Active audio R210TC Ray-On Single Channel Column Loudspeaker User Manual
- June 3, 2024
- Active Audio
Table of Contents
R210TC Ray-On Single Channel
Column Loudspeaker
User Manual
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R210TC Ray-On Single Channel Column Loudspeaker
** Identification number : 1438
Active Audio**
8 Rue Johannes Gutenberg, 44340 Bouguenais, France
EN 54-24:2008
Type B
Loudspeaker for voice alarm systems for fire detection systems and fire alarm
in buildings
RayOn models
Rmini-b, Rmini-w, R70TC-w, R70TC-b, B70TC-b, B70TC-w R110TC-w, R110TC-b,
R210TCw, R210TC-b
EU Conformity declaration
We, Active Audio SAS
8 rue Johannes Gutenberg
44340 Bouguenais France
Hereby declare under our own responsibility that the following product:
Type : 70/100V Loudspeaker
Range: Ray-On
Model: R70 TC
ls in conformity with the directive: 2014/35/UE now Voltage”)
In respect of the following norms and standard: EN62368-1 (October 2014)
and .with the directive :2014/30/EU (Equipment EMC)
in respect of the following norms and standard: EN55020/2007+Al2/2016
Bouguenais, 06th of June 2022,
Mr Mathieu POBEDA, Technical Director
General Presentation
R70, R110 and R210 columns exist in 3 versions :
- R70TC, R110TC, R210TC : passive columns working in 8Ω and 70V/100V, with the EN5424 certification
- R70+, R110+, R210+ : active columns with DANTE interface and amplifier
All versions of a each column (for instance R110TC and R110+) same dimensions.
For changing the version (for instance from R210TC to R210+), send back the
product to the distributor.
The Ray-On column loudspeakers are passive, and based on the DGRC principle.
The range includes three column models, and a proximity speaker:
- R70, height 70cm;
- R110, height 1.1m;
- R210, height 2.1m;
- Ray-On Mini, a proximity speaker.
This technical manual is for column speakers R70TC, R110TC and R210TC. A
specific technical manual is devoted to the Ray-On Mini, R110 and R110T.
Another specific manual is devoted to active versions R70+, R110+ and R210+
and PoE versions (R70PoE, R110PoE and B70PoE).
Using the DGRC principle ensures an optimal sound coverage and intelligibility
on the listening zone; it is illustrated in figure 1. For every model, the
range depends on the installation height (see section 2).
Ray-On loudspeakers are ideal for speech reinforcement in small to large
spaces where the listening zone is horizontal (slope < 5°). Made of aluminum,
Ray-On loudspeakers can be installed outdoor. They are suited for airports,
railway stations, churches, conference rooms, shopping malls, amusement parks,
Models R70TC, R110TC, and R210TC are compliant with standard EN5424 type B.
They can be used in PA systems for safety announcements.
The most important parameter for the installation of Ray-On loudspeaker is its
mounting height because the range of the column directly depends on it.
Figure 2 on the facing page shows the ±5dB range1 versus to the mounting
height, for the direct field2 at mid- frequencies (300Hz-3kHz).
- Range for a standing audience shown. For a seating audience, take off 40cm to the column height.
- Taking the reverberated field into account minimizes the influence of the floor’s material.
- Ears are at 1.15m from floor for a seated audience, 1.55m for a standing audience.
| Mounting height
Minimal| Nominal| Maximal
Ray-On 70TC| Standing audience| 1.55m| 2.0| 2.50m
Seated audience| 1.15m| 1.60m| 2.10m
Ray-On 110TC| Standing audience| 1.55m| 2.20m| 2.70m
Seated audience| 1.15m| 1.80m| 2.30m
Ray-On 210TC| Standing audience| 1.70m| 2.30m| 2.80m
Seated audience| 1.30m| 1.90m| 2.40m
Table 1 – Ray-On mounting height, from floor to bottom of column (meters).
The Ray-On wall-mounting system allows the subsequent adjustment of the
columns height. Cf § 5CAD Modeling
CAD Modeling
There are powerful CAD software tools that can predict the acoustics of a room
and accurately model the radiation of loudspeaker arrays. These tools can
calculate various acoustic indices, such as reverberation time, sound pressure
level, STI, etc.
The sound radiation of the Ray-On loudspeakers can be predicted directly using
CATT-Acoustic or EASE softwares.
A simple direct sound simulation tool is directly accessible on
Direct sound prediction is also given in the technical characteristics section
6 on page 10.
Equalization and tuning
Ray-On loudspeakers may be used without any equalization, but using one is
advised. Equalization flattens the column’s frequency response and protects
the loudspeakers by filtering low frequencies.
The recommended equalization is the same for the 3 different models, which
allow many columns to be put together on the same 100V line.
Two equalizations are specified:
- one for speech, which uses 4 cells (n°2-5);
- the other for music, which uses 6 cells (n°1-6).
The table 2 on the next page gives detailed information about these equalizations. The corresponding frequency curves are presented in figure 3 on the facing page.
| Type| Parameters
1| Parametric| Freq = 100 Hz ; Gain = +6dB ; Width = 1.5 oct (Q=0.92)
2| 2nd order high-pass| Fcut = 130 Hz ; Gain = -3 dB @ Fcut
3| Parametric| Freq = 280 Hz ; Gain = -3.0 dB ; Width = 1.0 oct (Q=1.4)
4| Parametric| Freq = 5 000 Hz ; Gain = +6 dB ; Width = 1.0 oct (Q=1.3)
5| Parametric| Freq = 10 700 Hz ; Gain = -7.0 dB ; Width = 0.25 oct
6| Parametric| Freq = 15 500 Hz ; Gain = +6.0 dB ; Width = 0.5 oct
Table 2 – Recommended equalization
A subwoofer may be used to extend the low-frequency response, especially for diffusion of music. It is advised not to activate the cell 1, frequencies under 180Hz being rendered by the sub. Model SB110 is ideally suited to the Ray-On columns. See the SB110 user manual for the equalization of the system.
