HITACHI P-AP160NA1 4 Way Cassette Instruction Manual

September 12, 2024

HITACHI P-AP160NA1 4 Way Cassette


  • Model: RCI-(1.0-6.0)FSN3Ek / P-AP160NA1 / P-AP160NAE
  • Type: 4-way cassette

Product Information

The specifications in this manual are subject to change without  notice to provide customers with the latest innovations. While efforts are made to ensure accuracy, printing errors may occur beyond Hitachi’s control.

Usage Instructions

  1. General Information
    No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, filed, or transmitted without the permission of HITACHI Air Conditioning Products Europe, S.A.U.

  2. Installation
    Follow the installation guidelines provided in the manual for proper setup of the indoor units system.

  3. Maintenance
    Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance. Refer to the maintenance section in the manual for detailed instructions on upkeep.

  4. Remote Controller Operation
    Refer to the remote controller operation section for instructions on how to operate and control the system using the remote.

  5. Disposal
    Do not dispose of the product with general household waste. Contact local authorities for proper disposal methods to protect the environment.


  • Q: Can I install the product myself?
    A: Installation must be done by a professional installer to ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards.

  • Q: How often should maintenance be performed?
    A: Regular maintenance should be conducted as per the guidelines in the manual to ensure efficient operation.

RCI-(1.0-6.0)FSN3Ek / P-AP160NA1 / P-AP160NAE

Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice in order that HITACHI may bring the latest innovations to their customers.Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all specifications are correct, printing errors are beyond Hitachi’s control; Hitachi cannot be held responsible for these errors.


This product shall not be mixed with general house waste at the end of its life and it shall be retired according to the appropria-ted local or national regulations in a environmentally correct way.
Due to the refrigerant, oil and other components contained in Air Conditioner, its dismantling must be done by a professional installer according to the applicable regulations.
Contact to the corresponding authorities for more information.

This product contains biocidal substances according to EU Reg. 528/2012


No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, filed or transmitted in any shape or form without the permission of HITA-CHI Air Conditioning Products Europe, S.A.U.
Within the policy of continuous improvement of its products, HI-TACHI Air Conditioning Products Europe, S.A.U. reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notification and without being compelled to introducing them into products subse-quently sold. This document may therefore have been subject to amendments during the life of the product.
HITACHI makes every effort to offer correct, up-to-date documen-tation. Despite this, printing errors cannot be controlled by HITA-CHI and are not its responsibility.
As a result, some of the images or data used to illustrate this document may not refer to specific models. No claims will be ac-cepted based on the data, illustrations and descriptions included in this manual.
No type of modification must be made to the equipment without prior, written authorisation from the manufacturer.


Prior check


Check, depending on the name of the model, the type of air con- ditioning system fitted, the abbreviated code and reference in this instruction manual. This Installation and Operating Manual only refers to RCI-(1.0-6.0)FSN3Ek Check, in accordance with the Installation and Operating Manuals included with the outdoor and indoor units, that all the information necessary for the correct installation of the system is included. If this is not the case, please contact your distributor.

Classification of indoor unit models


Symbols used
During normal air conditioning system design work or unit installa-tion, greater attention must be paid in certain situations requiring particular care in order to avoid injuries and damage to the unit, the installation or the building or property.
Situations that jeopardise the safety of those in the surrounding area or that put the unit itself at risk will be clearly indicated in this manual.
To indicate these situations, a series of special symbols will be used to clearly identify these situations.
Pay close attention to these symbols and to the messages fo-llowing them, as your safety and that of others depends on it.


  • The text following this symbol contains information and instructions relating directly to your safety and physical well-being.
  • Not taking these instructions into account could lead to serious, very serious or even fatal injuries to you and others in the proximities of the unit.

In the texts following the danger symbol, you can also find information on safe procedures during unit installation.


