APLISENS PMS-970T Programmable Meter User Manual

September 17, 2024


APLISENS PMS-970T Programmable Meter


Product Information


  • Model: PMS-970T
  • Firmware: v.5.00
  • Manufacturer: APLISENS S.A.
  • Address: ul. Morelowa 7, 03-192 Warszawa
  • Contact: Tel. +48 22 814 07 77; Fax +48 22 814 07 78

Product Usage Instructions


  • The PMS-970T is a programmable meter designed for various applications.
  • This manual provides essential information for installation, usage, and troubleshooting.


  • Thoroughly read the user’s manual before installation and operation.
  • Installation and maintenance should be done by qualified personnel.
  • Use the device within permissible parameters and for its intended purpose.
  • Always disconnect the device from the power source before installation or disassembly.
  • Avoid any repairs or alterations to the electronic system; contact the manufacturer for assessment and repair.
  • If the device is damaged or malfunctions, stop using it immediately.

List to Check Completeness of Delivery

  • Product certificate (warranty card)
  • Declaration of conformity (available on request)
  • Instruction Manual (available at www.aplisens.pl)

Transport and Storage

During transportation, pack the meters securely in individual or group packaging to prevent shifting and protect against weather effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I repair the transmitter’s electronic system if damaged?

A: No, repairs or alterations to the transmitter electronic system are not permitted. Contact the manufacturer or authorized representative for assessment and repair.

Q: What should I do if the device malfunctions?

A: In case of malfunction, immediately stop using the device and contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Symbols used


  • The manufacturer takes no liability for damage resulting from incorrect installation of the device, neglecting to keep the device in proper technical condition, and using the device for purposes other than intended.
  • Installation should be conducted by qualified personnel, authorized for installation of electrical equipment and measuring devices. The installer is responsible for conducting the installation according to this manual as well as laws and standards of safety and electromagnetic compatibility applicable for this kind of installation.
  • In any installation equipped with measuring devices, there is an injury hazard from a compressed agent in case of a leak. Follow all safety requirements during the installation, use, and inspection of the display.
  • In case of malfunction, disconnect the device and return it to the producer or an authorized service unit for repair.
  • To minimize the possibility of malfunction and the resulting hazard to personnel, avoid installing the device in dangerous environments where there is a possibility of the following:
  • mechanical impact, excess shock, and vibration;
  • excess temperature fluctuation;
  • steam condensation, dusting, icing.
  • Changes made to the production may be introduced before the paper version of the user’s manual is updated. The up-to-date user’s manual is available on the manufacturer’s website: www.aplisens.pl


  • The subject of this instruction manual is the PMS-970T programmable meter.
  • The manual includes data, hints, and recommended actions for installation and usage of the meter, as well as troubleshooting tips.


  • The installation and start-up of the device and any activities related to operation shall be carried out after a thorough examination of the contents of the user’s manual and the instructions related thereto.
  • Installation and maintenance should be carried out by qualified staff having the required authorization to install electrical and measuring devices.
  • The device shall be used according to its intended purpose in line with the permissible parameters
  • Before installing or disassembling the device, it is necessary to disconnect it from the power source.
  • No repairs or alterations to the transmitter electronic system are permitted. Assessment of damages and possible repair may only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized representative.
  • Do not use instruments if damaged. In case of malfunction, the device must be put out of operation.


Along with the meter, the user receives the following:

  • a) Product certificate, functioning as a warranty card;
  • b) Declaration of conformity (on customer’s request);
  • c) Instruction Manual designated „ EN.IO.PMS-970T”
  • Positions b), and c) are available from the website www.aplisens.pl.



  • When transported, the meters should be packed in individual and/or group packaging and carried on a covered means of transport. The packaging should be secured against shifting and atmospheric weather effects.


  • The meter should be stored in the manufacturer’s packaging, in a covered room, free of vapor and corrosive agents, where temperature and relative humidity do not exceed maximum acceptable limits.


  • The producer provides a warranty under the conditions specified in the Product Certificate that works as a warranty card.
  • Warranty will be void if the device is not used according to its intended use, the user does not follow this instruction manual, the device is handled by unqualified personnel or the meter has been tampered with.


