38TERA Daily Microbiome Nutrition User Guide
- August 27, 2024
- 38TERA
Table of Contents
- 38TERA Daily Microbiome Nutrition
- Getting the most from your DMN
- What you should do if you experience bloating with DMN
- Health and Specific Diet Questions with Daily Microbiome Nutrition
- Celiac disease
- Daily Microbiome Nutrition – Frequently Asked Questions
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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38TERA Daily Microbiome Nutrition
38TERA DAILY MICROBIOME NUTRITION Getting the most from your DMN
- This document is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. 38TERA is not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner about your specific health situation.
- The statements throughout this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
- This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Getting the most from your DMN
A note from Dr. B
Hello friend!
- My name is Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and I am the Founder of 38TERA. Thank you for your purchase of Daily Microbiome Nutrition.
- The purpose of this guide is to help you understand what’s in the can and how to get the most out of it. Daily Microbiome Nutrition is a daily prebiotic supplement powered by science that blends together three different types of prebiotics to optimally fuel your gut microbes. You can think of it like a multivitamin for your gut. It’s not meant to be a replacement for fiber in your diet, but it’s that simple, delicious thing that you do everyday that supports and nurtures healthier gut bugs. You take care of them, and they will take care of you.
- There are several things that are special about DMN.
- First, it is Certified Low FODMAP. This means that it was designed to be gentle on your gut. Now, to be clear, it’s still possible to get bloating or some digestive symptoms even though it’s Low FODMAP. I will cover what that means and how best to handle it in the coming pages. But just know that this product was designed to be as gentle as possible.
- Second, DMN contains very few simple sugars and no artificial .sweeteners .or added sugars. The sugar is less than a gram per serve (600mg) and is naturally occurring as a result of the plant-based ingredients. Due to the very limited sugar content, DMN ls considered a keta-friendly product. which means that .it .can be used while fasting. More on that in a moment
- Third, DMN has undergone extensive testing after production to .ensure the purity and quality of the product Our goal in formulating DMN was to create the best prebiotic supplement .on the mar1cet. Then test it extensively so that we can all be confident that the product Is clean. That’s what you’re getting with your DMN
- Your experience and feedback with Daily Microbiome
- Nutrition Is Important to us. In this document you will receive the answers to many of your questions. You can find additional Bsources in our Frequently Ascend
- Questions on our website. Questions related to your personal health Issues should be directed to your healthcare provider. Please email support@38tera.com with questions and concerns, we are here to support you
- ln the use of 38TERA products.
- A toast to our gut bugs and your health!
Will Bulsiewicz, MD MSCI .Founder, 38TERA
- Arriving in the mail will be a glorious can of Daily
- Microbiome Nutrition. You’ll notice it has a metal top that you can easily open by sweeping a fork or spoon under the lip and popping up. The first time you open it you’ll want to remove the aluminum foil protecting the inner contents.
- Here’s your homework: The first time you crack that can open, I want you to take a moment, close your eyes and put your nose over the top of the freshly opened can. Now slowly take in a deep breath through your nose. Take a moment to just focus on that smell. Process it. How would you describe it?
- Hopefully you’re excited, because your gut bugs surely are. In that can, you’ll find 170 grams jam packed with prebiotic goodness to feed and fuel them.
- The serving size of DMN is 5.6 grams. This particular serving size is selected because it contains the same amount of Solnul (RS2 resistant starch from potatoes) and Actazin (fiber and other bioactives from kiwifruit) as was used in human clinical trials demonstrating the effectiveness of those ingredients. With this serving size in mind, your can of DMN contains 30 serves plus an extra 2 grams for good measure.
- Using a measuring spoon, the typical serving size of DMN is 2 teaspoons. That said, DMN powder may settle in the can after packaging and transport, in which case a serve of DMN may be slightly less than 2 teaspoons.
