MIDAS DETECTORS Myra Long Range Locator User Manual

June 25, 2024

MIDAS DETECTORS Myra Long Range Locator


  • Product Name: MYRA Long Range Locator
  • Manufacturer: Mūdas Detectors
  • Designed for detecting hidden valuables
  • High-quality materials for durability
  • Special device with superior performance

Product Usage Instructions



  • Avoid using the device in enclosed areas with metal presence to prevent wrong determinations.
  • Operate the device outside in open areas and keep it away from water contact.
  • Do not attempt to open or repair the device on your own to avoid voiding the warranty.
  • Clean external parts with a damp cloth and dry carefully without using detergents or chemicals.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight exposure for optimal performance.
  • Handle the device carefully to prevent any damage to the eyes while rotating the rods.
  • Avoid using the device with gloves; ensure direct contact between the handle and hand.


Apply WD40 between contacting objects if needed for antennas’ smooth rotation and protection against abrasion.


  • Q: Can I repair the device myself if needed?
    • A: No, the device should only be opened and repaired by Mūdas Detector Technical Service to maintain warranty coverage.
  • Q: How should I clean the external parts of the device?
    • A: Use a damp cloth to clean the external parts, ensuring the rods are taken care of, and then dry them carefully without using any detergents or chemicals.
  • Q: Can I use the device in humid environments?
    • A: It is advised not to keep the Myra Long Range Locator in humid environments for optimal performance.
  • Q: What should I do if I encounter sudden temperature changes while using the device?
    • A: Wait for a certain period of time before operating the device to prevent adverse effects on the electronic box.

Thank you for choos ng us and for purchas ng the MYRA Long Range Locator offered by M das Detectors for detect ng valuables that have been h dden for
centur es and couldn’t be reached by anyone!
MYRA Long Range Locator has been des gned as a result of extens ve knowledge, exper ence and research for many years, and has set out w th the a m of produc ng the best prospect ng dows ng rod n terms of qual ty,
durab l ty and performance. MYRA Long Range Locator has been produced by the exper enced sc ent sts from the “M das Detectors” company as a result of many years of R&D stud es. MYRA Long Range Locator s a spec al dev ce whose rel ab l ty, operat ng pr nc ple and eff c ency have been exam ned through many stat st cal tests
and proven to have a much super or performance than ts compet tors. We are proud of produc ng the h ghest qual ty and most technolog cal Long
Range Dev ce ever produced n th s class!
We offer you our best w shes n your searches and w sh you success!


WARNINGS OF FAKE MYRA LONG RANGE DEVICES Only the or g nal MYRA dev ces w ll come w th the or g nal logos of
“MIDAS DETECTORS” Do not assemble or use the dev ce w thout read ng the user manual and please fully charge your dev ce before f rst use. Th s s a spec al and sc ent f c dev ce and every deta l n the user manual should be observed and followed n order to understand your dev ce’s react ons and how t works. Later, n order to ga n exper ence, t s h ghly recommended to test t and pract ce outs de. S nce your dev ce s an electron c dev ce produced w th advanced technology, due care should be taken dur ng use. The Myra Long Range Locator Dev ce should be used gently, spec al attent on should be pa d to the antennas and ts parts, not to bend, to avo d h tt ng and apply ng excess ve force wh le nstall ng The Myra rods have a spec al coat ng to ncrease conduct v ty and a spec al chem cal tube to detect values and targets much more eas ly.
Do not use your dev ce n closed areas such as homes and off ces where all k nds of metal are present. You can make wrong determ nat ons. Be sure to use your dev ce outs de and n open areas. Keep the Myra Long Range Locator Un t away from water contact. Protect from water n ra ny weather. The dev ce s not completely waterproof, so t may break.
Your dev ce can only be opened and repa red by M das Detector Techn cal Serv ce. Open ng your dev ce on your own or by th rd part es for any reason w ll cause the dev ce to be out of warranty. Do not keep any other dev ce that em ts magnet c waves near your dev ce. Do not keep any metal objects on you wh le us ng your dev ce.
The external parts should be cleaned w th a damp cloth, tak ng care of the rods, and then carefully dr ed. No detergent or chem cals should be used.

Do not operate your Myra Long Range Locator mmed ately n case of sudden temperature changes, wa t for a certa n per od of t me. Th s may adversely affect the operat on of the electron c box.
Do not leave the dev ce under d rect sunl ght. Do not keep the Myra Long Range Locator n hum d env ronments.
Myra Long Range Locator rods may damage the eyes wh le rotat ng, t s recommended to be careful regard ng th s.
Never force the Myra Long Range Locator “Power Tube” to open. If the power tube s opened, your dev ce w ll be out of warranty.
In add t on, there are no parts that the user can nterven upon ns de the system box. For th s reason, d sassemble the un t, phys cal contact of the antenna and the cables (bump, burn, cut, crush) are not cons dered w th n the scope of the warranty.
Antennas do not rust due to human PH. After spec al processes, t tan um coat ng has been appl ed.
Do not use the Myra Long Range Locator w th gloves. The handle must be n contact w th the hand.
If necessary, you can reach us and get techn cal support from the contact nformat on sect on on the last page.
WD40 could be appl ed between contact ng objects f needed for the antennas to move and rotate freely. Th s prevents abras on and prov des protect on to the surfaces.
When us ng your dev ce, comply w th the laws and regulat ons val d n that reg on. Do not use your dev ce n cemeter es, archaeolog cal s tes and m l tary areas. Be sure to report the h stor cal and cultural f nd ngs you f nd to the necessary author t es.
The Myra Long Range Locator s covered by a 2-year warranty for parts and labor, exclud ng user errors such as dropp ng, knock ng, mo sture or tamper ng. Techn cal Serv ce del very fees are should be pa d by the customers.
Only M das Detector Techn cal Serv ce Center (MDTS) has the r ght to detect and repa r the fault.
When the warranty exp res, repa rs and ma ntenance are carr ed out aga nst a fee.

