Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel User Manual

June 9, 2024

Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel logo

Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel

Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel product


First of all, we would like to thank you for having bought this product; we hope that it will give you years of reliable heating. Before installing the heater, please read the following instructions carefully. The company is not responsible for any damage or problems resulting from incorrect installation. Once your heater is up and running, please store this booklet in a safe place for future reference.

When you no longer need this heater, please follow the European Directive 2002/96/CE as regards its disposal. This heater cannot be discarded as normal rubbish. It must either be taken to a special tip or to a distributor offering to dispose for you. Recycling electrical appliances separately allows component parts to be re-used and limits the damage to the environment that would otherwise occur. Recycling saves power and resources. To encourage this, the heater bears a symbol showing it cannot be put into a normal bin. For further information, get in touch with your local council, or the supplier who you purchased this product.

It is possible that the radiator may make slight sounds during the first days of operation. This is quite normal in dry radiators and can occur when the aluminium elements expand and contract. Please note there is no danger to the user.
Children under 3 years old should be kept out of the equipment unless they are constantly supervised. Children under 8 must only turn on / off the device provided in normal position and only if they have received instruction concerning use of the equipment in a safe way and understand the risks. All children under 8 years should not plug regulating, cleaning or maintenance operations.
Caution: some parts of this product may become very hot and cause burns. Special attention when children and vulnerable people are present.
The device must not be covered and air circulation must be allowed at all times.


Configuring the transmitter in programming mode, will allow you to assign temperatures at different times of the day, making the programming you need for each day. Carrying out a schedule adjusted to your needs supposes an important saving of consumption.

The radiator has an electronic programmable thermostat with LCD screen specially designed to control different types of heating options.

  1. Operating mode menu (all active modes are framed).
  2.  Program number or parameters number.
  3. Installation parameter menu.
  4. Key lock function indicator.
  5. Room temperature indicator.
  6. Type of time display (12H am/pm or 24H)
  7. Graphic view for the current day program.
  8. Display zone for Time, Temperatures and parameters.
  9. Heating demand.
  10.  Pictogram for program creation, status in normal mode.
  11. Pictogram for pilot wire indication.
  12.  Current day of the week
  13. Override function in AUTO mode or ITCS function activated if blinking.
  14. Windows open indicator.


  1. On/Off
  2. Minus Key –
  3. Validation Key OK
  4.  Plus Key +
  5. Right Navigation key ►/MODE


This section will help guide you to starting your thermostat for the first time.


Connect the electric radiator with the switch installed for this function. It is possible that in the first time the time of the equipment is indicated in intermittent mode, set this time according to the section of “TIME AND DATE ADJUSTMENT”.
Before using your equipment it is necessary to make some kind of adjustment. In its first use, the transmitter has an internal battery, which must be charged for a minimum of 24 hours so that the programming is not lost.


First move the square cursor on the clock mode, then press the key (-) or (+) to start the adjustment. Each time a value blinks, you can adjust it with the (-) and (+) keys.
Once the value is chosen, confirm it with the (OK) key. The thermostat will move automatically to the next value.
List order of the time and date adjustments:

  1.  Time and day:
    Adjustment of the hours,
    Adjustment of the minutes
    Adjustment of the day (1 = Monday)

  2. Date:
    Adjustment of the day number
    Adjustment of the Month (01=January, 12=December)
    Adjustment of the Year

    The thermostat is now ready to work. The default working mode will be comfort . At any time, when the light is off, press the OK, “-“, “+” or ►. Press OK and then press the second time to show the fixed temperature.

  • ON/OFF
    Press key if it is available on your radiator to turn off or turn on the radiator. Navigate to this key using the (►) scroll key to select mode . Select OFF to turn the radiator to the off position.


How to change the working mode?

  • Use the navigation key right (►) to display the working mode line.
  •  Move the frame cursor on the desired working mode and press (OK) to enter in the operating mode you have chosen.

In this mode the user manually selects the desired temperature. Use this mode for rooms where you usually are, select the desired comfort temperature with the “-” and “+” keys. Each time you select this mode, the equipment will automatically try to reach this temperature (comfort temperature) by disconnecting once it is reached. The temperature selected in this mode will be the comfort temperature for all the preset and user programs in the Automatic mode.

