industrie technik THS2-0MM Evolution Split Instructions

June 9, 2024
industrie technik

industrie technik THS2-0MM Evolution Split

  • Note! More information about the product can be found in the manual, which is available for download from
  • Caution! Read and understand the instruction before using the product.
  • Caution! Ensure that the installation complies with local safety regulations.
  • Warning! Before installation or maintenance, the power supply must first be disconnected in order to prevent potentially lethal electric shocks! In-stallation or maintenance of this unit should only be carried out by quali-fied personnel. The manufacturer is not responsible for any eventual damage or injury caused by inadequate skills during installationn, or through removal of or deactivation of any security devices.


THS2-0MM and THS2 are able to control 3-speed fan coils or fans with EC engine, valves that can be on/off, modulating or 3-point and electrical resistance. It is possible to connect up to 15 remote power units via the RS485 communication line, of which one is master and the others are slave. The selection master/slave is done by the jumper. The optional backlit display unit is large and easy-to-read and allows you to view the measured temperature and humidity values, the operating time slots and the status of connected remote units. Through the keypads of the optional display unit you can quickly access the most common functions (on/off, setpoint change, fan speed control, season change, input/output status display, alarms, etc.) and set all operating parameters.

Technical Data THS2-0MM power unit

Supply voltage 110…240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption Max 1.1 W (3.5 VA) THS2-0MM (with THS2 connected)
Ambient temperature 0…40°C
Inputs 2 potential-free contacts SELV (limit of voltage: 4 Vdc) 2

NTC10K sensors

USB for software update

Outputs| 3 analogue outputs 0…10 V (RL >10K)

5 SPST 240 Vac relays. K1 K2 K3 combined total 3 A (AC1), K5 K6 each 1 A (AC1)

1 SPST 240 Vac, 10 A (AC1) relay K4

Communication| Internal network and RTU Modbus (slave) to BMS and for configuration
Dimensions| 140 x 121.5 x 47 mm
Protection class| IP30
Isolation class| II
CE standard conformity| EN 60730-1

Technical Data THS2 (optional display unit)

Supply voltage 5 Vdc provided by THS2-0MM slave 1
Operating temperature 0…50°C
Display backlit LCD display
Inputs 2 SELV potential free contacts (limit of voltage: 5 Vdc) USB

port for configuration and software updates
Communication| internal network, Modbus RTU (master)
Dimensions| 128 x 80 x 28.5 mm
Mounting| wall mounting, 3 module flush-mounting box
Protection class| IP30
Isolation class| II
CE standard conformity| EN 60730-1

Wiring THS2-0MM


Terminal block THS2-0MM

Terminal Description
Connector CN1 power supply 110…240 Vac
+5V GND (connector CN2) power supply output for THS2 unit
DI1 – DI2 (connector CN2) digital inputs 1-2
AI1 – AI2 (connector CN2) analogue inputs 1-2
AO1 – AO2 – AO3 (connector CN2) analogue outputs 1-3

DO1 – DO2 – DO3 – DO4 – DO5 –

DO6 (connector CN3)

| digital outputs 1-6
COM1 (connector CN3)| common for digital outputs 1-3
COM2 (connector CN3)| common for digital output 4
COM3 (connector CN3)| common for digital outputs 5-6
M- / M+ GND (connector CN4)| internal communication network (twin
IN| connector)
M- M+ GND|


M- / M+ GN (connector CN5)

| external Modbus network (twin connector)
Terminal| Description
GND| common for digital inputs, analogue inputs, analogue outputs and internal communica- tion network
| common for external Modbus network (to supervisor)
SW1| key not used
SW2| reset button
SW3| rotary switch for selecting THS2-0MM unit address in the internal network (the chosen address must be between 1 and 15(F)).

Each unit in the internal network must have a different adress and all addresses must be continuous from 1 to X with X corre- sponding to parameter M20.

The address on the rotary switch is not only valid for internal network but also for exter- nal network when J2 is off.

