VIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX-10A Oxygen Concentrator Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

VIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX 10A Oxygen Concentrator - logo OX-10A Oxygen Concentrator
Instruction ManualVIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX 10A Oxygen

WARNING- Read instruction guide before operating this equipment.

INDICATIONS FOR USE — The OX-A series Oxygen Concentrator is intended for use as an oxygen concentrator to provide supplemental low flow oxygen therapy in the home, nursing homes, patient care facilities, etc.

Under certain circumstances, oxygen therapy can be hazardous.
Seeking medical advice before using an oxygen concentrator is advisable.
Physician Information
Physician Name:………………………………..

Prescription Information
Oxygen liters per minute at rest: during activity:………………………………..

Oxygen use per day

OX-A series oxygen Concentrator Serial Number:………………………………..
(check one)
• 10-Liter • 5-Liter

LOVEGO Provider Information
Service Person:………………………………..
This instruction guide was reviewed with me and I have been instructed on the safe use and care of the OX-A series Oxygen Concentrator.
Signature: Date:………………………………..


Read this entire guide before using your OX-A series oxygen concentrator. Important information is highlighted by these terms throughout this guide:
DANGER Urgent safety information for hazards that will cause serious injury or death.
WARNING Important safety information for hazards that might cause serious injury.
CAUTION Information for preventing damage to the product.
NOTE Information which you should pay special attention.

Important safeguards are indicated throughout this guide; pay special attention to all safety information.


This instruction guide will acquaint you with the OX-A series oxygen concentrator. Make sure that you read and understand this guide before operating your unit. Important safeguards are indicated throughout this guide; pay special attention to all safety information. Contact your LOVEGO provider if you have any questions.
For your safety, the oxygen concentrator must be used according to the prescription determined by your physician.
Oxygen causes rapid burning. Do not smoke while your oxygen concentrator is operating, or when you are near a person utilizing oxygen therapy. Do not use within 5 feet  (1.6m) of hot, sparking objects or naked sources of flame.


Today, many people suffer from heart, lung, and other respiratory diseases. Many of these people can benefit from supplemental oxygen therapy. Your body requires a steady supply of oxygen to function properly. Your physician prescribed supplemental oxygen for you because you are not getting enough oxygen from room air alone. Supplemental oxygen will increase the amount of oxygen that your body receives.
Supplemental oxygen is not addictive. Your physician prescribed a specific oxygen flow to improve symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness, confusion, fatigue, or increased irritability. If these symptoms persist after you begin your supplemental oxygen program, consult your physician.


Oxygen concentrators are the most reliable, efficient, and convenient source of supplemental oxygen available today, the oxygen concentrator is electrically operated. The unit separates oxygen from room air which allows high-purity supplemental oxygen to be delivered to you through the oxygen outlet, although the concentrator filters the oxygen in a room, it will not affect the normal amount of oxygen in your room.


Please take time to familiarize yourself with your OX-A series oxygen concentrator before operating.
Before using this product, make sure you have the following items:

  • 1 User manual.
  • 1 Oxygen concentrator set.
  • 1 Adapter-for connect Humidifier.
  • 1 Oxygen Outlet Connector

Front View (Figure 1)

  1. Power Switch
    I =ON

  2. Circuit breaker – (selected units) resets the unit after electrical overload shutdown.

  3. Humidifier Holder

  4. Oxygen outlet—oxygen is dispersed through this port

  5. Flow meter

  6. Flow meter knob

  7. Monitor-indicate the condition of oxygen purity status and hour meter

  8. Green Power light—illuminates when your concentrator is operating

  9. Normal Oxygen (green) light-(the LED displays normal oxygen)/optional

  10. Low Oxygen (yellow) light-(the LED displays low oxygen)/ optional

  11. Red Service Required light—when illuminated contact your LOVEGO provider

  12. castor
    Back View (Figure 2)

  13. Air filter—prevents dirt, dust, and lint from entering your unit

  14. Product specification lable

  15. Exhaust

  16. Power cord and /or IEC power connector
    VIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX 10A Oxygen Concentrator - figure


  1. Position your unit near an electrical outlet in the room where you spend most of your time.
    Keep the oxygen concentrator at least 5 feet (1.6 m) from hot, sparking objects or naked sources of flame.
    NOTE— Do not connect to an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch. NO other appliances should be plugged into the wall outlet

  2. Position your unit at least 6 inches (16 cm) from walls, draperies, or any other objects that might prevent the proper flow of air in and out of your oxygen concentrator. The Oxygen concentrator should be located so as to avoid pollutants or fumes.


