PERUN AB++ On-Wire Mosfet User Manual

June 3, 2024

PERUN AB++ On-Wire Mosfet

PERUN AB++ On-Wire Mosfet product

Technical data

Recommended power sources
Perun AB++ works with any power source that provides voltage between 7 and 17 volts and can deliver enough current to ensure smooth cycling of the replica. Li-Po and Li-Ion batteries with nominal voltage of 7.4, 11.1 or 14.8 volts are recommended. It is also advised to use batteries with possibly high “C” parameter and capacity. This is safer for the battery, as it should not be working on the edge of its capability. In this video, we are showing why:
Capacity and „C” parameter also influence the rate of fire of the replica:
Compatibility with high-ROF and high-power builds
Perun AB++ can work with even the most demanding setups, both regarding rate of fire and muzzle velocity.
Electronic fuse
Perun AB++ has an integrated electronic fuse, which will automatically cut the power off in case of a short circuit or when a gearbox jam is detected. The fuse does not wear out and does not need to be replaced.
Battery connector type
Perun AB++ comes with an already soldered T-Plug connector.


Perun AB++ can only be installed by experienced technicians! Perun is not liable to damages to replica or electronics caused by improper installation. To install the unit:

  1. Remove previous wiring.
  2. Cut motor wires (thicker ones, red and black) to needed length and solder motor connectors.
  3. It is imperative to put heat shrink tubes on the connectors and then shrink them using hot air or by cautiously placing them some distance over an open fire.
  4. Cut signal wires (thinner, red ones) to needed length and solder them (in any order) to trigger contacts and to the positive motor wire (red). Isolate this connection with a heat shrink tube.

We do not recommend soldering on the unit itself unless it is absolutely necessary!PERUN AB++ On-Wire Mosfet fig 1

Features and programming

To enter the programming mode, press the button on the device 2 times. First push activates the button, which is signaled by LED starting to glow green. Quick second push shortly after the first leads to the programming mode. Successful entry into the programming mode will be confirmed by a sound signal.
Pressing the button will switch the modes, while pulling the trigger allows to enable, disable, or set levels for the modes. Full feature description

Function and LED Description
Burst Green When this mode is enabled, a 2 to 5 round burst is

available instead of fully automatic fire.
No sound signal while LED glows green means, that the burst is off. 2 to 5 signals indicate 2 to 5 round bursts accordingly.
This burst is based on motor current measurements, which is one of few methods of cycle detection in non-drop-in mosfets. It may not work perfectly in all replicas, resulting
_ _in different number of shots fired in burst than programmed.__


| Active brake (AB) stops the motor after the shot, preventing the spring from remaining in a compressed state and eliminates double shots on semi in replicas with high rate of fire (“overspin”). 5 levels of braking strength are available – from 1 (weakest braking) to 5 (the strongest). Braking can be also completely disabled. It is advised not to use braking all the time, if not necessary, or to use it on the lowest possible level, because strong braking negatively impacts the service life of motor brushes and causes increased heating.
Tip: Set your replica to semi, press, and hold the button on the unit, then pull the trigger. This will cause a single shot with strongest AB setting to be fired, making sure the main spring remains uncompressed. It is advised to do that when you finish shooting for the day.
No sound signal while LED glows blue means, that the active brake is disabled. 1 to 5 signals indicate braking levels from 1 (the weakest) to 5 (the strongest).
While precocking is on, the AB setting becomes irrelevant. However, any programmed AB setting will be stored in memory and will become effective as soon as precocking is disabled.

Function and

LED color

| Description


| When shooting on semi, precocking keeps the piston in rear position, ready for a shot. This decreases the time between pulling the trigger and the actual shot, increasing realism, and giving advantage in CQB fights. Precocking level must be set so, that the piston remains around 1,5 cm from the rearmost position.

Tip: To release the spring after using precocking, set your replica to semi, press, and hold the button on the unit, then pull the trigger. This will cause a single shot to be fired with strongest AB setting, making sure that the main spring remains uncompressed. It is advised to do that when you finish shooting for the day.

No sound signal while LED glows yellow means, that the precocking is disabled. 1 to 8 signals indicate precocking levels from 1 (the weakest) to 8 (the strongest).

In replicas with standard contacts, precocking works only on semi!

AB setting does not affect the functioning of precocking, it is ignored if precocking is enabled.


reduction White

| This function allows to lower the rate of burst or automatic fire. 5 reduction levels are available:

1  – 6% ROF reduction

2  – 12% ROF reduction

3  – 18% ROF reduction

4  – 24% ROF reduction

5  – 30% ROF reduction

These are approximate values and may vary depending on replica configuration.

No sound signal while LED glows white means, that the ROF reduction is disabled. 1 to 5 signals indicate reduction levels from 1 (the smallest) to 5 (the greatest).

Semi-automatic shots and the first shot in burst are always fired without any power reduction to retain good trigger response.

DMR mode


| DMR Mode limits the frequency of semi-automatic shots or increases minimal intervals between bursts. Its main use is in high power, DMR-styled replicas on fields, which demand such limitations. 0.25s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s and 3s intervals are available.

No sound signal while LED glows purple means, that the DMR mode is disabled. 1 to 5 signals indicate interval levels from 1 (the shortest) to 5 (the longest).

