Studiologic Numa Compact SE 88 Key Stage Piano User Manual

June 20, 2024

Numa Compact SE 88 Key Stage Piano


Product Information


  • Model: Numa Compact SE

  • Power Source: Power adapter or USB

  • Audio Outputs: Left and Right audio outputs, Headphones

  • Connectivity: USB for data transmission and power

Product Usage Instructions

Power Connection:

Use the provided power adapter to connect the Numa Compact SE to
a power socket. Alternatively, you can power it via USB. Ensure the
main Volume, Bass, and Treble controls are set to half position and
the Mastering control to minimum to prevent excessive output

Expression / Universal Pedals:

Connect optional pedals to Ped1 and Ped2 sockets for
volume/expression controls. Different pedals can be used based on
the socket requirements.

Audio Output:

To use external amplification systems or record sounds, connect
the Left and Right audio outputs to your mixer, amplifier, or
computer audio inputs using appropriate cables.


The Headphones output can be used with headphones or as an extra
audio auxiliary output. It can also be connected to a subwoofer or
additional amplification system.

USB Connectivity:

Connect the Numa Compact SE to your computer using a USB cable
for data transmission. The device will be automatically recognized
by your computer, and drivers will be installed. USB also supports
digital audio transmission.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I power the Numa Compact SE using USB?

A: Yes, you can power the instrument using a shielded quality
certified USB cable, ensuring your computer has sufficient power

Q: How do I connect expression pedals?

A: Connect expression pedals to the Ped1 and Ped2 sockets as per
the specific requirements mentioned in the manual.

Q: What is the purpose of the Headphones output?

A: The Headphones output can be used with headphones or as an
extra audio auxiliary output for connecting to subwoofers or
additional amplification systems.


User manual – Numa Compact SE

User manual – Numa Compact SE
Index Introduction Power and connections Power connection Expression / Universal pedals Audio output Headphones Volume USB Panel – display and navigation Sound / MIDI Demo Split Store / User Programs Sound banks and sound section Sound mode Effects FX1 – FX2 Mastering Global edit Program edit Part edit MIDI Zone edit Important safety instructions Declarations
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User manual – Numa Compact SE

The Numa Compact is an incredibly powerful musical instrument, packed in a stylish and slim cabinet, based on a totally new technology and updated user interface. The keyboard includes an Aftertouch control and together with the programmable Sticks, allows to have a total control of the musical performance. The new sound engine is capable of 200 notes of max polyphony and it includes two independent sections (Lower & Upper) with over 148 sounds, organized in 8 Sound Banks, assignable to any portion of the keyboard, in Layer or Split mode. The 1GB (flash memory) sounds are further enhanced by 2 effects post-processors (Fx1-Fx2) each one with a double internal architecture, for a total of 6 independent effects at once.

Power and connections
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Power connection
Use the power adapter supplied with the device to connect the Numa Compact to the power socket (or use the USB connection). Switch the unit on by using the power button next to the power plug of the Numa Compact, set the main Volume, Bass and Treble controls to the half position and the Mastering control to zero-minimum (the function will be explained later on this manual) to avoid excessive output power and allow the internal speakers to play with a correct dynamic range.
USB power
The instrument can also be powered by USB, using a shielded quality certified cable and providing that the computer has enough power and not too many devices are powered through the same USB port. When the instrument is USB powered, the internal amplification system is disconnected. In case of weak or unstable connection, use the traditional power (see previous paragraph).

