HelpUp Air Lift Assist Patient Lifting Cushion Instruction Manual

August 7, 2024

**HelpUp Air Lift Assist Patient Lifting Cushion Instruction Manual




The AirLift should not be used if an injury has occurred. It’s intended use is in recovering from falls in cases where the Assisted simply lacks the necessary strength, flexibility, confidence, or other non-injury related reason(s), that make it difficult for them to get back on their feet without assistance. The maximum lift weight is 300 pounds.

The Caution Checklist below is a comprehensive compendium of expertly advised precautions/actions to be carefully considered by a Assistant(Person Assisting) before moving a fallen person. This list is also affixed permanently, in a prominent/easily accessible location, at the top of the AirLift. Both the assistant and person being assisted, if able, should consciously consider each line item BEFORE initiating a lift.

Check the Cared For! If the person is unconscious, Call 911. Do not move them unless there is an immediate danger of further injury if they are left where they fell. If the Cared For has just fallen and is conscious, and able to communicate, then let them rest for a minute to adjust to the shock and discomfort. They may be dizzy for a few moments. In any case, immediately check their condition. Look for bleeding, bruises, broken teeth, and broken bones. If any of these items are discovered Call 911.

Talk to the Cared For. Ask If they have pain in the hips, groin or back, or have bumped their head, or remain dizzy and disoriented. If so it’s best to Call 911 and have the Paramedics/EMT come to check them over.

When you Call 911 remember to tell what is known about the symptoms, the history of falls if known, the location of the fall, and the activity and time of the fall. If a 911 call is not necessary based on the above checklist and the Cared For indicates they are ‘OK’ and would like help getting up, then proceed to lift them immediately. It is psychologically unhealthy for them to remain down for an extended period.

Please take time now, in advance of a need, to become familiar with this guidance and the rest of this Instruction and Safety Manual.


This equipment should only be used by persons that have read this manual.

The HelpUp® AirLift, is an inflatable lifting device especially designed for safely lifting a person with the help of just one other person. It is comparable in capability to popular lift chairs or raiser armchairs. The main differences are that: (1) it begins its lift at floor level instead of seat level: (2) it is meant to be used on a ‘just in case’ basis: (3) it is designed to minimize injury to both the person that fell (Assisted) and the person assisting (Assistant) in getting the person safely back on their feet: (4) it is easily portable.

The HelpUp® AirLift is intended to be used by an Assistant and Assisted that have read this manual. It is similar to inflating an air mattress. No special skill or training is necessary however, familiarization with the information in this manual will insure a successful, injury and worry free, safe and expeditious return to standing.

HelpUp® AirLift Kit Contents

  1. Kit Bag: Bright Yellow Highly visible Rolling Duffle Bag

  2. Air Lift Pump: High Air Flow-Low Psi Pump (with 30 foot cord)

  3. Air Lift: Inflatable Lifting Device

  4. The Steady: Standing Lift Assist

  5. A Rolling Duffle Bag with handle is the complete Kit container. Its yellow color is so that in an emergency it can be easily be identified and retrieved. It is recommended that the Kit be kept in a cool dry place.

  6. **Air Lift (shown here in preparation for inflation)


  1. Air Pump
    • The air pump produces a high-volume of air at a low-pressure and is designed to lift the Assisted smoothly and effortlessly to the ‘ready to stand’ position in less than 8 minutes.
    • The pump is equipped with a 30 foot electrical cord to accommodate large rooms where a wall plug might not be close to where the person has fallen.
    • The air hose connection to the pump port is bayonet style for easy connect/disconnect between inflate/deflate mode.

The ‘Steady’’ Lift Assist

Lift Assist Standing Aid ‘Steady’ with No-Slip Grip Handles, is included in the Help Up Air Lift Kit to provide a comforting/steading connection between the Assisted and Assistant during the final transition from the Air Lift to standing.

