LoRaWAN AQSLWE01 Aqua-Scope Water Monitor Installation Guide

June 6, 2024

LoRaWAN AQSLWE01 Aqua-Scope Water Monitor

Product Description

The Aqua-Scope Water Monitor records all consumption of water in the home and it detects damaging water leakages. To achieve this, the device applies advanced signal processing analyzing water pressure waves traveling inside the pipes of the house water system. A single sensor can monitor the whole home or apartment and communicates measured values and alarms to a LoRaWAN network. The current version of the Water Monitor is approved for single-family homes and multi-family homes with one single water meter per apartment. ‘Clinical Trials’ are ongoing for installations in multi-apartment homes with more than one water meter per apartment.

Installation Requirements

The Aqua-Scope Water Monitor watches the water pressure and water pressure waves (water noise) of the home water installation system. The Aqua-Scope water microphone must be connected to the pipe system at one single point in the home. Ideal connection points are edge valves located below sinks or beside toilets. Alternatives are 1/4 inch revision openings on pressure reduction valves, shut off vales or other installation gear. It is recommended to find a place as low in the home as possible (ideally basement or first floor) but it is important to find a place ‘after’ the pressure valve (The main shut off valve is typically positioned before the PRV and hence the water microphone shall not be installed on  this valve).
Further requirements are:

  • Next to the device is a mains power outlet for the USB power plug.
  • The device expects a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) installed in the home. The presence of a PRV is detected automatically. If no PRV is present the device will still work but the functionality is limited. Please refer to the manual section ‘PRV Impact’ for details.
  • Your home needs reasonable coverage by the LoRaWAN network of choice.

Mechanical Installation

To make it short and easy – the video on aqua- scope.com/install explains the installation of the Aqua-Scope Water Monitor step by step:

  •  In case there are two edge valves under the sink, please identify the cold-water supply. Just open hot water and check which valve warms up.
  •  Close the faucet and close the edge valve by turning clockwise.
  •  Remove the metal hose from the edge valve using the 19 mm wrench supplied. You may want to have a towel on hand to catch the water leaking from the end of the hose.
  •  Mount the T-shaped connector on top of the edge valve and fasten it using the 19 mm wrench.
  •  Connect the metal hose to the upper end of the connector and fasten it using the 19 mm wrench.
  • Screw the Aqua-Scope microphone into the side opening of the connector and fasten it by hand. There is no need to make it super-tide.
  •  Re-Open the edge valve by turning the knob anti-clockwise.
  •  Please check all three connections for some seconds that there are no leaks.
  •  Attach the Aqua-Scope to a suitable location using double-side tape and plug the microphone into one of the two sockets on the main device. Attach the optional water contact sensor to the other outlet if desired.
  •  Power the device using the USB Power Plug. Please use than power supply provided within the scope of delivery. This very power supply has a very low distortion factor required for precise measurements of pressure.

Pairing with the LoRaWAN Network
The device supports LoRaWAN Class A and OTAA activation. Setting configuration parameter #21 = 1 allows changing to Class C. Reboot of the device is needed after the configuration value was set. Operating the device requires sufficient LoRaWAN coverage from your LoRaWAN provider of choice. Your LoRaWAN service must register the new device before the OTAA operation. LoRaWAN OTAA requires three device-specific keys for this process:

  • Device-EUI (unique key to identify this device)
  • Application-EUI (unique key to identify the service of this device)
  • App-Key (unique secret key to secure network connection setup)

You find all three keys printed out as label printed out inside the package. Furthermore, you find a QR-code with the Device-EUI right in the device. Using the service http://io.aqua-scope.com/lora/ you can download the complete set of keys plus additional device information. Please contact support@aqua- scope.com to receive your access credentials for this service. During pairing the LED will blink red/yellow. Once connected successfully the LED will glow green indicating normal operation.

TTN Integration

The Things Network (TTN) is a free community-based LORAWAN network with a global reach. If there is a TTN Gateway near your home you can use the water sensor without any further hardware If no – may be this is a good reason to join the community with your own gateway.’

