Lenovo 83ED Yoga Slim 7 Instructions

June 28, 2024


Lenovo 83ED Yoga Slim 7


Product Information

The Yoga Slim 7 (14.5, 9) is a Lenovo notebook computer designed for efficient and reliable performance.


  • Product Name: Yoga Slim 7 (14.5, 9)
  • Machine Type: 83ED
  • Model: 14Q8X9

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Information

General Safety:

  • Ensure stable footing while handling the device.
  • Distribute weight evenly between feet when lifting.
  • Use slow and steady force when lifting to avoid strain.
  • Avoid sudden movements or twisting while lifting heavy objects.

Electrical Safety:

  • Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects when working on electrical equipment.
  • Keep electrical equipment away from water sources.

Safety Inspection Guide:
The inspection guide helps identify potential safety hazards. Follow safety guidelines to prevent injuries.

General Checkout

What to do first:
Follow the checklist provided to ensure the proper setup and functioning of the device.

CRU List:
Refer to the list of Customer Replaceable Units for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes.

Identifying FRUs (CRUs)

Locate FRUs and CRUs:
Identify and locate Field Replaceable Units and Customer Replaceable Units for servicing.

Removing a FRU or CRU

Service Tools:
Use the recommended tools for the safe removal of components.

Handling Thermal Interface Materials:

  • Follow guidelines for applying thermal interface materials.
  • Remove components carefully to access and replace parts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Q: How can I safely remove the battery pack?
    A: To remove the battery pack, follow the steps outlined in Chapter 4 of the Hardware Maintenance Manual.

  • Q: Is it necessary to use specific tools for disassembly?
    A: Yes, it is recommended to use the specified tools to avoid damage to the device.

About this manual
This manual contains service and reference information for the following Lenovo products.

Machine Machine type (MT)
Yoga Slim 7 14Q8X9 83ED


  • This manual is intended only for trained service technicians who are familiar with Lenovo products.
  • Before servicing a Lenovo product, be sure to read all the information under “Safety information”.

Safety information

This chapter presents the following safety information that you need to be familiar with before you service a Lenovo notebook computer.

General safety
Follow these rules to ensure general safety:

  • Observe good housekeeping in the area of the machines during and after maintenance.
  • When lifting any heavy object:
    1. Make sure that you can stand safely without slipping.
    2. Distribute the weight of the object equally between your feet.
    3. Use a slow lifting force. Never move suddenly or twist when you attempt to lift.
    4. Lift by standing or by pushing up with your leg muscles; this action removes the strain from the muscles in your back. Do not attempt to lift any object that weighs more than 16 kg (35 lb) or that you think is too heavy for you.
  • Do not perform any action that causes hazards to the customer, or that makes the equipment unsafe.
  • Before you start the machine, make sure that other service technicians and the customer’s personnel are not in a hazardous position.
  • Place removed covers and other parts in a safe place, away from all personnel, while you are servicing the machine.
  • Keep your tool case away from walk areas so that other people will not trip over it.
  • Do not wear loose clothing that can be trapped in the moving parts of a machine. Make sure that your sleeves are fastened or rolled up above your elbows. If your hair is long, fasten it.
  • Insert the ends of your necktie or scarf inside clothing or fasten it with a non-conductive clip, about 8 centimetres (3 inches) from the end.
  • Do not wear jewellery, chains, metal-frame eyeglasses, or metal fasteners for your clothing.
  • Attention: Metal objects are good electrical conductors.
  • Wear safety glasses when you are hammering, drilling, soldering, cutting wire, attaching springs, using solvents, or working in any other conditions that might be hazardous to your eyes.
  • After service, reinstall all safety shields, guards, labels, and ground wires. Replace any safety device that is worn or defective.
  • Reinstall all covers correctly before returning the machine to the customer.
  • Fan louvres on the machine help to prevent overheating of internal components. Do not obstruct fan louvres or cover them with labels or stickers.

Electrical safety
Observe the following rules when working on electrical equipment.

