artopex IA v2 Adjustable Mechanism Two and Three Columns User Guide

September 18, 2024

IA v2 Adjustable Mechanism Two and Three Columns

Product Information

Technical Specifications:

  • Power input: 110-240VAC
  • Power output: 24VDC
  • Load capacity: 1400N (2 columns) / 1600N (3 columns)
  • Speed: 30 mm/s
  • Stroke: 546 mm
  • Min install dimension: 600 mm
  • Operation temperature: 0-40 degrees Celsius
  • Duty cycle: Max.10% (or 2 minutes ON / 18 minutes OFF)

Product Usage Instructions:

Reset and Memory Settings:

Setting memory positions: Position the work
surface using the UP/DOWN button to the desired height, press the M
button first, then press button 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Lock/Unlock Keypad: To lock, press
simultaneously the UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds; keypad will
lock and “Loc” will be displayed (flashing). To unlock, keep
pressing simultaneously the UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds, and
the keypad will display the current height.

Error Codes / Troubleshooting:

If the LCD Controller displays error codes when raising or
lowering the work surface, a reset will be required.

Error Codes:

  • E01, E02, E03, E04 – Motor error: Control box cannot detect
    motor halt plate signal or detects one lifting column is
    overloaded. Remove any large loads from the work surface and reset
    the controller. Check Patch Cord connection and perform the reset
    procedure again.

  • E06 – Asynchronous protection: Lifting columns are at different
    heights by more than 10mm, reset required.

  • E07 – Overload protection: Desk load exceeds 113 kg, user needs
    to reduce load and wait for 3 seconds or perform the Reset

  • E08 – Low voltage protection: Power voltage is too low for the
    controller. System will recover once voltage returns to

  • E09 – High voltage protection: Power voltage is too high for
    the controller. System will recover once voltage returns to


Q: What should I do if my work surface does not move and

displays an error code?

A: If you encounter an error code while trying
to adjust the work surface, make sure to follow the reset procedure
mentioned in the manual. Check for any obstructions and ensure
proper connection of the Patch Cord.

Adjustable Mechanism – Two & Three Columns

User Guide



Components diagram





Raise / lower the surface


Setting memory positions


Lock / Unlock keypad


Error Codes

Error Codes / Troubleshooting



Setting buttons & menu overview




Screen brightness


Sound ( «beep» )


Obstacle sensivity sensor


Vibration sensitivity sensor


Customized height display / Minimum & maximum height range


Button push modes




Bounce travel


Factory settings


Demo mode


About the Warranty


1 800 378-0189


Components Diagram
Two Columns

Power Cord

Lifting Column

Control Box


Lifting Column

Three Columns

Patch Cord
Power Cord

Lifting Column


Control Box

Lifting Columns

Technical Specifications 1.Power input 2.Power output 3.Load capacity 4.Speed 5.Stroke 6.Min install dimension 7.Operation temperature 8.Duty cycle
1 800 378-0189

Patch Cords
110-240VAC 24VDC 1400N (2 columns) / 1600N (3 columns) 30 mm/s 546 mm 600 mm 0-40 degrees celcius Max.10% (or 2 minutes ON / 18 minutes OFF)

Reset and Memory Settings
Reset (Initialization) Clear any obstructions below the surface. Press and hold the DOWN button on the keypad until the table reaches its lowest height, stops, and rises slightly again. The display will momentarely indicate “rES” and then indicate the actual height. The table has been reset and is now ready to use. Procedure to raise or lower the work surface After reset, press and hold the UP button, lifting column will rise, release to stop at the desired height. After reset, press and hold the DOWN button, lifting column will lower, release to stop at the desired height.
Setting memory positions Position the work surface using the UP/DOWN button to desired height, press M button first, then press button 1, 2, 3 or 4.
When setting the memory positions, ensure there is at least a 1” (25 mm) space left between the work surface and any obstacle (such as chair armrests). To raise or lower the work surface to a programmed position, press one of the four previously programmed positions (1, 2, 3 or 4). The work surface will raise or lower to the programmed position.
Lock/Unlock Keypad Lock: Press simultaneously the UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds; keypad will lock and Loc will be displayed (flashing). Unlock: Keep pressing simultaneously the UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds, to unlock the keypad. Keypad will display current height

1 800 378-0189


Error Codes / Troubleshooting
If the LCD Controller displays error codes when raising or lowering the work surface, a reset will be required.
E01, E02, E03, E04 – Motor error Control box can not detect motor halt plate signal or Control box detects one lifting column is overloaded. This is a safety protection.
Please remove any large loads from the work surface and reset the controller. If the error code still appears, make sure the Patch Cord (see Componentd Diagram, page 3) is properly connected (unplug and reconnect the wire) and perform the reset procedure again. If the error code is still there, please contact our customer service department for technical assistance.
HOT – Control box temperature protection This indicates that the control box temperature is above 75º celcius or the system has been in continuous use for 2 minutes or more. The lifting columns are locked out for up to 18 minutes as a safety precaution (to lower the system’s temperature). For an urgent reset, unplug & replug the power cord.
E06 – Asynchronous protection Lifting columns are at different heights, more than 10mm, reset required.
E07 – Overload protection Desk load in excess of 113 kg, user needs to reduce load, then wait for 3 seconds (the Reset procedure can also be done).
E08 – Low voltage protection Power voltage is too low for the controller. This is a safety cut out protection, system will recover as soon as voltage returns to normal.
E09 – High voltage protection Power voltage is too high for the controller. This is a safety cut out protection, system will recover as soon as voltage returns to normal
E10 – Control Box or Keypad issue If error code E10 appears and remains even after having done the Reset procedure, it is possible the Control Box or the Keypad is defective, please contact our customer service department.
Also check if the problem is due to a damaged Patch Cord by plugging both lifting column cables directly into the Control Box.

