A Beep DH-9800 Digital Two-Way Radio User Manual

June 6, 2024
A Beep

A Beep DH-9800 Digital Two-Way Radio User Manual

Basic Operations

Receiving and Responding to a Private Call
Responding to a Private Call, after a Private Call is received, you may press the PTT key within the preset time period to call back. If you do not respond to a received Private Call, the radio will display the missed call icon.

Group Call

Transmitting a Group Call
You may transmit a Group Call through any of the following methods. When transmitting a Group Call, the icon will appear.

Transmitting a call to the preset contact
In standby mode, pressing PTT key will transmit a group call to the contact (a Group Call number) preset for the current channel.

Note: Your dealer may preset a contact for each digital channel. The preset contact could be a Private Call number, a Group Call number or an All Call number.

Transmitting a call through Contact List or Call Logs

  1. Go to Contact-> Contact List, or go to Call Logs -> Call List.
  2. Use the Up/Down key to select the Group Call number you want to call.
  3. Hold down PTT key to transmit a Group Call to the selected contact.

Receiving and Responding to a Group Call
Responding to a Group Call, after a Group Call is received, you may press the PTT key within the preset time period to call back.

All Call

Transmitting an All Call
Methods are the same as those in Transmitting a Group Call When transmitting an All Call, the icon   will appear.

Receiving an All Call
When an All Call is received, your radio will display the icon .

Making a Call

To make a call , hold down [PTT] key and speak into the microphone with normal voice. Please keep the microphone 1″ (2.5-5cm) away from your mouth.


  1. Hold down [PTT] key and the radio begins to transmit when LED glows red.
  2. When the battery power is lower than normal battery power, the transmission is prohibited.

A Beep DH-9800 Digital Two-Way Radio User Manual - Main


To access this item, press Menu key in idle mode and then select “Contact”.

Contact List
You can save up to 512 entries in the list. To access this item, select “Contact-> Contact List” or press the shortcut key for Contact List.

Edit a Contact
You can edit the number and alias of each Private Call contact.

View a Contact
You can view details of each contact.

Delete a Contact
You can delete a Private Call contact. However, please note that you can not delete the contact when there is only one entry left in the list. In addition, the private contact preset on the digital channel cannot be deleted.

New Contact
You can add a Private Call contact to the contact list. The number and alias of each contact must be unique, and the available number range is 1 to 16776415.

■ Manual Dial
You can manually input the private call number for calling.


To access this item, press the Menu key in idle mode and then select “Message”, or press the shortcut key for Message directly.

ln Box
The In Box can save up to 10 received messages. When the ln Box is full, the icon will appear, and the oldest entry will be overwritten by the latest one automatically. For each message, you can choose to perform any of these operations: Reply, Forward, View Details and Delete. To delete all messages in the In Box, select “Message-> ln Box-> Delete All”.

New Message
You can create your desired text message (128 characters maximum) and send it to an individual user or to a talk group.

Quick Text
Under this option there are “canned” text messages (10 entries maximum) preset by your dealer. You can also choose to edit and send your own entry.

Out Box
The Out Box can save up to 10 sent messages. When the Out Box is full, the oldest entry will be overwritten by the latest
one automatically.
For each message, you can choose to perform any of these operations: Reply, Forward and Delete. To delete all messages in the Out Box, select “Message-> Out Box -> Delete All”.

The Drafts can save up to 10 drafted messages. When the Drafts is full, the messages will be overwritten by the latest one automatically.
For each message, you can choose to perform any of these operations: Send, Save and Delete. To delete all messages in the Drafts, select “Message-> Drafts-<Delete All”.

Call Logs

To access this item, press the Menu key in idle mode and then select “Call Logs”, or press the shortcut key for Call Logs directly.

This radio can save up to 10 entries in the Outgoing List, Incoming List and Missed List respectively. When the memory for call logs is full, the oldest entry will be over written by latest one automatically.

After accessing a list and selecting an entry, you can perform any of these operations: hold down the PTT key to initiate a call; view details or delete it.

To delete all entries in Outgoing List, incoming List or Missed List at a time , select “Call Logs-> Outgoing/incoming /Missed -> Delete All”.


To access scan, press the Menu key in home screen and then select “Scan”.

