SMART CAREGIVER 433-CMU-40 Wireless Central Monitoring Unit Instructions

June 9, 2024
Smart Caregiver

SMART CAREGIVER 433-CMU-40 Wireless Central Monitoring Unit Instructions


  1. Call Review Button
  2. Volume Button
  3. Replace Components Button
  4. Programming Light
  5. Program/Add Components Button
  6. Voice/Tone Button
  7. Reset Button
  8. Call/Alarm Switch
  9. Silencer Port
  10. Lock/Unlock Switch
  11. AC Adapter Input
  12. Antenna
  13. Hook for Wall Mounting Bracket
  14. Battery Compartment
  15. **Base/Wall Mounting Bracket
    Product Overview


Important Icon

  • AC Adapter In Use

  • Batteries Low

Language Setting:

Unlock CMU to adjust language or select a tone, then press the “Voice/Tone” button on the Central Monitor. Press “Voice/Tone” button repeatedly to scroll through the available options. When you find your desired selection, stop pressing the button. Lock when complete

Important Icons:

Adjust volume by pressing “Volume” button on Central Monitor. Choose from 3 volume options by repeatedly pressing “Volume Button” until you find desired volume.
Monitor is shipped with alarm volume set at 90 decibels (90 decibels is the legally accepted occupational noise allowance).

Features Explained

  1. Call Review Button:  Used to review previous alerts (must use this button as the reset button to use this feature and not erase history)
  2. Volume Button:  Increase or decrease the alert volume
  3. Replace Components Button:  Button used when replacing components to your CMU
  4. Programming Light:  Will light up when CMU is in programming mode
  5. Program/Add Components Button: Button used when programming components to your CMU
  6. Voice/Tone Button:  Choose between tone alert or language option ( English, French or Spanish)
  7. Reset Button:  Button used to reset your CMU when alerting
  8. Call/Alarm Switch:  CALL is the tone selected using the VOICE/TONE button (Recommended) and ALARM is a siren
  9. Silencer Port:  By placing a silencer pin in this port, there will be no audible alert
    • only recommended if using a pager
  10. Lock/Unlock Switch: Used to lock the CMU so programming cannot be changed
  11. AC Adapter Input: Connect AC adapter here to power CMU
  12. Antenna:  Increases the signal strength from components
  13. Hook for Wall Mounting Bracket:  Slide bracket off bottom of Use hooks on the back of the CMU to hang on mounting bracket
  14. Battery Compartment:  Remove cover to insert 4-C
  15. Base / Wall Mounting Bracket: Used as base when CMU is sitting on a table or slide bracket off bottom of monitor to use as a wall mounting bracket.

Pre-Programmed Instructions

If your system is sent out with the components pre-programmed, please follow the steps below:

  1. Insert batteries into all components requiring
  2. Make sure transmitters in cordless pads & mats are turned
  3. Plug in AC adapter or insert 4-C batteries into the 433-CMU.
  4. Select ALARM or CALL on the side of the 433-CMU
    • ALARM is a siren sound
    • CALL is the tone selected using the VOICE/TONE button (Recommended)
  5. Select the desired tone and volume on the 433-CMU
    • To change tone, move switch on side to “Unlock”, press Voice/Tone till you get the desired tone or language
    • Then switch to “Lock”.
  6. Test system by activating each Components will be labeled with the corresponding number to the 433-CMU. Press Reset Button to stop alert/reset CMU.

If you have completed the steps above and need additional help, please feel free to contact us and our world-class customer service team will be happy to help. Call800-650-3637

**Setup – Programming/Add Components **


To Program Components to Your CMU:

Numbers flashing across the screen of the Central Monitor indicates that there are no components currently programmed into the Central Monitor.


