GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board User Manual

June 6, 2024

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User ManualGMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation

Document information

Information Content
Keywords MIFARE SAM AV3, evaluation board,  Direct Mode (X-mode), Satellite

Mode (S-mode), I²C, SPI,
ISO/IEC 7816, CLRC663 family, MCU, Arduino
Abstract| This manual shows how to operate the MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation board

Revision history

Rev Date Description
1 19/01/2022 Initial version


The MIFARE SAM AV3 Arduino shield-shaped evaluation board is designed to help evaluate the features of the MIFARE SAM AV3 IC in combination with any MCU and to quickly and easily develop secure contactless tag applications.
The evaluation board, therefore, incorporates a 13.56 MHz NFC  frontend IC of the CLRC663 plus family and an embedded inductive loop antenna.

The scope of this document is to give an overview of available interfacing options and usage possibilities of the MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board.

Table 1. Abbreviations

I²C Inter-Integrated Circuit
MCU Microcontroller Unit
NFC Near Field Communication
PCB Printed-Circuit Board
SAM Secure Access Module
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus

Compliance Statements

FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which  can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Canadian Compliance Statement
This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

CE Declaration of Conformity
The technical documentation required to demonstrate that the products meet the requirements of the relevant directives has been compiled and is available for inspection by the relevant enforcement authorities.

Label location and information
The necessary compliance information label can be found at the bottom of the PCB. There are to possible options. Silk screen and label or silk screen only.GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

Figure 1 Label location

Block Diagram

GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure
Evaluation Board - figure 3

Arduino® R3 header
The MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board is equipped with an Arduino® R3 compatible header. The evaluation board can be fully powered with the 5 V line from this header. 3V3 is directly generated onboard out of this 5 V line. The header also uses the SPI interface, which can be connected to the CLRC663 host interface for direct communication. For SAM communication, the user can choose between 2 I²C interfaces: The default one on IOH1 (called I²C1), as well as alternative pinning on AD1 (called I²C2). IO4 and IO5 are used for the CLRC663 PDOWN and IRQ, and IO6 can be jumpered to provide the MIFARE  SAM AV3 VDD.


Power management

GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

The MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board is equipped with a mini-USB connector to power the system. The port is used only to provide for power only. The entire board can be powered by either the USB port or the 5 V line on the Arduino header. The power LED signalizes 3.3V power availability.

CLRC663GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure
Evaluation Board - figure 7

The MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board also has a CLRC663 contactless frontend incorporated on the PCB. The digital communication interface (SPI, and  I²C ) from MCU to the CLRC663 can be selected via jumpers. The SPI-Interface is directly connected to the Arduino® header, the I²C interfaces are meant to  be used by the MIFARE SAM AV3 for its X-mode. Jumper setting details can be found in the section jumper settings in this document GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM
AV3 Evaluation Board - figure 8

MIFARE SAM AV3 – Add-on Board

Add-on board
The MIFARE SAM AV3 itself is placed on an add-on board, to be able to easily exchange the MIFARE SAM AV3 in case it has been misconfigured. The pullups for the MCU_I²C_xxx interface, as well as the voltage level divider, are placed on the add-on board. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

The MIFARE SAM AV3 can be accessed by either its I²C_Slave (MCU_I²C_xxx) interface from the host MCU or the ISO7816 interface via CN5. This header is pin-compatible to the GMMC ISO7816 to SIM SAM Smart Card adapter. GMMC
SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure 10

MIFARE SAM Evaluation Board – Jumper Setting

GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

The MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board comes with 3 different colors of Jumpers:

  • GREEN: Configuration of RC663 interfaces
  • YELLOW: MCU board I²C interface selection
  • RED: MIFARE SAM AV3 configuration

CLRC663 Interface Mode
The CLRC663 NFC reader frontend IC offers a Host and a SAM interface.
The HOST communication interface can be configured to SPI or I²C by configuring the CLRC663
IFSEL 0/1 pins via jumper settings as shown in below. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE
SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure 12GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board -
figure 13

For SPI communication between MCU and CLRC663, the 4 jumpers on the 10 pin header need to be positioned as shown. This setting is intended to use the MIFARE SAM AV3 in S-mode, or in an S/X mixed mode. At this point, the MCU can already control the CLRC663 via SPI.

In case I²C is selected, the CLRC663 will be controlled by the MIFARE SAM AV3 in X- mode. The 4 jumpers need to be inserted in the 10 pin header as shown, these correspond to the ADR0 and ADR1 pins on the CLRC663 host interface in the I²C configuration.
Now the host interface of the CLRC663 is configured as I²C and both ADR pins are pulled to low. The MIFARE SAM AV3 Master I²C interface  (SAM_I²C_xxx) can be routed to the host interface of the CLRC663. This is done with JP1 and JP2.