LED| flashes during normal operation (1 flash/s) if the position of rotary switch SW3 is be- tween 1 and 15

steady on (THS2-0MM address error value 0 selected)

USB| USB connection port for software update
JP1| Term. ON → 120 ohm internal network line termination resistance INSERTED
JP1| OFF → 120 ohm internal network line termi- nation resistance NOT INSERTED
JP2| Term. ON → 120 ohm external (to supervi- sor or THS2 unit) Modbus line termination resistance INSERTED (towards supervisor or THS2 unit)
JP2| OFF → 120 ohm resistance for external Modbus line termination (to supervisor or THS2 unit) NOT INSERTED
J1| ON -> THS2-0MM is the master for internal network. He transmits all parameters set- ting to slaves
J1| OFF -> THS2-0MM is a slave for internal network
J2| ON -> the address of THS2-0MM in the ex- ternal network is variable ADR_MOD_MOD- BUS_ADDRESS_EXT (11149) parameter M19
J2| OFF -> the address of THS2-0MM in the external network is the address set on ro- tary switch SW3

Wiring THS2 unit


Terminal block THS2

Terminal Description
5V – GND 5 Vdc power supply supplied by THS2-0MM unit
DI1 – DI2 digital inputs 1 and 2
M + / M – internal network
GND signal ground digital inputs and internal network
JP1 Term. ON → 120 ohm internal network line termination re- sistance

JP1| OFF → 120 ohm internal network line termination resistance NOT INSERTED

Internal network

The internal Modbus network is made up of a master unit, which allows the operating parameters to be set, and up to 14 slave units. The parameter M20 is the sum of the number of slaves and master unit (on the example of fig.4 M20=15). In addition an optional humidity and CO2 transmitter can be connected by setting parameter M21=1 (transmitter present).industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-

Internal Modbus network settings
The minimum configuration of the internal network consists of 1 master without slave (M20=1). The maximum configuration of the internal network consists of 1 master unit connected to 14 slave units (M20=15). Addresses are set for all units by means of a SW3 rotary dip switch located on each slave unit card (see under “Teminal block THS2-0MM”).

  • Address A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15. Address 0 is not val-id and must not be selected. If the position of SW3 is correct (address different from 0), the LED flashes; otherwise it remains steadily on (error). After selecting the device address in the internal network, you do not have to perform a reset by pressing the SW2 key (reset) or switch the device off and on again to consider the new address be-cause change of address can be done dinamically.

Each unit, included the master unit must have a different address from the other units and different from 0. The master or slave can have any address between 1 and F. In case less than 15 units (14 slaves + 1 master) are used, parameter M20 must be equal to the total of units present in the internal network. It is mandatory to assign an address different for each unit and on the range from 1 to the value of parameter M20 continuously. The unit that is master must have jumper J1 ON, the slaves jumper J1 OFF (not mounted). It is not possible to set 2 master units in the same internal network, then communication will not take place. After defining the internal network, set parameter M20 on master unit. Parameter M20 can be set either by an optional THS2 unit connected on CN5 of the master unit (with password 33), or by Modbus connecting a supervisor on CN5 and setting the variable ADR_MOD_MAXUNITS INTERNAL_NETWORK (11150). When you connect a supervisory system for the first time on CN5 connector use the address set on the rotary switch of the master unit for the internal network (jumper J2 must be OFF) with baud rate 19200 bit/s, parity even.

Use cables with a twisted pair + 1 wire for ground + shield. Use the twisted pair to connect M+ and M- and the single wire for the GND, which must be connected to each device. Connect the shield to ground at a single point on the cable as close to the master unit as possible. The type of cable must comply with the properties required for data transmission over MODBUS RS485 protocol (e.g. Belden 3106A cable). The two bus ends must be connected with a 120 ohm termination resistance. To insert the 120 ohm resistance on the controller, see fig.1. The maximum bus length depends on baud rate and on the cable length. For a baud rate of 9600, the maximum cable length can reach 1000 m with an AVG26 cable. Any derivations that are used must be short and not exceed 20 m. With a multi-port tap used for n derivations, each derivation must have a maximum length of 40 m divided by n.

External Modbus network

The external Modbus network allows the connection of a supervisory system to the internal network via the master unit with a second communication port. It is possible to connect several internal networks to the same supervisor by assigning a different address to each master in the external network. When jumper J2 is not mounted, the address set on rotary switch SW3 is the same for the internal and external network. The connection to a supervisory system can be faster for several internal networks as it is not necessary to set an external address with parameter M19.

In order to have a higher number of internal networks connected to a supervisory system the external address of each master unit must be set by the following procedure:

  • Put jumper J2 in ON position, If a THS2 is connected to the master unit set parameter M19 to the desired address and then exit the parameter settings to transfer the selection done on the master unit.
  • If no THS2 is connected to the THS2-0MM master, then connect a supervisor to a master by CN5 connector (other masters must remain unconnected) using address set with rotary switch (default baud rate= 19200 bit/s and even parity).
  • Write 22222 to the variable STATUS_PRESENCESUPERVISOR DISPLAY (11033).
  • Set new address on variable ADR_MOD_MODBUS_ADDRESS_EXT (11149). After the address is set, re-connect the display unit or the supervisory system using the new address in order to communicate again with the master.

