NIGHTVERB x 112.dB Stereo Reverb Unit Instruction Manual

July 4, 2024


NIGHTVERB x 112.dB Stereo Reverb Unit



  • Stereo reverb with unique algorithms
  • Adjustable input gain from guitar to line levels
  • Pre-delay time range: 4 to 200 ms
  • Space size control from tiny box to expansive structures
  • OLED display for presets and settings
  • Bypass mode with LED indicator
  • Turbulence control in reverb space
  • Frequency dampening for low and high frequencies
  • Controls for early and late reflections mix, input-reverb signal mix, bass and treble cuts/boosts
  • Output volume control, stereo width adjustment, decay time control
  • Footswitch and MIDI control options
  • USB connectivity for firmware updates and preset management
  • Balanced inputs and outputs

Product Usage Instructions

Basic Controls:
Adjust the input gain, pre-delay time, space size, turbulence, early/late reflections mix, frequency dampening, mix levels, and output volume according to your preference.

Menu Navigation:
Use the OLED display and DATA encoder for menu navigation. Push the BACK button to access the main MENU. Navigate using the DATA encoder and confirm selections by pushing it.

Preset Management:
To save a preset, select the SAVE AS option in the menu and push the encoder to confirm saving. You can name your presets for easy recall.

Connect the Nightverb using a USB type-B cable for firmware updates and preset management. Use the included PSU for power to avoid damage.

Footswitch and MIDI Control:
Utilize the configurable footswitch for bypassing, freezing, or navigating through patches. Connect a TS type non-latching footswitch for control. MIDI IN allows for parameter control via MIDI CC messages.

Additional Features:
Explore playing the SIZE parameter in a 12-tone scale via MIDI, particularly interesting in FREEZE mode. The Nightverb supports balanced inputs and outputs.

Turning On/Off:
Flip the SWITCH to turn the Nightverb on/off. Ensure proper power supply and connections for optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I use the Nightverb with guitar-level signals?
    Yes, the Nightverb supports adjustable input gain and can be used with guitar-level signals.

  • How do I save presets on the Nightverb?
    To save a preset, navigate to the SAVE AS option in the menu, push the encoder to confirm saving, and name your preset.

  • What is the purpose of the footswitch on the Nightverb?
    The configurable footswitch allows you to bypass, freeze, or navigate through patches on the Nightverb.


  • Thank you for purchasing Erica Synths x 112.dB Nightverb – a stereo reverb with a unique and musical algorithms developed by, save/recall functions for all parameters, all in sleek aluminum case to aesthetically match our lineup of compact desktop units.
  • We focused on the musical aspect of the effect – extremely long decay tails are possible without losing harmonic integrity and since multiple parameters can be adjusted at once, notes can be played individually and held in chords, pitch-shifted at a whim or used to create massive, ambient textures.



A bit of menu diving

Even though most of the controls of the Nightverb are hands-on, there are some features that are accessible through the OLED display via the DATA encoder.

  • As you turn the Nightverb on, the display indicates a list of presets. The Nightverb comes with 30 factory presets and you can save up to 70 user presets. Rotate the DATA encoder to navigate through the presets and click the encoder to activate a preset. The presets can be backed up to your computer and you can load presets from other Nightverb users – refer to the SYSTEM settings below.

  • Push the BACK button to access the main MENU. Use the DATA encoder to navigate through the menu and push it to confirm. The first section of the menu is for PATCH (preset) management.

  • In order to SAVE a preset, select the SAVE AS option and push the encoder to confirm saving. The preset naming menu will appear.

  • In order to NAME the patch, push and hold the DATA encoder until the symbol selection appears on the bottom of the display. Use the DATA encoder to select symbols and push it to dial in a name for the preset. Once happy, push and hold the DATA encoder –this will bring you back to the preset naming screen. Select SAVE and push the DATA encoder to confirm saving. Here you can also CLEAR the preset name and generate random preset names (MAGIC) – simply rotate the DATA encoder to navigate to the relevant section of the menu on the bottom of the display.

  • Another feature in the PATCH management section is called MAGIC. Once you click the DATA encoder to confirm MAGIC, the Nightverb will generate a new preset – a random combination of all parameter settings. If you are happy with how it sounds, you can SAVE the preset.

  • In the PATCH menu you can also SORT the presets. This is a useful feature if you want to use a footswitch to navigate through the presets. Push the DATA encoder to activate the SORT function.

  • In order to SORT the presets, rotate the DATA encoder to select the preset you wish to move and push the encoder. The selected preset will become ”sticky” and you can rotate the encoder to move it to another slot. Once happy, push the DATA encoder to confirm the new slot of the preset. In order to exit the PATCH menu, push the BACK button.