  • The PMS-970T meter has two measuring inputs – one 0-20 mA current input and one 0-10 V voltage input. The current input is equipped with a safety device that protects the measuring resistor from damage.
  • The input current is limited to 40 mA (typically).
  • When the temperature of the measuring resistor falls, the safety device will automatically switch off and the system displays the measurement value again.
  • After the safety device has switched off, the measurement may be slightly less precise for a while (until the system cools down entirely).
  • The readout can be freely scaled by the user. Readout rounding and filtering grades can also be programmed.
  • The PMS-970T version of the meter has a small digital display and a tricolor LED bar graph showing the signal level on a percentage scale and the set alarm thresholds.
  • The indicator can operate in sin-gle-color or three-color mode, showing programmed value ranges.
  • Depending on the version, 2 or 4 relay outputs are available. Threshold levels with individual hysteresis and ON/OFF functions are user-programmed.
  • The special function called „alternate output control” allows optimal control of cascaded pumps.
  • Optionally, the meter can be equipped with a passive current output. He ranges of current change at the output are programmed separately.
  • The RS-485 communication link and the transmitter power output are available as standard options. The meter is available in one universal version of its power system: 20 – 250 V AC/DC.
  • The PMS-970T is used for adjustment processes e.g. for temperature (heating/cooling) with adjustable delay times for engaging output transmitters, level operation, or valve operation.


  • The device is designed and made in a way that provides maximum safety of use and resistance to interference that occurs in a typical industrial environment.
  • For these features to be fully used, the installation of the device should be conducted properly, according to the relevant standards.
  • Before installation, read the basic safety requirements.
  • Before connecting the device to the electrical system, check if the voltage on the electrical system corresponds to the nominal voltage value specified on the device’s label.
  • The load should meet the requirements specified in Technical Data.
  • All installation work must be performed with power disconnected.
  • Consider the necessity of securing the power clamps against unauthorized access.
  • The device should be installed indoors, in a housing (panel, switch box) providing proper protection against electrical surges. Metal housing must be grounded according to relevant laws.
  • Before assembly, disconnect power from the electrical system.
  • Before switching on the device, carefully inspect if the connections were made correctly.
  • To install the device, prepare a 90,5 x 43 mm opening in the panel (➔ Figure 1. Recommended installation dimensions, ➔ Figure 2. Acceptable installation dimensions). The thickness of the material that the panel is made of should not be more than 5mm.
  • While preparing the installation opening, allow for recesses to accommodate catch pawls on both sides of the housing (➔ Figure 1. Recommended installation dimensions, ➔ Figure 2. Acceptable installation dimensions).
  • Place the device in the opening, inserting it from the front side of the panel, then fix it with holders (➔ Figure 3. Fixing with holders).
  • The minimum distance between axes of installation openings – resulting from thermal and mechanical working conditions – is 115mm (horizontal axis) and 67mm (vertical axis) (➔ Figure 4. Installation of several devices).


All connection and installation steps must be performed with power disconnected.