Description: EASILY AND SECURELY LIFT ASSISTS SENIORS: Providing a safe way to aid the Assisted when they are standing up from a sitting position. The ‘Steady’ minimizes painful pulling and tugging on the arms and shoulders, awkward underarm positions which may cause the Assistant or Assisted to lose their balance.
It can also be used to safely exit Lift Chairs, recliners, sofas, or car and to provide additional assistance in bathroom settings

Other Notifications: For quick reference these are also printed on the bottom of the AirLift.

Risk of Suffocation: Never place an infant to sleep on the inflated AirLift. Keep away from fire or hot objects. This device is not for use in water. Never use any flammable substances on the AirLift, SUCH AS AEROSOL, TIRE REPAIR PRODUCTS, as it may ignite or explode. Avoid sharp or breakable objects. Never stand, walk, or jump on this device. This is not a toy. USE ONLY AS INTENDED! In no event shall AirLift, their authorized agents or employees be liable for damages (such as pin holes) to the airbed caused by negligence, ordinary wear and tear, abuse and carelessness, or external forces.
Inflate only with the low-pressure in flator(s) provided. Inflate only until the wrinkles are removed and the surface becomes firm. DO NOT OVER INFLATE! Clean with a mild soapy solution only. Do not use any chemicals. In case of repairs, use only common PVC repair glue and patches. Read the product manual for additional warnings and information.


  1. Deflate the Air Lift by opening the valves.

  2. Make sure the Air Lift is clean and dry.

  3. Remove any remaining air by using either of two methods:
    A. Pushing it out manually from bottom (Foot) towards the top (Head) where the open valves are located.
    B. Use the DEFLATE connection on the pump (recommended) to remove the air from the Air Lift.

  4. Follow the folding and rolling instructions and illustrations below.
    A. The right side (as viewed from the FOOT) should be folded inward until the fold is aligned with the right-hand edge of the of the HelpUp Logo.
    B. The left side (valve side) should then be folded inward until the fold is aligned with the left-hand edge of the NOTICE.
    C. Roll up the AirLift tightly from the FOOT to HEAD.
    D. Secure the Velcro Straps snugly around the rolled-up AirLift.
    E. Return the AirLift and pump to the BRIGHTLY COLORED (For easy identification) STORAGE BAG provided.

  5. Store in a cool, dry location.

  6. If the AirLift is stored outside the bag be sure and store the pump(s) close by to ensure that all components are readily accessible to the Care Giver if/when the AirLift is needed again.

  7. If you have purchased a rechargeable pump P eriodically check to ensure that it stays fully charged.

If deploying on a rough surface remember to use a ground cloth.
This is not a Toy!
Keep away from children of all ages!

Storage Instructions

  1. Step

**Connecting the air nozzle to a valve for Inflation /Deflation.

Important:** hold on to the nozzle during the inflation process. Turn off the pump before removing the nozzle. Hold the valve while giving the nozzle a little twist. Check the valve to make sure it remains securely inserted.

Four Lift Steps The Airlift lifts the Assisted to standing in four steps:

Step 1: Lift off the floor to a comfortable, secure, sitting-in-bed position
Step 2: A further raise and tilt to near chair height. Depending on the Assisted’s height they may prefer skip Step 3 and go to Step 4.

Step 3: A final rise and tilt to chair height.

Step 4: Exit to a full standing position on own power or with the Assistant providing a steadying hand using the ‘Steady’ assist tool included for this purpose. Use of the ‘Steady’ is recommended.

The HelpUp is constructed of 3 separate lift modules (air bladders). The following table indicates the sequence that the levels should be inflated based on the approximate weight of the person being lifted. The maximum lift weight is 300 pounds. Each level should be fully inflated before moving to the next.

Each of the valves are clearly numbered. Note that there are two #3 valves on the middle level. This is to allow the Assistant to move to front of the AirLift, if desired, to make the final inflation.

The picture above shows a normally inflated 1st stage.
Avoiding over inflation is important and is easy to guard against. Inflating the AirLift should be approached in the same way as inflating an air mattress. When the wrinkles are gone, and the ‘skin’ becomes taut, it is full. The AirLift is forgiving but gross over inflation can cause a seam to split…and result in permanent damage.