After the registration of the device with TTN please use the “HTTP Integration”
to forward all data to ‚https://io.aqua-scope.com/lora/in.php‘. Convenient
access for test purposes is possible using ‚https://io.aqua- scope.com/lora/ui.php?dev=DEVICE_EUI‘. The link ‚https://io.aqua- scope.com/lora/lora.zip‘ allows downloading the scripts for change, inspection and further use on your own server and integrating the data into your own application.
Please note that the mentioned scripts can only be used for devices from Aqua- Scope. Device EUIs from other manufacturers will not be processed.
Functions and Usage
Water Consumption
The device will report each consumption of water including the duration plus the consumed amount. This function is deactivated on default to comply with the “fair use” policy of most LoRaWAN networks but can be activated using configuration parameter #21 bit 4.
Ambient Sensors
The current water pressure, the ambient temperature, and the incremental water consumption since the time of the last report is sent every 15 minutes. The reporting period is defined in configuration parameter #29.
Leakage Detection
To detect leaks some water must have escaped from the water system. Hence, leak detection does not protect you from leaks but minimizes the damage of leaks. Damage happens if a certain amount of water has enough time to impact construction material and furniture.

LoRaWAN AQSLWE01 Aqua-Scope Water Monitor FIG 4

The diagram above shows the relationship between the speed of water (in liters/minute) and the time this water flows out. The thick curve marks the area where damage will happen (about 10 liters of water, one full bucket). The required reaction time to a detected leak depends on the speed of the water. For micro leakages with very low speed of water (point 1 in the diagram) its acceptable to act after few days or even weeks while a fatal burst of a pipe requires a reaction within few seconds (point 2 in the diagram). Aqua-Scope uses different techniques to identify leaks in four different scenarios (A1 – A4) characterized by their speed of water. The lines between the area are determined by calibration. After initial calibration the are constantly are re-adjusted to adapt the device to changing conditions of the water system. The four sub-areas result in different alarms because the user action on these alarms may be different.

  • All normal water outlets in a home limit the speed of water. Even parallel consumption of water will not result in speed of water beyond a certain level. In case the system detects a very high speed of water a possible root cause is a bursting pipe (Section A4). Depending on the measured speed of water the Aqua-Scope will issue a Heavy Flow-Alarm after few seconds. Please note that an interruption of the water supply or a manual shut-off of the water will result such this alarm type too since the Aqua-Scope Water Monitor must assume that the water disappeared somewhere
  • . The „Usage“-scenario (section A3) is defined by speeds of water typically for normal water consumption of toilets, appliances, or faucets. Two thresholds define the alarm condition:
  • Max time in seconds, factory-default is 900 s = 15 m
  • Max amount of water in liter, factory-default is 200 liters
  • Exceeding these thresholds will cause a Usage-Alarm.
  • Additional protection is provided by the external wired water contact sensor, connected to one of the two sockets of the Aqua-Scope. This will recognize e.g. spillovers or other loss of water. A Flood-Alarm is sent out in this case.
  • The most dangerous and most common type of leaks are caused by a chemical reaction in the water pipe leading to small orifice, also called micro-leaks (section A1). Since these orifices are very tiny in the beginning, they are usually not seen. However, these very tiny leaks indicate a much larger problem later on. The device has a built-in process to detect these small leaks. It is called Pipe-Check. It requires to shut off the water for about 3 minutes. The application controls this process by shutting off the water automatically (or advise the user to manually shut off before triggering the pipe check). The completion of the pipe check is indicated with an uplink status command or in case of a problem a Pipe-Check Alarm. The alarm includes the estimated speed of water in ml /min plus the estimated elevation of the leak relative to the elevation of the water microphone.
  • The “Drip”-scenario (section A2) defines flow speeds between about 100 ml/m and 2000 ml/m. This is still quite low, but a Pipe-Check would come too late here. Hence, this range is monitored permanently and detected leaks or dripping faucets will cause a Drip-Alarm within minutes.

Additional Monitoring

  • The system is permanently monitoring the water to detect pattern indicating a jamming toilet flap. In this case a Jamming-Alarm is issued.
  • If the water pressure is too high the pipes may be damaged in the home. The Aqua-Scope will determine automatically the highest acceptable pressure and report an Overpressure-Alarm if this threshold is exceeded.
  • The internal temperature sensor allows issuing a Frost-Alarm when a certain threshold for frost danger is hit. The factory default value for this threshold is 4 °C.


  • Slow glowing of the green LED: Normal operation, no flow of water
  • Faster blinking of the green LED: Flow of water
  • Red fast blinking: Alarm
  • Red/Yellow/Green LED light up one time with beep right after power-up: ongoing Pipe-Check Green/red blinking: connection to wireless network pending
  • Sequential red LED blink: Fatal hardware error
    time blinking: general error
    times blinking: FLASH memory error
    times blinking: RAM memory error
    times blinking: ADC access error
    times blinking: LORA access error

PRV Impact
An installed pressure-reducing valve (PRV) is common in almost all contemporary European home water installations. Without PRV the Aqua-Scope Water Monitor is still applicable but some functions are limited.

