GPSTAR TECHNOLOGIES Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand User Guide

June 5, 2024

GPSTAR TECHNOLOGIES Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand

Standard Features

  • The switch underneath the Ion Arm can turn the Proton Pack on or off.
  • You can run the pack without the Cyclotron Lid attached.
  • The volume for the pack and wand can be controlled via the Crank Generator knob.
  • Clockwise to raise volume, counter-clockwise to lower it.
  • When the ribbon cable is disconnected it will activate the alarm mode and degrade the Cyclotron spin.
  • The Proton Pack can run without a wand, though it can only be activated via the switch under the Ion Arm.
  • Vibration switch in the Cyclotron switch plate enables or disables the vibration motors for both the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand.
  • 1984/Afterlife year switch in the Cyclotron switch plate changes the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand from 1984 to Afterlife modes.
  • The Proton Pack vibrates only while firing. This can be changed to vibrate at all times or entirely disabled. Vibration can be enabled or disabled by the vibration toggle switch in the Proton Pack.\ Vibration settings can be toggled via the Neutrona Wand menu system.
  • The Neutrona Wand vibrates only while firing. This can be changed to vibrate at all times or entirely disabled. Vibration can enabled or disabled by the vibration toggle switch in the Proton Pack. Vibration settings can be toggled via the wand menu system.
  • Single (centred) LED per Cyclotron lens for 1984/1989 modes by default.
  • This can be toggled back to 3 LEDs per Cyclotron lens via the Neutrona Wand menu system.
  • The Power Cell, Cyclotron and other lighting on the Proton Pack can have the brightness independently adjusted.
  • 1989 and Frozen Empire sound effects mode are available; they can be accessed from the Neutrona Wand menus.
  • Super Hero and Mode Original system operation modes.
  • Menu system with the ability to customise various settings for both your Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand.
  • Up to 5 different power levels as indicated on the Neutrona Wand bargraph.
  • The Neutrona Wand can be configured within the menu system to adjust the overheat settings. When not set to overheat, you can fire continuously.
  • The Proton Pack can also be configured within the Neutrona Wand menu system to adjust the duration of smoke effects (for each power level), which smoke effects are activated (for each power level), use of overheating smoke effects (for each power level), or whether smoke is enabled or disabled entirely (for each power level).
  • Default settings: The Neutrona Wand will fire forever on power levels level 1 through 4 and overheat on power level 5.
  • The Proton Pack will emit smoke effects during longer firing (Default setting: enabled). This can be configured from the Neutrona Wand menu system.

System Power Readiness Indicator

  • When battery power is first applied on the Proton Pack, the lights will flicker and a sound will play to indicate that the system now has power and is ready for use.

System Power Inactivity Indicator

  • The LED at the front of the Neutrona Wand body next to the Clippard valve will start to blink after 1 minute of inactivity while the Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack are powered down to indicate the system is still receiving power from the battery.

Optional Features

  • Support for switches for Cyclotron direction and to enable or disable smoke effects.
  • Support for smoke effects with dedicated fans for the Booster Tube and N-Filter.
  • Additional Lights available for the Cyclotron panel, internal “cake” Cyclotron and Power Cell.
  • Automatically switches to internal “cake” Cyclotron, if implemented (optional).
  • This supports a 35 LED ring light (by default) to be installed in the “cake”. Other size LED rings orLED setups are supported in the configuration settings.
  • Video game colours supported if using RGB supported LEDs for the Cyclotron Lid, internal “cake” Cyclotron and Power Cell.
  • Support for the Attenuator and other optional add-on devices

Toggle Operation Modes

There are two modes available which replicate movie or prop accurate behaviours of the available toggle switches. These system modes can be altered via the EEPROM menus and will affect the startup sequence for your Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand.

Operation Modes

  • Super Hero: This mode reflects as seen during the closeup operations of the super hero Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand.
  • Mode Original: This reflects the original production documentation from 1984 on how the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand operate together. Other variation differences are the bargraph animations, Neutrona Wand sound effects and power levels.
Super Hero Mode Operation Guide
  • Super Hero : This is the default operation mode base on Afterlife and Frozen Empire.

Activate Toggle

  • Activate toggle on the gun box turns on both the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand.
  • The switch under the Proton Pack’s Ion Arm does not need to be engaged for this to work. The switch under the Ion Arm will turn the cyclotron on.
  • The green lever near the gunbox acts as a safety and must be pulled to extend the barrel before firing.
  • Button Mash Lockout: If you press the firing button(s) too rapidly the system will malfunction and lock you out for a period of time proportional to the current power level.

