SHARP PA703UL Laser Projector Installation Guide
- June 3, 2024
- Sharp
Table of Contents
SHARP PA703UL Laser Projector
Product Description
Type: 3 panel LCD projector, 0.76 p-Si TFT w/MLA
Resolution: 1920 x 1200 (16:10)
Fan Noise: PA653UL: 39 dB / 33dB @ 1 meter
PA703UL: 42 dB / 34dB @ 1 meter
PA803UL: 45 dB / 35dB @ 1 meter -
Power Consumption: PA653UL: 627W (max)
PA703UL: 647W (max)
PA803UL: 798W (max) -
Dimensions: 22.8”(W) x 8.2”(H) x 19.3”(D)
Weight: 40.1 lbs
Brightness: PA653UL: 6500 Lumens
PA703UL: 7000 Lumens
PA803UL: 8000 Lumens -
BTU’s: PA653UL: 2131 BTU/hour
PA703UL: 2207 BTU/hour
PA803UL: 2713 BTU/hour
Network Ready, integrated wired and wireless adapter
Manual: Lens Shift, Horizontal & Vertical /Zoom/ Focus
Lens Specifications
NP44ML-01LK :| Throw Ratio: 0.32:1
Screen Sizes: 100”-400”
| Focal Length: 6.27mm
| Weight:| 7.1lbs. / 3.20kg
NP40ZL:| Throw Ratio: 0.79 – 1.11:1
Screen Sizes: 50”-500”
| Focal Length: 13.3 – 18.6mm
F/#:2.0 – 2.5
| Weight:| 3.6lbs. / 1.64kg
NP41ZL:| Throw Ratio: 1.30 – 3.02:1| Focal Length: 21.8 – 49.8mm|
Weight:| 3.9lbs. / 1.75kg
| Screen Sizes: 50” – 500”| F/#:1.7 – 2.0| |
NP43ZL:| Throw Ratio: 2.99 – 5.93:1
Screen Sizes: 50”-500”
| Focal Length: 49.7 – 99.8mm
F/#:2.2 -2.6
| Weight:| 3.9lbs. / 1.75kg
Screen/Aspect Ratio
4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 screens are fully supported with proper aspect ratio control for both type sources using NEC developed scaling technology. Menu selections have settings for each screen type and aspect ratio control for each source type.
- For screen sizes not indicated on the projection tables, use the formulas below. If the figures on the tables do not match the results of formulas, use the figures in the table..
- Distances are in inches, for millimeters multiply by 25.4.
- Distances may vary ±5%.
Formulas: 16:10 Aspect Ratio (WUXGA)
The Projection Formulas use the image width for calculation. Image width is
the same for all aspect ratios, only vertical image size varies. For proper
projector placement, determine the image width for a desired screen size. Use
the Screen Formulas below to calculate all screen dimensions. Plug in the
image width for “W” in the Projection Formulas. Refer to the diagrams and
charts for popular screen sizes on page 2 and 3:
Projection Formulas:
- NP40ZL: C(Wide) = 0.807W – 1.535 —— C(Tele) = 1.131W – 1.632
- NP41ZL: C(Wide) = 1.323W – 1.763 —— C(Tele) = 3.034W – 1.539
- NP43ZL: C(Wide) = 2.929W + 5.143 —— C(Tele) = 5.878W + 4.320
Horizontal Lens Shift Max (Right) = 0.15W
Horizontal Lens Shift Max (Left) = 0.-15W
- W = Image Width
- H = Image Height (size)
- C = Throw distance
16:10 Screen Formulas
- W = H x 16/10
- H = W x 10/16
- Screen Diagonal = W x 18.868/16
Distance Chart for popular 16:10 Screens (WUXGA)
Screen Size (16:10)
| Zoom Lenses
| ****
| Horizontal Lens Shift (NP40ZL/NP41ZL)| ****
| ****
Horizontal Lens Shift (NP43ZL)
Diagonal| Width(W)| Height (H)| 0.79 – 1.11:1| 1.30 – 3.02:1| Max
| –| Max
| 2.99 – 5.93:1| Max
| –| Max
inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches
60| 51| 32| 39.5| –| 55.9| 65.6| –| 152.8| 10.2| –| -10.2| 154.2| –| 303.4|
16.3| –| -16.3
67| 57| 36| 44.3| –| 62.6| 73.4| –| 170.8| 11.4| –| -11.4| 171.6| –| 338.3|
18.2| –| -18.2
72| 61| 38| 47.7| –| 67.4| 79.0| –| 183.7| 12.2| –| -12.2| 184.0| –| 363.2|
19.5| –| -19.5
84| 71| 45| 55.9| –| 78.9| 92.5| –| 214.6| 14.2| –| -14.2| 213.8| –| 423.0|
22.8| –| -22.8
90| 76| 48| 60.1| –| 84.7| 99.2| –| 230.0| 15.3| –| -15.3| 228.7| –| 452.9|
24.4| –| -24.4
100| 85| 53| 66.9| –| 94.3| 110.4| –| 255.7| 17.0| –| -17.0| 253.5| –| 502.8|
27.1| –| -27.1
127| 108| 67| 85.4| –| 120.2| 140.7| –| 325.2| 21.5| –| -21.5| 320.6| –|
637.4| 34.5| –| -34.5
150| 127| 79| 101.1| –| 142.2| 166.5| –| 384.4| 25.4| –| -25.4| 377.7| –|
752.0| 40.7| –| -40.7
180| 153| 95| 121.6| –| 171.0| 200.2| –| 461.6| 30.5| –| -30.5| 452.2| –|
901.5| 48.8| –| -48.8
210| 178| 111| 142.2| –| 199.8| 233.8| –| 538.8| 35.6| –| -35.6| 526.7| –|
1051.1| 57.0| –| -57.0
241| 204| 128| 163.4| –| 229.5| 268.6| –| 618.5| 40.9| –| -40.9| 603.7| –|
1205.6| 65.4| –| -65.4
270| 229| 143| 183.2| –| 257.3| 301.1| –| 693.1| 45.8| –| -45.8| 675.8| –|
1350.1| 73.3| –| -73.3
300| 254| 159| 203.8| –| 286.1| 334.8| –| 770.3| 50.9| –| -50.9| 750.3| –|
1499.7| 81.4| –| -81.4
400| 339| 212| 272.2| –| 382.0| 447.0| –| 1027.6| 67.8| –| -67.8| 998.7| –|
1998.1| 108.5| –| -108.5
500| 424| 265| 340.6| –| 477.9| 559.2| –| 1284.9| 84.8| –| -84.8| 1247.0| –|
