Honeywell Home HR92 Wireless Radiator Controller User Guide

June 6, 2024
Honeywell Home

HR92 Wireless Radiator Controller

re 2. Briefdescription

Wireless Radiator Controller

1. Scope of delivery

The radiator controller packaging contains:





1 Radiator controller with valve baseplate M30 x 1.5; batteries included
2 Display support 3 Valve adapter type Danfoss RA 4 Screws for securing radiator controller and battery


Danger of suffocation! f Keep packaging materials away from


The HR92UK radiator controller is certified by eu.bac.

HR92 is an electronic radiator controller witha modern design. Because of the wireless communication with a frequency of 868 MHz the controller can be easily integrated in heating systems such as evohome to control the roomtemperature.
User-friendly · Large adjustable display with backlight.
· Display of information in the display using symbols and text.
· Parameters can be set individually.
· Manual temperature modification (effective until the next switching point) possible at any time.
Mounting · Theradiatorcontrollerfitsonthemost common
radiator valves of the type M30x1.5.
· Further adapters are available as accessories.
· An external window contact can be connected optionally.
Energy saving features · Withthewindowfunction,theradiatorvalveisclosed
when ventilating the room.
· Ifanexternalwindowcontactisused,theradiator valve is closed when a window is open.

fUsetheradiatorcontroller onlyin accordance with these operating instructions.
CAUTION fDonotletchildrenplay withtheradiator controller.


3. Device overview Operating elements and display

Radio signal display
Display Meaning
5 Field strength excellent



2 3






1 Adjustment dial 2 Displays that the room setpoint was changed
manually 3 Operationlock 4 Battery status 5 Temperature display/parameter information 6 Text display, 9characters 7 Radio signal (field strength) 8 Radio communication display 9 Radio communication error 10 Info button, for displaying the room (zone)
information; Function button, for binding and configuring
Battery display
Battery status Meaning
Batteries fully charged
Batteries half charged
Batteries have to be replaced soon
Flashing display: Batteries are dead and have to be replaced

3 Field strength good
1 Field strength weak
4. Mounting
Ready to operate in three steps: · Insert batteries and set language · Establish radio connection · Mount on radiator controller ­ FINISHED
Inserting/changing batteries The radiator controller is set for the following battery type: · 2 alkaline cells 1.5 V; type LR6, AA, AM3 You can instead use the following batteries or rechargeable batteries: · Lithium 1.5 V; type LR6, AA, AM3 · NiMH 1.2 V; type LR6, AA, AM3
i · If lithium or NiMH batteries are used, Parameter 9 has to be adapted, see Section 5. · Always change batteries in pairs.
i · Ifthe batteriesaretooweak,theradiatorcontroller opens the radiator valve completely. · After the batteries have been replaced, the radio connection to the central operating device is restored automatically.


2. 1.

i The language selection is only displayed during initial commissioning.
i The batterylifeofnew alkalinecells amounts to approx.2years.The batteries needchanging when the symbol flashes. All the settings are retained when the batteries are changed.


Explosion hazard! f Never charge non rechargeable batteries. fNever short- circuitbatteries or throwthem
into fire.
fDispose of used batteries ecologically.

3. 5.

­ +

Establishing radio connection
The radiator controller HR92 communicates with the central operating device by radio usingthe frequency of 868MHz.Tothispurposetheconnectionbetween the HR92 and the central operating device has to be established first. This process is called BINDING. In the case of preconfigured devices binding has already been carried out in the factory.
i Ifbinding has notyetbeencarried out,unbound is displayed after has been pressed.
Binding must first be activated at the HR92 so that the radio signal can be received. Subsequently binding has to be activated at the central operating device.