  • In the EFFECT section you can configure the DSP behaviour of the Nightverb.

  • By default, the reverberation effect on the Nightverb is achieved by emulating an array of tape delays. You can select an alternative mode, where the reverberation effect is based on BBD delays. To do so, rotate the encoder to select the DIRTY option, push the encoder and select ON. Push the encoder again to confirm and now your Nightverb will be set to BBD mode. Note that this setting is saved with the presets.

  • In order to save the DRY/WET knob position, the Nightverb uses analogue VCAs to fade between dry and wet (processed with the reverberator) signals. You can omit the analogue VCAs and use the digital DRY/WET mix instead. To do so, push the DATA encoder to select ANALOG MIX and then rotate it to select OFF. Push the encoder again to confirm this selection.

  • Another distinct feature of the Nightverb is preset MORPHING. Instead of an instant preset change, you can set a fade-in time for the next preset. Push the DATA encoder to select the MORPH option and rotate the encoder to set the preset fade-in time in seconds. Available options are: 0.1”, 0.2”, 0.5”, 1”, 1.5”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 7.5” and 10”. In order to exit the EFFECT menu, push the BACK button.

  • In the MIDI menu you can configure the Nightverb MIDI implementation.

  • The first submenu here is for setting the MIDI channel. Push the encoder to activate the MIDI channel selection and rotate it to select a channel. The selected channel will be the same for MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. If a MIDI keyboard is connected (or DAW that is configured to send MIDI notes) and the channel is selected, the SIZE parameter of the Nightverb can be played in a 12-tone scale. This works best when FREEZE mode is enabled and the decay tail sustains infinitely.

  • Next, we have the MIDI output configuration. Push the DATA encoder to access the MIDI output configuration and rotate it to select one of the options. The MIDI output can be set to MIDI OUT mode that sends MIDI CC messages to your DAW or other gear as you tweak parameters on the Nightverb, MIDI THRU mode or can be turned off.

  • As you scroll down the MIDI menu, you can assign custom MIDI CC messages to all Nightverb parameters. For example, by default the CC message for the SIZE parameter is 70, but you can push the DATA encoder and rotate it to change it to a different CC. In order to exit the MIDI menu, push the BACK button.

  • In the FOOTSWITCH section you can configure the footswitch behaviour of the Nightverb.

  • For a SINGLE TAP you can select the following options: OFF – the footswitch will not react on the single tap, BYPASS, FREEZE, FWD – each tap of the footswitch advances to the next preset in the list, BWD – each tap of the footswitch advances to the previous preset in the list, RND – each tap of the footswitch initiates a random preset from the list, and MGC (MAGIC) – each tap on the footswitch generates a random combination of parameter settings. Rotate the DATA encoder to select an option and push the encoder to confirm the selection.

  • For DOUBLE TAP you have a selection of the same options as for single tap.

  • For a footswitch HOLD (2”) you can select the following options: OFF – the footswitch will not react on hold, BYPASS and FREEZE. Rotate the DATA encoder to select an option and push the encoder to confirm the selection. In order to exit the FOOTSWITCH menu, push the BACK button.

  • In the SYSTEM menu you will find general configuration settings of the Nightverb as well as options for backing up the patches.

  • The first setting here is for OLED DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS. Push the DATA encoder to select the brightness setting, rotate it to set the desired brightness level and push the encoder to confirm.

  • Next, we have the OLED DISPLAY SCREENSAVER. Push the DATA encoder to select the OLED SAVER setting, rotate it to set the desired screensaver time and push the encoder to confirm.

  • The POT CATCH option turns the potentiometer position memory ON or OFF when you change the presets. Each preset has specific potentiometer positions and when you change the preset, in most cases these positions will be different. With POT CATCH set to ON, you need to rotate the relevant potentiometer through the previously saved position before it starts altering the parameter, thus ensuring gradual transitions in sound when altering parameters. With POT CATCH set to OFF, rotating the relevant potentiometer will immediately change the position and have an effect on the sound. There is a third setting – POP, which turns pot catch ON and displays a handy pop-up when adjusting a parameter to see where the locked position is that has to be matched in order to alter the parameter.

  • If LOAD LAST is set to ON, when power cycling the Nightverb, it will load the last preset that was active before powering the unit off. If this is set to OFF, the Nightverb will initiate the first preset in the list.

  • In USB MANAGE mode you can add/remove individual patch presets. Connect the Nightverb to your computer via a USB cable and push the DATA encoder to begin. The Nightverb will appear as an external drive on your computer – open it and you will see a directory with the preset .nvp files – you can add new ones or remove/back up individual patches to your computer. Push the BACK button on the Nightverb to eject it from your computer.