The prerequ s te for successful research and detect on s the operator, that s, the user factor. Before us ng Long Range Dev ce, the user must be psycholog cally ready, phys cally v qorous and free of negat ve emot ons and thoughts.
Every human be ng s a comb nat on of many negat ve energ es and stress. Th s negat ve energy and stress have negat ve effects not only phys cally, but also on the da ly funct ons of your l fe, well-be ng, joy and health. Pos t ve energy helps you to mprove, regulate and balance negat v t es. The user should bel eve that everyth ng s f ne and that they w ll get a pos t ve result n everyth ng they do. In th s way, they w ll strengthen the self and w ll be protected from negat ve energ es.
It s always recommended that you prefer even ng hours to do your research. The atmosphere s less affected by electron c nterference and the on zat on em ss ons of prec ous metals under the ground ncrease s gn f cantly
For your searches to be successful, the appropr ate f eld scan bar (tool) must be selected. It should be ensured that th s tool s well des gned, made from the best mater als, based on certa n mathemat cs and has h gh conduct v ty.
The Dows ng Rods w ll work n harmon c frequenc es w th the energy of ts user (operator) over t me. For th s reason, t s recommended not to g ve the search rods to anyone else, f poss ble
The Long Range Locator rods or pendulum s essent ally an “extens on” of our be ng. Every Human s a un que be ng n the un verse. Everyone has a d fferent harmon c frequency and energy. Theoret cally, an energy s formed n every metal underground. Th s energy s spread ng from underground to the earth at an angle of 45 degrees n all d rect ons.
When these s gnals reach the earth, they get a 90 degree angle and they r se about 100-180 cm above. After th s po nt, all the s gnals are d rected towards the north n accordance w th the magnet c attract on pr nc ple of the earth, just as the compass po nts north under all cond t ons. (See P cture 1.)
In pr nc ple, Long Range dev ces show d rect on by detect ng (sn ff ng) the frequenc es em tted by the target, w th a mechan cal system capable of mov ng d rectly from the stat c energy user, technology and battery.
In order to reach the des red correct result, t s necessary to understand the d rect ons and work ng pr nc ple of the Long Range dev ces.

(P cture 1: Energ es Of Objects And Magnet c Frequenc es Reach ng The Earth)
In a successful and accurate search, the operator’s concentrat on, exper ence and energy, as well as a qual ty dev ce that s correctly des gned and manufactured w th the r ght mater als, play a key role. S nce target detect on var es depend ng on many factors, t s not poss ble to talk of a 100% success about any dev ce. However, the success rate of the Myra Long Range Locator dev ce has been ncreased to a very h gh level thanks to long R&D stud es supported by advanced technology. The Long Range rods should be moved slowly, stably and stead ly. Qu ck and sudden movements should be avo ded. Dur ng the research, t should be ensured that there are no electron c products such as mob le phones, w reless dev ces, and metal objects such as watches, necklaces and bracelets around and/or on the user. Try to adapt to the dev ce before you start search ng. Wh le the dev ce s n your hand, you can put your palms on the ground for a wh le n the area to be searched, or t w ll be useful to try to step on the ground w th your bare feet n order to get a clearer result dur ng use. Wh le search ng, the antennas of the Long Range Locator rods should be held vert cally towards the ground and shaken from left to r ght w th slow movements 3-5 t mes. In some exper ments, t has been determ ned that these methods g ve better results. In add t on, wear ng your “ant stat c ESD wr stband”, wh ch you w ll f nd n the package content, w ll enable you to make more successful searches.

The most mportant element for research s concentrat on and attent on. Do not be nfluenced by suggest ons and gu dance from people around you. In order to dent fy the correct target, you should not be n a hurry, approach the target from d fferent d rect ons, and follow the ver f cat on techn ques met culously. The purpose of Longe Range rods s to get you closer to the target. For p npo nt detect on, t s strongly recommended to use a metal detector and/or underground mag ng system. you should not just rely on your Long Range dev ce.
You Must Apply To The Requ red Off c al Inst tut ons For Excavat on Perm t
· Do not wear boots wh le search ng, be sure to wear sports plast c shoes that you are sure do not conta n metal.
· Dur ng the research, t should be ensured that there are no electron c products such as mob le phones, w reless dev ces, and metal objects such as watches, necklaces and bracelets around and/or on the user.
· Do not wear a watch. Do not put t n your pocket.
· Do not use any metal objects, na ls, r ngs and f poss ble, even glasses.
· Wh le search ng; Make sure that no one s too close to you, or f there s someone a l ttle further away, than they do not have any metal on them.
· When you arr ve at your locat on by veh cle, park the veh cle n a remote locat on from the area you w ll search.
· It s recommended that you make a reconna ssance tr p before the search to prevent the large magnet c f elds n the env ronment (transformer, ra lway, etc.) from m slead ng you.

General Informat on About Long Range Locators Myra Long Range Locator was des gned as a result of many years of knowledge, exper ence and research, and was set out w th the a m of produc ng the best prospect ng rod n terms of qual ty, durab l ty and performance. W th the Myra Long Range Dev ce, you can eas ly detect underground treasures, prec ous and non-prec ous metals such as gold, s lver, copper, bronze, ron, space, water andprec ous stones by transm tt ng the relevant frequency values to the m croch p processor. Myra Long Range Locator has 6 d fferent languages: Engl sh, Span sh, French, Turk sh, Pers an and Arab c.
W th Myra Long Range Locator, you can make detect ons up to 2,000 meters away. For Long Range Locator dev ces, max mum depth detect on l m t depends on many factors. The s ze (d ameter) of the target, ts type (content), t me the target rema ned underground, and the m neral structure of the so l are mportant factors that d rectly affect the energy that the target w ll generate pos t vely or negat vely. MYRA Long Range Locator can reach up to 12 meters depth under opt mal cond t ons. The energy (gas) that s formed over t me def n tely has an output to the earth Th s can be an energy created by a target close to the so l surface, or t can also be an energy formed by a target that s very deep. For th s reason, t s very d ff cult for Long Range to detect bare metal (not bur ed) or newly bur ed metal. Th s requ res profess onal sm. Myra Long Range Locator s un que and f rst n the world n terms of ts spec al des gn and patented work ng mechan sm.