1. Pull off theadjustment dial.Todoso, start at the notch on the bottom of the device.
2. Ifused,unscrewanyfasteningscrewsfromthe battery compartment.
3. Release the lock and fold out battery spring. The battery compartment is now accessible.
4. Insert the batteries. Ensure that the polarity “+” and “­” is correct.
5. Fold down the battery spring and latch it in. 6. Option: Secure the battery spring with the fastening
screws to secure the batteries against theft. 7. Place the adjustment dial back on.
First the software version number and then the language english is displayed. 8. Ifdesired,usetheadjustmentdialtoselectadifferent language.
9. Confirm the selected language with the button.

i Pleasereadthe operatinginstructions ofyourcentral operating device for further information about binding.
Activating binding at the HR92
i Carryout bindingoftheradiatorcontrollernearthe final mounting location.
1. Pressthe button briefly. unbound is displayed.
2. Hold the button pressed for 5 seconds. bind is displayed.
3. Press the buttonbriefly. binding is displayed and the radio symbol appears.
Activating binding at the central control device fTo activate binding at the central control device: see
the associated instructions.


Binding at the HR92
The radio symbol flashes during binding. If binding was successful, success is displayed. Afterwards the main display is shown. Whensyncis showninthedisplay,theradiator controller is synchronizing with the central operating device. HR92 receives the data from the central operating device.

Radio test 1. Press the buttonbriefly.
2. Hold the button pressed for 5 seconds. 3. Select rf checkusing theadjustmentdialand
confirm withthe button. checking is displayed (flashing) in the display.

i Synchronization can take up to 4 minutes until the current room setpoint temperature is displayed at the HR92. If BINDING is notsuccessful,it is terminated automatically after approx. 10 minutes. ­ or ­ To cancel BINDING, select Exit using the adjustment
dial andconfirmwiththe button.
i If several HR92 radiator controllers in one room (zone) are to be controlled by the central operating device, it is possible to activate BINDING at all radiator controllers simultaneously. BINDING then only has to be carried out once.
Failed binding/insufficient data transfer
Binding has failed when the radio symbol disappears and failed is displayed. The datatransfer output maybe insufficient. This can be caused by metallic objects or further radio devices. fEnsure that the distance to radio devices such as
radio headphones, cordless phone, etc. amounts to at least 1 m. fEnsure that the distance to metallic objects is sufficient. fIf radio interference cannot be eliminated, select a different mounting location for the room unit and repeat binding.
Clearing binding at the HR92
1. Press the buttonbriefly. 2. Hold the button pressed for 5 seconds. 3. Select bind using the adjustment dial and keep the
buttonpresseduntilcleared is displayed. Binding is deactivated.


The radiator controller is ready to receive radio signals from the central operating device.

i Please read the operating instructions of your central operating device for further information about the radio test.

Thefield strengthisdisplayedasabarandanumber while the radio signal is being received.

5 bars Field strength



3 bars Field strength good


1 bars Field strength weak

Radio test at operating devices with 2-way communication Ifthecentraloperatingdevicecantransmit andreceive (2-way communication), like the evotouch, the field strength can be queried directly at the radiator controller without activating the radio test in the central operating device.
1. Press the buttonbriefly.
2. Hold the button pressed for 5 seconds. 3. Select rf check using the adjustment dial and
confirm with the button. checking is displayed (flashing) in the display.
4. Press the buttonagain. Thefield strengthisdisplayedasabarandanumber while the radio signal is being received.


Interrupting the radio test The radio test is terminated automatically after approx. 10 minutes. ­ or ­ fSelect exit using the adjustment dial and confirm
with the button.
Radio communication error
Iftheexclamationmark and the radio symbol flash during normal operation, an error has occurred during radio communication. · The room setpoint temperature of the HR92 radiator
controller is changed automatically to 20 °C. fRestore radio communication to the central operating
device, see Section 7.

Selecting the adapter The radiator controller fits on common radiator valves of the type M30 x 1.5. Adapters are required for some valve types.
1. Checkwhetheranadapterisrequiredand,if necessary, select the appropriate adapter.

Honeywell HomeBraukmann, MNG, Heimeier, Oventrop valves M30 x 1.5


Not required

Danfoss RA


Mounting the radiator controller

The radiator controller can be mounted on all common

thermostatic valves with an M30 x 1.5 connection without draining system.

Danfoss RAV

Prevent damage to the radiator controller

through humidity and moisture!


