AL-KO IQ7 Bleeding the Hydraulic System Instructions
- June 3, 2024
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IQ7 Bleeding the Hydraulic System
Bleeding the Hydraulic System Instructions
Bleeding instructions using AL-KO iQ7 Pressure Bleed Gun
- Fill reservoir with clean brake fluid to just below the top of the sight glass.
- Place the pressure bleed gun socket gently over the neck of the reservoir applying gentle pressure to locate the bleed socket in place (as shown in diagram 1).
- Screw the lid in place to secure the socket.
- Do not push on with excessive force or damage may be caused to the reservoir or the O ring on the pressure bleed gun socket.
- Place the other end of the bleed gun tube into a bottle or container of fresh, new brake fluid (see diagram 2).
- Open the bleed screw (start with the furthermost calliper) at least one full turn. Place a clear flexible hose over the bleed screw and immerse the other end into a container partially filled with brake fluid.
- Squeeze the pressure bleed gun repeatedly (see diagram 3 – but not too fast or cavitations may occur) ensuring that the bulk brake fluid tank and the reservoir do not run out of brake fluid or air will enter the hydraulic system. At no stage let the fluid level in the reservoir fall below the minimum fluid level indicator.
- Continue squeezing the pressure bleed gun until the brake fluid in the flexible hose attached to the bleed screw is free of air bubbles and tighten the bleed screw.
- Repeat the process with the next furthermost calliper away from the actuator.
- Bleed the other side of the trailer starting with the closest calliper to the actuator first as above.
- Connect the trailer to the tow vehicle and turn on ignition to activate actuator. Allow the compressor to fully charge the actuator (approx 90 seconds). Once the compressor has stopped apply the brakes, and hold on for a 5 second period and release. Repeat this 4 times.
- Check the brake fluid level in the reservoir. It should not exceed the top of the sight glass maximum level.
- Replace the fluid reservoir cap.
Before removing the pressure bleed gun from the reservoir, make sure that
there is no pressure in the system (pressure bleed gun has fully returned to
the rest position) or brake fluid spillage will occur causing paint
To prime the bleeder
Turn the dose adjuster to 12.5ml position. Hold the applicator vertically
upwards and prime by squeezing the handle completely forward until all air has
been expelled from the tubing and bleed gun.
To lubricate the bleeder
The bleeder has a unique lubricating felt washer enabling the barrel to be
lubricated after each use. To relubricate the felt washer, remove the barrel
and dip the piston (o-ring and felt washer) into brake fluid. N.B. Do not use
mineral based oils such as CRC.
WARNING – Correct bleeding of the actuator is critical as trapped air
greatly reduces the efficiency the brakes. When the bleeding process is
complete, check all bleeder screws to ensure that they are secure and do not
leak. Failure to properly install, operate and maintain your AL-KO iQ7 braking
system can cause malfunction resulting in possible serious or fatal injuries
and/or property damage.
Monitor the brake fluid level in the reservoir so that the actuator is not run
WARNING – Failure to bleed the AL-KO iQ7 actuator according to
manufacturers instruction may cause equipment damage and void the product
Under no circumstances should the AL-KO iQ7 actuator be used to bleed the
brake system.
WARNING – The bleeding device is not designed to withstand extreme
pressurization so should never be pumped continuously without at least one
brake bleed screw being in an open position. Failure to observe this warning
may cause the bleedgun to fail, and possible property damage may occur through
brake fluid contamination!
WARNING – The end of the bleeding device hose not connected to the AL-KO
iQ7 should always be submerged in a bottle of clean brake fluid. Failure to
follow this procedure may result in air being pumped into the brake system and
the full bleed procedure needing to be repeated.
Further Information can be obtained by contacting AL-KO or by visiting:
AL-KO International Pty Ltd (ABN 96 003 066 813)
VIC: 67 Nathan Road, Dandenong South, 3175
NSW: 5/10 Boden Road, Seven Hills, 2147
QLD: 13 Union Circuit, Yatala, 4207
NZ: 1 Airpark Drive, Airpark Oaks, Mangere, Auckland
Phone (03) 9997 4500
Phone (02) 8784 9400
Phone (07) 3386 6300
Phone (09) 255 5611
Fax (03) 9792 0877
Fax (02) 9725 4557
Fax (07) 3386 6399
Fax (09) 255 5612
AL-KO IQ7 Bleeding the Hydraulic System Instructions 10/2022
- AL-KO Vehicle Technology | Australian Trailer & Caravan Parts Manufacturer
- AL-KO Vehicle Technology | Australian Trailer & Caravan Parts Manufacturer
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