- Additionally, as you will learn in the coming pages there are many ways to take DMN. The 5.6 gram dose has the most evidence to support it, but the right amount for you may be different and that’s okay.
- Rest assured, no matter how you take your DM N, during the life of this can your gut microbes will have the chance to enjoy all 170 grams. Getting the precise dose is not as important as consistency. amount of Solnul (RS2 resistant starch from potatoes) and Actazin (fiber and other bioactives from kiwifruit) as was used in human clinical trials demonstrating the effectiveness of those ingredients. With this serving size in mind, your can of DMN contains 30 serves plus an extra 2 grams for good measure.
- Using a measuring spoon, the typical serving size of
- DMN is 2 teaspoons. That said, DMN powder may settle in the can after packaging and transport, in which case a serve of DMN may be slightly less than 2 teaspoons.
- Additionally, as you will learn in the coming pages there are many ways to take DMN. The 5.6 gram dose has the most evidence to support it, but the right amount for you may be different and that’s okay.
- Rest assured, no matter how you take your DM N, during the life of this can your gut microbes will have the chance to enjoy all 170 grams. Getting the precise dose is not as important as consistency.
- This document is for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended to provide advice or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
disease. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner about your specific health situation. The statements throughout this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. daily.
How to take your DMN
- The easiest thing to do is to mix it with water. DMN effortlessly mixes with water. Nearly all of the ingredients dissolve quickly (even without stirring), but the resistant starch is a fine powder that you’ll see at the bottom of your glass. A quick swish and sip is the way to mix it all up and enjoy. No heavy stirring required! Just swish and sip.
- That said, DMN is highly versatile and adaptable to your taste preferences. You can also combine it with smoothies, yogurt, kefir, and ice cream including plant-based varieties. It is preferred to not heat DMN (it affects the resistant starch), blend it (alters the fiber), or add it to carbonated drinks (lots of fizz).
- We all have different taste preferences, so it is very understandable that some may find DMN to be too sweet. Some of the ways to cut the sweetness are to add a squeeze of lemon or lime to your glass (extra polyphenols!), a splash of kombucha, or combine DMN with a non-sweet yogurt, kefir, or smoothie. Find what works best for your palate! 38T GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR DMN I 03
- One of the exciting things about your gut microbes is that they are constantly evolving and adapting to their changing environment. It’s an environment that on many levels you control through your choices. Things that you swallow into your intestinal system may come into contact with your gut bugs, and when this happens certain families of microbes will thrive while others will not.
- With this type of set up, small habits become extremely powerful. Repeating something with consistency reinforces itself. You don’t just get the benefit of a single instance of use, you get a more cumulative effect from repeated use.
- Think of it like a snowball. It starts of as a speck, just a few flakes of snow packed together. But if you nudge that peasized ball of snow along consistently, it grows and grows. Momentum starts to build. Overtime, it stops being that little ball of snow and becomes something large and forceful.
- A single dose of DMN will certainly influence your gut bacteria. But it’s with repeated dosing that we can truly institute change in our microbiome and see the full litany of benefits. This is why, above all else, you should commit to taking DMN daily.
- The easiest thing to do is to mix it with water. DMN effortlessly mixes with water. Nearly all of the ingredients dissolve quickly (even without stirring), but the resistant starch is a fine powder that you’ll see at the bottom of your glass. A quick swish and sip is the way to mix it all up and enjoy. No heavy stirring required! Just swish and sip.
- That said, DMN is highly versatile and adaptable to your taste preferences. You can also combine it with smoothies, yogurt, kefir, and ice cream including plant-based varieties. It is preferred to not heat DMN (it affects the resistant starch), blend it (alters the fiber), or add it to carbonated drinks (lots of fizz).
- We all have different taste preferences, so it is very understandable that some may find DMN to be too sweet. Some of the ways to cut the sweetness are to add a squeeze of lemon or lime to your glass (extra polyphenols!), a splash of kombucha, or combine DMN with a non-sweet yogurt, kefir, or smoothie. Find what works best for your palate!