  • The text following this symbol contains information and ins-tructions relating directly to your safety and physical well being.
  • Not taking these instructions into account could lead to minor injuries to you and others in the proximities of the unit.
  • Not taking these instructions into account could lead to unit damage.

In the texts following the caution symbol, you can also find information on safe procedures during unit installation.


  • The text following this symbol contains information or instructions that may be of use or that require a more thorough explanation.
  • Instructions regarding inspections to be made on unit parts or systems may also be included.

Additional information about safety


  • HITACHI is not able to foresee all the circumstances which  may result in a potential danger.
  • Do not pour water in the indoor or outdoor unit. These products are fitted with electric components. If water co-mes into contact with electric components, this will cau-se a serious electric shock.
  • Do not handle or adjust the safety devices inside the in-door and outdoor units. The handling or adjustment of these devices may result in serious accident.
  • Do not open the service cover or access panel of the in-door and outdoor units without disconnecting the main supply.
  • In the event of fire, switch off the mains, put out the fire immediately and contact your service supplier.
  • Check that the earth cable is correctly connected.
  • Connect the unit to a circuit breaker of the specified ca-pacity.


  • Refrigerant leaks may hinder respiration as the gas displaces the air in the room.
  • Fit the indoor unit, the outdoor unit, the remote control and the cable at a minimum of 3 meters away from sources of strong radiation from electromagnetic waves, such as medical equipment.
  • Do not use sprays, such as insecticides, varnishes or enamels or any other inflammable gas within a metre of the system.
  • If the circuit breaker or supply fuse of the unit comes on fre-quently, stop the system and contact the service suppler.
  • Do not carry out maintenance or inspection work yourself. This work must be carried out by qualified service personnel with suitable tools and resources for the work.
  • Do not place any foreign material (branches, sticks, etc.) in the air inlet or outlet of the unit. These units are fitted with high speed fans and contact with any object is dangerous.
  • This appliance must be used only by adult and capable people, having received the technical information or instructions to handle this appliance properly and safely.
  • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.


  • The air in the room should be renewed and the room ventila-ted every 3 or 4 hours.
  • The system fitter and specialist shall provide anti-leak safety in accordance with local regulations.


This air conditioner has been designed for standard air condi-tioning for human beings. For use in other applications, please contact your HITACHI dealer or service contractor.
The air conditioning system should only be installed by qualified personnel, with the necessary resources, tools and equipment, who are familiar with the safety procedures required to successfu-lly carry out the installation.


The instructions for installation, use and operation described in this Manual may result in operating failure including potentially serious faults, or even the destruction of the air conditioning system.
It is assumed that the air conditioning system will be installed and maintained by responsible personnel trained for the purpose. If this is not the case, the customer should include all the safety, caution and operating signs in the native language of the person-nel responsible.

Do not install the unit in the following places, as this may lead to a fire, deformities, rusting or faults:

  • Places where oil is present (including oil for machinery).
  • Places with a high concentration of sulphurous gas, such as spas.
  • Places where flammable gases may be generated or circu-late.
  • Places with a saline, acidic or alkaline atmosphere.

Do not install the unit in places where silicon gas is present. Any silicon gas deposited on the surface of the heat exchanger will re-pel water. As a result, the condensate water will splash out of the collection tray and into the  electrical box. Water leaks or electrical faults may eventually be caused.
Do not install the unit in a place where the current of expelled air directly affects animals or plants as they could be adversely affected.



