MainStage release notes

June 7, 2024

MainStage release notes

Learn about current and previous MainStage updates.

New in MainStage 3.5.3

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer hangs when saving a concert based on the “8 Backing Tracks” template.


  • Large concerts now load more quickly.
  • MainStage is more responsive when switching patches on Intel-based Macs.


  • Changing patches during play no longer causes instances of Playback at the Set level to restart from the beginning.


  • Grouped Playback tracks now reliably stay in sync when different markers are selected.
  • Playback now reliably stops the first time the space bar is pressed.

Smart Controls

  • Smart Control mappings to Audio Unit plug-in parameters load correctly after a saved project is opened on Mac computers with Apple Silicon.


  • Mappings can now be copy/pasted between patches.

Previous versions

MainStage 3.5.2

New features and enhancements

  • MainStage now displays an alert if the computer power supply is disconnected in full screen mode.

Stability and reliability

  • Includes stability and performance improvements.
  • MainStage no longer hangs:
    • When the Add Patch (+) button in the Patch List is clicked.
    • When loading specific concerts that use content stored on external drives.
    • When saving a concert created from the “8 Backing Tracks” template after remapping the solo button on track 8 to Play/Stop.


  • Audio is now reliably recorded without dropouts.


  • Recording for outputs other than Output 1–2 now works as expected.
  • Screen controls for all saved send levels are now recalled properly when loading a concert.


  • The MIDI Transposer plug-in now works correctly in cases where there is an Alias channel strip in the same patch.


  • Undo after resizing an object in Layout view now works as expected.


  • Recording a concert now creates a true stereo file instead of a pair of dual-mono files.
  • The background color of a text object no longer changes after pasting text from another application.
  • Changes to saved values for screen controls mapped to MIDI CC messages are now recalled reliably when opening saved concerts.
  • Double-clicked concerts in the Finder now reliably open when older MainStage concerts are already loaded.
  • Pressing Return in the Notes section of Patch settings now creates a new line instead of unexpectedly highlighting previously entered text.
  • Program and bank change messages are now reliably sent from aliases to external MIDI devices.
  • The displayed latency measurement is now updated correctly after the driver latency parameter is edited in the advanced audio preferences.
  • Page numbers in multi-page PDFs can now be saved per patch.
  • Using Option-dragging to copy an X/Y pad in Layout mode now reliably creates a copy.
  • The Precision Editor in the Transform Graph now reliably displays parameter values.
  • When a program change message for the currently selected patch is received, the patch is now reinitialized.
  • The max/min values for mappings in Aliases are now reliably maintained when opening concerts saved in previous versions.
  • Changing the name of one channel strip in a patch no longer causes other channels to display the same name in the Workspace.

MainStage 3.5.1


  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when loading concerts in which some samples can’t be found.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when opening a concert.


  • Screen controls now respond to mouse and trackpad input when running on Intel Macs using integrated graphics adapters.

Sampler/Quick Sampler

  • Sampler instrument load times improved with larger instruments.


  • Transpose on multitimbral channel strips now works as expected.
  • Duplicating a patch containing a concert level bus no longer remaps to patch level bus.
  • Recordings made from Outputs other than Out 1-2 no longer contain the audio output from Out 1-2.


  • Meters in the Workspace that show MIDI activity and CPU usage now work as expected.
  • Logic remote now reliably displays the current open concert name if launched before MainStage.
  • Parameter text mapped to Sampler instrument preset names now displays correctly.

MainStage 3.5

New features and enhancements

  • A concert now supports up to 1024 Audio plus Aux channels and 1024 Software Instrument channels.
  • Concert channel strips support pan laws for – 4.5 dB and – 6.0 dB.
  • Score and lyric sheets can now be displayed and controlled in the Workspace.
  • Parameter mapping range modes now include “Increment Only” and “Decrement Only”.
  • Key command added to clear overload indicators on channel strips.
  • Concert, Set, Patches and Channel Strips can now have notes, which can be mapped to workspace objects
  • MainStage now includes the Sampler and Quick Sampler plug-ins.
  • Sampler, Quick Sampler, Drum Synth and Remix FX plug-ins are now available in MainStage.

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • When opening a concert that contains an instance of Playback while another concert containing an instance of Playback is already open.
    • When duplicating a track containing the EVOC instrument with a side chain enabled.
    • While moving the Looper plug-in between channel strips.
    • While using undo after adding a text object to the Smart Controls area.
    • When saving a concert while the Assignments and Mappings tab is selected.
    • After processing a large amount of MIDI data.
    • When exiting full screen view.
  • MainStage no longer hangs:
    • After playing different patches in a concert that contains instances of Playback.
    • When deleting an Assignment in the Assignment & Mapping tab.
    • When quitting while a “Workspace already contains Smart Controls plan holder object” alert dialog is being displayed.


  • Audio no longer sometimes glitches briefly when switching between Edit and Performance mode when using internal audio on Mac Pro (2019).


  • Sampler instruments that use 32-bit audio files as samples now sound the same as in Logic Pro.
  • Sending sustain messages to Studio Strings no longer causes stuck notes in certain rare cases.
  • MIDI plug-ins no longer continue to send data from the previous patch after the changing to a different patch.
  • The Studio Horns plug-in no longer stops playing after several minutes.
  • The Next Marker button in Playback no longer unexpectedly skips some markers.
  • Audio files imported into Loopback are no longer overwritten when a project is saved and then a different audio file is imposed into Loopback in another project.
  • Replacing Klopfgeist with another instrument in the Metronome channel no longer sometimes leads to hanging notes.
  • Starting playback with a Set selected no longer causes an instance of Scripter in a different Set to output MIDI.
  • Jumping to a marker in Playback no longer causes a track that ends before the marker to unexpectedly play.
  • User created Sampler instruments now play reliably in MainStage.


  • The maximum number of send slots per channel strip has been increased to 12.
  • Aux numbers are again displayed on channel strip inputs.
  • The Master and Output channel strips now only show elements relevant to their specific functions.
  • Aliases of Multi Output Software Instruments in which the audio routing has been changed now consistently output sound as expected.
  • Output assignments of external MIDI channel strips are now maintained when the audio/MIDI interface is disconnected.
  • Duplicating multiple patched no longer sets the output of the duplicates to “No Output”.
  • The left/right cursor keys can now be used to navigate between channel types when adding new channel strips to a concert.
  • Creating a new channel strip with the Output set to “None” no longer creates a channel strip set to Output 1.
  • Bypassing mono-stereo instances of plug-ins no longer sets them to mono.
  • Copy and paste tracks containing external instruments between patches now reliably retains mono/stereo and input settings.

Smart Controls

  • Smart Controls now reliably update when performing Undo after changing a preset.
  • The Smart Controls panel now reliably shows controls loading a patch and then performing Undo and then Redo.
  • Smart Controls now update when changing presets in Alchemy.

Auto Sampler

  • Auto Sampler no longer rarely hangs on certain notes with high gain values while sampling.
  • Single layer zones created in Auto Sampler now always set the upper velocity limit to 127, even in cases where the note was sampled at a lower velocity.


  • Custom Sampler instruments created in Logic Pro X 10.4.5 or later now play properly.

Key Commands

  • The Key command “Show Next Alias” now reliably keeps working after being used multiple times in succession.


  • It is now possible to load Standard MIDI Files into MainStage.


  • Articulation mappings now reliably load their saved values.


  • The “On Patch Change”  setting in Mappings is now properly restored after it is changed and then Undo is performed.
  • Redo works correctly after performing Undo in the notes section of a channel strip.
  • The checkbox to enable “Stepped” mode in the graphs view now remains visible when Undo is performed after inserting a new instrument.


  • The Touch Bar now remains functional when the “choose template” dialog is open.
  • Master Output Fader and Level Meter screen objects in the Workspace no longer appear to be unmapped in duplicated patches.
  • Opening a concert from the Recent Files menu or from the Finder while a document is open now reliably triggers the “Do you want to close the current concert before opening a new concert?” dialog.
  • Key commands related to Signal Flow Channel Strips again work as expected.
  • When deleting multiple patches, MainStage now shows an alert if any of the patches contain originals of alias channel strips.
  • Multitimbral dialog now allows transpose settings for each MIDI input.
  • Metronome now provides optional note division values.
  • MainStage no longer appears to place its window above the currently topped application.
  • Multiple mappings assigned to Screen Controls or Smart Controls are now saved with their expected values.
  • Audio output continues to play after the MIDI Panic button is clicked.
  • Double-clicking a patch file in the Finder while MainStage is open now adds the patch to the concert as expected.
  • Bank Select messages are now sent as separate 7-bit MSB/LSB control messages.
  • There is now a reset button for Note Input Velocity Scaling in the Channel Strip inspector.
  • Recording a concert with dual-mono outputs no longer creates a stereo file containing data only on the left side.
  • Reset/Compare button for Patch Actions now works reliably.
  • Imported mappings that have been copied/pasted before export now work reliably.
  • It is now possible to select a combination of Sets, Patches and Concerts.
  • All attributes in the Patch and Set List inspectors are now available when multiple items are selected.
  • The Transpose setting in the MIDI Input panel of the Instrument Channel Strip Inspector now offers a menu allowing settings in octave increments.
  • The dialog “Do you want to use the audio device…” now offers a “Do not ask again” check box.
  • The Mapping inspector no longer displays the wrong values after rearranging mappings.
  • It is no longer possible to inadvertently paste a Set within an existing Set.
  • All patches in the quick start Keyboard concert now reliably respond to expression pedal messages.
  • It is now possible to continue adding objects to the Workspace after a “Workspace already contains Smart Controls plan holder object” alert dialog has been dismissed.
  • Text no longer disappears unexpectedly after the “New Patch from Selected Patches” command is performed.
  • Renaming a concert no longer causes a selected patch to stop outputting audio.
  • Cursor tools now reliably display when resizing objects on a Retina display.
  • All mappings assigned to screen controls are now reliably maintained after a concert has been saved and then reloaded.
  • Mute settings are now reliably maintained when switching patches in case where the On Patch Change > Keep setting is turned on.
  • Controller messages from mappings set to “Same as Input” are now sent reliably to all channels of multitimbral instruments.

MainStage 3.4.4

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • When sending a damaged MIDI file to an external device.
    • Sometimes when changing patches.
    • When Mute Channels is selected in the Feedback Detection dialog.
  • MainStage no longer sometimes hangs when opening a concert if external MIDI devices are connected.
  • Edits made to Impulse Response Utility projects on macOS Catalina no longer cause the project to be unexpectedly truncated.
  • Mappings made to aliases are now maintained when a concert is saved.

Key commands

  • Key commands that include a modifier, shift and a letter key now work properly.
  • MainStage key commands no longer override Finder key commands when the File Selector is open.


  • Transmitting standard MIDI files on patch change now reliably sends program change messages.
  • The Vintage Organ now reliably outputs audio after a MIDI Reset is triggered in MainStage.

MainStage 3.4.3

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer hangs after adding a Preset Name mapping to a channel strip after several patches have been created in the Concert.


  • MainStage no longer exhibits stuck MIDI notes and then loses connection to the MIDI interface.
  • The Playback plug-in no longer unexpectedly jumps back to the beginning of the song in certain cases where playing MIDI in to MainStage causes a system overload.
  • There are no longer unexpected System Overloads immediately after loading a Concert or a patch.
  • MainStage no longer hangs when opening a Concert that contains multiple duplicated patches.
  • Performance is improved while switching between patches in Concerts that use a large number of Audio Unit plug-ins.


  • The Tab key indents text two spaces as expected when editing in the Scripter plug-in.


