decotruss 4-Point Truss System Instructions

June 9, 2024

decotruss LOGOdecotruss LOGO 2 4-Point Truss System
Instructions Manual

4-Point Truss System

Please read these instructions carefully before using the DecoTruss to avoid accidental injury or damage. Please keep them for future reference and pass them on to further owners.


Intended use – the DecoTruss is a 4-point truss system made of steel.

  • The product is designed for indoor decoration purposes.
  • The product must not be combined with other truss systems.
  • The product must not be climbed.

Safe usage

  • Before using DecoTruss, please make sure that there is no damage caused during transportation.
  • Should there be any damage, consult your dealer and do not use the DecoTruss.
  • To maintain the equipment in good working condition and to ensure safe operation, it is necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes in this manual.
  • Please note that damages caused by user modifications to this equipment are not subject to warranty.


If this equipment is operated in any other way, than those described in this manual, the product may suffer damage and the warranty becomes void.
Incorrect operation may lead to danger. Do not endanger your own safety and the safety of others! Incorrect installation or use can cause serious damage to people and/or property.


Based on the results of the risk assessment, the user defines the tasks of all those responsible and involved in a situation-specific manner and determines the qualifications required for planning, installation, use and operation. See the applicable country-specific building regulations for specific purposes such as retail premises, events, conferences etc.


  • During assembly, the assembly and use instructions resulting from the planning must be observed. Stability and load-bearing capacity must always be ensured. All components used (trusses, connectors, etc.) must be subjected to a visual inspection before assembly.
  • The trusses may only be mounted in horizontal and vertical alignment with suitable tools and must be connected symmetrically. Each connection joint must use a minimum of 4 x M8 bolts of quality 8.8 or higher and tightened to a torque of 3 Nm.
  • The person responsible for management and supervision during installation releases the installation for further use. It is recommended to document the handover in writing.

Force transmissions

  • Appropriate measures must be defined and implemented that take into account unintentional force transmissions into the installation that influence the spatial position and stability.


  • Regular monitoring of the external condition of the components is necessary to ensure their safe condition and suitability for use. The necessary qualifications of inspecting persons for the following inspection points result from the risk assessment. The inspections must always be documented.
  • Obviously recognisable defects are, for example, deformations or material reductions on main chords and struts, cracks of any kind, oblong hole formation at connection points or their fastenings, deformation of connectors, etc. Such components may not be installed and must be marked in such a way that any further use by mistake is excluded.

Before the first commissioning

  • Before the first commissioning, the necessary tests must be arranged and carried out in accordance with the risk assessment. The results of the tests must be documented.

During assembly and use
The safe condition of the DecoTruss must be established by a visual and functional inspection during assembly at the operating site and before each use.
Periodic inspection

  • To detect defects and damage in good time, components and installations must be inspected regularly depending on the type and frequency of use. The inspection intervals are derived from the risk assessment.
  • Considering these operating instructions, influences causing damage, operational experience and other important information, defects found during tests are evaluated and statements are made on further use until the next periodic test. The results of the recurring tests must be documented.

Extraordinary test

  • To record all defects and impairments after damage, significant changes and after several years of non-use, further tests are required to guarantee the safety of operation.
  • The replacement of components of the same design is not to be regarded as a significant change.


Span| UDL| Point load| Load at one-third
span points| Load at one-quarter
span points| Load at one-fifth
span points
(m)| (kg/m)| (kg)| (kg)| (kg)| (kg)
1.5| 205| 157| 101| 72| 56
2| 116| 116| 87| 58| 49
2.5| 74| 92| 69| 46| 38
3| 50| 76| 57| 38| 31
3.5| 36| 64| 48| 32| 27
4| 27| 54| 41| 27| 23
4.5| 21| 47| 35| 24| 20
5| 17| 41| 31| 21| 17
5.5| 13| 36| 27| 18| 15
6| 11| 32| 24| 16| 13
6.5| 9| 28| 21| 14| 12
7| 7| 25| 19| 13| 11
7. 5| 6| 22| 17| 11| 9
8| 5| 20| 15| 10| 8

Maximum system length: 8m
The load capacities given in the above load table are based on calculations in accordance with EN 1993 and include the net weight of the product of 5.4kg/m. This load table is only valid for linear segments of DecoTruss.
This product has been designed for static loads only, no dynamic loads. If dynamic loads are to be attached to the system the user must provide appropriate structural documentation that it is safe to do so.
Loads are to be attached only to the main chords.
The table reflects the state of knowledge at the time of writing these instructions. Newer versions of operating instructions and load tables can be found on our website. All previous editions are no longer valid.


  • If loads are to be placed in installations, the installation must be carried out by qualified person(s) according to the risk assessment and the determined protective measures against falling objects must be implemented.
  • Any construction created from DecoTruss should be checked or verified by a structural engineer or rigger. Prolight Concepts (UK) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any problems relating to the design or construction of this truss system.

Subject to change without prior notice – V1.00

Documents / Resources

| decotruss 4-Point Truss System [pdf] Instructions
4-Point Truss System, Truss System, 4-Point Truss, Truss


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