June 9, 2024



Welcome to your new role as an ACFI Review Officer (Review Officer).
To assist you feel settled in your new role as quickly and easily as possible, we have developed a 12-week Review Officer Induction Program.
During the first week you will cover key areas to help you do your job effectively and efficiently. Following this introduction, you will begin assisting with ACFI review administration and then progress to on-site visits with an experienced Review Officer who will be your buddy. Over the 12-week induction period you will work with other members of the ACFI Review Program and gradually increase your independence with conducting reviews.
This booklet will help you and your manager monitor your induction progress. At certain points, you will be asked to sign to confirm you have understood ACFI policies and procedures and agree on completed milestones.
At the end of the induction period, you will meet with your manager to discuss your progress and confirm if you may need any further training to enable you to complete your duties.

The National Office ACFI Operations Section is here to assist you to ensure you have all the tools you need to do your job effectively, efficiently and with a nationally consistent approach. We handle program policy, communication with the aged care industry, IT support, ACFI program data reporting, risk profiling and, with the Health Grants Network (HGN), developing program officer guidance and training.
Our team is always keen to hear any ideas you may have for innovations that will improve and strengthen the program.
The ACFI Review Program Guidance material is available on the ACFI Review Program SharePoint page and provides decision-making principles and procedures which underpin your work.
Your colleagues have all completed Review Officer training and understand there is a lot to learn. I encourage you to get to know Review Officers in your office and other states. They have a wealth of knowledge and will be happy to answer any questions that you have.
I trust you will enjoy your new role.

Kind Regards
Nigel Murray
Assistant Secretary
Funding Policy & Prudential Branch
Residential and Flexible Aged Care Division

The purpose of this induction pack is to ensure Review Officers new to the Department of Health’s (the department’s) ACFI Review Program have all the information and tools they require to start working in this role.
This package details and records what a new Review Officer is required to achieve as part of their induction through to independent conduct of ACFI reviews. It is important for the ACFI Program Manager and Review Officer to sign off at the end of week one to provide a record of induction training and at the end of the 12 week induction period, to agree that the Review Officer has achieved the milestones and is able to conduct independent ACFI reviews.
The department’s generic induction process is available on our intranet site, including the APS Values and Code of Conduct, performance cycles and criteria, these components are not addressed in this document.

This pack is used to induct a new officer into the ACFI Review Program. It should be used in full irrespective of whether the officer has previous experience in the aged care industry. The time set aside for each of the sessions is a guide for managers, and may be adjusted if the trainee has previous knowledge and the trainer deems it not necessary to fully explain the session being trained at that time.
However, it is still important that the session is addressed and signed by each participant, even if as a refresher, to ensure consistency in knowledge across the ACFI Review Program.

Review Officers interact with the aged care industry and should remain highly aware of the Government’s aged care policies.
At the end of the induction period, it is expected that Review Officers will:

  • Understand the ACFI Review Program, and their role and responsibilities as an officer within the Program
  • Understand the aged care industry and the governing factors that provide them with the powers to do their job
  • Understand the department’s structure, and where they fit into that structure
  • Work safely and efficiently
  • Understand the importance of each step of the review process, including quality assurance, reconsideration and compliance processes
  • Achieve competency and effectiveness within the ACFI Review Program, by being able to conduct comprehensive, on-site and at-desk ACFI reviews.

The purpose of the ACFI is to determine the appropriate level of Government subsidy to help meet the daily care needs of each resident in a residential aged care service. The ACFI contains a range of questions to determine the level of subsidy based on a care recipient’s usual care needs.
To regulate ACFI claims submitted by approved providers of residential aged care, reviews are undertaken by Review Officers. ACFI reviews help to ensure that claims regarding a care recipient’s assessed usual care needs meet the requirements of the ACFI User Guide, which is legislated under the Aged Care Principles 2016.
Review Officers are delegated by the Secretary to conduct ACFI reviews to make decisions about whether an approved provider’s ACFI claim is valid based on legislative requirements. These decisions may increase (upgrade), decrease (downgrade) or confirm a claim for subsidy.
The purpose of the ACFI Review Program is to decide whether an ACFI claim is valid based on the legislative requirements. If inaccurate claiming is identified, actions that may be taken include correcting the classification of the care recipient (such that the correct amount of subsidy is paid to the approved provider) and/or taking compliance action.
Reviews involve Review Officers undertaking either an at-desk review or visiting residential aged care services to conduct reviews on site. During a review, the care recipient’s ACFI Answer Appraisal Pack, prepared by the approved provider, is examined. As part of on-site reviews, Review Officers may talk with care recipients, care staff and/or observe care recipients.
ACFI review decision-making is important for Government to ensure the correct funding is being provided.