WARNING fProtect theradiator controller against

humidity, moisture, dust, directsunlight or

Danfoss RAVL

exposure to excessive heat.

Removing the old thermostat head 2.

  • can be ordered under EVA1-Danfoss
    2. Slidetheadapterontotheradiatorvalveandturnit until you feel it click into place.
    3. If necessary, screw the adapter tight with a screw.

1. Turntheoldthermostat headanti-clockwiseuntilit stops and loosen the mounting ring.
2. Remove the old thermostat head from the radiator valve.


Mounting the valve baseplate 1a
1b 1. Separate the valve baseplate from the radiator
controller. To do so, push the slide towards . 3.

3. Locktheradiatorcontrollerintheendposition.Todo so, push the slidetowards . After approx. 1minutecycl(self-test)isdisplayed. Afterwards the radiator controller changes to normal operation.
i Theradiatorcontroller only operatesifitis locked correctly in the end position.
FINISHED! ­ The radiator controller now controls the roomtemperatureinaccordance withthespecification of the central operating device.

2. Turntheadjustmentdialofthevalvebaseplateanticlockwise until it stops.
3. Putthevalvebaseplateontotheradiatorvalveorthe adapter and tighten by hand (without tools!).
Mounting the radiator controller

  1. 1. Ensurethat theslide ontheradiatorcontroller is inthe open position.
    2. Puttheradiatorcontrollerontothevalvebaseplate so that the indentation latches in and is no longer visible.


Securing the radiator controller
i The radiator controller and the batteries can be secured against removal by using the supplied screws.

Connecting an external window contact
The floating external window contacts HCA30 can be connected to the HR92 radiator controller.
i The cable ACS90 is required to connect the external window contact. · Micro B mini-plug / open ends · 2 m long · Not included in the scope of delivery

Setting the position of the display In order to improve the legibility the display of the radiator controller can be tilted to different positions (10°, 20°, 30°, 40°). The angle of 40° can be fixed with the supplied display support.

Operation with window contact When the windowis opened, the windowcontact is opened and the radiator valve closes. When the window is closed again, the radiator controller returns to normal operation. The frost-protection function ensures that the radiator valve opens when thetemperature drops below 5 °C.
i If a cabled window contact is removed, Parameter 11 has to be modified to 0 or 1, see Section 5.

Cable connection
fConnect cable ACS90 as follows to the window contact HCA30:


white black GND green

Connecting the cable to the radiator controller HR92

Mounting 1. Lift the display and set it to the desired angle. 2. If desired, tilt the display by 40° and slide the display
support from above between the display and the housing until it latches in.
Unmounting fPress the display support in at the back and remove
it upwards.

1. Remove the side cover from the radiator controller. 2. Insert the cable ACS90 into the radiator controller
The radiator controller recognises the connected window contact automatically.


5. Basic settings

If required, the 12 basic settings (parameters) can be adjusted. Factory settings have a grey background. Parameters marked with an * are described in more detail below.





Language setting

1 English

2 German

3 Italian

4 French

5 Dutch

6 Spanish


Backlight *

0 Deactivated

1 Activated


Duration of the window function *

0 Window function not active

30 Valve opens at the latest after 30 minutes

… …

90 Valve opens at the latest after 90 minutes


Sensitivity of the window function during

dropping room temperature * 0.2 0.2 (sensitive)

… …

2.0 2.0 (less sensitive)

Factory setting: 0.4


Sensitivity of the window function during

rising room temperature * 0.1 0.1 (sensitive) … …

2.0 2.0 (less sensitive)

Factory setting:0.2


Setting the valve stroke *

0 Standard valve stroke

1 Full-stroke mode


Temperature representation in the

display *

0 Set/programmed temperature (setpoint


1 Measured room temperature


Temperature offset *

3 To adjust the temperatures measured by the

… radiator controller and in the room

-3 Factory setting: 0





Battery type

0 Alkaline

1 Lithium

2 NiMH (rechargeablebatteries)


Display of the valve position *

0 No display of the valve position

1 Momentary display of thevalve position


Window open function *

0 Off (no window function)

1 Auto (correspondingtoParameters 3-5)

2 Cabled (with floating window contact)


Restore to factory setting

0 No reset

1 Reset

The binding is retained.