Long Range dev ces are d v ded nto 2 groups as rod and antenna. Long Range Locator dev ces that have been used for many years and have the best results are Long Range dev ces w th rods. As M das Detectors, we produce products w th h gh performance, both v sually and n a compact structure. The comfort of our users and reach ng the r goals are our top pr or t es. We have developed the “MYRA Long Range Locator” for you by comb n ng t w th the qual ty, durab l ty and performance that users deserve. Myra Long Range Locator has both a spec al ampl f er (electron c dev ce used to ampl fy s gnals), and an electron c power that controls and processes the s gnal t detects n deta l. Th s prov des the ab l ty to detect target s gnals prec sely and clearly. The Myra has a spec al f lter ng feature n order not to be affected by magnet c f elds, m neral rocks and structures. Unl ke other dows ng rods, the Myra Long Range Locator has an ergonom cs and stab l ty that do not let t shake unevenly or lose ts balance even n w ndy cond t ons. dows ng means detect ng v brat ons and frequenc es em tted from m nes and objects by means of rods. At the same t me, t s a sc ence that a ms to f nd the locat on of m nes and waters, to d agnose the health status of l v ng th ngs, to d agnose d seases, and to obta n nformat on on d fferent subjects by us ng rods and pendulum nstruments made of certa n mater als. The f rst t me you use the Myra Long Range Locator you w ll feel the qual ty and you w ll be surpr sed of how stable t s! Its antenna and body are durable and th ck. It s manufactured to w thstand mpacts and harsh outdoor use. Myra Long Range Dev ce s not a s mple search dev ce, but a much d fferent and modern m neral explorat on dev ce n terms of features, qual ty, des gn and stab l ty.

Myra Long Range Locator Cons sts Of 3 Ma n Parts
M das LRL Baton s opt onal. To use the L ghtn ng Ground ng Mode, you must have a M das LRL Baton n your package.
These 3 parts are connected to each other through connect on cables. Please cont nue to follow the manual for deta led package
content and qu ck nstallat on. 12

It has 3 d fferent search modes: chambered mode, l ghtn ng-ground nd mode and auto mode (used only w th the search antenna).

Th s mode s only used n conjunct on w th the Myra Search

Th s mode s only used n conjunct on w th the Myra Search

In th s mode, both the grounded M das
LRL Baton and the Myra Search Antenna are used

Myra Long Range locator s a un que product n terms of work ng log c, features and search methods.
Thanks to ts color LCD screen, t offers a much more comfortable work ng opportun ty supported by v suals. You can make dev ce-related sett ngs and mode select ons us ng the buttons on th s screen.
Wh chever search mode offers you the best search opportun ty for the valuable you are search ng for, you should determ ne t w th tr als and perform deta led scans w th that search mode. Thus, you w ll be affected by the m nerals n the so l at the m n mum level. By us ng more than one mode, you max m ze the probab l ty of reach ng the goal.
All Long Range Locator can lose depth or g ve false s gnals n dense m neral ground structures. When you detect a target, st ck and hold the Baton nto the so l for 3-5 cm. Recheck the target by hold ng the Myra f eld scan st ck w th your other hand. Wrong targets can be canceled th s way.
Myra Long Range Locator ncludes a “Power Tube” conta n ng a m xture of spec al and secret chem cal substances that w ll fac l tate the detect on of prec ous metals such as gold and s lver and ensure max mum conduct v ty. Th s Power Tube s used to strengthen the attract veness of rad oact ve m neral ore and targets w th weak s gnals and to st mulate crystals


If Myra Long Range users want to detect a spec f c target, they should choose the “chamber search mode” from the 3 separate search modes. The user can place a sample of the object they want to search (gold, s lver, etc.) nto the chamber sect on located at the front of the f eld scann ng rod, and thanks to the conduct v ty and shoot ng frequency, the locat on of the target can be determ ned much more eas ly and effect vely. If you choose the chamber search mode and do not put any samples n the chamber, t may be adversely affected by so l and atmospher c cond t ons (m nerals, rocks, ox dat ons, magnet c f elds and electr cal s gnals, etc.).
MYRA Long Range Locator s reg stered w th 4 new wonderful patents to work extremely prec sely and w th the h ghest eff c ency.
1-Ant stat c ESD Wr stband ( Elektro Stat c D scharge) 2-Spec al Mechan cal Rotat on System 3-Power Tube 4-M das LRL Baton