  • Edited text in inspectors now reliably updates immediately.
  • Tempo-based Audio Unit plug-ins now maintain sync when MainStage is synced to MIDI Clock.
  • The New Track sheet now shows all available busses for multi-output instruments.
  • Concerts created in MainStage 3.1 or older now open as expected.
  • Duplicating an alias of a patch no longer causes unexpected sound output.
  • The Metronome Division setting is now retained when opening a saved Concert.

MainStage 3.4.2

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • When an External Instrument slot name is shown and there are no inputs assigned.
    • Sometimes when quitting after using the Jump to Next Marker mapping several times.
    • When a new channel strip is set as default, and the Load Default option is enabled in the New Track sheet.


  • Faders now reliably remain active immediately after patch changes.


  • Inputs for busses are now reliably maintained when loading saved patches.


  • The Playback plug-in no longer sometimes cuts off the first quarter-second of an audio file.


  • Duplicate note off events are no longer sometimes sent from channel strips that have the No Transpose switch enabled.
  • A sustain pedal off message is now sent to external MIDI instruments when the sustain pedal is released after changing patches.
  • The Layer Bypass parameter state again returns to its saved state when selecting a different patch.

MainStage 3.4.1

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly sometimes when changing audio devices while in playback mode.
  • MainStage no longer shows an error “The file format is not correct” in certain rare cases when opening a concert.
  • MainStage no longer sometimes hangs when loading a concert that contains a renamed plug-in preset.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly in rare cases when loading a concert that was saved with the Assignments & Mappings tab selected.
  • MainStage no longer sometimes becomes unresponsive when editing Articulation Sets.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when exiting the app after pasting an Alias.


  • Playback no longer appears to use unexpectedly large amounts of memory.
  • Selecting presets in Chromaverb no longer sometimes causes Audio Engine overload messages.
  • Macs with an integrated graphics processor no longer experience unexpected spikes in CPU performance.


  • Aliases of channel strips from multitimbral instruments now correctly maintains their channel settings when a concert is close said then re-opened.
  • Bypassing a channel strip with Studio Strings or Studio Horns no longer sometimes leads to hanging notes.
  • The Multitimbral Settings window now consistently displays the currently assigned MIDI channel for the selected instrument.
  • Changing the stereo spread on an unselected channel strip no longer also changes the stereo spread on a selected channel strip.


  • Playback again displays the audio waveform correctly when an MP3 file is loaded.

Smart Controls

  • Smart Controls now reflect the current play state of Ultrabeat.

Sound Library

  • There are no longer sometimes unexpected “Not enough free space to install selected instruments and sounds” errors when downloading additional content to a Sound Library that has been relocated.


  • Autosampler no longer sometimes gets stuck after sampling the first note in a new instrument.
  • Autosampler is no longer unexpectedly hidden after creating an instrument, closing and reopening Autosampler, and then overwriting the instrument.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • Control names and values on Nektar Panorama control surfaces now update as soon as a concert is loaded.


  • The Jump to Previous Marker command now works when Snap is set to values other than OFF.
  • MIDI plug-ins now correctly show their bypass state when bypass is triggered by a screen control button.
  • The Metronome in concerts created in MainStage 3.3.2 no longer unexpectedly plays clicks on the divisions.
  • Chord display again works as expected.
  • MainStage project icons now display correctly on iMac Pro computers.
  • The “On Patch Change” option “Reset to saved value” now reliably works as expected.
  • Ultrabeat’s play state has now consistently reflected in the Smart Controls,
  • The Assigned Mapping inspector now immediately updates to show pedals added or removed from the Pedalboard plug-in.
  • Disabling cycle during play now works for grouped instances of Playback.

MainStage 3.4

New Features and enhancements

  • New Instruments and Effects
    • ChromaVerb is a sophisticated new algorithmic reverb with a colorful interactive interface for creating rich acoustic spaces.
    • Step FX adds rhythmic multi-effect processing using 3 powerful step sequencers and an X/Y pad.
    • Phat FX makes your tracks bigger and bolder using 9 effects that add warmth and punch to your sounds.
    • The Vintage EQ Collection provides 3 accurate models of vintage analog EQs from the 1950s to the 1970s.
    • Space Designer has a new design and a scalable Retina interface.
    • Studio Strings and Studio Horns are deeply sampled realistic ensemble instruments with custom articulation controls.
    • Mellotron is now available as a standalone instrument plug-in.
  • Individual layers in layered patches can now be bypassed via a mapping, or a check box in the Layer Inspector.
  • The MIDI Input section of the Channel Strip inspector has been simplified and improved, now allowing for any type of incoming MIDI CC data to be filtered, transformed or passed through.
  • The Metronome is now fully configurable, with separate settings for Bar, Group, Beat, and Division. Each of which can be independently enabled or disabled.
  • It is now possible to abort the loading of a Concert by pressing Command-Period (.) while it is loading.
  • There is now an option to record 24-bit audio in the preferences.
  • There is now a switch in the Audio Preferences to enable/disable the Voice Limiter.
  • The Add Channel Strip window is redesigned, allowing multiple channel strips to be added in one go, with options for ascending inputs and outputs, and more.
  • There is now a global transposition offset in the Concert inspector.

Stability and reliability

  • Performing Clean Up in a Concert that has been renamed no longer causes Playback assets to be unexpectedly removed from the concert.

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly:

    • When clicking an icon in the Layout – Group Controls area.
    • Sometimes when performing Undo after creating a patch from Logic Remote
    • Sometimes when switching displays.
    • Sometimes when the audio interface is removed or powered down while MainStage is running.
    • Sometimes when copying/pasting mappings from one screen control to another in the Workspace.
    • Sometimes when adding text to an Assignment using VoiceOver.
    • In rare cases selecting a template while creating a new concert.
    • When using the delete key to remove a newly created mapping from the mapping list.


  • Performance is improved when mapping to Audio Unit plug-ins that offer a large number of adjustable parameters.
  • Switching patches is no longer unexpectedly slow when Logic Remote is connected, and there are more then 20GB of concerts stored in ~/Music/MainStage.
  • Saved Concerts now load more quickly.
  • Held notes no longer sometimes unexpectedly stop playing when switching patches even when the “Instantly silence previous patch” setting is not enabled.
  • Performing Clean Up no longer sometimes causes MainStage to stop outputting audio.
  • MainStage no longer sometimes exhibits detuned playback, dropouts or lack of audio input with audio interfaces that offer more than 12 possible sample rates.


  • Alchemy adds five new Additive effects: Saw+Noise, Noise, Comb, EQ, Filter, Strum, Ripples plus additional controls for Pulse/Saw.
  • Alchemy adds 12 new synthesized formant filter shapes.
  • Alchemy now automatically time aligns sources when morphing.
  • Alchemy now offers a Tune control in the Noise section.
  • Alchemy’s modulators now have a new On trigger mode, which allows Effects parameters to be re-triggered on all new MIDI notes.
  • There are new options in Alchemy’s Note Properties menu, Stepped4, Stepped8 and Stepped16. These options function like the Flip Flop property, but also produce a modulation signal that cycles through equally spaced values between successive notes.
  • There is now a setting in the Key Trigger menu in Alchemy’s arpeggiator Cycle Reset, that insures the pattern always starts at the first note at step 1 of the sequencer.
  • The Browser in Alchemy now includes Newer Than and Older Than column options to constrain the preset list based on the installation date of the content.
  • Alchemy now offers new options in the Loop Mode menu to modulate the start/end point and length of loops.
  • Alchemy LFO Rate sync button now also enables clock sync for LFO Delay and Attack settings.
  • Alchemy now offers 4 additional MIDI sources that can be assigned to modulation destinations.
  • Alchemy now offers a side chain input that can be used as a source for envelope followers.
  • Alchemy now has a dedicated Envelope Follower tab in the modulation section which offers control of the attack and release of the envelope follower, as well as the option to apply the envelope follower to modulator outputs as well as to audio signals, together with the option to scale up the depth of the effect for more drastic effects on quieter signals.
  • Alchemy now offers a back button to navigate back to a previous Mod Target.
  • Alchemy’s transient selection in Spectral Analysis mode is improved, resulting in better sound quality when syncing loops to tempo.
  • The modulation Smooth control now has increased range.
  • Alchemy now offers a “Swap with Source” option in the Source menu for experimenting with imported samples on different Sources.
  • Option-clicking on a source in Alchemy’s global area now solos the clicked source.
  • The mapping of Alchemy controls to supported MIDI hardware controllers has been improved.
  • Option-clicking controls in Alchemy now sets each to a sensible default setting rather than setting each one to 50% by default.
  • When importing multiple EXS files which contain multiple groups which are the same except for different velocity or key ranges, these groups are merged into a single group to facilitate easier editing in Alchemy.
  • The Snap menu for Arp Tune in Alchemy now offers increased resolution.
  • Alchemy’s Speed control readout now displays 2 decimal places for values below 10%.
  • Sub-menus in Alchemy’s Sound Library again list items in alphabetical order.
  • It is no longer necessary to press Enter when entering text to start a search in Alchemy’s presets.
  • Newly initialized sounds in Alchemy now have an initial modulation depth of 0%
  • The attack of notes played legato style in Retrigger mode in Alchemy no longer sometimes sounds distorted.
  • There is no longer a slight delay in responsiveness when switching Alchemy’s Analysis Mode while loading large samples.
  • Alchemy LFO Rate sync button now also enables clock sync for LFO Delay and Attack settings.
  • The initial transient of a loop in Alchemy is now properly triggered when the loop is sustained for more than one iteration.
  • Auto-assigning a performance control to a Transform Pad Snapshot no longer unexpectedly renames Snapshot 1.
  • The Framing Box no longer sometimes jumps unexpectedly when clicking transform pad snapshots.
  • The Copy Modulation command no longer sometimes fails to copy the modulation source when pasted to another location.
  • Stored Alchemy Snapshots no longer sound different when copied and pasted to other snapshot locations.
  • Adjusting the Smooth control for a modulator from a value of 0 no longer causes occasional clicks in Alchemy’s output.
  • When the last step in Alchemy’s arpeggiator is tied, there is no longer an unexpected extra note at the end of each set of steps.
  • Pitch Bend now works as expected with the Alchemy “Air Strings” preset.
  • MIDI CC messages sent to Alchemy from an external controller now work when the controller is transmitting on a different MIDI channel than the notes already recorded in the region.
  • Alchemy’s Waveshaper Pre and Post gain labels now display accurate values.
  • Alchemy’s filter types have been renamed to more clearly indicate how they sound.
  • Alchemy now automatically switches to the Advanced view after an Initialize Preset command is used.
  • The default rate for a new instance of the Arpeggiator in Alchemy is now 1/16.
  • The maximum number of partials in Alchemy’s Great quality mode has been raised from 128 to 256.
  • Alchemy adds 21 new Arpeggiator presets.
  • Alchemy’s Additive Effects knobs for Pulse/Saw – Sync, Shift – Pitch and Magnet – Pitch now show semitones when being edited.
  • Effects in Alchemy’s Effects Rack are now sorted into categories.
  • Copy/pasted modulations now include the full routings assigned to all associated depth knobs.
  • Alchemy’s Keyswitching now defaults to KEYSW1 instead of SNAP1.
  • Alchemy’s Zone Editor now handles the display of large numbers of Warp Markers by only showing every 10th markers when there are more than 30 markers to be displayed.
  • The Alchemy interface now responds instantly to mouse input on wide color P3 displays.
  • Alchemy uses up to 40% less memory than previous versions.
  • Apple Loops imported into Alchemy now remain reliably in sync.
  • When changing from Arpeggiator Snapshot to non Arpeggiator Snapshot and back, the Arpeggiator now is switched back on.
  • The sound quality of Spectral Stretch has been improved at low speeds.
  • Auto Gain is now set to Off by default in Alchemy’s Morph XY/Lin mode.
  • It is now possible to modulate Alchemy’s Keyswitch knob with Arp Mod.
  • The last step in the Alchemy Argeggiator/Step Sequencer is no longer unexpectedly tied when a MIDI file is imported.
  • In Spectral mode, adjusting the Simplify control in the Cloud Spectral effect no longer cancels the effect.
  • Random note property modulators assigned to Keyswitch knobs mapped to samples in Alchemy now properly randomize the keyswitches.
  • Setting a Comb Filter’s feedback value to 99% or higher in Alchemy’s Delay effect no longer can lead to uncontrolled feedback.
  • FM Keyfollow now scales properly when two notes are played in a patch with the Voice Count set to 1.
  •  When importing EXS instruments, Alchemy now merges EXS groups that are mapped to the same keyswitch or articulation.
  • The browser in Alchemy now retains user choices for column selections when switching from one preset to another.
  • The Waveshaper Bipolar button in Alchemy’s Effects Rack again functions as expected.
  • Alchemy no longer fails to show its installed Library in certain very rare cases.
  • The Smart Controls window for Alchemy again includes the Controls tab on systems running in Japanese.
  • Modulation now responds immediately to mod wheel input or automation in cases where the knob chosen to be modulated is not assigned to a performance control.