No. Part Name
1 Fan
2 Fan motor
3 Heat exchanger
4 Distributor
5 Strainer
6 Expansion valve
7 Electric control box
8 Gas refrigerant connection
9 Liquid refrigerant connection
10 Drain pipe connection
11 Motor for drain discharge mechanism
12 Float switch
13 Drain pan
14 Panel P-AP160NA1

P-AP160NAE (with motion sensor)

15| Air inlet grille
16| Air filter
17| Air outlet
18| Air inlet
19| Cover for corner pocket



  • Check to ensure that the accessories are packed with the indoor unit.
  • Do not install the indoor units outdoors. If installed outdoors, an electric hazard or electric leakage will occur.
  • Consider the air distribution from each indoor unit to the space of the room, and select a suitable location so that uniform air temperature in the room can be obtained. It is recommended that the indoor units be installed 2.3 to 3 meters from the floor level. If the unit is installed higher than 3 meters, it is also recommended that a fan be utilized to obtain uniform air temperature in the room.
  • Avoid obstacles which may hamper the air intake or the air discharge flow.
  • Pay attention to the following points when the indoor units are installed in a hospital or other places where there are electronic waves from medical equipment, etc.
  • Do not install the indoor units where electromagnetic wave is directly radiated to the electrical box, remote con-trol cable or remote control switch.
  • Prepare a steel box and install the remote control switch in it. Prepare a steel conduit tube and wire the remote control cable in it. Then connect the ground wire with the box and tube.
  • Install a noise filter when the power supply emits harmful noises.
  • This unit is exclusive non-electrical heater-type indoor unit. It is prohibited to install a electrical heater in the field.
  • Do not put any foreign material into the indoor unit and check to ensure that none exist in the indoor unit before the installation and test running. Otherwise, a fire or failure, etc., may occur.


  • Do not install the indoor units in a flammable environment to avoid a fire or an explosion.
  • Check to ensure that the ceiling slab is strong enough. If not strong enough, the indoor unit may fall down on you.
  • Do not install the indoor units, outdoor unit, remote control switch and cable within approximately 3 meters of strong elec-tromagnetic wave radiators such as medical equipment.
  • Do not install the indoor units in a machinery shop or kitchen where vapor from oil or mist flows to the indoor units. The oil will deposit on the heat exchanger, thereby reducing the indo-or unit performance, and may deform. In the worst case, the oil damages the plastic parts of the indoor unit.
  • To avoid any corrosive action to the heat exchangers, do not install the indoor units in an acid or alkaline environment.
  • When lifting or moving the indoor unit, use appropriate slings to avoid damage and be careful not to damage the insulation material on units surface.


Factory-Supplied Accessories

Opening Of False Ceiling

  • Cut out the area for the indoor unit in the false ceiling and install suspension bolts, as shown below:
  • Check to ensure that the ceiling is horizontally level, otherwise water can not flow.
  • Strengthen the opening parts of the false ceiling.

Initial Check

  • Install the indoor unit with a proper clearance around it paying careful attention of installation direction for the piping, wiring and maintenance working space, as shown below.
  • Provide a service access door near the unit piping connection area on the ceiling.
  • Check space between ceiling and false ceiling is enough as indicated below.
  • Check the ceiling surface is flat for the air panel installation work.
Unit HP A(mm)
RCI-1.0 to 2.5HP 248
RCI-3.0 to 6.0HP 298

Check down slope Pitch of Drain Piping is following the specifica-tions indicated in chapter Drain Piping


Mounting of suspension bolts

  • Mount suspension bolts using M10 (W3/8) as size, as shown.

Mounting of indoor unit

  • Mount the nuts and the washers to the suspension bolts. Put the washer so that the surface with insulation can fa-ces downwards as shown below:
  • Consider piping connection side before lift indoor unit.
  • Lift the indoor unit by hoist, and do not put any force on the drain pain.
  • Secure the indoor unit using the nuts, washers.


  • If a false ceiling has already been installed, complete all pi-ping and wiring work inside the ceiling before hooking-up the indoor unit.
  • Secure the indoor unit using the nuts, flat washers and spring washers. (These nuts and washers are supplied, 4 pieces each)

Adjusting the space between indoor units and false ceiling opening

  • Adjust the indoor unit to the correct position while chec- king with the pattern for installation.

For ceiling already completed with panels.

Ceiling not completed with panels yet.