Use only approved tools and test equipment. Some hand tools have handles covered with a soft material that does not insulate you when working with live electrical currents. Many customers have, near their equipment, rubber floor mats that contain small conductive fibres to decrease electrostatic discharges. Do not use this type of mat to protect yourself from electrical shock.

  • Find the room emergency power-off (EPO) switch, disconnecting switch, or electrical outlet. If an electrical accident occurs, you can then operate the switch or unplug the power cord quickly.
  • Do not work alone under hazardous conditions or near equipment that has hazardous voltages.
  • Disconnect all power before:
    • Performing a mechanical inspection
    • Working near power supplies
    • Removing or installing main units
  • Before you start to work on the machine, unplug the power cord. If you cannot unplug it, ask the customer to power off the wall box that supplies power to the machine, and to lock the wall box in the off position.
  • If you need to work on a machine that has exposed electrical circuits, observe the following precautions:
    • Ensure that another person, familiar with the power-off controls, is near you.
    • Attention: Another person must be there to switch off the power, if necessary.
    • Use only one hand when working with powered-on electrical equipment; keep the other hand in your pocket or behind your back.
    • Attention: An electrical shock can occur only when there is a complete circuit. By observing the above rule, you may prevent a current from passing through your body.
    • When using testers, set the controls correctly and use the approved probe leads and accessories for that tester.
    • Stand on suitable rubber mats (obtained locally, if necessary) to insulate you from the grounds such as metal floor strips and machine frames.
    • Observe the special safety precautions when you work with very high voltages; Instructions for these precautions are in the safety sections of maintenance information. Use extreme care when measuring high voltages.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain your electrical hand tools for safe operational conditions.
  • Do not use worn or broken tools and testers.
  • Never assume that power has been disconnected from a circuit. First, check that it has been powered off.
  • Always look carefully for possible hazards in your work area. Examples of these hazards are moist floors, non-grounded power extension cables, power surges, and missing safety grounds.
  • Do not touch live electrical circuits with the reflective surface of a plastic dental mirror. The surface is conductive; such touching can cause personal injury and machine damage.
  • Do not service the following parts with the power on when they are removed from their normal operating places in a machine:
    • Power supply units
    • Pumps
    • Blowers and fans
    • Motor generators
    • Similar units as listed above
    • This practice ensures the correct grounding of the units.
  • If an electrical accident occurs:
    • Use caution; do not become a victim yourself.
    • Switch off power.
    • Send another person to get medical aid.

Safety inspection guide

  • The purpose of this inspection guide is to assist you in identifying potentially unsafe conditions. As each machine was designed and built, required safety items were installed to protect users and service technicians from injury.
  • This guide addresses only those items. You should use good judgment to identify potential safety hazards due to the attachment of non-Lenovo features or options not covered by this inspection guide.
  • If any unsafe conditions are present, you must determine how serious the apparent hazard could be and whether you can continue without first correcting the problem.

Consider these conditions and the safety hazards they present:

  • Electrical hazards, especially primary power (primary voltage on the frame can cause serious or fatal electrical shock)
  • Explosive hazards, such as a damaged cathode ray tube (CRT) face or a bulging capacitor
  • Mechanical hazards, such as loose or missing hardware

To determine whether there are any potentially unsafe conditions, use the following checklist at the beginning of every service task. Begin the checks with the power off, and the power cord disconnected.


  1. Check exterior covers for damage (loose, broken, or sharp edges).
  2. Power off the computer. Disconnect the power cord.
  3. Check the power cord for:
    • A third-wire ground connector is in good condition. Use a meter to measure third-wire ground continuity for 0.1 ohm or less between the external ground pin and the frame ground.
    • The power cord should be the authorized type specified for your computer. Go to: http://www.lenovo.com/serviceparts-lookup
    • Insulation must not be frayed or worn.
  4. Check for cracked or bulging batteries.
  5. Remove the cover.
  6. Check for any obvious non-Lenovo alterations. Use good judgment as to the safety of any non-Lenovo alterations.
  7. Check inside the unit for any obvious unsafe conditions, such as metal filings, contamination, water or other liquids, or signs of fire or smoke damage.
  8. Check for worn, frayed, or pinched cables.
  9. Check that the power-supply cover fasteners (screws or rivets) have not been removed or tampered with.