Expression / Universal pedals
Connect the (optional) pedal or pedals to the related sockets, labelled Ped1 and Ped2; at the socket labelled PED1 you can plug in the Studiologic FP/50 or VP/27 pedal, typically for volumeexpression controls. To the PED2 socket you can plug either a single swicth pedal, a volumeexpression pedal or the custom triple pedal SLP3-D, as explained in the related chapter.
Audio output
If you want to use external amplification systems, or record the instruments sounds, connect the Left and Right audio outputs to the inputs of your mixing desk or amplifier, or to your computer audio board inputs, using suitable cables.
The Headphones output can be used with an headphones set or as an extra audio auxiliary output,

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according to the setting of the related GLOBAL edit function (explained in this manual). As an auxiliary audio out, you can use this plug to connect the instrument to a subwoofer or an additional amplification system, while the L/R outputs are still available for recording or other audio connections.
When you use the Numa Compact for the first time, we recommend you to turn the Volume knob on the Output section to not more than half way between 0 and Full. While you are playing you can adjust the volume according to the selected sounds. Adjusting the Volume knob will effect all audio and headphone outputs at the same time. To prevent hearing damage, you should ­ as with all audio devices ­ avoid using the Numa Compact at high volume for long periods.
For data transmission via USB, connect the Numa Compact to your computer with a USB cable. The first time you switch the Numa Compact on, it will be recognised by your computer automatically and the appropriate driver will be installed by the OS (cross compliant). The USB also supports the transmission of digital audio.
Panel – display and navigation

The main HOME display of the Numa Compact is the one shown at power on and it’s divided in 3

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main areas: the top area shows the current Program number and name, the left and right lower areas are related to the Lower and Upper Sound sections, in SOUND mode, and to the Zone A and Zone B sections, in MIDI Mode. Two differente navigation modes can be choosen in Global edit. If you set the related parameter ADVANCED, the navigation works as follow: Press SOUND to show the UPPER and LOWER parts on the display. Press MIDI to show Zone A and Zone B on the display. Press LOWER (MIDI A) and UPPER (MIDI B) to enable or disable the audio parts and the MIDI zones. When the SOUND button is on, press it to move the focus from UPPER part to LOWER part and vice versa. When the MIDI button is on, press it to move the focus from Zone A to Zone B and vice versa. Press the Encoder to move the focus to the Program. A second press of the Encoder shows the list and press again so choose the Program. If you set the related parameter STANDARD, the navigation works as follow: Clicking on the Encoder: the focus will move to the 3 main positions: Programs, Lower, Upper. Pressing the Sound or MIDI buttons, the focus (cursor position) will be moved on top. Pressing Lower or Upper, the focus (cursor position) will be set to the related areas. When the focus is on the Program area, rotating the Encoder you will select the various Programs. When the focus is on the Lower/Upper areas, rotating the Encoder you will control the related volumes.

Sound / MIDI
The two buttons marked SOUND and MIDI will toggle between the two related views and controls. When the SOUND button is selected and lighted, the user can control the SOUND sections and selections, all related display, settings, edit pages and parameter settings. When the MIDI button is selected and lighted, the display will show the status of the MIDI Zones A and B and the user can access to all available parameters, edit functions and values.

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The SOUND button can also be pressed for a longer time, to enable the eight DEMO songs (one for each sound BANK) to start playing in sequence; clicking on a SOUND BANK you can also select the related demo; at the end of it, the next demo song will start for the other BANKS, in a continuous cycling loop.
This button is a real time control of the SPLIT function, that is edited and controlled in all details by the GLOBAL EDIT function (Split Point) and PART EDIT function (Split Assign). This is a fast way to immediately enable and disable the SPLIT and play the UPPER and LOWER parts all over the keyboard, in layer mode without split.
As explained in the EDIT sections, the SPLIT button can also be used as a short cut to select the MIXER page, by keeping it pressed for a few seconds.
Store / User Programs
The Numa Compact has 120 programmable memories called Programs, where you can store all SOUND, FX1/2 controls, amounts, functions, split points and all editable parameters also related to the MIDI ZONES, with a programmable NAME for each Program. The only non-storable functions are the VOLUME, BASS, TREBLE and MASTERING, since they are pure real-time controls, not related to a particular Program. All Programs can be sent and received via USB, as explained in the related paragraph of this manual, in the GLOBAL EDIT section.
Press STORE to save all related settings.
Sound banks and sound section