- This document is for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended to provide advice or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner about your specific health situation. The statements throughout this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
- DMN Is highly flexible and remains effective whether It’s part of your morning ritual, a midday boost. or an evening addle on. Dally Microbiome Nutrition .can be taken any time of the day, with or without meals and .even on an empty stomach. It .can be mixed with water, juice, smoothie, yogurt, kefir, or anything similar.
- Notto be a broken record, but the most Important thing ls that .it’s actually taken. The full benefits .of DMN are unlocked with dally, consistent use. We discuss a few specific scenarios for how to time .DMN .in the .”Health and Specific Diet Questions section that you might consider if applicable to you.
- First, if you have a history of allergy to any of the
- Ingredients In DMN, you should not use this product
- Beyond this if you have a question about your specific health related condition, It rs best to discuss this directly with your healthcare provider, who has taken a full health history and completed an examination. We are unable to give health advice, and this would be Inappropriate In that we don’t have the full context for your questions that your healthcare provider has.
- Generally, it is preferred to not heat DMN, run it .in the blender, or mix with carbonated beverages. Heating It may alter the resistant starch, making it less effective.
- The blender may break down the complex carbohydrates, which would alter their effects .in your gut Carbonated drinks Just don’t work well with DMN, and you’ll find they get super fizzy and aren’t particularly satisfying – proceed at your .own .risk with them! .It’s not dangerous to do any of these things, it just diminishes the quality of the product and we want you to enjoy the full benefits of the product You will notice that we recommend warming DMN for those .who have sensitivity to ft below, and this is perfectly fine as your gut microbes get adjusted.
- If you .have questions or about specific medicines with DMN and whether DMN will .impair their absorption, that .is best to discuss with your healthcare provider. Generally, separating DMN from the medication in question by 4 hours should prevent any alteration or disturbance of either product
- You are never wrong to start low and go slow. Taking DMN Is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. The benefits are not experienced after a single day of use, they are experienced over weeks and months of consistent use.
- Jf you have no history of gut issues. you may feel inclined to Jump right in with the Fu .5.6 gram dose. That’s totally fine! If you develop any bloating .or gut symptoms, you’ll want to reduce your dose to allow your gut microbes to adapt
- On the flipside, some of you may have a history of gut issues that justifies a lower starting dose of DMN. Here are a few examples of people who might consider starting with a smaller amount of DMN:
- History of gut sensitivity or food intolerances
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Small intestine bacterial overgrowth {SJBO)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Chronic digestive symptoms such as chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea or acid reflux
- Histamine intolerance
- There’s no required rule of what constitutes ·tow and slow.~ Ultimately, what matters ls what works for you. Jf you’re having uncomfortable gut symptoms. reduce the dose to an amount that you can tolerate.
- That said, here’s an example of a progression that you could consider:. Please feel free to make it your own, progressing faster If you’re feeling good or slowing down and reducing the dose if you’re not
This document is for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended to provide advice or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner about your specific health situation. The statements throughout this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Druga Administration.
How you should expect to feel with DMN
- We’re all different, and how we feel depends heavily on our starting point and our bio individuality. You will have your own experience with DMN.
- Some of the arenas where you may notice a difference are in your poops, your energy, your appetite, and your gut symptoms.
- Generally, your appetite will be the first thing affected.
- You may find that DMN gives you an enhanced sense of fullness for hours after consumption. When you combine it with meals or shortly before meals, you may get pleasantly full quicker.
- Your poops may be the second thing to change. What’s unique about fiber is that it helps both diarrhea and constipation return to a healthier stool form. So if your normal is too hard or too soft, you may find that DMN helps you shift towards soft but formed, right in the middle. You may also notice an increased frequency of bowel movements as a result of DMN.