Your Delegation
All APS6N, APS6 and APS5 positions with responsibility for the classification of aged care recipients in all State and Territory officers have delegation under s29-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act).

Reconsideration Centre
Division 85 of the Act lists the Delegate decisions that are reviewable. Any person who is affected by an ACFI review decision may seek reconsideration. Requests for reconsideration are accessed via the Aged Care Gateway Staff portal.
The reconsideration process provides procedural fairness and ensures that the most reasonable decision has been made. The ACFI Reconsideration Centre located in Queensland was established in 2017 and since that time has been responsible for the ACFI reconsideration process.
Under s85-9 of the Act an application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
(AAT) for the review of a decision that has been varied, set aside or confirmed at reconsideration.

Compliance Centre
In undertaking your role as a Review Officer you may identify systemic or deliberate mids-claiming. When this occurs, you and your Program Manager may wish to refer these matters to ACFI Compliance for their assessment. The ACFI Compliance Centre, located in Tasmania, was established in 2019 to deliver the ACFI compliance process.


To ensure your first day is as easy as possible, your Program Manager has been preparing for your arrival. The following steps are the responsibility of your Program Manager to arrange:

  • Confirm the commencement date, start time and meeting place.

  • Organize a welcome video conference with National Office, HGN Governance team, Compliance and Reconsideration Centres.

  • Advise the ACFI inbox ( of a new starter to ensure the contact list is updated,
    SharePoint access is arranged and a welcome email is sent.

  • Complete the form to obtain access to the Aged Care Gateway staff portal (The program manager can arrange prior to the new starter arriving – found on SharePoint).

  • Complete forms to obtain an authorized officer pass (found on SharePoint).

  • Ensure laptop and associated equipment (stand, keyboard, mouse, bag, broadband card) are available. An ACFI new starter kit can be ordered on My Self-Service Portal.

  •  Identify a buddy for the new starter.

  • Ensure the workstation and basic stationery is prepared for the new starter.

  • Prepare an email with hyperlinks to relevant background information.

  • Ensure the officer is aware of the department’s work health and safety guidelines for officers who conduct fieldwork and records management policy (available on the intranet).

  • Ensure the officer knows what public information about the ACFI Review Program is available on the department’s internet page.

  • Organize a work health and safety assessment.

  • Ensure the following resources are provided and where applicable bookmarked:

    • Aged Care Act 1997 and the Classification Principles 2014
    • Department of Health Strategic Intent 2016-2020
    • Summary of our Ministers and the Branch
    • ACFI User Guide
    • ACFI answer appraisal pack
    • ACFI assessment pack
    • ACFI Review Program Guidance Material
    • Aged Care ACFI Portal IT Task Cards
    • Work Health and Safety
    • Privacy Principles
    • Telephone listings and access to SharePoint.
  • Identify the department’s essential learning curriculum and develop a proposed timeframe for completion (refer to the department’s Induction Program).

About the Department of Health

Today you will be introduced to your help and support buddy and be given a New Starter’s Checklist which will help you figure out what you need to do over the next few weeks.

Welcome to the Department of Health
The Department of Health (the department) has an induction program that provides you with an understanding of the department and the broader health system. It also offers you an opportunity to connect with other new starters and key contacts across the department.

Working Hours
Our standard work day is 7.5 hours, with the standard day being from 8:30 am – 5:00pm (with an hour lunch break). Standard access to the building is available from 7:00am – 7:00 pm. Please speak to your supervisor about your individual working arrangements.

Building Access
Today you will need to complete your building access pass application. If you need to gain access to the building after hours you will need approval from your Manager. Your buddy will help you to fill out your application and take you to the Security team responsible for issuing your photo ID pass (yes they will be taking your photo).
Tailgating into the building is not acceptable at any time. It is your responsibility to ensure that unauthorized personnel do not enter the building by following you through an entry gate without swiping their pass. If you witness someone tailgating please advise security.
Staff should obtain a temporary pass in the event of losing or forgetting their permanent pass. These passes are issued daily and must be returned at the end of the day.

