Clock Brocksford CS5 Sudbury CF 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove Owner’s Manual

July 21, 2024

Clock Brocksford CS5 Sudbury CF 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove Owner's Manual

Health and Safety Notice
This appliance could contain some materials that could be interpreted as being injurious to health and safety. It is the users and installers responsibility to ensure that the necessary personal protective clothing is worn when handling materials such as: Artificial Fuels, Mineral Wool, Insulation Material, Refractory/Ceramic Fibres, Glass Yarn. These may be harmful if inhaled, and may be irritating to skin, eyes, nose and throat. When handling avoid inhaling and contact with skin or eyes. Use disposable gloves, face masks and eye protection. After handling wash hands and other exposed parts. If a vacuum is used for cleaning the logs or cleaning after servicing / installation, we recommend that it is fitted with a HEPA filter.

Disposal of refractory/ceramic materials
To keep dust to a minimum these materials should be securely wrapped in polythene and be clearly labelled RCF waste’. These materials are not classified ashazardous waste’ and should be disposed of at a site licensed for the disposal of industrial waste.

When unpacking the appliance please check that the following items are included: · 5-piece log fuel bed, vermiculite, and bark chips · Closure plate · Owner manual

User Information

The Clock Sudbury CF gas stove has been designed and tested for use in Great Britain. As manufacturers and suppliers of heating products, we take every reasonably practicable care that these products are designed and constructed to meet general safety requirements when properly used and installed. Our products are thoroughly tested and examined before despatch.
Any alteration that is not approved by the appliance manufacturer could invalidate the approval of the appliance, operation of the warranty and could affect your statutory rights.

This appliance must be installed by a suitably qualified installer , i.e. Gas Safe registered, in  accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation And Use) Regulations, The Building Regulations (or The  Building Regulations (Scotland) or The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland)) and the current I.E.E.  Wiring Regulations, if appropriate. Failure to install the appliance correctly could lead to prosecution.

  • The Clock Sudbury CF gas stove incorporates a single gas control, which selects ignition pilot, and  main burner low and high settings.  
  • The Clock Sudbury CF gas stove incorporates a safety device in the form of an TTB System, which  constantly monitors carbon monoxide if it goes into the room and will cause the fire to switch off if  the CO level increases, for instance due to insufficient ventilation or a blocked flue. If this regularly  occurs do not attempt to relight the appliance until a qualified engineer has checked it; the problem  may not be due to lack of air or a defective flue.
Important Information
  • For clearance distances to combustible and non-combustible materials see page 10 of this booklet.
  • The appliance is for use on Natural Gas (G20 @ 20mbar) only. 
  • The chimney or flue (unless new or previously used with a gas appliance) shall be swept before  installation if it has been used for solid fuel. 
  • The stove MUST NOT be used with the glass safety screen removed or if it is damaged or cracked.
  • The fire must never be operated with the door open. 
  • During initial firing, an odour may be evident. This is the starch binder used during the manufacture  of the fibre components of the fire, and there are no harmful effects produced.
  •  During the normal operation of the fire some dulling and slight discolouration may appear inside  the firebox and on some parts of the fuel bed. This is quite normal and adds to the realistic  appearance of the appliance. However, if excessive black staining does occur it may be due to the  fuel bed being incorrectly laid. This should be checked prior to contacting a service engineer.
  •  Like all appliances incorporating an aerated burner a low frequency noise may be heard,  particularly on the low setting. This is quite normal and does not affect the operation of the stove.
  • Care must be taken to prevent any damage to surrounding soft furnishing or decoration. Many embossed vinyl wall coverings may become discoloured if placed too close to the appliance. Combustible materials, such as wall panelling or wallpaper, must be removed from behind the fire.
  •  It is advised that this stove is serviced annually as it is more likely to provide trouble-free operation.
  •  The only user removable parts are the refractory fire bed components and the glass door panel.

The efficiency of this appliance has been measured as specified in BS EN 613:2001 and the result is 78%. The gross calorific value of the fuel has been used for this efficiency calculation. Intertek have certified the test data from which it has been calculated. The efficiency value may be used in the UK Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) for energy rating of dwellings.

General operation of remote-control handset

Operating the Appliance

The full lighting procedure for slide control:

  1. The Gas Control knob protrudes through the bottom front of the stove.  

  2. Push knob in as far as possible on gas control, until a click is heard.
    The knob will stop at the position and a spark should be seen at the tip of the ignition probe. At the same time the pilot flame should light.
    Should the pilot fail to light, wait three minutes before repeating the procedure.

