DAB NKVE MCE-P Nationwide Water Booster Set Instruction Manual

July 29, 2024

NKVE MCE-P Nationwide Water Booster Set



  • Supply voltage: (+/- 10%)
  • Absorbed power:
  • Degree of protection:
  • Insulation class:
  • Delivery: from 20 to 1967 l/min
  • Head up
  • Liquid temperature
  • Max. environment temperature
  • Storage temperature
  • Maximum working pressure
  • Relative humidity in air
  • Motor construction
  • Weight

Product Usage Instructions:

1. Management

Observe the current accident prevention standards. The pump may
be heavy, so use suitable lifting methods and always wear personal
protection equipment. Before handling the product, check its weight
to identify suitable lifting equipment.

2. Warnings

2.1 Checking motor shaft rotation

Before installing the pump, check that the rotating parts turn
freely. Remove the fan cover and insert a screwdriver in the motor
shaft notch to ensure smooth rotation.

2.2 New systems

Clean valves, pipes, tanks, and couplings before running new
systems. Use TRUNCATED CONICAL filters to prevent impurities from
entering the pump.

3. Protections

3.1 Moving parts

Protect all moving parts with dedicated components before
starting the pump operation. Avoid getting close to moving parts
during operation.

3.2 Noise level

If noise levels exceed 85 dB(A), use suitable HEARING PROTECTION
as required by regulations.

3.3 Hot and cold parts

Avoid touching hot or cold parts to prevent burns. Properly
protect these parts to avoid contact.

4. Installation

Flush pumps briefly with clean water before final installation.
Place the pump close to the liquid to be pumped, protect it from
weather and sunlight if installed outdoors. Ensure the installation
baseplate is rust-proof and matches the intake aperture of the

Ensure gradual passage from pipes with different diameters,
check for air infiltrations in intake pipe joins, and slope the
intake pipe slightly upwards towards the pump to prevent air


Q: How should I check the motor shaft rotation?

A: Before installing the pump, remove the fan cover and insert a
screwdriver in the motor shaft notch to ensure smooth rotation.

Q: What should I do before running new systems?

A: Clean valves, pipes, tanks, and couplings thoroughly. Use
TRUNCATED CONICAL filters to prevent impurities from entering the

Q: How should I protect myself from high noise levels during

pump operation?

A: If noise levels exceed 85 dB(A), use suitable HEARING
PROTECTION as required by regulations.

Q: How can I prevent burns from hot or cold parts of the


A: Avoid touching hot or cold parts and ensure they are properly
protected to avoid contact.



ENGLISH CONTENTS 1. APPLICATIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 2. PUMPED FLUIDS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 3. TECHNICAL DATA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
3.1 Supply voltage………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15 3.2 Operating conditions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15 4. MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 4.1 Storage …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 4.2 Handling ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 5. WARNINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 5.1 Checking motor shaft rotation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 5.2 New systems…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 6. PROTECTIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 6.1 Moving parts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 6.2 Noise level…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 6.3 Hot and cold parts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 7. INSTALLATION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 7.1 Pump installation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 7.2 Minimum inlet pressure ( Z1 ) (negative suction head pump)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 7.3 Minimum suction pressure (positive suction head pump) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….17 7.4 Minimum nominal capacity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17 7.5 Electrical connections …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 7.6 Starting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18 7.7 Stopping……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19 7.8 Precautions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 8. MAINTENANCE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 8.1 Modifications and spare parts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19 9. TROUBLESHOOTING ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

1. APPLICATIONS Multistage centrifugal pumps indicated for booster sets for water systems of small, medium and large utilieties. They may be used in various fields of applications such as: – for fire-fighting and washing systems, – for supplying drinking water and feeding autoclaves, – for feeding boilers and circulating hot water, – for conditioning and chilling systems, – for circulating and industrial processing plants. 2. PUMPED FLUIDS The machine has been designed and built for pumping water, free from explosive substances and solid particles or fibres, with a density of 1000 kg/m³ and a kinematic viscosity of 1 mm²/s, and chemically non-aggressive liquids. Small quantities of sand, up to 50 ppm, are accepted.