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Sound mode
In SOUND mode, with the related button selected and lighted, the 8 Sound banks can select the internal sounds, organized according to the Sound Bank names. Each Bank can have a variable number of sounds, organized in pages of 4 sounds for each one. Selecting a Bank, you will see on the display the sounds of that Bank, the current Sound Bank and total pages of sounds of the Bank (shown on the top right area of the display) and the selected sound, in reverse color.
To select another sound of the current Bank, rotate the encoder and all available sounds will be shown and selected in sequence, from the first to the last page of the Bank. The selection can be done during a temporary window (approx 5 seconds) and the last selected sound will be automatically memorized for each Bank. You can also click the Encoder to confirm the selection.
When you select a Bank, the focus will automatically go to the last selected Sound, to make the sound selection easier and faster. Thanks to this function, you will have an automatic setting of your preferred sounds for each Bank.


FX1 – FX2
The 2 double effects processors allow to assign 2 separate effects to the Lower and Upper sections, for a total of 4 different effects at once. As an example, the FX1 can be set to Drive for the Upper section and, at the same time, to Chorus for the Lower section. Using the Upper/Lower button, you can toggle between the related parts and show or select the effect for that part. In addition, you will see or change the associated FX using the 2 main LOWER and UPPER buttons below the display.
You can visualize the Sound and FX structure and signal flow as it follows:

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Upper > FX1 (one of the four) > FX2 (one of the four) > Reverb (programmable send in Edit) Lower > FX1 (one of the four) > FX2 (one of the four) > Reverb (programmable send in Edit) Amount: the 2 potentiometers control the Amount of the selected effect, like the dry/wet ratio (for modulating effects like the Chorus) or other parameters, like the distortion level of the DRIVE effects.
A post processing effects which enhanced the stereo width image and smoothly compress the sound. Suggested settings:

Global edit
To enter the GLOBAL edit, keep pressed the EDIT button for a few seconds; you will find various pages (shown on the top right area of the display) with functions that will affect the instrument, regardless what Program is selected. To escape from the function, press again the EDIT button and all settings will be memorized automatically. When the focus (cursor) is on the top area of the display, rotating the encoder you can select the various pages; clicking on the cursor, the focus will be moved on the parameter and rotating the encoder you can change the related value. The GLOBAL EDIT main functions are:
See Panel – display and navigation
You can transpose the instrument to any other key; click on the encoder to move the cursor on the

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value and rotate it to input the desired transposition range.

This function allows to “tune” the instrument, in case you have to play along with another instrument that is not tuned to the standard (A=440 Hz). RANGE: 415,7 – 466,2 Hz

You can select a different velocity curve, according to your taste and playing technique. There are 3 factory curves (SOFT/NORMAL/HARD) and a programmable FIXED velocity setting, with the related value.

FIXED VELOCITY You can set here the fixed velocity value (from 1 to 127) when the FIXED velocity is selected.

Here you can control the amount of the STRINGS RESONANCE post-processing, that adds a more realistic effect to all Acoustic PIANO sounds.

It reproduces the resonances of the top right section of Acoustic pianos where there are no dampers and the strings can resonate also without pressing the damper pedal.

It Reproduces the subtle noise of the hammers when they return to the rest position and it changes according to the speed at which the keys are released.

DAMPER NOISE It simulates the typical noise of the Damper Pedal on Acoustic pianos and it is velocity sensitive if

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controlled by the optional pedal SLP3-D.

Change the speaker behavior. Please note that the speakers require that the external power supply is connected. OFF: Speakers always off. AUX: Speakers always on. AUTO: The speakers are automatically turned off when you plug the headphones.

While the PED1 is always suitable for expression-volume pedals, the PED2 can be programmed to connect almost all possible pedals, as it follows: SINGLE SWITCH normally open; SINGLE SWITCH normally closed; EXPRESSION (volume function, pedals with potentiometer and stereo plug); SLP3-D ­ Triple pedal with Soft/Sostenuto/Sustain function with half-damper control. PNO to manage the Soft/Sostenuto/Damper functions from the pedals. PRG which allows to change Programs up/down from pedals 1 and 2.