The Intranet
The Intranet enables everyone to have access to a range of business tools that will see us working in new ways, sharing current information, collaborating on documents quickly and easily, finding skilled people within the department and managing simple workflows electronically.

Intranet Overview
The intranet is composed of different types of sites based on the SharePoint platform:

  • Intranet for all staff corporate information, news and business processes;
  • Divisions and Portfolio Agencies for divisional news and local business processes collaboration;
  • Projects and team sites for task management within teams and projects.; and
  • Community sites for cross-departmental collaboration.

The Our Department section contains basic corporate pages such as information on corporate governance, business planning and general corporate information including Chief Executive Instructions (CEIs) and Procedural Rules (PRs). It also contains information regarding each of our program divisions and links to our portfolio agencies.
Use the People section to learn more about your workplace entitlements, obligations and development opportunities. It includes guidelines for staff and managers.

The Finance section provides links regarding the Accountable Authority Instructions, Finance Business Rules, Financial Delegations, Compliance Assurance, Payment Rights, Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act (PGPA Act), Taxation, the Financial Management and Compliance System (FMCS), Financial Management, Financial and Services, Internal and External Budgets and Grants and Procurement.
[last updated June 2019]

The Information Technology section provides information on Health IT, managing our information, security, data and analytics, corporate Dashboard, projects and the SharePoint user hub.
The Other Services section contains information about the Shared Services Branch. The role of the Corporate Alignment and Agency Support Branch is to deliver a range of corporate services to the department including financial processing; payroll; travel; committees support; facilities management; account management of corporate services to portfolio agencies; contract management; records management; library services; and the development of the portfolio-wide Shared Services Centre.

Support and social offerings
Your supervisor will arrange a time to take you through the support and social offerings of Health, for example:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Staff with Disability Network
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Network
  • Health Pride Network

The department offers a range of learning and development opportunities and you should have a conversation with your supervisor about specific training that relates to your job.
Your Program Manager will work with you to ensure that you can complete the department’s induction program and all essential learning requirements.
You are responsible for booking and meeting the agreed timeframes for the completion of all required training. Your Program Manager and buddy will help you to book into/complete necessary training such as:

  • Induction Program
  • Work Health and Safety eLearning
  • Fraud Awareness
  • Uphold the values and principles of the APS
  • TRIM training (this is a must, the TRIM team won’t give anyone access until the training has been completed)

Cultural awareness
Setting up Computer Access and Email
Your computer access should have been arranged by your supervisor. For assistance with setting up IT call (02) 6289 8444.

Stationery is ordered via the branch Executive Assistant (EA). Before ordering or taking new items from the store cupboard, ask if there are any items such as staplers, hole punches etc. that are not being used.
Items such as notepads should be available in the stationery cupboard. Your buddy will show you where this is.

Workstation Assessment
There is a SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST on the intranet that is designed as a guide to help you check the safety and correct ergonomic set up of your computer workstation. If corrective action is not possible, contact the Workstation Assessment Team.

SAP is an integrated online system, used to manage Financial and Human Resource data.
SAP ESS allows you to maintain your personal information, apply for leave, enter timesheets, manage your learning and development, and personal assets, view salary information, book travel and apply for higher duties and transfers.
SAP ESS consists of three main tabs: Employee Self-Service (ESS), Reporting and Shared Services. ESS is used for maintaining employee information, Reporting is used for managers and supervisors to run reports and Shared Services is used for procurement.
Your Program Manager will give you a rundown on how to use SAP.

Recording and notifying work attendance
Your Program Manager will give you a brief rundown on how to fill out your timesheet, flex, lunch breaks, request time off and notify absences.

My Self-Service Portal
My Self-Service Portal allows you to search for and request access to IT resources.
It contains a search option or quick links for common requests. Only services provided by Health IT are available through the portal. Staff who obtain IT Services from other sources (e.g. HPRG & DSS) should use existing IT request processes.
Your Program Manager will give you an overview of how to use this site.