  • Loopback now applies a small crossfade at each loop cycle to reduce the likelihood of clicks or other audio artifacts.
  • Loopback now offers a file selector to locate missing audio files when a concert has been copied to a different system.
  • It is again possible to use Flex in monophonic mode with the Playback plug-in.
  • In the Arpeggiator MIDI Plug-in, it is now possible to adjust the lengths of individual steps in the pattern grid.
  • Bypassing a mono plug-in inserted on a stereo channel now leaves the signal mono as expected.
  • There is now a preference setting to show/hide the most recently used plug-ins in the plug-in selector list.
  • It is again possible to load user created presets for third-party Audio Unit plug-ins.
  • Presets saved on instances of the Arpeggiator inserted on External Instrument channels now reliably load when a saved Concert is opened.
  • Adjusting the Rotor Cabinet Speed MIDI Control  in the Vintage Organ while holding notes no longer causes the notes to cut off.
  • Instances of Loopback at the Concert level again continue to play when switching Patches.
  • Buttons assigned to External Instruments can again be set as momentary.
  • When the Vintage Organ is set to two manuals, with a separate MIDI controller sending to each, and with Percussion set to Polyphonic, the held chords of the lower manual no longer lose harmonic content as lower notes are played on the upper manual.
  • Alchemy sounds created in Logic again reliably sound the same when played in MainStage.
  • Using the arrow keys to step through plug-in settings no longer causes the selection to jump to the default setting with certain Audio Unit plug-ins.
  • Saving a Concert while  Sustain is pressed in the Vintage Organ Leslie no longer causes the Leslie’s response to sustain messages to be inverted when the concert is reopened.
  • Holding a pedal controlling the Leslie speed in the Vintage Organ now switches the Leslie to Brake when the pedal is released.
  • Jumping between markers in Playback is now smooth.
  • An intense of Loopback placed in the Output 1-2 channel strip now functions as expected after saving a reopening the Concert.
  • Retro Synth now offers 18 different filter models.
  • You can now undo mixer and plug-in actions.
  • The Direction Mixer plug-in has an updated interface and offers new functionality.
  • The Category and Manufacturer sections at the left side of the Plug-in Manager window now scroll independently of one another.
  • Plug-in windows offer a new Multilink mode that updates open plug-in windows per insert slot as channel strips are selected.
  • The MIDI Modulator plug-in now offers tempo synced timing for the envelope at user definable note values.
  • Side chain signals routed to the Compressor plug-in are no longer summed unexpectedly to mono.
  • MainStage now supports the Audio Unit ShortName API improving the display of Audio Unit names on insert slots for plug-ins that include a short name.
  • Mono-legato mode in EXS24 now works reliably when streaming samples from disk is enabled.
  • Automatic delay compensation now works correctly with bypassed dual mono audio plug-ins and multi mono Software Instrument plug-ins.
  • The Compressor plug-in now maintains the Graph display when the plug-in is closed and then re-opened.
  • Playing the same MIDI note on two channels for the same multi-channel instrument no longer sometimes leads to hung notes if the MIDI Modifier plug-in is inserted.
  • The Dry/Wet control on the I/O plug-in can now be automated.
  • It is now possible to immediately type in new values for controls in the Modulator plug-in after opening the plug-in window.
  • Channel EQ offers a new Proportional-Q mode.
  • The Top Level category in the Plug-in Manager can now be added to a group of multiple selected categories.
  • The MIDI Modifier plug-in now properly handles Release Velocity as its Input source.
  • The MIDI Modulator plug-in now shows the correct waveform when the Factory Default setting is recalled.
  • The Drum Machine Designer plug-in window no longer appears to disappear when Logic is switched to full screen.
  • The Tremolo Speed control on the Pipa instrument now responds as expected.
  • Sculpture and Amp Designer are now optimized for iMac Pro and deliver up to 12 times the performance compared to previous versions.
  • Sculpture offers a new high-definition mode that provides higher string resolution.
  • Sidechain detection is no longer delayed when the side chain source is a Software Instrument track in Live Mode.
  • Latency compensation now works reliability with plug-ins inserted as Dual Mono or Multichannel.
  • Scripter now reliably transmits MIDI events on time in scripts that start with a Needs TimingInfo = true statement.
  • Software Instrument channels that include a Scripter plug-in no longer sometimes reset the instrument to a default sound when the project is reloaded, or the audio driver is relaunched.
  • When importing EXS instruments into Ultrabeat, up/down arrows to navigate sample zones are again displayed.
  • Adjustments to a bandwidth in the Channel EQ made by dragging the vertical helper lines in the interface are now reflected in the channel strip EQ thumbnail.
  • The Arpeggiator now starts over as expected when it receives a new set of notes while running.
  • There is now a preference to control whether the most recently used plug-ins are displayed in the plug-in list.
  • EXS24 now finds sampler instruments as expected when there is an alias Sampler Instruments folder at the default location linked to a folder on an external drive.
  • Software Instrument channel strips with a MIDI plug-in inserted no longer sometimes stop playing.
  • Automatically playing patches now continue to run when the channel strip is not selected.
  • The output resolution for the Modulator MIDI plug-in has been increased.
  • When EXS24 is configured to change instruments when receiving certain MIDI notes, those same notes sent to an instance of Drum Designer no longer cause it to change presets.
  • Ultrabeat’s Voice Auto Select now works for muted notes.
  • Changing parameter values in Sculpture’s factory default setting now activates the Compare button.
  • Dragging EXS instrument files from the Finder onto the Ultrabeat interface now shows visible feedback.
  • Multiple instances of the Modulator MIDI plug-in set to output the Random waveform now each output a different waveform after the project has been closed and reopened.
  • The timing of the modulation of multiple instances of the Modulator MIDI plug-in now remains reliably in sync.
  • The Retrosynth plug-in settings now includes a fourth modulation slider and target.
  • The Drum Machine Designer interface no longer changes unexpectedly when a new track is created by double-clicking below the last track in the Track header while Drum Machine Designer is open.
  • Custom arrangement of cells in Drum Machine Designer is now maintained when user created patches are reloaded.
  • The decay time in the Correlation Meter plug-in can now be adjusted to Slow, Medium or Fast.
  • The Loudness Meter now continues to show values after bouncing a project.
  • Sample Select Random in EXS24 now does a better job randomizing samples when played with velocity values of 127.
  • EXS24 now shows the correct path to Instruments in cases where there is another Instrument with the same file name in a different folder.
  • The Ringshifter plug-in now offers controls for Delay Low Cut and Delay High Cut.
  • Dragging a control after setting it numerically no longer causes the value to jump to its original value in some Logic Pro plug-ins.
  • The Retro Chorus pedal in the Pedalboard plug-in no longer exhibits excessive warble at higher Depth settings.
  • When the cursor is hovered over the display area of the Channel EQ, the center handles for all bands are now displayed.
  • Program changes are now passed to Software Instruments if there are no saved Performance Channel Strip settings.
  • The MIDI Transposer plug-in now reliably plays the correct notes when a user scale is selected.
  • Parameters set to read-only in Scripter no longer write automation.


  • With multiple channel strips selected, double-clicking the EQ or Compressor thumbnail now inserts an EQ or Compressor plug-in on all selected channel strips.
  • Aliases no longer sometimes fail to resolve to their parent channels when imported into a Concert.
  • The plug-in Sidechain input menu now only shows inputs that are currently available with the active audio device.
  • If the V key has been pressed on your keyboard to hide open plug-in windows for a patch, opening a plug-in from another patch with the mouse no longer causes the plug-in windows from the previous patch to reopen.
  • It is now possible to change the Panner type on multiple selected channel strips simultaneously.
  • External Instruments now have the Input and Format setting assigned in the New Channel Strip sheet.
  • Creating an alias from a soloed channel strip no longer unexpectedly mutes the original channel strip.
  • Channel strips that are the originals of aliases now show a badge.
  • Double-clicking on a bus send control allows numerical editing and can be used to simultaneously set the value of busses on multiple-selected channel strips.
  • Outputs in the Mixer that have been switched from stereo to a pair of mono outputs can now be reliably selected after a saved Concert is reopened.
  • External Instrument channels now reliably continue to send MIDI after returning to the patch that contains them after choosing another patch.
  • A Metronome routed to an Aux now continues to play back when a saved Concert is opened.
  • MainStage now reliably shows the correct ReWire inputs on External Instruments.
  • Patches with multiple channel strips created in MainStage now open with the correct Aux set as the main track when opened in Logic Pro X.
  • The mute channels option in the Feedback Warning dialog when creating channel strips now mutes all channels when creating multiple channel strips at the same time.
  • The name of the destination Aux is now shown directly in the channel send slot.
  • It is now possible to adjust the width of multiple selected stereo pan controls in the mixer.
  • Fader values of -10 dB or less now display a minus sign before the number.
  • If the metronome is routed to an Aux, it now continues to output sound after the installation of new sound content packages.
  • When opening a concert, MainStage now displays a consolidated list of all missing plug-ins and sampler instruments.
  • Switching outputs 3-4 or higher from stereo to mono no longer causes the outputs to be placed in the wrong order.
  • An open MainStage concert that contains no audio channel strips no longer causes audio in other applications to sound distorted.


  • It is now possible to add an object to the Workspace using VoiceOver.
  • Voiceover again can be used to navigate to the  Layout or Perform mode tabs.
  • Voiceover again can be used to select Devices and Assignments in the Assignment and Mapping window.

Logic Remote

  • The second page of Alchemy controls on Logic Remote now displays as expected.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • MainStage now responds as expected to the transport controls of the Arturia KeyLab 88 controller.
  • The displayed state of transport controls in MainStage now remains reliably in sync with those on a connected Nectar controller.
  • MainStage no longer unexpectedly sends an “unmapped” label to a second fader being mapped on a connected Nectar controller.
  • MainStage now sends MIDI feedback to connected Arturia KeyLab controllers.


