Flex Innovations FP Series Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at Modelflight Instructions

July 10, 2024
Flex Innovations


The Aura 5 Lite Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS) takes your FP Series airplane to the next level! By adding the Aura 5 to your airplane, your airplane will fly “bigger” with even more stability and precision while eliminating advanced transmitter setup, and  have 3-Flight Modes expertely tuned by Jase “The Ace” Dussia, including Launch/Catch Flight Mode! The Aura 5 Lite can be purchased with the specific FP model config file preinstalled on the Aura 5 Lite directly from Flex Innovations.
Note, This addendum supercedes ALL radio settings mentioned in the FP Series airplane assembly manual if using the Aura 5 AFCS with your FP Series airplane.


  1. If you purchased your Aura 5 with a preinstalled config file, please proceed to Page 2.
  2. If you need to install the specifc FP model config file you can do so via the Aura Config Tool and the following steps:
  3. Open the Aura Config Tool.
  4. Connect the Aura 5 Lite to the device using the provided USB cable.
  5. Click connect on the Connect button on the lower right corner of the Aura Config Tool.
  6. Select “Convert Aura” from Aura Tools Tab.
  7. Select the desired Config file.
  8. Click Download and Convert Aura and follow any remaining prompts:

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Modelflight -Flex Innovations FP Series Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy
Indoor Planes at Modelflight - TRANSMITTER SETUP WARNING


The Aura 5 Lite AFCS is designed to work seamlessly with all major transmitter and receiver brands, however, trasnmitter setup is significantly different than when setting up the Ultimate FP without Aura. Follow these steps:

  1. Start with a new model memory in your transmitter. Reset it to be certain it is set to defaults.
  2. Adjust your transmitter settings according to the Transmitter Configuration Guide below.
  3. Make ONLY the changes shown in the Transmitter Configuration Guide. No other changes are required.
  4. Should you want to make any adjustments to the Aura Config File, Please use the Aura Config tool, which is free to download, and can be used on any Windows-based PC or Windows Tablet.
  5. Download at: www.flexinnovations.com/aura-config-tool-install/

| Spektrum, Futaba, JR 1 8g Graupner| FrSky| Jeti
Wing/Tail Type| 1 Aileron. 1 Elevator, 1 Rudder| 1 Aileron, 1 Elevator, 1 Rudder| 1 Aileron, 1 Elevator. 1 Rudder
End Points
(Travel Adjust
or ATV)| Ail/Ele/Rud 125%| Ail/Ele/Rud 100%| Ail/Ele/Rud 100%
Thro/Gear  100%| Thro/Gear  84%| Thro/Gear 80%
Reversing2| None Required2
Sub Trim| Verify at zero, NOT ALLOWED
Trim Levers| Verify at zero
CH. 5 (Goar) – Flight Mode| Assigned to a 3-position switch
CH. 6 (Aux 1) – Gyro On/Off| Assigned to a 2-position switch
Timer³| Set to 4:00 for initial flights

  1. JR Customers should use JR XBUS Mode A, and follow the chart above. This is the preferred JR DMSS connection to Aura.
  2. If you are using a Futaba trasnmitter, please note that some Futaba transmitters have the throttle set to reverse by default. We recommend that you leave the reversing set to the defaults and reverse it if needed after testing. NOTE, do all throttle testing with the prop removed!
  3. This time is a safe starting point for most pilots. This aircraft can fly between 4-5 minutes (with 2S 600mAh LiPo), depending on an individual’s flying style.

HITEC wiki.flexinnovations.com/wiki/Aura/HitecSbusUse
General Flex Wiki wiki.flexinnovations.com


Aura will auto-detect modern serial receiver connections. For use in the FP Series airplanes and Aura we recommend a lightweight serial receiver connection or a single Spektrum Remote Receiver. A few of our recommended receivers for the FP Series with Aura  5 are listed below, however this is not a complete list of compatible receivers, rather a short list to assist your receiver selection
Spektrum Remote Receiver – SPM9745
Spektrum SRXL2- SPM4650C, SPM4651T
Futaba S.Bus – R2000SBM, R3104SB
FrSky S.Bus – TD MX, Access Archer Plus RS (requires soldering)
Jeti- R3 REX, R4I


Aura will auto-detect modern digital receiver connection(s). Using a modern digital receiver connection gives the Aura access to precise data of each channel for additional gyro-enabled outputs, simplifies wiring, and allows for more advanced features. To connect a modern digital receiver connection, follow the steps on this page.