  • Working: Pressure Monitor, Temperature Monitor, Flood-Alarm, Frost-Alarm, Overpressure-Alarm, Micro Leak Testing
  • Not Working: Drip-Alarm
  •  Less Precise: Usage Alarm, Water Consumption Metering, Jamming-Alarm

Alarm and Alarm Clearing

All alarms are indicated with

  • a buzzer sound on the device,
  • a red LED blinking on the device,
  • a LoRaWAN alarm message sent to the LoRaWAN Application Server

Alarms are cleared automatically if the reason for the alarm disappeared. Only the Flow-Alarm must be cleared by a wireless command or pushing the single button on the device even when the sensor does not have contact with water anymore. The recessed round part on the middle of the device is the touch button.
If no alarm is cleared pressing the button will issue a heartbeat signal sent to the LoRaWAN network server.
Scope of Delivery

  • Aqua-Scope Water Monitor main device
  • Aqua-Scope water microphone with 80 cm cable and audio jack
  • 3/8 Inch water pipe connector (T-shaped)
  • One external water contact sensor with cable and audio jack
  • USB power cable and power supply
  • 19 mm wrench to unfasten and fasten the 3/8 Inch connections of the pipe connector Manual

Reset to Factory Default
The factory default is indicated by a green/red blinking LED. To return to factory default push the button right after the initial buzzer beep (but not earlier!) and keep it pushed for 5 seconds. 4 short beeps will help you count. After 5 seconds you will see three short green LED pulses with a low-frequency sound. Now release the button! The recessed round part on the middle of the device is the touch button.
This process will delete all device and network settings.
LoRaWan Payload Commands
LoRaWAN commands can be daisy chained into the payload up to the defined maximum payload size of 51 bytes. This mean that for all commands sent to defined number of bytes in the payload is required to avoid misinterpretation of command and/or command values in the receiver side. All uplink and downlink commands use FPort=1.

Uplink Command Version Report: 0x03 – HW – SW_MSB – SW_BYTE2 – SW_BYTE3 – SW_LSB (6 Byte)
This command reports the version of the device. It is sent unsolicited as first command during boot-up and as replying command to downlink command Version Get. HW is a single byte indicating the version of the hardware, the 32-Bit SW value is the version of the firmware representing the compile date. Example: 0x03 0x05 0x00 0x03 0x10 0xdd => Device Hardware Version 5, Firmware 200925 (firmware was created on 25th of September 2020)
Uplink Command Configuration Report: 0x04 – IDX – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte )
This command reports a configuration parameter of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.
Uplink Command Sensor Report: 0x06 – ID – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte)
This command reports sensor values. The ID indicates the sensor type and defines the format of the 16-Bit VAL. Possible sensor types are:

  • 0x01: Temperature: VAL is temperature in 1/10 Degree Celsius. Example: 0x06 0x01 0x20 0x20 => Temperature 0x00CD = 205 = 20.5 C.
  • 0x03: Uptime: VAL is the number of minutes after last boot
  • 0x10: Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x11: Water Consumption: VAL is water consumption in Liters since last report
  • 0x15: Average Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x16: Minimum Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x17: Maximum Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x20: Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x25: Average Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x26: Minimum Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x27: Maximum Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.

Uplink Command Water Status Report: 0x07 – STATE – VAL1_MSB – VAL1_LSB – VAL2_MSB – VAL2_LSB (6 Byte)
This command reports every single water flow event and the result of a Pipe- Check. STATE contains the status of the operation and defines the meaning of the two 16-bit values.

  • 1: Water Flow complete, VAL1 contains the duration of the water flow in seconds, VAL 2 contains the amount of water consumed in Liter. The amount of water can be adjusted using a correction value of calibration parameters #16 and #17 (PRV present) or #26 and #28 (no PRV present)
  • Pipe-Check completed without Alarm. VAL1 contains the pressure decay, VAL 2 is the water pressure at the end of the Pipe-Check.
  • Pipe-Check completed with Alarm. VAL1 contains the estimated water loss in ml/h, VAL 2 contains the estimated position of the leak in meters above the position of the Aqua-Scope microphone.
  • Pipe-Check aborted because of unexpected regular water use. VAL1 and VAL2 have no meaning. 5: Pipe-Check aborted because of the preparation of hot water. During this time it is not possible to perform a Pipe-Check. VAL1 and VAL2 have no meaning.