  • If the Workspace has focus, clicking a patch from the Patch List while pressing Option now leaves the focus on the Workspace.
  • There is now a Concert setting to toggle whether CC#7 and CC#10 are hardwired to Volume and Pan respectively on channel strips.
  • The focus of the Workspace and Screen Controls now remains in sync when switching from Edit mode to Perform mode after editing a control.
  • The “Ignore Hermode Tuning” checkbox now remains available in cases where the Concert tuning is set to “hermode” and the Patch tuning is set to “Use parent tuning.”
  • The Playback window now remains visible when switching away from MainStage.
  • The name of a channel strip can now be immediately edited by double-clicking it.
  • It is now possible to disable the Group and Division entries in the metronome.
  • The Division setting for the metronome is now audible and can be edited.
  • The “One Line” setting for text labels now includes Plug-in as an option.
  • Searching in the Patch List is now invoked by pressing Command-F.
  • Buttons that are mapped to different presets for the Button On and Button Off states no longer sometimes unexpectedly switch the Button Off state to match the Button On state.
  • Adjusting the Concert tempo by assigning Tap Tempo to a knob or fader no longer causes the tempo to reset unexpectedly when switching to another patch.
  • Making changes to the Audio preferences and then opening Advanced Settings before applying the changes no longer causes the previously made change to be reset.
  • A new action named “Elapsed Play Time” can be mapped to a parameter text object to display how much time has passed after pressing the play/stop button.
  • Notes no longer sometimes hang when switching patches.
  • It is again possible to scale velocity using MIDI Controllers.
  • Exporting a Set with all Patches no longer creates an unexpected folder in the hierarchy when loaded into an empty Concert.
  • Changing the sample rate no longer sometimes causes all Smart Controls to reset to a value of 0.
  • The Set Selector in the Workspace now reliably shows the correct Set in dual column display mode.
  • MainStage will sequentially step through all patches assigned to the same program change number each time that program change message is received.
  • Action Mappings are now sorted alphabetically.
  • The Sustain Pedal light no longer remains lit when the sustain pedal is not being pressed.
  • The transform window now remains open when a different channel strip in the same Patch.
  • Text boxes in which font settings have been edited now transfer properly when merging patches on macOS High Sierra.
  • Newly created channel strips are no longer empty when the Load Default Channel Strip check box is enabled.
  • The split point in the layer editor now displays properly when performing with transposed patches.
  • Command-W can now be used to close floating windows.
  • Patch search results now display the patch icon and name of the set that contains the patch.
  • In cases where there multiple patches set to the same Program Change number, MainStage now cycles through the patches when receiving matching Program Change messages, rather than always selecting the first one.
  • Hermode Tuning again works correctly in MainStage.
  • Esc can now be used to close the Hardware Input HUD in the Assignments and Mappings window.
  • The Layer display in the Workspace now indicates which keys are assigned to trigger articulation changes.
  • Inverting the mapping of CC64 messages in a Screen Control at the Concert level now works consistently.
  • Pressing Return after mapping Program Change to a button no longer causes the value of the button to unexpectedly increment.

New in MainStage 3.3.2


  • The maximum fade time in the Loopback plug-in has been extended to 60 seconds.

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when changing the color of a Background object in the Layout.
  • Opening a MainStage concert from an alias of a folder no longer causes the MainStage preferences to be inaccessible.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when grouping or ungrouping controls in Layout mode.

MainStage 3.3.1

Stability and reliability

  • MainStage no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:
    • Switching patches from Logic Remote with a concert using custom icons
    • Recording the audio output
    • The application is left unattended
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when the Apply Changes button is pressed after changing the sample rate during playback.
  • MainStage no longer sometimes hangs when patches are dragged to different positions in large concerts.
  • MainStage no longer hangs when a Waves GTR Ground controller is attached.


  • The power buttons for Sends in the Track Header now respond more quickly when swiping to enable/disable them.
  • Concerts saved with Edit and Assignments & Mapping mode active no longer show a white screen when switching to Performance mode in full screen.
  • There is no longer sometimes unexpected CPU usage when switching patches while holding notes.
  • Playback now reliably plays sound after a saved concert is loaded.


  • A new Aux channel strip is no longer created automatically when assigning a Patch Bus as a destination if that Patch Bus is already an input for an existing Aux channel.
  • Patches saved with plug-ins that use Software Instrument tracks as side chain inputs now properly recall the side chain setting when reloaded.
  • Plug-ins on stereo channel strips that have been set to mono no longer unexpectedly change to stereo when the concert is reloaded.
  • I/O labels now work correctly on mono channel inputs and outputs.
  • Meters are once again active on mono channel strips that are panned hard right.
  • Sustained notes are no longer sometimes cut off when played through an alias channel strip that includes a Patch Bus.
  • Using the New Patch from Selected Patched command to combine two patches no longer sometimes causes output signal routed through a bus to stop sounding in rare cases when the Concert is reloaded.
  • The displayed value of screen controls is no longer sometimes 1 increment less than the saved value.


  • The display of markers again follows the progression of Playback.

Auto Sampler

  • Layer ranges in EXS instruments created by Auto Sampler now have the correct setting for the lowest velocity value for each layer.
  • Auto Sampler now correctly writes files to Alias folders.


  • Choosing Built-in Microphone as the input for MainStage on MacBook Pro (late 2016) no longer resets Audio MIDI setup to 4 input channels.
  • Buttons in the Toolbar or Touch Bar now update to show their status when triggered externally.
  • MIDI Clock from external devices is again passed through as expected.
  • Releasing a sustain pedal no longer stops the Metronome.
  • It is again possible to set an Aggregate Device as MainStage’s input device, when the Output device is set to a something different.
  • It is now possible to set a specific MIDI channel to recall patches via Program Change.
  • Tuning presets are again available.
  • Knobs that are set to Pickup mode no longer unexpectedly reset to Jump mode when switching back to a previously selected patch
  • It is now possible to configure the Metronome to play beats only, with no emphasis on the bar.
  • It is now possible to disable either bars or beats when configuring the Metronome.
  • After importing a set, audio input now outputs as expected to patch buses on patches beyond the first patch.
  • Pop-up menus for buttons in the Mappings inspector are no longer blank when the button is mapped to a plug-in bypass.
  • User Tunings that are copied from Factory Tunings now include the Root Note.
  • The Thru button in the MIDI Modifier plug-in again works as expected when the input is set to a note number.
  • Saved values of momentary buttons in the off state are now properly maintained when the Invert option is enabled.
  • Screen objects mapped to level meters now change from mono to stereo or stereo to mono when the associated channel strip format setting changes.
  • Exported Alias patches that are re-imported to the same concert now retain mappings as expected.
  • Setting the mapping parameter On Patch Change to Match again works as expected.
  • Adjusting the layer range of a channel strip no longer unexpectedly affects existing Note Input graph settings.

MainStage 3.3

New features and enhancements

  • New, modern interface.
  • Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro.
  • True stereo panning provides more control and discrete manipulation of stereo signals.
  • Directly assign software instruments as sidechain sources.
  • Bus routings are now shown in plug-in sidechain menus.
  • MIDI plug-ins can be used to creatively control plug-in parameters.
  • Set folder icons can now be assigned a color.
  • The Toolbar can now be customized.
  • There is now a key command to show/hide the Toolbar.
  • Supports Disk Space Management on macOS Sierra.


  • Exiting Full Screen mode from an Edit window no longer cause MainStage to become unresponsive.
  • Improves CPU performance on portable computers with integrated graphics.
  • Includes several improvements to CPU performance.
  • MainStage now displays a warning dialog if the computer gets warm enough to cause audio dropouts or other anomalies.
  • Includes general improvements to CPU performance.

Stability and Reliability

  • MainStage no longer hangs in certain rare cases when dragging patches in large concerts.
  • MainStage no longer becomes unresponsive after the Please quit ReWire applications first dialog appears.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when:
    • Accessing pop-up menus from the Hardware Input dialog in the Assignments & Mappings window.
    • Dragging an AAC file into the Playback plug-in.
    • Loading certain 3rd-party Audio Units plug-ins.
    • Loading a stereo audio file into a stereo instance of Playback that already has a mono audio file loaded.
    • Closing the Auto Sampler while the Velocity window is open.


  • The name and path of audio files in Concerts saved without assets are now properly saved.
  • MainStage now reliably displays Playback markers in concerts saved in MainStage 3.2.
  • The Clean Up command no longer deletes files used by the Loopback plug-in.
  • Incoming MIDI CC messages, including Sustain, are now duplicated for all channels specified in a multitimbral setup.
  • All mappings now continue to work after re-opening the concert, when the same screen object is mapped to more than one parameter.
  • Pasting a patch that contains multi mappings as an alias no longer sometimes causes the mapping tabs to be lost.
  • Loading a multi-layered patch that was created from an alias no longer creates an unexpected extra layer.
  • The Tab key now moves the focus between parameter fields in Inspectors.
  • Concerts created with Save As now properly retain Audio, Loopback and Impulse Response files.
  • The Reverb and Ambience Smart Controls in the Keyboard quick start template now add effect as expected.
  • Mapping for the metronome volume is now maintained when a concert is reloaded.
  • Patches are now saved by default to ~/Music/AudioMusicApps/Patches.
  • The Show Detailed Help key command now works correctly when the Help Viewer is already open.
  • Drag and dropping a folder containing sets into MainStage no longer causes extra copies of each patch within the sets to be duplicated below each set.
  • Screen controls now reliably send external MIDI messages.
  • The Smart Controls for Reverb and Ambience in the Quickstart Keyboard template now consistently work with all patches.
  • Renaming a Concert and then using the Cleanup command no longer can lead to some used assets being removed.
  • Consolidate now consistently places used Impulse response (IR) files into the concert package.
  • The Audio Output preference menu now immediately updates to show newly connected audio devices.


  • Holding Option and clicking controls on a Mixer channel strip with multiple channels selected now reliably sets the control on all channels to the default value.
  • Aux inputs from sources that are Aliases are now maintained when opening a saved concert.
  • Exporting a patch that is an alias and reimporting it now correctly relinks to original patch.
  • Patch buses that have been dragged to the left side of the Mixer are no longer renamed to Sum when the concert is saved and then reopened.
  • Right-clicking in the channel strip labels area in the Mixer now brings up a contextual menu.
  • Bus routings are now shown in plug-in side chain menus.
  • Routing for ReWire Auxes is now properly maintained when a concert is saved and then reopened.
  • Changing a stereo output pair to dual mono on systems with more than two outputs no longer leaves the outputs in the wrong order.
  • Custom plug-in names are now displayed as expected in the Mixer.
  • Auxes in aliases of multi-output channel strips now retain their input settings when the patch is reloaded.
  • The view in the Logic Remote mixer no longer sometimes jumps erratically while adding a large number of new tracks in quick succession.
  • Negative values for Input Gain now display correctly on channel strips.
  • Channel strips at the Concert level now display properly in cases where there are no keyboard or MIDI activity objects in the workspace layout.
  • Using the Change All command in a channel strip output menu to change the audio routing for all channels no longer sometimes causes a mono signal to be output from channel strips even when the fader is all the way down.
  • Keyboards deleted from the Layout no longer continue to appear as MIDI input sources on channel strips during the same MainStage session.
  • All Auxes with inputs assigned to the same bus now remain active when a channel strip outputting to that bus is soloed.