3. TECHNICAL DATA 3.1 Electrical data
Supply voltage: (+/- 10%)
Absorbed power: Degree of protection: Insulation class:

1x 230 50Hz 3x 230-400V ­ 50Hz 3x 400V ­ 50Hz 3x 220-240/380-415V ­ 50Hz 3x 380-415V ­ 50Hz 3x 380-480V ­ 60Hz 3x 220-277V / 380-480V-60Hz see electric data plate IP55

3.2 Operating conditions Delivery:

from 20 to 1967 l/min

Head up: Liquid temperature:
Max. environment temperature: Storage temperature: Maximum working pressure: Maximum working pressure NKV 32-45: Relative humidity in air: Motor construction:

pag. 108 -30°C ÷ 120°C (EPDM); -15°C ÷ 120°C (VITON/FKM) 50°C -20°C ÷ 60°C 25 bar (2500 kPa) 32 bar (3200 kPa) Max. 95% Cei 2-3 / Cei 61-69 (EN 60335-2-41) see plate on package



4. MANAGEMENT Observe the current accident prevention standards. Risk of crushing. The pump may be heavy. Use suitable lifting methods and always wear personal protection equipment. Before handling the product, check its weight to identify suitable lifting equipment.
4.1 Storage All the pumps must be stored indoors, in a dry, vibration-free and dust-free environment, possibly with constant air humidity.They are supplied in their original packaging and must remain there until the time of installation. If this is not possible, the intake and delivery aperture must be accurately closed. 4.2 Handling Avoid subjecting the products to needless jolts or collisions. To lift and transport the unit, use lifting equipment and the pallet supplied standard (If applicable). Use suitable hemp or synthetic ropes only if the part can be easily slung, connecting them if possible to the eyebolts provided. In the case of coupled pumps, the eyebolts provided for lifting one part must not be used to lift the pump-motor assembly.
The pump motors supplied with eyebolt should not be used to handle the whole assembled electric pump (fig.1C, page 1). For handling pumps with motor of up to 4kW, use the belts wound around the motor as shown in fig. 1A, page 1. For pumps with motor power greater or equal to 5.5kW, use the belts attached to the two flanges, located in the coupling area between the pump and the motor as shown in fig.1B, page 1. There is a risk that the pump may overturn during handling; make sure that the pump remains in a stable position during handling.

5. WARNINGS 5.1 Checking motor shaft rotation Before installing the pump you must check that the rotating parts turn freely. For this purpose, remove the fan cover from its seat in the motor end cover. Insert a screwdriver in the notch on the motor shaft from the ventilation side. Fig. 2, page 1.
Do not force the fan with pliers or other tools to try to free the pump as this could cause deformation or breakage of the pump.

5.2 New systems

Before running new systems the valves, pipes, tanks and couplings must be cleaned accurately.

To avoid welding waste or other impurities getting into the pump, the use of TRUNCATED CONICAL filters made of corrosion resistant

materials (DIN 4181) is recommended.

FIG. 3

51 2 3


1- Filter body

2- Narrow mesh filter

3- Differential pressure gauge

4- Perforated sheet

5- Pump intake aperture

6. PROTECTIONS 6.1 Moving parts Before starting the pump all the moving parts have to be properly protected with dedicated components ( fan, cover, etc.).
During pump operation, keep well away from the moving parts (shaft, fan, etc.). If getting closed to the running pump is necessary, be properly dressed as from laws rules, in order to avoid injuries.
6.2 Noise level See table A, pag. 105. In cases where the LpA noise levels exceed 85 dB(A), suitable HEARING PROTECTION must be used in the place of installation, as required by the regulations in force. 6.3 Hot and cold parts
DANGER OF BURNING !! As well as being at high temperature and high pressure, the fluid in the system may also be in the form of steam! It may be dangerous even to touch the pump or parts of the system. If the hot or cold parts are a source of danger, they must be accurately protected to avoid contact with them.
7. INSTALLATION The pumps may contain small quantities of residual water from testing. We advise flushing them briefly with clean water before their final installation.
7.1 Pump installation – The electropump must be fitted in a well ventilated place and with an environment temperature not exceeding 50°C.
– If installed outdoors, protect the pump from the weather and direct sunlight. – It is always good practice to place the pump as close as possible to the liquid to be pumped.

