COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control User Manual

June 6, 2024

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control


CE-R1 is a Central Control Unit for controlling and monitoring DC power system.
The package includes:

  1. CE-R1
  2. User Manual

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-1

The CE-R1 is equipped with the following features :

  1. LED Indicator
    The LED provides the DC power system statuses in a straightforward way.

  2. LCD Display
    LCD Display – The LCD display is a 16 x 4 line alphanumeric display used for setting up the DC power system operation , as well as viewing current status or fault messages.

  3. Function Buttons
    Click buttons allows you to select a menu item or to save a setting, once it is displayed on the LCD screen.


Front Panel

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-2

Basic operation instructions

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-3

  1. Press SMR / Battery / Alarms log buttons to enter each sub-menu.
  2. Press SMR / Battery / Alarms log buttons again to return to main menu

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-4

  1. In each sub-menu, press Enter button 3 sec. to enter detailed setting for each items.
  2. After selecting desired value, press Enter button again to confirm setting value

CE-R1 Menu Maps

Main Menu
  1. System Status Page
    To indicate system output current to Load only and charging stage

  2. Total Output Current Display
    To indicate total current output to loads and battery.

  3. Ambient Temperature Display
    To indicate ambient temperature measured by temperature sensor

  4. Ambient Temperature Alarm Setting
    To set ambient temperature alarm trigger point

  5. System High Output Voltage Alarm Setting
    To set high output voltage alarm trigger point for all system

  6. System Low Output Voltage Alarm Setting
    To set low output voltage alarm trigger point for all system

  7. CE-R1 Lock Function
    To lock/unlock CE-R1 function buttons

  8. Auto Test Function
    To self-test SMR and Central Control Unit, which displays Firmware version (1st page) and flashing pixel page (2nd page)

  9. Number of SMR Setting
    To input SMR numbers that are installed in the system, in order for precise control and parameters calculation

  10. CE-R1 Access Code Naming
    To provide unique identity code for Central Control Units if there are more than one control units installed

  11. Date and Time Setting
    To set system date and time, which is used for event log recording

  12. Audio Alarm On/Offsetting
    To turn Audio alarm On/Off, and warning alarm on LED & LCD remain constant when this function is turned off

  13. Alarm Level Setting
    To set each alarm as Major/Minor alarm, which can trigger front panel alarm relays separately. By this setting, the user can choose to assign an alarm level for the below fault conditions according to user’s design concept.

  14. Major alarm

  15. Minor alarm

  16. “No Logo” – Regular alarm


| Item Alarm Level| LED


1| EEPROM Fault CSU| A| CE-R1 EEPROM fault
2| SMR Alarm| A| SMR alarm
3| Cct Breaker| A| Fuse/Breaker is Open
4| LVDS Open| A| Low Voltage Disconnect is Open
5| Voltage High| A| System output voltage is over voltage
6| Voltage Low| A| System output voltage is under voltage
7| Battery Disch| A| Battery is discharging
8| SMR Comms Fail| A| SMR communication fails
9| AC Volt Fault| A+R| AC input voltage is abnormal
10| Amb Temp High| A| Ambient temperature is too high
11| Batt Temp High| A| Battery temperature is too high
12| Batt I-Limit| A| Battery charging current is limited
13| Bat Sym Alarm| A| Discharging current deviation
14| MOVB Fail| A| Metal Oxide Varistor Board fails
15| MS OFF or TRIP| A| Main switch is open or trip
16| SMR HVSD| A+R| SMR High Voltage shutdown
17| Battery Switch| A| Battery switch is open
18| Batt Temp Sens| A| Battery temperature sensor is disconnected
19| UNCAL SMR| A| SMR current sharing unbalance
20| SMR Range| A| Any setting parameter is out of range for SMR
21| Bat Disch Low| A| Battery discharge low voltage
22| Disch Tst Fail| A| Battery discharge test fail
23| SMR Fault| A / A+R| SMR fault

LED Display

A : Amber LED flashing
R : Red LED solid

SMR Sub-Menu

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-6

  1. SMR Fault Display
    To indicate the faulty condition when SMR is not disconnected or is switched off

  2. SMR Output Current Display
    To indicate each SMR’s current output

  3. SMR Version Info Display
    To indicate indivisual SMR firmware version and heat sink temperature

  4. SMR Float Charge Voltage Display
    The float charge voltage is set in “Battery” Menu and only displayed here for quick reference

