PUROTAP i-control-21s Conductivity Meter User Manual

June 8, 2024

Operating instructions
PUROTAP® i-control-21s 

Safety instructions

| Not drinking water
| Maximum 60 °C
| Maximum 4 bar pressure
| Dust proof and protected against water jets from any angle
| Never dispose of the device in household waste


The PUROTAP® i-control-21 continuously monitors the system water, thereby enabling early detection of potential corrosion damage. This in turns helps to ensure fault-free operation of the heating or cooling system. The water quality on site is indicated by a flashing LED and can also be transmitted to an alert system via the floating contact. An external analogue indicator can also be connected.

Standard delivery

3.1. PUROTAP® i-control-21s

  • PUROTAP® i-control-21
  • Brass fitted lock
  • EPP insulation
  • Operating instructions
  • Battery (integral)

3.2. PUROTAP® i-control-21

  • PUROTAP® i-control-21
  • Operating instructions
  • Battery (integral)


4.1. Device description

PUROTAP i control 21s Conductivity Meter-fig1

  1. Casing

  2. Union nut (¾” female thread)

  3. Flat gasket

  4. Measuring probes

  5. Connection for floating switching contact (max. 30 V 2 A), coaxial power connector part no. 102384

  6. Connection for analogue output (4-20 mA, max. 24 V DC), coaxial power connector part no. 102384

  7. Connection for external power supply (5 V DC, 0.5 A), micro USB connector
    **Front view

Green flashing LED (good)
Yellow flashing LED (caution required)
Red flashing LED (check required)
Insulated fitted lock

  1. Connection (¾” male)
  2. Butterfly handle, operation and service function
  3. Insulation (EPP)
  4. Connections on both sides (1″ female)

4.2. Dimensions

PUROTAP i control 21s Conductivity Meter-fig6

4.3. Performance data

| PUROTAP® i-control-21
Display 3 LED (green)| Good = 0 to ~ 200 µS/cm
Display 3 LED (orange)| Caution required = ~ 200 to ~ 300 µS/cm
Display 3 LED (red)| Check required = > 300 µS/cm
Operating temper- ature| +10 °C to +60 °C (+50 °F to +140 °F)
Max. pressure| 4 bar
Relay output| Coaxial power connector; outer 0 5.5 mm, inner 0 2.5 mm, I = 9.5 mm, actuated when red LED = > 300 µS/cm
(only actuated when connected to an external power supply) Floating output
max. 30 V AC/DC
max. 2 A
4-20 mA output| Coaxial power connector outer 0 5.5 mm, inner 0 2.5 mm, I = 9.5 mm
max. 24 V DC
0 µS/cm = 4 mA
300 µS/cm = 20 mA
IP degree of pro- tection| IP 65
Power supply int.| Lithium battery 3.6 V, 1200 mAh (ER14250)
Power supply ext.| Via micro USB (5 V DC, 0.5 A max.)


The PUROTAP® i-control-21 is installed in the water circuit (flow or return). The optional PUROTAP® i-control-21 insulated fitted lock (part no. 102 379) is recommended. This has G1″ female thread connections (DIN ISO 228, parallel thread). It allows the PUROTAP® i-control-21 plugged into the butterfly handle and screwed tight with the union nut without water loss in the system. Turning the butterfly handle then opens the water circuit again on both sides (handle from inlet to outlet = open, handle across = closed).


To operate the device, the transparent cover must be removed by undoing the two screws.
6.1. Switching on and off
Briefly pressing the button once switches the device on. Pressing the button again (also briefly) switches the device off again. .

PUROTAP i control 21s Conductivity Meter-fig7

6.2. Adjusting the operating temperature
To display the conductivity measurement correctly, the maximum anticipated operating temperature of the system must be set.
PIN setting

Max. operating temperature PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3
25 °C 0 (OFF) 0 (OFF) x (any)
20 °C 0 (OFF) 1 (ON) x (any)
40 °C 1 (ON) 0 (OFF) x (any)
60 °C 1 (ON) 1 (ON) x (any)

6.3. Intervals between measuring cycles
The intervals between the measurements can be adjusted using PIN 3. Position «ON» means that the conductivity is measured every 20 seconds. Position «OFF» means that a
measurement is carried out every 2 seconds. The measurement result is indicated via the LEDs immediately after the measure- ment and is output at the analogue and floating contacts respectively.

Measuring cycle PIN1 PIN2 PIN3
Quick (every 2 seconds) X (any) X (any) 0 (OFF)
Slow (every 20 seconds) X (any) X (any) 1 (ON)

** Each measurement requires energy. In battery mode, short intervals between the measurements significantly reduce battery life!
6.4. Fitted lock**
Integral disconnection in the unique fitted lock enables the measurement probe to be removed or replaced without any water leaking out and causing the pressure in the system to drop. The fitted lock has a 1″ female thread on both sides and causes virtually no pressure drop.


7.1. Battery replacement

When the orange and red LEDs flash simultaneously, the battery needs replacing. Undo the two screws in the transparent cover, lift off the cover, carefully raise the circuit board and insert the new battery (PURO- TAP® i-control-21, replacement battery part no. 102373). Make sure the cover seal is seated properly. Refit the cover and secure with the screws. Check the device is working correctly.
7.2. Calibration
The device has already been set and calibrated at the factory. However, recalibration can be carried out at any time. Dip the selected probe into 300 µS/ cm calibration solution. Ensure that the solution is at the correct temperature of +25 °C (PIN 1 + 2 must be set for 25 °C (0 (OFF) / 0 (OFF)). Press the small button on the circuit board, hold it down for more than 4 seconds and then release it. All 3 LEDs should flash briefly once; the device has now been recalibrated.

Spare parts

Item no. Designation
102 373
102 222
102 221

G1″ female thread on both sides (without insulation)


Item no. Designation
102 379
102 384

and analogue output)
102| 321| PUROTAP® i-control-21, power supply unit
102| 334| PUROTAP® i-control-21, adaptor (only for the installation in old lock)

All rights and technical modifications reserved.
The current version can be found at www.elysator.com.

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