In this mode the user manually chooses the temperature he wants for those periods in which he is not present or while he sleeps. Select the desired temperature for this mode with the “-” and “+” keys. Each time you select this mode, the unit will automatically turn on if the room temperature falls below the set value. The temperature of the default economic mode is 19ºC. The temperature selected in this mode will be the reduced temperature that is used for all preset and user programs in the Automatic mode. It can be modified between 5ºC and 19ºC.

In this mode, the thermostat will automatically change from economic mode to comfort according to the chosen program (see WEEKLY PROGRAMMING) and according to the time of the equipment. You can cancel the current temperature of the program by changing its value with (-) or (+). The current setting temperature will flash and the hand image will be displayed, remaining in manual mode. The setpoint temperature will return to the one programmed in the next programming block. If the hand image blinks then ITCS (Intelligent Temperature Control System) is working.

Use this mode if you want to protect your home against freezing when you go on vacation or leave it for a long period. It is useful for homes in very cold or high mountain areas, to protect the pipes from possible breakages and that the house does not fall below 5ºC, whose default value can be modified in the configuration menu.

The timer mode allows you to adjust the temperature and the time you want the room to reach that temperature. This function can be used for 15 ‘, 30’, 45 ‘, 1h, 2h … 1d, 2d … 44d.

  •  Once the timer mode has been selected, press the (+) key and the timer will change from 00 ‘to 15’, 30 ‘, 45’, 1h, 2h … 1d, 2d … and so on up to 44 days. Press OK to confirm.
  • Then you can set the desired room temperature with (-) or (+), Press OK to confirm and to start the timer.

The logo blinks and the number of hours / days remaining until the end of the period is displayed, alternating with the selected temperature. If you want to stop the timer function before it ends, set the duration period to 00 ‘with the (-) key.

In standby mode only the Off logo will be displayed on the screen. After pressing any of the four keys, the measured temperature will be displayed. Pressing again the current time appears on the screen.
How to install and use your electric radiator
After a few seconds, this information disappears. If the power button is pressed the thermostat will work again in the last selected mode. The values of power consumed are shown in kWatt. If no button is pressed, the thermostat automatically returns to the previous selected mode.


Select the mode with the scroll keys. You must choose the program number with (-) or (+). You can choose between an integrated program P1 to P9 (not modifiable, they are the factory presets) or a user program U1 to U4 (modifiable and customizable). Once the program has been selected press ok to validate. If you choose an integrated program (P1 to P9) you can only see it and it can not be modified.
Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 04 PRE-ESTABLISHED PROGRAMS

  • P1, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 07:00 to 09:00 h and from 17:00 to 23:00 h.
Weekends: from 08:00 to 23:00 h.

  • P2, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 07:00 to 9:00 h, from 12:00 to 14:00 h and from 18:00 to 23:00 h.
Weekends: from 08:00 to 23:00 h.

  • P3, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 06:00 to 23:00 h.
Saturdays: from 07:00 to 24:00 h.
Sundays: from 00:00 to 01:00 h and from 07:00 to 23:00 h.

  • P4, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 15:00 h to 23:00 h.
Saturdays: from 07:00 to 24:00 h.
Sundays: from 00:00 to 01:00 h and from 07:00 to 23:00 h.

  • P5, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 06:00 to 08:00 h and from 21:00 to 23:00 h.
Saturday: from 07:00 to 09:00 h and from 18:00 to 24:00 h.
Sunday: from 07:00 to 09:00 h and from 18:00 to 23:00 h.

  • P6, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 06:00 to 08:00 h and from 14:00 to 21:00 h.
Weekends: from 07:00 h to 21:00 h.

  • P7, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 07:00 to 19:00 h.
Weekends: Inactive (ECO mode).

  •  P8, Comfort Mode in:

Weekdays: from 08:00 h to 19:00 h.
Saturday: from 8:00 h to 18:00 h.
Sunday: Inactive (ECO mode).