  1. Insert batteries into all components requiring a
  2. Plug in AC adapter or insert 4-C batteries into the 433-CMU.
  3. For bed and chair pads, apply 30 seconds of pressure to initialize pad(s).
  4. Move the switch on the side of the CMU to the UNLOCK
  5. Select ALARM or CALL on the side of the 433-CMU.
    • ALARM is a siren
    • CALL is the tone selected using the VOICE/TONE button (Recommended).
  6. Select the desired tone and volume on the 433-CMU.
    • Press Voice/Tone until you get the desired tone or language
  7. Hold down the PROGRAM/ADD COMPONENTS Wait until you hear 2 dings and a melodic confirmation tone; then release button.COMPONENTS Button. Wait until you hear 2 dings and a melodic confirmation tone; then release button.
  8. Monitor screen will light up flashing first available # and audibly say this #. (This will be #1 if your monitor is empty).
  9. You can program that # or scroll through and choose which available # you want to program by repeatedly pressing the PROGRAM/ADD COMPONENTS Button until the desired # is
    • Note monitor will skip over any # that already has a programmed Please see instructions on replacing components on Page 11 if you need to replace a #.
  10. Activate First Component:
    • Bed or Chair Sensor Pad – apply pressure and release after 2-3
    • Nurse Call Button – push button and then release (Red light on button will illuminate).
    • Motion Sensor – turn switch on and wave hand in front of sensor (This could take 10-15 seconds) then turn off when CMU calls
    • Pager with Reset Button – press and release reset button on the
    • Floor Mat – turn on floor mat transmitter and step on floor mat until CMU.
  11. A melodic confirmation tone will sound after you activate your The programmed # will then turn solid and the next available # will be flashing.
    • If adding more components, repeat Steps #9-11.n move to LOCK.
  12. Test your system! Activate component, wait for alert then press the RESET Button to silence the alert

 Detailed Instructions – READ ALL

  1. Component # 1

    • Place components in desired order for
    • Ensure pads are placed on a hard surface with transmitters on and motion sensors are turned
      Component # 2

Component # 3

  1. Insert 4-C Batteries and plug in provided AC adapter

    • Make sure batteries are new and in good working order
      Detailed Instruction
  2. Put CMU into the UNLOCK

    • Select Alert (CALL or ALARM)

    • CALL will audibly say number & ALARM will make a siren.
      Detailed Instruction

    • Press and hold the PROGRAM/ ADD

    • COMPONENTS button until you hear 2 dings and a melodic confirmation tone; then release button

    • You are now ready to program in your Go to step 5.
      Detailed Instruction

Detailed Instruction Cont.-READ ALL

Program your components: (Choose which apply) Once you have finished programming all desired components move to step 6.

TL-2020 Wireless Economy Fall Prevention Monitor

  • Press and release Call button twice.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing.
  • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

433-NC Nurse Call Button

  • Press nurse call button and release.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing.
  • Move to next desired components or Step 6 if finished programming.
    Detailed Instruction

433-TB Touch Call Button

  • Gently hold finger on Touch Button until red light on the button turns on then release.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  •  The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing.
  • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.
    Detailed Instruction

CordLess Bed & Chair Sensor Pads

  • Press on Bed / Chair Pad and release.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing.
  • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.
    Detailed Instruction

CordLess Weight-Sensing Floor Mat

  • Step on Floor Mat.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing.
  • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

433-MS Motion Sensor

  • Turn switch to”ON”and wave hand in front of motion sensor until CMU activates. This could take 10-15 seconds.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing. • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

433-EXT Window / Door Exit Alarm

  • Touch the 2 parts of the sensor together and then separate them.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • Put sensor pieces back together.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing. • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

2017-CB Call Button w/ Pull Cord

  • Press call button and release.
  •  Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The number programmed will now be solid and the next available number will be flashing. I
  •  Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming. *Can be purchased in a set (2017-SYS Emergency Call System comes with Call Light (2017-ECA), Call Button w/ Pull Cord (2017-CB), and Reset Button (2017-RB).

433-RB Caregiver Reset Button

  • Press button and release.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The component does not take up a number, you only need to hear the confirmation tone.
  • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

433-PRB Caregiver Pager w/ Reset Button

  • Press and release reset button on pager.
  • Wait for melodic confirmation tone.
  • The component does not take up a number, you only need to hear the confirmation tone. • Move to next desired component or Step 6 if finished programming.

