INOVANCE SV660P Single Axis Pulse Servo Drive Owner’s Manual

June 3, 2024

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INOVANCE SV660P Single Axis Pulse Servo Drive

INOVANCE-SV660P -Axis-Pulse-Servo-Drive-PRODUCT

Performance and flexibility in a compact footprint

  • User-friendly installation
  • Easy set-up and tuning
  • CANopen (C) and CANlink (A) variants are also available

Product family overview

Product variants: SV660P – pulse control variant
Pulse interface for position control (4 MHz maximum input frequency).

  • SV660C – CANopen variant
  • Compliant with CiA 402 device profile
  • (IEC 61800-7-201/301), supporting several operation modes.
  • SV660A – CANlink variant
  • Uses the Inovance proprietary protocol, in combination with Inovance controller products.INOVANCE-SV660P -Axis-Pulse-Servo-Drive-FIG-1
  • **Speed loop bandwidth***
  • A speed loop response bandwidth of 2 kHz gives significantly improved performance compared to the previous generation of Inovance products.

Speed loop response graph

  • Please note: The phrase ‘speed loop bandwidth’ refers to the highest frequency speed command change that the servo system can respond to.

Built-in RS232 port (for PC connection) and RS485 port (Modbus RTU communication protocol)

  • 23-bit feedback encoder
  • Multi-position control
  • IP20 rating
  • All 200 V models can be supplied from single-phase 200 V

High-resolution feedback encoder
23-bit serial single/multi-turn absolute encoder provides 8,388,608 pulses within one mechanical turn. Multi-turn absolute information can be also saved at power down, avoiding the need to perform machine homing at every power-up.
Short output winding
Standard, built-in, short output winding ensures safe braking if the drive is unexpectedly disabled – even in the case of a failure in the motor holding brake.INOVANCE-SV660P -Axis-Pulse-Servo-Drive-FIG-5

Robust and reliable – designed for harsh environments
An isolated cooling channel prevents dust contamination of internal electrical components. Conformally coated PCBs are resistant to 3S2 and 3C3 environments (acc. to IEC 60721-3-3), providing further protection.
Reduced panel size
SV660 offers a compact footprint and increased power density, with
an average 30% smaller footprint than the previous generation.
Easy installation and fast commissioning
Pluggable connectors for both signal and power allow avoidance of wiring mistakes. Fine tuning is possible using the STune and ETune software functions, which are both designed for use in applications with small load inertia changes:

  • stone obtains the gains using a calculation based on the set stiffness level
  • iTunes automatically adjusts the optimal gain parameters of the servo drive to deliver the best performance
  • Easy cloning of drive parameters
    Parameters of all SV660 drives in a machine can be cloned in one go using the commissioning software.
    Guided PC commissioning with an advanced software wizard
    A graphical user interface means specialist technical skills are not required for drive commissioning, freeing up skilled engineering personnel for other tasks.INOVANCE-SV660P -Axis-Pulse-Servo-Drive-FIG-4

SV660P/C/A Selection Chart

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| pMt eoatkor (Nor·qmu)e| Mfraomtoer size (mm)| (Rin0oe.trotri0a1x

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| MS1 motor type| SW( Vh6e6r0e“x txy”pceaAnNboepethne) P

opruAls(eC)A, NCl(iCnk) variants

| SrcaVt6e6d0x (Au)rrent| SpcVea6k60x (Au)rrent| Size| DHixmWenxsDions (mm)| Ckiotnnector
1PH 220 V| 3000