  • In USB BACKUP mode, you can back up all current patches of the Nightverb (only patches and their order, not settings). Connect the Nightverb to your computer via a USB cable and push the DATA encoder to begin. The Nightverb will appear as an external drive on your computer – open it and you will see a directory with a single backup.nvb file – you can save a copy of this on your computer or replace it with another backup.nvb file to load a different backup. NB! When loading a different backup, it will completely overwrite the existing patches and their order.

  • You can perform a FACTORY RESET of the Nightverb. Push the DATA encoder and follow instructions on the OLED screen.

  • The last section on SYSTEMthe menu shows the firmware version. You can subscribe to the Erica Synths mailing list, social media or check for firmware update announcements!

Firmware upgrade

In order to upgrade the firmware of the Nightverb, power it off and connect it to your computer via a USB cable. Then, power it on while pushing and holding both the DATA ENCODER and the FREEZE button – a firmware upgrade display will appear. The Nightverb will appear as an external drive on your computer – open it and you will find an empty directory with an INFO.txt file in it. Simply drag and drop the .uf2 firmware file into the directory – It will immediately upload and the display will quickly show FINISHED! – the Nightverb will then restart itself into normal operation mode and it will no longer be visible as a drive on your computer (you can then remove the USB cable) –
the firmware has been successfully installed!

The factory preset patches by Eraldo Bernocchi

    Instant drones and pads. Play with bass and treble to find your sweet spot.

    A nearly infinite evocative patch.

    Resonant and short. Good on snares.

    For those “too pretty” percussions. Feedback and damp are the key here.

    A bad-good sounding snare patch.

    Good on solo vocals, but shines on vocal choirs. Frequency damping is the key to hapiness.

    Ambient rising patch. From early to late reflections of light.

  8. PEARL
    A tribute to Harold Budd. Sparse notes sound really good with this.

    Another pad builder. More subtle than the usual.

    This is for the subs. Careful not to blow the cones out.

  11. PERC CAN
    Metallic percussion sustainer.

  12. SOLO
    For delicate synth leads. A sort of repeater and sustainer.

  13. LATER
    Ambience sustainer that rises …later…

    An ultra light reverb that flutters around.

    Drums played in a garage. The more you add feedback the more it vibrates.

    Widen brass or synths.

  17. RY GUIT
    Homage to Ry Cooder.

    A bass drone that stays, higher notes slowly fade and can be replaced.

    This is a beautiful place where you will love to put all sounds inside at once.

    This is a beautiful place, albeit with amusing ghosts, where your love puts all her sounds inside at once.

    Ride it 100% wet into another purple light.

    Ride it 100% wet into another white light.

    Just bass.

    Just highs.

  25. GAIN 24
    Turn up input gain to +24dB.

    Fate will respond in 200ms. This spot between your eyes…

    A towel for naked monosynth after sauna.

    An alien moves not so carefuly under crystal bed.

  29. EZELIS 1
    Could you help a lonely electric music box?

    Plug in a footswitch. Go to settings. Turn SINGLE TAP to MGC.
    Then push it. Push it again…

Safety instructions

Please follow the instructions for the use of the Erica Synths X 112.dB Nightverb module below, because only this will guarantee the proper operation of the module and ensure the warranty from Erica Synths.

  • Use the Nightverb module exclusively with the power supply unit (PSU) supplied with the system. Powering it with other PSU units may cause permanent damage to the device.
  • Water is lethal for most electric devices unless they have been rendered waterproof. The Nightverb module is NOT intended for use in a humid or wet environment. No liquids or other conducting substances should be allowed into the module. Should this happen, the module should be disconnected from mains power immediately, dried, examined and cleaned by a qualified technician.
  • Do not expose the instrument to temperatures above +50° C or below -20° C. If you have transported the instrument in extremely low temperatures, leave it at room temperature for an hour before plugging it in.
  • Transport the instrument carefully. Never let it drop or fall over. The Warranty does not apply to instruments with visual damage.
  • Nightverb module must be shipped in the original packaging only. Any instrument shipped to us for return, exchange and/or warranty repair must be in its original packaging. All other deliveries will be rejected and returned to you. Ensure that you keep the original packaging and technical documentation.


  • This device complies with EU guidelines and is manufactured and confront RoHS without the use of lead, mercury, cadmium or chrome. Nevertheless, this device is special waste and disposal in household waste is not recommended.
  • User manual by Girts Ozolins@Erica Synths.
  • Design by Ineta Briede@Black8 & Maija Vitola@Black8.
  • Copying, distribution or any commercial use in any way is prohibited and needs the written permission of Erica Synths.
  • The specifications are subject to change without notice.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via SUPPORT section on
    You will find the Erica Synths terms of warranty at
    Items for return, exchange and/or warranty repair should be sent us according to the guidelines on SUPPORT section on


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