CELLER8 Full Body Mat Package User Guide

August 7, 2024

CELLER8 Full Body Mat Package


  • Intensity Range:
    • Full Body Mat: 1-50 gauss
    • Localized Applicator: 1-100 gauss
  • Programs:
    • Morning
    • Evening
    • Meditate
    • Night

Product Usage Instructions

Understanding PEMF Therapy

PEMFs target the body at a cellular level to create an optimal environment for healing and recovery.

Intensity Settings

The CELLER8 device offers an intensity range of 1-50 gauss for the full-body mat and 1-100 gauss for the localized applicator. Start with lower intensity levels and gradually increase as you become comfortable.

Frequency Programs

Utilize the preloaded programs such as Morning, Evening, Meditate, and Night for optimal benefits. Custom programs can be used for specific circumstances or to replicate positive PEMF studies.


  • Q: Can the CELLER8 device be used for specific medical conditions?
  • A: The device is designed for general wellness and recovery. Consult a medical professional for any specific medical conditions.
  • Q : How often should I use the CELLER8 device?
  • A : It is recommended to use the device according to the preloaded programs, but individual needs may vary. Start with shorter sessions and adjust as needed.

My guide to what intensities and frequencies to use, how to apply, when to apply, and for how long…

Please read the full user manual before use.
This guide is for information purposes only. All products are intended for the beneficial effect as set forth in the manufacturer’s directions and instruction literature. These products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Always consult your medical doctor regarding any health concerns.

What intensities and frequencies to use, how to apply, when to apply, and for how long

  • As the creator of the CELLER8 device, I have also gained over a decade of experience with PEMF therapy and have used multiple devices. My wealth of experience has led me to create a device that has the ability for optimal
  • performance, and super quick results with the simplicity and reliability the user deserves. The CELLER8 was designed to take the confusion away from applying PEMF’s and this guide to getting started will be the first step in your wellness or recovery journey.
  • Very often people want to see treatment protocols and frequency guides linked to specific conditions they are trying to address with a PEMF device. I believe this only overcomplicates the fundamentals of PEMFs and what we are
  • trying to achieve. Rather than getting lost in specific frequencies, the CELLER8 is designed to deliver a range of PEMF frequencies that are best suited throughout the day, to not only address our individual needs but to keep us on a
  • perfect circadian rhythm.
  • PEMFs target the body at a cellular level. The aim is to create the perfect environment within our bodies to allow optimal performance to heal and recover.
  • If we can deliver the right frequencies to our bodies at the right time of day, we hope to optimize this effect, rather than setting the device up for certain chronic conditions, which could potentially limit the outcome by being over-specific.


``Understanding intensity.

  • The intensity range of the CELLER8 device is 1-50 gauss for the ‘full body mat’ and 1-100 gauss for the ‘localized applicator’ and controller parts.
  • This intensity range can be set by the user within the program settings. Generally, you will find the higher the intensity of a device, the larger the magnetic field will be, therefore offering higher intensity to a wider area of the body at the higher intensity settings.
  • This intensity range of CELLER8 was not plucked out of the air and there is some evidence to suggest these are the optimal intensities when using PEMFs. One key evaluation was conducted by Mahsa Mansourian and Ahmad Shanei in
  • 2021, which was a review of 92 publications between the years 1999 and 2019. These publications were all studying the cell responses and exchanges in humans and animals when applying PEMFs.
  • They concluded that out of all of these studies the flux densities between 1 and 10 mT (10-100gauss), and chronic exposure more than 10 days would be more effective in establishing a cellular response. These 92 previous studies used a large range of intensities and
  • concluded that the range in which the CELLER8 operates could offer the best response from the cells*.
  • When starting out with any PEMF device, the ‘low and slow’ approach is usually recommended. With anything new that we introduce to our bodies, it’s best practice to apply at lower levels and build up when we are confident to do so.
  • Therefore, I recommend for the first few days after receiving your CELLER8 device, to lower the intensity on the unit until you get accustomed to the sessions.
  • I have included my beginner’s protocol at the end of this document.

M. Mansourian, A. Shanei, Evaluation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Effects: A Systematic Review, two decades of research, 2021.

Frequencies & programs

  • The CELLER8 offers the ability to choose one frequency in the ‘Custom’ program, but actually, I recommend that every user only uses the preloaded programs; ‘Morning’, ‘Evening’, ‘Meditate’, and ‘Night’. The  ‘Custom’ program was added to give the user some control over the frequency in exceptional circumstances or to replicate a certain PEMF study that had a positive outcome.
  • We do not offer a frequency guide linked to chronic conditions, as other manufacturers do, as I believe this could potentially limit the benefits of a PEMF session.
  • Using the preloaded programs on the CELLER8 harnesses the benefits of multiple frequencies, rather than limiting it to one. This has the body’s natural circadian rhythm in mind and still applies a range of frequencies to create optimal cell health and regeneration throughout the day.
  • For ALL USERS, no matter what they are trying to achieve, build, or recover from, we recommend the ‘Morning’ & ‘Evening’ programs as the basis of their individual programs. The ‘Meditation’ program is for use solely when meditating
  • and the ‘Night’ program for encouraging optimal sleep.