Right-Hand Toggle Switch Behaviour

  • The Neutrona Wand will not fire unless these switches are turned on.
  • Boot-Up Errors: If you boot up the Neutrogena Wand while the top toggle switch is on, it will boot into an error mode. Turn the top toggle switch off and restart your Neutrona Wand to boot normally. This is the default behaviour but this feature can be disabled in the Neutron Wand EEPROM Configuration Menu.
  • Quick Vent: If the Neutrona Wand is ON and the Top toggle switch is DOWN, pressing Intensify will perform a quick vent. Holding down INTENSIFY will perform a full overheat sequence. This is the default behavior, though this feature can be disabled in the Neutron Wand EEPROM Configuration Menu.
  • In 1984/1989 theme modes:
  • The bottom toggle switch turns on the vent light and plays the wand power-up sound.
  • The top toggle switch plays a single beep sound.
  • While in Afterlife and Frozen Empire theme mode:
  • The bottom toggle switch turns on the vent light and the wand plays a ramp-up sound.
  • The top toggle switch turns on the looping beeping sounds.
Original (Prop) Mode Operation Guide

Mode Original: This mode reflects original production documentation from 1984 on how the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand operate together. Other variation differences are the bar graph animations, Neturona Wand sound effects and power levels. Note that the firing modes from the 2009 video game are unavailable in this mode as they are not accurate to these production notes.

  • There are 4 power levels in Mode Original. When the Neutrogena Wand is in standby mode (see toggle switch behaviors below), the bar graph settles on the first level.
  • The switch under the Ion Arm on the Proton Pack must be switched on. This gives power to the entire system. The Slo-Blo light on the Neutron Wand will turn solid red to indicate power to the system.
  • If you are using a standalone Neutrona Wand without a Proton Pack, double-clicking the Intensify button while the Neutrona Wand is turned off will imitate flipping the switch under the Ion Arm.
  • While firing, the default bar graph animations slide the bar graph up and down small increments to indicate the instability and power of the proton stream.
  • Button Mash Lockout:* If you press the firing button(s) too rapidly the system will malfunction and lock you out for a period of time proportional to the current power level.

Right-Hand Toggle Switch Behaviours

  • The bottom toggle will put the Neutrona Wand into standby mode. The Slo-Blo LED will begin to blink, and the vent lights will turn on.
  • The top toggle turns on the bar graph. It will ramp up and back down to the lowest level setting.

Activate Toggle

  • Activate toggle on the gun box turns on the cyclotron of the Proton Pack. To activate the cyclotron, all the right-hand toggle switches on the Neutron Wand must be activated.
  • The Cyclotron will not turn on unless all the toggle switches on the Neutron Wand are activated and the Ion Arm switch on the Pack is in the ON position.
  • The green lever near the gun box acts as a safety and must be pulled to extend the barrel before firing

Top Dial Behaviour

The primary purpose of the top dial on the top of the gun box is to change the power level of the wand, affecting the intensity of the stream effects indicated by increasing or decreasing the bargraph lights.

  • Rotate clockwise to raise power, and counter-clockwise to lower power.
  • There are 5 wand power levels in Super Hero mode and 4 in Mode Original.
  • For lower power levels, the proton stream is more red. On higher power levels, the stream will appear more yellow.
  • When Video Game Mode is active and the Neutrona Wand is ON and the top toggle switch is DOWN, rotating the top dial will switch between weapon modes. This dial will be used to navigate the menu systems (see “Neutrona Wand Menu System” section). Superhero mode only.

Quick Audio Volume Adjustment

Main Volume: Super Hero Mode

  • While the Neutrona Wand is ON and the top and bottom toggle switches are DOWN, hold the Intensify button while turning the top dial to quickly adjust the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand master volume.
  • While the Neutrona Wand is OFF you can independently adjust the master volume of the Neutrona Wand by holding the Intensify button down and turning the dial.

Main Volume: Mode Original

  • While the Proton Pack cyclotron is OFF and the Neutrona Wand top and bottom toggle switches are DOWN, hold the Intensify button while turning the top dial to quickly adjust the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand master volume.
  • While the Proton Pack cyclotron is OFF and if either the Neutrona Wand top or bottom toggle switch is UP, you can independently adjust the master volume of the Neutrona Wand by holding the Intensify button down and turning the dial.

Music: Super Hero and Mode Original

  • When music is playing while the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand are turned off, you can use the Top Dial on the top of the Neutrona Wand to easily access the independent music volume control.