Changing parameters
1. Keep the button pressed for approximately 5 seconds until Parameter 1 flashes (left-hand digit).

The right-hand digit shows the current setting. The parameter is displayed additionally in plain text. For example, the display 1 1 stands for Parameter 1 (language) with Setting 1 (German).
2. Usetheadjustmentdialtoselectthedesired parameter (left-hand digit).
3. Pressthe button to edit the parameter. The current setting of the parameter flashes (right hand digit).
4. Use the adjustment dial to set the desired setting (right-hand digit) and confirm with . The parameter being edited flashes (left-hand digit).
5. For the further parameters repeat Steps 2 to 4. 6. To exit the menu, select exit using the adjustment
dial and confirm with the button.


Description of the parameters
Parameter 2 ­ Backlight The display has a backlight for reading the information. · Thebacklight isONwhentheadjustmentdialis
turned or a button is pressed.
· The backlight switches OFF if no action is carried out at the radiator controller for approx. 7 seconds in order to save battery power.
Parameters 3 to 5 ­ Window function In order to save energy the radiator controller closes the radiator valve when you open a window resulting in a large drop of the temperature. When you close the window so that the temperature rises the radiator controller opens the radiator valve again. When the duration of the window function (factory setting: 30 minutes) has expired, the system controls to the current room setpoint temperature again. Frost protection is ensured during the window function.
Parameter 6 ­ Valve stroke The radiator controller operates with the optimum valve stroke set in the factory. If the entire valve stroke is to be used or if the valve does not open completely,activate the full-stroke mode.
Parameter 7 ­ Temperature representation in the display · In the factory setting the room setpoint temperature
is displayed. · With the setting “measured temperature” the
measured room temperature is displayed. A changeoverto the set temperature is carried out by turningtheadjustment dialorpressingthebutton. If required, the temperature can now be reset. The display returns to the measuredtemperature after approx. 3 seconds. Due to the heat influence of the radiator the “measured temperature” displayed at the radiator controller can differ from the temperature measured at another point in the room.
Parameter 8 ­ Temperature offset Since the radiator controller measures the room temperatureintheareaoftheradiator,it ispossible that this temperature deviates from the temperature measured at a different point in the room. If, for example, 20 °C is measured in the room and 21.0 °C at the radiator,this effect can be compensated by an offset of ­1.0 °C.

Parameter 10 ­ Display of the valve position When this parameter is activated (setting “1”), the calculated valve position (0 … 100% opened) is displayed momentarily. The main display is shown again after approx. 3 minutes. Tocancel,select exitandpressthe button.
Parameter 11 ­ Window open function · Ifawindow contact isconnected,theparameteris set
automatically to “2”(cabled).The windowfunctionis controlled by the window contact. · If no window contact is connected, the setting “0” or “1” has to be selected.
6. Further functions
Manual changing of the room setpoint temperature
The room setpoint temperature can be changed at any time by means of the adjustment dial. The changed room setpoint temperature remains in effect until the next switching point.
Thesymbol showsthatthetemperaturewas changed manually. The symbol extinguishes when the next setpoint is reached.
By turning the adjustment dial anti-clockwise until off is displayed, the valve will be closed permanently. With this setting the time program of the central operating device is no longer activefor this radiator controller, but frost protection is guaranteed if the heating is switched on.
Display of the room name
If the central operating device can transmit the room name (zone name), like the evotouch, the room name is displayed at the radiator controller (max. of 9 characters). fPress button.
The room name (zone name) is shown briefly in the display.