This function automatically assign a specific FX for some sounds and also memorize the last manually selected FX1-2 for each sound.
This real-time function will also control the association between the Stick2 and the Sound or FX controls (modulation or effect speed etc) in a logic and automatic way. When a particular FX is selected on a section, the Stick 2 will control a particular parameter, like the Slow/Fast speed of the Rotary or the Speed and Feedback of the Phaser. The control will also be automatically set according to the focus position: if you have a Lower part without FX and the focus on Lower, the Stick 2 will control the Modulation; if the focus is on Upper and you have an Organ sound with Rotary, the Stick 2 will control the Rotary Slow/Fast speed.
If the FX Autoset function is set to off (see the GLOBAL Edit section) the function of the Stick 2

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will be under Part EDIT, with not automatic assignments, and you can store all settings in each Program.
With the FX Autoset off, the automatic association between each sound and the last selected FX will be disabled and the FX selection will be only manual or controlled by the FX setting stored in each of the 99 Program.

This command is also received via MIDI and it is automatically deactivated the next time the instrument is turned on; in LOCAL OFF the keyboard does not send the notes played on the keyboard directly to the internal Sounds, but only via USB-MIDI to avoid unwanted repetitions when using external Software Programs which receive the notes from the keyboard and send them back to the generation.

MULTI Ch: the instrument continues to work in its standard mode, sending notes and controls via USB on the respective MIDI Channels 1-2 of the enabled sections and on the COMMON channel 16 only the general controls. SINGLE Ch: the control panel controls and the notes played on the keyboard are transmitted via USB on a single channel COMMON = 16

The merge function allows to merge-mix the MIDI IN data to the local MIDI data (notes, controls etc) and send the result to the USB and/or MIDI Out; the selectable options are: OFF = Merge function disabled TO MIDI = Merged MIDI data are sent to the MIDI OUT TO USB = Merged MIDI data are sent to USB TO MIDI+USB = Merged MIDI data are sent to both USB and MIDI Out

To filter (cut out) some MIDI message (besides the standard ones) when merging a MIDI in source to the selected destination.

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The Key Click adds the typical noise associated with the tone wheels vintage organ’s technology that became part of their sound. With the related Key ON and key OFF controls you can set the level of the noise according to your taste: this Global Edit function allows to control the Click level separately for Key on and Key Off, in order to reach the desired effect when playing the keys and when releasing them.
This GLOBAL function allows to control the Percussion Volume; the original Tonewheel Organs had a direct panel control for the Percussion Volume, but it was made of 2 steps: SOFT or NORMAL- With this Global parameter you have a continous control on the Percussion level with 64 values, independently associated to the Fast and Slow decay.
New implementation relating to the ORGAN model with continuous control from 00 to 127 which reproduces in each Drawbar, the harmonics due to the electromagnetic interference (crosstalk) between the adjacent tone wheels as well as the signal passage between the numerous wiring harnesses of the original instruments. Leakage affects both Organ Models.
MIN/MID/MAX selection of the upper part of the upper rotor of the Rotary, referred to the three pulleys available on the original Leslie. This control allow to vary the maximum speed based on which pulley is connected to the drive belt.
This function has been integrated into the Numa Manager application. However, if you still want to use the legacy method, do the following: Connect the Numa Compact to your computer via USB; Open an application that can send/receive Sysex messages; Once the function is selected, rotating the encoder to choose SEND or RECEIVE;

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Select Numa Compact as target device;
To send data to your computer, click the encoder when selecting SEND, confirm YES and wait until is done;
To receive the data back to your instrument, click the encoder when selecting RECEIVE; then send the Sysex file through the application.

The Factory Reset is divided into: PROGRAMS: which restores all Programs to factory settings. GLOBAL which restores all parameters except the Programs. It could make you lose custom settings or programming and the function should be done very carefully. To protect the user from unwanted reset, a caution YES/NO message appears when trying to reset the unit, allowing to confirm or not the factory restore.