  • Tighten the nuts of the suspension brackets after the ad- adjustment is completed. Apply LOCK-TIGHT paint to the bolts and nuts in order to prevent them from loosening. If not done, abnormal noises or sounds may occur and the indoor unit may come loose.



Piping Position

Position of piping connection is the following, which is available from all directions, top, left or right.

Size of piping connection

Piping size
mm (in)

| |
RCI-1.0/1.5| Ø 12.70 (1/2)|

Ø 6.35 (5/8)


Ø 15.88 (5/8)

RCI-2.5-6.0| Ø 9.53 (3/8)

Thickness of Copper Pipes

Nominal Diameters Outer Diameters Thickness
1/4 6.35 0.80
3/8 9.53 0.80
1/2 12.70 0.80
5/8 15.88 1.00

Flare Pipe Dimensions

| Nominal diameters| Outer diameters| A +0/-0.4
1/4| 6.35| 9.1
3/8| 9.53| 13.2
1/2| 12.70| 16.6
5/8| 15.88| 19.7

Flare Nut Dimensions

| Nominal diameters| Outer diameters| B
1/4| 6.35| 17
3/8| 9.53| 22
1/2| 12.70| 26
5/8| 15.88| 29




  • Do not create an upper-slope or rise for the drain piping, since drain water will flow back to the unit and leakage to the room will occur when the unit operation is stopped.
  • Do not connect the drain pipe with sanitary or sewage piping or any other drainage piping.
  • When the common drain piping is connected with other indo-or units, the connected position of each indoor unit must be higher than the common piping. The pipe size of the common drain pipe must be large enough according to the unit size and number of unit.
  • Drain piping will require insulating if the drain is installed in a location where condensation forming on the outside of drain pipe may drop and cause damage. The insulation for the drain pipe must be selected to insure vapor sealing and prevent condensation forming.
  • Drain trap should be installed next to indoor unit. This trap must be designed to good practice and be checked with water (charged) and tested for correct flow. Do not tie or clamp the drain pipe and refrigerant pipe together.


Install drainage in accordance with national and local codes.
After performing drain piping work and electrical wiring, check to ensure that water flows smoothly as in the following procedure:

Checking with Drain-Up Mechanism and Float Switch

  • Switch ON the power supply.
  • Pour approximately 1.8 liters of water into the drain pan. Check to ensure that the water flows smoothly or whether no water leakage occurs. When water cannot be found at the end of the drain piping, pour another approximately 1.8 liters of water into the drain pan
  • Switch OFF the power supply.


Pay attention to the thickness of the insulation when the left side piping is performed. If it is too thick, piping can not be installed in the unit.


  1. The position of the drain pipe connection is shown below.
  2. Prepare a polyvinyl chloride pipe with a 32mm outer diameter.
  3. Fasten the tubing to the drain hose with an adhesive and the factory-supplied clamp. The drain piping must be performed with a down-slope pitch of 1/25 to 1/100.
  4. Do not apply excessive force to the drain pipe connection. It could cause a damage.
  5. Do not use a bent or twisted drain hose. It will cause water
  6. Insulate the drain pipe after connecting the drain hose. Do not use adhesive between the drain pipe connection and the drain hose.




  • Turn off the main power switch to the indoor unit and the outdoor unit before electrical wiring work or a periodical check is performed.
  • Check to ensure that the indoor fan and the outdoor fan have stopped before electrical wiring work or a periodical check is performed.
  • Protect the wires, drain pipe, electrical parts, etc. from rats or other small animals. If not protected, rats may gnaw at unprotected parts and at the worst, a fire will oc-cur.


  • Use twisted shielded pair cable or shield pair cable for trans-mission wires between the indoor and the outdoor units, and connect the shielded part to the earth screw in the electrical box of the indoor unit as shown below.
  • Wrap the field  supplied insulation around the wires, and plug the wiring connection hole with the seal material to protect the product from any condensate water or insects.
  • Tightly secure the wires with the cord clamp inside the indoor unit.
  • Lead the wires through the knockout hole in the side cover when using conduit.
  • Secure the cable of the remote control switch using the cord clamp inside the electrical box.

