iF DESIGN AWARD 2025 Registration Guide User Guide

September 28, 2024
iF Design Award

2025 Registration Guide



Product Name: iF DESIGN AWARD 2025

Eligibility: Open to professionals in various

Registration Period: 25 April – 6 November

Award Timeline: April/May 2025

Product Usage Instructions

Registration Process

  1. Enter your Project Basic Data: Fill in the
    required information about your project, such as entry name,
    discipline, category, entry type, and entry tags.

  2. Register and Pay your Entry: Complete the
    registration process by making the necessary payment.

  3. Complete your Entry Data by 6 Nov 2024: Ensure
    all entry details are finalized before the deadline.

Who can participate?

The iF DESIGN AWARD is open to professionals across various
disciplines. However, certain restrictions apply, such as students
needing to apply for the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD.

Award Timeline

The award process includes registration deadlines, online
preselection, final jury dates, winners announcement, and the iF

Understanding the Registration Form

  • Guidance: Use the Guidance feature for
    examples and explanations of required information.

  • Translation Tool: Enter information in your
    native language and use the Translation Tool for automatic

  • Data Fields Explained: Fill out entry fields
    in English or utilize the Translation Tool if needed.

Data Fields

Provide basic information about your project, including the
entry name, discipline, category, entry type, and entry tags.
Ensure to follow the character limits and guidelines provided.

Media Checklist

Include relevant media types about your project to enhance your


What are the fees for registration?

The registration fees vary based on the deadline: Early bird,
Regular, and Last chance deadlines. Additionally, there are
separate fees for Jury and Award Winners per entry.

When will the winners be announced?

The winners’ announcement is scheduled for March 2025 following
the final jury session in February 2025.






Welcome to the iF DESIGN AWARD 2025 Registration Guide!

Enter your Project
Basic Data

Register and Pay

your Entry

Complete your Entry Data

by 6 Nov 2024

Who can participate?

The iF DESIGN AWARD accepts submissions from professionals across a wide range of disciplines and categories. However, the following restrictions apply:T

% Students and recent graduates must apply for the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD T % Projects published or launched more than two years at the time of registration are not eligible for registratio3 % Projects launching in 2026 or later can only be registered for the Professional Concept discipline

When is the Award?

What are the fees?

Registration Dates
Early bird deadline
Regular deadline
Last chance deadline

28 June 2024
27 September 2024

6 November 2024

End of data submission period

6 November 2024

Online Preselection Dates
Online Preselection
Results Preselection

2 – 5 December 2024
Mid December 2024

Final Jury Dates
Jury Session
Winners Announcement

December 2024 – January 2025
18 – 20 February 2025
March 2025


April / May 2025

Award Timeline Explained

Below you will find a diagram showing how the award process is held.

Registration Fees per entry
Early bird
Last chance

Jury Fees per entry
All disciplines

Award Winner Fees per entry
Product & Packaging Design






End of data


25 Apr – 6 Nov 2024





2 – Mid Dec 2024

Final Jury



18 Feb – Mar 2025

Understanding the Registration Form


Our Guidance feature gives useful examples and detailed explanations of the required information.

Translation Tool Enter information in your native language and our new Translation Tool will automatically translate it.

Field Indicator Mandatory Optional Public Jury Indicator Only for Jury
Register Entry

An icon marks mandatory fields & non-mandatory fields (optional). Data only available to the jury or public will be marked accordingly with an icon. It is mandatory to press the register entry button to officially submit and be able to edit your entry later.




Data Fields Explained

Please fill out the entry fields in English or use the Translation Tool if necessary.


The minimum required information about your project.

Entry Name

Max 50 Characters

Choose one

Choose one
Entry Type

Max 50 Characters
Entry Tags

Max 5 Tags

Enter the official title of your project or a model name.

Example: iPhone 15 Pro Max
Choose a discipline for your project.

If you are unsure, select “to be decided” – we will get in contact and help you!
Choose a category for your project.

Categories change depending on the chosen discipline.
Briefly tell us what type of project you’re registering.

Example: Fitness application, bluetooth speaker, neck massager.
Enter up to 5 tags that are relevant to your project.

These are used for search and filter functions on the iF website.



The types of media you can include about your project.


Max 5mb / 15 Megapixel

Max 8 pages
Project Video

Max 2 minutes
English or subtitles

Upload a min. of 4 images, up to a max of 7.

Include all aspects of the project. Captions on images are not allowed.
You can rearrange images after uploading. Please include at least one image in portrait format for social media.
For additional info, feel free to submit a PDF of the project in english.

The PDF may contain images, plan drawings, layouts, and descriptions. Please ensure that the PDF provides only additional information.
Submit a link to the project or product website in english.

The website must be accessible during the registration and jury period. Please provide additional login credentials if necessary.
Submit a video for jurors to understand your project better in english.