1-Ant stat c ESD Protect on (Electro Stat c D scharge) and Importance
ESD s the abbrev at on of Electro Stat c D scharge (electr c d scharge). Stat c electr c d scharges are a ser es of phys cal events that we can exper ence every day. Stat c loads can occur on people as well as on conduct ve and nonconduct ve mater als
People fr ct on wh le walk ng, gett ng nto veh cles, carry ng d gg ng shovels, deal ng w th mob le phones, touch ng metals, work ng at a table, wear ng clothes etc. They are loaded w th (+) or (-) electr c charge dur ng da ly act v t es.
If these (+) or (-) electr cal charges are transm tted to your Long Range dev ce, you may rece ve false s gnals and fa l n your searches. Therefore, when us ng the Long Range Dev ce, t s recommended that you wear your ant -stat c wr stband wh le us ng the dev ce to prevent the stat c electr c ty generated n your body from affect ng the antennas.
One of the most mportant features that d st ngu shes the Myra Long Range Locator from other llegal Long Ranges s that you can measure the frequency value of the selected target from antennas. Th s s a proof that the dev ce works w th correct log c. It s poss ble to measure th s value w th a profess onal mult meter dev ce.
W th the use of ant stat c wr stband and Long Range Locator dev ces together, MYRA offers you the h ghest level of performance. Ant stat c EDS wr stband; Wh le detect ng w th long range dev ces, t offers a technolog cal and prev ously unused solut on at the po nt of d scharg ng the stat c electr c ty created by the nd v dual’s own movements and env ronmental factors (by ground ng) and reduc ng the error marg n of frequency values to the lowest level.
To m n m ze the marg n of error that w ll occur dur ng the detect on of prec ous and worthless metals under the ground and/or potent al targets such as space, water and prec ous stones, and to reduce the stat c electr c ty from the human body.
It s a patented nvent on, the f rst n the world, that enables clearer scans.
It measures the target s gnal frequency by read ng the data com ng from the Long Range search antenna together w th the ground ng element, wh ch ensures the dampen ng of the stat c electr c ty generated by the user..


In the dev ces ava lable n the market, frequency d spers on cannot be made and the frequency value of the selected target cannot be measured at the ends of the antennas. However, Myra Long Range Locator s un que n th s sense. One of the most mportant features that d st ngu shes Myra Long Range Locator from other S ngle Long Range Locator dev ces s that you can measure from the antenna.
Th s system transm ts the s gnal (frequency values) of the target selected from the Ma n Un t to the Long Range Locator’s Rod and the Alternat ve LRL Baton. When a s gnal corresponds to the target s gnal rad ated around, t acts as a rece ver, and the rece ved s gnal s converted to the ma n un t and the antenna s d rected towards the target. In th s way, objects close to or w th th s s gnal n the area you are search ng for are automat cally detected and attracted to tself l ke a magnet.
Operat ng Frequency: Gold[Au] 5000 Hz, S lver [Ag] 8700 Hz, Copper [Cu] 11200 Hz, Bronze 11800 Hz, Cav ty 200 Hz, Water [H2O] 9500 Hz, Gemstone 12200 Hz, Iron [Fe] 16800 Hz.
How to Measure Frequency Value?
If your d g tal mult meter has a frequency sett ng (Hz symbol ) on the d al: Turn the d al to the Hz pos t on.
1. F rst plug the black probe nto the COM nput. 2. Then nsert the red probe nto the V nput. 3. Touch one of the probe ( t does not matter red or black) to the Myra
Antenna Rods and the other to the metal part of the ESD wr stband.
If you are us ng a Mult meter w th Frequency Button, you must do the follow ng n order:
1. Turn the d al to AC voltage (AC Voltage nd cator). If the voltage of the c rcu t s unknown, set the range to the h ghest voltage sett ng.
2. F rst plug the black probe nto the COM nput. 3. Then nsert the red probe nto the V nput. 4. Touch one of the probe ( t does not matter red or black) to the Myra
Antenna Rods and the other to the metal part of the ESD wr stband. 5. Read the voltage measurement on the screen. 6. Wh le the mult meter s st ll connected, press the Hz button. 7. The Hz con “lazyload” should appear on the r ght s de of the measurement
on the screen.
S ngle Long Range Locator dev ces on the market do not have th s feature.


2-Spec al mechan cal no-bear ng rotat on system
It was developed spec f cally for the Myra LRL, thus creat ng a revolut on n target or entat on, wh ch s the ma n task of the dev ce dur ng the detect on of metals and other elements under the ground. It s a patented nvent on, f rst n the world, w th ts des gn that max m zes the rotat onal sens t v ty and freedom of the dev ce’s target-d rected antennas. S nce the sens t v ty and neutral react ons of the system that enables f eld Long Range Locators to a m at the target are one of the most mportant factors affect ng the rotat on performance, a completely new and un que rotat on system has been developed n the MYRA Long Range Locator. MYRA LRL rotat on system was developed pr mar ly by us ng brass mater al, wh ch s the bas c mater al of the dev ce, and thus the success rate was ncreased. A rotat on system conta n ng ball bear ngs s commonly used n Area Scann ng dev ces on the market. As a result of the stud es carr ed out by our expert team, t has been concluded that not us ng a d fferent type of metal n the Long Range Locator Rod s the most correct techn que and that the best performance s ach eved w th th s techn que.

3-Power Tube
MYRA Long Range Locator was des gned n spec al env ronments and ntegrated nto the search antenna dur ng product on. The Power Tube s a closed structure that transm ts extremely sens t ve frequenc es to the rotat on system w th a mercury sensor by us ng the spec al chem cals found n t at certa n rates and determ ned as a result of long-term R&D stud es.
We know that m n ng of gold w th mercury s more than 3000 years old. Today too, gold m n ng s done us ng mercury. In the per od c table, the atom c number of gold s 79 Au, and the atom c number of mercury s 80 Hg. Mercury s a substance that attracts gold ons. Other chem cal act ve ngred ents n the Power Tube are composed of h ghly conduct ve metal m xtures, gold and prec ous metals are self-attract ve elements..
The act ve ngred ents used here, the order of these ngred ents, the m x ng rat os, etc. are spec f c to MYRA Long Range Locator. The Power Tube s a un que and patented nvent on n the world n terms of ts structure, work ng mechan sm, spec al chem cals and solut ons used, and cannot be cop ed. If the spec al solut ons and substances n the Power Tube are turned off and then opened aga n, they w ll lose the r propert es and the product w ll be out of warranty.

