TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

June 7, 2024

TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual


The Model 12 has DAW control functions. By setting it to DAW control mode, its controls can be used for basic operation of the DAW application. This includes fader operation, muting, panning, soloing, recording, playing, stopping and other transport functions. Mackie Control and HUI protocol emulation are supported, so
Cubase, Digital Performer, Logic, Live, Pro Tools, Cakewalk and other major DAW applications can be controlled.


  • TASCAM is a registered trademark of TEAC Corporation.
  • Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Apple and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
  • Avid and Pro Tools are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
  • Cakewalk is a registered trademark are trademarks of BandLab Technologies Inc.
  • Other company names, product names and logos in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Preparing the unit

Audio when in DAW control mode

When in DAW control mode, only audio input through Model 12 channels 1-2 can be heard. Make the following settings as necessary.

  • To control the DAW while listening to the DAW master audio through this unit, set the MODE switch for channels 1-2 on the Model 12 to “PC” and set the DAW master audio output to these channels.
  • On the MTR/USB SEND POINT screen, set to any setting other than “PRE COMP” (default value). To send channel 1-2 LIVE input from this unit to the computer, set the MODE switch to “LIVE” (this disables monitoring of sound from the DAW).
    NOTE The state of the audio sent to the computer differs according to the MTR/USB SEND POINT screen setting. See “MTR/USB SEND POINT screen settings” on page 4 for details.

Connecting with a Computer

Refer to “Connecting a computer” in “3 – Preparation” of the Model 12 Owner’s Manual, and connect to a computer. Refer also to “12 – USB audio interface functions” and make settings.

Starting DAW control mode

  1. Set the channel 1-2 MODE switch on the Model 12 according to use.

  2. When the Model 12 recorder is stopped, select DAW CONTROLLER on the MENU Screen, and open the MODE Screen. For operation instructions, see “Menu operation procedures” in “2 – Names and Functions of Parts” of the Owner’s Manual.

  3. Select the control mode for the DAW being used. For details about settings, see the manual of the DAW application being used. Options: MACKIE – Live, HUI – Pro Tools, MACKIE – Cubase, MACKIE – Cakewalk, MACKIE – Logic, MACKIE – DP

  4. Press the MULTI JOG dial. A confirmation message will appear
    Press the F1 NO button to return to the MODE Screen.

  5. Press the F4 button. This opens the DAW CONTROLLER screen and enables DAW operation.


  • Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.
  • If the unit is turned off while in DAW control mode, it will still be in DAW control mode when restarted. To use it in ordinary mode, end DAW control mode with the F1 button.

Ending DAW control mode

  1. Press the F1 EXIT button to open the following message.

  2. Press the F4  YES button to end DAW control.

MTR/USB SEND POINT screen settings

The audio sent by USB depends on the Model 12 MODE switch settings and the MTR/USB SEND POINT screen settings. For details about the MTR/USB SEND POINT screen settings, see “Selecting the positions that recording signals are sent from each channel” under “Mixer functions” in the “9 – Other functions” chapter of the Owner’s Manual.

  MTR/USB SEND           POINT






  MODE switch


  Audio sent to computer

  PRE COMP|   Disabled|   Disabled|   LIVE
MTR|   Sound from input jacks is sent.
Sound from input jacks is sent.
Sound from input jacks is sent.
  POST COMP|   Enabled|   Disabled|   LIVE
MTR|   Sound from input jacks is sent
Sound from computer is sent.
No sound is sent.
  POST EQ|   Enabled|   Enabled|   LIVE
MTR|   Sound from input jacks is sent.
Sound from computer is sent.
No sound is sent.

Regardless of the above settings, COMP/EQ is enabled for sound from the computer.

Mixer controls that can be used when in DAW control mode

The following Model 12 controls can be used when in DAW control mode.

  • The blue knobs, switches and faders in the illustration below are enabled.
  FX fader   This operates the DAW master fader.
  MULTI JOG dial   This can be used for locating.
  Function buttons   Their functions depend on what is shown on the DAW

Press the MENU button to switch function button operations.