ENGLISH – The installation baseplate, provided by the customer, if they are metallic they have to be painted rust and corrosion. They have to be
flat and stiff enough to resist to short circuit forces and avoid resonance due to vibrations. – Concrete basements have to be well solid and dry before installing the pumps. – A firm anchoring of the feet of the pump assembly on the base helps absorb any vibrations created by pump operation. – The pump can be installed horizontally with the aid of the appropriate supports or vertically with the motor at the top. – Ensure that the metal pipes do not transmit excess force to the pump apertures, so as to avoid causing deformations or breakages. – Use pipes with a suitable thread to avoid damage to the inserts. – The internal diameter of the pipes must never be smaller than that of the electric pump inlets. – If the head at intake is negative, it is indispensable to fit a foot valve with suitable characteristics at intake. – For suction depths of over four metres or with long horizontal stretches it is advisable to use an intake pipe with a diameter larger than
that of the intake aperture of the pump. – Any passage from a pipe with a small diameter to one with a larger diameter must be gradual. The length of the passage cone must be
5 to 7 times the difference in diameter. – Check accurately to ensure that the joins in the intake pipe do not allow air infiltrations. – To prevent the formation of air pockets, the intake pipe must slope slightly upwards towards the pump. Fig. 4, page 1.
– Interception valves must be fitted upstream and downstream from the pump so as to avoid having to drain the system when carrying
out pump maintenance. Do not run the pump with closed valve on the plant.
– If there is any possibility of the pump operating with the interception valves closed, provide a by-pass circuit or a drain leading to a liquid
recovery tank.
– To reduce noise to a minimum it is advisable to fit vibration-damping couplings on the intake and delivery pipes and between the motor
feet and the foundation. – If more than one pump is installed, each pump must have its own intake pipe. The only exception is the reserve pump (if envisaged). 7.2 Minimum inlet pressure ( Z1 ) (negative suction head pump) To have good performances of the pump avoiding cavitation phenomenon it is necessary to calculate the suction lift Z1. Fig. 5, page 2 To determine the suction level Z1, the following formula must be applied:
Z1= pb ­ rqd. N.P.S.H ­ Hr ­ correct pV­ Hs where:
Z1 = difference in level in metres between the intake mouth of the pump and the free surface of the liquid to be pumped. Pb = barometric pressure in mcw of the place of installation.(chart 1, pag. 107) NPSH = net load at intake of the place of work. Hr = load loss in metres on the whole intake duct. pV = vapour tension in metres of the liquid in relation to the temperature expressed in °C. (chart 2, pag. 107) Hs = safety margin = minimum 0.5 metres head

If the calculated “Z1” is positive, the pump can operate at a suction lift of maximum “Z1” metres head.

If the calculated “Z1” is negative, than the pump has to be fitted with a positive lift of at least “Z1″ mt. Ex. : installation at sea level and fluid at 20°C

required N.P.S.H: pb :

3,25 m 10,33 mcw (chart 1, pag. 107)


2,04 m




0.22 m (chart 2, pag. 107)


10,33 ­ 3,25 ­ 2,04 ­ 0,22 ­0,5 = 4,32 approx.

This means that the pump can operate at a suction lift of maximum 4,32 metres head. 7.3 Minimum suction pressure (positive suction head pump)

It is important to maintain the sum of the inflow pressure and that developed by the pump, the latter with feeder closed, always lower than the

maximum pressure rating (PN) permitted by the pump. P1max + P2max PN (fig.6A, page 2) P1max + P2max + P3max PNHP (fig.6B, page 2) 7.4 Minimum nominal capacity

The function of the pump at a lower level than the minimum permitted nominal capacity may cause excessive and detrimental overheating of the pump. For liquid temperatures higher than 40°C, the minimum capacity should be increased in relation to the temperature of the liquid (see fig. 6A, page 2).

The pump must never operate with the delivery valve closed.

7.5 Electrical connections Scrupulously follow the wiring diagrams inside the terminal board box and those on table C, page 106.

Ensure that the mains voltage is the same as that shown on the motor data plate.

The pumps must always be connected to an external switch.