4-M das LRL Baton 18

M das LRL Baton s to be used n Long Range Locator appl cat ons, t s a tool that enables fast and effect ve detect ons by nduc ng potent al targets under the ground dur ng the detect on of metal and other elements under the ground, and the d scharge of excess stat c energy loads ar s ng from the nd v dual and the env ronment w th the so l. It s a patented nvent on that s the f rst n the world w th ts Long Range Locator system and method.
We know that every object n the un verse has a un que v brat on and an energy that t spreads around. There are many exper ments and spats related to the fact that targets w th the same frequency value v brate each other.

PACKAGE CONTENTS 1. Myra Long Range Locators Ma n Un t (System Box ) 2. Myra LRL Antenna 3. Myra Gold Search Antenna T p ( Gold Color ) 4. Myra Telescop c Search Antenna T p (S lver Color) 5. M das LRL Baton (Opt onal) 6. Antenna and ESD Wr stband Cable 7. Ant stat c ESD Wr stband 8. Charger 9. Carry Bag 10. M das LRL Baton Connect on Cable ( Used Only Together W th M das
LRL Baton ) 11. User Manuals


LCD SCREEN : Allows you to v sually manage opt ons such as mode and frequency select on, sett ngs, charg ng and connect ons ON/OFF BUTTON: Enables to power up and d sconnect the dev ce DIRECTION BUTTONS: Allows you to nav gate the dev ce nterface and chang ng opt ons BACK BUTTON: Allows you to sw tch to the prev ous menu CONFIRM AND SELECT BUTTON: Allows you to conf rm your cho ces



Instalment Informat on
The Myra Long Range Locator generally cons sts of 3 ma n parts. There are 2 d fferent cables and nputs that connect these parts. At the same t me, the use of ESD wr stbands s also extremely mportant. In add t on, MYRA search antenna and M das LRL baton are del vered d sassembled. In the next step, you can f nd nformat on about the assembly of these parts. General Installat on Stages 1. Plug the cable number 4 nto the search antenna socket on the top of the MYRA ma n un t. 2. Attach the correspond ng ends of the cable number 4 to the search antenna and the ESD wr stband. 3. Plug the number 8 cable nto the M das LRL socket on the top of the search antenna. 4. Plug the number 8 cable nto the M das LRL socket on the top of the search antenna.

MYRA search antenna cons sts of 5 parts. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are del vered to you assembled and parts 4 and 5 d sassembled n the carry ng bag. As shown n the p cture, the parts are connected to each other by rotat ng method, there s no need for an extra connect on tool. S nce the dev ce and ts coat ng are very sens t ve, t s recommended that you carefully nstall and remove the parts.
M das LRL baton cons sts of 4 parts. Parts 1 and 2 are del vered to you assembled and parts 3 and 4 d sassembled n the carry ng bag. As shown n the p cture, the parts are connected to each other by rotat ng method, there s no need for an extra connect on tool. S nce the dev ce and ts coat ng are very sens t ve, t s recommended that you carefully nstall and remove the parts.


All elements n nature em t frequenc es accord ng to the r conduct v ty states. The equ valent frequency wave of these frequenc es, wh ch are known accord ng to the character st cs of the element, s prov ded by the Myra Long Range Locator to spread over the searched area. The overlap of these frequenc es means that the Myra LRL detects the locat on of the target.
The Myra LRL Baton act vates target s gnals by em tt ng frequency from underground, allow ng the Myra LRL antenna to detect the target faster and more effect vely. In both methods, the a m s to act vate the energy f eld of the target w th the g ven equ valent frequency waves.
The frequenc es preferred when search ng by Long Range Locators are produced by the mproved m croch p and are qu te stable. These frequency waves are g ven n such a way that they reach the ground 360 degrees. Thanks to these s gnals, the target can be detected. Thus, t takes a few m nutes to determ ne whether there s a target n the range of the Myra Long Range Locator.
Before you start search ng; accord ng to the mode you w ll choose;
It s recommended to use Ant -Stat c Wr stband n every mode you use. Complete the base part connect ons by nspect ng the general assembly template area.
There are three d fferent search modes: “Auto Search Mode”, “L ghtn ng Ground ng Mode” and “Chamber Search Mode”. Look ng at table 1, select the
mode and connect the antennas to be used n that mode to the ma n un t w th the help of cables!

Table 1

Myra Search Antenna M das LRL Baton

Auto Search Mode


L ghtn ng Ground ng Mode



Chamber Search Mode OK


You can turn on or off the dev ce by press ng the ON/
OFF button on the ma n un t for 2seconds.

When the dev ce s turned on, select the search modes opt on us ng the nav gat on


The reset button s used to return the dev ce to factory
sett ngs.

You can check whether the Myra Search Antenna
or M das LRL Baton connect on has been made by look ng at the connect on nd cators
Select the modes screen us ng the conf rm and select button and make sure that you have connected the parts
su table for the mode you want to use.
To change dev ce sett ngs, you can custom ze the system by us ng the sett ngs menu and mak ng up and down select ons
w th the arrow keys.
You can change the dev ce sound sett ng from th s menu.
You can change the dev ce screen br ghtness sett ng here.
You can choose the dev ce nterface language from th s
You can also access the software vers on and bas c nformat on about the dev ce
from th s screen.

