Ex Libris UTIL Menu User Guide

July 26, 2024

UTIL Menu Guide
March 2024


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This section includes:

  • Purpose of this Document on page 5
  • Running the UTIL Menu on page 5

Purpose of this Document
This document describes the utilities that can be run as the voyager user via the UTIL Menu. The UTIL Menu is a menu driven interface for commonly used tasks and processes that were previously performed manually by system administrators, systems librarians, and Ex Libris Customer Support.
Running the UTIL Menu
To run this utility, log on to Voyager or the database server as the voyager user.
The UTIL Menu requires command line access to your server using a client such as PuTTy. Ensure that /m1/utility/util is defined in the environment PATH variable.
Using dlib
When using the dlib command prior to running the UTIL, you are not prompted later to select a database. UTIL automatically selects the database you used for the dlib command.
su – voyager
dlib exldb

If you need to use UTIL for a different database, exit the UTIL menu and type: dlib xxxdb to source a different database.

Without Using dlib
If you do not use the dlib command prior to running the UTIL, you are prompted to select which database you want to be the working database.

If you need to use UTIL for a different database, press to exit the UTIL menu and return to the Select Voyager Database menu. Select the database in which you want to work.

UTIL Menu Main Screen
After you log on to the UTIL Menu, the Main menu appears:

Select an option from the list to run a utility for that type of utility. The following types of utilities are available:

  • UTIL HF – Voyager Hot Fix Utilities on page 9
  • UTIL I – Index Maintenance on page 11
  • UTIL O – Oracle Management on page 15
  • UTIL S – OS Maintenance Activities on page 19
  • UTIL SP – Voyager Service Pack Utilities on page 21
  • UTIL W – WebVoyáge Utilities on page 23

UTIL HF – Voyager Hot Fix Utilities

This section includes:

  • UTIL HF/D – Download the Latest Voyager Hot Fix on page 9
  • UTIL HF/G – Verify Downloaded Voyager Hot Fixes on page 9
  • UTIL HF/I – Apply Voyager Hot Fix to Database on page 10

Select HF from the Main menu to perform Voyager hot fix tasks. The following menu appears:

Select an option from the Voyager Hot Fix Utilities menu.

UTIL HF/D – Download the Latest Voyager Hot Fix
This utility downloads the latest hot fix available for installation. If there are no hot fixes curhot fixrently available, no action occurs.
UTIL HF/G – Verify Downloaded Voyager Hot Fixes
This utility verifies that the hot fix has been downloaded successfully.

UTIL HF/I – Apply Voyager Hot Fix to Database
This utility applies the Voyager hot fix to the selected database. For complete instructions on how to apply a hot fix, see the README displayed as the initial screen of the hot fix version you are applying. The hot fix README describes what bugs the hot fix resolves, special instructions, and any regens that are necessary.

UTIL I – Index Maintenance

This section includes:

  • UTIL I/C – Check Index Regeneration Logs for Database on page 12
  • UTIL I/I – Keyword Info on page 12
  • UTIL I/K – Regenerate Keyword Files for Database on page 12
  • UTIL I/M – Monitor Regen Progress for Database on page 14
  • UTIL I/T – Clean the Cache Tables on page 14

Select I from the Main menu to perform index maintenance tasks. The following menu appears:

The tasks in this section are related to regenerating the keyword data files for the Voyager database.
Periodically, you may want to regenerate the external keyword data files for bibliographic data in order to improve keyword performance. Performing a regen also clears keyword search results display discrepancies in both the Web OPAC and the Voyager clients.
Select an option from the Index Maintenance menu to run a utility.

For information regarding the following tasks, please contact Voyager Support:

  • UTIL I/J – Run CTX Jobs for Database
  • UTIL I/T – Clean the Database Cache Tables

UTIL I/C – Check Index Regeneration Logs for Database
This utility checks the log files for known errors and issues of previous regens.

The warning Bib convert warning = bibid = means that this record was never successfully converted to Unicode compliance during or after the upgrade to the Voyager with Unicode release. To fix this warning, send the bibliographic record IDs to the cataloging staff to correct the characters so that they are Unicode compliant.