S1 Throttle (ESC/BEC)
S2 Aileron
S3 Elevator
S4 Rudder
S5 Open

Connecting Your Receiver to Aura
Digital Receiver Connections

  1. While Spektrum and Futaba usually output their digital data stream, it may be necessary for JR DMSS, Graupner HOTT, and Jeti users to program the transmitter/receiver to output the correct digital format listed on the previous page. Consult your transmitter and receiver manuals for further details.
  2. Bind your transmitter and receiver per your manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Connect the included male to male servo extension to the receiver’s data port (ex: S.Bus, SRXL etc.) and connect to servo port ‘B’ on the face of the Aura. Refer to your radio manufacturer’s instructions for specific information on appropriate serial port connections and system settings.
  4. With the transmitter powered, power up the aircraft. Aura will search (sweeping LEDs) and lock onto the signal. You will then see solid orange (power and calibrated sensor) plus solid green (valid radio source), and have control of the model.

Binding a Remote Receiver

  1. With your transmitter and reiever powered OFF, press and hold the bind button on the Aura 5 Lite.
  2. Power on the Aura 5 Lite and your aircraft by connecting the flight battery to the ESC.
  3. Release the bind button the Aura 5 Lite, and confirm that the remote receiver is rapidly flashing orange.
  4. Follow your transmitter’s manual for binding. This is typically done by holding the bind button on your trasnmitter while simultaneously powering it on.

Serial Receivers
If using a standard serial receciever, connect a male to male cable to you your receiver’s serial port. Connect the other end of the cable to Aura Port B noting proper polarity.
Note: The Spektrum 4651T & 4650C receivers require the use of a different cable to connect to the Aura. The cable is included with the receiver when it is purchased directly from Flex Innovations. You can also purchase the cable iteself at flexinnovations.com (FPZA1039)
Futaba Serial Receiver
Note: If you are using Futaba S.Bus. be sure to use the proper S.BUS port in your receiver. DO NOT use the S.BUS2 port, as it is not supported with the FT Aura 5 Lite. Refer to your manufacturer’s instructions for proper S.Bus use.

Note: If you are using Futaba S.Bus, be sure to use the proper S.Bus port in your receiver. DO NOT use the S.Bus 2 port, as it is not supported for use with the Aura 8. Refer to your manufacturer’s instructions for proper S.Bus use.
Binding your Serial Receiver
Bind your receiver to your transmitter per your receiver and transmitter manufacturer’s instructions.


  1. Note, the Aura 5 MUST be mounted in the correct orientation, otherwise the gyro corrections will be incorrect.
  2. The correct orientaion is servo pins closest the aft end of the airplane, and the Mini USB port mounted closest to the landing gear.
  3. Mount the Aura 5 to the vertical fuselage below the horizontal fuselage. We recommend mounting near the Center Wing Spar as shown below:
  4. Use Double-Sided tape provided with the Aura 5, or glue (building adhesive or hot glue are excellent options) to mount the Aura 5 to the FP airframe. Note, do NOT use CA glue or “hook and loop” material to mount the Aura to the airframe.
    Note, we recommend mounting the receiver to the opposite side of vertical fuselage relative to the Aura. This is to maintain lateral CG.
    Note, be mindful of carbon fiber bracing and USB port of Aura.

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Flex Innovations FP Series Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at
Modelflight - AURA 5 INSTALLATION1

Description of Pre-Loaded Aura Flight Modes (FM)
Mode 1 (Launch/Catch Mode):

6-Axis Level Assist is activated to assist in Launching and Hand-catching the airplane. Airplane is set to hold a 55-degrees pitch up with wings level with no transmitter input (hands off). This mode is only for launch and catching the airplane. General / Sport /  A flying is not possible in this mode.

Mode 2 (Sport):
Gyro gains are moderate and tuned for comfortable feel/best performance for general flight. All rates are set to low for general flight.
Exponential is tuned for comfortable flight.

Mode 3 (XA):
Gyro gains are moderate and tuned for XA/3D flight. All rates are set to highest. Exponential is tuned for comfortable flight.
Each of the modes has been tuned by Jase “The Ace” Dussia to offer a solid start. Because tastes in control feel are unique, if changes in rates and expo are needed, adjustments should be made through the Aura.
Changes in gain value can only be made through the Aura.


Refer to the chart below to determine the proper control surface directions.
Use Flight mode 2 and Flight Mode 3 to test. If controls are reversed, DO NOT REVERSE CONTROLS IN THE TRANSMITTER OR THE AURA CONFIG TOOL. Email us at support@flexinnovations.com for corrective action. Note that BOTH the Transmitter Control Direction Test AND the Flight Controller Sensor Direction Test MUST BOTH BE PASSED! IF ONE DOES NOT PASS, DO NOT FLY!