Check the firmware version. Firmware update instructions
Program edit
If the focus (cursor) is on the upper part of the display on Programs selection, pressing the EDIT button will enable the Program Edit, with the following parameter and settings.

Program edit is common for SOUND and MIDI; it refers to general parameters associated to both the SOUND and MIDI sections.
After having selected this function, click on the encoder and input the letters of number rotating it; a small triangle will show what digit you are editing. To confirm the new name or keep the previous, press STORE and a popup window will ask you to confirm the change or not, rotating the encoder to YES or NO and confirm by clicking.

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This function allows to select the SPLIT point for each PROGRAM, by rotating the encoder till the desired note is shown. Please note that, as per international standard, the instrument keyboard is named from A0 (first key on the left) to C8 (last key on the right) and consequently the middle C below the display is C4. The reference pitch of A=440 Hz is on A4, the A of the same octave of C4 (below the sound banks) for all sounds that are based on the standard 8′ of the piano range. Only some ORGAN sounds will play one octave below, if based on a 16′ pitch drawbar of the vintage tone wheel organs or the related Pipe Organs 16′ classic organ stops; in these cases the foundamental of the selected sound on A4 will be 220 Hz (one octave below 440 Hz).
The Mixer allows to control all four parts and zones (LOWER/UPPER/ZONEA/ZONEB) at once, in a single organized page. This function can also be accessed with a shortcut, keeping pressed the SPLIT button also marked MIXER with brackets.
It allows you to select two options: TONEWHEEL which corresponds to the typical sound of vintage B3-type models. ELEKTRO less sinusoidal sound, similar to the Principals or Diapasons of classical organs as they were made in electronic simulations, also suitable for reproducing the timbres of the nonelectromechanical Electronic Organs of the 60s and 70s thanks to the control of the Drawbars, Percussions, Leakage and Rotary.
Tube-like distortion with control from 00 to 127, exclusively applied to Rotary. It is important to note that the distortion, unlike what happens for the DRIVE of FX-A, does not change with the volume of the section or with the Expression pedal and remains adjusted as per parameter, to add a fixed tube effect to the Rotary simulation.
CLOSE/FAR simulates a position of the microphones close or far from the original cabinet, which affects the depth and spatialization of the modulation. By selecting CLOSE, the modulation amplitude is maximum, while on FAR it is reduced, as occurs by moving the real microphones away from the cabinets.

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MONO equals just 2 microphones placed at the top and bottom of the cabinet. STEREO is equivalent to 4 microphones positioned two at the top and two at the bottom By selecting the MONO setting, we recommend choosing the Mic Postion FAR to prevent the modulation from being excessively deep and also to simulate the typical sound of amplifications generally used in live performances, while the STEREO settings are mainly used in studio recordings.
Rotary speeds can now also be selected from PED2. Manually assignable in EDIT MENU or automatically with FX Autoset active. FX Autoset switches the function of PED2 according to the selected SOUND and relative FOCUS of the ZONE.
Part edit
If the focus is on one of the parts and you are in SOUND mode (with the SOUND button selected and lighted) you will enter in the PART edit mode. When you have selected PART edit you can always press the LOWER or UPPER buttons to select the part to be edited, or click on the encoder. The PART EDIT includes the following parameters:
Rotating the encoder, after having moved the focus on the parameter by clicking on it, you can control the selected part Volume, in a range from 0 to 127.
Once you have selected the SPLIT point for the current PROGRAM (ref: PROGRAM EDIT) you can decide where the selected LOWER or UPPER section (either for the SOUND and MIDI zones) should play, in a totally independent way as it follows: TO LEFT: the part will play to the left section of the keyboard (from A0 to the SPLIT note); TO RIGHT: the part will play to the right section of the keyboard (from the SPLIT note to C8); TO ALL: the part will play with no split all over the keyboard. This function will allow many musical combinations, such as the few following examples and their opposite settings: PIANO on the right + BASS on the left, of the split point; PIANO and STRINGS on the right + MIDI ZONES on the left (controlling external devices); ORGAN on the entire keyboard (TO ALL)