Li-Po and Li- Ion alarm


| Li-Po and Li-Ion alarm informs the user, that the battery voltage has fallen below 3.7V per cell, at which the battery should not be further used and must be recharged. Unit automatically detects number of cells in the battery and determines safe voltage range. The need for battery replacement is signaled by short sound signals every one minute.

Disable this function if you are using batteries other than Li-Po or Li-Ion.

No sound signal while LED glows white means, that the alarm is disabled. 1 signal indicates activation of the alarm.

Master reset


| Master reset returns the unit to factory settings.

To reset, pull and hold the trigger for 2 seconds. A long sound signal confirms return to factory settings.

Factory settings

New units and units where master reset was activated will have modes set in a following way:

  • Burst – disabled
  • AB – level 3
  • Precocking – disabled
  • DMR Mode – disabled
  • ROF reduction – disabled
  • Li-Po and Li-Ion alarm – enabled

Troubleshooting and diagnostic system

Perun AB++ has a diagnostic system that will help you find the source, should you encounter a problem. After the battery is connected, the unit undergoes a start-up check, to make sure the replica is ready to work. Successful completion of this check is indicated by a short green blink of the LED.
Diagnostic system can inform the user about following problems:

Problem and LED color Description

Disconnected motor / Contacts check

Yellow, blinking

| This not only provides information about disconnection of the motor, but it is also a diagnostic mode for the trigger and the button on the device. With disconnected motor, pulling the trigger or the pushing the button will cause the LED to glow purple (trigger) or green (button). This can be used for troubleshooting problems with the replica or the electronics.

Reconnecting the motor will restore normal functioning of the unit.

Motor check only        takes    place    at start-up.     A disconnection after the start-up will not be signaled!

Fuse activation

Red, continuous, or blinking

| Activation of the fuse with a distinction between a short circuit (continuous red) and gearbox jam (blinking red). In some situations, this distinction may not be correct, for instance a gearbox jam may be incorrectly read as a short circuit and vice versa.
Unit will start functioning normally after the battery is reconnected, unless there still is a short circuit that will be detected at next start-up.
Trigger pull detected during start-up

Yellow and purple blinking alternately

| Unit detected that the trigger was being held during start-up. This can also indicate a short circuit of the signal wiring or mechanical malfunction of the trigger mechanism.

Unit will start functioning normally after the trigger is released.

Button on the unit was pressed during start-up

Yellow and green blinking alternately

| Button on the unit was pressed during the start-up.

Unit will start functioning normally after the button is released.

Problem and LED color| Description
Unit temperature is too high

Yellow and white blinking alternately

| Too high temperature of the unit (electronic board) was

detected. It will not function again until it cools down, after which it will return to normal operation.

Battery with too low voltage is connected

Yellow and teal blinking alternately

| Battery with a voltage below 7 V is connected. Change the battery to one with voltage between 7 V and 17 V.
Battery with too high voltage is connected

Red and teal blinking alternately

|   Battery with a voltage over 17 V is connected. The battery must be immediately disconnected, as it can cause permanent damage! Change the battery to one with voltage between 7 V and 17 V.
Main transistor or driver damage

Red and yellow blinking alternately

| Main transistor or driver is damaged. Unit needs to be sent back for repair.
Battery voltage sensing malfunction

Red and white blinking alternately

| Battery detection system is malfunctioning. Unit needs to be sent back for repair.

Other known problems:

Problem Cause Solution
Replica fires a 2-round burst in semi-auto mode. Motor and battery
are too strong for the main spring, which causes overspin. Enable AB or

Too high precocking level.| Set precocking to a lower level.
Trigger mechanism malfunction.| Check the cut-off lever and contacts, replace if needed.
Replica does not shoot; the unit does not emit any light or sound.| Incompatible T-Deans battery connector.| T-deans plugs and sockets from various manufacturers may sometimes not work together reliably. Although the plug may seem to fit the socket nicely, the conductive surfaces may not contact each other, cutting the power off. In that case try with another battery, most preferably with T-deans socket made by different manufacturer.
Battery and/or the motor heat up very much.| The battery has a too low capacity (mAh) and/or “C” parameter.| Use a battery with higher capacity and/or “C” parameter.
The motor is too weak.| Use a stronger motor, possibly with neodymium magnets.
| Increased motor load caused by excessive friction, for example caused by:

  • improper shimming,
  • motor positioned askew in the pistol grip.

| Remove the cause of the friction.
Motor beeps

from time to time

| Li-Po alarm has activated| Replace the battery (if you’re not using a Li-Po or Li-Ion, disable the Li- Po alarm)

In case of any technical questions, please contact us at:

Contacts check

AB++ allows you to easily check, whether the trigger contacts in the gearbox or the button on the unit are functioning properly. When the unit is connected to the battery, but disconnected from the motor, it informs about this with yellow, flashing light. If during that time, a properly working and connected trigger contacts will be closed, or the button on the unit will be pressed, the unit will signal that by changing the LED color for a moment. After you enter the switch check mode, it will be active for 5 minutes, after which the unit will shut down. To restart it, simply reconnect the battery.

To enter Contacts check mode, the motor must be disconnected first, only then connect the battery!

LED color Switch

Disconnected motor / Contacts check

Yellow, blinking

| No switch activation is being detected at this moment


| Trigger contacts are closed.
Button on the unit


| Button on the unit is being pushed.

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