Zeta ALARM SYSTEMS Simplicity 64 Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel User Guide

September 20, 2024

Zeta ALARM SYSTEMS Simplicity 64 Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel


  • Model: Simplicity Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel
  • Available Sizes: 64 devices (1 loop), 126 devices (1 loop), 252 devices (2 loop)
  • Power Input: 220-240V AC
  • Battery Recommendations: 12V 7Ah, 12V 12Ah

Product Usage Instructions


  1. Mount the panel securely on a firm surface and power it to ensure proper setup.
  2. Check all cables for shorts or open circuits.
  3. Address all connected devices according to the device wiring instructions.

Connecting Power

  • Connect the panel to a 220-240V AC power supply using a 3A rated spur to the fuse box with 1mm2 to 2.5mm2 3-core cable.
  • For batteries, use 12V 7Ah or 12V 12Ah batteries wired in series to provide 24 Volts.

Configuring the Panel

  1. Set the device dip switches based on the address table.
  2. Access the Engineer Screen by turning the key switch on, pressing enter for the user menu, pressing next, and entering 369 for the engineer code.


Q: Where can I download the installation manual for the Simplicity Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel?

A: The installation manual can be downloaded to a Smartphone or tablet by scanning the QR code on the panel’s serial number label.
Alternatively, it can be downloaded from the support section of our website at http://www.zetaalarmsystems.com/support/manuals.html

Q: How can I obtain a hard copy of the manual?

A: Your distributor will be able to arrange a hard copy of the manual if required.


As part of our drive to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint, we are pushing a move to electronic manuals. All our panels will contain a simple QuickStart guide, which gives an overview of setting up the panel.

  • Suitable QR scanner apps are available for free in Apples App Store, or on Androids Google Play
  • Alternatively, they can be downloaded from the support section of our website http://www.zetaalarmsystems.com/support/manuals.html
  • Your distributor will be happy to arrange a hard copy of the manual if required.


  • This guide is designed to be used by competent persons who are familiar with the installation and setting up of fire alarm systems.
  • This guide covers the basic setup of the Simplicity Plus panel and devices that connect to the system (detectors, call points, modules, and sounders).
  • One important thing to remember with the Simplicity system is that the device address will dictate which zone it will be seen in (See below chart).
  • The panel is available in 64 device (1 loop), 126 device (1 loop) or 252 device (2 loop) sizes.
Simplicity 64 / 126 Simplicity 252
Zone Addresses
1 1 to 16
3 33 to 48
5 65 to 80
7 96 to 112
  • These are the default zone settings, but the boundary address can be altered to allow more devices in certain zones if required.

Installation Steps

  1. The panel should be mounted to a firm surface and powered to check it sits without any issues
  2. All cables must be checked to make sure there are no shorts or open circuits.
  3. Address all the devices.
    • All products will come with their wiring instructions. This should be used when connecting a product. But the wiring info for the most common item (Detector) is shown below.

The connection for the detector bases is made as follows:

  • Terminal L1IN is –ve (Blue)
  • Terminal L2 is +ve (Brown)
  • These are the only two connections required.

The panel should be connected to 220-240V AC by a 3A rated spur to the fuse box with 1mm2 to 2.5mm2 3-core cable.

Nothing else should be connected to this supply. The cable should be fire- resistant.

| Although there are many sizes of suitable batteries, the sizes we usually recommend for the Simplicity are 12V 7Ah, or 12V 12 Ah for larger systems

The two batteries are wired in series to give 24 Volts.

  • Once all the installation has been checked for any cable faults, and all the devices have been addressed and fitted, connect the loop and turn the panel on.

Configuring the panel

The basic steps to configuring the panel are shown below:

Step Function How to do
1 Set the device dip switches Use the address table to set the device

2| Go To Engineer Screen| Key switch to on. Press enter for the user menu.

Press next. Enter 369 for engineer code

3| Learn the devices on the panel| Select 4 to configure Loop Wait until the panel finishes
4| Enter Device labels (Optional)| Go to Engineer screen (see 2 above) Press 5 for edit device

Use Prev/Next to select device to label. Press enter to bring up cursor

Enter text using keypad. Press enter to save text

Use Prev/Next to edit other devices as required

Testing / Commissioning

When testing the system for the first time it is recommended the following steps are taken.

  1. Test each device to make sure it triggers the control panel in a fire condition, e.g. panel shows the correct information and also starts the sounders.
  2. Test each device to make sure it triggers the control panel in a fault condition, e.g. detector removal, loop open circuit. Note that this can take up to 30 seconds to report.
  3. When testing both fire and fault make sure the text label that has been entered is correct and matches the device you are testing. (If a text label has been entered).
  4. Check the power supply triggers a fault when the mains power is disconnected and also when the batteries are removed.

Addressing the System

The Simplicity panel is per-zoned, so depending on the address you give the device will determine the zone it is in. The following chart shows the zone addresses.

1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7
0| =| N| O| T| U| S| E| D| 43| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 86| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF
1| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| 44| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 87| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF
2| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| 45| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 88| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
3| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| 46| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 89| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
4| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| 47| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 90| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
5| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| 48| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 91| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
6| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| 49| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 92| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
7| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| 50| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 93| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
8| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 51| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 94| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
9| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 52| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 95| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF
10| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 53| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 96| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
11| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 54| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 97| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
12| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 55| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| 98| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
13| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 56| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 99| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
14| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 57| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 100| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
15| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| 58| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 101| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
16| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 59| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 102| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
17| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 60| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 103| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF
18| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 61| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 104| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
19| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 62| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 105| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
20| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 63| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| 106| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
21| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 64| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 107| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
22| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 65| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 108| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
23| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| 66| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 109| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
24| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 67| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 110| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
25| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 68| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 111| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF
26| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 69| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 112| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF
27| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 70| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| 113| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF


| =


| ON| ON








| ON


| ON


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| ON


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| ON




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| ON


| ON








30| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 73| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| 116| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF
31| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| 74| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| 117| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF
32| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 75| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| 118| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF


| =




| ON


| ON




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35| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 78| =| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| 121| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF
36| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 79| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| 122| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF
37| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 80| =| ON| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| 123| =| OFF| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF
38| =| ON| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 81| =| OFF| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| 124| =| ON| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF
39| =| OFF| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| 82| =| ON| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| 125| =| OFF| ON| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF| OFF
40| =| ON| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 83| =| OFF| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| 126| =| N| O| T| U| S| E| D
41| =| OFF| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 84| =| ON| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| 127| =| N| O| T| U| S| E| D
42| =| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| 85| =| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| ON| OFF| | | | | | | | |

  • Doc: GLT-106-7-3
  • Iss: 002
  • Date 12/06/2024

Documents / Resources

| Zeta ALARM SYSTEMS Simplicity 64 Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel [pdf] User Guide
Simplicity 64, Simplicity 126, Simplicity 252, Simplicity 64 Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel, Simplicity 64, Plus Fire Alarm Control Panel, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Alarm Control Panel, Control Panel, Panel


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