– Three-phase motors must be protected with an automatic switch (e.g. circuit breaker) calibrated at the values shown on the data plate of the electropump.
– In the case of three-phase motors with star-delta start, ensure that the switch-over time from star to delta is as short as possible.(see table B, page 106). In electropumps the terminal board may face in four different positions: slacken and remove the four retaining screws between the motor flange and the support. Turn the motor into the desired position and replace the screws.
7.6 Starting In accordance with accident-prevention regulations, the pump must be run only if the coupling (where provided) is suitably protected. So the pump must be started only after having checked that the coupling protections are correctly fitted. To obtain priming, proceed as follows: NKV (Fig.7):
– Before filling the pump through the filling hole you must first partially unscrew the drainage pin/cap (when filling just unscrew it by 3 or 4 turns) without forcing it.
– After having removed the cap, fill the pump slowly through the filling hole so as to discharge any air pockets present inside. – Before starting the pump, close the filling cap and screw the drainage pin/cap all the way, without forcing it. – Vent by means of the screw on the part opposite the filling cap, as indicated in Fig. 7 – Fully open the gate valve on intake and keep the one on delivery almost closed. – Switch on and check that the direction of rotation is correct, as indicated in Fig. 2, page 1. If not, invert any two phase leads,
after having disconnected the pump from the power mains. – Once the hydraulic circuit has been completely filled with liquid, gradually open the delivery gate valve until its maximum
opening. – With the pump running, check the supply voltage at the motor terminals, which must not differ from the rated value by +/- 5%. – With the unit at regular running speed, check that the current absorbed by the motor does not exceed the value on the data
FIG. 7







NKV 1-3-6-10

NKV 15-20-32-45-65-95


7.7 Stopping


Close the interception device on the delivery pipe. If there is a check device on the delivery pipe, the interception valve on the delivery side may

ramain open as long as there is back.

For a long period of inactivity, close the interception device on the intake pipe and, if supplied, all the auxiliary control connections. 7.8 Precautions

The electropump should not be started an excessive number of times in one hour. The maximum admissible value is as follows:

Type of pump NKV 10
NKV 15 – NKV 20 NKV 32 – NKV 45 NKV 65 – NKV 95

Maximum number of starts per hours 10 ÷ 15
5 ÷ 10

– When the pump remains inactive for a long time at temperatures of less than 0°C, the pump body must be completely emptied through the drain cap.
Check that the leakage of liquid does not damage persons or things, especially in plants that use hot water.

– It is recommended to empty the pump when it is not running for a long time at normal temperature. – The drain plug shall be opened until the pump will be utilized again. – When restarting after long periods of inactivity it is necessary to repeat the operations described above in the paragraphs WARNINGS
8. MAINTENANCE – In normal operating conditions the electropump does not require any kind of maintenance. – It is recommended to check time by time current absorption, pressure head at closed valve and maximum flow. – The electropump can only be dismantled by specialised, skilled personnel in possession of the qualifications required by the specific regulations. – In any case all repair and maintenance jobs must be carried out only after having disconnected the pump from the power mains. If the liquid has to be drained out maintenance, ensure that the liquid coming out cannot harm persons or things, especially in using hot water. The legal requirements on the disposal of any harmful fluids must also be complied with.
8.1 Modifications and spare parts Any modification not authorised beforehand relieves the manufacturer of all responsibility. All the spare parts must be authentic and all the accessories must be authorised by the manufacturer.
Carry out maintenance based on the type of bearing indicated on the technical data plate.

The motor does not start and makes no noise.
The motor does not start but makes noise.
The motor turns with difficulty.
The (external) motor protection trips immediately after starting.

Check (possible cause)


– Check the protection fuses.

If they are burnt-out, change them.

– Check the electric connections.

Correct any errors.

– Check that the motor is live.

– Motor protector cut-off the motor, for the Wait for automatic reset of the motor protector

single-phased motors, due to over heating once the temperature has fallen below the

of tag windings.

maximum limit.

– Check that supply voltage correspond with

voltage on the pump label.

– Check the electrical connections.

Correct any errors.

– Check that all the phases are present. Restore the missing phase.

– Check for obstructions in the pump or Remove any obstructions.


– Verify that supply voltage is at an

acceptable valve.

– Check whether any moving parts are Eliminate the cause of the scraping.

scraping against fixed parts.

– Check the state of the bearings.

Change any worn bearings.

– Check that all the phases are present. Restore the missing phase.

– Look for possible open or dirty contacts in Change or clean the component concerned.

the protection.


The motor protection trips too frequently.
The pump does not deliver.
The pump does not prime. The pump supplies insufficient flow.
The pump flow rate is not constant. The pump turns in the opposite direction when switching off. The pump vibrates and operates noisily.


– Look for possible faulty insulation of the Change the motor casing with the stator or reset motor, checking the phase resistance and any cables discharging to earth.

insulation to earth.

– Ensure that the environment temperature Provide suitable ventilation in the environment

is not too high.

where the pump is installed.

– Check the calibration of the protection.

Calibrate at a current value suitable for the motor absorption at full load.

– Check the state of the bearings.

Change any worn bearings.

– Check the motor rotation speed.

– Check priming.