  • Use the F2  SET  button to set markers.
  • Use the F3  << and F4  >> buttons to move between markers.

The status of the DAW application SOLO switch is shown by
the SOLO item on the DAW CONTROLLER screen.
–: SOLO switch off
0: SOLO switch on


  • Press the F2 button to change the DAW repeat function.
  • Use the F3 and F4 buttons to move among tracks that can be controlled.


After changing the tracks that can be controlled, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.

Model 12 operations

USB audio input and output when in DAW control mode

When in DAW control mode, only audio input through Model 12 channels 1-2 can be heard. By setting Model 12 channels 1-2 as the outputs for the DAW master audio, the sound can be monitored with the Model 12 while operating the DAW. The following Model 12 controls can be used when in DAW control mode.

  • The knobs, switches and buttons inside the green frame in the illustration below are enabled for sound sent to the computer.
  • The blue knobs, switches and faders in the illustration below are enabled for sound from the computer.
  • Regardless of operation, the red switches in the illustration below are always on
  • Regardless of operation, the yellow knobs, switches and faders in the illustration below are fixed to the following settings for sound from the computer

  PAN knob (1-2)|   Regardless of knob operation, channels 1 and 2 are always L and R, respectively.
  Channel faders (1-2)|   Regardless of fader operation, these are always 0 dB.
  AUX 1/2/MAIN switches|   Regardless of switch operation, these are always MAIN.


  • If the unit is turned off while in DAW control mode, it will still be in DAW control mode when restarted.
  • To use it in ordinary mode, end DAW control mode with the F1 EXIT button.

Making various DAW application settings

To enable the reception of messages from the DAW application, first put the Model 12 into DAW control mode and then set the
DAW application.


The following screens are from Live version 10.1.6.

  1. Click “Options” > “Preferences…”
    graphical user interface, text, application

  2. Select the “Link MIDI” tab, and set the Control Surface to “Mackie Control”.
    TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

  3. Set the input to “Model 12 MIDI (Port2)”.
    TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

  4. Set the output to “Model 12 MIDI (Port2)”.

  5. The 8 button on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Making various DAW application settings


The following screens are from Live version 10.1.7.

  1. Click “Live” > “Preferences…”
    graphical user interface, application

  2. Select the “Link MIDI” tab, and set the Control Surface to “MackieControl”
    graphical user interface

  3. Set the input to “Model 12 MIDI (DAW Control IN)”.
    graphical user interface, application, Word

  4. Set the output to “Model 12 (DAW Control OUT)”.
    graphical user interface, application
    The 8 button on the Model 12 will light, showing that
    remote control is enabled.

Making various DAW application settings

Pro Tools

The following screens are from Pro Tools12 Ultimate version 2019.12.

  1. Click “Setup” > “Peripherals…”
    graphical user interface, application

  2. Select the “MIDI Controllers” tab, and set the Type to “HUI”.
    a close up of a light

  3. Set Receive From to “MIDIIN2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 MIDI DAW Control IN”.

  4. Set Send To to “MIDIOUT2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 DAW Control OUT”.
    TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

  5. Click “OK”.

    The 8 button on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Controls that can be used with the DAW

The following Model 12 controls can be used to operate the DAW application.

  • F2 button  (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F2 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • MULTI JOG dial (locate function)
  • buttons
  • button
  •  button
  • button
  • PAN knobs (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • REC buttons (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • MUTE switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • SOLO switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • Channel faders (1-6, 7/8-9/10)


Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.

Making various DAW application settings


The following screens are from Cubase 10.5.

  1.  Click “Studio” > “Studio Setup…”
    graphical user interface, application

  2. Select Remote Devices and click the + at the top left of the window.
    graphical user interface, application

  3. Select “Mackie Control”.
    graphical user interface, application, Word

  4. Set the MIDI Input to “MIDIIN2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 MIDI DAW Control IN”
    graphical user interface, application, table.