Resettting Your CMU

  • When you have programmed all of your components, put the CMU into the LOCK position using the switch on the right side of the monitor.

  • Press and release the RESET button on the front of the CMU and then test your components.

  • To Reset The CMU:
    Press the Reset Button on The Front of theCMU
    Resetting Instruction

  • To Reset The CMU Using Reset Button:
    Press and release center of button to reset your CMU from a remote location

  • To Reset The CMU Using A Caregiver pager with reset Button:
    and release reset button located on the front of the pager.
    Detailed Instruction

Replace Components

To Replace Components on your CMU:


Place new components in the order that you would like to program them. Pads will need to be on a hard flat surface and turned on in order to program correctly.

  1.  Put the (MU into the UNLOCK position.
  2. Press and hold the REPLACE COMPONENTS button for 2 dings and a melodic confirmation tone then release.
  3. Monitor screen will light up flashing the first replaceable # and audibly say this #
  4. You can replace this # or scroll through and choose which replaceable # you want to program by repeatedly pressing REPLACE COMPONENTS until the desired # is flashing.
    • Replaceable fs are ones that already have a component programmed, to add a component to an empty # please follow steps to add a component on page 6.
  5. Activate First Component:
    • Bed or Chair Sensor Pad – Apply pressure and release after 2-3 seconds.
    • Nurse Call Button – Push button and then release (Red light on button will illuminate).
    • Motion Sensor – Turn switch on and wave hand in front of sensor (This could take 10-15 seconds) then turn off when CMU calls number.
    • Pager with Reset Button – Press and release reset button.
    • Floor Mat – Step on floor mat until (MU alerts.
  6. A melodic confirmation tone will sound after you activate your component. The programmed # will then turn solid and the next replaceable # will be flashing.
    • If replacing more components, repeat steps #4-6.
    • Press RESET on the CMU and then move to LOCK.
  7. Test component(s).

Mounting The Monitor

  1. Slide mounting bracket off the bottom of the monitor.
    Mounting Monitor

  2.  Mount bracket to the wall. 3. Slide hooks on back of CMU onto the mounting bracket
    Mounting Monitor

Clearing The Monitor

To Clear The Monitor:


Move the switch on the side of the monitor to the UNLOCK position.

  1. Hold down the PROGRAM / ADD COMPONENTS button and the RESET button simultaneously until you hear a distinct clearing tone. This may take about 5-10 seconds.
  2. When you release button, there should be multiple numbers scrolling aaoss the screen. This means the Central Monitor has nothing programmed. Go to Page 6 Setup Instructions – Programming.



Are there flashing / scrolling numbers on the screen?

  • If there are numbers flashing / scrolling across the Central Monitor screen, there is no programming and the monitor is empty. Monitor needs to be programmed. Go to Page 6 Setup – Programming

Is there a component that is not programming to the Central Monitor?

  • If the component is a call button, motion sensor or caregiver pager, check the frequency. There should be a sticker on the product that says”QC passed 433″ or an item code starting with “433”. If the item code has a different number it is not the correct frequency. An item with the correct frequency will be needed to program.
  • If the component is a bed pad, chair pad, or floor mat make sure the transmitter is tumed on and status light on the transmitter blinks before programming.
  • Make sure components with replaceable batteries have fresh batteries.
  • Check the pad life of the bed or chair pad. If the pad life has expired the pad needs to be replaced.
  • If the floor mat has a transmitter that is over 1 year old, the transmitter will need to be replaced. Item code TM-FM will need to be ordered.


  • The range between the 433-CMU and components is 150-300feet. However, environmental factors such as concrete or brick walls and heavy electronic equipment may affect range.

Alarm Tones :

Is the Central Monitor sounding a siren alarm?

  • On the right side of the Central Monitor, switch the monitor from the “ALARM” position to the “CALL” position. The Central Monitor will no longer make a siren alarm tone.