Safety precautions

  • Installation should be conducted by qualified personnel, authorized to install electrical devices. All available safety requirements must be considered during installation.
  • The installer must perform installation according to this instruction manual as well as laws and standards of safety and electromagnetic compatibility, relevant to the type of installation performed.
  • The device is not equipped with an external safety cut-out with the minimum possible nominal current value (we recommend a bipolar cut-out for a nominal current of no more than 2A) and a power switch in the vicinity of the device.
  • If a unipolar cut-out is used, it must be mounted on the phase lead (L).
  • Select the cross-section of the power cable so that protection of the cable is provided with a fuse from the device’s side in case of a short circuit on the cable.
  • Cable types must correspond to relevant standards, local laws, and regulations.
  • To protect against accidental short circuits, the connecting leads should be ended with properly insulated cable ends.
  • Tighten the clamp bolts. The recommended torque of tightening is 0,5 Nm. Loose bolts may cause fire or malfunction. Tightening the bolts too much may lead to damage to connections inside the device and breaking the thread.
  • If the device is equipped with separable clamps, they should be tucked into proper connectors in the device even if they are not used for any connections.
  • Clamps that are not in use (marked n.c.) must not be used to connect any connection leads (e.g. as bridges), since it may cause damage to the device or an electric shock.
  • If the device is equipped with housing, shields, and compression glands to protect it from water, pay close attention to tightening or compressing them properly.
  • When in doubt, consider using additional precautions (shields, canopies, leak stoppers, etc.).
  • Negligent installation may increase the risk of an electric shock.
  • Once installation is complete, do not touch the connections when power is on due to the possibility of an electric shock.
  • Due to possible significant interference occurring in industrial systems, use adequate precautions that ensure proper operation of the device.
  • Disregarding the following tips may, in certain circumstances, lead to exceeding the levels of electromagnetic disturbance for a typical industrial environment, which in turn may cause incorrect readout on the device.
  • Avoid joint (parallel) placement of signal and transmission lines with power lines and lines for operating inductive loads (e.g. contactors). Such lines should cross at the right angle.
  • Contactor coils and inductive loads should be equipped with counter-interference systems such as RC-type.
  • It is recommended to use shielded signal lines. Signal line shields should be grounded at one end of the shielded line only.
  • In the case of magnetically induced interference, it is recommended to use twinned couples of signal lines (spirals). The spiral (best-shielded spiral) should be used for communication of RS-485 serial transmission.
  • If the measuring or operating circuits are longer than 30m or leave the building, it is required to install additional safety precautions against overvoltage.
  • In case of interference from a power supply, it is recommended proper interference eliminators. The connections between the eliminator and the device should be as short as possible and the metal housing of the eliminator should be grounded in the largest area possible. Do not let the leads connected to eliminator output run parallel to interfered lines (e.g. operating circuits for transmitters or contactors).
  • Transmitter output contacts are not equipped with a quench circuit. When using transmitter outputs for switching inductive loads (contactor coils, transmitters, electromagnets, solenoids, etc.) it is required to use an additional quench circuit (typically a 47nF condenser/ min. 250VAC in series with 100R resistor, connected in parallel to engaged inductance).
  • Using a quench circuit results in decreasing the level of interference generated while switching and increasing the durability of transmitter contacts.




  • Incorrect programming may cause incorrect read-out and uncontrolled output relay operations!
  • The meter has many user-selected program settings. All settings may be done with front panel push buttons. Set-point levels are programmed directly in normal mode.
  • Other settings require entering program mode.
  • The programming menu is code-protected.
  • To programming mode press the ESC key for 2 seconds until the „Code” message appears
  • Then press the ESC, ▲, ▲, and ENT combination. The „Fn00” message should appear.
  • In the programming menu, several functions are available. Detailed function description is given in ➔ Table 3. Button function in programming mode.
  • Use cursor buttons to navigate through the functions and the ENT button to enter selected functions. Numerical values should be set digit by digit.
  • The flashing digit should be adjusted using cursor buttons and stored with the ENT button.
  • All the settings are stored in non-volatile memory while leaving the programming menu.


  1. The meter is factory-set to a linear scale with two scaling points. If the non-linear scale is needed the required number of scale points should be set in the Fn01 function at first.
    • Then, the input and display values for each point should be set. Doubled input values are automatically rejected. Scaling point values are automatically sorted by input values in ascending order, after each Fn02 function access.
  2. In 1 color mode, the bar graph is green with red set-points.
    • In 3-color mode, the central zone between AL3 and AL4 is green. Zones AL1 – AL3 and AL2 – AL4 are yellow. Zones above AL1 and below AL2 are red. Relation AL2<=AL4<=AL3<=AL1 should be true for proper color zone display.
    • Bargraph 0% indication corresponds to the lowest scaling point, while 100% corresponds to the highest scaling point of the digital display analog.
  3. The set-point number is equal to the relay number, excluding alternate mode. Overall hysteresis is equal to twice the value set in the Fn07 function.
  4. While the „code” message appears, press the ENT button four times.

setting available in normal mode

  • AL1=2500 – set point value
  • AL1+h=2505 – turn-on level
  • AL1-h=2495 – turn-off level
  • h=5 – programmed hysteresis

Set point programming

  • Set-points are programmed in the normal mode of the meter using front panel buttons. Press ▲ the button for 3 seconds to enter AL1 or AL3 programming. Choose AL1 or AL3 with cursors and press the ENT button.
  • Adjust each flashing digit using ▲▼buttons and store the value with the ENT button. Similarly, AL2 and AL4 are programmed while activated with ▼ a button.
  • The relation AL2<=AL4<=AL3<=AL1 should be true in 3 color bar graph mode for proper color zone display.