Morning program:

  • The ‘Morning’ program uses BETA (12-30Hz) frequencies. It will start at 12Hz and increase frequency over time in 1Hz increments until it reaches 30Hz.
  • At 30Hz it will drop down to 12Hz again and the process starts again for the duration of the time set by the user. This program is designed to be used before 12 noon and harnesses higher frequencies in order to maintain alertness.
  • Many PEMF studies have been completed using a range of these frequencies with beneficial results on the symptoms of chronic conditions. So rather than limiting the user to one frequency at a time, we are harnessing the benefits of many different frequencies during this program.

When using the ‘Morning’ program, you can maximize the benefits with the full- body mat. You can combine the localized CELLER8 controller at the same time, and apply it to a specific area if required. All of these options can be used from the internal battery power and complete freedom from the power socket if you prefer.

Evening program
The ‘Evening’ program uses ALPHA (8/10Hz) frequencies and allows us to relax and recover in the later part of the day. This program completes one minute of 8Hz, which is closest to the Earth’s natural Schumann resonance frequency, and then one minute of 10Hz. It will repeat this process every two minutes for the duration of the session.
The 10Hz frequency has also been featured in many scientific studies with PEMFs to show huge benefits. NASA also used the 10Hz frequency
in a study to promote stem cells for tissue and cell regeneration. The study showing about 400% increase in neural stem cells and turned on about 160 genes that control growth and regeneration. As well as this, a German research study also showed that 10Hz is beneficial for stabilizing circadian rhythm, assisting in better sleep patterns, and reducing sleep disturbances.

When using the ‘Evening’ program, you can maximize the benefits with the full body mat. You can combine the localized CELLER8 controller at the same time, and apply it to a specific area if required. All of these options can be used from the internal battery power and complete freedom from the power socket if you prefer.

Meditation program

The ‘Meditation’ program runs frequencies within the THETA (4-8Hz) to assist us in really falling into a meditative state of mind. We can experience semi- consciousness in really deep meditation and we can use the benefits of PEMFs to help us get there through THETA frequencies. The ‘Meditation’ program will run 8Hz down to 4Hz and then back up to 8Hz again over a period of time. This will continue for the duration of the program length selected, for the user’s ultimate meditation session.

To maximize the benefits of the ‘Meditation’ program, I recommend selecting the full body mat option on its own. If you only have access
to the CELLER8 controller, then you can select the controller alone, but I would reduce the intensity down to 10-20% to avoid any distracting noises from the CELLER8 controller. Then you can locate the controller next to you or affix it to the bottom of your back or abdomen, using the strap. I know that meditation can take place anywhere so, again, the CELLER8 and full body mat can be used on the battery in this mode.
Night program

  • The ‘Night’ program uses DELTA (1-4Hz) frequencies which are associated with the slowest neurological frequencies and deepest states of relaxation.
  • In deep sleep, we do not dream and the mind can really rest, entering the most restorative phases of sleep.
  • In the ‘Night’ program, the CELLER8 will run 4Hz to 1Hz with 5-minute intervals. It will repeat this process for as long as you have set the device to run.
  • This program is pre-set to run for 2 hours (you can set it for longer if you prefer), as this is the perfect time to initiate sleep as well as regulate the DELTA frequencies, assisting us to get the restorative sleep we all deserve.

To maximize the benefits of the ‘Night’ program, you only need to use the CELLER8 controller and not necessarily the full body mat to assist with sleep. This mode is pre-set to 20% intensity to avoid any overstimulation while trying to drift off and to keep the mind in a deep relaxed state during sleep. This will also reduce any noise from the controller. You can just locate the CELLER8 controller within a meter from your head in the ‘Night’ program and make sure you use this on battery power to avoid any wires lying around.

Custom program

  • The ‘Custom’ program gives you complete control over what frequency, intensity and duration you can use! You can select any frequency within the range of 0-100 Hz, any intensity within the range of 1-100 gauss on the controller, or 1-50 gauss on the mats and adjust the time from 5 minutes to 12 hours. Please note: In the ‘Custom’ program, if you are using any more than 45 Hz and the mat applicator, the CELLER8 will need to be plugged into the main power. As this frequency will draw too much power when using the battery alone the device will automatically shut off.
  • This program was only added for those users who want to be very specific with what frequency they want to use and puts you in control. Maybe the user has seen a specific study that was conducted and wants to replicate that study.
  • However, I still believe that the body deserves more than one frequency and to avoid the possibility of your body being accustomed to the same frequency session every time, I recommend that almost every user sticks to the pre-set programs for all desired outcomes.