  • The following plug-ins have been redesigned with Retina-ready interfaces: Exciter, Echo, Modulation Delay, Noise Gate, Pitch Shifter and Match EQ, BPM Counter.
  • New Loudness Meter plug-in provides support for LUFS metering.
  • The Modulation Delay plug-in now includes a Feedback Filter.
  • The Chorus and Modulation Delay plug-ins now each offer a D-mode button.
  • The Noise Gate now includes a ducker.
  • The Noise Gate plug-in now offers a filter characteristics menu which may be set to either Band Pass or Band Reject.
  • There are now independent Hold buttons for the Analyzer, Goniometer and Level Meter sections of the Multimeter plug-in.
  • When the Multimeter is in Display view, Ctrl- or right-clicking the display area allows the display to be switched between the Analyzer and Goniometer.
  • When the Multimeter is in Meter view, Ctrl- or right-clicking the meter area allows the meter to be switched between Peak, RMS, Peak & RMS, True Peak, and True Peak & RMS.
  • 32-bit Audio Units plug-ins added via 32-Lives now work properly when MIDI clock is sent to MainStage.
  • MainStage now properly displays third party plug-ins in the categories they have been placed into in Plug-in Manager.
  • Pop-up menus in EXS24 now open as expected on macOS 10.12 Sierra.
  • When an alias is used for the EXS24 Sampler Instruments folder, MainStage now reliably finds the samples if a copy of the original volume containing the instruments is mounted.
  • Audio data for Loopback instances is now reliably loaded from saved plug-in settings.
  • The count-in button on the Loopback plug-in now works as expected.
  • Preset names for Audio Units v3 plug-ins are now displayed correctly.
  • The I/O plug-in now has a Mix control.
  • It is now possible to set the sample rate when creating IRs in the Impulse Response Utility.
  • Plug-in side chain menus now display full routing information for busses, as is done on channel sends.
  • The Feedback value in the Stereo Delay is now properly maintained if the Routing is changed from Straight to another preset and then back to Straight.
  • A plug-in’s Compare button now activates when a parameter is changed by a MIDI hardware controller mapped to a Smart Control.
  • Changing parameters in the Exciter plug-in during playback no longer causes audio artifacts.
  • Signal passing through a Compressor side chain set to SUM is now at the correct level.
  • Audio Units plug-in windows no longer sometimes get stuck at a certain position on the screen.
  • If a plug-in produces latency, the help tag shown when hovering over its plug-in slot shows the amount of latency the plug-in is producing.
  • External mod wheel events no longer sometimes cause unintended percussion retriggers in the Vintage Organ instrument when it is in morph mode.
  • Timing for the ProcessMIDI() function in the Scripter plug-in has been improved.
  • Multi-Output Audio Units instruments set to output to multiple mono Auxes no longer skip output 2.
  • When a voice is dragged from the Ultrabeat import sheet to an instrument slot, the slot now shows the name of the imported voice.
  • The Peak readout in the Multimeter and Level Meter now continues to work after switching from True Peak to RMS mode.
  • The Phase knob is now dimmed as expected in mono instances of the Phaser plug-in.
  • Audio Units software instruments that support both mono and surround can now be loaded as multi-mono instruments.
  • The Modifier MIDI plug-in can now process Program Change messages.
  • Reordering effects in the Vintage Clav plug-in on macOS Sierra no longer sometimes leaves the effects tiles overlapping one another.
  • Deselecting the Dcy checkbox for Groups in the EXS Instrument Editor now disables decay for the Group when Trigger = Key Release.
  • MIDI plug-ins can now remote control any automatable plug-in parameter on the same channel strip.
  • A list of up to four of the most recently used plug-ins now appears at the top of the plug-in menu.
  • The sustain pedal now works consistently when controlling the Latch button in the Arpeggiator plug-in while in Add Temporarily mode.
  • Loading patches that contain an instance of the Bass Amp Designer plug-in no longer sometimes causes a popping noise.
  • If a plug-in has been renamed in the Plug-in Manager, the help tag now shows the edited name of the plug-in when hovering the pointer over it.
  • Pitch bend range is now adjustable in the EFM1 instrument plug-in.
  • The Modulator MIDI plug-in now offers a 1/128 LFO rate.
  • Undoing the loading of a patch no longer causes samples on other Kontakt instruments to be unexpectedly reloaded.
  • Changing the sample rate no longer sometimes causes unexpected changes to the sound of the Flanger, Chorus, Vintage Clavinet, Retro Synth, and the Pedalboard Chorus and Flanger plug-ins.
  • The Plug-in Manager no longer allows duplicated custom plug-in names.
  • Space Designer can again load plug-in preset files saved to custom locations in Logic 9.
  • Plug-in parameters that are controlled by fader events from the Scripter plug-in now remain functional if the order of plug-ins in the channel strip is changed, or new plug-ins are inserted.
  • Renaming a category in the Plug-in Manager no longer causes the category to unexpectedly move to the bottom of the list.
  • A keyboard set to Multi in the Vintage B3 Organ Split view now maintains the setting when the view is changed to Presets or Controls and then back to Split.
  • The grid in Delay Designer now remains visible when an instance of the plug-in is opened a second time.
  • Third party Audio Units plug-ins now display meters properly in Controls View.
  • Typing in values to parameters in third party Audio Units plug-ins in Controls View now works reliably.
  • The Mic Position in Amp Designer is now easier to adjust without inadvertently closing the position display.
  • The sustain pedal now works as expected with the Vintage Clav in the Plectratone, Dulcitone and Belltone modes.
  • Adjusting the Attack, Hold, or Release time with the scrubber in Retro Synth or MIDI Modulator’s ENV display now reliably updates the envelope points in the display
  • Enabling Constant Mod in the Modulation Delay no longer causes the Delay and Modulation settings to increase.
  • MainStage now supports Audio Units v3 plug-ins.
  • When importing drum kits into Ultrabeat, the Import Kit name is again properly displayed.
  • Instances of the Tremolo plug-in with a rate set to a Hz value are no longer reset to 32 bars when the project is loaded.
  • The Modulation Delay plug-in now includes a Feedback Filter.
  • The Chorus and Modulation Delay plug-ins now each provide a D-Mode button.
  • The Ensemble plug-in no longer sometimes produces crackling noises when both the LFO rate and Intensity are set to low values.
  • Autofilter again provides an LFO Retrigger switch.
  • Amp Designer no longer sometimes outputs unexpected noise after switching from TREM to VIB.
  • Hold is now independent for the Analyzer, Goniometer and Level Meter sections of the Multimeter plug-in.
  • The controls panel at the bottom of the Multimeter plug-in can now be hidden.
  • When Hold is enabled, the Multimeter plug-in now continues to reliably display peaks until playback is started again or the graph is clicked.
  • In the Multimeter plug-in with Hold enabled and Peak set to infinite, the peak indicators remain visible during playback when a period of silence is encountered in the track or song.
  • Ultrabeat no longer unexpectedly changes to Step Sequencer mode when the Command and Option keys are pressed while the plug-in window is open.
  • The Bright/Fat switch on the Double Dragon pedal now operates as expected.
  • The Seed parameter in the MIDI Randomizer plug-in now works as expected.
  • Delay compensation for the Pitch Shifter plug-in is now reliably calculated.
  • Option-clicking the Semitones knob in the Pitch Shifter plug-in now sets it to 0 semitones instead of +7 semitones.
  • The graph in the Bit Crusher plug-in now remains visible when the window is closed and then re-opened.
  • Instruments created with the Scripter plug-in now pass settings from unknown MIDI processors through.
  • Plug-in presets can now be reliably opened using the Load command from all MainStage plug-ins.
  • Plug-in sidechain assignments are now properly maintained when duplicating a track.
  • Double-clicking the icon in the Patch Library for any software instrument-based track now opens the software instrument plug-in.
  • An issue is addressed which could cause plug-ins to incorrectly show as missing.
  • A rare issue in which duplicated EXS24 instruments might stop playing back is resolved.
  • The Plug-in Manager now shows a warning dialog if a custom name that already is in use is entered for another plug-in.


  • Alchemy’s Transform pad now responds correctly to incoming assigned MIDI control messages.
  • Concerts containing Alchemy instances no longer save unexpected duplicates of Alchemy .aaz files to the concert bundle, or to ~/Music/AudioMusicApps/Samples.
  • The Magnet Effect in Alchemy now reliably sounds in tune.
  • Alchemy’s LFO waveshape display now updates as expected after loading an LFO preset.
  • Alchemy Modmaps with Y Snap set to 1/12 now correctly snaps nodes to 1/12 increments.
  • In Alchemy, if a sample is imported to Source A using Sample mode and then the same sample is imported to Source B, C or D using Granular mode, disabling Source A no longer leaves the other Source position stuck at 0.
  • A double-click is now required to edit the text below a Performance Control.
  • The last used folder to import audio into an Alchemy Source is now remembered after the File > Clear command has been used.
  • Right-clicking Auto-assign on an Alchemy Performance Control now reliably only assigns that control.
  • The tuning of several Alchemy presets is improved.
  • Option-clicking on a curved AHDSR segment in Alchemy again immediately affects the control segment and makes the linear decay stage audible.
  • The post-modulation feedback ring around Alchemy’s arpeggiator pattern knob now continues to update after it has been manually adjusted.
  • Assigning the modwheel to control a parameter in Alchemy no longer removes the modwheel assignment in the Performance section.
  • The Alchemy Spectral Editor now saves a separate undo step per source, and if there is no undo step available, the Undo button is now dimmed.
  • Notes being held in Alchemy while switching VA oscillator wave shapes now continue to sound as expected.
  • Alchemy now offers Downsample as an option for Source, Master and Multimode filters.
  • Changing a point in Alchemy’s Envelope Editor now properly updates the Partials display.
  • The Alchemy arpeggiator now offers an Input Snap setting that quantizes incoming MIDI notes to the rate when MainStage is running.
  • When an external controller is used to adjust Alchemy’s AHDSR, the curve now immediately updates visually in the plug-in.
  • Import of MIDI files to the Alchemy arpeggiator is improved.
  • It is again possible to load Alchemy .acp files from the plug-in Load file menu.
  • It is now possible to auto assign all ADSR Performance controls to the same envelope with one click in Alchemy.
  • Alchemy now displays values when adjusting grain size in increments smaller than 1 ms.
  • Alchemy now responds consistently to channel and polyphonic pressure.
  • Performing Undo after loading a Patch no longer causes instances of Alchemy that have been modified since the project was last saved to unexpectedly reset to the saved state, or to the default state if the project has never been saved.
  • Audio quality of Apple Loops imported into Alchemy is improved.
  • The Alchemy LFO selection menu now lists the LFO number and its currently configured waveform.
  • The first note played into an Alchemy instance no longer sometimes causes an unexpected spike in CPU usage.
  • Autosave now works for Alchemy.
  • A scroll bar is now consistently shown in Alchemy’s Browser preset list in Simple mode.
  • Alchemy now loads presets that use AAZ files more quickly.
  • Alchemy Mod maps assigned to controls that operate in semitone values now default to snapping to 1 semitone increments when adjusted.
  • Alchemy sounds with the Additive Magnetic Effect modulated by Key Follow now play reliably in tune.
  • Changing the VA waveform from the source menu now properly resets the groups in cases where the source contains multiple groups.
  • Formant analysis now gives good results on samples at sample rates other than 44.1 kHz.
  • Quick Help system now works with Alchemy.
  • Controls labeled Add FX or Spec FX in Alchemy now respond to MIDI learning in the Learn page.
  • Alchemy now remembers the last used folder location when loading user-created IR files.
  • Alchemy now fully supports Unicode/2-byte characters for file names, folder names, patch names and comments.
  • Emoji symbols now work properly for names and labels in Alchemy.
  • Re-enabling Core Audio before saving an edited Alchemy preset no longer causes its AAZ data to be lost.
  • Imported Alchemy AAZ data is now reliably retained when an auto-saved project is opened.
  • Sound quality is improved in Alchemy when samples are imported using Additive + Spectral Analysis Mode.
  • Alchemy no longer produces a short click when the Attack envelope is set to 0.
  • Alchemy no longer displays an unnecessary “Activate all sources to enable morphing” warning when three samples are imported in Spectral mode to sources A, B and C, and then Morph Linear is enabled.
  • In Alchemy, canceling a second zone import containing multiple files no longer leaves some of the files added to the group along with additional empty zones.
  • The FM Filter parameters of Alchemy now show the correct names in the Mod Rack and for automation.
  • When a delay is loaded into the Alchemy effects rack, the knob now shows the correct range of –100 – +100.
  • The Glide knob in Alchemy now consistently displays Rate or Time value according to the option selected for that preset.
  • Adding an effect that causes Alchemy’s Effects Rack to reposition or redraw no longer causes some controls to be unexpectedly renamed.
  • The Alchemy LFO Waveform display now reliably resets after the LFO section file is cleared.
  • When stepping through source files that are named after an oscillator, Alchemy no longer selects an oscillator and sets it to VA mode.
  • Alchemy AHDSR envelope Hold and Decay stages now trigger consistently with short values.
  • The Alchemy Convolution Reverb IR selection menu now shows a check mark next to the correct entry after another effect has been added to the Effects rack.
  • The Additive and Spectral effect parameters of Alchemy no longer unexpectedly reset after selecting a third Additive effect for slaved Morph Sources, or adjusting the Spectral Filter’s frequency values.
  • Selecting None for Alchemy’s Additive or Spectral effects now disables the effect as expected.
  • Alchemy no longer shows an unneeded Locate File dialog when saving a project in which audio has been imported using Add+Spec+Formant into a Source since the project was last saved.
  • When Alchemy imports a melodic Apple Loop, it now uses the key tag stored in the loop to set the root note.
  • The Concert > Cleanup command no longer removes Alchemy IR files stored in the concert package.
  • Alchemy now navigates correctly in folder structures in which a parent folder contains subfolders that have the same name as the parent folder.
  • Performing Save As on an existing Alchemy preset no longer incorrectly applies that preset’s attributes as a filter to the preset list.
  • Alchemy’s Add + Spec analysis now ignores noise components of the signal, providing better separation between noise and harmonic components.
  • When Alchemy imports an EXS instrument with only one group to a new group or zone in Alchemy, the resulting zones are now expanded to cover the full velocity range.
  • When an AHDSR with a very short attack is assigned to an Alchemy amplitude control, notes played during the release phase of other notes no longer cause a click.
  • XFade XY morphs no longer affect sources that are not set to participate in the morph.
  • When importing to additional sources in Additive mode to an existing sound, the new sources’ effects values are now set to default.
  • The Mod Source name is now properly displayed in the Mod rack when either KeyFollow or KeyFollowFixed is assigned to a control.