Th s mode s only used w th the Myra Search Antenna. Wh le Auto Search Mode s selected, make sure that the cable connect on of the search antenna s correctly plugged nto the antenna socket on the Ma n Un t. (Do not acc dentally plug t nto the M das LRL Baton socket). Go to search modes us ng the arrow keys and select Auto Search Mode w th the “OK” button. After select ng the Target and D stance, you can start the search by select ng Start. Targets and D stances that can be selected n Auto Search Mode are g ven n Table 2 below. Th s system transm ts the s gnal of the target you select from the ma n un t to the Long Range Rods. The Long Range Rod acts as both a rece ver and a transm tter for s gnals. When a s gnal comes across the target s gnal t em ts, t acts as a rece ver and the rece ved s gnal s processed n the ma n un t and the antenna s d rected towards the target. Thus, t automat cally detects objects that are close to or have th s s gnal w th n the area you are search ng and attracts them to tself l ke a magnet. Thanks to ts d stance select on feature, t w ll prevent you from be ng affected by false s gnals n large areas.
Auto Search Mode D splay Interfaces.


Table 2


D stance

Auto Search Mode

Gold [Au] 5000 Hz, S lver [Ag] 8700 Hz, Copper [Cu] 11200 Hz, Bronze 11800 Hz, Cav ty 200 Hz, Water [H2O] 9500 Hz, Gemstone 12200 Hz, Iron [Fe] 16800 Hz, Free Mode (The des red frequency can be selected between 0-20000 Hz.)

200m – 400m – 600m -800m – 1000m – 1200m -1400m – 1600m – 1800m 2000 m

Chamber Search Mode
L ghtn ng Ground ng Mode
Free Mode (The des red frequency can be selected between 0 -20000 Hz.)

The target to be found s placed nto the chamber by the user.
Gold [Au] 5000 Hz, S lver [Ag] 8700 Hz, Copper [Cu] 11200 Hz, Bronze 11800 Hz, Cav ty 200 Hz, Water [H2O] 9500 Hz, Gemstone 12200 Hz, Iron [Fe] 16800 Hz,

200m – 400m – 600m -800m – 1000m – 1200m -1400m – 1600m – 1800m 2000 m
200m – 400m – 600m -800m – 1000m – 1200m -1400m – 1600m – 1800m 2000 m
200m – 400m – 600m -800m – 1000m – 1200m -1400m – 1600m – 1800m 2000 m

Note: If the type of gold to be detected s known exactly, more deta led and prec se searches can be carr ed out by select ng the follow ng frequency values us ng “Free Mode”.

· It s more effect ve n detect ng natural gold m nes between 4900-5100 Hz.
· It can be used to detect handmade gold objects at 5200-5300 Hz. · Frequenc es of 5400-5500 Hz are the frequency values that tend to attract
low carat jewelry.

However, f you want to search for any k nd of gold; Search can be made by select ng the “Gold 5000 Hz” opt on.


2.LIGHTNING GROUNDING MODE In th s mode, both the grounded M das LRL Baton and the Myra Search Antenna are used together. Make sure that the Antenna and Baton sockets are correctly nserted nto the ma n un t. Access the search modes w th the help of the nav gat on buttons and select the L ghtn ng Ground ng Search Mode w th the “OK” button. After select ng Target and D stance, you can start the search by select ng Start. Targets and D stances that can be Selected n L ghtn ng Ground ng Mode are g ven n Table 2. In th s system, the M das LRL Baton t p s stuck 3-5 cm nto the ground and takes on the task of act vat ng the selected target frequenc es l ke a transm tter. Thus, the act vated target s gnal s transm tted to the ma n un t by the Myra Search Antenna, wh ch acts as a rece ver. In l ne w th th s nformat on processed n the ma n un t, Myra Search Antenna po nts towards the target. The M das LRL Baton factor s very mportant n th s method. It act vates the energy f eld of the target and enables the target to be detected much faster. The M das LRL Baton should be stuck n the ground and approach the target step by step.
L ghtn ng Ground mode d splay nterfaces.

Th s mode s only used n conjunct on w th the Myra Search Antenna. When select ng the Chamber Search Mode, t must be ensured that the cable connect on of the search antenna s correctly plugged nto the antenna socket on the Ma n Un t. (Do not acc dentally nsert t nto the M das LRL Baton socket). In th s mode, there s no Target select on, only D stance select on. The d stances that can be selected are g ven n Table 2. If there s a spec f c target you want to detect, you can search manually by plac ng a sample of th s target ns de the chamber located n the front of the scann ng dev ce. For example; If gold s des red to be detected, gold should be placed n the chamber and f s lver s des red to be detected, s lver should be placed n the chamber and the search should be made n that way. Th s explorat on mode w ll work just l ke a profess onal prospect ng tool. When a s gnal corresponds to the s gnal of the mater al placed n the chamber, the antenna acts as a rece ver and the rece ved s gnal s ntegrated nto the ma n un t, allow ng the antenna to po nt towards the target. Come to the search modes w th the help of the arrow keys and select the “Chamber Search Mode” w th the “OK” key. NOTE: If you choose the Chamber Search Mode and do not put any samples n the chamber part, t may be adversely affected and m sled by so l and atmospher c cond t ons (m nerals, rocks, ox dat ons, magnet c f elds and electr cal s gnals, etc.).
The search chamber s separated from the search antenna by tw st ng and turn ng and the sample s placed ns de the chamber.

Chamber Search Mode d splay nterfaces SETTINGS Access the “sett ngs” sect on us ng the nav gat on buttons and select t w th the “OK” button. You can select the “language” to be used from the opt ons on the screen, adjust the “sound” and “screen l ght” level, and access nformat on about the dev ce from the ” nfo” ( ) con.

SEARCH TYPE AND TARGER DETECTION One of the most mportant ssues for Long Range Locators are how to hold the dev ce accord ng to your phys cal body pos t on and walk ng method. The user should be stand ng comfortably, feet sl ghtly apart, arms close to the body but not st ck ng to the body. If you are new to us ng Long Range Locator , t lt the long Range Locator antenna sl ghtly forward (15 degrees) for better stab l ty The most mportant tr ck here s to pract ce enough hold ng the dev ce to the po nt where t doesn’t “move freely” on ts own. After the user learns to balance the dev ce, they should learn to walk step by step by keep ng the dev ce n balance. Th s s also a tr al and error method.The user’s steps should be at a normal pace, t ght and equ d stant. The same d stance should be advanced w th each step, otherw se the search dev ce w ll lose ts balance. Th s can also occur when the shoulders are dropped. Keep your shoulders at equal he ght. Cont nue to follow these rules n your exerc ses w th the utmost effort.Keep ng the dev ce n balance, perform ng the r ght walk by pay ng attent on to the pos t on of your body, and understand ng the react ons of the antenna and reach ng the result def n tely requ re frequent pract ce.