Objective: For the Review Officer to:

  • organize building access and authorized officer ID
  • be aware of the work area and equipment
  • organize access to the system, telephone, printers, group inboxes, TRIM files and IT
  • understand relevant sources of information
  • be introduced to relevant on-site staff
  • understand the roles and responsibilities of the team, manager, ACFI Reconsideration and Compliance delive1y centers and National Office
  • understand the department’s structure
Time Details Initials
Mg: r R O
1 60min Welcome, ove1view of induction week, introduction to the role,

install p1inters and:

•    Workstation orientation (work assessment if required)

•    Building Fire and Safety Procedures

•      Take a tour of the building

–      Toilets

–      Kitchens

–      Fire escapes

–      Photocopiers

–      Meeting rooms

|  |
2| 30min| Anange building access, pass and complete pape1work for

autholised officer ID (including police check), IT access, group mailboxes and section call pick up

|  |
3| 30min| Introductions

•    State Manager, Deputy Manager, Director

•    Buddy and immediate team

•    First Aid Officer

•    Work Health and Safety officer

•    Video conference with team members in ACFI Operations Section, ACFI Compliance, ACFI Reconsideration Centre

and the Aged Care Domain Leads in the Health State Network

|  |
4| 60min| Housekeeping

•    IT: Anange access to SharePoint, the Aged Care Gateway

•    File storage and protocols for destmction of secure waste (TRIM, bins) SharePoint

•    Identify compulsory training and set an agreed timeframe

for completion

|  |
5| 60min| Branch/section strncrure and governance

•    Book ACFI Review induction videoconference

•    Central Office strucrure and staff

•    Central Office enquiries (SharePoint, ACFI inbox)

•      Governance – for example the ACFI Review Program

Committee (ARPC), Health State Network, National Office

|  |
6| 3hr30m| Gene1ic depaitmental officer induction as per your state

induction manuals.

|  |
 | 7.Shrs|  |  |

Objective: For the Review Officer to understand:

  • the Aged Care industry
  • relevant aged care legislation and supporting documents
  • levels of auth01ity within ACFI
  • the purpose of an ACFI review.

Time| Details| ACFIPP


| Initials
I| 120


| futroduction to the aged care industry in Australia:

•    the aging population – aged cai-e funire growth

•    businesses who provide aged care in Australia- for-profit, non for profit, government

•   the department’s role in aged care:

0         the department’s strategic intent 2016-20, vision and

propose; the Aged Care Roadmap and consumer choice

0         pai1nerships with other agencies – for example, Quality Agency, Complaints Commissioner and the Depru. iment of Human Services

0        providing legislation to ensure accessible health care for

all Australians, approving providers, providing subsidies, potential, quality and ACFI regulation

0  the National Aged Care Compliance Program and the Regulatory Perfonnance Framework – the compliance triangle and role of education, encouraging voluntruy

compliance and compliance action.

|  |  |
2| 90min| The Af!ed Care Act 199 7 and Classification Principles|  |  |
3| 120


| The ACFI User Guide:

•    Purpose of the guide and ratings scale

•    Domain 1 : Activities of Daily Living

•   Domain 2: Cognitive and Behaviours

•   Domain 3: Complex Health Care ACFI Answer Appraisal Pack

ACFI Assessment Pack

How appraisals are submitted to DHS by approved providers

|  |  |
4| 30min| The ACFI Review Program structure|  |  |
5| 30min| Powers of an Authorised Officer and what does it mean to be a delegate of the Secretary|  |  |
6| 60min| Pmpose of reviews – different types of reviews (at-desk and on-

site – standard and comprehensive)

|  |  |
 | 7. Shrs|  |  |  |

Objective: For the Review Officer to understand:

  • ACFI Program Guidance Materials
  • How to conduct a desktop review
  • Records management and privacy
  • How to prepare for and conduct an on-site review.

Time| Details| ACFI


| Initials
Mgi·| RO
1| 60min| ACFI Program Guidance Notes

•    Use of the Guidance notes when conducting a review

|  |  |
2| 90min| The decision tree – administrative decision making for government

•    Natural justice – when is it enough?