Auto Sampler

  • It is now possible to define custom velocity settings for layers in Auto Sampler.
  • It is now possible to set minimum and maximum trigger velocities when sampling in Auto Sampler.
  • Auto Sampler now allows up to 16 velocity layers.
  • Auto Sampler no longer prematurely stops recording between zones.
  • The Auto Sampler Round Robin setting is now saved as expected.
  • Auto Sampler parameters are now restored as expected when a concert is reloaded.
  • Meters are now displayed as expected after sampling in Auto Sampler.
  • Auto Sampler now allows the creation of multi-sample Round Robin keymaps.
  • Auto Sampler now allows custom defined velocities ranges.
  • Auto Sampler settings saved as part of a default MainStage concert are now recalled as expected when the default is loaded.
  • Auto Sampler no longer sometimes hangs when sampling long sustained notes.
  • Auto Sampler no longer creates stereo samples when sampling mono sound sources.
  • Auto Sampler no longer sometimes creates unexpectedly long samples when creating one-shot recordings from certain Audio Units plug-ins.
  • Auto Sampler no longer sometimes creates truncated samples for some notes when sampling from Audio Units instrument plug-ins.

Smart Controls

  • Smart Controls for aliases of channel strips that contain a Vintage Organ now update to follow the plug-in.

Logic Remote

  • Support for Logic Remote 1.3.2.
  • Alias channel strips no longer continue to be displayed in Logic Remote after they are deleted from MainStage.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • MainStage again sends MIDI feedback to connected external devices.
  • On Logic Remote, meters now show color for peaks over 0 db.


  • Plug-ins open in Controls View by default when Voiceover is active.
  • Improved Accessibility to Alchemy parameters in Controls view.

MainStage 3.2.4

New Features/Enhancements

  • Arturia Keylab 25, 49 and 88 keyboards are now automatically detected and configured for Smart Controls in MainStage.
  • The Learn button for setting the note range for a layer now automatically disengages after a MIDI event is received.


  • MainStage no longer freezes when adding an output to certain multi output Audio Unit plug-ins when running in German.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when a stereo plug-in is inserted on a mono channel strip.


  • The channel strip library now opens more quickly.
  • Sending Expression CC messages to an EXS channel no longer sometimes causes crackles.


  • The plug-in in the lowest slot is no longer removed when inserting a plug-in at the top of a single selected channel strip.

Control Surface/Hardware Support

  • M-Audio Oxygen 25 Mark IV, Oxygen 49 Mark IV and Axiom 25 2nd Gen keyboards now work as expected with MainStage.
  • Nektar Panorama control surfaces again work as expected with MainStage.
  • Patch changes now work reliably from all keyboards and controllers auto-configured by MainStage.
  • The transport buttons on AKAI MPK25/49/88 controllers now work as expected.
  • Screen controls with the Send Value To option enabled again respond smoothly to input from rotary encoders.


  • Quick Help now works in plug-in headers.
  • Patches saved in MainStage 3.2.2 that include external instruments now load correctly.
  • The Waveform object now reliably shows the waveform when a saved concert is reloaded.
  • Audio routings are properly preserved when using certain multi output Audio Units plug-ins when running in German.
  • Channel strip meters in the mixer now reliably show correct levels after they have been switched from mono to stereo.
  • Routing stereo channels to mono outputs no longer forces post pan and post fader sends to be mono.
  • The CPU and memory meters now remain visible and functional in full screen mode.
  • Concert level Aux channel strips deleted from a concert no longer sometimes come back when the concert is reopened.
  • Mappings in which one control is mapped to multiple actions are now reliably maintained when a saved concert is reopened.
  • The display for IR waveforms in Space Designer now updates immediately when loading a preset or reversing an IR.
  • The level meter screen control now shows red when receiving full level signal.

MainStage 3.2.3

New features and enhancements

  • Over 650 new Apple Loops are included in a variety of dance and popular music genres.
  • The spectral engine in Alchemy now provides 11 spectral effects for allowing creative sound processing in the frequency domain.
  • Apple Loops can now be dragged into Alchemy and they will automatically conform to the current tempo.
  • Alchemy now supports MIDI mono mode This allows you to use third-party Expressive MIDI Controllers, including products from Roli and Roger Linn Design.
  • Alchemy now automatically adjusts the gain when morphing Formants.
  • The Sound Library now displays content when it’s available but not yet downloaded. Individual files or directories can also be downloaded directly from within the browser.
  • Holding shift while double-clicking on a channel strip EQ slot now inserts a Linear Phase EQ.
  • Drum kits and software instruments in MainStage now respond to Force Touch and 3-D touch with supported devices.

The following plug-ins have been updated with new Retina-ready interfaces:

  • Stereo Delay, Tape Delay, Sample Delay, Bitcrusher, Clip Distortion,  Distortion, Phase Distortion, Adaptive Limiter, Limiter, Single Band EQ, AutoFilter, Levelmeter, Multimeter, Chorus, Ensemble, Flanger, Microphaser,  Phaser, EnVerb, SilverVerb,  Gain, Klopfgeist, Test Oscillator

These plug-ins include the following new features:

Delays > Stereo Delay

  • Stereo Link – Change parameters for both Left and Right channels at the same time while preserving any differences between values. The Command key acts as a temporary way to disengage the stereo link for making changes to individual Left and Right channels.
  • There are now separate filter settings for both Left and Right channels.
  • Dotted and Triplet notes have been added to the delay time menu.
  • Dragging the delay time knobs can be used to set the timing with “in-between” value deviation. Clicking on the note values around a knob snaps to times with deviation set to 0%.
  • Routing presets make it easy to set up common delay patterns like Ping Pong, Panning, Rotating and more.

Delays > Tape Delay

  • Tape Delay now includes Tape Head Mode and Spread control.
  • The Distortion Level has been renamed to Clip Threshold.
  • Dotted and Triplet notes have been added to the delay time menu.
  • Dragging the delay time knobs can be used to set the timing with “in-between” value deviation. Clicking on the note values around a knob snaps to times with deviation set to 0%.

Delays > Sample Delay

  • You can now switch the delay amount between milliseconds and samples.

Distortions > Bitcrusher

  • The Mix parameter is now on the main interface.

Distortions > Distortion

  • Level Compensation is now on the main interface

Distortions > Overdrive

  • Now includes Level compensation

Dynamics > Adaptive Limiter

  • Meter delay compensation
  • Optimal look ahead button

Dynamics > Limiter

  • Meter delay compensation
  • Choice of Legacy and Precision mode

Filters > AutoFilter

  • AutoFilter now includes Add Peak filter mode.
  • The Distortion Mode menu now includes Classic, Tube, and Scream
  • The Distortion Mode can be selected individually for input and output distortion.
  • There are now separate Distortion Mode menus for Pre and Post Filter.
  • The Distortion, LFO, Envelope, and Filter sections now each have an individual bypass button.

Metering >  Levelmeter

  • Meter delay compensation
  • Numerical readout for max RMS value
  • Vertical and horizontal UI versions
  • Adjustable “Target Level” where the yellow range starts

Metering > Multimeter

  • Meter delay compensation
  • Numeric readout for max RMS value
  • New 63 band mode
  • Adjustable “Target Level” where the yellow range starts
  • Loudness meter
  • Discrete readouts for LU-I and LU-S

Modulation > Ensemble

  • On/off for LFO 1, LFO 2, and Random modulation sources

Modulation > Flanger

  • Sync for LFO

Modulation > Microphaser

  • Sync for LFO

Modulation > Phaser

  • Sync for LFO
  • Exponential sweep mode
  • Feedback filter on/off switch

Reverbs > SilverVerb

  • On/off switch for modulation

Stability and performance

  • MainStage 3.2.3 includes various fixes to enhance performance, including a significant performance improvement with Alchemy.
  • MainStage no longer becomes unresponsive when a Sysex dump is being received.
  • These actions no longer cause MainStage to unexpectedly quit:
    • Changing the audio driver output preference when a large concert is loaded now takes significantly less time.
    • Loading a concert that has been saved with a new name
    • Closing a concert, or quitting the application
    • Selecting Insert Patch Bus as the output routing for a new channel

Smart Controls

  • If you manually adjust the puck and then load a new patch, the puck position now updates to reflect the patch.
  • Smart Controls no longer displays values that are half of the saved value of the control they’re mapped to.


  • Clicking on an instrument layer in the workspace now selects the related channel strip.
  • Drum Machine Designer patches now reliably load with the correct bus structure.
  • Aliases now reliably point to their correct channel strips when a saved concert is reopened.
  • MainStage now creates the correct output routing when a bus number higher than the available number of Outputs is selected.
  • Routing assignments for channel strips assigned to output to busses are now reliably maintained when loading saved concerts.