– On three-phase motors, check that the Invert the connection of two supply wires.

direction of rotation is correct.

– Difference in suction level too high.

– The diameter of the intake pipe is Replace the intake pipe with one with a larger insufficient or the horizontal stretch is too diameter.


– Foot valve or intake pipe blocked.

Clean the foot valve and the intake pipe.

– The intake pipe or the foot valve is taking Check the suction pipe, repeat the priming

in air.


– Check the slope of the suction pipe.

Correct the inclination of the intake pipe.

– Foot valve or impeller blocked.

Remove clog. Replace the impeller if weared down.

– The diameter of the intake pipe is Replace the pipe with one with a larger diameter.


– Check that the direction of rotation is Invert the connection of two supply wires. correct.

– Intake pressure too low.

– Intake pipe or pump partly blocked by Remove clog. impurities.

– Leakage in the intake pipe.

– Foot valve or check valve faulty or blocked Repair or replace the faulty valve. in partly open position.

– Check that the pump and/or the pipes are firmly anchored.

– There is cavitation in the pump.

Reduce the intake height or check for load losses.

– The pump is running above its plate Reduce the flow rate. characteristics.

– The pump is not turning freely.

Check the state of wear of the bearings.


= 4kW

NKV Mechanical Seal Maintenance 5,5kW







Rumore aereo prodotto dalle pompe dotate con motore di serie / Bruit aérien produit par les pompes équipées d’un moteur de série / Airborne noise produced by the pumps with standard motor / Geräuschemission der Pumpe mit serienmäßigem Motor / Luchtgeluid geproduceerd door pompen met standaard motoren / Ruido aéreo producido por las bombas provistas de motor de serie / Luftburet buller från pumpar med standardmotor / / Standart üretim motorlar ile donatilmi pompalarin çikardii gürültü / Hluk vyprodukovaný cerpadlami vybavenými sériovým motorom / , / Zgomot aerian produs de pompele dotate cu motor de serie / Halas wytwarzany przez pomp wyposaon w silnik seryjny / Széria jelleg motorral szerelt szivattyúk zajszintje / / ,

Power motor P2 (kW)
0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2
3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45

TAB. A dB +/- 3


2 pole – 2900 rpm

4 pole – 1450 rpm


2 pole – 3600 rpm

4 pole – 1800 rpm

Size motor IEC


Size motor IEC


















































































































Tempi commutazione stella-triangolo / Temps de commutation étoile/triangle / Star-delta switch-over times / Umschaltzeiten Stern-Dreieck / Ster-driehoek schakeltijden / Tiempos de conmutación estrella-triángulo / Omkopplingstider stjärna/triangel / / Yildiz-üçgen komütasyon süreleri / Casy komutácie hviezda-trojuholník / / Timpi de comutare stea-triunghi / Czas komutacji gwiazda-trójktCsillag-delta átkapcsolási id / – /



( kW )

( Hp )



< 3″



< 5”

Collegamento TRIFASE per motori / Connexion TRIPHASÉE pour moteurs / THREE- PHASE motor connection / DREIPHASEN-Anschluss für Motoren / DRIEFASE aansluiting voor motoren / Conexión trifásica para motores / TREFASANSLUTNING för motorer / / Motorlar için TRFAZ balanti / TROJFÁZOVÉ zapojenie motorov / / Racordare TRIFAZAT pentru motoare / Polczenie TRÓJFAZOWE dla silników / Motorok háromfázisú bekötése

/ 3- / ‘


3 ~ 230/400 V

3 ~ 400 V

W2 U2





W2 U2 V2


V1 W1

W2 U2





230V U1
V1 W1

400V U1
V1 W1

V1 W1


Grafico 1 : Pressione Barometrica (pb) / Graphique 1 : Pression Barométrique (pb) / Chart 1 : Barometric Pressure (pb) / Grafik 1 : Barometrischer Druck (pb) / Grafiek 1 : Barometerdruk (pb) / Gráfico 1 : Presión Barométrica (pb) / Diagram 1: Barometertryck (pb) / 1 : (pb) / Grafik 1 : Barometrik basinç (pb) / Graf 1 : Barometrický tlak (pb) / 1 : (pb) / Graficul 1 : Presiune Barometric (pb) / Rysunek 1 : Cinienie barometryczne (pb) / (Pb) / 1.grafikon : Barometrikus nyomás (pb) / 1 : (pb) / 1 : (pb)


( mCA )










( m )