Before start ng the search, hold the Myra Long Range Locator antenna towards the ground as shown n the p cture and move t 3-5 t mes to the r ght and left to enable the dev ce to
cal brate the ground
F rstly, the LRL dev ce should be held at a 90 degree angle and the antenna rod should be held at an angle of 15 degrees to the ground and the search should be made. Make sure to keep the antenna stable
and balanced as p ctured!

It s recommended to search n 2 d fferent ways
1- F xed(St ll) Stand ng Search Method
· It s the method of search ng by stand ng st ll where you are. · Before start ng the search, after mak ng the ground cal brat on of the
Myra LRL, the antenna s held at an angle of 15 degrees to the ground where we are, and steered w th slow movements to the r ght and left 5-10 t mes w th very slow movements. · Thus, f there s a target n the area you are search ng, It s expected the antenna to d rect you to that d rect on · If the antenna does not pull l ke a magnet, you should cont nue to search n a d fferent d rect on and area.







2- Walk ng Search Method

· It s the method of search ng by nav gat ng the land you w ll search. · Search ng and scann ng should be done w th slow steps and movements. · Before you start the search, after perform ng the ground cal brat on of the
Myra LRL, you hold the antenna rod at a 15-degree angle to the ground, approach the target by draw ng S, and thus you determ ne the area to be searched n deta l or narrow the area.





If the detected target s on your r ght, the antenna of the Myra LRL pulls l ke a magnet to
the r ght, as shown n the p cture.
If the target s on the left, the antenna pulls l ke a magnet to the left, as
shown n the p cture.
When above the target, the antennas rotate 360 degrees around themselves.

DETERMING THE DEPTH OF THE TARGET In order to determ ne the depth of the target, the place you th nk the target s, s approached from the north, south, east and west and the f rst react on po nt that the dows ng rod rece ves when t enters the target’s energy aura s marked.
The target energy s reflected n the form of a c rcle on the ground. The deeper the target, the larger the energy c rcle. The d stance between the marked po nts s measured. Half of the measured d stance nd cates the approx mate depth of the target. so the target depth s equal to the c rcle Rad us. For example, a c rcle 4 meters n d ameter nd cates a target w th a depth of 2 meters.

However, th s method s not a val d method for shallow targets and targets close to the surface. At depths less than 1 meter, targets do not form energy spheres. The target energy (outgass ng) that the target has created over the years does not reach the surface at a r ght angle. Due to solar storms or other magnet c f eld nterference, the magnet c f eld (energy) of the target s assumed to emerge at an angle of approx mately 45 degrees to the surface. However, the degree or d rect on of th s angle s not f xed, so t may not be poss ble to prec sely p npo nt the target w th area scann ng dev ces. The deeper the target, the greater the dev at on. D gg ng stra ght down vert cally from your surface pos t on may not get you to your target. It s also recommended to use a metal detector or underground mag ng system for p npo nt detect on and conf rmat on. An area of at least 15 meters n d ameter or larger should be searched to ver fy the target locat on, so t should not be l m ted to just the energy env ronment.


Myra LRL Dev ce works w th L th um-Ion nternal battery. The average usage t me of the battery s 10 hours. The mode used and the use of screen backl ght affect the battery usage t me. If you are not go ng to use your dev ce for a long t me, keep t fully charged. It s recommended to charge t at least once n 3 months to prolong the battery l fe.Also remove the cables from the ma n un t and antennas.
Before us ng the Myra Long Range Locator , make sure to charge t. It’s reccomended to use the or g nal charger Battery Charge T me s approx mately 4 hours. To charge the battery, plug the end of the USB cable that comes w th the dev ce nto the charg ng adapter and the other end nto the charg ng socket at the bottom of the system box.
It s recommended to charge the dev ce wh le t s turned off. Wh le the dev ce s be ng charged, the Charge Status Ind cator Led at the bottom of the system l ghts up red. If the dev ce s turned off and the charge status nd cator LED turns green, the dev ce s fully charged.
The nd cator won’t turn green f the dev ce s turned on wh le charg ng.
Resett ng process of Myra system box (return ng to factory sett ngs)
How to perform a hard reset?
To reset the Myra Long Range Locator system, press and hold the RESET button on the back of the box (th s button s located ns de the dev ce and s pressed nward) for a few seconds w th the help of a p n or papercl p. The reset process w ll be completed successfully when the dev ce turns off. After th s process, the dev ce s returned to ts n t al setup state. It returns completely to the way t came out of the box.
Usage w th Powerbank: In case the battery s empty, you can charge the dev ce w th Powerbank.
Low Battery Level: The battery con on the screen of the dev ce shows the charge level of the battery. At the same t me, when the battery s low, the color ns de the battery changes from green to red n 4 levels. The red color nd cates that the charge s low and close to shut ng down.
Do not leave the dev ce n very hot or cold cond t ons. The Myra Long Range Locator can only be replaced by a M das Detector author zed serv ce.