  3. After lighting the pilot flame, the control knob should be allowed to spring out slightly. When the pilot light is established, withdraw the shaft from the body to minimum flow position.

  4. Flow then may be adjusted up to the full flow position.

  5. To turn the fire off, the knob is pulled out further from the HIGH position against a spring load  position to the off position to close the thermos-electric valve. 

Important Information ****

  • If the fire goes out for any reason, or it is turned off and is to be turned on again, it is necessary to  wait three minutes before attempting to re-light.  
  • The spillage monitoring system will operate if the flue does not work or becomes blocked. 
  • If the fire repeatedly goes out during use, this may be due to lack of ventilation or a blocked flue.  Expert advice should be obtained.  
  • Do not use the fire with the glass safety screen removed, or if the glass is cracked.
  • The Allen bolt must be removed from the right-hand side of the stove before attempting to open  the door, to avoid damage to the handle mechanism. 

For more information, please visit the Clock Woodburners YouTube page.

Log Fuel Bed Layout

String wire wool out over the base of the burner and then place logs as shown in the pictures below.


Before you clean any part of the stove ensure that the appliance is turned off and cold.
Black Painted Surfaces
These surfaces should be dusted regularly, and any marks removed with a soft cloth. Abrasive, chemical cleaner or water should never be used.

Pilot Assembly
In some instances, you may experience ignition problems even when the appliance is new. This may be due to the aeration hole in the pilot body (see diagram) being partially blocked with carpet fibres, decorating dust, pet hairs or other foreign matter.
The pilot is located on the right-hand side of the appliance. To gain access to the pilot, remove the Gas Control knob by loosening the screws, remove the Allen bolt on the door handle and open the door. The log fuel bed will need to be removed for access around the pilot.

The pilot is located on the right-hand side of the appliance. To gain  access to the pilot, remove the Gas Control knob by loosening the  screws, remove the Allen bolt on the door handle and open the door.

The log fuel bed will need to be removed for access around the pilot.

Take care when cleaning in this area so as not to damage the pilot assembly. Any debris in or around the aeration hole can usually be drawn out using the nozzle of a vacuum  cleaner around the top of the pilot assembly. It is advisable not to blow the debris into the hole or  pilot assembly as this may cause more of a restriction and not rectify the problem.

Glass Cleaning

We recommend 00 grade wire wool to clean the glass.

To access the inside of the glass, remove the Allen bolt on the door handle and open the door. When finished, close the door, insert the Allen bolt and tighten back up.

The appliance must not be used if the glass panel is missing or damaged.

The glass may discolour quickly when first installed, and it should be cleaned. This is due to the  burning off process of the refractory shapes.

Fuel Bed Cleaning

Use only the fuel bed components provided and no additional parts must be added. Incorrect positioning of the components could result in the staining of the glass panel. The components are delicate, and they should be handled with great care.

The loose log shapes may be removed for cleaning.

They can be brushed very gently with a soft brush to remove dust or any deposits. A vacuum cleaner may only be used after the loose log shapes and vermiculite have been removed.

Care should be taken to avoid damage to the log shapes as they are a delicate surface and should  not be wiped or rubbed.

Refer to the ‘Health & Safety Notice’ on page 2 before cleaning or replacing any refractory material.

Regulations and Warnings

  • This appliance must only be installed in Great Britain.
  • The appliance is suitable for use on Natural Gas (G20 @ 20mbar) only.
  • In Great Britain the fire does not normally require purpose-built ventilation, but if for any reason such ventilation is provided it should be checked periodically to ensure freedom from obstructions.

It is the law that all gas appliances must be installed by a competent person, i.e. a GAS SAFE registered installer, in accordance with the current Gas Safety (Installation And Use) Regulations (as amended), all relevant parts of the local and national building regulations and all relevant recommendations of the following British Standards. Failure to do so could lead to prosecution.

The following are relevant codes of practice and British Standards:
BS 5871 BS 5440 (part 1 & part 2) BS 6891

This appliance must be installed to current versions of the above standards and include any relevant  amendments to: The Building Regulations, issued by the Department of the Environment; or The  Building Standards (Scotland) (Consolidated) Regulations, issued by the Scottish Development Office.

  • Prior to the installation ensure that the local distribution conditions (identification of type of gas  and pressure) and adjustment of the appliance are compatible. Natural gas (G20 @ 20mbr). 