Grafico 2: Tensione di vapore (pV) / Graphique 2 : Pression de vapeur (pV) / Chart 2 : Vapour Tension (pV) / Grafik 2 : Dampfspannung (pV) / Grafiek 2 : Dampspanning (pV) / Gráfico 2 : Tensión de vapor (pV) / Diagram 2: Ångspänning (pV) / 2 : (pV) / Grafik 2 : Buhar gerilimi (pV) / Graf 2 : Tenzia pary (pV) / 2 : (pV) / Graficul 2 : Tensiune de abur (pV) / Rysunek 2 : Prno pary (pV) / (Pv) 2.grafikon : Gzfeszültség (pV) / 2 : (pV) / 2 : (pV)

( m )

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52





























130 28,744





Pb _ (Pb-Pv) Y4° Yt
Pb e Pv in mCA

( °C )

Modello / Modèle / Model Modell / Model
Modelo / Modell / Model / Model // Modell / /
NKV 1/2 – NKVE 1/2 NKV 1/3 – NKVE 1/3 NKV 1/4 – NKVE 1/4 NKV 1/5 – NKVE 1/5 NKV 1/6 – NKVE 1/6 NKV 1/7 – NKVE 1/7 NKV 1/8 – NKVE 1/8 NKV 1/9 – NKVE 1/9 NKV 1/10 – NKVE 1/10 NKV 1/11 – NKVE 1/11 NKV 1/12 – NKVE 1/12 NKV 1/13 – NKVE 1/13 NKV 1/14 – NKVE 1/14 NKV 1/15 – NKVE 1/15 NKV 1/17 – NKVE 1/17 NKV 1/19 – NKVE 1/19 NKV 1/22 – NKVE 1/22 NKV 1/23 – NKVE 1/23 NKV 1/25 – NKVE 1/25 NKV 1/27 – NKVE 1/27 NKV 1/30 – NKVE 1/30 NKV 1/32 – NKVE 1/32 NKV 1/34 – NKVE 1/34 NKV 1/37 – NKVE 1/37

Prevalenza / Hauteur d’élévation / Head up / Förderhöhe / Overwicht / Prevalencia / Maximal pumphöjd / Manometrik yükseklik / / Prno pary (pV) / /Emelési
magasság / /

Hmax (m.) 2 poles 50 Hz
14,5 21,5 28 35 41,5 48 55 61,5 68 74,5 83 89,5 96 102,5 118 131 150,5 160,5 174 187 206,5 224,5 238 258

Hmax (m.) 2 poles 60 Hz
19,5 29 38,5 49 58 70,5 80 91 101 110,5 120 132 141,5 151,5 173 193 222,5 256 –

NKV 3/2 – NKVE 3/2 NKV 3/3 – NKVE 3/3 NKV 3/4 – NKVE 3/4 NKV 3/5 – NKVE 3/5 NKV 3/6 – NKVE 3/6 NKV 3/7 – NKVE 3/7 NKV 3/8 – NKVE 3/8 NKV 3/9 – NKVE 3/9 NKV 3/10 – NKVE 3/10 NKV 3/11 – NKVE 3/11 NKV 3/12 – NKVE 3/12 NKV 3/13 – NKVE 3/13 NKV 3/14 – NKVE 3/14 NKV 3/15 – NKVE 3/15 NKV 3/16 – NKVE 3/16 NKV 3/17 – NKVE 3/17 NKV 3/18 – NKVE 3/18 NKV 3/19 – NKVE 3/19 NKV 3/21 – NKVE 3/21

15 22,5 30 37,5 44,5 52,5 59,5 67 75 82,5 89,5 96,5 105,5 112,5 120 127 136,5 144 158,5

21 32 42 54 65,5 76 87,5 98,5 109 121 131,5 142,5 153 165,5 176,5 187,5 198 209 232

Modello / Modèle / Model Modell / Model
Modelo / Modell / Model

Prevalenza / Hauteur d’élévation / Head up / Förderhöhe / Overwicht / Prevalencia / Maximal pumphöjd / Manometrik yükseklik / / Prno pary (pV) / /Emelési
magasság / /

