SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital Defibrillator User Manual

June 5, 2024

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SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital Defibrillator

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Package Contents

  • Tablets ( 2 or 3 depending upon option *)
  • Monitor bag and attachments
  • Router
  • Printed Scenarios

Ipad- certain SimVS configurations come with an Ipad. You will need to register the Ipad under your own apple ID to set it up. Then download the SimVS student app from the App store.

Thank you for your purchase of a SimVS system. This manual will be your guide to setting up your system. By reading the manual and following the steps we hope to guide you the best we can. If you are still having trouble setting up your system, you can schedule a webinar with us anytime at, under the Contact tab.

Connecting your Devices

From the main screen select SETTINGS

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

One time Router connection for each tablet:

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

In Settings go to Connections, then Wifi.

Select the appropriate router and enter the password. Your router name and password can be found on the back of the router you received with your system.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Start Student and Instructor applications by selecting our app icon

From the Student App establish the connection to the Instructor using the connect icon in the center of the screen.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

From the Student App establish the connection to the Instructor using the connect icon on the left side of the screen.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Connected student tablets will appear on the Instructor screen. Student names can be changed.

Library and Launching Scenarios

The library will bring up the complete list of scenarios. Select a scenario and it will be automatically loaded and will begin playing on the Student tablet.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

To advance through the preset Scenario parts simply select the Advance icon.

On the Fly operations and Editing an existing Scenario

The EDIT screen accessed by the PENCIL icon allows individual controls of scenario parameters. The EDIT screen is divided into 4 main sections.

Upper Left : Scenario and Part name and time control
Middle Left: Parts
Lower Left: Notes
Right: Cardiac or Respiratory tabs

The Scenarios can be run “On the Fly” from the Edit screen by simply selecting a physiology setting and sending to students with the RUN WITH CHANGES selection.

While running an existing scenario operators have 2 options to make parameter changes: for the current instance or permanent edits.

To change a parameter for a single occurrence simply make the desired change and select RUN WITH CHANGES
Operators do not have to go through the parts linearly.

They can select which part they would like to play by selecting it and having the blue dot indicate it will be active once RUN WITH CHANGES is selected.

Partial release

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Display Screen

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital


Left columns
Controls Alarms Media

Bottom Navigation
Play Pause Back to prior Part Forward to next part Edit Scenarios Library Share

Top right

Instructors Manual

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

The Instructors manual includes detailed descriptions of the preprogrammed scenarios including the physiology of each part.

Creating a New Scenario and Editing Existing Scenarios
There are 2 main methods to create a new scenario: 1) copy an existing scenario and modify or 2) create one from scratch.
Let’s review both methods

Copy and Existing Scenario

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Step 1 – Open the Library
Step 2- Scroll to the scenario you would like to copy
Step 3 – Select the Copy icon which is the one at the far right of the selected scenario name

The Copied scenario will appear in the master scenario list as Copy of

Create a new scenario

Step 1. Select the + sign in the upper right of the Library Screen

The Add Scenario Screen appears:

Step 2. From here you create new parts and input the values for those parts.
Name the part, identify how long it should run for before the scenario moves to the next part, assign physiology values to the part.
Step 3. Once a part is complete select UPDATE PART in lower right
Step 4. Add the next part by selecting the ADD PART button. Parts can also be deleted or reordered. Continue adding Parts until done.
Step 5. To create a new checklist simply select EDIT CHECKLIST at the top right of the screen and enter the checklist items in the order you would like them to appear.
Step 6. Once the whole scenario is complete press > SAVE

The new scenario will be added to the Library queue in alphabetic order.

Editing an Existing scenario or Checklist

Step 1- From the Scenario Library select the pencil icon to the right of the Scenario.
Step 2- The Edit screen opens. Select the part you would like to edit. Change any value and then select UPDATE PART.
Note new parts can be added here at any time.
Step 3 – SAVE your changes.


The Controls icon allows a defibrillator control screen to appear. Here the student can simulate all actions they would use with a defibrillator.

The students selections are broadcast to the instructor

Every scenario has its own custom checklist of the required actions within a scenario. This is a powerful debriefing tool and can also be used as a permanent record of the encounter.

Instructors can select items as the scenario is unfolding and these are time stamped.

Instructors can also indicate team composition, freeform notes and pass/fail information.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

At the end of the scenario checklists can be emailed to the instructor for permanent storage.

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The media/12 lead button contains a repository of images that Instructors can broadcast to the student’s screen by simply selecting the item and then selecting “ send to student”.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

Users can create Custom folders on their devices and customize these for individual scenarios. Users can add any image to the device and upload them for use in a scenario.

To add files to the device they can be imported from the Gallery. Any images you want to upload to the app need to first be saved to the tablet in the gallery and then can be uploaded to the app.

Two easy methods to capture images are, one to take a photo with the tablet itself and it will go to the gallery, or two to take a screenshot of an image online and then upload it.


  1. Open up the Manage Media tab on the home screen
  2. Select Add in the top right corner
  3. Create a folder and name it
  4. Open folder and select Add
  5. In the gallery select images to be added to folder
  6. Caption your image

Physiologic ranges for alarms can be set for the most commonly monitored physiology. These are set on the Instructor side when writing a scenario and on the student side when scenarios are running.

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital


A new telemetry feature has been included in the Ipad version of the Student app. This can be accessed in either the Patient Monitor or Defibrillator modes.

Using this feature instructors may display up to 4 cardiac rhythms and physiologic parameters at the same time.

When Telemetry is selected on the student app the instructor has the option to choose to display from 1-4 patients.

On the Instructor tablet in the Edit screen the user selects the rhythm for each of the patients 1 through 4 by using the TOP navigation.

Student View

Instructor View

Trending/ Email and Labs

SimVS 1617201692 Simulation Platform Pre-Hospital

The trending feature allows instructors to set variable parameters within a part. The designed parameter change is selected first and then the time for the change to occur. Once all changes are selected SET is pressed. Trending occurs and is indicated by the flashing trending button in the upper right on the instructor screen.

Email Scenarios
Scenarios can be emailed to other tablets and shared. Go to the Library, select the first down area and then select the person to send the scenario too. Email must be set up on the tablet. Instructors should email newly created scenarios to themselves.


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