Do not assign a same address to several master units, otherwise communication can not function correctly. Repeat this procedure for the other masters that need to have external address defined with parameter M19.

The supervisory system can monitor the status of each unit and set the operating parameters for each internal network. If necessary, it can set inputs/ outputs of all devices of the same internal network independently from regulation. It is necessary for supervisor to communicate with each master with a time lapse lower than 10 minutes otherwise the master will consider the supervisor unconnected. To indicate its presence the variable STATUS_PRESENCESUPERVISOR DISPLAY (11033) must be written with the value 22222. The external RS485-MODBUS line has a bus that is isolated from the internal network. In case of connection of up to 31 masters on the external network no repeater is necessary. To increase the number of devices connected to the line or to increase the cable length, a signal repeater must be connected. Add one signal repeater for each group of 31 connected masters .industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-FIG-8

Use cables with a twisted pair + 1 wire for ground + shield. Use the twisted pair to connect M+ and M- and the single wire for the GN, which must be connected to each device. Connect the shield to ground at a single point on the cable as close to the supervisor as possible. The type of cable must comply with the properties required for data transmission over MODBUS RS485 protocol. Use a Belden 3106A type cable. The two bus ends must be connected with a 120 ohm termination resistance. To insert the 120 ohm resistance on the controller, see under title“ wiring THS2-0MM”. The maximum bus length depends on baud rate and on the cable length. For a baud rate of 19200, the maximum cable length can reach 1000 m with an AVG26 cable. Any derivations that are used must be short and must not exceed 20 m. With a multi-port tap used for n derivations, each derivation must have a maximum length of 40 m divided by n.

Optional THS2 connection

If no supervisory system is used you can connect an optional THS2 display unit to a master unit on the second Modbus communication port (CN5 connector) and by this way monitor the operating mode of the master unit and to set all parameters. The master unit transmits the same setting to the all slave units of the internal network.industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-

Connect GN and GND in this case.
The maximum distance (m) between the master THS2 and THS2-0MM can be calculated with the following formula: [3.2462 / Rdc] with Rdc=resistance of the cable (Ohm/m) If a supervisory system is connected to the master unit, an optional display THS2 can be connected to a slave unit on the second Modbus communication port (CN5 connector). The optional THS2 can monitor the operating mode of the slave of which it is connected and can only change some operating variables such as setpoint or offset setpoint, speed of fan, on/off. These changes will then be set on the whole internal network by the THS2-0MM master unit.

Note: in case of change of parameters for baud rate, parity on external network, make the change on the master unit from the supervisory system or on a THS2 connected to CN5 of the master unit. All units connected to the master unit will automatically change parameter settings for communication on the external network. After the change, the supervisor and each THS2 connected to slaves on the internal network will have to update the communication parameters to the new ones in order to be able to communicate again .industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-FIG-10

By parameter M22 on the THS2. unit it is possible to define the functions of THS2 when connected to a THS2-0MM master or slave unit.

  1. THS2 unit connected to a THS2-0MM master unit (J1 ON):If M22=0, 1: The THS2 can control all parameters and send internal temperature and humidity to the connected THS2-0MM.
  2. THS2 is connected to a THS2-0MM slave unit (J1 OFF):
    M22=0: THS2 can only control setpoint, offset setpoint, speed, on/off and send internal temperature and humidity to the connected THS2-0MM. M22=1: THS2 can only control setpoint, offset setpoint, speed, on/off and does not send internal temperature and humidity to THS2-0MM. In both cases 1. and 2. if M22=2: THS2 visualizes the state of the connected THS2-0MM and does not control parameters. The first time THS2 is connected it is necessary to set the address for communicating if different from 1. Connect the THS2 to the specific THS2-0MM, if communication couldn’t be established due to an external address different than 1 the display will show the massage:”THSConn”.

To do the connection press simultaneously the keys , and the message Adr1 appears on the display. Press the power key and the current address will flash. With the keys then select the new address and press the power key to save the selection, or the key to exit the parameter settings without saving the changes. If J2 is unmounted you set the internal address on rotary switch SW3. If J2 is mounted, it corresponds to parameter M19. If connection is established, the screen displays operating mode.