General Check

  1. Make sure that the field-selected electrical components (main power switches, circuit breakers, wires, conduit connectors and wire terminals) have been properly selected. Make sure that the components comply with National Electrical Code (NEC).
  2. Check to ensure that the power supply voltage is within +10% of the rated voltage.
  3. Check the capacity of the electrical wires. If the power source capacity is too low, the system cannot be started due to the voltage drop.
  4. Check to ensure that the ground wire is connected.


  1. The electrical wiring connection for the indoor unit is shown
  2. Connect the cable of an optional remote control switch or an optional extension cable to the terminals inside the electrical box through the connecting hole in the cabinet.
  3. Connect the power supply and earth wires to the terminals in the electrical box.
  4. Connect the wires between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit to the terminals in the electrical box.


Quantity and Position of Dip Switches

Dips switches position is the following:


Before setting dips switches, firstly turn off power source and set the position of the dips switches. If the switches are set without turning off the power source, the contents of the setting are in-valid.

DSW6 and RSW1 : Unit number setting
The below figure indicates the position before shipment.

DSW4: Unit Model Code Setting
No setting is required. This switch is utilized for setting the model code which corresponds to the indoor unit type.

DSW3: Capacity Code Setting
No setting is required, due to setting before shipment. This dip switch is utilized for setting the capacity code which corresponds to the horse power of the indoor unit.

SW5 and RSW2: Refrigerant cycle number setting Setting is required.

Setting position before shipment in

DSW7: Fuse Recover
No setting is required, due to setting before shipment. Setting position before shipment is all OFF.

DSW9: (Not used)
No setting is required, due to setting before shipment. Setting position before shipment is all OFF.


  • The mark “n” indicates position of dips switches. Figures show setting before shipment or after selection.
  • To set the position of the rotary switches, insert a screwdriver into the groove of the RSW.


There are two types of wired remote control: PC-ART and PC-ARF.
Refer to Installation and Operations Manual attached to the remote controller.


The FILTER interval indication on the remote control switch (PC-ART example) can be set a approximately 100, 1,200 or 2,500 hours (factory setting: 1,200 hours). If 100 or 2,500 hours is requi-red follow the instructions below. Examples of configuration with PC-ART remote control are show below.

Step 1: Changing to Optional Setting Mode

Press the OK switch and the RESET switch together more than 3 seconds while the unit is stopped. The operation mode is chan-ged to the field setting mode, “SERVICE” is indicated and “ ” flickers. When “ ” is not indicated, press the or switch and set “ ”. In this condition, press the OK switch and the mode is changed to the optional setting mode.

Step 2: Selection of Indoor Unit for Optional Setting

When the mode is changed to the optional setting mode, the indication on the liquid crystal display is as shown below.

  1. The flickering indication of “ “stops.
  2. The address of the indoor unit for optional setting is indicated.
  3. The address of the refrigerant system for optional setting is indicated.
    Select the Indoor Unit to be set by pressing the or switch and indicate the address of the Indoor Unit. In this condition, press the OK switch and the indication is changed to the indication of optional setting:


  • In case that the both indications of the ADDS. (Address) and RN. (Refrigerant cycle number) show “AA”, the same setting is performed to all the indoor units.
  • The indoor units not connected are not indicated.

Step 3: Optional setting items and changing setting conditions
The indication of optional setting is as shown below.

  1. The code of optional setting is as shown below
  2. The indications of ADDS. and RN. are turned OFF and the optional setting condition is indicated.
    The item code of optional setting is changed by pressing the SE-LECT or switch. The optional setting condition is changed by pressing the OK switch. Set the item code “   ”. In case of set-ting other indoor unit, press the or switch and the indication is changed to the condition of the item Step 2 selection of indoorV unit for optional setting.