UTIL I/I – Keyword Info
This utility reports the current keyword information such as file sizes, when the last regen was performed, and if it is recommended to run a regen.

UTIL I/K – Regenerate Keyword Files for Database

This utility runs a keyword regen on a selected database. If the regen is running and your session is disconnected, the regen continues to run in the background on the server. If you want the keyword regen to run overnight, ensure that the
scheduled server reboots and backups are disabled. These processes disrupt your regens and may result in searches working inconsistently.
The utility asks if you want to receive an e-mail when the regen is complete.
This option is available if your server is configured to send e-mail. If you type No, the index regen still runs but you are not notified via e-mail when it completes. If you type No for any of the other options, you are returned to the Index Maintenance menu.

If you choose to monitor the progress of your regen, press Ctrl + C if you want to exit while the regen is still in progress. When you exit monitoring, you exit the UTIL menu and return to your SSH session.

UTIL I/M – Monitor Regen Progress for Database
While the regen is running, you can view the ongoing status of the regen. Note that a lot of information appears on the screen while you are monitoring the main regen log. Press Ctrl + C to exit the monitoring of the log. This does not
disrupt the regen. You can view the completed log in /m1/voyager/utility/


UTIL I/T – Clean the Cache Tables
Under some circumstances, the OPAC cache tables cache_segs and cache_maps may fall out of synchronization. This is typically due to circumstances where there are many simultaneous cataloging events or many simultaneous bulk imports using the -M flag. When these tables are out of sync, limit searches such as left-anchored or keyword journal title searches may not retrieve all results. Please open a ticket with Voyager support if you encounter these circumstances. This step will truncate the cache tables forcing Voyager to rebuild them. This may lead to short term performance and search problems, but it should resolve the issue.

UTIL O – Oracle Management

This section includes:

  • UTIL O/A – Add an Oracle Datafile for a Database on page 15
  • UTIL O/D – DB Compare on page 17
  • UTIL O/U – Oracle Tablespace Statistics on page 18

Select O from the Main menu to perform Oracle management tasks. The following menu appears:

This section manages Oracle datafiles, compares Voyager schema to a known valid schema, and checks Oracle for invalid objects and indexes. It also reports on Oracle statistics.
Select an option from the Oracle Management menu.
UTIL O/A – Add an Oracle Datafile for a Database
An Oracle datafile is a physical file on the operating system that stores the data found in an Oracle tablespace. Datafiles are critical to the operation of the Oracle application and the storing of the data Voyager uses.
If the tablespace for the Voyager database requires additional space in the Oracle tablespace, run this utility to add an additional Oracle datafile. You are required to log on as the Oracle administrator to perform this task.

The Oracle administrative user needed is an Oracle database user and not the Oracle user for logging into the operating system. The default user is system. Open a case with Support using Salesforce if you do not know the password for this user. Another user with DBA privileges can also be used.

UTIL O/C – Check the Oracle Tablespace

This utility will check the Oracle Tablespace for your Voyager database. If it finds that your tablespace is more than 80% utilized, it adds an additional datafile for this tablespace. You are required to log on as the Oracle administrator to perform this task.

Prior to running this step you will want to ensure that you have enough disk space free for the new datafile to grow to its max size of 4 GB.
The Oracle administrative user needed is an Oracle database user and not the Oracle user for logging into the operating system. The default user is system. Open a case with Support using Salesforce if you do not know the password for this user. Another user with DBA privileges can also be used.

UTIL O/D – DB Compare

This utility compares the objects in your Voyager database schema to a known working schema. It can be used to see if all objects exist in your schema. It does not check to see if objects are valid or if there are any invalid objects.
NOTE : When reviewing the dbcompare log, you may find extra indexes and missing indexes. This is normal and is the result of the way that the reference database is compared to your database schema.
The following is an example of the output. The extra and missing indexes listed are a normal result of the database comparison. If you are not sure whether you have the expected output, open an incident with Support via eService. When the database compare output completes, type Q to return to the Oracle Management menu.
UTIL O/I – Check Database for Invalid Objects and Indexes
This utility checks to ensure that all objects for the schema are valid.