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and CHOIR on the right part only. Even with one SPLIT point (programmable for each PROGRAM) the possible settings are almost one hundred, considering the status and combinations of LOWER+UPPER+ZONEA+ZONEB and the SPLIT settings made possible by this function.
This function allows to transpose a part; differently from the GLOBAL TRANSPOSER, that will effects the entire instrument, this function can be set independently for each SOUND section or MIDI zone and stored in each PROGRAM, with different values. Interesting combinations are obtained by transposing a sound with musical intervals, like a lower quint = minus 5 semitones, to get what is commonly known as a “cluster” with fixed intervals. Try to select a TRUMPET on UPPER and a SAX on LOWER, setting the SAX 5 semitones lower, in a typical JAZZ setting.
You can set the octave (intervals of 12 semitones each) separately for each part; normally you will need to move a LOWER part one or two octave up, if you want to play chords in a better range. On the other way, sometimes you can get a better sound, when the SPLIT is activated, if you move the UPPER part one or two octaves down, as you could prefer if you select a TENOR sax in combination with a splitted BASS sound on the left, since the Sax lower and nicer notes could probably be on the left of the splitted keyboard portion. Simply experiment the setting you prefer and then store it in the current PROGRAM.
This parameter allows to fine-tune the Upper and Lower sounds within a semitone range; it could be useful to create “beating” sligthly detuned sounds, when assigning a pure Waveform to both sections (i.e. Sawtooth, Square etc) or enhance some Orchestral 2 sections mix, making it richer.
The function allows to control the amount of signal to be sent to the REVERB processor, independently for the LOWER and UPPER parts and programmable with different settings for each PROGRAM. As a typical setting, if you SPLIT the keyboard and assign a BASS sound to the left, you might want to reduce or minimize the amount of REVERB on the left part, or control the setting also on the UPPER part to get the desired effect. The MIX potentiometer, on the front panel, will change the overall reverberation mix (Dry/Wet) with any reverb type selected or send value.

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Here you can decide if the pedals are enabled or not for each section (UPPER/LOWER or ZONEA and ZONE B if the MIDI button is activated).
As for the pedals, also the Sticks can be enabled separately for the Parts and Zones; please note that the Stick 2 will be set automatically to AUTO if the related FX-AUTOSET function is set to ON in the GLOBAL EDIT area. To control the Stick 2 assignment manually, you can set to OFF the FXAUTOSET and the function can be switched ON or OFF and stored in the Programs.
This parameter enables or disables the aftertouch function on the selected Part or Zone; the function of the Aftertouch will be in most cases similar- same of the Stick 2 modulation control, adding some kind of vibrato or similar modulation to the sound, according to the setting. Normally you will set the Aftertouch ON for the UPPER part, that is commonly used for the main musical part or solo performances, while the LOWER part is normally associated to accompaniments or bass lines, if the SPLIT is active.
This parameter controls the attack transient harmonics of the most Electric Pianos, with the typical bell type sound or mechanical noise associated with the original vintage instrument.
This parameter adjusts the timbre of every sound from mellower to brighter and store the related value in any Program.
Numa Compact SE has a complete MIDI Implementation, that includes 2 separate software MIDI Ports, that you can see connecting the instrument with the USB Cable to your computer, named KEYBOARD and CONTROLLER ports. The KEYBOARD port is programmed to send and receive all MIDI controls related to the internal SOUNDS, EFFECTS and PROGRAMS, allowing to control all functions of the instrument, sending and receiving what you physically do on it, from the notes you play on the keyboard, to the SOUNDS you select on the 2 local sections (Upper and Lower) and for the other 2 additional sections (Part3 and Part4) that can be played via MIDI. Via MIDI you can also set the Part 3 and Part 3 SOUNDS and Reverb levels (they cannot be sent to the internal Effects) creating a total of 4 parts MIDI Sequence.