Scan On/Off
The function “Scan” allows you to listen to communication activities on other channels so that you can keep a close track of your team members. This option is used to enable or disable the function.

Scan List
You can request your dealer to create a scan list for each channel. Each list may contain 32 channels at most (either digital channel or analog channel is OK). After accessing the list, you can perform any of the following operations:

Adding a Channel
To include a new channel into the active scan list.

Editing Priority Channel
To set the selected channel as a non-priority or as a priority channel. If you are interested in activities on a channel, you can set it as a priority channel, which will be scanned more frequently than a non-priority channel. Each scan list may contain two priority channels at most. indicates priority channel 1, and indicates priority channel 2.

Deleting a Channel
To remove a channel from the active scan list. However, the first channel in the list can not be deleted.

To access this item, press the Menu key in idle mode and then select “Zone”.

The radio supports up to 64 zones. You can use this menu to select your desired zone.


To access this item, press the Menu key in idle mode and then select “Settings”.

You can optimize your radio performance by customizing parameters according to your actual needs and preferences.

Radio Settings

Sets the language in which all interface information is displayed. Currently, this radio supports the languages of Chinese and English.

Tx Power
This option allows you to set the transmit power level. Alternatively, you can change the power level by pressing the shortcut key for Adjust Power Level in idle mode. There are two levels available: High (indicated by [H] ) and Low (indicated by [L] ).

Note: Power level can be set for each channel individually.

Lone Worker
This function triggers off the Emergency mode if the radio does not transmit for a pre-determined time period. This option allows whether to enable/disable the Lone Worker function.

Vibrate (Optional)
If vibrate is included, this option allows the user to enable/ disable the feature. Please contact your Authorized Dealer for more information.

Keypad Lock
When “Keypad Auto Lock” is selected, you can use the Up or Down key to Disable or Enable.
When Enabled, you can select a time range after which the keypad will be locked. Available range is 5–60 seconds.

When “Manual Lock” is selected ,the keypad can be locked or unlocked manually.

This allows you to enable/disable audible tones. The following tones can be set individually:

Radio Silent: Enables/disables audible tones indicating channel change, keypad push, etc. If Silent On is selected, all alerts will be off.

Low Battery Tone: Enables/disables whether the radio will give tone indication when the remaining battery level becomes low.

Call End Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication when the call ends.

Private Call Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication when the radio receives a private call.

Text Message Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication when the radio receives a text message.

Keypad Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication when you are making keypad operations.

Group Call Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication when the radio receives a group call.

Signalling Side Tone: to set whether the radio will give tone indication after PTT is pressed (during transmission of PTT ID).

Set Brightness
To set the display brightness, you can increase or lower it using the Up or Down key. Available range: Level 1 to 5.

All LEDs: to enable /disable all LED indications. TX LED: to set whether the Tx LED illuminates during transmitting.

RX LED: to set whether the Rx LED illuminates during reception.
Scan LED: to set whether the Scan LED illuminates in Scan mode.

Low Battery LED: to set whether the Low Battery LED illuminates when the battery is low.
Carrier LED: to set whether Carrier LED illuminates when receiving carrier.


To set the backlight parameters. There are three options available: Off, On and Timed. Available range for the timed is 3 to 60 seconds.


If enabled, the VOX function allows users to transmit every time the user speaks into the microphone of the radio directly without pressing the PTT key.

Radio Password

When this option is enabled, users have to input the correct Radio Lock Password to operate the radio.

Radio Info

With this option, you can view the basic information of your radio, including Serial Number, Radio Alias, Frequency Range, Firmware Version, Radio Data Version, and Last Programmed Date.

Accessories (Items only appear when installed) To access this item, press the Menu key in idle mode and then select “Accessories”.

Man Down (Optional)

With this feature , an alarm will automatically send an alert indicating that the user may have an emergency. Contact your Authorized Dealer for more information .


  1. To enable the feature
    Go to “Main Menu->Accessories->Man Down” and select “on”; or Press the programmed Man Down key (a high-pitched tone sounds); or turn on the radio if the feature is enabled via the programming software.

  2. Your radio will sound a pre-alert tone if it is positioned aslant for a preset time period, and will enter the Emergency mode if you do not place it vertically with in such time period. To exit the Emergency mode, place it upright.