Updated Plug-ins

  • The default star rating for Alchemy presets now shows as three light gray stars.
  • Selecting a filter type in Alchemy now automatically enables the filter.
  • Alchemy now displays a warning if a preset is loaded with samples that Logic can’t locate.
  • The Alchemy Waveshaper now affects output before playback is started.
  • Alchemy now reliably loads samples in instances where a preset is altered in a project but isn’t saved as a preset.
  • Loop crossfades from zones in EXS instruments are now reliably maintained when imported into Alchemy.
  • In Additive synthesis mode in Alchemy, the Num-Osc control has been renamed to Partials to more accurately represent its function.
  • Dragging the loop markers in Alchemy no longer inadvertently moves Start and End markers.
  • Alchemy loop cross fades now work properly when Start or End markers for the loop are at the Sample Start or Sample End markers.
  • The label on knob 3 of Filter 2 in Alchemy now reliably shows the title of the currently selected source filter.
  • Text rendering on Retina displays is improved in Alchemy.
  • In Controls view, stereo linked controls in plug-in windows now visibly update correctly when adjusted.
  • Typing a value for an Alchemy parameter now properly sets the parameter to the typed-in value in the plug-in window Controls view, and in Smart Controls.
  • When an Apple Loop is imported to an Alchemy source, settings are automatically configured so that the loop can be triggered from any key and the loop plays at the current project tempo.
  • Fixes an issue where the Alchemy plug-in window could sometimes get stuck in one position.
  • The Alchemy “Priority = Oldest” voice mode now works as expected.
  • Sample previews no longer shift in pitch in the import browser in Alchemy when you perform a second playback and the project sample rate is set to 96 kHz.
  • When opening a saved project, the browser window in Alchemy now opens in the same place as when the project was saved.
  • When both Morph mode and Additive Complex mode are enabled, Alchemy now shows the correct settings for Additive Complex when a sample is imported to a second Source.
  • The Analyzed Formant controls in Alchemy no longer appear to be active when Analyzed is not enabled.
  • When adding new tags to Alchemy, typing in the text field no longer activates key commands assigned to typed characters.
  • The Polyphony Modulator in Alchemy now works correctly.
  • Select MIDI in the Keymap Editor in Alchemy now operates correctly when switching from one group to another.
  • Clicking the previous or next arrow in an Alchemy Source selector now enables the Source if it was disabled.
  • Alchemy now reliably retains imported Additive or Spectral sample data when reopening an Autosaved version of a project.
  • When importing samples, Alchemy no longer shows folders that don’t contain supported audio file types.
  • Closed Alchemy windows now reopen to the correct size on dual display systems where the main display is smaller than the secondary display.
  • Alchemy presets that employ the KeyFollow modulation source on tuned filters now sound in tune when the Software Instrument Pitch project setting is set to a value other than 0.0 cent (440 Hz).
  • Pressing the Escape key no longer closes plug-in windows. You can now use the Escape key to cancel other operations, like dragging files from the Finder into Alchemy.
  • The Vintage B3 Organ now plays in tune when switching from stereo to mono when the Software Instrument Pitch project setting is set to a value other than 0.0 cent (440 Hz).
  • It’s again possible to drag IR files into the Space Designer to load them.
  • Reverse again works in Space Designer.
  • Bass Amp Designer no longer outputs clicking sounds when the Output Mix fader is moved from Amp to Direct Box.
  • In Ultrabeat, selecting the Show in Finder option from the Oscillator sample selection menu no longer initializes parameters for the Oscillator.
  • Automating the cutoff filter to 100% in Autofilter no longer causes intermittent audio dropouts.
  • Moving your pointer over the left side of the Surround Multimeter plug-in window no longer causes it to inadvertently switch between Analyzer and Goniometer mode.
  • The key commands for Previous and Next setting now work with MIDI plug-ins.
  • It’s again possible to define a User Scale in the Transposer MIDI plug-in.
  • Patches created in Logic Pro that use the External Instrument plug-in now open correctly in MainStage.


  • SysEx data is now passed through External Instrument channel strips.


  • Patches in the patch selector screen object are now accessible in Full Screen mode using VoiceOver.
  • There’s now a preference to always open plug-in windows in Controls view, to help when using VoiceOver.
  • The action buttons to add channel strips and new patches are now accessible with VoiceOver.


  • Changes to the size and position of the Key Commands window are now retained when the window is closed and reopened.
  • Meter objects now display in stereo when the object is switched from mono to stereo.
  • Performing Undo after selecting a patch no longer causes a Software Instrument to be removed from the channel strip.
  • Maximizing the size of MainStage in Layout mode no longer causes the MIDI In display to turn black.
  • MainStage no longer causes an unexpected aggregate device “AutoAggDevice” to appear in Audio MIDI Setup.
  • Patch List selector screen objects now immediately shows new patches when it’s created.
  • Buttons in the Workspace now reliably display the state of the parameters they’re mapped to when the Parameter Values > On Patch Change preference is set to “Keep current value.”
  • MainStage now reliably opens the most recently saved concert at launch when this startup preference is set.
  • Concert files copied in the Finder and then opened in MainStage now reliably maintain the correct window position and sizing.
  • Dragging a concert file onto the MainStage app to open it no longer opens the most recently saved concert when this startup preference is set.
  • The Waveform screen object now reliably displays audio file waveforms when a concert has been saved and then re-opened.
  • If you disable Feedback Detection in preferences, it no longer unexpectedly re-enables when you open the app.

MainStage 3.2.2

  • Includes several fixes to enhance stability and reliability.
  • Fixes an issue introduced in MainStage 3.2.1 that could stop some Concerts from opening.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when changing from one preset to another when using the Vintage B3 Organ plug-in.
  • A stereo instrument that’s panned to the right now sends the correct signal to the left mono output.
  • The Progress Indicator screen object again works as expected.
  • Mappings to aliases are now saved properly in patches that contain multiple aliased channels.
  • Pasting an external channel strip as an alias no longer causes unexpected duplicates of channel strips.

MainStage 3.2.1

  • Includes fixes to improve stability and reliability.
  • Alchemy Smart Controls now update reliably when MainStage is reopened after quitting unexpectedly.
  • Mono instances of the Vintage B3 Organ now play reliably in tune when using a Global Tuning offset.
  • It no longer takes two attempts to make adjustments to the tempo of a Loopback instance at the Set level.
  • The Download Additional Content window now displays the correct language when the primary language is set to English and the region is set to a non-English-speaking region.
  • Concerts that contain custom panel background images now open reliably.
  • Show Detailed Help works as expected again.
  • Aliased patches exported from MainStage 3.2 now properly trigger an Import Alias dialog when reimported.
  • The Gain Reduction meter is again visible in the Limiter plug-in.
  • Knobs on Smart Controls now reliably adjust when accessed from Logic Remote.
  • MainStage no longer sends duplicate MIDI messages in some cases where a layered split is defined at the Concert level.
  • Large concerts saved in previous versions now open more quickly.
  • The Reverse IR function works as expected again.
  • Text inside text objects in patches that do not contain channels is now reliably retained when a concert is saved and then reopened.
  • Resolves an issue which stopped some older concert files from opening in MainStage 3.2
  • The correct inputs for external instruments are now reliably retained when reopening saved concerts.
  • Loopback now properly retains the monitor setting when it is set to off.
  • Mappings for Screen Controls that select Playback markers are now correctly retained in saved concerts.
  • Using audio files with special characters in the filename in Playback no longer causes MainStage to unexpectedly quit.
  • Waveform screen control object mappings now display the correct image, and save as expected.

MainStage 3.2

MainStage 3.2 includes Alchemy, a new sample manipulation synthesizer that includes the following:

  • Next generation synthesizer plug-in with multiple sound generators including; additive, spectral, formant, granular, sampler, and virtual analog
  • Over 3,000 presets for all types of electronic music including electronic dance, hip hop, rock, and sound for picture
  • Integrated keyword preset browser for finding the right sounds quickly
  • Performance controls like the Transform Pad make it easy to explore and reshape sounds
  • Combine up to four synth modules to create complex multi-layered sounds
  • Virtual analog oscillators produce authentic recreations of iconic synth sounds
  • Wide selection of modeled analog and special effect filters for producing sounds with vintage character and tonal complexity
  • Create animated, dynamic instruments using over 100 modulation sources that include flexible LFOs, AHDSR and MSEG envelopes, and step sequencers
  • Manipulate and combine samples in new ways using unique collection of morphing and resynthesis tools
  • Import EXS24 instruments or create your own using a robust set of sampler features
  • Apply independent arpeggiators to each of the 4 sound sources to transform simple chords into elaborate performances
  • Integrated effects rack with reverb, modulation, delay, compression, and a range of distortion effects

Additional new features in MainStage 3.2 include the following:

  • It’s now possible to add custom icons for patches and channel strips
  • Includes a Set Saved Value key command to save the current value of a control to the Concert
  • Setting the Metronome to use an output other than 1-2 now creates the needed output channel strip if it doesn’t yet exist

MainStage 3.2 also includes the following updates:

  • Includes general stability improvements.
  • Metering for Outputs higher than 1-2 now works correctly.
  • Changing the MIDI > Display Middle C preference now updates the Keyboard in the Layer editor to match.
  • It’s now possible to reduce the size of the MainStage window further.
  • Clicking the Channel Strips area now consistently brings the focus there.
  • Pasting a patch as an alias now works when the parent patch has been cut or deleted.
  • The ruler in the Waveform screen object now properly displays time.
  • Controls mapped to Send to All > Keyboard Destinations > Channel Strip Parameters > 7 (Volume) now work as expected.
  • Custom key commands now work more reliably after MainStage is quit and reopened.
  • MIDI is now reliably passed through to Channel Strips that contain a bypassed instance of the Scripter plug-in.
  • Some notes are no longer triggered with an unexpectedly low volume when Speed MIDI Control is mapped to the Mod Wheel.
  • MainStage now immediately recognizes aggregate devices created in Audio MIDI Setup while MainStage is running.
  • With two open concerts, closing one, and then switching to the second no longer stops MIDI and audio from passing to and from the remaining concert.
  • Smart Controls are no longer missing if MainStage is launched as a log-in item, with the option to open the most recent concert at launch in Perform mode.
  • The Layout mode Screen Control Inspector now updates reliably after an external controller is assigned.
  • The Audio preference pane no longer lists “Display Audio” twice for each connected display when two Thunderbolt displays are connected to the computer.
  • Sustain pedal off messages are now sent to external devices if a patch change has been sent with the sustain pedal pressed.
  • Continuous screen controls no longer send a MIDI value that is 1 value lower than the onscreen parameter control shows.
  • Switching from one patch to another while playing MIDI now quickly triggers sound.
  • The sustain pedal now continues to work reliably after its mapping is changed.
  • The MIDI Out tab for the External Instrument channel strip Inspector now offers a checkbox to control whether Expression is sent to the instrument.
  • Switching between patches that use the I/O plug-in no longer causes audio pops or glitches.
  • Dragging a PDF to the Image Well for a background object now works as expected.

MainStage 3.1.1

  • Allows you to disable Screen Saver when in Perform Mode
  • Fixes an issue where expression pedals could not control the input level of audio channel strips
  • Resolves an issue where the Download Manager could appear empty
  • When more than 10 Drum Machine Designer patches are loaded, all channels show their associated sub-channels
  • MainStage no longer shows an error that the Concert file is corrupted when loading certain concerts created in previous versions
  • Next/Previous screen control buttons for changing patches and sets not assigned to a MIDI channel reliably respond to mouse clicks again
  • MIDI output now works when a channel strip setting file that includes an External Instrument plug-in is loaded
  • MainStage no longer outputs an audio pop when switching between certain patches
  • Pan works properly again with mono audio channels
  • The Instantly Silence Previous Patch setting works when moving from a patch using External MIDI to one using a Software Instrument
  • There is now a link to the AutoSampler documentation in MainStage Help

MainStage 3.1

New features and enhancements

  • Redesigned Compressor plug-in with scalable, Retina-ready interface and a new compressor model.
  • Retro Synth can now create wavetables from imported audio and is able to stack up to 8 voices.
  • The Plug-in Manager now allows you to customize the organization of your menu.
  • Expanded sound library includes over 200 new synth patches and 10 Mellotron instruments.
  • New Auto Sampler plug-in converts hardware synthesizers into sampled instruments.
  • Custom shortcuts can be assigned and managed using the new Key Command editor.
  • It is now possible to copy and paste ranges in the layer editor.


  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when selecting all patches.