  • P9, Comfort Mode in:

Monday: from 00:00 to 7:00 h.
Tuesday – Thursday: Inactive (ECO Mode).
Friday: from 13:00 to 24:00 h.
Weekends: from 00:00 to 24:00 h.
The vertical bars in the lower part of the display indicate the hours with comfort mode (the program-med temperature will be the one selected in the comfort mode), the rest of the hours of the day the equipment will remain with the selected temperature in the economic mode.

If you choose one of the programs U1 to U4, this can be modified. The default setting is in ECO during all hours and every day of the week. The following describes how to modify these values.
Description of the edition of a user program:

  • It is essential that the time and day are previously defined, for this consult the manual.

  •  Each hour block is 30 minutes, that is, the user can establish COMFORT or ECO mode every half hour.

  •  The edition starts at 00:00 hours on day 1, showing the time intermittently and the mode that is recorded for the time interval that goes from the time shown (00:00) to half an hour later (00:30).

  •  The user has 4 options:

  •  Press the (-) key, in which case the interval 00:00 to 00:30 will remain in ECO mode. Immediately the time changes at 00:30.

  •  Press the (+) key, in which case the interval 00:00 to 00:30 will remain in COMFORT . Immediately the time changes at 00:30. A vertical bar will be indicated in the lower part of the display in the time interval 00:00 – 00:30 indicating that the COMFORT mode has been selected for that interval.

  •  Press the scroll key (►), in which case the mode that was previously recorded and that is displayed on the display will be changed to the next interval between 00:30 and 01:00.

  •  Press the key (ok), in which case no change is made from 00:00 to 00:00 the next day. Day 1 changes value going to day 2.
    Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 06

  • For the following time intervals 00:30, 01:00, 01: 30, ………………… .23: 30 proceed in the same way by selecting one of the following 4 options:

  •  Press the (-) key so that the interval that goes from the hour that is shown on the screen intermittently until the next half hour is in ECO mode. Immediately the time presented in the display is modified by increasing in half an hour, continuing with the programming in the same way.

  •  Press the (+) key so that the interval that goes from the time shown on the screen in intermittent mode to the next half hour is in COMFORT mode. Immediately the time presented on the display is modified by increasing by half an hour. A vertical bar will be displayed in the lower part of the display in the programmed time interval indicating that the COMFORT mode has been selected for that interval.

  • Press the scroll key (►) so that the previously recorded mode is not modified and the time shown in 30 minutes is shown on the display.

  •  Press the key (ok) so that no change is made from the time shown on the screen until 00:00 the next day. The value of the day is increased by 1 (the next day is passed).

  •  Once you arrive at 11:30 p.m. and select the desired mode, you will pass at 00:00 the next day.

  • If there was no previously recorded program, to facilitate programming, what was done on the day we just programmed is copied to this new day. This simplifies the programming since it is usual for days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to have the same schedule, as on days 6 and 7.

  • If there was already a previously recorded program, the intervals in comfort mode will be displayed on the bar display. Proceed as indicated above for day 1 to modify the program.

  • If you do not want to make any changes, whether you copy the programming of the previous day or if you want to keep the previous programming, press the (ok) key to go to the next day, repeating the operation until the day you wish to modify.

This example indicates the case that we had selected economic mode until 3:00 and comfort mode until 8:30 on day 1.
Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 07After programming the seventh day, the system automatically returns to AUTO mode.


Use this function to prevent any changes to your settings (In a child room, public area, etc…)

  •  To activate the Key lock function, first press and maintain the validation key (OK) and then press simultaneously on the right arrow key (►).
  •  The “ ” logo will be displayed on the screen.
  • Repeat the same procedure to unlock the keyboard.

OPEN WINDOWS FUNCTION To activate this function you must access the parameters menu (see section PARAMETERS MENU). This function allows the radiator to be stopped automatically when an open window with the radiator is detected. When this feature is enabled, the icon appears in the upper left of the screen. If the system detects a fall of approximately 3 ° C, the heating is stopped for a period of 1 hour. The icon and the temperature measured by the system will flash. Pressing any button stops the detection of open windows, in this case the radiator works again and the detection of open windows is restarted.