- Energy is something we all feel, and it’s difficult to define exactly where it comes from. That said, there are numerous studies that show reduced energy levels among people suffering with chronic inflammatory disorders. We are unsure why this is, but some believe it is due to a broken gut barrier and/or inflammation. It’s difficult to separate the two, as a broken gut barrier is associated with inflammation. Nonetheless, improvements in energy are welcome and may indicate a healing gut barrier and less inflammation.
- Finally, not everyone using DMN will have gut symptoms. But if you do, and if those symptoms are associated with your gut microbiome, then as your gut microbiome adapts to DMN you may notice improvements of those symptoms.
- For those of you who are already blessed with no gut symptoms, high energy and glorious poops, the good news is that DMN is your daily multivitamin for your gut microbes. Gut health is just as important when we are healthy as it is when we have health challenges. DMN is designed to support and nurture your gut bacteria. You may not easily notice a feeling with DMN initially, but give it time and let’s see how you feel after a month of consistent use
Is it normal to experience bloating with DMN?
- Actually, yes! It’s important to understand where bloating comes from. When we consume prebiotic fiber or resistant starch, we are fueling our gut bacteria with fermentable carbohydrates. What this means is that our gut bacteria will use special digestive enzymes that only they contain to break down and unpack the food. We call this unpacking process fermentation.
- Obviously it’s different from creating a jar of sauerkraut, but it does have some similarities. Both involve transformation.Both involve the creation of something special. And both also involve the production of gas. If you’ve ever made sauerkraut, then you surely have seen the gas that the microbes produce as a part of fermentation.
- The fermentable carbohydrates in our diet (fiber and resistant starch) allow us to produce the most magical anti inflammatory bioactives out there, the short chain fatty acids (or SCFAs.) These include butyrate, acetate and propionate. They have beneficial healing effects through the body, including repairing and restoring the gut barrier. As described in a recent review article:
- The SCFAs have many health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anticancer, cardiovascular preventive, hepatoprotective, and neuroprotective activities.
Gas is produced as a product of the chemical reaction that is creating SCFAs. It indicates successful fermentation.
- Like exercising a muscle, your gut grows stronger and gets muscle memory from repeated use.
- DMN is unique in that it is a low FODMAP product. What this means is that it’s designed to pack a punch for gut health but with less gas production in the process. It’s a strategic decision that, from our perspective, delivers a superior product when we can optimize for gut health while simultaneously managing the amount of bloating and gas production.
- To be clear, the amount of SCFA production is NOT proportional to the amount of gas production. So you should not be disappointed if you DON’T feel bloated. (You know I’m really turning our perception on its heels when you are disappointed by the absence of bloating!) And if you DO feel bloated, just know that it means your gut microbes are hard at work using your DMN to make SCFAs but also that your gut bugs will get better with time and the bloating will improve.
- The reason that this happens is that your gut is like a muscle. It can be trained. It can grow stronger. It adapts and improves with challenges. So if you experience bloating, yes, you should make the adjustments described below. But also recognize that over time your gut bacteria get better at digesting and processing DMN, which results in more efficient digestion with less bloating and just as many SCFAs and glorious poops
- DMN and your diet are complementary and make each other stronger People often want to pretend that supplements and the food in your diet are in competition, as if you’ll do one and not the other. Unfortunately, this approach misses the important point – they’re different, they both offer tremendous potential benefits, and they can be complementary to one another.
- Supplements are not a replacement for your diet. If DMN is the main source of fiber in your diet, I’m glad we could help, but we also need to work on your diet so that this is no longer true. You should absolutely optimize your diet as much as possible. Diversity of plants, high in fiber, add fermented foods. Boom – there’s a summary of my first book. Haha
- When we build the microbiome up, we get more from all of it. More SCFA processing microbes means more SCFAs from the fiber in our diet AND the fiber in our supplements. This is how we build momentum towards better health and get things moving in the right direction.