Step by Step Deployment Visuals:

  1. A person has fallen and can’t get up! They reach out for assistance.

  2. The Assistant reviews the CAUTION! Checklist with the fallen to insure an injury hasn’t occurred that would indicate a call to 911 should be made.
    Check the Cared For! If the person is unconscious, Call 911. Do not move them unless there is an immediate danger of further injury if they are left where they fell.

If the Cared For has just fallen and is conscious, and able to communicate, then let them rest for a minute to adjust to the shock and discomfort. They may be dizzy for a few moments. In any case, immediately check their condition. Look for bleeding, bruises, broken teeth, and broken bones. If any of these items are discovered Call 911.

Talk to the Cared For. Ask If they have pain in the hips, groin or back, or have bumped their head, or remain dizzy and disoriented. If so it’s best to Call 911 and have the Paramedics/EMT come to check them over.

When you Call 911 remember to tell what is known about the symptoms, the history of falls if known, the location of the fall, and the activity and time of the fall.

If a 911 call is not necessary based on the above checklist and the Cared For indicates they are ‘OK’ and would like help getting up, then proceed to lift them immediately. It is psychologically unhealthy for them to remain down for an extended period.

  1. The Assistant retrieves and unpacks the HelpUp Airlift Kit near the fallen. The Kit is a bright yellow rolling duffle bag which should be found stored in a readily accessible location. Ask to make sure the person doesn’t have an sharp objects on their person.

  2. If the person has fallen in a small confined area they should scoot or roll to an location large enough (6 ft. x 6 ft.) to accommodate the AirLift. The AirLift will also, if needed, work in a more confined space.

  3. The Air Lift should be unrolled with the Caution/Logo Tag pointing the same way as the Assisted’s head. The closest edge to the person should be folded over to the edge of the SIT HERE circle and tucked up against the person so they can then scoot or roll into position on the center of the device with a minimum of effort.

  4. The folded over section, now on the right side of the Assisted should then unfolded and the person helped to orient their body length along the center line of the Air Lift.

  5. The Assisted can aid in this process to any degree they feel able and comfortable. This includes sitting up and shifting their body to further center themselves with their feet apart and knees bent. The Assisted can also gain an additional feeling of security by slipping their hands into the handholds provided.

  6. If the Assisted has chosen to remain in the supine (face up), rather than sitting position, and is centered on the Air Lift, with feet apart and knees bent and hands in the handholds, then the Assistant should check with them to see if they are ready for the lift to begin.

  7. Locate all 4 valves (3 at the head end and 1 near the foot on the second level). Pull them free from the folds of the AirLift to make them easily accessible during the lift sequence. Make sure the black valve is inserted securely in the Lift.

  8. Remember inflate just until the wrinkles are out just the same as when filling an air mattress.
    Inflate only until the ‘skin’ feels taunt.

Turn off the pump before removing the nozzle from the valve and then check the valve to make sur it remains secure..

The 1%t Stage quickly lifts the Assisted to a comfortable-secure “sitting up in bed” position. This is an important milestone from a psychological perspective. At this point the Assisted generally begins to feel real progress towards ‘getting back to normal’ both with regard to their physical situation and their position in relatonship to any surrounding people.

  1. “Are you doing OK?” This can also be a good point for a pause.
    A lot has happened! A brief chat to check how the Assisted is feeling also gives them a chance to gather their thoughts and ready themselves mentally for the next steps.

  2. Before inflating the 2″ stage (3™ level/bottom of the AirLift) the Assistant should, once again, ensure that the nozzle of the inflation hose is pushed and held snugly in the inflation valve.
    Then, with a steadying hand on the CareGiver/Assistant handhold, start the pump.

When inflating the last (middle) level utilizing the Inflation valve at the foot end works best, but is not mandatory.
In this mode the Assistant should share the Assisted’s handhold to add additional stability and make good eye contact.

  1. Once a quick check is made to see if the Assisted’s feet are firmly on the floor the time to take the step to standing is up to you both.