· Aud o Output: · D mens on:

Speaker Myra LRL Search Antenna 19,5cm ­ 15,5cm (Handle) Gold Antenna: 36cm S lver Antenna: 22cm (Close) & 85cm (Open) M das LRL Baton: 91cm – 12cm Ma n Control Un t : 170x75x25mm Bag D mens on: 35x30x10cm

· Data process ng speed: · Operat ng Frequency:

240mHz Gold[Au] 5000 Hz, S lver [Ag] 8700 Hz, Copper [Cu] 11200 Hz, Bronze 11800 Hz, Cav ty 200 Hz, Water [H2O] 9500 Hz, Gemstone 12200 Hz, Iron[Fe] 16800 Hz.

· Free Mode: · D stance: · Depth:

Manual Frequency Select on n 0 ­ 20,000 Hz Adjustable from 200m to 2000m range Up to 12 meters under opt mal cond t ons.

· Intervals Screen:

Colorful LED screen

· Resolut on:

320 x 240 p xels

· Operat ng Temperature: 0 – 70 C

· Storage Temperature: (-10) – 70 C

· Waterproof:

Weatherproof only (No waterproof feature)

· Power Consumpt on:

5 V 1000 mA

· Battery:

3,7 V 4000 mA LITHIUM ION

· Charger Features:

Input:100 ­ 240 ­ 50 / 60 Hz 0.35 A,

Output: 5.0 V ­ 3.0 A

Spec al Mechan cal Rotat on System Bear ng – Free Des gn: A bear ng-free rotat on system des gned us ng brass mater al, wh ch s a f rst n Long Range Locator dev ces.
Baton System: The ab l ty to move the target’s s gnal waves much faster under the ground w th LRL Baton.
Full Charge Usage T me: The average usage t me of the battery s 10 hours. Full Charg ng T me: The battery s fully charged n approx mately 4 hours.
M das Detectors has the r ght to make changes n the features, des gn and accessor es of the products w thout not ce.


Search ng w th dev ces such as Long Range Locators and detectors s a regulated act v ty w th ts own pr nc ples, l ke all other hobb es. The follow ng recommendat ons w ll contr bute to the development of a commun ty that respects people, nature, h story and the env ronment.
· Know ng the laws wh le search ng for treasure w ll benef t you more than the problems you may encounter n th s regard.
· If n any case you th nk the d scovery you’ve made s archaeolog cal, report t to local · author t es w th n 48 hours. · Before conduct ng research n an area that does not belong to you, be sure to
obta n perm ss on from the owners or guard ans. · Respect the natural env ronment n wh ch you conduct research · Don’t throw your garbage around. · Avo d detect ng n areas where battles are known to occur dur ng wart me .
Otherw se, you may face the danger of explos on of ammun t on. · Remember, you are ambassadors for th s wonderful hobby and thanks to the mage
you d splay, we w ll come to better places as a commun ty.
· Th s dev ce compl es w th user safety standards cons der ng electromagnet c waves.
· Th s dev ce s not su table for searches that nvolve dangerous targets such as ammun t on, m nes etc.
· The accessor es del vered w th th s dev ce may vary depend ng on the package, and s m larly the menus and certa n features descr bed n th s manual may vary sl ghtly.
· Th s dev ce may conta n l th um- on batter es that must be properly recycled.



Warranty Cert f cate


T tle: Web / E-Ma l :

M das Kurumsal ç ve Di T caret Sanay L m ted rket www.m dasdetectors.com / nfo@m dasdetectors.com

PRODUCT INFORMATION Model: Product Code / Ser al Number :

MYRA Long Range Locator


T tle




Phone / E-ma l


Product Del very Date and Locat on :

Invo ce Date and Number


S gnature and Stamp


Warranty Terms And Scope
1. MYRA LRL ma n un t has a 2 years warranty 2. Th s contractual warranty for parts and labor s val d from the f rst day of purchase.
1. Myra search antenna and M das LRL baton have 1 year warranty 2. Parts, connect on po nts and nstallat ons subjected to wear off due to use are not
covered by the warranty.
Th s warranty s vo d f the dev ce s used contrary to the nstruct ons n the user manual and n the follow ng cases:
1. Breaks caused by dropp ng, mpact or acc dental damage. 2. Damages caused by abnormal use or fa lure to comply w th the rules prescr bed n
the dev ce’s nstruct ons. 3. D sassemble the techn cal parts of the dev ce or nterfer ng w th ts software n any
way by unauthor zed persons or organ zat ons. 4. Contact w th l qu d Damage to the dev ce due to contact w th l qu d or because of
l qu d ngress. 5. Decreased battery l fe due to battery ag ng. 6. Excess ve and forceful use of the cables or the antennas. 7. In case of mproper and careless use, charg ng and power overload, overload and
secondary problems that may ar se from these errors, the dev ce w ll be out of warranty.
In case of any error or malfunct on, please contact your dealer for adv ce and evaluat ons. Th s warranty document must be kept w th n the user manual dur ng the warranty per od. Appl cat ons made w thout th s document w ll be subject to a fee.
If there s any part replacement or replacement under warranty, you can f rst contact your dealer and then send t to the manufacturer w th a note and nvo ce express ng your consent. Dev ces for wh ch the warranty cert f cate s not f lled out n t me and the nvo ce s not subm tted by the relevant sales dealers are not covered by the warranty.
· If the dev ce s replaced w th a new one under warranty, the warranty s val d from the date of the f rst purchase.
You can contact us v a the contact nformat on to get deta led nformat on.
M das Detectors reserves the r ght to change the qual t es and spec f cat ons of MYRA LRL w thout not ce.

Manufacturer : M das Kurumsal ç ve Di T caret Sanay L m ted rket Address: Balarbai Mah. Atatürk Cad. No: 136, D: 4. 34844, Maltepe ­ stanbul – Türk ye Phone: +90 216 421 30 30 Mob le & WhatsApp: +90 542 288 30 30 Web: www.m dasdetectors.com Ema l: nfo@m dasdetectors.com
Copyr ght M das Detectors All R ghts Reserved.

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