  5. SMR Equalization Charge Voltage Display
    The Equalization charge voltage is set in “Battery” Menu and only displayed here for quick reference

  6. SMR High Output Voltage Alarm Setting
    To set SMR high output voltage alarm trigger point

  7. SMR Low Output Voltage Alarm Setting
    To set SMR low output voltage alarm trigger point

  8. SMR High Output Voltage Shutdown Setting
    To set SMR high output voltage shutdown trigger point

  9. SMR Current Limit Setting
    To limit all SMR output current value

  10. SMR Fault Reset Function
    This function will reset and activate any single SMR which is locked by protection (such as HVSD)

Battery Sub-Menu

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-7

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-8

  1. Battery Current Display
    There are 2 conditions: (1)Charging: BattX XXA (2)Discharge: BattX XXA DIS

  2. Discharge Current Difference Setting
    When Batteries are supplying the loads (discharging), this value can be set to alert di scharging current difference between batteries is over the value (in Amp)

  3. Battery Temperature Display
    To display battery temperature when battery temperature sensor is installed

  4. Battery Temperature Alarm Setting
    To set battery temperature alarm trigger point

  5. Battery Temperature Compensation On/Off
    To switch On/Off Battery Temperature compensation function. The range is from 0.1 to 0.6 mV/C/Cell(mV/ ˚C /Per

  6. Battery Charging Current Limit Setting I
    Battery Charging Current Limit setting I is applicable when battery voltage is below Vdd (Deep Discharge Voltage) and sets the maximum current that flows into the batteries batteries.

  7. Battery Deep Discharge Voltage Setting
    To set battery deep discharge voltage value

  8. Battery Charging Current Limit Setting II
    Battery Charging Current Limit setting II is applicable when battery voltage is between Vdd (Deep Discharge Voltage) and Float Voltage (Vfl), and sets the maximum current that flows into the batteries.

  9. System Float Voltage Setting
    To set the system output voltage at the output busbar terminals

  10. Battery Charging Current Limit Setting III
    Battery Charging Current Limit setting III is applicable when battery voltage is above Float Voltage(Vfl), which is applicable when batteries are

  11. Equalization Voltage
    To set maximum voltage reached during equalization of the batteries

  12. System Voltage Drop
    To set the maximum voltage difference that indivisual SMR can surpass programmed System Float voltage, in order to compensate for the voltage loss due to output connector, relay and busbars of the system.

  13. Battery Discharging Alarm Setting
    To set an alarm trigger voltage when batteries are being discharged

  14. Equalization Function On/Off Setting
    To turn On/Off the Equalization function. If turned off, all Equalization sub pages will be hidden.

  15. Equalization by Voltage On/Off Setting
    To initialize Equalization by voltage level V when battery is discharging

  16. Equalization Function Trigger Voltage Setting
    To set Equalization function trigger voltage

  17. Equalization Ending Current Setting
    To set the output current level upon which Equalization ends

  18. Equalization Duration Setting
    To set the maximum duration for Equalization

  19. Equalization Frequency Setting
    To set a cyclical Equalization charging, say 12 weeks
    If Equalization charging is activated anytime during 12 weeks, it will count another 12 weeks before next Equalization charging takes place

  20. Manual Start/Stop Equalization Setting
    To start/stop Equalization charging manually. If Equalization is stopped manually, it goes to float
    charging mode.

  21. Low Voltage Disconnect Switch Trip Voltage Setting
    To set Low Voltage Disconnect Switch trip voltage in order to protect battery from deep discharged when AC power outage is too long.

  22. To set LVDS Operation Condition
    To set LVDS operation

  23. Auto: LVDS opens when trip voltage point is reached

  24. Closed: to close LVDS manually

  25. Open: to open LVDS manually

Alarms Log Sub-Menu

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-10

  1. Main Alarm page
    To display the most recent alarm log. “1” is the latest alarm item, followed by incremental Number ( 3…)

  2. Alarm date and time
    To display alarm date and time following each alarm item in “Main alarm page”

  3. Event log clearance
    To clean all event logs stored in Central Control Unit (CE R1)

System Trouble Shooting Guide

Main Menu warning: Below warning messages will display in Main Menu level.

