MHz when the PLL is bypassed. Use the same frequency as the one specified in the MSS_CCC configurator for the main crystal oscillator.
  • The Main Crystal Oscillator (RC network configuration) clock frequency must be between 1.5 MHz and 4 MHz when the PLL is used or between 32 KHz and 4 MHz when the PLL is bypassed. Use the same frequency as the one specified in the MSS_CCC configurator for the main crystal oscillator.
  • For all other sources, the source clock frequency must be between 1.5 MHz and 176 MHz when the PLL is used or between 32 KHz and 350 MHz when the PLL is bypassed.

GLx Output Clocks
GLA is always enabled. You may optionally enable the GLB (YB) and GLC (YC) clocks. The GLA, GLB and GLC clock drive a global network in the FPGA fabric; the YB and YC drive local routing resources in the FPGA. If you enable only the YB or YC output, the GLB or GLC global network cannot be used any more.

  • Clock Source Selection – The source of the GLx clocks can either be:
    – Derived from the corresponding input clock CLKx (bypass mode). It can be a division of the input clock.
    – Derived from the CLKA reference clock using one of the PLL 4 output VCO phases.
    – Derived from the CLKA reference clock using the PLL output VCO (phase 0) with a programmable delay.

  • Clock Frequency – You must specify the output clock frequencies. This frequency is used by the FAB_CCC configuration engine to automatically compute the CCC dividers to meet your frequency requirements. The dividers are highlighted in blue (for instance /2) in the configurator UI.

  • Phase Configuration – The PLL block offers 4 phases that you can access through the phase selection pull-down menu. The actual phases and resulting delays are  highlighted in blue on the configurator UI. The actual phase is not the same as the selected phase if the output divider is not 1 (actual_phase = selected_phase / utput_divider). The actual delay is a function of the actual phase of the PLL output (VCO).

  • Delay Configuration – For GLx only, you may configure the programmable delay to further tune the overall CLKA to GLx delays (when the PLL is used) or CLKx to GLx delays (when the bypass mode is used) based on your system requirements. The programmable delays are typical delays.
    The total delays are highlighted in blue in the configurator UI. The delays provided by the configurator are typical delays and match those computed by SmartTime typical conditions.

PLL Feedback Clock

  • PLL Feedback Source – If the you use the PLL, you can choose to use an internal or an external feedback loop depending on your system level requirements:
    – Internal feedback from VCO (phase 0) without programmable delay – This is the default choice.
    – Internal feedback from VCO (phase 0) with programmable delay – Use a fine grain programmable delay to tune your overall CCC delays based on your system requirements. The programmable delays are typical delays
    – External I/O – The clock source can be any regular FPGA I/O. The regular FPGA I/O is routed to the feedback clock fabric interface pin.
    – Hardwired I/O – The clock source is one of three regular FPGA I/Os that has a dedicated path to drive the feedback clock.
    – Hardwired I/O (LVPECL) – The clock source is one of two regular FPGA I/Os (P side of the LVPECL pair) that has a dedicated path to drive the feedback clock.
    – Hardwired IO (LVDS) – The clock source is one of two regular FPGA I/Os (P side of the LVDS pair) that has a dedicated path to drive the feedback clock.
    – Fabric – The clock source can be any FPGA fabric logic.

  • Programmable Fix Delay – You can also add a fix delay (~2 ns typical) to your feedback loop. This delay has been defined to be about the same delay as the clock network within the FPGA (GLx to the input of a flip-flop).

Note: When the PLL is used with an external feedback, all engine computations are based on the assumptions that the external feedback is driven from the GLA fabric CCC output whether through the fabric or externally to the chip. The engine also assumes a delay of 0 ns for the path from GLA to the fabric CCC external feedback input. To have the correct delays at the system level you must adjust the delay computation based on the actual typical external delay.

Glitchless Clock Multiplexing

You can configure the glitch less clock multiplexor as follows:

  • GLA – No dynamic multiplexing is available and the GLA output comes from the CCC internal GLA signal.
  • GLA_GLC – You can make a glitchless switch between the CCC internal GLA signal and the CCC internal GLC signal. The output of the glitchless clock multiplexor comes out on the GLA global network.
  • GLA_GLMUXINT – You can make a glitchless switch between the CCC internal GLA signal and the FPGA fabric signal GLMUXINT. The output of the glitchless clock multiplexor comes out on the GLA global network.