System Modes

Video Game Mode (Default) Super Hero mode only

While the Neutrona Wand is ON and the top toggle switch is DOWN, rotating the top dial will select from the following weapon modes (listed in counter- clockwise order):

  1. Proton Stream (Default)
  2. Dark Matter Generator
  3. Plasm Distribution System
  4. Composite Particle System
  5. Spectral (Rainbow)
  6. Spectral (Holiday)
  7. Spectral (Custom)
  • Spectral Mode (Rainbow) is a firing mode which gives a RAINBOW effect. If your Proton Pack has RGB LEDs, they will change to match.
  • Spectral (Holiday) is a firing mode which gives a RED/GREEN effect. If your Proton Pack has RGB LEDs, it will match these colours.
  • Spectral (Custom) is a user defined colour mode. You can independently adjust the Neutrona Wand Barrel, Power Cell, Cyclotron and Inner Cyclotron colours directly from the EEPROM LED Menu system.

Note: Spectral modes are disabled by default. However they can be enabled from the EEPROM Menu or flashed directly to the Neutrona Wand board. They take advantage of RGB coloured LED addons if installed.

Proton Stream

  • Holding down Intensify will throw your normal Proton Stream.
  • Pressing the Barrel Wing Button while you are already throwing a Proton Stream will initiate “Cross The Streams”
  • Pressing the Barrel Wing Button will fire a Boson Dart.

Dark Matter Generator

  • Pressing Intensify will fire a Shock Blast.
  • Holding down the Barrel Wing Button will throw a Stasis Stream.

Plasm Distribution System

  • Holding down Intensify will activate the Slime Blower.
  • Pressing the Barrel Wing Button will fire a Slime Tether.

Composite Particle System

  • Pressing Intensify will fire the Meson Collider.
  • Pressing the the Barrel Wing Button will fire an Overload Pulse. Holding down the Barrel Wing Button allows for rapid-fire.
  • The firing rate is dependent on the Neutrona Wand’s current power level.

Cross The Streams (CTS) / Cross The Streams Mix (CTS Mix)

  • The Barrel Wing Button at the end of the wand acts as an alternate firing button. When Cross The Streams is enabled, Video Game Modes are disabled and you will only have the Proton Stream on both Intensify and the Barrel Wing Button.
  • The overheat features can only be triggered when holding down the Barrel Wing Button when Cross The Streams mode is enabled.
  • Pressing both the Intensify and Barrel Wing Button at the same time enables the “Cross the Streams” (CTS) audio and visual effects. Releasing either of the firing buttons will continue these effects as long as one is still held, and will end once both buttons are released.
  • With Cross The Streams Mix, you need to hold both the Intensify and Barrel Wing Button at the same time to remain in Cross The Streams. Releasing one of the firing buttons will revert to the normal Proton Stream for that button.
    To enable Cross The Streams (CTS) or Cross The Streams Mix (CTS Mix) mode by default, you can set this setting from the Neutrona Wand Menu System.

Optional Wand Features

  • Support for additional lights such as the wand hat lights and wand barrel end LED strobe.
  • A new barrel wing button can be added.
  • Serial connection and power for a 28-segment bargraph.
  • Upgraded wand speaker for more clarity and higher sound output.
  • Please refer to the GPStar Support Page for links and additional information **

Neutrona Wand Menu System

Entering The Menu System

There are 2 ways to enter the Menu System.

  • With the Activate switch UP and any right-hand switch DOWN, press the Barrel Wing Button to enter the Neutrona Wand Menu System.
  • While the Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack are powered down, press the Barrel Wing Button.


  • Use the Top Dial on the top of the wand to navigate up and down through the menu system.

Actions & Navigation

While in the menu system, the bargraph’s LEDs begin flashing. All other functions of the wand will be temporarily disabled. There are 5 different menu settings, which are indicated by bargraph LED segments. 1 through 5 (from bottom to top) with menu level 5 being the default upon entering this mode. For example when 1 LED (or bargraph segment) is flashing/displayed that means you are on menu 1. Changes are made by pressing either the Intensify button on the gun box or the Barrel Wing Button at the end of the wand.

Menu Level 1

  1. LED/Segment #5 will stay solid when the single-track loop is enabled while in the top menu system; it will blink on/off when track looping is disabled.
  2. When you navigate back to option 5 while in Video Game Mode and press the Barrel Wing Button, the wand will return the proton stream mode (accompanied by an audio cue to indicate this return to firing readiness). When in CTS mode this will exit the menu and allow the wand to be powered on. Note that music will continue to play (and advance/loop) even when the pack and wand are turned off.
  3. Note that the LED/Segment #1 will stay solid when the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand volume is muted.

Menu Level 2

Note: The Neutrona Wand Menu Level 2 can only be reached while the Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack are both turned off.

To access Menu Level 2, use the top dial on the top of the wand to move down and past option 1 on Menu Level 1. When you reach the the next menu level, the Slo-Blo LED will light up to indicate this menu state and also audio cues from the system.

  • Switch between Video Game and Cross the Streams (CTS) operation modes. Note that the LED/ Segment #5 will stay solid when CTS is enabled while in the sub menu system.
  • Enables/disables the video game colour modes for the Proton Pack’s Power Cell and Cyclotron lights.