UTIL O/U – Oracle Tablespace Statistics
This utility produces a report of names, as well as the amount of total, used, and free memory in the Oracle instance. You are required to log on as the Oracle administrator to perform this task.
NOTE: The Oracle administrative user needed is an Oracle database user and not the Oracle user for logging into the operating system. The default user is system. Open a case with Support using Salesforce if you do not know the password for this user. Another user with DBA privileges can also be used.

UTIL S – OS Maintenance Activities

This section includes:

  • UTIL S/A – System Review on page 19

Select S from the Main menu to perform OS maintenance tasks. The following menu appears:

UTIL S/A – System Review
This utility provides basic information on your Voyager environment such as the IP, Hostname, Port Series of the Voyager database, and extension modules.
If it is an application or database server it reports on the number of Bibliographic, MFHD, and authority records.

UTIL SP – Voyager Service Pack Utilities

This section includes:

  • UTIL SP/D – Download the Latest Voyager Service Pack on page 21
  • UTIL SP/G – Verify Downloaded Voyager Service Packs on page 21
  • UTIL SP/I – Apply Voyager Service Pack to Database on page 22

Select SP from the Main menu to perform Voyager service pack tasks. The following menu appears:

Select an option from the Voyager Service Pack Utilities menu.

UTIL SP/D – Download the Latest Voyager Service Pack

This utility downloads the latest service pack available for installation. If there are no service packs currently available, no action occurs.
UTIL SP/G – Verify Downloaded Voyager Service Packs
This utility verifies that the service pack has been downloaded successfully.
UTIL SP/I – Apply Voyager Service Pack to Database
This utility applies the Voyager service pack to the selected database. For complete instructions on how to apply a service pack, see the Voyager Service Pack Installation Guide for the service pack version you are applying, available on the Documentation Center. The service pack documentation provides detailed instructions for applying the service pack, including any special instructions and regens that may be necessary.

UTIL W – WebVoyáge Utilities

This section includes:

  • UTIL W/A – Check Apache Syntax on page 23
  • UTIL W/C – Create a New Skin on page 24
  • UTIL W/M – Migrate webvoyage.properties to VXWS on page 24
  • UTIL W/T – Restart Tomcat Services on page 24

Select W from the Main menu to perform WebVoyáge utilities tasks. The following menu appears:

Select an option from the WebVoyáge Utilities menu.
UTIL W/A – Check Apache Syntax

This utility runs a basic apache check. If you make any changes to Apache, run this utility to confirm that there are no errors in the Apache syntax. This ensures that Apache successfully restarts after the next server reboot or Apache restart.

UTIL W/C – Create a New Skin
This utility creates a new skin for the selected database.

UTIL W/M – Migrate webvoyage.properties to VXWS

If you are currently using the OPAC via Primo functionality and want to migrate all of your current OPAC configurations from WebVoyáge to OPAC via Primo, run this utility to generate a new vxws.properties file with customizations extracted from the vwebv.properties file. Ensure that you have successfully backed up your original vxws.properties file before running this utility.

Enter the hostname / fully qualified domain name or IP of Tomcat WebVoyáge for this database and the port of your Tomcat WebVoyáge. This information is necessary for populating values in the vxws.properties file.

UTIL W/T – Restart Tomcat Services
Run this utility to restart the OPAC and/or Tomcat services. This utility affects the following tomcat services for the selected voyager databases: vwebv, vxws, vpds, vprimo, vprimo01, PSR, and smsproxy. Note that your OPAC and other tomcat services are temporarily not available until the tomcat services are ready and accept connections. If after stopping or starting tomcat WARNING is displayed instead of OK, perform the following steps on the voyager server:

  1. Type the following:
  2. If no processes exist, manually restart the OPAC:
  3. Check the logs for any problems:

If you are unsure on how to proceed, open a Support Incident via eService.

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