Regulation sensor

When you select the regulation sensor for a THS2-0MM unit you have several options to choose from. The regulation sensor of a given unit can be:

  • it’s own remote regulation sensor
  • the remote regulation sensor of the master unit
  • the internal sensor of optional THS2 that is connected to the master unit
  • the temperature delivered by a supervisor system
  • the internal sensor of optional THS2 connected to the THS2-0MM considered.

Selection is made by writing the variable ADR_MODTYPESENSREG (11070) (parameter I02) on the master unit.

  • If I02=0, the respective slave regulation sensor depends on the settings of sensors AI1 (or AI2) .industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-FIG-14

Write 0 on variable ADR_MODTYPESENSREG (11070) (parameter I02) on master unit. Write 1 on variable ADR_MOD_ANAINPUT1FUN (11079) (parameter I11) to set AI1 as regulation sensor on master unit.

  • If I02=1 regulation with internal temperature of optional THS2 connected to master unit for whole network.

Write 1 on variable ADR_MODTYPESENSREG (11070) (parameter I02) on master unit. On THS2 unit set parameter M22=0 or 1. In case a THS2 unit is connected to a THS2-0MM master and another to a THS2-0MM slave unit, the slave can be regulated either with the internal temperature sensor of the THS2 connected to the master unit or to the slave unit.

Figure 11 .Tint1: internal temperature of THS2 connected to THS2-0MM master with address 1. Tint2: internal temperature of THS2 connected to THS2-0MM slave with address 2 Based on parameter M22 of the THS2 that is connected to the THS2-0MM slave, regulation can take place with:

  • Tint1 transmitted by THS2 that is connected to the master if M22=1 or
  • Tint2 transmitted by THS2 that is connected to the slave if M22=0. If a supervisory system is connected it can send the temperature to the internal network for regulation. To do so on master unit:
  • write the value 22222 to indicate presence of supervisor on variable STATUS_PRESENCE_SUPERVISOR_DISPLAY (11033)
  • write the value of temperature multiplied by 10 (for example 255 to transmit a temperature of 25.5°C) on variable ADRMOD STATUS_ CURRENT_THS2_TEMP (11034). Do not exceed 9 minutes without sending a message from supervisor to master unit otherwise supervisor is considered not connected and temperature is forced to a value corresponding to sensor open (-200). In case a THS2 is connected to a slave of internal network, set parameter M22=1 or 2 on that unit to not transmit its own internal temperature to the slave for regulation.industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-FIG-17
  • If I02=2 regulation with own remote regulation sensor of master unit. In the example of fig.13 the temperature sensor connected to AI1 (or AI2) is used for regulation by all units of the whole internal network.
  • Write 2 on variable ADR_MODTYPESENSREG (11070) (parameter I02) on master unit.industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-FIG-18
  • Write 1 on variable ADR_MOD_ANAINPUT1FUN (11079) (parameter I11) to set AI1 as regulation sensor on master unit.

Digital and analogue inputs

The digital inputs or analogue inputs that are common to all network such as remote on/off, change-over season, economy, unoccupied holiday, window contact must be connected to the master unit in order to be visible by the whole internal network. In the example of fig. 14 you can see the connection of digital inputs that are common to the whole internal network:industrie-

If no master is present each unit works independently, it is necessary to connect a digital input or an analogue input, that is configured for a function, on each unit.

The digital contacts or analogue inputs that are local to each unit such as minimum thermostat or alarm contact, must be connected to each unit.


THS2-0MM unit


THS2 unit



Mount the THS2 unit in a place away from heat sources and free of direct draughts at a height of approx. 1.5 m above the floor. Do not install the thermostat on particularly cold or hot walls or on walls that are directly in contact with the outside.industrie-technik-THS2-0MM-Evolution-Split-

THS2-0MM mounting

THS2 mounting


Figure 20. Wall mounting THS2. Spacing between 83.5 mm fixing holes with box, for example Bticino 503E. Spacing between 60 mm fixing holes with a round box, for example, Gewiss GW 24 232. For a better view of all the illustrations in these instructions please consult the manual.

Default configurations

The default configuration is 2 pipe system with a 3-speed motor and heat/cool valve. This configuration can be modified either by Evolution tool 3 (downloadable from our web site) and connected to a master unit only, or by an optional THS2 connected the master unit. This product carries the CE-mark. More information is available at


AB Industrietechnik SRL, Via Julius-Durst-Str. 50, I-39042 Bressanone (BZ) Tel: +39 0472 830626, Fax: +39 0472 831840,


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