Alarm Condition Possible Cause Action Suggested
1. SMR Alarm Any problem with one or more SMRs Check SMRs
SMRs are not sharing correctly Check SMRs or communication cables
2. Equalize Mode Automatic cycle in progress due to

recent AC power failure

| No action required
Automatic Periodic Equalize cycle in progress| Check CE-R1 if system is in AUTO or MANUAL mode -If in AUTO mode, display will show remaining Equalize time. Check log for previous cycle date.
If cycle too early, replace CE-R1
Manual initiation of Equalize cycle| Check Operator log; in BATT menu, scroll to “Manual Stop EQ” screen and press ENTER to terminate cycle if necessary
3. SMR Urgent| All SMRs are off due to AC power failure| If possible restore AC power
One or more SMRs are off due to


| Check Individual SMRs for obvious problem; replace SMRs if necessary
All SMRs are off due to incorrect Inhibit signal from CE-R1| Replace CE-R1
One or more SMRs in Current Limit| Check Current Limit settings and adjust if necessary; or batteries being recharged
4. Cct Breaker| Fuse or CB within PDU has blown or tripped| Check PDU (Power Distribution Unit)
Wire or connector loose on MUIB| Check MUIB connections and tighten
5. Battery Switch| Any one of 2 battery switches is open| Close if appropriate
Bad connection to MUIB| Repair connection
6. Amb Temp High| Ambient Temperature is too high| Reduce temperature by force colling,

say fans

Temperature sensor is faulty| Check and replace if necessary
Connection to MUIB is faulty| Repair connection
7. Batt Temp High| One of the 2 battery sensors is reporting temperature higher than preset level| Check battery temperatures and if necessary increase ventilation and cooling
Set point is too low| Check Batt Temp High threshold level and re-adjust if necessary
Temperature Sensor in CE-R1 not| Plug in temperature sensor if required;
| attached or faulty| Replace temperature sensor
Faulty MUIB connection(s)| Replace MUIB
Faulty CE-R1| Replace CE-R1
8. LVDS Open| Battery discharged to the limit voltage level due to no AC power| Check AC voltage and reset if possible
Battery voltage OK, and CE-R1 faulty| Replace CE-R1
Battery voltage OK, and CE-R1 faulty| Replace CE-R1
LVDS threshold level is too high| Reset level in BATT menu
9. Voltage High| Volts High level in CE-R1 is too low| Reset level to correct value
Temperature compensation coefficient setting is too high| Set correct temperature compensation coefficient
Faulty MUIB or CE-R1| Replace MUIB or CE-R1
10. Voltage Low| Volts Low threshold in CE-R1 setting is too high| Reset level to correct value
Temperature compensation coefficient setting is too high| Set correct temperature compensation coefficient
Faulty MUIB or CE-R1| Replace MUIB or CE-R1
11. Battery Disch| Output voltage low due to SMRs off| Check AC voltage and restore if possible;
Float level set too low| Set float level to correct value
Battery Disch level set too high| Set correct Battery Disch level
Faulty control loop in CE-R1| Replace CE-R1
12. SMR Comms


| Comms cable faulty| Replace cable
Faulty MUIB or CE-R1| Replace CE-R1
13. AC Volt Fault| AC voltage out of tolerance| Check AC voltages and fix if possible
AC voltage threshold levels incorrect| Set correct levels
Faulty AC monitoring unit MMIB1or2| Replace monitoring unit
MUIB or CE-R1 faulty| Replace CE-R1
14. Batt I-Limit| Battery charging current is being limited to preset value| No action necessary
Battery current limit set too low| Set correct limit
Battery current sensor faulty| replace sensor
Faulty MUIB or CE-R1| Replace MUIB or CE-R1
15. Batt Sym Alarm| One Battery string is faulty| Repair/replace battery if necessary
Battery discharge current differential level set too low| Set correct level of Disch I Diff in BATT menu
Battery current sensor is faulty| Check and replace sensor if necessary
Faulty MUIB or MCSU| Replace MUIB or CE-R1

SMR Sub-Menu warning: Below warning messages will display when pressing “SMR Menu” and select any single SMR (No.1 ,2,…). It gives out specific condition for each SMR.S MR Menu:

Alarm Condition Possible Cause Action Suggested
1. AC Fail Total AC power failure or AC voltage not within operating limits