The relation between the indication and the interval is shown in the table below

FILTER Indication Interval

Approx. 100hr.| Approx. 1,200hr.| Approx. 2,500hr.| No indication
b4 01| b4 02

b4 00 (*)

| b4 03| b4 04
(*) Standard (Factory setting)

Step 4: Cancelling Optional Setting Mode
Press the RESET switch in the condition of Step 2 or Step 3, the condition is changed to the standard condition.

The label for checking the contents of the setting is attached to the holding bracket. Write down the contents of the setting on the label.



Ceiling height|

Setting of remote control switch

1.0 to 2.5HP| 3.0 to 6.0HP
Below 2.7m| Below 3.2m| Standard
2.7 to 3.0m| 3.2 to 3.6m| High Speed (1)
3.0 to 3.5m| 3.6 to 4.2m| High Speed (2)

The air flow volume can be changed according to the ceiling height by setting the item code to “C5” form the remote control switch (Refer to the Installation & Maintenance Manual of the remote control switch for details).

This function maintains the fan operation by the set air flow volume at the heating Thermo-OFF. It is for improvement of temperature distribution at high- height ceiling site.

Only for panel with motion sensor model P-AP160NAE with PC-ARF remote control installation.The motion sensor detects a human activity by the change of the infrared light. This function saves the air conditioning capacity (adjusting the set temperature, the airflow volume and the air  flow direction) automatically depending on a situation. The operation after the motion sensor detects as absence can be selected from “Running”, “Stand-by” or “Stop” on the remote control switch with the capacity saving.
In the case that the indoor units are operated by 2 remote con-trol switches, the motion sensor setting is available only from the main remote control switch.


The indoor unit without the motion sensor and the indoor unit with the motion sensor can be mixed to install. In this case, when the operation is stopped by the motion sensor control, the indoor unit without the motion sensor will also stop the operation.
The motion sensor control adjusts automatically the following items depending on a situation.

  • Setting Temperature: The temperature is adjusted 1ºC or 2ºC for saving capacity.
  • Air Flow Volume: The air flow volume is adjusted to lower one volume or to “Slo” (except during the dry operation).
  • Air Flow Direction: The air flow direction is adjusted to hori-zontal.

The FILTER interval indication on the remote control switch (PC-ARF) can be set in several interval. Referred to remote control Installation and Operation Manual.

The individual control setting for each louver is available with PC-ARF remote control. Refered to remote control Installation and Operation Manual.




When the air panel is unpacked, place it on insulation material, etc. to protect the sealing insulation from scratches
Check to ensure that the accessories are packed with the air panel.

If any of these accessories are not packed in the packing, please contact your contractor.


Check the indoor unit height from the false ceiling surface

Check the distance between the indoor unit and the false ceiling. It is 12+5mm as shown below.

If not, adjust the distance by using the checking scale with maintaining the levelness of the indoor unit.
Removing Air Intake Grille from Air Panel.

  1. Push both ends of knobs at the air inlet grille toward the arrow direction, open the air inlet grille until the angle of approximately 45° from the air panel surface. After lifting the air inlet grille keeping it inclined, draw the air inlet grille forward. (Remove the filament tape (4 portions) fixing the air filter.).
  2. Lift the grille keeping it inclined
  3. Draw the grille towards the open space after lifting.


Perform the attaching work in the reverse procedure of removing for install the air intake grille. The air inlet grille can be attached from any 4 directions by rotating it. The air intake grille direction can be selected freely.