Automatic monitoring functions
Window function If you open a window causing the temperature to drop, the radiator controller closes the radiator valve in order to save energy. window is displayed.
Whenthetemperaturerisesagain,butatthelatest after theset period(factorysetting:30minutes),theradiator controller opens the radiator valve again.
You can also open the radiator valve beforehand by turning the adjustment dial. The sensitivity of the radiator controller to a temperature drop or temperature rise can be set, see Section 5, Parameters 3 to 5.
If a window contact is connected, the windowfunction reacts directly to the opening and closing of the window, see Parameter 11.
Valve protection If the radiator valve has not been opened once completely within the period of 2 weeks, a self-test (forced operation) is carried out. The radiator controller opens the radiator valve briefly on the subsequent Monday in order to prevent seizing. cycl is displayed.
Frost protection If the temperature drops below 5 °C, the radiator controller opens the radiator valve until the temperature rises above 6 °C again. This prevents the heating system from freezing up. frost is displayed.
i Theheating must beswitched onto ensurethe frost protection function.

7. Help with problems

Error table

Problem/ Display


flashing Batteries flat

Remedy Replace the batteries.

icons are flashing
no sync

No radio communication

Check the radio connection between the HR92 and the central operating device (radio test).
Repeat the binding procedure.
Check the power supply to the central operating device and the HR92.

Radio connection interrupted

Check the radio connection

Parameters at the CM927/ DT92 operating device not set

CM927 operating device: Parameter 8: Set SU. DT92 operating device: Set Parameter SU (see corresponding instructions).

e1 sens o r

Device defec- Replace the device. tive

e2 valve

Motor cannot be moved

Check theinstallation. If appropriate, remove the dirt.

The radiator stays hot

The radiator valve does not close fully

Check the installation. If appropriate, change to full-stroke mode (Parameter 6).

Motor does not Valve


baseplate not


Set the slider to the
position .

The HR92 does not accept setpoint changes from the central operating device

Valve closed permanently,
off is displayed

Use the adjustment dial to set the room temperature to the desired value. The next switching command from the central operating device will then be executed from
the HR92.


Emergency operation when batteries are flat

Ambient conditions

1. Unlock the radiatorcontr ller. To do so, push the slide

at the radiator controller towards .


3. Operate the radiator valve by hand using the adjustment dial on the baseplate.


+ ­

9. Disposal

For living area, business and commercial areas as well as small businesses
10 … 90 % rel. humidity
EN55014-1:2006 +A2:2011 EN55014-2:1997 +A2:2008 EN60730-1:2011 EN60730-2-9:2010 EN300-220 EN 301-489 RoHS 2011/65/EC CE

Restoring the factory setting 1. Keep the button pressed for approximately

The radiator controllerhas to be disposed of in
irective 2012/19/EC ­ Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive.

2. Use the adjustment dial to select Parameter 12 (lefthand digit) and Setting 1 (right-hand digit).
3. Pressthe buttontorestorethefactorysetting.
The binding is retained.

f At
corr f Do

Type Protection class


Radio communication

SRD (868.0 … 870.0 MHz) RX Class 2

Supply voltage
Power consumption
Control accuracy (CA) Connection to the radiator Ambient temperature Transport and storage temperature Dimensions Weight

residential buildings Battery type LR6, AA, AM3 Alkaline: 2 x 1.5 V Lithium: 2 x 1.5 V NiMH: 2 x 1.2 V Standby: typ. 165 mW Control: typ. 240 mW 0.5 °C M30 x 1.5 0 … 50 °C ­20 °C … 65 °C
96 x 54 x 60 mm 185 g (with batteries)

10. Declarationof Conformity
Hereby Honeywell Home es that this HR92UK is in compliance with the ess ntial requirements and other relevant provisions of Di ective 1999/5/EC.

11. Binding and radio test ­ Overview

Press the button briefly Display: Room information

Hold the button pressedfor 5 seconds



Hold the button pressed until

binding success


back to standard display

rf check



checking flashes

button *

Radio signal from operating device

Display of the field strength


button back to standard display

back to standard display
Turn adjustment dial to the right

  • Only at operating devices with 2-way communication, e.g. evotouch.

Ademco 1 GmbH Hardhofweg 40 74821 Mosbach Phone: +49 1801 466 388

@2020 Resideo Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. The Honeywell Home trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. This product is manufactured by Resideo Technologies, Inc and its affiliates.


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