Alternate output control

  • PMS970 has a built-in “alternate output control” function, called also “alternate lead/lag control”. While the “A” option in the Fn07 menu function is set, the corresponding set-point belongs to the “alternate output group”.
  • The group may consist of 2, 3, or 4 set-points and relays but the relays are not dedicated to certain set-points. Relays in the group are activated with a special queue algorithm.
  • After each ON/OFF sequence, the relay is assigned to be the last in the queue. In this way, the ON time of the grouped relays is equally shared. In the case of the failure of one of the controlled devices, the remaining devices still work on all grouped set points.
  • The diagram in ➔ Figure 17. Operation of the algorithm for 3 alarms/relaysError! The reference source could not be found. illustrates the principle of 3-level group operation.
  • Alternate output control is typically used for level control applications with cascaded pumps.

Error codes

Serial communication

  • PMS-970T has a serial communication option with an RS-485 internal module installed. The meter works with Modbus RTU protocol as a slave device.
  • Function 3 (register read) and function 16 (multiple registers write). The data exchanged with the meter are variable type “V” or parameters “P”.
  • Parameters are also accessible from the programming menu. Variables are read-only (R). Parameters are read-only type (R) or read/write type (R/W).

Variables and parameters are grouped for simplicity and functionality:

  • Data blocks exchanged with PMS970 should contain only registers specified in the tables below.
  • In another case, the 0x02 exception code (ILLEGA_DATA_ADDRESS) is returned.

Modbus Function 16 limitations:

  1. In response to (R) specified register write attempt, 0x02 exception code (ILLEGA_ DATA_ADDRESS) is returned.
    • Registers from the range 40048-40080 must be sent in one frame. Register 40048 must contain the number of scaling points used.
    • The following registers contain scaling point data. Each point definition requires two registers with input and read-out values.
    • For two-point scaling next to 40048 register four registers and no more must be sent. Excessive data in the range of 40048-40080 causes 0x02 exception return.
    • Unused set-point data fields in the meter are automatically cleared (filled with 25000 (0x61A8) control value).
  2. Signal values in scaling data must be unique. In other case exception code 0x03 (ILLEGA_ DATA_VALUE) is returned.
  3. Scaling data transmitted to the meter must be sorted by input value in ascending order. In other case exception code 0x03 is returned.

Example 2-point scaling – 4-20mA input with 0-1000 read-out

Data to be sent in one frame:

  • 400048: 2
  • 400049: 400
  • 400050: 0
  • 400051: 2000
  • 400052: 1000
  • During manual programming with front keys, the meter returns exception code 0x06 (SLAVE_DEVICE_BUSY) and no other data. The same exception is returned during the internal EEPROM write process.

Display test

  • PMS-970T has a special test procedure for LED display, relays, and version checks. The test is initiated when the meter is powered up with the key pressed.

LED segments are lighted up in the following cycle:

  • four-digit meter version code,
  • digital display (all segments simultaneously),
  • alarm leds with output relay activation,
  • bargraph green (all segments simultaneously),
  • bargraph red (all segments simultaneously).
  • The ENT key toggles between simultaneous and single segment activation during test. ESC key closes the test.



Periodical inspection

  • Periodical inspection must be conducted according to standards in force. While inspecting, check the condition of electrical connections on clamps (firmness of connections) and the stability of meter fixing.

Non-periodical inspection

  • If the meter is exposed to mechanical damage, electrical overvoltage or it works improperly – conduct inspection as necessary.
  • If there is no signal on the transmission line or signal value is incorrect, check the condition of the cable, the condition of connections on clamps, etc. Check if the power voltage value and load resistance is correct.
  • If the line is functional, check the operation of the meter.


  • Used or damaged meters must be scrapped according to EU Directive (2012/19/EU) on used electrical and electronic equipment, or returned to the producer.


  • The manufacturer retains the right to implement structural and technological alterations that do not impair the meter’s parameters.
  • APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warszawa, ul. Morelowa 7
  • tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78
  • www.aplisens.pl,
  • e-mail:marketing@aplisens.pl


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