Handling devices that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge
Any computer part containing transistors or integrated circuits (ICs) should be considered sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD damage can occur when there is a difference in charge between objects. Protect against ESD damage by equalizing the charge so that the machine, the part, the work mat, and the person handling the part are all at the same charge.


  1. Use product-specific ESD procedures when they exceed the requirements noted here.
  2. Make sure that the ESD protective devices you use have been certified (ISO 9000) as fully effective.

When handling ESD-sensitive parts:

  • Keep the parts in protective packages until they are inserted into the product.
  • Avoid contact with other people.
  • Wear a grounded wrist strap against your skin to eliminate static on your body.
  • Prevent the part from touching your clothing. Most clothing is insulative and retains a charge even when you are wearing a wrist strap.
  • Use a grounded work mat to provide a static-free work surface. The mat is especially useful when handling ESD-sensitive devices.
  • Select a grounding system, such as those listed below, to provide protection that meets the specific service requirement.

The use of a grounding system to guard against ESD damage is desirable but not necessary.

  • Attach the ESD ground clip to any frame ground, ground braid, or green-wire ground.
  • When working on a double-insulated or battery-operated system, use an ESD common ground or reference point. You can use coax or connector-outside shells on these systems.
  • Use the round ground prong of the ac plug on ac-operated computers.

Grounding requirements
Electrical grounding of the computer is required for operator safety and correct system function. Proper grounding of the electrical outlet can be verified by a certified electrician.

Safety notices (multilingual translations)
The safety notices in this section are provided in the following languages:

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Traditional Chinese


  • Before the computer is powered on after FRU replacement, make sure that all screws, springs, and other small parts are in place and are not left loose inside the computer. Verify this by shaking the computer and listening to rattling sounds. Metallic parts or metal flakes can cause electrical short circuits.
  • Some standby batteries contain a small amount of nickel and cadmium. Do not disassemble a standby battery, recharge it, throw it into fire or water, or short-circuit it. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.
  • The battery pack contains small amounts of nickel. Do not disassemble it, throw it into fire or water, or short-circuit it. Dispose of the battery pack as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing when replacing the battery pack. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.
  • The lithium battery can cause a fire, an explosion, or a severe burn. Do not recharge it, remove its polarized connector, disassemble it, heat it above 100°C (212°F), incinerate it, or expose its cell contents to water. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.
  • If the LCD breaks and the fluid from inside the LCD gets into your eyes or on your hands, immediately wash the affected areas with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical care if any symptoms from the fluid are present after washing.
  • To avoid shock, do not remove the plastic cover that protects the lower part of the inverter card.
  • Though the main batteries have low voltage, a short-circuited or grounded battery can produce enough current to burn personnel or combustible materials.
  • Unless a hot swap is allowed for the FRU to be replaced, do as follows before removing it: power off the computer, unplug all power cords from electrical outlets, remove the battery pack, and disconnect any interconnecting cables.

General checkout

This chapter contains the following topics:
Before you go to the checkout instructions, ensure that you read the following important notes.

Important notes:

  • Only certified trained personnel should service the computer.
  • Before replacing any FRU, read the entire page on removing and replacing FRUs.
  • Be extremely careful during such writing operations as copying, saving, or formatting. The drives in the computer that you are servicing sequence might have been altered. If you select an incorrect drive, data or programs might be overwritten.
  • Replace a FRU only with another FRU of the correct model. When you replace an FRU, make sure that the model of the machine and the FRU part number are correct by referring to the FRU parts list.
  • A FRU should not be replaced because of a single, unreproducible failure. Single failures can occur for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with a hardware defect, such as cosmic radiation, electrostatic discharge, or software errors. Consider replacing a FRU only when a problem recurs. If you suspect that a FRU is defective, clear the error log and run the test again. If the error does not recur, do not replace the FRU.
  • Be careful not to replace a nondefective FRU.