Use the scroll key to select the consumed power measurement icon. Press the OK key and the consumption in kWh of the last 24 hours will be dis-played (marked on the display with the symbol 1d on the right), pressing the “+” key will display the consumption in kWh of the last 7 days (marked in the display with the symbol 7d on the right), pressing the “+” key, the consumption in kWh of the last 30 days will be displayed (marked on the display with the symbol 30 on the right). In order for the reading to be correct, the power of the device must be indicated in the parameter menu in the Pouu parameter (default 900 W). After a few seconds without pressing any key the device returns to Comfort mode. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION INDICATOR
When the user sets the comfort set-point temperature, the control incorporates an indication that guides him on the consumption of the equipment.

  • Low consumption: cursors are on the left if the setpoint temperature is less than or equal to 19 ºC.
  •  Average consumption: cursors are in the middle if the set temperature is higher than 19 and lower than 24 ºC.
  • High consumption: cursors are on the right if the setpoint temperature is equal to or higher than 24 ºC.

These indications are only displayed in COMFORT mode.
Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 10 PARAMETERS MENU
Your thermostat has a configuration menu to adjust the operating parameters. Modify these parameters only if necessary. To enter this menu, press and hold the validation key (OK) for 5 seconds. Next, the configuration menu will appear and the screen of the figure will be displayed. Now you can select the parameters to be adjusted with the scroll keys, press the OK key to edit the parameter to be modified and change its value with (+) or (-), then confirm with (OK). To exit the parameter menu, select the “End” parameter and press (OK).

    YES (default value): Allows the daily / weekly programming of the equipment.
    No: The user can only switch between Comfort and Economy modes without programming.

    Celsius (Default value)

    24H: (Default value) 24 hours (24:00)
    12H: 12 hours (12:00 AM / PM)

    yEs: (default value): the automatic time change between summer and winter is automatically activated with the date.
    no: There is no automatic change of summer / winter time.

    This adjustment, if necessary, must be carried out after a day of normal operation of the thermal emitter at constant temperature, following the following steps:
    Put a thermometer (calibrated) in the room or room, placing it in the center of the room and at an approximate height of 1.5m. After 1 hour check the temperature of your thermometer. Once the previous steps have been completed and the actual temperature of the room is known, you can enter this menu parameter. When entering this parameter, the temperature detected by its thermal emitter is displayed. If there is any difference between the temperature of the room and that which the thermal emitter actually detects, it is sufficient to put here the actual temperature measured by its thermometer. Use the (-) or (+) keys to set the actual temperature value of the room. Then press (OK) to confirm. If any modification of this parameter has been made by pressing the OK key, the correction value will be displayed If you need to delete a calibration already done, press the “+” or “-” keys to increase or decrease the value of the temperature read by the transmitter, in the interval that appeared when pressing the OK key.

    Press OK and then the “+” or “-” keys if you wish to increase the temperature value (Adjustable from 0.5 to 10.0 ° C the factory default is 5.0 ° C).

    no (default value): The device is activated according to the programmed time.
    yES: The new equipment incorporates the innovative ITCS intelligent temperature control system. This system activates the start-up of the equipment before the scheduled time (2 hours maximum), to ensure that the desired temperature is achieved at the time indicated and following the weekly schedule established. This automatic control system works in the following way: when the equipment is connected for the first time, the processor measures the time it has taken to reach the desired temperature. From this moment on, depending on the ambient temperature and the setpoint temperature, the transmitter is able to know the time at which it has to connect to reach the temperature and time programmed.

    no (default value): The device does not detect that a window has been opened.
    yES: The open windows detection function is activated (see section on special functions OPEN WINDOWS FUNCTION).

    In this menu, you can choose the power value of your electric radiator to adjust the calculation of the consumption of your radiator. Default: 900 W. To do this, use the “+” and “-” keys to select the value according to the power of the equipment.

    By adjusting this parameter you can modify the electrical power of the equipment from 100% (de-fault value), 75%, 50% and 25%. This achieves that the surface temperature of the equipment de-creases and therefore increasing safety in the case of children present.

    Press the OK key for 10 seconds, if you want to restart the equipment and return to the factory de-fault settings of the equipment. The set temperatures, the programming and the parameters configured by the user will be lost. Make sure you have all the necessary information before making this Reset.

    The software version is indicated on the display, this parameter can be useful to the manufacturer in case of error.