What you should do if you experience bloating with DMN
- First, it’s quick and easy to reduce the amount of DMN that you’re taking. As mentioned above, the most important thing is consistent daily use, not whether or not you fulfill the full serving size. If you’re experiencing bloating, it makes sense to reduce the amount of DMN that you’re using to an amount that you’re able to tolerate better. You can consider following the algorithm described above.
- Additionally, you could consider gently warming your DMN while you adapt and adjust to it. As you will below, we generally recommend that DMN be consumed at room temperature. But within the context of having some gut symptoms with DMN, you may find it more soothing to initially consume DMN at a warm temperature. Once again, the most important thing is to find what works for you and to get your DMN daily for optimal gut support.
- Second, WHY are you experiencing bloating? This is a question that you should discuss with your healthcare provider. Some examples of health issues that may be associated with bloating with DMN:
- Active constipation
- Gut dysbiosis (which may be present in irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and many other digestive or other health conditions)
- Small intestine bacterial overgrowth
- Histamine intolerance
- FODMAP intolerance, particularly if DMN is combined with other FODMAP sources
- Once again, it is essential to discuss these issues and receive personalized advice from your healthcare provider. In the coming pages, I will provide some education around these issues to help facilitate and empower that discussion.
Health and Specific Diet Questions with Daily Microbiome Nutrition
- So glad you are reading this because constipation can be a tricky one! Almost everyone with constipation has bloating as a part of their constipation. The bloating is relieved by mobilizing the bowels and emptying them.
- Perhaps you’ve noticed this. You have gas, bloating, and flatulence, then you have a good, healthy bowel movement and experience relief. For people with mild constipation, they may be back on track. For moderate constipation, they may experience a few hours of relief before the bloating comes back. For severe constipation, there’s no relief because the bowel movement wasn’t actually a complete evacuation, so despite having a bowel movement they remain constipated.
- Daily Microbiome Nutrition is your ally in keeping your bowels moving. It is not the same as a laxative, though. If you are actively constipated and start using this product, do not be surprised if you get bloated. That is the constipation, not the product. More on that in a moment. At first try taking DMN in the morning, before breakfast or coffee. With constipation, you need to give it time.
- Establishing a bowel rhythm takes at least a few days, so try to give it 5 days. If morning isn’t working, try taking it before bedtime
Irritable bowel syndrome
- DMN has not been studied specifically within the context of irritable bowel syndrome, but other research vindicates that fiber supplements are beneficial in the treatment of IBS (PMID: 25070054). People with IBS may benefit from reduced gut symptoms, better stool form, and support of beneficial gut bugs like Akkermansia, Bifidobacteria and Faecalibacterium. Additionally, DMN was designed to be gentle and is Certified Low FODMAP. There is a higher level of gut sensitivity with irritable bowel syndrome due to visceral hypersensitivity and damage to the microbiome. If you have IBS and develop bloating or other symptoms when you start DMN, reduce the dose down to an amount that you can tolerate without symptoms and then slowly increase over the course of weeks.
Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis)
DMN has not been studied specifically within the context of inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. That said, there is evidence (PMID: 33167889) that resistant starch may provide clinical benefit in IBD. DMN may help mitigate dysbiosis (a damaged microbiome) by supporting the beneficial gut bugs like Akkermansia, Bifidobacterium and
Faecalis bacterium in addition to promoting healthy bowel movements and reduced gut symptoms. There is a higher level of gut sensitivity with inflammatory bowel diseases due to visceral hypersensitivity and damage to the microbiome. DMN was designed to be gentle and is
Certified Low FODMAP. If you have IBD and develop bloating or other symptoms when you start DMN, reduce the dose down to an amount that you can tolerate without symptoms and then slowly increase over the course of weeks.