Please publish videos on platforms accessible in Germany, such as Youtube. Videos for download will not be accepted.
Do not submit pure advertising videos with little information.

Provide a design statement and descriptions for each criteria.

Design Statement

Max 650 characters

Max 650 characters

Max 650 characters

Max 650 characters

Max 650 characters

Max 650 characters

Describe your project for the public and jury.

What is it for? What problems does it solve? What characteristics might not be evident at first glance?
Tell us why your idea is relevant.

What task is your project addressing? Why is the idea appropriate?
Tell us why your project looks the way it does.

Why did you choose this aesthetic? How is it made?
Describe the usability benefits and efficiency factors.

Is it easy to use? How well does it work?
What sets your project apart from others?

Why is it innovative? How does it support the brand?
Describe the significant sustainability factors and their impact.

Are there social benefits? What makes it sustainable?






Give the jury a better understanding of the scope of your project.

Target Group

Multiple answers

Select the core target group for your project.

Who benefits the most from your project?

Market Region

Multiple answers

Select all regions where your project will be marketed.

Development Time

Dropdown menu

Select a timeframe in which your project has been realized.

You can choose “confidential” if you don’t want to provide this information.

Project Launch

Select the launch date for your project.

When was or will be the market introduction of your project?

Degree of Realization
Select the degree of realization for your project.

Dropdown menu

If your project has yet to launch, what stage of realization is it currently?

Retail Price

What is the retail price () for your core target group?

Leave empty if not applicable. Please ensure the price is in Euros.

Sizing Matrix

Select the item that comes closest in size to your project.

This information helps the jury and iF to determine exact proportions.


Dropdown menu

Enter the maximum dimensions for your project.

This information helps the iF Team reserve a fitting place to assemble your entry for the jury.

Context Dimensions Optional upload of a contextual image that shows your project in real proportion or in use.

Sustainability Questions

Answer up to three optional questions to describe the sustainability aspects of your project in further detail.

Eco Labels

Multiple answers

Select all applicable eco-labels (max 5).
Please leave empty if not applicable. Download applicable Eco-labels

Publishing Restriction
Pick a restriction date for publishing your entry.

Pick a date

The project will not be disclosed until the publication date! Entries will be published in the spring after the winners are announced.


Designer, Company, Manufacturer, Client, Engineers.


Max 51 0 characters

Enter personal and design company credentials.

If an entry is awarded, this information will appear on certificates and on the iF DESIGN AWARD entry detail page.

Enter up to two design companies.

If your company has already participated, please use an existing company from the list.

Please include involved designers or engineers.

Max 51 0 characters.

Client / Manufacturer

Max 51 0 characters

Was this project fulfilled on behalf of a client?

If an entry is awarded, this information will appear on certificates and on the iF DESIGN AWARD entry detail page. If you are part of an in-house team, please enter your company in both Designer and Client fields.


Choose one in
each category

Let us know who will receive the ranking points.

Only one company from each field can receive ranking points. Ranking points are distributed when an entry qualifies for the iF Final Jury and when it is awarded.






Terms for participation in the iF DESIGN AWARD 2025

By registering your project for the iF DESIGN AWARD 2025, you automatically accept the below terms necessary for participation.
Terms are separated into the following categories:

General Terms

Jury Process

Dates & Deadlines

Fees & Payment

General Terms

The iF DESIGN AWARD is open to projects that meet all criteria and may be submitted by designers, creators, agencies, brand managers, manufacturers, architects, and third-party individuals.
Participation Restrictions

The iF DESIGN AWARD accepts submissions across a wide range of disciplines and categories. However, the following restrictions apply:¬
Students and recent graduates must apply for the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD ¬ Projects published or launched more than two years ago are not eligible for registratio Projects launching in 2026 or after can be registered in the Professional Concept discipline

Jury Process

A jury of leading international design experts evaluates each submission against a defined set of criteria. The two-step process will
determine the winners of the iF DESIGN AWARD 2025.

iF Online Preselection

iF Final Jury

During this first step of the process, the jury will review all digitally
submitted material to identify the finalists of the iF DESIGN
AWARD 2025.

While the number of submissions will be reduced by fifty percent, all participants will receive a jury judgment scorecard (iF Jury Feedback Chart) for each entry.
Use of the iF winner’s logo is restricted to iF DESIGN AWARD winners only.

A jury of around 90 experts from around the world will gather behind closed doors for three days in February 2025 to select the iF DESIGN AWARD 2025 winners.

The jurors will examine, touch, explore, test, analyze, and, most importantly, thoroughly discuss all entries.

The jury’s decision is final, and there is no legal recourse.