    Press the (OK) key in this parameter to exit the configuration menu and return to the normal opera-ting mode.


My Thermostat doesn’t work

Power supply|

  • Check the power supply

My Thermostat show an Error message “Err” blink on the display
“Error” on sensor Note:
For safety if there is a problem on the regulation sensor the regulation will be replaced by a rate of 5 % functioning.| The logo  and the text “Err” blinks. Error detected on the internal sensor Contact your installer or seller.
My Thermostat seems work correctly but the heating doesn’t work correctly

  • Check the connections.
  • Check the power supply of the heating element.
  •  Contact your installer.

My Thermostat seems work correctly but the temperature in the room was never in accordance with the program.

  • Check the Clock.
  • The difference between Comfort & Reduced temperature is too high?
  • The step in the program is too short?


Maximum humidity percentage 85% at 20ºC
Measured temperature precision +/- 0,1°C


  • Operating temperature
  • Shipping and storage temperature

| 0°C – 50°C
-10°C to +50°C
Setting temperature range

  • Comfort
  • Reduced
  • Timer
  • Anti ice

| 5°C a 30°C each 0,5°C step 5°C a 19°C each 0,5°C step 5°C a 30°C each 0,5°C step 5°C a 10°C each 0,5°C step
Regulation characteristics| Proportional band (PWM)
Maximum load (resistive only)| TRIAC 230 Vac
12 A. (2100W)
Supply voltage| 230 Vac +/- 10% 50 Hz
Software version| Displayed in the user menu.
Norms and directives:
Your thermostat was designed in accordance with the following Europeans norms and directives:| EN 60730-1 : 2003
EN 61000-6-1 : 2002
EN 61000-6-3 : 2004
EN 61000-4-2 : 2001
Low voltage 2006/95/EC EMC 2004/108/EC


The installation and start-up of this device is extremely simple, however you should read very care-fully all the instructions and recommendations that are detailed in this instruction manual since the manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damage caused by non-compliance. Once unpacked, the remains of the packaging must be removed in a responsible manner since all the elements have been designed for recycling. If, once unpacked, it detects apparent damage to the appliance, you should consult your supplier before proceeding with the installation and electrical connection within a period of less than 24 hours. Assembly and installation must be carried out following the instructions detailed in this manual. For safety reasons, the transmitter should not be installed so that switches and other controls can be touched by a person in the bathroom or in the shower. This emitter should not be placed immediately below a socket outlet. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, by its after-sales service or by similar qualified personnel in order that the user is not in danger. If the transmitter you have purchased does not have a plug attached to the power cord, you must follow the instructions below regarding the electrical installation of the plug and the connection must be made by a qualified installer.

  •  In the electrical connection of the appliance, means of disconnection must be incorporated to the fixed installation in accordance with the installation regulations in force in the country in which it is to be installed.
  •  For safety before proceeding to the connection verify that there is no voltage in the network.

Before connecting the appliance to the mains it must be ensured that the supply voltage is within the range indicated on the name plate 220 – 240V. The device must be connected to the protective conductor of the fixed installation. Any incident arising from the breach of these instructions will invalidate the guarantee. In the connection, the indicated in the electrical diagram must be strictly observed, with special at-tention to the colors of wires.


Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 12


Information common to all radiators:

Item Unit

Type of heat output/room temperature control (select one)
Single stage heat output and no room temperature control| no
Two or more manual stages, no room temperature control| no
With mechanic thermostat room temperature control| no
With electronic room temperature control| no
Electronic room temperature control plus day timer| no
Electronic room temperature control plus week timer| yes
Other control options (multiple selections possible)
Room temperature control, with presence detection| no
Room temperature control, with open window detection| yes
With distance control option| no
With adaptative start control| yes
With working time limitation| yes
With black bulb sensor| no
Contact information: see back cover

Information by type of radiator (VANGUARD):

Data Value

Item| Simbol| Unit| 750W| 1.000W| 1.500W| 2.000W
Heat output|
Nominal heat output| Pnom| kW| 0,75| 1| 1,5| 2
Minimum heat output (indicative)| Pmin| kW| 0| 0| 0| 0
Maximum continuous heat output| Pmax,c| kW| 0,75| 1| 1,5| 2
Auxiliary electricity consumption|
At nominal heat output| elmax| kW| 0,75| 1| 1,5| 2
At minimum heat output| elmin| kW| 0| 0| 0| 0
In standby mode| elSB| kW| 0,0012| 0,0012| 0,0012| 0,0012