CLRC663 SAM I²C Interface
The CLRC663 SAM interface is a dedicated second interface for MIFARE SAM X-mode operation. As this interface is switched off per default, the I²C signal from the MIFARE SAM AV3 needs to be set routed to interface 2 on JP1 and JP2. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

If this interface is already activated by setting the corresponding bits in the HostCtl register of the CLRC663, the above setting is sufficient to communicate between CLRC663 and the MIFARE SAM AV3. If not, then an additional SPI connection for the MCU to the CLRC663 is needed, to activate the SAM interface.

MCU Interface Selection
The connection between the MIFARE SAM AV3 and the MCU is done by either of the 2 supported I²C interface locations on the Arduino®  R3 header. The selection is done by JP3 and JP4, which are placed on the corresponding pins.

MIFARE SAM AV3 host interface and VDD selection
The MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board offers two options to interface with the MIFARE SAM AV3: I²C and ISO7816. I²C was explained earlier in this document. For ISO7816 communication to supply and configure VDD of the MIFARE SAM AV3.
VDD is selected on JP9, the options are permanent 3V3 or IO6 on the Arduino header. Permanent 3V3 means that the MIFARE SAM AV3 will stay in the state it is until the whole board is power cycled. The ATR of the SAM only needs to be retrieved once. Using IO6 as VDD gives the user the possibility to only power cycle the MIFARE SAM AV3, therefore having the option of a reset, without resetting the MCU.
In case a user wants to access the MIFARE SAM AV3 via the ISO7816 Smartcard interface, a Jumper needs to be placed on the ISO7816 header as shown and it is important that in this case, the VDD selection jumper needs to be removed (set to inactive position as shown), as the MIFARE SAM AV3 VDD needs to be controlled by the ISO7816 interface. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3
Evaluation Board - figure 15

MIFARE SAM AV3 – required default configuration changes

To ensure backward compatibility to the SAM AV2 the default configuration is set for the NXP front-end reader PN523 IC for X-mode communication. Along with this, the I²C processing clock speed needs to be adjusted as well as this is set to I²C fast mode (12 MHz processing clock speed) and needs to be reduced for operating the CLRC663.
This needs to be changed using the SAM SetConfig command once. The command looks like the following: Command: 80 3C 01 00 01 03

Set Configuration for reader frontend selection

Byte Value Meaning
CLA 0x80 Class
INS Ox3C Instruction: SAM SetConfiguration
P1 Ox01 Reader IC configuration
P2 Ox00 RFU
Le Ox01 Length of the subsequent data field
INF 0x03 X-mode frontend CLRC663

Command: 80 3C 02 00 01 06
SAM_SetConfiguration for I²C processing clock speed

Byte Value Meaning
CLA 0x80 Class
INS Ox3C Instruction: SAM SetConfiguration
P1 0x02 I2C processing clock speed
P2 Ox00 RFU
Le Ox01 Length of the subsequent data field
INF 0x06 I2C processing clock speed: 6 MHz

This reduces the I²C communication speed on the X-mode interface to ~400 kbit/s.
All details about the MIFARE SAM AV3 configuration and features can be found in the respective NXP documents.

Modes of Operation

The easiest way to get started with the MIFARE SAM AV3 evaluation board is to operate the MIFARE SAM AV3 in X-mode. See an example configuration below where the SAM can be accessed via the I²C1 interface from the MCU and will communicate to the CLRC663 via its host interface, configured as I²C.  The SAM VDD in the below example is connected to IO6. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3
Evaluation Board - figure 16

In this S-mode configuration, the MIFARE SAM AV3 is not connected to the CLRC663. The host MCU controls the CLRC663 via the SPI interface, and the MIFARE SAM AV3 via I²C1. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board -
figure 17

XS – Mode

GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board - figure

In this configuration, the CLRC663 is connected on its host interface via SPI to the MCU, and on the second interface via I²C to the SAM. The MIFARE SAM AV3 is connected via I²C1 to the MCU. In this way, the MCU can control the CLRC663’s LPCD procedure, and if a card is detected, the SAM can be switched on and take over the control over the CLRC663.

ISO7816 InterfaceGMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3 Evaluation Board -
figure 19

In this configuration, the MIFARE SAM AV3 is controlled via the ISO7816 Interface which is available on the 16-pin header CN5. The pinning is compatible to the GMMC ISO7816 to SIM SAM Adapter which also can be used stand-alone in case the SIM-sized SAM is used. GMMC SAMAV3663 MIFARE SAM AV3
Evaluation Board - figure 20

Document References

  1. Datasheet – MIFARE SAM AV3, document number DS3235xx via NXP DocStore.
  2. Application Notes – please visit

The document content may see additions and modifications in future releases. GMMC GmbH does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of the use of such information.
Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© GMMC GmbH 2022 All rights reserved.
For more information, about MIFARE SAM AV3 please visit:
For more information, about GMMC GmbH products and services visit http://www
Date of release: 17 January 2022

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