  1. Before operating your unit always checks to be sure the air filter (located on the back of your unit) exists. Proper replacement of this filter is discussed in the Caring for Your  Concentrator section on page 9.
  2. Attach the appropriate oxygen accessories to the oxygen outlet.
    Oxygen Tubing Connection:
    a. Attach the oxygen tubing directly to the connector.(Figure 3)

VIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX 10A Oxygen Concentrator - figure

Oxygen Tubing Connection with Humidification:
a. If your physician has prescribed an oxygen humidifier as part of therapy,
b. Follow these steps:
c. Fill the humidifier bottle with distilled water. Do not overfill.
d. Attach the oxygen tubing directly to the humidifier bottle outlet fitting.(Figure 4)VIA GLOBAL HEALTH OX 10A Oxygen Concentrator - figure

Your physician has prescribed either a nasal cannula, catheter, or face mask, in most cases, they are already attached to the oxygen tubing. If not, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for attachment.

Remove the power cord completely from the line cord strap, Make sure the power switch is in the “Off” position, and insert the plug into the wall outlet; the unit is double insulated to guard against electric shock.

Improper use of the power cord and plugs can cause a burn, fire, or other electric shock hazards. Do not use the unit if the power cord is damaged


Oxygen causes rapid burning. Do not smoke while your oxygen concentrator is operating, or when you are near a person utilizing oxygen therapy. Keep the oxygen concentrator at least 5 feet (1.6 m) from hot, sparking objects or naked sources of flame.

  1. Press the power switch to the “On” position, when the unit is turned on, the Power light will illuminate, and the patient alert system –Service Required light and audible signal — will briefly alarm.
    NOTE— If the Service Required light illuminates and the audible signal alarms but the unit is not operating, there is no power to the unit, Refer to the Minor  Troubleshooting chart on page 11 and contact your LOVEGO provider if necessary.
    NOTE— If an audible low-frequency vibration sound is detected, the unit is not operating properly. Refer to the Minor Troubleshooting chart on page 11, and contact your LOVEGO provider if necessary.

  2. Check the flow meter to make sure that the flow meter ball is centered on the line next to the prescribed number of your flow rate.
    CAUTION— It is very important to follow your oxygen prescription. Do not increase or decrease the flow of oxygen-consult your physician.
    NOTE— Your LOVEGO provider may have preset the flow meter so that it can not be adjusted.
    NOTE— If the flow meter knob is turned clockwise, the flow decreases (and eventually will shut off the oxygen flow).If the knob is turned counterclockwise, the flow increases.


As a precaution, your LOVE GO provider may supply you with a reserve oxygen system. If your unit loses electrical power or fails to operate correctly, the patient Alert System will sound to signal you to switch to your reserve oxygen system (if provided )and contact your LOVEGO provider.


Not— Use no lubricants, oils or grease.

Before attempting any cleaning procedures, turn the unit “off.”
Oxygen Humidifier (reusable bottles)
If your physician has prescribed humidification, clean your humidifier bottle daily. Follow the instructions Supplied by the manufacturer, If no cleaning instructions were  supplied, follow these steps

  1. Wash the humidifier in a solution of hot water and dishwashing detergent.
  2. Soak the humidifier in a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts hot water for 30 minutes. This solution acts as a germicidal agent.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm tap water and refill with distilled water for use. Do not overfill.

Cannula Mask and Tubing
Clean and replace the cannula, mask, and tubing as instructed by your LOVE GO provider.

Air Filter and Oxygen Outlet Connector
The connector should not be cleaned at least once a week. To clean, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the oxygen outlet connector (if used ).
  2. Wash in a solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm tap water and towel dry. The filter should be completely dry before reinstalling.

The air filter needs to be replaced after the device operates every 3000 hours. The air filter is disposable after use. Not replacing the air filter regularly will affect the performance of concentration.

CAUTION— To prevent product damage, do not attempt to operate the unit without the air filter or while the filter is still damp.
Exterior Cabinet

To avoid electric shock, do not remove the concentrator cabinet. The cabinet should only be removed by a qualified LOVE GO technician. Do not apply liquid directly to the cabinet or utilize any petroleum-based solvents or cleaning agents.
Clean the concentrator exterior cabinet by using a damp cloth or sponge with a mild household cleaner and wipe it dry.