Check AC supply and confirm condition; If AC is OK, suggest to replace SMR units
Communications link failure| Check 4-way communications cable between CE-R1 and all BPA10b
2. SMR HVSD| Output voltage too high due to SMR


| Replace faulty SMR
HVSD threshold on SMRs set too low| Check and re-adjust threshold level
CE-R1 fault| Replace CE-R1
3. UNCAL SMR| Faulty CE-R1 voltage and current control loop IODEM signal (analog

active current control)

| Replace CE-R1
Communications link malfunctioning or

faulty rectifier (digital current control)

| Replace communication cable and/or SMR
Float or Equalize level on CE-R1 set

too high/too low.

| Check and re-adjust Float or Equalize level on CE-R1
4. No Response| SMR not responding to CE-R1| Check and if necessary replace communication cable at back of magazine faulty
Faulty microprocessor card in SMR| Replace SMR
5. Power Limit| Unit not current sharing (if only one

showing power limit)

| Replace SMR
Load current too high (if more than one

unit showing alarm)

| Reduce load
| Reduce battery charging current limit if it is too high
6. No Load| Load circuit breakers are tripped and

there is no load

| Reset circuit breakers
If only one unit showing alarm,

communication line to SMR faulty

| Check and replace communication line
Faulty SMR| Replace SMR
7. Current Limit| Batteries being recharged if more than

one unit showing alarm

| No action required
If only one unit shows alarm, internal

control loop faulty

| Replace SMR
8. No Demand| Internal control loop faulty| Replace SMR
| System has no load| No Action Required
9. EEPROM Fail| Faulty EEPROM or microprocessor card| Replace SMR
10. DDC Controller| Fault in DC/DC converter| Replace SMR
11. H/S Temp High| SMR Heat sink temperature too high| Check air intake to SMR is not blocked
Ambient temperature is too high| Try to reduce ambient temperature
microprocessor card card is faulty| Replace SMR
12. Temp Sensor Fail| Temperature sensor is faulty| Replace SMR
13. Fan Fail (Units fan cooled only)| Air flow inadequate due to dirty filter| Clean or replace filter
Air intake/outlet blocked| Remove air blockage
Fan faulty| Replace fan if connection is OK
14. Reference Fail| Reference voltage source in, or entire microprocessor card is faulty| Replace SMR
15. HVDC not OK| Faulty boost controller| Replace SMR
Inrush limiting fuse or resistor O/C| Replace SMR
16. High Volts SD| Feedback voltage circuit faulty| Replace SMR
Faulty microprocessor card| Replace SMR
17. Voltage High| SMR fault| SMR Fault Chart
Float level set too high on CE-R1| Check and adjust if necessary
CE-R1 fault| Replace CE-R1
18. Voltage Low| AC power has failed; system on battery power| Restore AC power if possible
Alarm threshold level set too high| Check set point and adjust if necessary
All SMRs are off due to CE-R1 Inhibit signal| Check reason for signal; if necessary replace CE-R1
Battery charging current limit LED on due to faulty battery current signal – this will depress float voltage| Check battery currents. If one of them shows a figure higher than Batt Chg Curr Lim set point, check the corresponding current transducer; check connections to the transducer; check MUIB connections
Battery Temperature Compensation too high due to faulty battery temperature monitoring| Check battery temperature readings in Batt menu; Check and if necessary replace faulty sensor; check connection to MUIB
Battery Temperature Compensation too high due to faulty MUIB| Replace MUIB

How to Replace a CE-R1

STEP 1: Use the side handle to remove CE R1 from the shelf. RA 3048 rectifier modules are operating normally even without CE R1.

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-11

STEP 2: Insert the replacement control unit fully into the shelf until it fits the slot tightly. Wait for a few seconds until the LED on replacement CE R1 shows solid GREEN.

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-12

STEP 3: Please set desired parameters on replacement CE R1, or the settings will follow factory default value when inserting new control unit.

COTEK CE-R1 DC Power System Remote Control-13

In case of any error message or warning LED indicators are on (ex. Flashing organe), please refer to user manual for troubleshooting or contact COTE K local distributor for assistance.

No.33, Sec. 2, Renhe Rd., DaxiDist., Taoyuan City 33548, Taiwan
Phone: 886 3 3891999 Fax: 886 3 3802333

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