This only affects the pack when in Video Game mode, not for CTS modes, and offers the following states:

  • Disable all the video game colors (Power Cell remains blue, Cyclotron remains red).
  • Enable only the Power Cell LEDs to change colors (requires RGB Power Cell such as that offered by Frutto Technology).
  • Enable only the Cyclotron LEDs to change colors (requires RGB replacement such as a that offered by Frutto Technology or a NeoPixel ring).
  • Enable both the Power Cell and Cyclotron to use video game colors. To exit the menu system, navigate to the top menu in Option 5 (Slo-Blo LED is no longer illuminated) and press the Barrel Wing Button. A small beep and voice callout will be heard when transitioning between the top and sub menu levels.

Tip: When music is playing while the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand are turned off, you can use the Top Dial on the top of the Neutrona Wand to easily access the independent music volume control


There are two EEPROM menus available which can be accessed to adjust and save configurations onto either the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand EEPROM memory.

  • EEPROM Configuration Menu.


The EEPOM LED Menu can be used to configure different LED setups for your Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand. All changes can be saved directly to the Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand EEPROM memory and will be loaded automatically even if you turn off the power to your devices. To access the EEPROM LED Menu System, hold down the Intensify Button and toggle the right hand Top Toggle button 5 times (up and down). You will then hear a beep noise and your bargraph will light up to indicate you are in the EEPROM LED Menu System. The Neutrona Wand barrel and all the Proton Pack LEDs will light up to the default Spectral Custom colours when you enter the EEPROM LED Menu. To access the EEPROM Lighting menus, use the o n the top of the wand. When you reach a new menu level, the Slo-Blo LED and other lights on the Neutrona Wand will illuminate to indicate these menu levels, along with audio cues from the system. EEPROM Configuration Menu Level Lighting cues:

  • Menu Level 1 -> No additional wand lights will be illuminated
  • Menu Level 2 -> Slo-Blo illuminated

Note: The EEPROM LED Menu System can only be reached while both the Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack are powered down.

EEPROM LED Menu Level 1

EEPROM LED Menu Level 2

Note: If you accidentally clear the EEPROM LED settings instead of saving, the settings will still be loaded in the system until you turn the power off. You can re-enter the menu and press save button right away to recover your last known settings

EEPROM Configuration Menu

The EEPROM Configuration Menu can be used to save certain behaviors of your Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack as the standard settings. To access the EEPROM Configuration Menu, hold down Intensify Button and toggle the right-hand Bottom Toggle button 5 times (up and down). You will then hear a beeping noise and your bargraph will light up to indicate you are in the EEPROM Configuration Menu System. To access the EEPROM Configuration menus, use the Top Dial on the top of the wand. When you reach a new menu level, the Slo- Blo LED and other lights on the Neutrona Wand will illuminate to indicate these menu levels, along with audio cues from the system. EEPROM Configuration Menu Level Lighting cues:

  • Menu Level 1 -> No additional wand lights will be illuminated
  • Menu Level 2 -> Slo-Blo illuminated
  • Menu Level 3 -> Slo-Blo and vent light illuminated
  • Menu Level 4 -> Slo-Blo, vent light, and top gun box light illuminated
  • Menu Level 5 -> Slo-Blo; vent light, top gun box light, and front gun box light illuminated

Note: The EEPROM Configuration Menu System can only be reached while both the Neutrona Wand and Proton Pack are powered down.

EEPROM Configuration Menu Level 1

  • Choose between Video Game and Cross the Streams (CTS) operation modes. Cross the Streams modes is like what you see in the films.

EEPROM Configuration Menu Level 2

Enables/disables the video game color modes for the Proton Pack’s Power Cell and Cyclotron lights.

This only affects the pack when in Video Game mode, not for CTS modes, and offers the following states:

  • Disable all the video game colours (Power Cell remains blue, Cyclotron remains red).
  • Enable only the Power Cell LEDs to change colors (requires RGB Power Cell such as that offered by Frutto Technology).
  • Enable only the Cyclotron LEDs to change colours (requires RGB replacement such as a NeoPixel ring).
  • Enable both the Power Cell and Cyclotron to use video game colours.

EEPROM Configuration Menu Level 3

EEPROM Configuration Menu Level 4

Adjust the vent smoke duration during overheat events and overheat start delay for each wand power level.


Running your smoke devices for long periods can potentially damage them, and/or reduce battery life. Adjust these settings with caution and use at your own risk!

EEPROM Configuration Menu Level 5

Toggles overheating ability and continuous smoke effects during firing for each wand power level. The continuous smoke effects will randomly activate for very short bursts while continuously firing for long periods.

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