Uplink Command Logging: 0x08 – V1 – V2 – V3 (51 Byte)
This command is used to send certain logs to the server. V1 defines log event, V2 and V3 may add certain logging values.

  •  Device in Factory Default
  •  Pressure Sensor Lost
  •  Pressure Sensor reconnected
  •  Quick Calibration done, V2 = average pressure in mBar, V3 = average noise in mBar 5: Standard Calibration done, V2 = average pressure in mBar, V3 = average noise in mBar 6: Long Term Calibration, V2 = average pressure in mBar, V3 = average noise in mBar 7: Pressure Reduction Valve Detection: V2 = 1, PRV present, V2 = 0, no PRV

Uplink Command Calibration Report: 0x09 – STATUS – VAL1_MSB – VAL1_LSB – VAL2_MSB – VAL2_LSB (6 Byte)
The Initial calibration is required to find critical parameters for the detection of water flow. Prior to the completion of the initial calibration most of the functions of the Aqua-Scope monitor are disabled. The UI will trigger starting the calibration process sending a downstream command 0x09 with status = 2. The device will prepare for the calibration and, once ready, answers with status = 3. Now the user is required to flush the toilet once. The completion of the calibration is indicated (latest after 5 minutes but can be earlier) with status = 4. Failures is reported with status = 5. After 24 hours a second round of calibration will finish, and the result are report using status = 6. After this the system will constantly recalibrate in the background but not report any status changes

  • Status 3: Calibration pending for maximum 5 minutes
    Value 1 : max calibration time in seconds
    Value 2 : ignore

  • Status 4 : Calibration Successful .
    Value 1: no PRV found (= 1) or PRV found (= 2)
    Value 2: Standard pressure in bar

  • Status 5: Calibration failed
    Value 1: Assumed pressure during water flow
    Value 2: Standard pressure in bar

  • Status 6 : Calibration Final
    Value 1 : max pressure drop on PRV operation
    Value 2: Standard pressure in bar

Uplink Command Alarm Report: 0x0b – STATE – TYPE – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (5 Byte)

This command reports starts and end of alarms. The STATE-Byte indicate the status of the alarm (0x01 = active, 0x00 = inactive). The TYPE Byte indicates the type of alarm and defines the content of the 16 Bit VAL.

  • 0x01: Flow: Water sensor recognized water, VAL is 0x01 or 0x00.
  • 0x02 Freeze: Ambient temperature dropped below threshold. VAL is actual temperature.
  • 0x03: Usage: Usage exceeds threshold or max. time or max water flow. VAL is the time in s. 0x04: Heavy Flow: Unusual heavy water flow, usually indicates a pipe burst. VAL is an estimation of the water loss in mLiter/min.
  • 0x05: Jamming: A jamming toilet flap is detected. The value is 0x00.
  • 0x06: Overpressure: Water pressure exceeds the calibrated maximum water pressure. The threshold can be changed in configuration parameter #6. VAL is the measures pressure value. 0x07: Drip:
  • 0x08: Pipe-Check Result: VAL_MSB is an indicator for the estimated loss of water in milliliters/hour. VAL_LSB is an indicator for the estimated height of the location of the micro leakage measured from the height of the sensor in the home.
  • 0x0e: Sensor Missing: There is no external sensor connected to the Aqua-Scope Monitor.
  • 0x0f: Pressure Missing: An external sensor is connected to the Aqua-Scope Monitor but the sensor head is not connected to a water pipe under pressure.

The configuration parameter #19 defines which parameter is active. Inactive alarms will not be reported and will not cause any other indications (buzzer, led).
Downlink Command System Commands: 0x01 – CMD (2 Byte)
This command sends a system command to the devices. CMD defines the type of command:

  • CMD = 0x01: System restart
  • CMD = 0x02: System Reset – back to factory default
  • CMD = 0x03: Start Pipe-Check. The behavior of the Pipe-Check can be defined in configuration parameters.

Downlink Command Version Get: 0x03 – (1 Byte)
This command calls for a Version Report sent upstream
Downlink Command Configuration Set: 0x04 – IDX – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte)
This command allows setting configuration parameters of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.