Dates & Deadlines
g Important dates for re istration

Please note that you agree to the dates specified below when registering your entry.

g s
Re istration Date

E d
arly bir

8 4
2 June 202

R r

7 4
2 September 202

L e
ast chanc

6 v 4 No ember 202

Online Preselection Date O n
– 4
nline Preselectio 2 5 December 202 R M 4 esults Preselection id December 202

Final Jury Date


4 – 5
Dec 202

Jan 202

J n
ury Sessio

18 – 5
20 Feb 202

Winners Announcement

Mar 2025

Participants will be reminded by email before each date.





Fees & Payment
With each registered entry, you agree to pay the corresponding fees for each phase of the selection process, as outlined below.$
1% Registration fees must be paid for entries to be considered for the iF Online Preselection phaseÉ
2% Jury fees must be paid for entries selected for the iF Final Jury phase.$
3% Should your entry be selected as an iF DESIGN AWARD 2025 winner during the iF Final Jury phase, winners will be charged the winner’s fee.

Failure to pay invoices in full will bar you and all associated parties from future participation in the iF DESIGN AWARD.
Invoices will be issued by iF International Forum Design GmbH and will have a payment deadline of 14 days. Invoices for the last chance registration fee will have a payment deadline of 7 days. Outstanding balances must be paid to reactivate participating accounts. This includes a reactivation fee of 100,00 EUR, as well as any charges incurred from debt collection agencies by iF International Forum Design GmbH.

All fees are net amounts. VAT may be included, depending on the service type and participant’s country of residence.

Fees at a glance

Registration Fees per entry
Early Bird
Last Chance



Registration Fees

Jury Fees per entry
All disciplines


Award winner Fees per entry
Product & Packaging Design


This fee covers the following costs© % Organization of the iF Online Preselection.$ % Unlimited number of service requests.

% Personal check and feedback on entriesÉ
% Individual jury feedback for each entry (iF Jury Feedback Chart).

% iF Design reserves the right to exclude entries from the iF Online Preselection phase. For example, failure to pay the registration fee
or to correctly fill out all mandatory fields in the registration form.$ % Registration fees can be paid using various payment methods.


Jury Fee (per entry)

The jury fee covers all costs for organizing the iF Final Jury phaseÉ

% Jury fees must be paid for each entry selected in the iF Online PreselectionÉ
% Participation in the iF Final Jury phase is mandatory for all selected entriesÉ
% Unpaid jury fees will not result in cancellation of entriesÉ % iF Design reserves the right to select an entry for the iF Final Jury phase even if the jury fee has not been paid.


Fees for award winners (per entry)

Fees collected from award winners enable iF Design to deliver outstanding service and benefits to our participants. Benefits included

in the winner’s fee:$

% Unlimited usage of the iF winners logÁ

% Publication of winning entry and company profile on the iF website$

% Points for the iF Design RankinÆ

% iF Award Certificates + iF Award PlaqueÂ

% Inclusion in the iF winners campaigÚ

% Comprehensive press coverage and PR

% Ticketcodes to the iF DESIGN AWARD NIGHë

% Mandatory fee for each awarded entryÉ % Failure to pay the winner’s fee is not an official cancellation.
Cancellation Fees

% To cancel entries without incurring fees, email a request to award@ifdesign.com within 14 days of submission.$ % Entries canceled after the 14-day grace period will not be refunded.$ % Entries selected for the iF Final Jury can not be canceled.





iF DESIGN AWARD 2025 – Your Registration Checklist

To help you keep track of all the important areas of your application, we have created a handy checklist that you can
print out or digitally check off. The checklist is for your use only and will not be stored in myiF!
Project Name:

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Depending on the discipline, mandatory and optional fields can change


Entry Name Discipline Category Entry Type Entry Tags

Max. 50 characters Choose one Choose one Max. 50 characters Max. 3 Tags

Images PDF Web URL Project Video

4 mandatory, JPG / PNG, Max. 5MB Max. 8 pages, EN only Max. 650 characters, EN only Max. 2 minutes, EN or subtitles

Design Statement Idea Form Function
ff Di erentiation

Max. 650 characters Max. 650 characters Max. 650 characters Max. 650 characters Max. 650 characters Max. 650 characters

Target Group

Multiple answers

Market Region
v De elopement Time

Multiple answers
Dropdown menu

Project Launch

D Pick a ate

f z D Degree o Reali ation ropdown menu

Retail Price
z x Si ing Matri

UR () Price in E
Choose one

x Conte t Dimension Q Eco uestions

Dropdown menu Upload image. Max. 5MB A q nswer 3 uestions

Eco Labels

Multiple answers

D Publishing Restriction Pick a ate



D Company, esigner / Engineers

/ f 1 Client Manu acturer Max. 50 characters


Choose one in each category


After preselection

Physical or Digital Contact

j Presentation form for final ury
Entry and logistics contacts


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