/ Model // Modell /


Hmax (m.) 2 poles

Hmax (m.) 2 poles

50 Hz

60 Hz

NKV 3/23 – NKVE 3/23



NKV 3/25 – NKVE 3/25


NKV 3/27 – NKVE 3/27


NKV 3/29 – NKVE 3/29


NKV 3/31 – NKVE 3/31


NKV 3/33 – NKVE 3/33


NKV 6/2 – NKVE 6/2 NKV 6/3 – NKVE 6/3 NKV 6/4 – NKVE 6/4 NKV 6/5 – NKVE 6/5 NKV 6/6 – NKVE 6/6 NKV 6/7 – NKVE 6/7 NKV 6/8 – NKVE 6/8 NKV 6/9 – NKVE 6/9 NKV 6/10 – NKVE 6/10 NKV 6/11 – NKVE 6/11 NKV 6/12 – NKVE 6/12 NKV 6/13 – NKVE 6/13 NKV 6/14 – NKVE 6/14 NKV 6/15 – NKVE 6/15 NKV 6/16 – NKVE 6/16 NKV 6/17 – NKVE 6/17 NKV 6/18 – NKVE 6/18 NKV 6/19 – NKVE 6/19 NKV 6/20 – NKVE 6/20 NKV 6/21 – NKVE 6/21 NKV 6/23 – NKVE 6/23 NKV 6/25 – NKVE 6/25 NKV 6/28 – NKVE 6/28 NKV 6/30 – NKVE 6/30 NKV 6/33 – NKVE 6/33 NKV 6/36 – NKVE 6/36

15 22,5 29,5 37,5 44,5 52,5 59,5 67 75 82,5 89,5 97 105,5 113 120,5 127,5 135 142 152 159 174 189 214 229 251,5 275

21,5 32,5 43,5 54 65,5 76 87,5 98 109 121 132 142,5 154 165,5 176,5 187,5 198,5 210,5 221,5 232 254

NKV 10/2 – NKVE 10/2 NKV 10/3 – NKVE 10/3 NKV 10/4 – NKVE 10/4 NKV 10/5 – NKVE 10/5 NKV 10/6 – NKVE 10/6 NKV 10/7 – NKVE 10/7 NKV 10/8 – NKVE 10/8 NKV 10/9 – NKVE 10/9 NKV 10/10 – NKVE 10/10

20 30 40 49,5 60,5 70 81 91 102,5

28,5 43,5 57,5 72,5 87,5 102 117 131,5 146,5


Modello / Modèle / Model Modell / Model
Modelo / Modell / Model

Prevalenza / Hauteur d’élévation / Head up / Förderhöhe / Overwicht / Prevalencia Maximal pumphöjd / Manometrik yükseklik / / Prno pary (pV) / /Emelési
magasság / /

/ Model // Modell /


Hmax (m.) 2 poles

Hmax (m.) 2 poles

50 Hz

60 Hz

NKV 10/11 – NKVE 10/11 NKV 10/12 – NKVE 10/12 NKV 10/13 – NKVE 10/13 NKV 10/15 – NKVE 10/15 NKV 10/17 – NKVE 10/17 NKV 10/19 – NKVE 10/19 NKV 10/21 – NKVE 10/21 NKV 10/23 – NKVE 10/23 NKV 10/24 – NKVE 10/24

112,5 122,5 132 153 172,5 194,5 214,5 234 248,5

161 175 189,5 220 249

NKV 15/1 – NKVE 15/1 NKV 15/2 – NKVE 15/2 NKV 15/3 – NKVE 15/3 NKV 15/4 – NKVE 15/4 NKV 15/5 – NKVE 15/5 NKV 15/6 – NKVE 15/6 NKV 15/7 – NKVE 15/7 NKV 15/8 – NKVE 15/8 NKV 15/9 – NKVE 15/9 NKV 15/10 – NKVE 15/10 NKV 15/11 – NKVE 15/11 NKV 15/12 – NKVE 15/12 NKV 15/13 – NKVE 15/13 NKV 15/14 – NKVE 15/14 NKV 15/15 – NKVE 15/15 NKV 15/16 – NKVE 15/16 NKV 15/17 – NKVE 15/17

14,5 29 43,5 58 72,5 87,5 102 117 131,5 147,5 162 176,5 191 205,5 221 235,5 249,5

21 42 63,5 84,5 106 128 149 170 191,5 212,5 233,5 255 –

NKV 20/1 – NKVE 20/1 NKV 20/2 – NKVE 20/2 NKV 20/3 – NKVE 20/3 NKV 20/4 – NKVE 20/4 NKV 20/5 – NKVE 20/5 NKV 20/6 – NKVE 20/6 NKV 20/7 – NKVE 20/7 NKV 20/8 – NKVE 20/8 NKV 20/9 – NKVE 20/9 NKV 20/10 – NKVE 20/10 NKV 20/11 – NKVE 20/11 NKV 20/12 – NKVE 20/12 NKV 20/13 – NKVE 20/13 NKV 20/14 – NKVE 20/14 NKV 20/15