Downlink Command Calibration Set: 0x09 – (1 Byte)
This command starts the initial calibration process. On calibration process please refer to the description of the uplink command
Downlink Command Alarm Clear: 0x0b – TYPE (2 Byte)
This command clears an alarm. TYPE is the type of alarm to be cleared. Type = 0 clears all active alarms. For other types of alarms to be cleared please refer to the uplink command 0x0b.
Downlink Command Configuration Get: 0x14 – IDX (2 Byte)
This command allows reading the configuration value IDX. The device will respond with an upstream command Configuration Report
Configuration Parameters
All Configuration Parameters are 2 Byte values that can be set and read out using LoRaWAN ‘config get’ and ‘config set’ commands.
Parameter 5 (0x5): Water Standard Pressure (Default: 0x0dac = dec 3500)
This parameter is for information only. The pressure value is automatically set at initial calibration and may change from time to time as a result of ongoing calibration. The value is provided in mBar regardless of the scale settings in parameter #21.
Parameter 6 (0x6): Over-Pressure Warm threshold (Default: 0x1f40 = dec 8000)
An overpressure alarm is sent as an uplink message when the current pressure exceeds this threshold. The threshold value is automatically set 24 hours after initial setup during calibration and may change from time to time as a result of ongoing calibration. The value is accepted in mBar regardless of the scale settings in parameter #21.
Parameter 7 (0x7): Over-Pressure Max Warm threshold (Default: 0x1f40 = dec 8000)
An overpressure alarm is sent as an uplink message when the current pressure exceeds this threshold. This threshold value is NOT changed by calibration. The value is accepted in mBar regardless of the scale settings in parameter


Parameter 8 (0x8): Under-Pressure Warm threshold (Default: 0x1f40 = dec 8000)
A heavy flow alarm is sent as an uplink message when the current pressure falls below this threshold for certain time. The threshold value is automatically set 24 hours after initial setup during calibration and may change from time to time as a result of ongoing calibration. The value is accepted in mBar regardless of the scale settings in parameter #21.
Parameter 9 (0x9): Jamming Toilet (Default: 0x00c8 = dec 200)
This parameter defines the max time in seconds for 10 consecutive small water consumption eventtypical for jamming toilet flap. The default value of 200 means that the 11th event with a given 200 seconds time interval will cause a jamming alarm sent as uplink message. If your home has heavy water usage in general you may want to increase this value to avoid false alarms but keep in mind that the system will be less sensitive to find possible malfunctions

Pa rameter 10 (0x10): Max. Water Take Time (Default: 0x0258 = dec 600)
A Water Flow longer then this value (in seconds) will cause a Usage Alarm.
Parameter 11 (0x11): Frost Warn Threshold (Default: 0x0028 = dec 40)
A frost alarm is sent as uplink message when the current temperature falls below the threshold. The threshold value is accepted in 1/10 degree Celsius regardless of the scale settings in parameter 21. The default value is set to 4 degree Celsius.
Parameter 13 (0x13): Pipe-Check Duration (Default: 0x0258 = dec 600)
This value defines how long (in seconds) a pipe check process shall take.
Parameter 14 (0x14): Pipe-Check Abort Drop (Default: 0x00c8 = dec 200)
This value defines the maximum sudden loss in pressure during Pipe-Check to indicate water consumption. When hit, the Pipe-Check is aborted immediately and the valve is reopened. The value is provided in mBar regardless of the scale settings in parameter #21.
Parameter 15 (0x15): Pipe-Check Alarm Drop (Default: 0x001e = dec 30)
This value defines the maximum loss in pressure per minute during Pipe-Check in mBar. When hit, the Pipe-Check will continue for several more minutes to determine the elevation and the orifice size of the detected leak.
Parameter 16 (0x16): Correction Factor PRV Algorithm (Default: 0x03e8 = dec 1000)
This correction factor translates the measures water flow of the PRV algorithm to a liter value. Can be changed to adapt to different pipe diameters or pipe system layouts.
Parameter 19 (0x19): Alarm Enable/Disable Flags (Default: 0x0000 = dec 0)
This parameter allows enabling/disabling the different alarm types as described in the command 0x0b.