Installing Air Panel

  1.  Remove the cover of the corner pocket (4 portions). Remove pulling A part toward the arrow direction.
  2. Pull down the U-shaped hook (at 2 positions) located at the indoor unit side.
  3. Mount the air panel temporarily. Fit the corner position of the refrigerant pipe connection at the indoor unit and the position stamped as “Ref. Pipe ”. Then, catch the C-shaped hinges (2 portions) onto the U-shaped hooks (2 portions).
  4. Fix the air panel to the fixing plate by factory supplied long screws (M6 cross screws).
  5. Tighten the long screws until touching the stopper to the fixing plate. Check to ensure that the distance between the fixing plate undersurface and the corner panel undersurface is 26mm.
  6. When tightening the long screws to prevent air leakage and to be no gap between the false ceiling surface and the indoor unit, the inner circumference of the air panel (the position to attach the air inlet grille) may be slightly deformed. However, it is not abnormality.

Installation of optional air panel: p-ap160na1 / p-ap160nae


  • If tighten long screws insufficient, may cause something wrong as below.
  • If any gap has even though tighten long screws sufficient, re-adjust the height of indoor unit.
  • It’s able to adjust the indoor unit height by using wrench from the corner pocket.
  • Too considerable adjustment of height cause dewing from drain-pan.
  • Do not turn the air louver by hand. If moved, the louver me-chanism would be damaged.

Attachment of Corner Pocket Cover
Attach the corner pocket covers after the air panel is mounted completely.

  • Catch the band at the rear side of the corner pocket cover onto the projection at the air panel as shown.
  • Insert and push the fixing hooks (2 portions) at Ⓐ to the air panel and insert and push the fixing hook (1 portion) at Ⓑ to the air panel.

Attachment of corner pocket cover with motion sensor of air panel model P-AP160NAE
The corner pocket cover with motion sensor can be attached to any of corners. Determine the attaching place as user’s request.

  • Connect the relay wire (attached in the air panel) to CN10 Run the relay wire to the corner pocket cover with motion sensor through the top of fixing plate for the indoor units. Set a length of 100mm to 200mm from the indoor unit to the relay connector. Clamp the extra length of the relay wire by the plastic band and store it at inside the ceiling.
  • Draw out the relay wire from the corner pocket of the air panel. Connect the wiring for motion sensor at the corner pocket cover to the relay connector. After connecting, co-ver the relay connector connection by the wiring cover and fix the wiring cover by the plastic bands.
  • Catch the band at the rear side of the corner pocket cover with motion sensor onto the projection at the air panel.
  • While pushing the wiring into the corner pocket, insert the fixing hooks (2 portions) at Ⓐ to the square hole at the air panel, and push the corner pocket cover. Then, insert and push the fixing hook (1 portion) at Ⓑ to the square hole at the air panel.


  • Catch securely the band onto the projection. If not, the comer pocket cover may fall down when removing it so that may cau-se injury.
  • Catch securely the fixing hooks of the corner pocket cover to the air panel. If not, the fixing hooks will be damaged.


  1. The following connectors are used in the air panel. Remove the tape fixing the wiring connectors on the air panel and pull out themas shown in the figure below. Connect them with the wiring connectors on the indoor unit.
  2. After completing the wiring connection of the air panel, attach the air inlet grille. Perform the attaching work in the reverse procedure of removing.


Do not operate the system without the air filter to protect the indo-or unit heat exchanger against being clogged.
Turn OFF the main power switch before taking out the filter. (The previous operation mode may appear.)


  1. Open the air inlet grille after pushing the two knobs toward the arrow mark.
    • The indication, “FILTER” is shown on the display of the remote control switch. Take out the air filter according to the indicated steps for each unit.
  2. Hold the lower side of the air inlet grille keeping it inclined. Re-  move the hooks of air filter from the air inlet grille and remove the air filter.


Clean the air filter according to the following steps:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner or let water flow onto the air filter for removing the dirt from the air filter. CAUTION
    Do not use hot water higher than approximately 50ºC

  2. Dry the air filter in the shade after shaking off moisture.

  3. Do not use cleaner or other chemicals.

  4. After the air filter is dried, attach and close correctly to the air inlet grille.

After cleaning the air filter, press the “RESET” button. The FILTER indication will disappear and the next filter cleaning time is set

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