Note, movements have been exaggerated in the drawings below for clarity

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Modelflight - AURA 5 INSTALLATION2

Perform a test of the gyro system to verify the corrections made for a given movement are correct. If any of the tests do not result in the correct reaction for the airplane’s gyro system, DO NOT FLY THE AIRPLANE, and contact us by email at support@flexinnovations.com.
The flight control system activates with RF broadcast. Perform these tests in Mode 3 (higher gain) for better visibility, and then again in Mode 2. (By default, Mode 1 is set to 6-axis level assist mode and should not be used for sensor direction test.) Control surface deflections are exaggerated in the drawings below for clarity. Please note that the control surfaces will move ONLY while the aircraft is ROTATING.

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Modelflight - AURA 5 INSTALLATION3


Hand launching and catching an RC airplane carries inherent risks. By choosing to hand catch the airplane, you accept these risks and proceed at your own discretion. Flex Innovations is not liable for any injury, damage, or loss, including death, resulting from this activity.
Hand Launch
Select Flight Mode 1, hold the airplane from the top of the fuselage near the canopy. Set the airplane in a nose up attitude of approximately 55-degrees. Smoothly advance the throttle to 3/4 and release the airplane. The airplane will climb while keeping the wings level. Once you have both hands on the radio and are ready to take over full control of the airplane, select Flight Mode 2 until the aircraft is fully trimmed (see Aura Quick Trim instructions), and you are comfortable with it’s handling, then explore the other modes as desired.
Altitude is your friend on the first flight. Briskly climb to a safe altitude and trim the airplane. The airplane should fly straight and level at 1/4-1/2 power with no input from the sticks. Try some basic maneuvers, and slowly progress into the airplane’s flight envelope as you become more comfortable with the airplane’s flight qualities and perfect your setup.
Note: if at any time, such as after gain adjustments, you experience unexpected control system inputs or oscillations, switch to Mode 2, and land and troubleshoot the issue. (Mode 2 has the lowest gains of all default flight modeswith default programming)
Be mindful of your flight time and allow adequate battery reserve for a couple of landing attempts, if necessary, on the first few flights. Select Flight Mode 2 and slow the airplane and align with yourself, into the wind. Keep the throttle at 1/4-1/2 power for the majority of the decent. Once the airplane has slowed and is approximately at head height, select flight mode

  1. The airplane will begin maintaining a controlled harrier with approximate 55-degree nose high attitude. Use your throttle to maintain the airplane’s altitude. Increasing throttle will increase altitude, and reducing throttle will lower altitude. Once the nose of the airplane has passed you, grab the airplane from the top of the fuselage near the canopy and immediately cut the throttle.


The first several flights on your FP Airplane should be dedicated to trimming and setup. Fly the airplane at 1/2 power in Flight Mode 2 or Flight Mode 3 and trim for level flight. Land, adjust linkages and return the trim to zero, and fly again. Repeat until the airplane flies hands off, straight and level. Transmitter trim or sub-trim will cause trim shifts when different flight modes are selected. To eliminate this trim shift, you can mechanically trim the model, or you can complete Aura “Quick Trim”.
Aura Quick Trim
The Aura 5 Lite features a Quick Trim Mode that eliminates the need for mechanical linkage adjustments during test flights. Aura will learn the trim values from your transmitter, and apply them to the control surfaces after power up when enabling quick trim mode.
NOTE: Quick Trim can also be used BEFORE flying to make small changes to center the control surfaces before flight.
NOTE: Quick Trim proceedure may be repeated as needed for fine tuning, or if changesto the aircraft are made.

  1. Fly the airplane in Flight Mode 2 or Flight Mode 3. Trim the aircraft with the transmitter and land. DO NOT CHANGE FLIGHT MODES.
  2. Press and hold the trim button for 2-seconds, then release button to enter Quick Trim Mode. This is indicated by a slow blue flashing LED.
  3. Press and hold the trim button for 2-seconds, then release button to save the trims. This is indicated by a fast flashing blue LED.
  4. Center trims on transmitter.
  5. Press and hold the trim button for 2-seconds, then release button again to restart the Aura with the new trims.


Documents / Resources

| Flex Innovations FP Series Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at Modelflight [pdf] Instructions
FP Series Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at Modelflight, FP Series, Ultimate FP PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at Modelflight, PNP Orange Buy Indoor Planes at Modelflight, Indoor Planes at Modelflight, Planes at Modelflight, Modelflight


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