Periodic Maintenance for your unit

  1. Clean the air filter at least once a week. The steps of cleaning see the Air Filter and Oxygen Outlet Connector.
  2. Change the felt of the Inlet Pre-Filter at least once a half a year. Follow those steps: Open the Important Safeguard pull out the Inlet Pre-Filter, and Pull out the old felts from the  Inlet Pre-Filter (two sides). Then insert the new felts to the Inlet Pre-Filter on each side, insert the Inlet Pre-Filter and close the Important Safeguard.
  3. Change the Bacterial Filter at least once a year. You can not change this by yourself, you must contact your CW Medical provider to change this for you.

The accessories below are approved for use with OX-A series Oxygen Concentrators:

object/part No.| manufacturer/
trademark| type/model| technical data| mark(s) of conformity’)
Humidifier(200 ml Capacity)| Hiner Co,.Ltd| REF7100| ABS, PP| CE 0434
Mask / Tubing| Hsiner Co,.Ltd| 30122| PVC| CE 0434
Cannula w/ 2.1m(7 ft) Oxygen Tubing (disposable)| Hiner Co,.Ltd| 3020| PVC| CE 0434
Oxygen Tubing (disposable)| Hiner Co,.Ltd| 30200| PVC| CE 0434

NOTE- The use of certain humidifiers and accessories not specified above may impair the oxygen concentrator’s performance.
NOTE- If the Service Required light illuminates and the audible signal alarms but the unit is not operating, there is no power to the unit. Refer to the Minor Troubleshooting chart on page 8 and contact your LOVE GO Medical provider.

The OX-10A/5A Device is a device within your concentrator that monitors the oxygen produced by your unit.
When the unit is turned “ON,” all four lights (Power, Normal Oxygen(Oxygen concentration≥82%),Low Oxygen(82%>Oxygen concentration≥70%), and Service Required(Oxygen concentration<70%) on the front panel will illuminate briefly. After a few seconds, only the Power and Normal Oxygen lights will remain lit.
The lights on the front panel are defined as follows:

  • Green Normal Oxygen light-acceptable oxygen level.(The LED will display “Normal Oxygen”)
  • Yellow Low Oxygen light-below an acceptable oxygen level. (The LED will display “Low Oxygen”)

If the oxygen purity falls below the acceptable level, the green Normal Oxygen light will shut off and the yellow Low Oxygen light will illuminate. Switch to your reserve oxygen system. Refer to the Troubleshooting section in this guide on page 8 and contact your LOVEGO provider.
As an added safety feature should the oxygen purity continue to drop, an intermittent audible signal will sound.
Contact your LOVEGO provider immediately. Do not attempt any other maintenance.


Symptom Possible Cause Remedy

A. Unit does not operate.
Power light is off when the power switch is on .”An audible alarm is pulsing and Service Required light is flashing.| 1. Power cord not properly inserted into a wall outlet.| Check the power connection at the wall outlet. On 230 volt units, check the back of the unit.
2.No power at the wall outlet.| Check your home circuit breaker and reset if necessary. Use a different wall outlet if the situation occurs again.
3.0xygen concentrator circuit breaker activated (selected units).| Press the concentrator circuit breaker button (if equipped) located below the power switch. Use a different wall outlet if the situation occurs again.
B. Unit operates; the Power light is on when the power switch is “On”. The red Service Required light is illuminated. An audible alarm may be sounding.| 1. Air filter is blocked.| Check the air filter. If the filter is dirty, follow the replace instructions on page 9.
2. Exhaust is blocked.| Check the exhaust area; make sure there is nothing restricting the unit exhaust.
3. Blocked or defective cannula,
catheter, face mask, or oxygen tubing.| Detach cannula, catheter, or face mask. If the proper flow is restored, clean or replace if necessary. Disconnect the oxygen tubing at the oxygen outlet. If the proper flow is restored, check oxygen tubing for obstructions or kinks. Replace if necessary
4. Blocked or defective humidifier bottle.| Detach the humidifier from the oxygen outlet. If the proper flow is obtained, clean or replace the humidifier.
5. Flow meter set too low.| Set flow meter to prescribed flow rate. If the above remedies do not work, contact your LOVEGO provider
C. Unit operates the power
light is on when power
the switch is “on “, audible
low-frequency vibration
sound is detected.| | Turn your unit “off’, Switch to your reserve
oxygen system, and contact your LOVEGO provider immediately.
D. If any other problems
occur with your oxygen
concentrator.| | Turn your unit “Off’.Switch to your reserve
oxygen system, and contact your LOVEGO provider immediately.
E. Both the green Normal Oxygen and the yellow Low Oxygen lights are either on or off.| 0.C.1 malfunction| Contact your LOVEGO provider.
F. Yellow Low Oxygen light is on or the yellow low Oxygen light is on and the intermittent audible Signal is sounding.| 1. Flowmeter is not properly yet.| Ensure the flow meter is properly set to the prescribed.
2. Air filter is blocked.| Check the air filter. If the filter is dirty, wash it following the cleaning instructions on page 9.
3. Exhaust is blocked.| Check the exhaust area: make sure there is nothing restricting the unit exhaust.
G. Red Service Required
light is on and an intermittent audible signal is sounding.| 1. Flowmeter is not properly yet.| Ensure the flow meter is properly set to the prescribed.
2. Air filter is blocked.| Check the air filter. If the filter is dirty, wash it following the cleaning instructions on page 9.
3. Exhaust is blocked.| Check the exhaust area: make sure there is nothing restricting the unit exhaust. If the above remedies do not work, contact your LOVEGO provider.