Hydrogen- or Methane-dominant SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) DMN has not been studied specifically within the context of SIBO. That said, an important aspect of SiBO is rebuilding a healthy gut microbiome. In one particular study (PMID: 31043597), fiber was found to protect against symptoms and small intestine dysbiosis. DMN is a prebiotic supplement that may be helpful in this setting, not only for fiber content and its prebiotic effects on the microbiome but also the fact that it is low FODMAP and therefore designed to be gentle and less gas-producing. There is a higher level of gut sensitivity in SIBO due to visceral hypersensitivity and damage to the microbiome, so it may be necessary to start with a lower dose of DMN that you can tolerate without symptoms and then slowly increase over the course of weeks
Additionally, if you have underlying constipation it may be necessary to address the constipation and get your bowels moving under the care of your healthcare provider before adding in the DMN.
Acid reflux/GERD
DMN has not been studied specifically within the context of acid reflux, but there is research to suggest that fiber supplements can be beneficial for acid reflux (PMID: 29881238; 31043918). The esophagus has its own microbiome that is altered to include more gram negative bacteria in esophageal disorders like acid reflux or eosinophilic esophagitis (PMID: 30069679). Fiber intake is associated with changes in the esophageal microbiome that are thought to be protective (PMID: 30356041). The authors of the last referenced study wrote, -
The inverse association between dietary fiber and prevalence of Gram-negative bacteria in this study provides one mechanism through which increased fiber consumption might protect against inflammation-mediated esophageal disease.
Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, and
anorectal issues
DMN has not been specifically tested with hemorrhoids, but research (PMID:
16405552) indicates that fiber significantly improves hemorrhoid symptoms (by
47%) and significantly improves hemorrhoidal bleeding (by 50%). Additionally
the cause of chronic anal fissure is unknown but low fiber intake is thought
to contribute to the problem. (PMID: 25391392) DMN contains ingredients shown
to improve stool form and improve mild diarrhea and mild constipation, all of
which can be helpful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissure, and
anorectal issues.
Celiac disease
DMN does not include gluten-containing ingredients and third party testing indicating no contamination and that gluten was not detectable. It is not currently certified as gluten free, however.
Food intolerances/gut sensitivity
The good news is that DMN is Certified Low FODMAP, which means that it was designed to be gentle for those of you with a sensitive gut. That said, you may still need to ease into it. If you’re concerned about sensitivity, this is where you start low and go slow. Start with half a teaspoon once a day and increase by a half teaspoon every 7 days until you are using two teaspoons per day, the usual dose. If along the road you get symptoms, you can always slow it down further. Also, constipation is a common cause of bloating, so please check out my response above
Weight loss/appetite control
DMN was not designed with weight loss in mind, but fiber and resistant starch are known to stimulate the release of satiety hormones GLP-1, Peptide YY, and leptin. (PMID: 34538033) The best time would be in the late morning, 30 minutes before lunch. This will provide the satiety benefit for both lunch and dinner. You could also consider splitting the dose to 1 teaspoon before lunch and before dinner. -
Blood sugar control
DMN has not been studied for blood sugar control, but we do know that fiber and resistant starch are known to help with blood sugar control at mealtimes. (PMID: 36496742; 31227583; 33162192) In fact, RS (resistant starch) has been shown to lower both blood sugar and insulin release and even improve fasting blood sugar and insulin. (PMID: 37051127) You will want to take DMN with your meal and may want to split the dosing to take 1 teaspoon with lunch and 1 teaspoon with dinner. -
Control sugar cravings in the evening
Take DMN in the evening when you get a sugar craving instead of raiding the candy stash or pulling out the ice cream! -
Exercise recovery
Polyphenols have been shown to enhance recovery and prevent post-exercise soreness after intense exercise, likely by reducing oxidative damage. The best time to take DMN for this reason would be 60 minutes before exercise.
Daily Microbiome Nutrition – Frequently Asked Questions
Below you’ll find a sample of some common questions we receive about DMN and their answers. You’ll find even more information available on our website in the FAQ section.
Is DMN safe for breastfeeding/during pregnancy?