  • MainStage no longer drops out of Full Screen Performance mode when you use a KVM switch to change the display to another computer.
  • When moving the MainStage window from a 4K display to another display, the window width now properly adjusts to the new display size.
  • Mouse clicks in a plug-in window are no longer passed through to the Patch Browser in Performance mode.
  • Window positions are now properly recalled when opening a saved concert.
  • Parameter text fields are now displayed correctly when the first patch or set is skipped.
  • Text in the Graph Editor now renders properly when the window is resized.

MainStage 3.0.4

New features and enhancements

  • Adds auto-assignment profiles for the following MIDI devices:
    • Roland A-49 keyboard
    • Korg Taktile 25 keyboard
    • Korg Taktile 49 keyboard
    • Samson Graphite MD13 controller
    • Novation Launch Control controller
  • The Quick Start Templates are now accessible with VoiceOver
  • It is now possible to adjust sliders in the Mixer when controlling MainStage via screen sharing, Apple Remote Desktop, or other VNC clients.

Stability improvements

  • MainStage no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:
    • Deleting patches from a concert
    • Closing certain concerts

General improvements

  • Commas are now usable as decimal separators when typing values into controls on the Mixer.
  • Sculpture and ES2 no longer sometimes shift pitch the tails of held notes when releasing other notes and using non-Equal Tempered tunings.
  • Closing a concert now also closes the Musical Typing window.
  • Channel Strip insert slot 15 now displays the correct bypass state when toggled via a mapped Smart Control.
  • Using different audio interfaces for input and output now works more reliably.
  • The Quick Start Templates are now accessible with VoiceOver.
  • Screen Controls mapped to Loopback’s Record Button now reliably display the correct parameter state.
  • The distortion knob is no longer automatically assigned to respond to channel pressure with some controllers in templates that include organ drawbars.
  • Loopback recordings in which the recording is stopped by pressing the spacebar are now reliably retained when played back.
  • MainStage more accurately timestamps incoming MIDI messages, making stuck notes less likely.
  • Playback now reliably loads saved plug-in settings files.

MainStage 3.0.3

  • Improves stability and reliability, including to resolve these issues:
    • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when opening a concert that was created in MainStage 2.x and is missing some content.
    • Resolves an issue in which a concert that was compressed with certain utilities might not load if the concert contained a patch with a forward slash “/” in the name.
    • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when loading a concert that contains a multitimbral transform graph.
    • Resolves an issue in which MainStage might quit unexpectedly after downloading content.
  • Resolves an issue that could cause CPU performance spikes and audio dropouts.
  • Fixes an audio-input issue that caused the Record Enable button to be unavailable with some audio interfaces, including the M-Audio Fast Track Pro, M-Audio Plus, Blue Yeti USB mic, Alesis i02 Express, Avid Mbox, and Griffin iMic.
  • Mappings to AppleScript again work properly.
  • Screen Control graphics again properly update when receiving CC64 messages on MIDI channels other than channel 1.
  • It’s now possible to map screen controls to the Dr. Octave pedal.

MainStage 3.0.2

New features and enhancements

  • Compatible with Logic Remote v1.0.3.
  • Includes 11 new Drum Kit Designer patches.
  • Significant enhancements to Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ plug-ins, including:
    • Redesigned, easier-to-use interface that’s also accessible within the Smart Controls area.
    • Oversampling option improves high-frequency clarity.
    • Double Precision processing provides more accurate filtering, especially for low frequencies.
    • An option to apply EQ only to stereo left, right, middle, or side signals.
  • There is now a Hide Workspace option in the View menu when working in Edit mode.
  • Playback is now compatible with MP3 and AAC files.
  • Screen controls mapped to the clock now show a dial that updates with each beat.
  • There is now an option to convert an aliased channel strip to a unique copy.
  • There is now a mapping for Chord Display.

Stability and performance

  • Includes several fixes to improve stability, reliability, and performance.
  • Bypassing a multi-output Audio Units instrument plug-in no longer causes MainStage to quit unexpectedly.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when the Current Program Number action is assigned to a screen control before other actions.
  • When downloading missing Drummer content, the download progress bars are no longer hidden behind the main window.
  • Concerts now open significantly faster than in any previous version of MainStage.
  • Saving concerts now takes about the same amount of time as in MainStage 2.
  • Fixes an issue in which renaming a concert from the File menu causes playback of Ultrabeat, Playback, and Loopback to stop working until the concert is reloaded.
  • Improves compatibility when opening concerts created in MainStage 2.

Audio/plug-in fixes and improvements

  • Monophonic is now available as a Flex mode in the Playback plug-in.
  • Starting Playback or Loopback no longer cuts off the tails of plug-ins that are already sounding.
  • Playback no longer causes an unexpected jump after using the next/previous marker commands when the marker region is shorter than the snap-to value.
  • Starting Loopback with “Set concert tempo” now always starts the transport as expected.
  • Arpeggiator now reliably continues playing after a patch change if Latch mode is controlled with a sustain pedal.
  • The compressor gain-reduction meter on the channel strip now reliably displays correct values.
  • Playback no longer goes out of phase while playing audio loops.
  • The Vintage Electric Piano instrument plug-in now responds reliably when repeating a note that is already playing.
  • Resolves an issue in which playback of a loop might stop after clearing previously recorded loops from Loopback.
  • Loopback now reliably continues playing after clearing a previous loop.

User-interface fixes and improvements

  • The numbers on the ruler for the Waveform object have been enlarged to improve readability.
  • Includes accessibility improvements.
  • When VoiceOver is used to select an object in the Workspace while in Layout mode, the corresponding Screen Control Inspector is now also selected.
  • In Edit mode, VoiceOver can now be used to work with Smart Controls in the Workspace.
  • VoiceOver now correctly mentions the names of Inspector pane headers.
  • Clicking the Scale Parameter button in the Scale Parameter Graph now closes the graph window.
  • Adds Quick Help for several additional items.
  • Command-Control-F can now be used to enter full-screen mode in MainStage.
  • Pressing the F key while in full-screen mode now reliably activates patch-find mode.

General fixes and improvements

  • Setting a tempo in a patch no longer overrides the saved concert tempo in other patches.
  • Loading a patch onto a parent channel strip now reliably removes the mappings from associated alias patches.
  • Loopback files are now saved with a concert.
  • Duplicating a set that contains one or more channel strips that are used as aliases within patches inside the same set will reliably reference the duplicated set’s copies of the alias, not the original set’s channel strip.
  • It is now possible to reliably copy and paste a 1 x 8 Grouped Drum Pad screen control object.
  • MainStage now shows a warning when deleting a patch that contains a parent channel strip for an alias in another patch.
  • Deleting a channel strip now reliably changes focus on the next channel strip in the mixer.
  • The mapping for the Output Volume knob in the Lead Vox & 1 Backing Track template now works as expected.
  • Deleting a pedal from Pedalboard now reliably removes associated Smart Controls mappings.
  • There is now an option in the Concert Inspector to “Send unused program Changes to Channel Strips”.
  • Incoming MIDI clock is now reliably routed to external MIDI channel strips.
  • Saving a channel strip of a different type now reliably opens the correct default location.
  • Mapping actions via the Action menu now works reliably.
  • It is now possible to switch to Layout mode even if the cursor is editing text in a text object.
  • Assigning the output of an external instrument to stereo now works as expected.
  • The Drum Concerts template now plays at the assigned tempo.
  • Changing patches while using the sustain pedal reliably releases previously played notes.
  • It is now possible to edit parameters on screen controls that are mapped to parameters representing the current state of a control.
  • The icon assigned to an external channel strip is now reliably saved and recalled with a patch.
  • Switching to a patch that contains a screen control mapped to an external instrument channel strip now reliably transmits its saved value.
  • Changing patches reliably sends expression values for an external instrument channel strip on the selected channel.
  • Audio meters work as expected after the view mode is changed.
  • The Master Tuning control is now smoother and more responsive.
  • Sustain pedal objects now work reliably with user-defined CC messages.
  • The “Reset to Saved” preference works reliably with screen controls mapped to hardware rotary encoders.
  • The Reset/Compare action works reliably with Smart Controls.
  • MainStage reliably shows input meter activity for even-numbered inputs.
  • The Metronome Output preference no longer changes unexpectedly when loading a concert.
  • Changing the Color attribute for an Output or Master channel strip now works as expected.
  • A channel strip with a scaling curve applied no longer outputs audio when the fader is at its minimum position (-∞).
  • Smart Controls objects are now highlighted when selected.
  • Improved behavior when browsing legacy Jam Pack content.
  • Smart Controls mapped to bypassed plug-ins no longer appear to be disabled in Performance mode.
  • Incoming MIDI is no longer converted to channel 1 if there is a pitch bend object in the patch.

MainStage 3.0.1

Stability and performance

  • Resolves graphics issues when switching to full screen or Performance Mode with ATI graphics hardware.
  • Includes various fixes for improved stability and reliability.
  • Resolves an issue in which plugging an Apogee GIO into the computer while another MIDI controller was plugged in caused MainStage to quit unexpectedly.
  • Resolves an issue in which, under certain circumstances, playing notes in the Arpeggiator could cause CPU spikes.
  • There are several improvements to reduce the amount of MIDI jitter, resulting in better responsiveness.


  • Includes several changes that improve the reliability of content downloads.
  • After a channel strip output has been set from an Aux to No Output, Undo now properly restores the output routing to the Aux.
  • Resolves an issue in which a patch that contained an alias channel strip would not play all effects in some cases.
  • The Quickstart Keyboard template concert now loads the correct EXS24 presets when opened while the Vocal and Backing Tracks template concert is already open.
  • Resolves an issue in which performing Undo after deleting a Patch from the Patch List incorrectly muted the Patch’s channel in the Mixer.
  • When a new Patch is created, the MainStage interface now properly maintains focus on the Patch.
  • Fixes an issue in which audio sent to Auxes might be cut off when switching Patches while holding notes.
  • Fixes an issue in which the Patch Browser sometimes did not display the full path when scrolling with the cursor.
  • Double-clicking on a skipped Set now un-skips it.
  • Double-clicking on a collapsed set in the list now reveals it.
  • Resolves an issue in which attempting to change the order of MIDI plug-ins on a channel strip prevented subsequent changes to the order of both audio and MIDI plug-ins until the concert was reloaded.
  • A meter mapped to channel level in Smart Controls now shows level as expected.
  • Scrolling within text boxes now correctly follows the system Natural Scrolling setting.
  • Fixes an issue in which opening a saved concert from All Concerts or My Concerts in the New Projects dialog opened the concert as “Untitled”.
  • Resolves an issue in which, when importing a Patch that included an Output channel strip, MainStage displayed a dialog indicating there were not enough available channels.
  • It is now possible to send MIDI events on multiple channels from an external instrument channel strip.


  • Resolves an issue in which CPU spikes might occur when bypassing or enabling plug-ins while playing.
  • Fixes an issue in which starting playback of the Ultrabeat sequencer could cause CPU spikes.
  • Resolves an issue in which there might be a slight hesitation when Playback was triggered.
  • The metronome is now audible as soon as it is activated from Loopback.
  • Undo after recording in Loopback now works as expected.
  • Fixes an issue in which there might be intermittent dropouts in concerts containing several songs that use multiple instances of Playback.
  • Resolves an issue in which plug-in side chain settings were not saved with Patches.
  • Includes several improvements to make renaming Playback markers easier.
  • Resolves an issue in which a Loopback instance inserted at the Concert level would stop playing when switching between Patches.
  • Resolves an issue in which the changing the MIDI channel of the Modulator out in the Scripter plug-in had no effect.
  • The plug-in sidechain menu now correctly list the inputs available for the current patch.
  • Resolves an issue in which bypassing an instrument while playing notes into it caused stuck notes.

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Published Date: July 13, 2021

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