What to do first
When you return an FRU, you must include the following information in the parts exchange form or parts return form that you attach to it:

  1. Name and phone number of service technician
  2. Date of service
  3. The date on which the machine failed
  4. Date of purchase
  5. Failure symptoms, error codes appearing on the display, and beep symptoms
  6. Procedure index and page number in which the failing FRU was detected
  7. Failing FRU name and part number
  8. Machine type, model number, and serial number
  9. The customer’s name and address

During the warranty period, the customer may be responsible for repair costs if the computer damage was caused by misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, or improper maintenance by the customer. Following is a list of some common items that are not covered under warranty and some symptoms that might indicate that the system was subjected to stress beyond normal use.

Before checking problems with the computer, determine whether the damage is covered under the warranty by referring to the following list:

The following are not covered under warranty:

  • LCD panel cracked from the application of excessive force or from being dropped
  • Scratched (cosmetic) parts
  • Distortion, deformation, or discolouration of the cosmetic parts
  • Plastic parts, latches, pins, or connectors that have been cracked or broken by excessive force
  • Damage caused by liquid spilled into the system
  • Damage caused by the improper insertion of a personal computer card (PC card) or the installation of an incompatible card
  • Improper disc insertion or use of an external optical drive
  • Fuses blown by attachment of a non-supported device
  • Forgotten computer password (making the computer unusable)
  • Sticky keys caused by spilling a liquid onto the keyboard
  • Use of an incorrect AC power adapter on laptop products

The following symptoms might indicate damage caused by non-warranted activities:

  • Missing parts might be a symptom of unauthorized service or modification.
  • Check for obvious damage to a hard disk drive. If the spindle of a hard disk drive becomes noisy, the hard disk drive might have been dropped or subject to excessive force.

CRU list
Table 1. Yoga Slim 7 14Q8X9 (Machine type: 83ED)

CRU Type
ac power adapter self-service
power cord self-service

Identifying FRUs (CRUs)

Locate FRUs and CRUs
The exploded illustrations help Lenovo service technicians identify FRUs or CRUs that they may need to replace when servicing a customer’s computer.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(1\)

Table 2. FRU (CRU) categories

No. FRU (CRU) category
 1 LCD module
 2 Upper case (with keyboard)
 3 System fan
--- ---
 4 Heat sink
 5 System board
 6 I/O board
 7 I/O board cable
 8 Touchpad cable
 9 Lower case
10 Speaker
11 Battery pack mylar
12 Battery pack
13 M.2 solid-state drive
14 M.2 solid-state drive mylar
15 M.2 solid-state drive thermal pad
a Screw kit
 b Power cord
c ac power adapter

Removing a FRU or CRU

Service tools
The following table lists tools for servicing Lenovo computers. Tools with a cross mark are needed for serving the product models as described by this publication. Prepare them before you service the product.

Table 3. Service tools

Service tools and consumables Model applicability
Screw driver (Phillips head) (PH1/PH0) X
Screw driver (Torx head) (T5) X
Screw driver (Torx head) (T30)
Pry tool 1 X
Tweezers (conductive) X
Tweezers (isolated)
Suction cup
Hexagonal socket
Thermal interface materials X
Acetate tape X
Polyamide tape
Mylar tape
Electrical tape
Double-sided tape
Conductive tape
Heat gun
Brown brush


  • T30 screwdrivers are used to service the new Intel Xeon CPUs.
  • Hexagonal sockets are used to remove antenna connectors.

General guidelines
When removing or replacing a FRU, ensure that you observe the following general guidelines:

  1. Do not try to service any computer unless you have been trained and certified. An untrained person runs the risk of damaging parts.
  2. Begin by removing any FRUs that have to be removed before replacing the failing FRU. Any such FRUs are listed at the beginning of each FRU replacement procedure. Remove them in the order in which they are listed.
  3. Follow the correct sequence in the steps for removing an FRU, as shown in the illustrations by the numbers in square callouts.
  4. When removing a FRU, move it in the direction shown by the arrow in the illustration.
  5. To install a new FRU in place, perform the removal procedure in reverse and follow any notes that pertain to replacement.
  6. When replacing a FRU, carefully retain and reuse all screws.
  7. When replacing the base cover, reapply all labels that come with the replacement base cover. If some original labels are not included with the replacement base cover, peel them off from the original base cover and paste them on the replacement base cover.