Dynamic Shift Register

You can dynamically configure or re-configure the Fabric CCC in your design by using the CCC configuration dynamic shift register. Click the Use Dynamic Shift Register check box to enable this option. The ports used to configure this register are SDIN, SCLK, SSHIFT, SUPDATE, SDOUT and MODE and are described in “Port Description” on page 9.
Table 1- 1 describes the CCC configuration shift register from SDIN to SDOUT. This table can be generated from the Designer Software Tools > Report > Global > CCC_Configuration menu after layout is complete. You must complete layout because as some configuration bits can only be computed based on the placement of the design. The columns are defined as follows:

  • NAME – The configuration signal as defined on the FAB_CCC_DYN CAE macro.
  • SDIN – The register bit numbers.
  • VALUE – The configuration value as defined in the configurator and assigned to the configuration signal.
  • TYPE – The type of the configuration with respect to what you are allowed to change when using the CCC configuration shift register. Configuration bits marked EDIT can be safely changed by you. Those marked MASKED should not be changed as they are defined by the placement of the design. Finally, configurations marked READONLY should not be changed.

Table 1-1 • CCC Configuration Shift Register from SDIN to SDOUT

FINDIV [6: 0] 0010010 EDIT
FBDIV [13: 7] 0010010 EDIT
OADIV [18:14] 00001 EDIT
OBDIV [23:19] 00000 EDIT
OCDIV [28:24] 00000 EDIT
OAMUX [31:29] 100 EDIT
OBMUX [34:32] 000 EDIT
OCMUX [37:35] 000 EDIT
FBSEL [39:38] 01 EDIT
FBDLY [44:40] 00000 EDIT
DLYGLA [50:46] 00011 EDIT
DLYGLB [55:51] 11111 EDIT
DLYGLC [60:56] 00000 EDIT
DLYAO [65:61] 00000 EDIT
DLYA1 [70:66] 00000 EDIT

Table 1-1 • CCC Configuration Shift Register from SDIN to SDOUT

VCOSEL [76:74] 000 EDIT

For more details about the architecture of the SmartFusion fabric CCC and the definition of the configuration bits, please refer to the Actel SmartFusion FPGA Fabric User’s Guide.

Port Description

In Ta ble 2-1 , ‘x’ indicates A, B or C.
Table 2-1 • FAB_CCC Port Description

Port Name Direction PAD? Description
CLKx IN No Reference clock when driven from Internal Logic or External I/O
CLKx_PAD IN Yes Reference clock when driven from Hardwired I/O
CLKx_PADP IN Yes Reference clock P side when driven from Hardwired I/O

(LVDS) or Hardwired I/O (LVPECL)
CLKx_PADN| IN| Yes| Reference clock N side when driven from Hardwired I/O (LVDS) or Hardwired I/O (LVPECL)
RCOSC| IN| No| Reference clock when driven from On-chip RC Oscillator
MAINXIN| IN| No| Reference clock when driven from Main Crystal Oscillator
EXTFB| IN| No| PLL feedback clock when driven from Internal Logic or External I/O
EXTFB PAD| IN| Yes| PLL feedback clock when driven from Hardwired I/O
EXTFB_PADP| IN| Yes| PLL feedback clock P side when driven from Hardwired I/O (LVDS) or Hardwired I/O (LVPECL)
EXTFB_PADN| IN| Yes| PLL feedback clock N side when driven from Hardwired I/O (LVDS) or Hardwired I/O (LVPECL)
GLx| OUT| No| Generated clock driving clock FPGA fabric global network ‘x’
Yx| OUT| No| Generated clock driving clock FPGA fabric local routing resource
OxDIVRST| IN| No| OxDIVRST is available when the GLx or Yx output is not derived from the PLL VCO output; it is in bypass mode with an output divider greater than 1.
The purpose of the OADIVRST signal is to reset the output of the final clock divider to synchronize it with the input to that divider when the PLL is bypassed.
The signal is active on a low to high transition. The signal must be low for at least one divider input.
PLLEN| IN| No| PLL Enable signal; this signal is active high or low based on the polarity chosen in the configurator.
LOCK| OUT| No| PLL Lock indicator signal; this signal is asserted (lock) high or low based on the polarity chosen in the configurator
GLMUXINT| IN| No| FPGA fabric input to the CCC glitchless MUX
GLMUXSEL| IN| No| FPGA fabric input used to make a glitchless switch between GLA and GLMUXINT or GLA and GLC.
SDIN| IN| No| Dynamic shift register serial data in

Table 2-1 • FAB_CCC Port Description

Port Name Direction PAD? Description
SCLK IN No Dynamic shift register serial clock
SSHIFT IN No Dynamic shift register serial shift data command; the data

present on SDIN is shifted into the CCC configuration shift register on the rising edge of SCLK.
SUPDATE| IN| No| Dynamic shift register serial data update; the data present in the shift register is applied to the CCC as a new configuration
SDOUT| OUT| No| Dynamic shift register serial data out; the last bit of the CCC configuration shift register
MODE| IN| No| If MODE is 0, the CCC configuration data is coming from the CCC configuration register else it is coming from the programmed flash cells

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