  • The glass front of the fire acts as a dress guard, conforming to BS 1945 (1971) and satisfies the  heating appliance regulations (1991). However, a guard conforming to BS 6539 (1984) must be used  to protect young children, the elderly or infirm.  
  •  A non-combustible hearth must be provided beneath the appliance to comply with the building  regulations, or a suitable proprietary fire surround with a 150°C minimum rating. The hearth must be  level and extend outwards all around the appliance base. It must have a minimum thickness of  12mm and have a clearly defined edge (change of level) to discourage placing of any combustible  materials on or partially over it. 
  • Dampers or register plates must not restrict any of the above flues. The flue must only service a  single appliance and not have any branches or traps, which may impede the natural draught. If a  terminal is fitted it must be suitable for the purpose.
  • Any debris from the chimney or flue should be removed. Make sure the fire has cooled beforehand.

Appliance Data

Distance to materials

It is strongly recommended that any furniture or other combustible materials are kept at least 900mm clear from the front of the stove. Due to the fact that combustible shelves, timber fireplaces and beams have potentially thousands of possible configurations in conjunction with stoves outset or inserted partially or fully into chambers, it is not possible to give firm guidance on dimensions to these features. As a guideline, materials that are in line of sight’ to the stove are more likely to overheat due to direct radiation from the stove body than materials that are not inline of sight’ (e.g. with stove fully inside a chamber). Materials above the stove are more likely to overheat than materials alongside or below. A guideline limiting temperature for solid timber (not surface finishes) is approximately 80-85C with a normal ambient room temperature. Temperatures of combustible materials can be substantially lowered with a simple heat shield constructed of a non- combustible material and small air gap between the shield and combustible material.

Clearance to Shelf

Minimum clearance from hearth to underside of combustible shelf should be 900mm.

Clearance to Sides of Fire

Minimum width between vertical sides of combustible surround and the sides of the stove should  not be less than 300mm, provided the fire is central to the surround and the sides do not project  more than 50mm. When vertical side forward projection is increased by 12.5 mm, add 50 mm to the  inside width of the surround.

Distances from non-combustible materials

  • The stove can be recessed in a suitably sized non-combustible fireplace, but a permanent free air  gap of at least 50mm must be left around the sides and top and at least 50mm at the back of the  stove to obtain reasonable heat output. This is also needed for access to the stove for removal and  maintenance. A clearance of 150mm will give a better heat output.
  • When installing the Clock Sudbury CF gas stove, carefully consider where the appliance is to be  sited as a spillage test will need to be carried out at the draught diverter at the rear of the stove.
  •  When siting into an Inglenook, it is important to access the rear of the appliance, either from the  top or sides of the stove, so a spillage test can be witnessed. A small mirror may be required.
  •  A minimum of 50mm needs to be left between the rear of the stove and the closure plate or back  wall for correct operation of the stove. This will be attained when the two stand-off brackets are  attached at the bottom rear of stove.

To Install the Appliance


  • Check that the chimney conforms to the required specifications as previously stated. Examine the condition and carry out any remedial work including removing any debris from the base.
  •  The chimney or flue (unless new or previously used with a gas appliance) should be swept prior to the installation if it has been used for solid fuel. 
  • Prior to installing the appliance, a smoke test (using a smoke bomb) should be carried out to check that satisfactory smoke clearance has been established. 

If all the smoke is not drawn into the flue, pre-heat the flue with a blowtorch or similar and re-check.  If there is any uncertainty examine for the cause and, if necessary, seek expert advice.

No combustible material should be fitted inside the fireplace opening.


Use rigid or semi–rigid tube to connect the supply.

Determine the gas supply pipe route to the appliance before installing the stove.


The gas connection is underneath the stove towards the front on the right-hand side. The burner tray inlet pipe drops down through the stove and can be connected there. The gas supply pipe can be routed either from the sides or rear.

Checking Operation of Fire

CHECKING FOR COMBUSTION PRODUCTS CLEARANCE IMPORTANT: The smoke test must be carried out with the fire starting from cold.

  • Light the fire and leave at maximum input.
  • Close all the doors and windows.
  • After five minutes fit the smoke match in a holder and position as illustrated with the head of the match just inside the test opening.
  • Run the match along the bottom edge of the draught diverter. All smoke must be drawn into the test opening if the clearance is satisfactory.
  • If spillage occurs wait a further five minutes and repeat the test.
  • Repeat the test with doors open and with any extractor fans in other rooms in operation.
  • If spillage is detected the cause must be discovered and the fault corrected. If the fault cannot be corrected, disconnect the fire from the gas supply and seek expert advice. Spillage can be caused by a restriction in the flue system, down draught or insufficient ventilation into the room where the fire is installed.