2496.6| 135.7| –| -135.7
NP44ML-01LK Installation
Screen Size (16:10)
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
Diagonal| Width(W)| Height (H)
inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches| inches
108| 92| 57| 5.8| 55.3| 29.7| 18.3| 26.6
113| 96| 60| 7.3| 57.5| 31.2| 19.2| 27.5
130| 110| 69| 12.2| 65.2| 36.0| 22.4| 30.7
137| 116| 73| 14.2| 68.4| 38.1| 23.7| 32.0
164| 139| 87| 21.9| 80.5| 45.8| 28.7| 37.0
189| 160| 100| 29.1| 91.8| 53.0| 33.3| 41.7
208| 176| 110| 34.6| 100.4| 58.5| 36.8| 45.2
226| 192| 120| 39.8| 108.5| 63.6| 40.2| 48.5
270| 229| 143| 52.4| 128.3| 76.3| 48.4| 56.7
300| 254| 159| 61.0| 141.8| 84.9| 53.9| 62.3
350| 297| 185| 75.4| 164.4| 99.3| 63.2| 71.6
Ceiling Mount Installation
Desktop Installation
Lens Shift Adjustable Range
Lens Shift Range for Desktop and Ceiling Mount Application
The diagram below shows the location of the image position in the lens. The
lens can be shifted withinthe shaded area as shown using the normal projection
position as a starting point.
Maximum Possible Range for NP40ZL, NP41ZL, NP43ZL:
- Towards ceiling/floor: 0.5H
- Away from ceiling/floor: 0.1H
- Right: 0.3W
- Left: 0.3W
(W: width of the projected image, H: height of projected image)
Note: Horizontal lens shift range is 0.15W at a 200” projected image with
Cabinet Dimensions
The following diagrams show the cabinet dimensions for the
PA653UL/PA703UL/PA803UL. Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by
25.4. Note: Dimensions are below shown with the NP41ZL lens.
Cabinet Dimensions with Cable Cover
The following diagrams show the cabinet dimensions for the
Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Note: Dimensions are below shown with the NP41ZL lens
Optional Lens Dimensions (NP40ZL and NP43ZL)
Optional Ceiling Mount Dimensions (Part #: NP600CM)
The following diagrams show ceiling mount dimensions for the NP600CM.
Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Input Panel
PC Control Codes
POWER ON| 02H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 02H|
POWER OFF| 02H| 01H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 03H| | | | |
INPUT SELECT HDMI1| 02H| 03H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 01H| A1H| A9H| | |
INPUT SELECT HDMI2| 02H| 03H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 01H| A2H| AAH| | |
INPUT SELECT DisplayPort| 02H| 03H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 01H| A6H| AEH| | |
INPUT SELECT Computer| 02H| 03H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 01H| 01H| 09H| | |
INPUT SELECT HDBaseT| 02H| 03H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 01H| BFH| C7H| | |
PICTURE MUTE ON| 02H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 12H| | | | |
PICTURE MUTE OFF| 02H| 11H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 13H| | | | |
SOUND MUTE ON| 02H| 12H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 14H| | | | |
SOUND MUTE OFF| 02H| 13H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 15H| | | | |
ON SCREEN MUTE ON| 02H| 14H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 16H| | | | |
ON SCREEN MUTE OFF| 02H| 15H| 00H| 00H| 00H| 17H| | | | |
ASPECT RATIO (4:3 Screen) 4:3| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
LETTERBOX| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 01H| 00H| 31H
WIDESCREEN| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 00H| 32H
ZOOM| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 03H| 00H| 33H
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
16:9| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 02H| 00H| 32H
5:4| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 0BH| 00H| 3BH
16:10| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 0CH| 00H| 3CH
15:9| 03H| 10H| 00H| 00H| 05H| 18H| 00H| 00H| 0DH| 00H| 3DH
AUTO ADJUST| 02H| 0FH| 00H| 00H| 02H| 05H| 00H| 18H| | |
Cable Connection
Communication Protocol:
- Baud Rate: 38400 bps (for cable lengths longer than 20’, it is recommended changing to 9600 bps in setup menu)
- Data Length: 8 bits
- Parity: No Parity
- Stop Bit: One bit
- X on/off: None
- Communications: Full duplex
PC Control Connector (D-Sub 9P)
- NOTE 1 : Pins 1, 4, 6, and 9 are used inside the projector.
- NOTE 2: For long cable runs it is recommended to set the communication speed within the projector to 9600 bps.
- NOTE 3: Jumper “Request to Send” and “Clear to Send” together on both ends of the cable to simplify cable connection.
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