Before removing any FRU or CRU, shut down the computer and unplug all power cords from electrical outlets.

  • Attention: After replacing a FRU, do not turn on the computer until you have ensured that all screws, springs, and other small parts are in place and none are loose inside the computer. Verify this by shaking the computer gently and listening for rattling sounds. Metallic parts or metal flakes can cause electrical short circuits.
  • Attention: The system board is sensitive to and can be damaged by ESD. Before touching it, establish personal grounding by touching a ground point with one hand or by using an ESD strap (P/N 6405959).

Handling thermal interface materials
Thermal interface materials are typically applied between a heat sink and a CPU (and/or GPU) die to enhance the heat transfer capability of the heat sink. If thermal interface materials are exposed during computer servicing, such as when replacing the heat sink or system board, it is important to handle the thermal interface materials properly.

  • You need to completely remove the old thermal interface materials from the CPU and/or GPU die.
  • You need to apply new thermal interface materials onto the heat sink according to the type, quantity, and application areas specified in this publication.

Related topics

  • “Remove the heat sink”
  • “Remove the system board”

Type, quantity, and areas of thermal interface materials application on the heat sink
The table and figure below provide information on the type and quantity of thermal interface materials, as well as the specific areas on the heat sink where these materials should be applied.

Area Type Quantity
a TC-7006 31.9 mm × 6.4 mm ×1.4 mm
b TC-7006 15.4 mm × 15.1 mm × 1.4 mm
c TC-7006 44.2 mm × 5.9 mm × 2.0 mm
d TC-7006 33.8 mm × 21 mm × 1.5 mm
e Grease-8160 22.3 mm × 19.4 mm × 0.2 mm
--- --- ---
f TC-7006 21.7 mm × 11.2 mm × 1.3 mm

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(2\)

Areas on the system board where thermal interface materials are applied
The following figure shows the areas on the system board where thermal interface materials are applied.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(3\)

Remove the lowercase
Make sure the computer has been shut down before servicing the computer.

  • Step 1. Place the computer upside down on a flat surface.
  • Step 2. Remove four screws, pry up the latches, and then remove the lowercase.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(4\)

Screw specifications Number of screws
M2 × L3.5 4

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • Lower case

Remove the battery pack
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lower case”.
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable, the Wi-Fi card cables, the system fan cable and the speaker cable from the system board.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(5\)

  • Step 2. Remove five screws and the battery pack.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(6\)Screw specifications| Number of screws
    M2 × L3.5| 5

  • Step 3. Remove the battery pack mylar.

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement parts:

  • Battery pack
  • Battery pack mylar

Remove the speakers
Make sure the following FRUs (CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lower case”.
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable from the system board.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(8\)

  • Step 2. Disconnect the speaker cable from the system board and remove the speaker cable from the cable guide.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(9\)

  • Step 3. Remove six screws and remove the speakers.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(10\)

Screw specifications Number of screws
M2 × L1.6 6

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • Speaker

Remove the M.2 solid-state drive
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lower case”.
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable from the system board, remove one screw, and remove the M.2 solid-state drive by pulling it away from the slot.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(11\)Screw specifications| Number of screws
    M2 × L1.6| 1
  • Step 2. Remove the M.2 solid-date drive thermal pad and the M.2 solid-state drive mylar.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(12\)

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement parts:

  • M.2 solid-state drive
  • M.2 solid-state drive mylar
  • M.2 solid-state drive thermal pad

Remove the system fan
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lower case”.
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable, white Wi-Fi card cable, and LCD cable from the system board. Then, remove the white Wi-Fi card cable and LCD cable from the cable guide.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(13\)

  • Step 2. Disconnect the system fan cables, and remove six screws and the system fans.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(14\)

Screw specifications Number of screws
M2 × L3.5 6

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • System fan

Remove the heat sink
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lower case”.
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable from the system board. Then, loosen six screws in the alphabetic order, and remove the heat sink.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(15\)

When removing the heat sink, hold it by the part that comes in contact with the SoC (indicated by the marked areas) and slowly lift it up to detach the heat sink. Do not remove the heat sink by holding and lifting the heat pipes. Doing so could bend and damage the heat pipes.