  • To ensure the safe and correct operation of the appliance, servicing should be carried out annually  by a competent person such as a Gas Safe registered person in accordance with relevant regulations. 
  •  Before commencing any service or replacement of parts, turn off the gas supply to the fire. After servicing check for gas soundness. 
  • It is important to check the chimney or flue annually to ensure clearance of combustion products.
  •  At least once a year check for debris in the catchment area behind the fire and in the flue way.
  • If soot has accumulated check to establish cause. Rectify and clean flue or chimney accordingly. 


  • Turn off the gas supply by the isolating elbow.  
  • Remove the Gas Control knob by undoing the two screws on the rear, then undo the door handle  fixing Allen screw on left hand side and open door.  
  • Remove the fuel bed components and vermiculite.  
  • Undo the six tray retaining screws, lift the tray up and twist sideways to remove. 


  • Follow the burner tray removal sequence.  
  • Disconnect the thermocouple from the end of the valve. 
  • Disconnect the inlet pipe and injector pipe.  
  • Undo the locknut holding the valve on to the support bracket, then remove the valve.  • When replacing, take care not to over tighten the thermocouple in the end of the control valve. 


  • Follow the burner tray removal sequence. 
  • Undo the compression nut on the supply pipe. 
  • Unscrew the locking nut holding the injector on the chassis.  
  • Clean or replace the injector. Do not use a wire or a drill to clean out holes. Injectors are different sizes. Refer to the appliance data section on page 9 for details. 


It will be necessary to remove the stove to access this as it is located on the rear. Always ensure that  this part is brought from the manufacturer. To remove, disconnect wires, undo bolts and replace. Always make sure wires are reconnected before putting the stove back into place.


It may be necessary to remove the stove to gain access to the flue system.

  • Reverse the fitting instructions, but first remove log shapes, bark and vermiculite.
  •  Examine flue and rectify as necessary.  
  • Replace the stove, referring to fitting instructions. 


Check pilot aeration holes for linting; clear using a vacuum cleaner nozzle, taking care not to damage  the pilot head. See cleaning section on page 8 for instructions on how to access and clean the pilot.

Diagram of parts

Appliance Dimensions

The data badge is located on the plate attached to the rear of the stove.

Parts may vary or change due to development of products.
A serial number should always be supplied when ordering to make sure you receive the correct part.
For all your spares needs, please refer to
When ordering spare parts, please quote appliance name and serial number. These can be found on the data badge, located on the plate attached to the rear of the stove.

Installer Commissioning Check List

Installer Signature ……………………………………………
Customer Signature ……………………………………………
Notes on installation:

Annual Service Record

Warranty Information

In order to validate your EXTENDED SEVEN-YEAR PARTS WARRANTY, ensure your installer has filled in the appropriate checklist. This in no way reduces your statutory rights. Your warranty commences from the date of purchase, and you must retain your receipt or invoice as proof of a purchase date.

This extended warranty specifically excludes glass and soft refractory components and any batteries. The gas valve and control unit have a one-year warranty only.
Terms and Conditions

  1. The appliance must be installed by a Gas Safe registered person.
  2. The appliance must be used in accordance with the users’ instructions.
  3. The appliance must be serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered person.
  4. The annual service must be up to date and supported by receipts in each case.
  5. This warranty is not transferable and relates to the original installation only.
  6. The appliance has not been subjected to misuse or accident or been modified or repaired by any person other than the authorised employee or authorised representative of Archer Fires Ltd.
  7. The registration form must be submitted within one month of purchase.

To register your stove please visit our website:
We suggest you record the following details here and keep the receipt as proof of purchase. This information may be asked for when you contact the helpdesk. You must fill this in online as well, as this manual is for reference only. The serial number is on the data badge located on the rear of the stove. The retailer details, plus your installer’s information, is required to register for the extended warranty.

Documents / Resources

| CLOCK Clock Brocksford CS5 Sudbury CF 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove [pdf] Owner's Manual
Clock Brocksford CS5 Sudbury CF 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove, Clock Brocksford, CS5 Sudbury CF 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove, 5kw Freestanding Gas Stove, Freestanding Gas Stove, Gas Stove, Stove


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