Information by type of radiator (SMART PANEL):

Data Value

Smart Panel
Item| Simbol| Unit| 600W| 1.200W| 1.500W| 2.000W
Heat output|
Nominal heat output| Pnom| kW| 0,6| 1,2| 1,5| 2
Minimum heat output (indicative)| Pmin| kW| 0| 0| 0| 0
Maximum continuous heat output| Pmax,c| kW| 0,6| 1,2| 1,5| 2
Auxiliary electricity consumption|
At nominal heat output| elmax| kW| 0,6| 1,2| 1,5| 2
At minimum heat output| elmin| kW| 0| 0| 0| 0
In standby mode| elSB| kW| 0,0012| 0,0012| 0,0012| 0,0012


  • Read installation manual prior to installation of this unit!
  •  Read user manual before putting this unit in operation!
  •  Observe the warnings in the manuals!
  • The installation room must fulfil the ventilation requirements!
  • Installation by an authorised person only!
  •  The screws provided are not suitable for all types of walls, it’s the installers responsibility to ensure the correct screws are used for the type of wall the radiator is being fixed to.

The radiator comes complete with an installation kit, comprising the following:

  • Screws, brackets, cardboard guide, (remove from the top of the box the radiator comes in).

Please follow the illustrated steps below to hang and install your VANGUARD radiator:

  1. Take the radiator out of its packaging and choose where to hang it. Please note the mini-mum distances required around the heater *1.
  2. The flap of the box has the guide printed on it to place the radiator on the wall. You must make the holes of the template to Drill and plug the holes. (The height to which it is placed if guided by the template is higher, if you want to place it lower respect the minimum distances).
  3. Place the box against the wall and mark where the supports should be placed.
  4.  Drill and attach the plugs.
  5.  Screw the brackets to hold the radiator into place, using the screws and washers provided.
  6. Place the wall spacer in the center slot on the back of the computer. Leave it on the bottom.
  7.  Place the radiator on the wall brackets.Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 13
  8. Place the bottom bracket on the radiator as indicated in the picture.
  9. Screw the piece with the elements of the kit to the wall.Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 14

Please follow the illustrated steps below to hang and install your SMART PANEL radiator:

  1. Take the radiator out of its packaging and choose where to hang it. Please note the mini-mum distances required around the heater *2.
  2.  The flap of the box has the guide printed on it to place the radiator on the wall. You must make the holes of the template to Drill and plug the holes.
  3. Place the box against the wall and mark where the supports should be placed.
  4. If you have an anti-roll, once the holes in the box have been marked as a guide, mark the hole in the 3rd bracket, taking measurements as indicated in the diagram *3.
  5. Drill and attach the plugs.
  6. Screw the brackets to hold the radiator into place, using the screws and washers provided.
  7.  Place the wall spacer in the centrer slot on the back of the computer. Leave it on the bottom.
  8.  Place the radiator on the wall brackets.
    Electrorad VAN0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 15

Electrorad VAa0006102V00 Vanguard Smart Panel 16


The manufacturer produces high quality products for international markets. The company provides a technical guarantee for the period of 2 years maximum. For this warranty to be valid you must present the original invoice, delivery note or ticket.

  •  The guarantee only covers manufacturing defects and/or any problem occurring from such defects. All problems arising from installing and undersized heater (not enough heat, impro-per installation, etc) are not covered by this guarantee.
  • This heater is for domestic & light commercial use only, installation in any other environment voids this guarantee.
  • Electrorad UK Limited reserves the right to decide whether to repair or replace any defective part or to replace the entire heater.
  •  All costs arising from any damage caused by incorrect usage, transport, electrical supply are not covered by this guarantee, nor is any malicious damage.
  • This guarantee does not provide compensation for incidental or consequential damage or injuries.

Electrorad UK Limited
Unit 1 Clayton Park Clayton Wood Rise
West Park Leeds LS16 6RF UK
Telephone: 01132746799

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