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As example you can play a Drums & Bass groove on MIDI CH3 and 4 and record a live part on UPPER and/or LOWER, creating a 4 part arrangement of any kind.
The four KEYBOARD Parts have a separate MIDI Channel each one, corresponding to the following MIDI structure:
Upper = MIDI Ch1 (send and receive)
Lower = MIDI Ch2 (send and receive)
Part 3: MIDI Ch3 (receive only)
Part 4: MIDI Ch4 (receive only)
All real time Panel controls (Organ Drawbars and Synth Sliders, SOUNDS, FX selection and related Amounts and settings etc) are sent and received, as listed in the MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART. The last four potenziometers are only for local settings (VOLUME, MASTERING, BASS & TREBLE) as they should not be sent or received via MIDI.
Anything you control and play on the Numa Compact can be transmitted, recorded and received via MIDI, allowing a full control of all functions.
The second separate MIDI PORT is dedicated to the CONTROLLER section (ZONE A and ZONE B) and thru this separate PORT you can send all MIDI controls related to the MIDI Zones and their related settings, controls, Stick functions (Pitch and Modulation, as well as the Aftertouch) etc.
Being this PORT 2 related to the MIDI function, the IMPLEMENTATION only includes the SENT MIDI Messages, while no MIDI controls are needed and implemented as MIDI IN.
As esplained this double KEYBOARD/CONTROLLER PORT structure is meant to be used when a MIDI-USB connection is made with a Computer. As explained in the GLOBAL EDIT parameters, the COMMON Midi channel allows to send all incoming MIDI data (notes etc) to the main instrument’s section, allowing to change the main PROGRAMS and play the instrument’s UPPER and LOWER parts as you would play on the local keyboard (with Split or Layers, the related key range etc).
Connecting the Numa Compact via MIDI OUT (not USB) the instrument only transmits the implemented CONTROLLER messages when you connect a physical MIDI cable to the MIDI OUT socket.
Zone edit
If the focus is on one of the zones and you are in MIDI mode (with the MIDI button selected and lighted) you will enter in the ZONE edit mode; when you have selected ZONE edit you can always press the ZONE A or ZONE B buttons to select the zone to be edited, or click on the encoder to

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move the cursor/focus as for all other instrument’s functions. The ZONE EDIT includes the following parameters:
Here you can input the Program Change number of the controlled device or sound generator, referring to the specific Sound Map of the connected device/vst/sound generator. The value range is 1-127.
LSB stands for Least significant Byte, MSB stands for Most significant byte and they allow to control and select more banks of the standard 127 Program Changes or many other functions, defined by the MIDI standards; to input the correct numbers, you have to refer to the implementation chart of the controlled device, where each Sound is defined with the MIDI data to select and control it.
You can select the MIDI channel (value 1-16) for each Zone, to control 2 different external devices or sound generators.
Rotating the encoder, after having moved the focus on the parameter by clicking on it, you can control the selected part Volume, in a range from 0 to 127; the Zone volumes can be controlled directly also not in EDIT mode, when the MIDI button is lighted and the cursor-focus is on one of the Zones.
Once you have selected the SPLIT point for the current PROGRAM (ref: PROGRAM EDIT) you can decide where the selected ZONE should play, in a totally independent way as it follows: TO LEFT: the zone will play to the left section of the keyboard (from A0 to the SPLIT note); TO RIGHT: the zone will play to the right section of the keyboard (from the SPLIT note to C8); TO ALL: the zone will play with no split all over the keyboard. Even with one common SPLIT point (programmable for each PROGRAM) the possible settings are almost one hundred, considering the status and combinations of LOWER+UPPER+ZONEA+ZONEB and the SPLIT settings made possible by this function.