•    No bias

•    The hearing rnle

•    Evidence gathering – fact not opinion

•    Relevant evidence only

|  |  |
3| 150


| How to conduct an at-desk review

•    How to identify what is missing

•    Process if inf01mation not present

•    Records management and p1ivacy

|  |  |
4| 150


| Ove1view of on-site review

•    Pe1mission to enter and what to do if refused entty

•    Data gathering and recording in the Aged Care Gateway

•    Requesting inf01mation and explanations during a visit – natural justice

•    Decision-making

•    How to respond to concerns raised by a care recipient

•    Preparation for an upcoming visit

•    Planning/P1iority List

•    Notification Proc,ess

•    Downloading ACFI reviews

•    Booking cars and home garaging

•    ACFI pape1work

•    WHS (in full) considerations

•    Regional visits

•    Equipment explanation

|  |  |
 | 7.5 hrs|  |  |  |

Objective: For the Review Officer to understand:

  • How to undertake an ACFI on-site review
  • When to decide to inte1view and observe
  • How to complete and formalize relevant documentation
  • The decision tree to ensure consistent decisions are made
  • The quality assurance process
  • The ability for approved providers to appeal – the reconsideration process and an ove1view of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AA T)

Time| Details| ACFIPP


| Initials
Me r| R O
1| 90min| How to:

•    Unde1take an on-site review

•    Unde1take an ent1y meeting

•   Decide when to undertake inte1views and obse1vations with staff and care recipients

•    Inte1views and obse1vations guide

•    Conduct feedback/exit interviews

•    Interchange between a standard and comprehensive ACFI site


|  |  |
2| 120


| Role of Statements of Reason (SORs) and the appeals system (reconsideration and AAT)

•    The importance of robust statements with reasoning to stand

up to appeals

•    The decision-making framework

•    How to w1ite SORs

•    Practice in writing SORs (mock examples)

|  |  |
3| 60min| The quality assurance (QA) sometime and framework

• importance of consistency

|  |  |
4| 180


| ACFI Aged Care Gateway po1tal

•   how to book a review

•    how it records all decisions

•    its link with DHS systems and how to send decisions

•    Booking reviews, entering decisions, sending to QA and


|  |  |
 | 7.5 hrs|  |  |  |

Objective: For the Review Officer to understand:

  • The role of different governance and decision-making groups
  • The continuous improvement cycle
  • ACFI Review Program National goals
  • Concepts of a desktop review with a practice session

Time| Details| ACFIPP


| Initials
Mgr| RO
1| 30min| Tue roles and responsibilities of the ACFI Domain Lead and ACFI Review Program Committee (ARPC)|  |  |
2| 30min| Tue continuous improvement cycle – a Review Officer’s role|  |  |
3| 30min| ACFI Review Program goals|  |  |
4| 60min| Prepare for the first ACFI desktop or on-site review|  |  |
5| 300min| Practice at-desktop ACFI review (mock example)|  |  |
 | 7.5 hrs|  |  |  |


All new Review Officers must confirm key learning objectives have been met.
Managers, please confirm all the following topics have been covered and the Review Officer has received the correct information and instructions. Then have the Review Officer confirm they agree.

Learning: Objectives

Attended all five days of Induction Training
Understands the function of the department and the ACFI Review Program
Understands the role of the Review Officer and the importance of its place in the department
Has received training in:

–         Work health and safety processes and policies

–         Records management policies

Has been provided with all relevant ACFI program-related information and documentation
Has been given an overview of the Review Officer’s role and is clear about expected work standar·ds including:

–         Preparing for a review

–         Conducting a review including on-site interviews and observations

–         Writing statements of reasons

–         Perfonning a quality assurance check

Has an understanding of how to use the computer software and systems
Is aware of the ACFI Review Program goals and continuous improvement cycle
Has an understanding of all duties/procedures associated with the role


What is to be achieved| Competencies and capabilities


| Timeframe
With significant assistance of buddy:

1.   Undertaken agreed minimum number** of reviews per week demonstrating understanding of ACFI requirements in decision making

2.   Undertaken issues resolution with the approved provider to assist with decision making

3.   Demonstrates their ability to provide feedback to approved providers during exit interviews about any issues that may have been found.