  • Bit 0 (0x01): not used
  • Bit 1 (0x02): Flood Alarm
  • Bit 2 (0x04): Freeze Alarm
  • Bit 3 (0x08): Usage Alarm
  • Bit 4 (0x10): Heavy Flow Alarm Bit 5 (0x20): Jamming Alarm
  • Bit 6 (0x40): Overpressure
  • Bit 7 (0x80): Drip Alarm
  • Bit 8 (0x0100): Pipe-Check Alarm Bit 9 (0x0200): Freeze-Pipe-Alarm
  • Bit 10 (0x0400): Burglar Alarm
  • Bit 11 (0x0800): Low RSSI on WiFi Alarm
  • Bit 12 (0x1000): Battery Alarm
  • Bit 13 (0x2000): Power Alarm
  • Bit 14 (0x4000): Sensor Missing Alarm
  • Bit 15 (0x8000): Pressure Missing Alarm

Parameter 21 (0x21): System Configuration (Default: 0x0000 = dec 0)
This parameter defines the general behavior of the Aqua-Scope Monitor. The parameter recognizes different bits (default 0 for all bits):

  • Bit 0 (0x01): Activate LoRaWAN Class C. Requires reboot to activate (default = Class A)
  • Bit 1 (0x02): Deactivate LED flow animation (default = active)
  • Bit 2 (0x04): ADC Reference External (default = internal)
  • Bit 3 (0x08): Deactivate local buzzer on alarm (default = active)
  • Bit 4 (0x10): Activate LoRaWAN Report on Individual water flows (default = deactive)
  • Bit 5 (0x30): Turn Scale for LoRaWAN Temperature Sensor Report to Fahrenheit (default = celsius) Bit 6 (0x40): Turn Scale for LoRaWAN Pressure Sensor Report to Psi (default = mbar)
  • Bit 7 (0x80): Turn Scale for LoRaWAN Consumption Sensor Report to Gallon (default = liter)
  • Bits 8-15 (0xff00): not used

To leave other bits it’s recommended to read the value before writing.
Parameter 26 (0x26): Correction Factor No-PRV Algorithm (Default: 0x03e8 = dec 1000)
This correction factor translates the measures water flow of the No-PRV algorithm to a liter value. Can be changed to adapt to different pipe diameters or pipe system layouts.
Parameter 29 (0x29): Reporting Interval (Default: 0x0384 = dec 900)
This parameter defines the interval in seconds the device automatically reports sensor values and heartbeat as an uplink message.
Information related to Drinking Water Directive EU 98/83/EC
Certain parts of the device are exposed to drinking water and therefore subject to the European Drinking Water Directive. The used material CW509L which is in the list of approved of materials of the German Environment Agency (UBA) in the version from May 14th, 2020 under section

Technical Data

  • Power Supply: External USB Power Plug 5 V/ 1A

  • Processor: ESP32-WROOM_32E (Xtensa Dual Core 32 Bit, 240 MHz, 520 KB RAM)

  • Wireless Connection:
    WIFI ESP Built-in 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n, bitrate in ‘n’ mode up to 150Mbps
    Lora: SX1261, EU868 MHz, SF 7-12, TX16 dBm, RX: – 147 dBm @ 300 bps, Class

  • A ADC: ADS112C04, 4 channel, 16 bit, 1000 sample/s\
    Water Pressure Sensor:”
    Range : 0 … 1000 kPa (10 bar)
    Overload: 150 % of maximum
    Connection: G ¼ “ female

  • External Sensor Pad
    4 sensing pins on both sides Cable length: 150 cm
    3.5 mm water-proof jack

  • Minimal Flow Speed:
    With Pressure Reduction Valve (PRV):
    Without Pressure Reduction Valve (PRV):

  • Dimensions (Main Device): Diameter = 66mm, Height = 20 mm

  • Weight (Main Device): 50 gr

  • Water Proof: Main Device: IP 20, Pressure Sensors: IP 65

  •  User Interface: 3 color LED, single touchless button

  • Environmental Conditions:
    Shipment and Storage: -65 °C … 100 °C
    Operation: – 10 °C … 50 °C
    Rel. Humidity: 0…90 %

Support and Contact
Should you encounter any problem, please give us the opportunity to address it before returning this product. Please check our website www.aqua-scope.com and particularly the support section for answers and help. You can also send a message to [email protected].
While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an assurance of product characteristics. Aqua-Scope shall be liable only to the degree specified in the terms of sale and delivery. The reproduction and distribution of the documentation and software supplied with this product and the use of its contents is subject to written authorization from Aqua-Scope. We reserve the right to make any alterations that arise as the result of technical development.

Phone: +372 (0) 6248002
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.aqua-scope.com

Declaration of Conformity
Aqua-Scope Technology OÜ, Sakala 7-2, 10141 Tallinn, Republic of Estonia, declares that this radio emitting device works on the following frequences:

Disposal Guidelines

Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities. Contact your local government for information regarding the collection systems available. If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging health and well-being.

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