Do you want the Central Monitor to be silent?

lithe 433-PGD or 433-PRB Caregiver Pager is being used, a CMU Silencer Pin can be used to silence the alarm tone of the Central Monitor, The pin plugs into the side of the Central Monitor, When this pin is used the number will flash on the screen but there will be no audible alarm. Please contact our customer service for this item.


Cordless and Wireless Systems rely on wireless technology which is subject to physical and environmental considerations. Please be aware that the transmitter will not be 100% accurate if It is out of range at any time. It is the end-user’s responsibility to make sure that the product is used correctly and within range of each other. Cordless and wireless systems and devices are intended as an adjunct to good caregiving practices and are not a substitute for proper staffing and patient management practices. We recommend that all caregivers receive periodic training in the operation of these systems and that the devices are tested daily. It is important to read and follow the directions.

Read the instructions and Legal Disclaimer.

The Smart Caregiver Corporation devices are designed to be installed by the end user. As such, it is the entire responsibility of the buyer to insure that the system is properly installed and tested. Further, the system is not designed to replace good caregiving practices including, but not limited to:

  • Direct patient supervision
  • Adequate training for staff personnel for fall prevention and elopement
  • Testing of the system before each use

The manufacturer does not claim that this device will stop elopement and/or stop falls. This device is designed to augment caregivers’ comprehensive resident mobility management program. Failure to comply with the warning may result in injury or death. This device is not suitable for all individuals. Other devices may be required. This device is not a substitute for visual monitoring by a caregiver.

Where permissible, it is the seller’s intent to limit any liability for special, consequential or incidental economic damages to refund of the purchase price or replacement of the goods. Seller disclaims any liability for compensatory or other damages arising out of the use of the goods.

Limited Warranty:
Seller warrants that the goods sold will be free from defects of workmanship and manufacturing, for a warranty period from the date of sale. Other than this limited warranty, seller makes no express or implied warranties. Except for this limited warranty. No express or implied warranties are given and no affirmation of seller, by words or action will constitute a warranty.The goods being purchased are being sold on a”with all faults” basis. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the goods is with the buyer. Should the goods prove defective following their purchase, the buyer, and not the manufacturer, distributor or retailer, assumes the entire cost of all necessary installation, servicing or repairs.


  • Low power affects performance. Refer to the features section inside the manual to locate the symbol indicating that battery is low. Replace batteries when this symbol appears on the Central Monitor. We recommend using the provided AC Adapter (AC-04) and batteries as backup.
  • There is no ON/OFF switch for the Central Monitor. If you choose not to use the AC-04 AC adapter to power the Central Monitor and depend on batteries, it is recommended that you remove batteries when the Central Monitor is not in use. Complete loss of power does not effect programming of the Central Monitor and components will not need to be re-programmed. To avoid outside interference while programming the central monitor, only program one component at a time. For example, do not press a call button or separate an exit alarm while attempting to program in a bed sensor pad.
  • To ensure optimal wireless performance and reduce electrical interference, do not place the Central Monitor close to metal objects or other electronic devices.
  • Do not expose the Central Monitor to heat or direct sunlight.
  • Avoid dampness and water.

FCC Warning

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Costumer Support

We take pride in our outstanding customer service. At Smart Caregiver Corporation we strive to keep our customers 100% satisfied.
Tel: 800-650-3637 Fax 707-781-7440
Call Today:800-650-3637

Mission & Value Statement

Smart Caregiver Mission Statement

To ensure the safety and comfort of each and every patient and resident, Smart Caregiver is committed to supplying the least expensive and best quality patient monitors so that Care Givers can afford to have the necessary amount of monitors needed to keep people safe from falls.

Tim Long, Smart Caregiver President

We are here to help!

For safety reasons, program only one component to each number on the Central Monitor. This ensures that the caregiver knows which resident and location to respond to (i.e. if a resident is using a bed pad in their room and a chair pad on their wheelchair.) Please use the chart included in the back of this instruction manual as a legend for the resident component and corresponding number on the Central Monitor. You can remove this page and keep next to your Central Monitor.

Please call our world-class customer service department if you have any product questions or need help with the set up of your Central Monitor (800)650-3637.

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