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This function allows to transpose a Zone; differently from the GLOBAL TRANSPOSER, that will effect the entire instrument, this function can be set independently for each MIDI zone and stored in each PROGRAM, with different values.
You can set the octave (intervals of 12 semitones each) separately for each Zone; normally you will need to move a zone one or two octave up, to the LEFT Zone of a split keyboard, to play chords in a better range. On the other way, sometimes you can get a better sound if you move the UPPER zone one or two octaves down; simply experiment the setting you prefer and then store it in the current PROGRAM.
Here you can decide if the pedals are enabled or not for each Zone independently, according to where the cursor-focus is set (on ZONE A or ZONE B).
As for the pedals, also the Sticks can be enabled separately for the Zones; please note that the Stick 2 will be set automatically to AUTO if the related FX-AUTOSET function is set to ON in the GLOBAL EDIT area. To control the Stick 2 assignment manually, you can set to OFF the FXAUTOSET and the function can be switched ON or OFF and stored in the Programs.
This parameter enables or disables the aftertouch function on the selected Zone; the function of the Aftertouch will be in most cases similar-same of the Stick 2 modulation control, adding some kind of vibrato or similar modulation to the sound, according to the setting. Normally you will set the Aftertouch ON for the UPPER zone, that is commonly used for the main musical zone or solo performances, while the LOWER zone is normally associated to accompaniments or bass lines, if the SPLIT is active, however the setting is totally under your control and choice.
Important safety instructions
Please read the entire manual. It contains all the information you need to use this unit. Please follow the instructions in the manual. The warranty will be void if unauthorized work is carried out on the product. Only accessories that are specified by the manufacturer should be used with this unit. Use the unit only as specified in this manual.

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01/03/2024, 13:36

User manual – Numa Compact SE

Risk of electric shock. Do not open the chassis. There are no user serviceable parts inside. The unit should only be serviced by qualified service staff.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Never place containers with liquid on the unit. Do not use the unit near water, swimming pool, bathtub or wet basement. If the unit is moved from a cold place to a warm room, condensation may occur inside. To avoid damage please allow the unit to reach room temperature before switching on.
Before connecting the unit to the main power supply, please check if the power supply is suitable for the Numa Compact adapter. The unit can be powered with 100 ­ 240VAC, using the included power adapter. Installation Always use a stable rack to place the product on. Please be aware of its size and weight. Cleaning / Maintenance Never use any abrasive detergent, which may damage the surface. We recommend a slightly moist micro-fibre cloth. Packaging Please keep all packaging, and use it to protect the product when transporting or if servicing is required.
Every product from Studiologic by Fatar has been carefully manufactured, calibrated and tested, and carries a warranty. Damage caused by incorrect transport, mounting or handling is not covered by this warranty. Compensation amounting to more than the price of the device is excluded. For any further informations please refer exlusively to your dealer and/or local distributor. This is based on general terms and condition of the local distributor / FATAR srl, Italy.
FATAR srl Zona Ind.le Squartabue

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01/03/2024, 13:36

User manual – Numa Compact SE

62019 Recanati MC Italy declares that this product complies with the European Directives: 2004/108//EC: EMC Directive DIN EN 55013: EMC radio disturbance of sound, TV and associated equipment DIN EN 55020: EMC immunity of sound, TV and associated equipment Recanati, 02. 02. 2024 Marco Ragni, Chief Executive Officer This declaration becomes invalid if the device is modified without approval.
This product is manufactured according to the 2002/95/EC directive.
Disposal / WEEE
The purpose of this EC Directive 2003/108/EC is, as a first priority, the prevention of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and in addition, the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of such wastes so as to reduce the disposal of waste. Please help to keep our environment clean.
State of the art
To ensure maximum quality all Studiologic by Fatar devices are always engineered to be state-ofthe-art products, therefore updates, modifications and improvements are made without prior notice. Technical specification and product appearance may vary from this manual.
All trademarks used in this manual belong to their respective owners.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior consent of the copyright owner: FATAR Srl Zona Ind.le Squartabue 62019 Recanati, Italy

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01/03/2024, 13:36


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