  2. he final step to standing is just like getting up from a chair.
    The AirLift has brought the Assisted to chair height. The Assisted can then lean forward to stand on their own with or without the use of the ‘Steady’ for balance security.

Using the ‘Steady’ is recommended. It provides a longer reach for the Assistant’s hand holding during this final step, which is recommended in any case. The ‘Steady’ adds stability and a nice feeling of security. It should not be used for tugging or pulling.
If the Assisted uses a walker, an alternative is to place it in front of the Assisted before they stand so they can use that as their ‘Steady’ for the final step.

Storing the Airlift: Deflation
Removing the black fill valves will cause 95% of the air to exhaust in under 5 minutes. A quicker method, and the method that should be used to fully deflate, is to reverse the pump and suck the remaining air out.


Other than routine cleaning the AirLift is maintenance free. If desired, it can be cleaned with soapy water and a sponge and/or a disinfecting solution/alcohol impregnated wipe. Cleaning is most easily accomplished while it is inflated. Allow to air dry before storage. Do not dry using hot air.


Maximum user weight: 300 Ibs.
Seat Height (2™ level): 14″ 36cm
Seat Height (3″ level): 277 68cm
Length: 51″ 130cm
Width: 44″ 110cm
Weight : 21Lbs. 9Kg

Deflated & Rolled

Radius: 8″ 20cm
Length: 18″ 46cm

Maximum air pressure: 2.5 PS| 1.7Bar
Max/Min temperature: 120°F/5°F +50C/-15C


Standard two-year manufacturer’’s warranty

The manufacturer warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under
normal use and conditions, for a period of two (2) years from the original invoice date. Shipping and
handling fees are to be paid for by the customer. The manufacturer agrees, at its option during the warranty period, to repair any defect in material or workmanship, or to furnish a repaired, refurbished, or new product of equal value in exchange, without charge. Such repair or replacement is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction.


This warranty does not include:

  • Any condition resulting from other than ordinary wear or any use for which the product was not intended.
  • Any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance or care.
  • Damage resulting from misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, or shipping damage.
  • Normal wear and tear.
  • Damages incurred during maintenance.
  • Water damage to electrical air pump.
  • Fido using the cushion as a chew toy.
  • Dissatisfaction due to buyer’s remorse OR no longer needed.

HelpUp AirLift Serial Number..
Date of Purchase………………..:
Purchaser Name & Contact Info:
Invoice/Delivery Number……….:

Release, Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Warning

Agreement Regarding

The HelpUp AirLift and Accessories

This Release, Waiver of Liability, and Assumption of Risk Agreement is given this the (date) by the undersigned Purchaser in favor of _BlueDot Prospects, LLC (dba HelpUp Solutions Company), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of California, with its principal office located at 207 West Cobblestone Lane Ridgecrest, California, 93555 referred to herein as Seller.

As a condition to the receipt and use of The HelpUp AirLift, hereinafter called The AirLift, whether
described as new, used or as described by any other word or phase, in activities associated with the
intended use of this HelpUp AirLift, as described in this Instruction and Safety Manual at each and every instant now and in the future, the undersigned Purchaser for myself and/or on behalf of my personal representatives, heirs, spouse, guardians, legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, assigns and next of kin agree to the following:

  1. HelpUp AirlLift Safety Warnings
    The undersigned Purchaser does hereby agree and acknowledge that Purchaser shall become
    intimately familiar with, and shall carefully read The HelpUp Instruction & Safety Manual and all warning labels and tags and instructions, along with the written terms and conditions of the
    sale/purchase prior to completion of the sale/purchase of The HelpUp Airlift or associated accessories.
    Purchaser affirmatively represent and agree that Purchaser has been fully and completely informed about the HelpUp AirLift and safety hazards as well as the risks and dangers associated with the use thereof.
    Purchaser has been provided complete and full information about the proper use, implementation, and maintenance of the HelpUp AirLift and/ or associated accessories. Purchaser acknowledges that he has been given ample time and opportunity to review and evaluate the HelpUp AirLift and all accompanying materials and documentation. Purchaser also acknowledge that copies of this Agreement and all other documentation accompanying the HelpUp AirLift and/or associated accessories have been offered to Purchaser and are available to Purchaser for the personal review by Purchaser on Purchaser’s own time on-line at the Seller’s Website Purchaser agrees and understands that no information or documentation or materials provided in connection with a HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories is intended to be a promise, guarantee or warranty of my safety or well-being. Purchaser further understands that no HelpUp AirLift can protect me from all risk or injury or death or property.
    The subject HelpUp AirLift and/or associated accessories will not and cannot protect me from injury or damage under all circumstances, and | acknowledge that it is not possible to predict every possible situation and risk and danger associated with use of the HelpUp AirLift and/ or accessories in any particular location or circumstances.