1 800 378-0189



Setting buttons “1” ­ Return to previous menu “UP/DOWN” arrows ­ Menu select “M” – Confirm


Units (1Un) Screen Brightness (2Br) Sound (3bE) Upward Sensitivity (4Fu) Downward Sensitivity (5Fd) Vibration Sensitivity (6FS) Lowest Height Display & Height Range (7SH) Button Push Modes (8Hc) Timer (9St) Bounce Travel (10H) Restore Factory Settings (11r) Demo Mode (12d)

Units: Metric (cm) or Imperial (inches) – 1Un Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 1Un appears. Press «M» button to enter; screen will display In (inches) by default. Press “M” button to preserve imperial (inches) display or press the «Up/Down» button to switch to metric (cm) units so the screen displays SI. Press «M» button to preserve the metric (cm) display.
Screen Brightness – 2br Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 2br appears. Press «M» button to enter. Using the UP/DOWN buttons, toggle between l/n/h (low, normal or high brightness) and press the «M» button to confirm selection.
Sound (”beep”) – 3bE Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 3be appears. Press «M» button to enter. Using the UP/DOWN buttons, toggle between OFF/On and press the «M» button to confirm selection.

1 800 378-0189


Settings (cont’d)
Upward Obstacle Sensitivity – 4Fu
The upward sensor allows the surface to detect resistance (obstacles) as it moves upward.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 4Fu appears. Press «M» button to enter. Default setting is L3, which is just under mid-level sensitivity. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to toggle between levels L1 (most sensitive) to L9 (least sensitive), L0 deactivates the sensor (not recommended). Press the «M» button to confirm selection.
Downward Obstacle Sensitivity – 5Fd
The downward sensor allows the surface to detect resistance (obstacles) as it moves downward.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 5Fd appears. Press «M» button to enter. Default setting is L3, which is just under mid-level sensitivity. Using the UP/DOWN buttons to toggle between levels L1 (most sensitive) to L9 (least sensitive), L0 deactivates the sensor (not recommended). Press the «M» button to confirm selection.
Vibration Sensitivity – 6FS
The vibration sensor causes the table to stop moving if it detects, for example, that someone bumped it up during its travel or that there is a large weight off-center on the surface.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 6FS appears. Press «M» button to enter. Default setting is L5, which represents mid-level sensitivity. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to toggle between levels L1 (most sensitive) to L9 (least sensitive) and press the «M» button to confirm selection.

1 800 378-0189


Settings (cont’d)
Customized Height Display / Minimum & Maximum Height Range – 7SH
The HiB function allows you to customize the height of the surface displayed, for example, if the table is placed on an elevated base or has a surface thicker than 1″.
The “LiL” function allows you to define the minimum height that the surface can reach. The “LiH” function is used to define the maximum height that the surface can reach. These functions allow, for example, to limit the movement of the surface in order not to come into contact with an obstacle in place.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 7SH appears. Press «M» button to enter. The screen will, by default, display Hib. To select the mode (Hib, LiL or LiH), use the up/down arrows and press M to select.
HiB: when selected, the screen will display the current height of the surface. Use the arrows to define the desired height (customized) to display and press M to confirm.
LiL: when selected, the screen will display the current minimum height of the surface. Use the arrows to define the new minimum height desired and press M to confirm. *LiH: when selected, the screen will show the current maximum height of the surface. Use the arrows to define the new maximum height desired and press M to confirm.
Button Push Modes – 8Hc
In mode «001», you need to continuously hold the UP/DOWN buttons to move the work surface. Mode «002» allows you to only press the UP/DOWN button once to move the work surface. Press any button to stop the motion in mode «002».
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 8Hc appears. Press «M» button to enter; screen will display 001. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select mode and press the «M» button to confirm selection.

1 800 378-0189


Settings (cont’d) & Warranty
Timer – 9St
The timer makes it possible to define the period of time for the same surface position. This is to stimulate the change from sitting to standing position.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 9St appears. Press «M» button to enter; screen will display 0.0H (hours.minutes). Press the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust timer with 0.5 H (30 minutes) increments, and press the «M» button to activate timer. Note: When the timer expires, the keypad will emit a «beep» sound and reposition the surface to the height it was before setting the timer.
Bounce Travel – 10H
The Bounce Travel is the distance the surface moves back when it hits an obstacle while raising or lowering.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 10H appears. Press «M» button to enter, screen will display the current bounce travel. Using the UP/DOWN buttons, select bounce travel and press the «M» button to confirm selection.
Restore Factory Settings – 11r Warning: this mode can erase all the parameters that have been previously adjusted for your program.
Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 11r appears. Press «M» button to enter, screen will display Frt (flashing). Press «M» button to confirm & exit. Screen will display rES, execute the Reset Procedure (page 3) to finilize Factory Settings Restoration.

1 800 378-0189


Settings (cont’d) & Warranty
Demo Mode (for showrooms) – 12d Activate keypad by pressing any button. Press «M» button for 3 seconds, screen will display S–, then release the «M» button and press the «up» arrow until code 12d appears. Press «M» button to enter, screen will display Pb_.
There are five demo modes: OFF: Demo mode not activated 51: Continuous demo (2 minutes activated / 18 minutes paused) 52: Complete cycle (raise/lower) followed by 4-minute pause. 53: Complete cycle (raise/lower) followed by 6-minute pause. 54: Complete cycle (raise/lower) followed by 10-minute pause.
Using the UP/DOWN buttons, select demo mode and press the «M» button to confirm selection.

About the Warranty
1.This product must be used under the correct technical parameters. 2.Keep away from liquids, corrosives, gases and dusty environments. 3.Do not open any of the components, doing so will void any and all service support and manufactures warranties.

1 800 378-0189


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