  5. Set the MIDI Output to “MIDIOUT2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 DAW Control OUT”.
    graphical user interface, application, table

  6. Click “OK”.
    graphical user interface, application

The button on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Controls that can be used with the DAW

The following Model 12 controls can be used to operate the DAW application.

  • F2 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F4 button   (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F2 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • MULTI JOG dial (locate function)
  • buttons
  • button
  •  button
  •  button
  • PAN knobs (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • REC buttons (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • MUTE switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • SOLO switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • Channel faders (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • FX fader (master fader control)


Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.


The following screens are from Cakewalk version 2020.01.

  1. Click “Edit” > “Preferences…”
    graphical user interface

  2. Select “Control Surfaces”.
    graphical user interface, text, application

  3. Click the star mark at the top right of the window.
    graphical user interface, application

  4. Set the Controller/Surface to “Mackie Control”.
    graphical user interface, application, Word

  5. Set the Input Port to “MIDIIN 2 (Model 12 MIDI)”.
    TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

  6. Set the Output Port to “MIDIOUT2 (Model 12 MIDI)”.
    TASCAM Multitrack Recording Console User Manual

  7. Click “OK”.
    graphical user interface, application
    The button  on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Making various DAW application settings

Controls that can be used with the DAW

The following Model 12 controls can be used to operate the
DAW application.

  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F2 button  (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • MULTI JOG dial (locate function)
  • , buttons
  • button
  •  button
  • button
  • PAN knobs (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • REC buttons (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • MUTE switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • SOLO switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • Channel faders (1-6, 7/8-9/10)


Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.

Logic Pro

The following screens are from Logic Pro X version 10.4.8.

  1. Click “Logic Pro X” > “Preferences…” > “Advanced Tools…”
    graphical user interface, text, application, email

  2. Put checks in all the boxes.
    graphical user interface, application

  3. Select the “Control Surfaces” page, and click “Setup…”

    Making various DAW application settings

  4. Click “New” > “Install…”
    graphical user interface, text

  5. Select “Manufacturer: Mackie Designs” and “Model: Mackie Control”, and click “Add”.
    graphical user interface

  6. For Device: Mackie Control, set the Output Port to “Model 12 DAW Control OUT”.
    graphical user interface

  7. For Device: Mackie Control, set the Input Port to “Model 12 DAW Control IN”.
    graphical user interface

  8. The button on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Controls that can be used with the DAW

The following Model 12 controls can be used to operate the DAW application.

  • F2 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • MULTI JOG dial (locate function)
  • buttons
  • button
  •  button
  • button
  • PAN knobs (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • REC buttons (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • MUTE switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • SOLO switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • Channel faders (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • FX fader (master fader control)


Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, nobs and faders to match the DAW settings.

DP (Digital Performer)

The following screens are from Digital Performer 10.1.

  1.  Select “Setup” > “Control Surface Setup…”
    graphical user interface, application

  2. Click the + at the right side of the window
    graphical user interface, application

  3. Set the Unit to “Mackie Control”.
    graphical user interface, application

  4. Set the Input Port to “MIDIIN2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 MIDI DAW Control IN”.
    graphical user interface, table

  5. Set the Output Port to “MIDIOUT2 (Model 12 MIDI)”. On a Mac, set it to “Model 12 DAW Control OUT”.
    graphical user interface

  6. Click “OK”.
    graphical user interface, website

The button on the Model 12 will light, showing that remote control is enabled.

Controls that can be used with the DAW

The following Model 12 controls can be used to operate the DAW application.

  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER MARKER screen)
  • F2 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F3 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • F4 button (DAW CONTROLLER TRACK screen)
  • , buttons
  •  button
  •  button
  • button
  • REC buttons (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • MUTE switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • SOLO switches (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • Channel faders (1-6, 7/8-9/10)
  • FX fader (master fader control)


Immediately after connecting with the DAW as well as after settings have been made in the DAW, the DAW settings and the state and positions of the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders will not match. In this case, adjust the DAW settings to match the Model 12 settings, or use the Model 12 buttons, knobs and faders to match the DAW settings.

MIDI Implementation Chart DAW Control ports



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