4.    Demonstrates the ability to write SORs for ACFI decisions using the required format

5.   Send to QA and use feedback to improve ACFI decision making

6.   Verbally inform the approved provider of the outcome of the review process using appropriate evidence and terminology

7.    Complete the ACFI review process

8.    Understands how ACFI Reconsiderations are conducted and the Review Officer’s role

9.    Understands how ACFI Compliance works and the Review Officer role.

| Demonstrates effective understanding of the legislative framework, ACFI User Guide and the ACFI Guidance material for Review Officers:

•      Undertaking ACFI reviews and drafting review reports

•      Understands ACFI reconsideration process and their role

•    Understands ACFI Compliance thresholds and completes an ACFI

compliance referral/note

•      Guidance Notes for Review Officers, at-desk reviews and single domain


•    Classification and Appeals Review Management System Manual

Draws on evidence from relevant validation methods and uses experience and co1Illllon sense to analyze what is important and how it should be used

Exercises judgment, intelligence and discretion in applying delegation

Explains the reasons for decisions

Ensures evaluation strategies are developed and used to monitor and improve decision-making and accuracy

Seeks advice and assistance from colleagues and Program Manager when unce1tain

Learns from and is acco1mtable for the consequences of own actions

Achieves compliance with legislation, policy and regulations frameworks, by applying relevant experience and knowledge

| Week 1 – 3
What is to be achieved| Competencies and capabilities.s


| Timeframe
With measured assistance of buddy:

1.    Undertake the agreed minimum number of reviews per week demonstrating understanding of ACFI requirements in decision making

2.    Undertake issues resolution with the approved provider to assist with decision making

3.    Demonstrate the ability to write the SORs for ACFI decisions using the required format

4.    Send to QA and use feedback to improve

ACFI decision making

5.    Verbally inform the approved provider of the outcome of the review process using appropriate evidence and terminology

6.    Complete the ACFI review process

7.    Meet with a buddy and Program Manager to identify strengths and gaps in competencies and plan opportunities for further development

| As above plus –

Establish effective systems and processes

Ensures that information/feedback given to the approved provider is acclu·ate, timely and unambiguous

Seeks development options for self and others, based on an understanding of individual strengths and opporhmities

Applies and develops capabilities of a level and standard appropriate to meet and/or exceed perfo1mance expectations.

| Week4 – 5
With minimal assistance of buddy:

1.   Undertake agreed minimum number of reviews per week demonstrating understanding of ACFI requirements in decision making

2.  Undertake issues resolution with the approved provider to assist with decision making

3.   Demonstrate the ability to write the SORs for ACFI decisions using the required format

4.   Send to QA and use feedback to improve ACFI decision making

5.   Verbally inform the approved provider of the outcome of the review process using appropriate evidence and terminology

6.   Complete the ACFl review process

| As above plus –

Reviews processes and project milestones to track the effectiveness

Conveys ideas, concepts and arguments successfully.

| Week6-7
Performance Development Scheme (PDS) Agreements| Ensure that the roles and responsibilities and performance expectations are understood and agreed.|
W ha t is to b e ac h ieved| Com p ete n cies a nd capab ili ties

recn1 i red

| Timeframe
Following discussion with the manager commences working independently and/or with minimal assistance from a buddy:

1.  Undertake the agreed minimum number of reviews per week demonstrating a deeper understanding of ACFI requirements in decision making

2.    Undertake issues resolution with the approved provider to assist with decision making

3.    Demonstrate the ability to write the SORs for ACFI decisions using the required format

4.    Send to QA and use feedback to improve

ACFI decision making

5.    Verbally inform the Approved Provider of the outcome of the review process using appropriate evidence and terminology

6.    Complete the ACFI review process

7.    Meet with the appropriate Manager to identify strengths and gaps in competencies and plan opportunities for further development

| As above

Exercise judgment, knowledge, discretion and independence in applying delegation

Ability to be effective in the Review Officer role and to work independently to achieve accurate and timely results

| Week 8-12

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) will be provided at the end of the induction period. A minimum number of reviews will be agreed with the Program Manager upon the commencement of independent reviews, ensuring quality is the focus.


At the end of 12 weeks, the Review Officer will meet with their Program Manager to discuss the induction process and review their performance against expectations. This meeting will be conducted to share feedback, discuss the next steps, identify improvement opportunities and agree on Performance Development Scheme (PDS) and KPIs to ensure targets are met.

Record of Meeting

  1. a) Review Officer’s self-assessment and areas for assistance and further training
    b) Program Manager’s summary of completion and areas for discussion

  2.  Agree to completion of Induction

  3. Agreed on next steps

  4. Discuss PDS and KPI’s / team goals

  5. Date set for next review meeting (minimum 3 to maximum 6 months)


Read User Manual Online (PDF format)

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