15,5 31 46,5 62,5 78 94,5 110 126,5 142,5 158 174 189,5 205 220,5 237

22,5 45,5 68 91 114,5 137,5 160 182,5 206 228,5

Modello / Modèle / Model Modell / Model
Modelo / Modell / Model

Prevalenza / Hauteur d’élévation / Head up / Förderhöhe / Overwicht / Prevalencia Maximal pumphöjd / Manometrik yükseklik / / Prno pary (pV) / /Emelési
magasság / /

/ Model // Modell /


Hmax (m.) 2 poles

Hmax (m.) 2 poles

50 Hz

60 Hz

NKV 20/16


NKV 20/17


NKV 20/16


NKV 20/17


NKV 32/2-2 – NKVE 32/2-2 NKV 32/2 – NKVE 32/2 NKV 32/3-2 – NKVE 32/3-2 NKV 32/3 – NKVE 32/3 NKV 32/4-2 – NKVE 32/4-2 NKV 32/4 – NKVE 32/4 NKV 32/5-2 – NKVE 32/5-2 NKV 32/5 – NKVE 32/5 NKV 32/6-2 – NKVE 32/6-2 NKV 32/6 – NKVE 32/6 NKV 32/7-2 – NKVE 32/7-2 NKV 32/7 NKV 32/8-2 NKV 32/8 NKV 32/9-2 NKV 32/9 NKV 32/10-2 NKV 32/10 NKV 32/11-2 NKV 32/11 NKV 32/12-2 NKV 32/12 NKV 32/13-2 NKV 32/13

36 48,5 60 73 84,5 98 109,5 122,5 134 146,5 158 171 182,5 194,5 208,5 221 233 246,5 258 271 282,5 295 307 319,5

52 71 88 106 123 141 158 176 193 213 230,5 248,5 265,5 284 –

NKV 45/2-2 – NKVE 45/2-2 NKV 45/2 – NKVE 45/2 NKV 45/3-2 – NKVE 45/3-2 NKV 45/3 – NKVE 45/3 NKV 45/4-2 – NKVE 45/4-2 NKV 45/4 – NKVE 45/4 NKV 45/5-2 NKV 45/5 NKV 45/6-2 NKV 45/6 NKV 45/7-2 NKV 45/7 NKV 45/8-2

38,5 48,5 63 73,5 87,5 97,5 112 122 137,5 147,5 162,5 172,5 187

56 70,5 91,5 106 126 142,5 163 178 198,5 213 234 249

Modello / Modèle / Model Modell / Model
Modelo / Modell / Model

Prevalenza / Hauteur d’élévation / Head up / Förderhöhe / Overwicht / Prevalencia Maximal pumphöjd / Manometrik yükseklik / / Prno pary (pV) / /Emelési
magasság / /

/ Model // Modell

/ /

Hmax (m.) 2 poles

Hmax (m.) 2 poles

50 Hz

60 Hz

NKV 45/8


NKV 45/9-2


NKV 45/9


NKV 45/10-2


NKV 45/10


NKV 45/11-2


NKV 45/11


NKV 45/12-2


NKV 45/12


NKV 45/13-2


NKV 65/2-2 – NKVE 65/2-2 NKV 65/2 – NKVE 65/2 NKV 65/3-2 – NKVE 65/3-2 NKV 65/3 – NKVE 65/3 NKV 65/4-2 NKV 65/4 NKV 65/5-2 NKV 65/5 NKV 65/6-2 NKV 65/6 NKV 65/7-2 NKV 65/7 NKV 65/8-2 NKV 65/8

39 56,5 67,5 84,5 95,5 113,5 125 142 153 170 181,5 199 210 227

57 81,5 97 123 139,5 164,5 180,5

NKV 95/2-2 – NKVE 95/2-2 NKV 95/2 – NKVE 95/2 NKV 95/3-2 NKV 95/3 NKV 95/4-2 NKV 95/4 NKV 95/5-2 NKV 95/5 NKV 95/6-2 NKV 95/6

44,5 62 75,5 93,5 108 125,5 139 156 170,5 188

64,5 90,5 110,5 136 155,5


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