  3. To disable the feature
    Go to “Main Menu-> Accessories->Man Down” and select “off”; or Press the programmed man down key (a low-pitched tone sounds).

GPS (Optional)


  1. To enable the feature:
    Go to “Main Menu-> Accessories->GPS On/Off->off or on” and select “on”.

  2. To disable the feature:
    Go to “Main Menu-> Accessories->GPS On/Off->off or on” and select “off”


With this option, you can view longitude, latitude, time, date, speed, altitude and SA (satellite) information of your radio.

Time Zone
Users can select a desired time zone from the drop-down list. The radio adjusts its time according to the selected time zone.

GPS Update Time
This option defines the time interval to update the GPS information Range: 1 – 60 seconds.

Bluetooth (BT) (Optional)
This option decides whether to allow the O option, through which users can enable or disable the O feature on the radio’s interface.

BT is a kind of wireless technology that supports short-distance (generally within 10 meters) communications and information exchange between devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, wireless earpieces, laptops, etc.

This feature must be enabled for working with a wireless earpiece.

Option Description
On : The icon will be displayed on the screen.
Off: The icon will not be displayed on the screen.

Microphone Auto Gain Control (AGC)
If enabled via the programming software, your radio will process the audio signals during transmission, providing improved audio for the receiving radio.

Functions and Operations

Home Screen
The feature allows you to quickly return to the previous menu or the home screen.

In the editing screen, press an [Option] Key, then the radio
exits the screen and returns to the previous menu; in other screens, press an [Option] key, then the radio returns to the home screen.

The “Scan” feature allows you to listen to communication activities on other channel. Contact your Authorized Dealer for the options available.

Scan Operation

  1. To enable the feature, you can select “On” from the menu “Scan”; or Press the programmed Scan key in standby mode; or switch to a channel for which the feature “Auto Scan” is enabled via the programming software.
  2. After the feature is enabled, your radio will scan according to the scan list set for the channel on which scanning starts.

The scanning process is as follows:

  • During scanning, the LCD displays the scan icon and LED flashes orange.
  • when activities are detected on a channel, the radio will stay on the channel to receive current activities. If your radio stays on a non-priority channel, LCD will display icon (if on Priority Channel 1 or Priority Channel 2, LCD will display icon or icons respectively.
  • lf you don’t want to hear activities on the channel, press the programmed Nuisance Temporary Delete key to remove the channel from the scan list.
  • lf you want to continue staying on the channel, press the programmed Monitor or Squelch Off key during receive.

To exit the scanning process, you can select “Off” from the “Scan” menu, or press the programmed Scan key again

Talk Around (TA)
You can continue to communicate in DM mode by pressing the programmed Talk Around key. Contact your Authorized Dealer for more information.

TA Operation

Press the programmed Talk Around key to switch between DM mode and RM mode.

Monitor (Analog Only)
The monitor function bypasses the programmed signalling on a channel.

Monitor Operation
• Press the programmed Monitor key to enable the feature, and the radio displays icon . To disable the feature, press this key again.

Squelch Off
If the feature “Squelch Off” is enabled, your radio’s speaker will keep unmuted no matter whether carrier is present.

Squelch Off Operation

  • Press the programmed Squelch Off key to enable the feature. Then the radio displays  icon and sounds background noise. To disable the feature, press this key again.
  • Press the programmed Squelch Off Momentary key to enable the feature. Then the radio displays icon and sounds background noise. To disable the feature, release this key.
Operation Methods for Digital Emergency

Emergency Alarm with Voice to Follow Operation

  1. Press the programmed Emergency key to go to the Emergency Revert Channel, and the radio displays the icon.
  2. When the icon appears, you can speak into the microphone to make an emergency call.
  3. When a call is received, the icon appears. If the preset voice cycles expire, you can press the PTT key to make the emergency call again (the radio displays the icon, with LED showing red).

After the emergency call is transmitted, please release 1he PTT key to receive {the radio displays icon ). When a call is received, icon appears. To exit the Emergency mode, long press the programmed Emergency key.

Contact your Authorized Dealer for more information concerning the time of voice cycles, duration of each transmission, and Tx intervals.

Busy Channel Lockout

If enabled via the programming software, this feature can prevent your radio from interfering with other radios transmitting on the same channel. If you hold down the PTT key while the channel is in use, your radio will sound an alert and display text information “Channel Busy”, advising you that transmission is prohibited. To stop alert, release the PTT key.