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • Heat sink

Remove the I/O board
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lowercase”
  2. “Remove the system fan”
  • Step 1. Remove three screws and the I/O board.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(16\)
    Screw specifications| Number of screws
    M2 × L2.1| 3
  • Step 2. Remove one screw and remove the I/O board cable from the I/O board.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(17\)

Screw specifications Number of screws
M1.2 × L2.1 1

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • I/O board

Remove the touchpad cable
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lowercase”
  2. “Remove the battery pack”
  • Step 1. Disconnect and remove the touchpad cable.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(18\)

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • Touchpad cable

Remove the system board
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lowercase”
  2. “Remove the battery pack”
  3. “Remove the M.2 solid-state drive”
  4. “Remove the system fan”
  5. “Remove the heat sink”
  • Step 1. Disconnect the keyboard backlight cable, the keyboard cable, the touchpad cable, and the EDP cable from the system board. Then, remove the black Wi-Fi card cable from the cable guide.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(19\)
  • Step 2. Remove six screws. Then, remove the system board.

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(20\)

Screw specifications Number of screws
M2 × L2.1 6

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • System board

Use a Golden Key U1 tool to flash-write key ID information
After replacing the system board and re-assembling the computer, use a pre- made Golden Key U1 tool to start the computer and flash-write the serial number (SN), machine type (MT), product name (PN), and UUID to the new system board. The Golden Key U1 tool is prepared by running the U1 Update software on a FAT32-formatted USB thumb drive. Go to https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht102004 for detailed instructions on how to create and use a Golden Key U1 tool.

Remove the I/O board cable
Make sure the following FRUs (or CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lowercase”
  2. “Remove the battery pack”
  3. “Remove the M.2 solid-state drive”
  4. “Remove the system fan”
  5. “Remove the I/O board”
  6. “Remove the system board”
  7. “Remove the heat sink”
  • Step 1. Remove one screw and disconnect the I/O board cable.
Screw specifications Number of screws
M1.2 × L2.1 1

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • I/O board cable

Remove the LCD module
Make sure the following FRUs (CRUs) have been removed.

  1. “Remove the lowercase”
  • Step 1. Disconnect the battery pack cable from the system board.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(22\)

  • Step 2. Disconnect the LCD cable, Wi-Fi card cables and speaker cable from the system board.
    Attention: Use your fingernail to pull the connector to unplug it. Do not pull the cable.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(23\)

  • Step 3. Remove six screws.Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(24\)
    Screw specifications| Number of screws
    M2 × L3.5| 6

  • Step 4. Rotate the LCD module to an angle of more than 90 degrees as shown. Then, remove the LCD module.

For LCD panels with the factory colour calibration feature, do the following to install new colour profiles:

  1. Connect your computer to the network.
  2. Go to https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/downloads/x_rite_color_tool to download the ColorTool.ZIP file.
  3. Unzip to the local drive and double-click the ColorTool.EXE file. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to input the display serial number and click “Submit”. When the new colour profiles are installed successfully, all steps will be marked with “√”.
  4. After the LCD panel replacement, press Shift + Delete to permanently delete the ColorTool folder on the customer’s device.

You will also find the instructions that come with the LCD panel.

Go to https://support.lenovo.com/partslookup to look up the Lenovo part numbers of the following replacement part:

  • LCD module

Label locations

Lenovo-83ED-Yoga-Slim-7-Fig- \(26\)

Labels attached to the base cover are country/region-specific. Make sure to apply the appropriate labels to the replacement base cover.

Table 4. All base cover labels

Label| Label Description| Applied country/region| Label dimensions
 1| OS label| All| 16 mm x 22.5 mm
 2| CO2 offset label| All| 18 mm x 18 mm
 3| Rating label| All| 120 mm x 20 mm
 4| Country label| All| N/A
 5| Camera shutter label| All| 5.8 mm x 41 mm


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