DMN has not been tested during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It is best to consult with your obstetrician or healthcare provider regarding the use of DMN in this setting and given your specific health history. -
Is DMN safe for children?
DMN was formulated with adults in mind. As every child’s health needs are unique, we recommend discussing this with your pediatrician. We do not recommend DMN for children under 2 years of age. If DMN is used in children between ages 2 and 12, the dose should be reduced based upon the age and size of the child, as directed by your pediatrician. -
Would you classify this as an ultra-processed food?
DMN is not food and should not be mistaken for food. It is a supplement intended to complement and enhance the benefits that we get from a healthful diet. On a quest for better gut health, we should opt for a healthful diet, lifestyle and add a daily dose of DMN for added gut health support -
Does DMN break a fast?
DMN has no added sugar, less than 1 gram of natural sugar, and is keto- friendly. Thus, your body will remain in a metabolically fasted state. That said, DMN is designed to alter the microbiome, and our gut microbes love a chance to rest themselves, so it is preferred to wait at least 12 hours after your last meal before using DMN to allow our gut bugs that rest time. One last thing — DMN can potentially be used to extend a fast, in the sense that it is keto-friendly but also rather satiating. So that is something that can be considered as well. -
How many calories are in DMN?
Each serving of DMN contains 18 calories -
Do I need to drink a lot of water with DMN?
You are not required to consume a large volume of water, but of course we love hydration to help float the fiber down the river. -
Does it need to fully dissolve?
DMN is not meant to be fully dissolved. Nearly all of the ingredients dissolve quickly (even without stirring), but the resistant starch is a fine powder that you’ll see at the bottom of your glass. A quick swish and sip is the way to mix it all up and enjoy. No heavy stirring required! Just swish and sip. -
Does the whole dose (2tsp) need to be taken at once?
It’s not a problem to split the dose. In fact, this can be a strategy in the beginning for those who are sensitive to DMN.
How long does it take to notice a difference?
DMN is designed to get better and make your gut stronger with regular, consistent use. The ingredients tested in clinical trials showed benefits after 4 weeks of regular use. That means that the full benefits are not necessarily felt immediately. That said, it is common for a sense of fullness (satiety), increased energy, or changes in bowel movements to occur within a few days.
Therefore, it is recommended to consistently use for four weeks to assess the response. In some cases, benefits will be experienced beyond four weeks, but four weeks is the minimum period to assess response.
Can I increase to 4 teaspoons per day?
DMN was formulated to have benefits with a single dose. If you are to increase to a second dose, you should make sure that this is providing you with additional benefits beyond what you experience with a single daily dose. You can play with the timing of that second dose to see what works best for y -
Will I need to take forever or will my gut adapt along with fiber-rich foods?
Your gut is constantly being conditioned by your diet. A single dose of DMN will feed particular microbes in your gut. As you continue to use DMN, those microbes will be fed daily and will progressively be more powerfully represented in your gut microbiome. DMN contains ingredients shown to significantly increase Akkermansia, Bifidobacterial , and Faecalibacterium levels at 4 weeks. In the same regard, if you stop using DMN you should expect your microbiome to be conditioned by the other aspects of your diet, and therefore the changes that you got from DMN would fade over time.
Does DMN expire?
- Yes, like other similar products, DMN has an expiration date to ensure you’re experiencing it at its best quality.
- You’ll find this date clearly printed on the bottom of the can.
Does DMN need to be refrigerated?
No, room temperature storage will do just fine! -
I had a bad reaction to DMN, what should I do?
We are sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, an allergic or adverse reaction is possible with anything we ingest, including food, supplements and medicine. Your safety and the safety of 38TERA products are our highest priority. Please reach out to us by emailing support@38tera.com or call 1.877.769.9965 so that we can understand more about what you experienced. Additionally, consistent with our refund policy we will arrange a refund for the cost of the product (minus the cost of shipping.)
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