Installation and Wiring
Ray-On loudspeakers are vertically mounted, usually on a wall, using the
supplied wall-mounting system.
The next two pages illustrate the steps to follow for column mounting.
An accessory is available for mast mounting.
Height adjustment: If changing the column’s height is necessary, take the
column off its wallmounting system, move the «hook-slide» along the backside
rail, then put the column back on its wall-mounting system.
100V: Power selection is made with the rotary switch.
Safety: An M5 thread is available at the back of the column designed to
accommodate a ring for mounting a safety cable.
«Daisy-chain» cabling: Several bushings are available on the back of the
Ray-On columns, allowing to connect the column to another Ray-On.
Good to know: The cable diameter must be less than 7.5 mm, the wire’s
between 0.5 and 2.5 mm².
6.1 General Characteristics
| Ray-On 70TC| Ray-On 110TC| Ray-On 210TC
Acoustical data 4| 8Ω mode| 100V mode| 8Ω mode|
100V mode| 8Ω mode| 100V mode
Continuous power| 75W| 18W / 36W / 72W| 150W| 25W / 50W / 100W| 300W| 25W /
50W / 100W / 200W
SPL max| 91dB at 5m| 85 / 88 / 91dB at 5m| 92dB at 8m| 84 / 87 / 90dB at 8m|
94,5dB at 16m| 84 / 87 / 90 / 93dB at 16m
Sensitivity| 71dB / W at 5m| 72dB / W at 8m| 71dB / W at 16m
Freq. bandwidth at
| 150Hz – 14,5kHz /
120Hz – 17kHz
| 150Hz – 16,5kHz /
120Hz – 18kHz
| 150Hz – 16,5kHz /
120Hz – 19kHz
Range ±3dB/±5dB| 6.5 / 12m| 15 / 20 m| 31 / 42 m
Vertical directivity| Wavefront synthesis
Horizontal -6dB opening angle| 360° at 500Hz / 190° at 1kHz 156° at 2kHz /
119° at 4kHz
Loudspeakers| 6 loudspeakers 70x70mm, outdoor| 12 loudspeakers 70x70mm,
outdoor| 24 loudspeakers 70x70mm, outdoor
Electrical data| 8Ω mode| 100V mode| 8Ω mode| 100V
mode| 8Ω mode| 100V mode
Nominal impedance| 8| 556 / 278 /
| 8| 400 / 200 /
| 8| 400 / 200 /
100 / 50
Amp. power recom.| 150 W| –| 300 W| –| 500 W| –
Connectors| Lever terminal block, with “loop-through”
Wire section| from 0,5 to 2,5mm²
Protection| Thermal fuse and protection against overload
Mechanical data| 8Ω mode| 100V mode| 8Ω mode| 100V
mode| 8Ω mode| 100V mode
Materials| Body: aluminum ; Grid: steel treated against rust and UV
Dimensions H x L x P| 702 x 128 x 117 mm| 1115 x 128 x 117 mm| 2082 x 128 x
117 mm
Net / shipping weight| 5.2 / 5.7 kg| 8.3 / 9.1 kg| 16.2 / 17.8 kg
Environment| IP54 ; from -25°C to +55°C, indoor / outdoor
Colors| White (RAL9016 paintable) and Black (RAL9005)
Mounting| Vertical mounting on a wall or on a mast
Tuning and exploitation| 8Ω mode| 100V mode| 8Ω mode|
100V mode| 8Ω mode| 100V mode
Mounting height (cm)| 1.70 seating / 2.10 standing| 1.80 seating / 2.20
standing| 2.0 seating / 2.40 standing
Recom. equalization| Speech: 4 parametric cells / Music: 6 parametric cells
Modeling| EASE and CATT-Acoustic models available
4.Unless specified otherwise, characteristics are measured with column at nominal mounting height on horizontal reflecting floor, and using recommended music
| Ray-On 70TC| Ray-On 110TC| Ray-On 210TC
Miscellaneous| 8Ω mode| 100V mode| 8Ω mode| 100V
mode| 8Ω mode| 100V mode
Warranty| 5 years
Maintenance| No maintenance required
Serial number| YYMMXXXX (YY: year – MM: month – XXXX: serial)
Certification| EN54-24 type B for indoor and outdoor VA systems
Technical drawings
6.3 Acoustical data
Acoustical data 5.
(a) R70TC vertical directivity : sound level for the speech octaves (500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) in the vertical median plane.
(b) R70TC horizontal directivity: sound level for the speech octaves
(500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) on the listening plane (60cm below the column).(c) R70TC frequency
response, with recommended music equalization. Average from 2 to 10m in the
Figure 6 – R70TC : acoustical data
5. Column in nominal position at 2.30m from the floor. The reference SPL is
the mean level in the listening zone.
(a) R110TC vertical directivity: sound level for the speech octaves
(500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) in the vertical median plane.
(b) R110TC horizontal directivity: sound level for the speech octaves
(500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) on the listening plane (80cm below the column).
(c) R110TC frequency response, with recommended music equalization. Average
from 2 to 15m in the axis.
Figure 7 – R110TC: acoustical data.
(a) R210TC vertical directivity: sound level for the speech octaves
(500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) in the vertical median plane. (b) R210TC horizontal
directivity: sound level for the speech octaves (500Hz,1kHz,2kHz) on the
listening plane (100cm below the column).(c) R210TC frequency response, with recommended music
equalization. Average from 2 to 30m in the axis.
Figure 8 – R210TC: acoustical data
Tel: +33 (0)2 40 46 66 64
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