| 6000


| 50


| 0.16


| 0.56


| 40X40


| 0.026


| MS1H1-05B30CB-A330Z


| SV660xS1R6I-INT


| 1.6


| 5.80


| A


| 170X40X150


| S6-C22


3000| 6000| 200| 0.64| 2.24| 60X60| 0.207| MS1H1-20B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS1R6I- INT| 1.6| 5.80| A| 170X40X150| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 400| 1.27| 4.46| 60X60| 0.376| MS1H1-40B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS2R8I- INT| 2.8| 10.10| A| 170X40X150| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 400| 1.27| 4.46| 60X60| 0.657| MS1H4-40B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS2R8I- INT| 2.8| 10.10| A| 170X40X150| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 550| 1.75| 6.13| 80X80| 1.06| MS1H1-55B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS5R5I- INT| 5.5| 16.90| B| 170X50X173| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 750| 2.39| 8.36| 80X80| 1.38| MS1H1-75B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS5R5I- INT| 5.5| 16.90| B| 170X50X173| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 750| 2.39| 8.36| 80X80| 2| MS1H4-75B30CB-A331Z| SV660xS5R5I-INT| 5.5| 16.90| B| 170X50X173| S6-C22
1500| 3000| 850| 5.39| 13.50| 130X130| 13.3| MS1H3-85B15CB-A331Z| SV660xS7R6I- INT| 7.6| 23.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
1/3 PH 220 V| 3000| 6000| 1000| 3.18| 9.12| 80X80| 1.75| MS1H1-10C30CB-A331Z
| SV660xS7R6I-INT| 7.6| 23.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 1000| 3.18| 11.10| 80X80| 1.75| MS1H1-10C30CB-A331Z*| SV660xS012I- INT| 11.6| 32.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C22
3000| 6000| 1000| 3.18| 9.54| 100X100| 1.87| MS1H2-10C30CB-A331Z| SV660xS7R6I- INT| 7.6| 23.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
1500| 3000| 1300| 8.34| 20.85| 130X130| 17.8| MS1H3-13C15CB-A331Z| SV660xS012I-INT| 11.6| 32.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 1500| 4.9| 14.70| 100X100| 2.46| MS1H2-15C30CB-A331Z| SV660xS012I- INT| 11.6| 32.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 6000| 1000| 3.18| 9.54| 100X100| 1.87| MS1H2-10C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT5R4I- INT| 5.4| 14.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
3 PH 400 V| 3000| 5000| 1500| 4.9| 14.70| 100X100| 2.46| MS1H2-15C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT5R4I-INT| 5.4| 14.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 2000| 6.36| 19.10| 100X100| 3.06| MS1H2-20C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT8R4I-INT| 8.4| 20.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 2500| 7.96| 19.12| 100X100| 3.65| MS1H2-25C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT8R4I-INT| 8.4| 20.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 2500| 7.96| 23.90| 100X100| 3.65| MS1H2-25C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT012I-INT| 11.9| 29.75| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 3000| 9.8| 29.16| 130X130| 7.72| MS1H2-30C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT012I- INT| 11.9| 29.75| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 3000| 9.8| 29.40| 130X130| 7.72| MS1H2-30C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT017I- INT| 16.5| 41.25| E| 250X90X230| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 4000| 12.6| 37.80| 130X130| 12.1| MS1H2-40C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT017I-INT| 16.5| 41.25| E| 250X90X230| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 5000| 15.8| 40.91| 130X130| 15.4| MS1H2-50C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT017I-INT| 16.5| 41.25| E| 250X90X230| S6-C29
3000| 5000| 5000| 15.8| 47.60| 130X130| 15.4| MS1H2-50C30CD-A331Z| SV660xT021I-INT| 20.8| 52.12| E| 250X90X230| S6-C29
1500| 3000| 850| 5.39| 13.50| 130X130| 13.3| MS1H3-85B15CD-A331Z| SV660xT3R5I- INT| 3.5| 11.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
1500| 3000| 1300| 8.34| 20.85| 130X130| 17.8| MS1H3-13C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT5R4I-INT| 5.4| 14.00| C| 170X55X173| S6-C29
1500| 3000| 1800| 11.5| 28.75| 130X130| 25| MS1H3-18C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT8R4I- INT| 8.4| 20.00| D| 170X80X183| S6-C29
1500| 3000| 2900| 18.6| 37.20| 180X180| 55| MS1H3-29C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT012I- INT| 11.9| 29.75| D| 170X80X183| S6-C39
1500| 3000| 4400| 28.4| 71.10| 180X180| 88.9| MS1H3-44C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT017I-INT| 16.5| 41.25| E| 250X90X230| S6-C39
1500| 3000| 5500| 35| 87.60| 180X180| 107| MS1H3-55C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT021I- INT| 20.8| 52.12| E| 250X90X230| S6-C39
1500| 3000| 7500| 48| 117.63| 180X180| 141| MS1H3-75C15CD-A331Z| SV660xT026I- INT| 25.7| 64.25| E| 250X90X230| S6-C39
| | | | | | | | | | | | |

  • Brake option not available.
    All MS1 motors are CE certified and UL-listed. For detailed motor dimension data please contact your local Inovance representative or refer to the IS620 brochure.INOVANCE-SV660P -Axis-Pulse-Servo-Drive-FIG-6

  • For more information, please contact our local offices.

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  • Sales Network in Kolkata, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Pune, Vadodara

  • Hong Kong SAR International Export Office Tel: +852 2751 6080

  • For other country distributors, contact the Hong Kong office.

  • Inovance Technology Companies Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co. Ltd. Suzhou Inovance Technology Co. Ltd.


  • ©Inova Automation Co., Ltd. 2021. The information contained in the brochure is for guidance only.

Documents / Resources

| INOVANCE SV660P Single Axis Pulse Servo Drive [pdf] Owner's Manual
SV660P, Single Axis Pulse Servo Drive, SV660P Single Axis Pulse Servo Drive, Axis Pulse Servo Drive, Pulse Servo Drive, Servo Drive, Drive


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