Time-Out Timer (TOT)

The purpose of TOT is to prevent any user from occupying a channel for an extended period. If the preset time expires, the radio will automatically terminate transmission and maintain the alert. To stop the alert, please release the PTT key. You must wait for a certain time period before you can press and hold down the PTT key to transmit again. If the pre-alert function is set, the radio will alert the TOT expiration in advance. Contact your Authorized Dealer for more information.

Note: This feature is null in Emergency mode .

Invalid Channel Indication

If current operating channel is an invalid channel, the radio will send a continuous alert tone, which means the current channel is unable to transmit or receive.


Setting the squelch level decides how strong the signal is needed to un-mute the receiver. Setting range is 0-9,selecting “O” causes the squelch to open easily. The higher the squelch level, the harder to open the squelch.

Optional Accessories

Optional accessories and replacement parts are available through your Authorized

Those items include:

VHF antennas (with optional GPS)
UHF antennas (with optional GPS)
Belt Clips
Audio Accessories
Single unit chargers
Six unit gang chargers
Carrying cases
Programming Cable
Programming Software

Troubleshooting Guide

A Beep DH-9800 Digital Two-Way Radio User Manual - Troubleshooting

Care and Maintenance

To increase the life of your radio, please take note of the following:

  • Do not hold or carry the radio by the antenna or external audio accessories.
  • Do not throw, hit or vibrate the radio. This may cause damage to the inner IC or other elements and void the warranty.
  • Use only original parts or accessories. Use of non-approved parts or accessories may cause damage to the radio and void the warranty.
  • Use lint-free cloth to clean the LCD display.
  • Cover the audio accessory jack when not using audio accessories.

All recommendations above also refer to your battery, charger and accessories.

  • Use mild detergent and or warm water (not corrosive chemicals) to clean the casing.

Warranty Statement

Diga-Talk two-way radio body has an 12-month warranty; accessories (battery, adapter, charger and antenna): 6 months; earphone: 3 months.

Diga-Talk warrants each new radio product manufactured or supplied by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for the time period stated, provided that the user has complied with the requirements stated herein. The warranty period begins on the date of purchase from an Authorized Dealer. This warranty is not assignable or transferable. This warranty is void if the product serial number is altered, defaced or removed. is not responsible for any equipment that is attached to or used in conjunction with our products

During the warranty period, if the product fails to function under normal use, because of manufacturing defects or workmanship, it should be returned to the Authorized Dealer from which it was purchased. The Authorized Dealer will repair the product or return the product for repair to or its Authorized
Repair Depot. The user is responsible for the removal of the product from a vehicle or any equipment attached to it, or other site of its use; transportation of the product to the Authorized Dealer; for the return of the repaired or replacement product to the site of its use and for the reinstallation of the product.

Diga-Talk shall have no obligation to make repairs or replacement of product which results from normal wear and tear, or is necessitated by catastrophe, fault, or negligence of the user, improper or unauthorized alterations or repairs to the product, incorrect wiring, use for which it was not designed or by causes external to the product.

Diga-Talk sole obligation shall be to replace or repair the product covered by the warranty. Replacement is done at ‘discretion and may consist of a similar or higher featured product. Repair may include the replacement of parts with functionally equivalent new or reconditioned parts. All replaced parts and accessories are warranted for the balance of the original time period. All parts and accessories that are replaced become the property of Diga-Talk.




Radio and Frequency (Please record for future reference)
Date Purchased:
Serial Number:

A Beep DH-9800 Digital Two-Way Radio User Manual - Radio and

FCC Caution:

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment . This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radio and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Your 2-way radio is designed and tested to comply with a number of national and international standards and guidelines (listed below) for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy. This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure environment at operating duty factors of up to 50% transmitting and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use only. In terms of measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting (during talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
Note: The approved batteries supplied with this radio are rated for a 5-5-90 duty factor (5% talk-5% listen -90% standby) even though this radio complies with the FCC occupational RF exposure limits and may operate at duty factors of up to 50% talk.

Your 2-way radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines: United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR §§1.1.307, 1.1310,

  • 2.1091 and 2.1093
  • American National Standards institute(ANSI)/ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1992
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition

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