No. Item Rating
1. Delivery Rate (Lower delivery rates available for low application) 2 to10

0.5 to 5 LPM(OX-5A)
2.| Outlet Pressure| 8.5-13 psi ( 68.5-90 kpa )OX-10A 8.5±0.5psi ( 68.5 kpa )OX-5A
3.| Electrical Rating| 230 V, 50 Hz, 3.4A (Max.)0X-10A 1.4A (Max. )OX-5A
4.| Oxygen Percentage| 2-9 LPM 93%±3%,10 LPM 90%±3%(0X-10A) 0.5-5 LPM 93%33 %,(0X-5A)
5.| Average oxygen concentration| at 2I/min: 93%±3%
6.| Operating Environment Range| Temperature 10°C to 40°C,
Humidity is 15% to 95%
Atmospheric pressure 50-106 kph (7.3-15.4 psi)
7.| Weight| 19.2kg(0X-10A)/ 16.5kg(0X-5A)
8.| Sound Level ( ISO 8359:1996 from front )| -.55dbA
9.| Dimensions| 342mm(L) x368mm(W) x572mm(H)
10.| Operating System| Time Cycle / Pressure Swing
11.| Storage Conditions| Temperature -40°C to 70°C
Humidity 10% tO 100%
Atmospheric pressure 50-106 kph (7.3-15.4 psi)
12.| Equipment Class and Type| The type of protection against electric shock: Class II
The degree of protection against electric shock: TYPE B Applied part
13.| Pressure Relief Valve| 276 kit.34.5 kPa
14.| Lifetime| 3 Years
15.| Warranty Period limit| 1 Year


| General warning, caution, risk of danger
Please read the instructions carefully before operating the product.
| Type B applied part
| Class II equipment
| Manufacturer’s serial number
| Authorized Representative in the European community
| Date of manufacture
| Manufacture
| Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE Directive) after over the valid term of 3 years, the machine should be treated on local law or regulatory requirements. To avoid hurting users and polluting the environment.
| The equipment bears CE mark CE2460 indicating its conformity with the provision of Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices and fulfills the essential requirement of Annex I of this directive.
Contents of the transport package are fragile therefore it shall be handled with care.
Indicates the correct upright position of the transport package.
Transport packages shall be kept away from the rain.
| Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation


Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity

The OX-10A/5A OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the OX-10A/5A OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test| IEC 60601 test level| Compliance
level| Electromagnetic environment-guidance
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6
Conducted RF IEC 610004-3| 3 Vrms
150 kHz to 80 MHz
3 V/m
80 MHz to 2.5 GEL’..| 3 V
3 V/ m| Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the OX-A series OXYGEN
CONCENTRATOR including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance 3.5 ,
d =[v1 ]VP 3.5 r
d =[ E i ]JP 80 MHz to 800 MHz 7 i_
d =[E 1]4P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
Where p is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in meters (n)b Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey, a should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range. b Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcasts,s and TV broadcasts cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the OX-10A/5A OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the OX- 10A/5A OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the OX-10A/5A OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR.
b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.


Manufacturer: Oxytek Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
ADDRESS: 10-2, Guang Long Industrial Park, South 1st Rd, district, Foshan city, Guang Dong Province, China.
Product Designation: Oxygen Concentrator
Catalog Number: OX-10A /5A

EC authorized representation
CGI Business Trading and Consulting e.K

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