  2. Waive and Release
    The undersigned Purchaser hereby releases, waives, and discharges Seller and each its officers, directors, managing agents, and employees, hereinafter called Releasees, from all liability for all loss or demand and every claim or cause of action of any kind, including based on a contract or breach of warranty or the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, arising out of or related to this Agreement or its enforcement or Purchaser’s use of any HelpUp AirLift. This Agreement encompasses liability for all bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of or related to such use.

  3. No Warranty or Representation
    Purchaser agrees and understands that Releasees make no warranty or representation of any kind as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose as to any HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories, and further agrees and acknowledges that the presence or absence of any certification, for any reason (including the age or condition of a HelpUp AirLift or accessory), and the participation or nonparticipation of the undersigned  Purchaser in any certification process, will and does not change any provisions of this Agreement or their enforcement. Releasees have made no statements or opinions or evaluations as to the potential effectiveness or performance in connection with Purchaser’s use of HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories in any particular circumstance or situation.

  4. Unknown Risks or Dangers
    The undersigned Purchaser understands and agrees that there may be undefined and presently
    unknown risks and dangers associated with use of HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories and the undersigned Purchaser expressly assumes said risks and dangers and acknowledges and agrees that there may be significant and substantial risks and dangers associated with or arising out of the improper, uninformed and/or non-complying use of HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories. It is the responsibility of the undersigned Purchaser to become familiar with the HelpUp AirLift and its proper use, operation, implementation,, and maintenance, and the undersigned Purchaser assumes the risks and dangers related thereto. The undersigned Purchaser agrees & acknowledges that any HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories must be installed, used and maintained as described in the manufacturer’s instructions, as may be revised from time to time. The undersigned Purchaser understands that instructions will accompany the HelpUp AirLift and that the undersigned Purchaser should contact Releasees should Purchaser have any doubt or questions about said instructions.

  5. Indemnity
    Purchaser hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Releasees are acting in reliance upon this
    Agreement and the rights, obligations, and limitations set forth herein, without which no sale or transfer of HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories would occur. Purchaser agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Releasees harmless from any liability, including court costs and attorney fees, arising out of or related to this Agreement or its enforcement or the use by Purchaser of HelpUp AirLift or associated accessories.

  6. Purchaser hereby accept all terms set forth herein and acknowledges this is the complete
    Agreement between the parties regarding these issues and that no oral representations, statements or inducements have been made apart from this Agreement. If any portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid or overly broad, the entire Agreement will not be invalidated; rather, the remainder of the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be enforced and the Agreement will be deemed modified so as to be applied to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

  7. Governing Law
    This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

  8. Notices
    Any notice provided for or concerning this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed
    sufficiently given when sent by certified or registered mail if sent to the respective mailing address of each party.

  9. Mandatory Arbitration
    Any dispute under this Agreement shall be required to be resolved by binding arbitration of the parties hereto. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, each party shall select one arbitrator and both arbitrators shall then select a third. The third arbitrator so selected shall arbitrate said dispute. The arbitration shall be governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in force and effect.

  10. In this contract, any reference to a party includes that party’s heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, singular includes plural and masculine includes feminine.

WITNESS our signatures as of the day and date first above stated.

| By: BlueDot Prospects, LLC dba HelpUp Solution Company
(Printed name)
(Signature of Purchaser)| James C. Fallgatter, CEO


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