Let’s get started

  • To maximize the benefits of CELLER8 and PEMF sessions, I always recommend using the full-body mat where possible.

  • If you only have a CELLER8 controller or are using the ‘Night’ program then the controller alone will still be great. So, an ideal session for me would be lying on the full-body mat in

  • ‘Morning’, ‘Evening’, Meditation’ & ‘Custom’ program. If you have one specific area of concern or an area that you want to intensify the PEMF session on, then you can select ‘Mat + Controller’ in the application menu.

  • This way you can apply the localized CELLER8 controller to one area at the same time as lying on a full-body mat.

  • The grey side of the mat is the side that you would ideally face up and against the body.

  • I personally do not believe that the polarity of a PEMF device has a big impact on the outcome of a session, but the grey side is the north-facing side  of the magnetic field. You can find the polarity information in the CELLER8 manual and how to change it in the settings if this is something you desire.

  • Lying on a full-body mat is simple. Just select a desired program from the pre-set program menu, check the intensity/ time, and start your session. As mentioned, you can also combine both mat and controller if you want to maximize a

  • session and target one area at the same time, and this will look something like this image:

  • You can also use a full-body mat on a bed or recliner chair if you like.

Applying just the CELLER8 controller and localised applicator on its own is also a great option if you don’t have the time to lay on the mat or are traveling for example. To maximize the benefits of using it on its own, I prefer to apply it to the bottom of my back. That way it has direct contact with the spine and I almost forget it’s there. If you have one area of concern, you can also apply it to those areas leave it there whilst you continue your day.

Also, in the ‘Night’ program, I recommend using the CELLER8 controller alone close to your head, maybe on a bedside table or to one side of the user.
When to use CELLER8 and for how long

  • How often you apply the CELLER8 PEMF device is up to you and is also dependent on your desired outcome.
  • For regular maintenance and well-being, I personally try to use my CELLER8 at least once per day on the full body mat, on either the ‘Morning’ or ‘Evening’ program and almost every night I take the controller with me to bed and locate it to one side of my head. If I pick up an injury, I can apply the localized controller to that area increase the session duration, and leave it there to work its magic throughout the day.
  • For those using CELLER8 for recovery or a chronic concern, I would personally recommend using it as often as you can.
  • There is no way to overdose with PEMFs at these intensities, which is a question I get a lot. There is no need to apply PEMFs continuously, the benefits of one PEMF session tend to happen within the first 8-20 minutes.
  • These benefits can last for many hours after one session, therefore, there is no need to sit on a PEMF mat for a very long period
  • of time as the benefits are usually the same. It’s better to spread out sessions throughout the day if possible.
  • Ideally those in need of PEMFs more and in a state of lower health, I would recommend at least two sessions per day on the full body mat. One session on the ‘Morning’ program and one session on the ‘Evening’ program for 10-30 minutes at a time.
  • The CELLER8 controller can also be used on the ‘Night’ program to benefit deep restorative sleep, in addition to these two daily sessions.

My device is making a ticking noise… Is that normal?
Yes, this is absolutely normal! This is the same for most PEMF devices that offer higher intensities. There are a few suggestions if the noise becomes disturbing to your session. Using the full-body mat alone will make the ticking noise almost inaudible, so when you don’t need to use the CELLER8 controller as part of a session, this will then reduce the ticking noise. When using the CELLER8 controller, you can reduce the ticking noise by simply reducing the intensity. Reducing it down to 50% in an area with some noise will make it less noticeable. Reducing it down to 20% or 10% in a very quiet area will make the controller inaudible to most people. Remember the CELLER8 controller offers much higher intensities than a lot of other PEMF devices, so if the noise is too distracting to a session, then don’t be afraid to reduce the intensity if desired.

My Beginners Protocol

  • The below guide is for someone starting PEMF sessions for the first time using the CELLER8 full-body application.
  • As mentioned, how often you use the CELLER8 is ultimately up to you, but the below can be used as a guide to start with a ‘low and slow’ approach and to get the most out of the system by maximizing the benefits of pulsed electromagnetic fields.
  • To set up the below recommendations; you can edit the intensity and the duration of the pre-set programs, but you cannot edit the frequencies as these are set to optimize a session and apply a range of different frequencies. Each time
  • you edit the pre-set values, they will revert back to the recommended time and intensity when you turn the device off and on again so, don’t worry about playing with these values each time.
  • If you are using the full body mat on its own or combined with the CELLER8 controller, follow the below guide as a starting point for your journey into PEMFs and the benefits of energizing those cells daily, with the ‘low and slow’ approach will begin.

After this two-week guide, it’s up to you how you continue. Either step it up to 3 sessions a day or reduce down to once per day if you are using CELLER8 for general well-being. There really is no right or wrong answer with PEMFs. Your body will communicate to you how much you need and consistency is key. Try to be consistent with your sessions and those benefits will continue to come each day.

For any further information or questions, please contact office@celler8.com

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